| America: Freedom To Fascism - This film which is neither left, nor right-wing is a startling examination of government. It exposes the systematic erosion of civil liberties in America since 1913 when the Federal Reserve system was fraudulently created.
| Spin - Documentary filmmaker Brian Springer captures the behind-the-scenes maneuverings of politicians and newscasters in the early 1990s.
The Secret Government: The Constitution In Crisis - This is the full length version of Bill Moyer’s 1987 scathing critique of the criminal subterfuge carried out by the Executive Branch of the United States Government to carry out operations which are clearly contrary to the wishes and values of the American people.
Glenn Beck - Radio
and Television host that focuses on America’s move away from the Republic.
| America’s Founding Fathers - Part of Glenn Beck’s push to share what he’s learned about history and where this country came from and where it’s going
National Debt Clock
- A real-time clock showing US national debt broken down into several categories.
- A bipartisan knowledge base focusing primarily on corruption and the covert
side of politics in the United States and globally. While particular interest
is taken in the left, KeyWiki serves to expose covert politics on both the left
and the right of the political spectrum.
New Zeal Blogspot
- Promoting liberty in New Zealand and beyond. Trevor Loudon is a libertarian
activist and political researcher from Christchurch New Zealand. I believe in
freedom with responsibility, not freedom from responsibility. My ideal society
is one in which government is confined to protecting its citizens from criminals
and external enemies. I believe in working with all those who are moving in
broadly the same direction.
For some background information on the site design and functional changes,
go here.
February 8, 2025
As I continue to
study and put together the foundation of the
Our Future: Pearls for the Bride study, I'm also working on
updating various old thoughts on studies in the site. The latest
big update was on
Daniel 2.
October 15, 2024
I’m continuing to
focus on the collection of presentations, but in the interest of
sharing the content before I’m able to put together videos, I
have built out episode pages linked in the
Our Future: Pearls for the Bride overview page. The plan is
to share the outline, script, PowerPoint, and video as they
become completed, although I may post things before they’re done
and just update as I go. You can check there for any updates.
I’m finding this a very daunting task as I’m not a talker
and find my thoughts easier to share via typing and also lack
any experience with video creation or editing, although I’m
learning a bit there. At the very least I may start with just
audio or pretty boring video to ensure visual elements are
shared with the content. As unprepared as I feel, I am pushing
forward trusting if this is what God wants me to do, He will
make the way straight. From an order of information perspective,
I feel pretty comfortable with what is being presented and the
order, although I’ve been debating starting with what I
originally intended to end with.
The Coming Times is effectively a
walkthrough from now to the end of what I think may happen
according to my understanding of scripture in my own words. The
reasoning behind much of that order is more complicated to
explain, which is why I had intended to present that last so
that I could link to the detailed studies backing up my
reasoning. However, these studies are turning out to be very
long and I wonder if it might be beneficial to share my view of
the coming times as a kind of introduction with the reasoning to
come later. I have to pray about it some more as I continue to
work on the presentations.
June 1, 2024
I’ve been working on
a comprehensive presentation of the critical studies of prophecy
as I’ve come to understand it. While I’ve found it difficult to
figure out the best order to present things, I’m also finding it
difficult to distill all the details. What I thought would be
short presentations are blossoming into larger than expected
studies with many details the more I attempt to distill it.
Please pray for clarity and guidance for me. I’m consistently
amazed with the detail laid out in scripture and I’m excited to
share this detail with anyone with ears to hear, but I also feel
overwhelmed at times. My tentative title for the overall
series is what I came to before when I wanted to present the
overarching prophetic narrative.
Our Future: Pearls for the Bride. Much of the presentation
is spread throughout this site, but the goal is to have episode
pages with references to anything presented.
November 11, 2023
I’ve completed a
rework of the
70 Weeks of Daniel study to include references to some of
the more recent studies as well as rework to include more from
Daniel 9 rework.
November 5, 2023
I’ve completed a
rework of the
abomination of desolation study to include some more detail
defining what the abomination of desolation is. This is a
critical point upon which hinges the defining of the beginning
of the end according to Christ. Matthew 24:15 | Mark 13:14
I’ve just completed
a re-dive into the interpretation of the prophecies of Daniel 2,
7, 8, 11,12, Revelation 12, 13, 17, and 18 and things are really
starting to make more sense than they have before. The more I dig
into the Word with a Hebrew perspective and focus on Israel and
the land the more it becomes clear this is the subject of most of
it. In the past I went with the common interpretations of a revived
Roman Empire and the woman riding the beast, a very Westernized
view of it. What didn’t quite make sense has really come
together and I will be working on finalizing updates to this site.
The study is expansive as it covers both history and the
future over many of the symbolic and cryptic passages. I will likely
be updating the HIStory, Our Future: Fourth Kingdom page to include
all the information. Before I write it all out though, I want to
share how I came to my breakthrough in understanding how this all
fits together and encourage you to do the same on your own. Clearly
Daniel 2 and Revelation 12, 13 and 17 speak to a series of kingdoms
and kings over time. So I decided to lay these out in columns for
those kingdsom and rows for each chapter giving the vision, interpretation,
historical record where these would seem to fit, and just some of
my comments related to all of this. It’s still a work in
progress, but you can see the chart
here. I think you will see how this layout helps to be able
to piece the various chapters together.
