HIStory, Our Future: Stumbling BlocksThere are scriptures that are commonly accepted one way, but I believe the Bible explains further to provide more depth and reveal some amazing details. I've tried to get all interpretation from the Bible itself so as to preserve the original meaning and intent and reveal some pearls of wisdom in scripture. I could always be wrong, I just believe what the Bible says first and foremost. When taken as written, I am seeing it explain in great detail what people have been trying to figure out. If the Holy Spirit leads us into ALL truth, then why so many different answers for the same scripture?Isaiah 28:9-14 What this is saying is that doctrine is not built on just one verse, but the whole council of God. The less of that council of God comes to remembrance, the less scriptures are used to build doctrine, snaring those who build beliefs on just one or two passages. The Word of God, all of it, must be taken into account. A good example of this is the first resurrection. If we take just one scripture, Revelation 20:4-5 at face value, it appears that the first time anyone is resurrected is after Christ has returned in glory and Satan is bound. HOWEVER, that isn’t the only scripture that explains the times surrounding the end or God’s design. Our understanding must be based on all scripture working together to show the whole picture, or at least more of it. Knowing that the bride of Christ is not appointed to wrath, and that the marriage is in heaven before Christ returns in glory, and we are the bride of Christ, all comes together and if scripture must be 100% accurate, then every scripture must be taken as written and connected somehow with the other precepts found here a little and there a little throughout the Word of God. I believe it is in this way that God reveals His Word to those that love it, because those that hate God don’t search the scriptures daily, they trip over the stumbling blocks placed there by dispersing precepts throughout the scripture and err in their doctrines or criticisms of God’s Word. As always, hold yourselves to Acts 17:11 and validate whether these things are so in scripture for yourself. If you believe I am in error, please share Biblically why with me. I may have to change to fit scripture I haven’t taken into account yet. I’m willing, as long as the Bible dictates. |
Plans vs. Satan’s Plans |
Matthew 24:29-31
| Abomination of Desolation
to The Day of the Lord | Stumblingblocks in the BibleRomans 9:30-33 The just live by faith. Habakkuk 2:1-4 | Romans 1:16-19 | Galatians 3:6-15 | Hebrews 10:30-38 Faith without works is dead, James 2:14-26, but works without faith is nothing. The Jews were so focused on following the Law to obtain righteousness, but the Law was designed that none can follow it fully, and without following it fully, they aren’t justified. It exposes our imperfection and sin and only through faith in the shed blood of Christ are we justified, which was foreshadowed in the words of the prophets that came before. Christ is the chief cornerstone that the builders rejected. 1 Peter 2:1-11 The stumblingstone was the Law for them that tried to be justified through works of following the Law perfectly. Romans 11:1-15 Romans 11 is extremely important for the Christian to really understand. It shows how Israel is always the natural branch and the Gentiles are always the wild branches. Both are broken off in unbelief and both can be grafted back onto the root, which is Christ, through faith in His sacrifice. What’s interesting from the section above is that King David requested the stumblingblock for his people Israel. He requested their blindness, which started at the triumphal entry, Luke 19:41-44, and will end at the fullness of the Gentiles. Romans 11:25 This blindness was to cause them to fall so that salvation could come to the Gentiles. We as Gentile Christians are supposed to provoke the Jews to jealousy. Looking at church history, it looks more like we’ve been provoking them to fear. They certainly aren’t jealous of us now, but I think that’s where the fullness of the Gentiles comes in. I believe our fullness marks the harpazo, and by our harpazo, Israel will be unblinded and begin to realize in their affliction that the New Testament is right. Then they will be jealous because the bride of Christ will have been caught up off the earth just before God’s wrath. Romans 14:7-17 This passage shows us that we are capable of placing stumblingblocks in front of others. It’s in regards to clean and unclean foods. The Jews were very restricted as to what they could eat. Many still live under these restrictions today eating only kosher foods. According to scripture, there is no unclean food. However, some people still view it as unclean and we are to respect that. 1 Corinthians 1:17-31 This is the stumblingblock, the chief cornerstone that is Christ from Romans 9:30-33 above. Yeshua was not what the Jews of the time were expecting of a Messiah and even today they don't see the dual nature of Christ, the suffering servant and the conquering king, as the same Messiah but rather two figures. Christ's message of the new covenant through Yeshua's death and resurrection was a stumbling block to the Jews. 1 Corinthians 8 What I believe this is teaching us is that it’s not the physical food that is bad or wrong, but the spiritual nature that can cause corruption. Those who do not understand this place significance on the spiritual nature of these things and do eat them without Christ as the focus, but those idols to which they were offered. Those with a solid foundation in Christ have that freedom in Christ. Those without that solid foundation and relationship may be led astray in their hearts. With greater understanding comes greater responsibility. 