Related to this,
I just completed a re-write of the
woman riding the beast page and one of the insights I gained
related to that was the two women of Revelation. You have the
Revelation 12 woman, who is seen giving birth to the Messiah
and later being rescued from the unparalleled
time of Jacob’ s trouble. She would seem to be the faithful
On the other hand you see the woman riding the beast,
mystery Babylon, the harlot drunk on the blood of the saints. This
is Jerusalem and the seat of the man of sin and his followers. And
the kings of the earth fornicate with her and drink with her of
her cup of
her wrath. These both seem to symbolize Israel, but two different
decisions of her people. Those who flee the antichrist and those
who follow him. Zechariah 13:8-9
August 30, 2023
I’ve started posting
on message boards again. I should have been doing that for some
time as it’s virtual communion with other believers and it
allows me to learn and grow in God’ s Word. At any rate if
you want to join in, I’ve been posting on
Worthy Christian forum and the
Messiah 2030 forum to sharpen some iron with other believers
and get closer to understanding God’s plan for His people.
It has been a very eye-opening time trying to understand others’
perspectives and try to explain my own and the reasons behind what
I believe. I have a lot to learn, but this is a great way to do
April 14, 2023
I’ve added a page
for the
Messiah 2030 video and my review/thoughts on it. Still a lot
to think about and check on, but very interesting stuff! As with
most things, I have some differing opinions based on my research,
but I’m still learning and open to and in the process of re-examining
my stances on things always.
April 8, 2023
Due to my recent discoveries
of the 2030 videos, a little late to the party, I wanted to nail
down from my own research what I could for the timing of the crucifixion,
which just so happened to be in the season. Some of the things I
had researched previously that were on my page I had forgotten until
after I started updating the
Passover page, but it was a very good exercise.
I started
by focusing on the scriptures surrounding the spring feasts, taking
into account a couple things. The Hebrew calendar is lunar, which
means the 1st and 15th days will have new and full moons respectively.
Also the "day" begins at sundown and ends at sundown in accordance
with creation. This gave me the days of the month of Abib/Nisan
for aquiring the lamb, Passover (preparation), Unleavened Bread,
Firstfruits and Shavuot. The fact that the tomb was found empty
on Sunday then locked in the day of the week. Using the
Calendar, which admittedly can be off, and the
lunar phases, one year stood out and matched the days of the
week from scripture, 30 AD. It sill doesn’ t quite match with
some sources on the birth of Christ on September 11, 3 BC and His
ministry starting around age 30 and lasting for 3.5 years so I’
ll have to dig into that a little more again. Here’ s the
chart I put together as I was trying to sort this out.
April 2, 2023
I’ve recently
been going through a journey that many of you have probably already
seen in the past regarding the creation days, 2 Peter 3:8 and the
plan of God for mankind. I came across two different presentations
on this that I ultimately disagree with the conclusion on what the
timing points to, but still some fascinating information. I first
Messiah 2030 and then after that came across the
Berisheet Sabbath Prophecy video from some years back. It’s
a very compelling idea I’m still chewing on.
I heard
something though that I had also never heard that I think is profoundly
amazing looking at the name of God from the Old Testament,
I also was prompted by a reader from the site
regarding the timing of the framework and Christ’s 3 1/2 year
ministry and 40 days in the wilderness fasting. Thinking on the
temptations of Christ brought to mind a passage that I always tied
to being kept from God’s wrath, but may have a different meaning
if not speaking of the same time frame. Revelation 3:10 Check out
hour of temptation and see what you think. I also added it to
great tribulation page.
December 29, 2022
It’s been a while
and I’ve been feeling very drawn to return and clean up, continue
studying and update the site. My plan is to eliminate old thoughts
that I no longer hold and focus less on surrounding events for definitional
pages like the
great tribulation,
time of Jacob’s trouble, etc. Events that are related
in some way will remain linked in the related button, but I will
focus more on the sequence of events and my thoughts about how the
definitional pages relate in the
Coming Times page.
October 24, 2021
I updated the
Coming Times page to add a little detail to what I’ve
been adding to the
Fourth Kingdom page. My revisit to these pages conincided with
a new multi-part series Chris White is presenting,
A Bible Prophecy Timeline, on what he is looking at for the
coming times, a timely release as I’ve been feeling led to
revisit and update these pages and clarify some things. His work
as really clarified some things for me and understanding is really
starting to click in with all the pieces I’ve been trying
to follow. I highly recommend his work, which is much more detailed
than this site.
October 16, 2021
I put together some
thoughts on Dimensions of Existence, triggered partially from discussions
by Stephen C. Meyer and thoughts I’ve been mulling over for
years. I’ve tried to put together some information in the
related topics section that is good for visual learners like me
and is helpful because dimensions we can’t perceive are difficult
to wrap ones head around, if even possible at this point. Some of
the implications for a spiritual realm are intriguing to dwell upon
and I believe starts to create a scientific link to the spiritual.