1 Peter 2:1-11 Reading the Word of God is central to really knowing Him. In the Bible are written all the ways of God. If we are to obey those ways in order to know Him, then we should desire to soak in the Word and grow in the knowledge and understanding of Christ and His plans for us. For some, Christ is the stumbling block. They typically don’t like the idea of One God, especially not the Jewish God, nor His Son Yeshua (Jesus) the Christ. To them it is foolishness and they are disobedient to the Word which instructs them in the way to live in love and peace under God’s authority and Love. 1 John 2:1-11 Here it is laid out plainly, we know that we know Christ if we keep His commandments. The Law is shadows of love. By following Christ's command, our lives are kept free of those things of the flesh which cause conflict and strife, those things in Galatians 5:19-21. I believe Matthew 22:35-40 says it all in regards to the two commandments upon which all the Law hangs, Love God with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself. These are the centerpieces of who the true Christian is and it all centers around Love. Each of the 10 Commandments represent the Spirit of God, showing forth the fruits of the Spirit. Galatians 5:22-26 By obeying the 10 Commandments, not stealing, not murdering, etc, we are living in peace with each other. Revelation 2:12-17 Those who obey the Word will get a white stone with a new name that only they and God know. That’s a personal relationship on a very personal level, and something special that each person will have with just God and just God with them. What a loving God we serve! Scriptural Stumbling Blocks in Bible ProphecyLooking through the scriptures above, we see that the stumbling blocks that we commonly trip over are from assumptions we make or beliefs based on not having the full information. I believe the Bible interprets itself in all cases. This eliminates the need for us as believers to require anything but knowledge of the whole council of God’s Word to interpret those things written later on. I ask that if you come across a link for a definition that you follow it to my more detailed explanation. If God only wants those that truly love Him to understand then He has to spread the pearls of wisdom in scripture throughout the Bible so that only by research and deep study of His Word, with the guidance of its author the Holy Spirit, will you truly understand the deep meanings and implications. So you need to ask for His guidance in prayer before continuing. If we love Him, we will obey Him. 1 John 2:1-11 What these pearls do is clarify scripture for us and literally lay out the future. This is the promised understanding He has given us in His Word. Amos 3:7 I pray you are as edified and built up in faith by the amazing detail of God’s Word as I still am to this day. All glory to God with thanks to my Comforter the Holy Spirit sent by Christ who died so I could be in His Love forever. Please follow the links to the Bible studies when listed if you haven’t already. To understand how the pieces fit together, we must understand each piece completely first. Only then can we truly understand how to put it with another piece that has been studied to see how they fit. There are many interpretations out there. I’ve tried to interpret with scripture and posted it in those studies to clarify my foundation for building upon. I do this so that you are assured of Biblical accuracy. Please let me know if you find any problems. This is a search for Truth we are on. I can learn from you as well as I don’t know it all. Keep watching! God’s Plans vs. Satan’s PlansThis is just a quick breakdown more fully explained at the 70th Week of Daniel page regarding God’s week vs. Satan’s week. Timing the 70th Week of Daniel
The Abomination of Desolation to the Day of the LordMatthew 24:29-31 - AoD to the Sixth SealThere’s much debate about when the sixth seal takes place. Some place it at the end just before Christ returns in glory, others like myself place it in the midst of the 70th week of Daniel. Why? The first place we will look is scripture for timing. Matthew 24:29-31
The “tribulation of those days” is Matthew 24:15-29, which the Bible labels the time of Jacob’s trouble. This time of Jacob’s trouble is what a remnant of Israel is saved out of. Zechariah 13:8-9 This is connected directly to starting at the abomination of desolation. So the “tribulation of those days” begins at the abomination of desolation and when taking the other unparalleled times spoken of in history, Jeremiah 30:4-7 and Daniel 12:1, we see that this time is specifically for Israel. This is also seen in the warning only to those in Judea to run to the mountains when the abomination of desolation takes place. This next passage clarifies how Satan’s wrath, the great tribulation, is split into two focuses. First on Israel in Judea (according to Christ) at the abomination of desolation. Then once Israel is protected, the dragon turns worldwide to go after the Jewish remnant and those with the testimony of Christ. Verses 13-16 Revelation 12:13-17 This transition time after Israel is protected for the remainder of the 70th week of Daniel, is when God’s wrath comes upon the children of disobedience. That is called the day of the Lord, and comes just after the sixth seal, which Matthew 24:29 places “immediately after” the time of Jacob’s trouble, which according to the exact day prophecies, can only be a maximum of 30 days, but that time is cut short. Matthew 24:22 | Mark 13:20 | Daniel 12:1 | Jeremiah 30:7 It can only be 30 days because: Daniel 12:11