From a Biblical perspective, in truth we live in a limited existence
and there are things that no eye has seen nor ear heard and what
we might perceive as miracles could just be dimensions we cannot
perceive invading what we can. It could also explain “spiritual”
experiences that people try to put into words but never quite can.
Anyway, it’s not meant to be difinitive by any means on the
topic, just a way to view Biblical reality, the spiritual world
without having to throw out or be opposed to modern science. After
all, the scientific method by definition limits itself to the dimensions
we exist in so it will never be sufficient to go beyond that. For
that we’ll have to wait for eternity and our incorruptible
bodies. 1 Corinthians 15:50-58
June 8, 2021
I updated the
Millennium page on 5/31/21 after starting to update another
page... Squirrel! And further updated it today.
May 25, 2021
Made some updates to
Gog and Magog page, which is pretty much done at this point.
I’m also going to be working on the various
Antichrist theories pages and trying to put together some kind
of way to see relevant pages through the prism of the various theories.
My views have changed over time, but I feel it’s important
to still keep the theories in place and to understand and point
out where and how they can change perspectives. The issue is that
some of them are pretty big paradigm shifts and affect many different
topics and change the possibilities so over time I hope to be able
to devote a little more time to completing that.
May 2, 2021
The past few years my
job has taken over my life and I haven’t been able to spend
the time needed to continue fixing and updating the site. As I’ve
continued to slowly research and stew on things, I’ve also
started seeing a different paradigm that really changes a lot of
other expectations of what’s to come and so I’m trying
to think of how to present the various perspectives I’ve learned
and how each affects the broader picture across the many topical
pages. There’s a lot of cleanup needed and once I determine
the easiest way to absorb how it’s presented I will work on
updating things.
I have also found a replacement for my audio playlist player
that can be self-contained in the site in case it needs to move
elsewhere. However, a lot of the files are old and may no longer
be relevant, if they ever were, and were not stored with the site
so aren’t accessible. I’ve at least gotten the player
working however.
August 27, 2017
The Coming Times: This page is really always going to be
a work in progress, but I’ve started updating it to eliminate
some of the old information that I no longer believe is accurate
and update the format a little.
August 7, 2017
The Temple in Jerusalem: One of the first elements of future
prophecy I expect to see in the future is the rebuilding of a temple
in Jerusalem by the Jews. As described in
Daniel’s 70 Weeks prophecy, and referred to by Christ
(Matthew 24:15-28 | Mark 13:14-23) and John (Revelation 11:1-2),
this is central to the first solid events of the future that the
Bible spells out for us. While the
Seals precede these events, there’s nothing solid like
the events describing the
abomination of desolation, the following
time of Jacob’s trouble and that tie to Daniel 9:27 to
fall back on. With the
framework of exact days in prophecy, we’re given a general
glimpse of the events of the 70th week, and while we’re not
in darkness, we still see through a glass darkly so to speak. As
such we are not in darkness, but we still won’t know the day
or hour of the sudden destruction following this time or
our gathering to meet the Lord in the air prior to that
wrath of God. And so, the temple being the first requirement
to fulfill the future prophecies and the others being somewhat vague
or affected by interpretation, I look to the temple in Jerusalem
as the next potential sign that must come to pass before the events
of Bible prophecy quickly come to pass in succession after.
July 17, 2017
Ezekiel 38 & 39: Following some further study prompted
Chris White’s study on Ezekiel 38 & 39, and further
reading his book
False Christ: Will the Antichrist Claim to be the Jewish Messiah?,
I’ve changed my previous view somewhat on the timing of this
series of events. I’m still open to the possibility that a
false perception of fulfillment could happen leading to the rebuilding
of the temple, but based on my own re-examination of scripture I
side with Chris White’s view of these chapters, that they
will happen after the millennium when Satan is loosed one last time.
July 1, 2017
It’s been some
time since I’ve updated the web page. Part of this is purposeful
and part is life. As far as life goes, work and family became more
of a focus. I was spending much of my time focused on news and updates
and decided as part of re-focusing I was going to take a break.
During this time I decided that I was going to focus less on news
events since that is a full time job with how crazy everything is.
Instead I’m going back to basics and revisiting and expanding
my studies of other areas such as the various antichrist theories
and what events could be next on the horizon. I’m also looking
to expand on previous research with the goal of providing a cliff
notes look at history in light of prophecy and scripture with links
to more detailed studies by those much more capable than I. As such
this website is less of a news resource and more of a prophecy and
Bible study resource, which is what it started out as in the first
So check back to this page to see any updates to particular
areas of study and I’ll try to link the various linked pages
that are updated as a result. As I mentioned a couple years ago
below, if there are any broken links, let me know and I’ll
try to resolve them.
April 23, 2015
While the website may
not look that much different, the structure and content have changed
somewhat. If you had a page bookmarked and now it isn’t there,
it may have just been renamed or moved elsewhere.
Send me a request and I’ll try to redirect you. You can
see a
of changes to the website that you may or may not have noticed.
“Be not overcome
of evil, but overcome evil with good.” Romans 12:21
Watchman Bible Study | 2005 - 2024
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