We have a sun/moon/star event that matches that of the sixth seal immediately after Israel is protected in the wilderness. Revelation 6:12-17 Sixth Seal and the Day of the LordThe day of the Lord is God’s wrath coming on the earth. As Christians, we have a promise to know the times if we’re watching. 1 Thessalonians 5:1-6 Therefore, if at the sixth seal those who don’t have understanding of scripture perceive God’s coming wrath, then in order for scripture to be correct, that wrath must come suddenly at the sixth seal. Indeed we see the seventh seal is silence in heaven for 1/2 hour before the trumpets begin to blow. If you have not done so yet, please read the Bible study on the sixth seal. In relation to the sixth seal, the day of the Lord occurs on the same day as I will show from scripture. Isaiah 2:12-21 Compare this to... Revelation 6:12-17 This happens at the sixth seal. Isaiah 2:12-21 ties that hiding for fear of the LORD to the day of the Lord, when He rises to shake the earth. Isaiah 13:6-13 also makes this connection... Isaiah 13:6-13 To me, these scriptures pretty clearly connect the sixth seal with the day of the Lord beginning. The day of the Lord comes as destruction from the Almighty. The first trumpet follows the seventh seal, the last one needing to be broken to open the scroll written on both sides. More on that here. Hail mixed with fire and blood followed by an asteroid striking the sea is certainly going to cause sudden destruction and shake the earth not to mention the following trumpets such as the demon locusts being loosed on the earth and the subsequent next three woes. If we read Matthew 24:29-31 without understanding what “the tribulation of those days” is referring to, the time of Jacob’s trouble and not the whole 1260 days of the antichrist’s reign on the earth. This can lead to the belief that the sixth seal and our harpazo occurs when Christ returns in glory at the end of the 70th week of Daniel, a post-trib gathering of the elect. The day of the Lord is a time of terror for the world, seeing the signs of the sixth seal, the powers of heaven being shaken and the sign of the Son of man coming in great glory. However we are promised to escape the wrath of God in the pre-wrath gathering of the elect, which is depicted in Matthew 24:31 and Revelation 7:9-17. Our escape from the wrath of God is promised we are not appointed to wrath, but salvation through Yeshua the Christ. 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 | Luke 21:29-36 | Revelation 3:10 For the wise virgins (Matthew 25:1-13) they are caught up around the sixth seal, which takes place in the middle of the 70th week of Daniel before God’s wrath (Joel 2:31) and immediately after the tribulation of Matthew 24:15-22. Joel 3:13-17 This is the same sequence found in Isaiah 13:10-13. It shows the second sickle harvest from Revelation 14:17-20. This is the harvest of the wicked into God’s wrath. This takes place just after the sixth seal when the day of the Lord begins after the harpazo. Revelation 6:12-17 is the sixth seal and Revelation 7 goes into the sealing of the 144,000 and the multitude in heaven (the bride of Christ before the throne in heaven after the harpazo). I believe this also supports a pre-wrath harpazo of the bride sometime after the abomination of desolation, 2 Thessalonians 2:1-4, and before the first trumpet. Revelation 8:1,2 Given the placement of the multitudes in heaven after the sixth seal and before the trumpets, I would think the harpazo closer to the sixth seal in the middle of the 70th week of Daniel. 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12The timing of our gathering to Christ in relation to the man of sin being revealed: 2 Thessalonians 2:1-5 Here scripture gives us this order:
Notice too, that the “day of Christ” is directly connected to our gathering to Him. We see this differentiated from the day of the Lord in several passages that talk about the day of our Lord Jesus Christ, which is not a day of darkness, but for Christians a day of rejoicing. (1 Corinthians 5:5 | 2 Corinthians 1:12-14) The timing of the revealing of the man of sin in relation to the restrainer being removed: This color coding only applies IF we view the restrainer as the Holy Spirit/church, and therefore tying the un-restraining to our removal in the harpazo. 2 Thessalonians 2:6-10 Here, if the restrainer is the Holy Spirit which dwells in the church, we have this order:
There is a direct opposition when defining the restrainer as the Holy Spirit symbolizing the removal of the church before the revealing of the antichrist. By placing the Holy Spirit/church as the restrainer, a contradiction is set up by assuming our gathering to Christ is directly related to the restrainer being removed. I believe the Holy Spirit wrote it this way to remove confusion. This leads us to the clincher for me as to who the restrainer is. So according to 2 Thessalonians 2:1-5, the day of Christ won’t come until there is a falling away from God and the man of sin (antichrist/beast) is revealed. This happens at the abomination of desolation, when he declares himself to be God. Then we will know for sure who the man of sin is and after that, will come the day of Christ. As we see in Luke 17:24-37, the first time the Son of man, the Christ Yeshua, is revealed is around the time of the abomination of desolation and in that night is the harpazo. Here the Bible confirms itself for us and strengthens our faith. John 14:1-3 It is soon after the harpazo that the sixth seal takes place, and soon after that the day of the Lord comes. For more on the possible identity of the restrainer, go here. Timing of our gathering before the day of the Lord: mark s on FulfilledProphecy: “They were troubled by the report that the “day of the Lord” had come. Now, whether it meant to them that they had missed the harpazo, or whether it meant to them that the current persecution would just get worse and not better, I don’t know for sure, except that Paul says, “concerning the coming of the Lord, and our gathering together to Him.” This would make it seem to me that they were worried about the ramifications of the Day of the Lord having come, and what that would mean as far as their being gathered together to Christ. Now, if they believed that the Day of the Lord came first, this would be good news, and they wouldn’t be troubled. If they believed the gathering came first, then this would be troubling news indeed.” Dispensationalism is born of Bible prophecyMy foundation for believing that God has plans for blinded Israel separate from the church, which includes both Jew and Gentile, comes from a yet unfulfilled prophecy. Daniel 9:24-27 Notice that Daniel’s people, Israel, and Jerusalem are both linked together as the subject to whom this prophecy is referring. Is this saying that Jews somehow get saved outside of Christ? No, it has nothing to do with salvation, except that there is a remnant of national Israel that will eventually come to Christ at the end of this final 70th week of Daniel’s prophecy. Christ is the only way to salvation. The whole point behind dispensationalism is simply recognizing that God has a plan for national Israel that is separate from the Israel of heaven only because we are trapped in space-time and cannot see beyond now except through Bible prophecy. The national Israel that will be saved is in reality part of the Israel of heaven, the eternal Israel comprised of Jew and Gentile. We are all spirits inside temples of flesh. Genealogy only matters when we’re in the flesh. In spirit, there is no difference between Jew or Gentile in Christ. However the only way to eternal life is to be grafted to the root, which is Yeshua the Christ. The things of the spirit are outside of space-time. God knew who was His before creation and of those who are His, He will lose none. I go by the common definition given in a dictionary so that all have a common foundation upon which to build a discussion. Some previous religious leaders use of the term surrounding their detailed viewpoints doesn’t negate the plain meaning of the term. Dispensationalism This is what the prophecy to Daniel is all about. God laid out the future of the nation of Israel ending in a 7-year period of time in the midst of which the man of sin would declare himself god and demand worship. It is central to Bible prophecy about the end times, pinned there by Christ. Israel must exist for it to be fulfilled because the 70 weeks are determined for Israel and Jerusalem. Only the children of Abraham have that genetic and space-time connection to a location called Jerusalem. Therefore, it is clear that God’s design has built into it a genetic heritage through which events would unfold. He chose a people from which to become flesh then die for our sins and it was the children of Abraham through Isaac and Jacob. The Bible actually lays out the lineage to Christ from Adam, but most people (including me) skip through that without truly considering. The events of the Old Testament all center on Israel and the coming Messiah. The New Testament is simply the Old Testament revealed, while the New Testament is in the Old Testament concealed - as Chuck Missler would say. Christ said Himself that the Jews would be blinded until the fulness of the Gentiles and Gabriel tells Daniel of a time not yet come to pass where God will deal with Israel again. Give those periods whatever name you want, but they are periods of time where different people are dealt with in different ways. God clearly has a defined plan for national Israel in the land He promised them that differs from how he treates eternal Israel. Eternal Israel vs. National IsraelConnected to the idea of dispensationalism is the distinction between the Israel that will inhabit eternity and the disbelieving nation of Israel today. Bible prophecy is centered around the fulfillment of Daniel’s 70 weeks for National Israel. Israel is the name God gave Jacob, whose 12 sons made up the 12 tribes of Israel. Eternal Israel is comprised of Jews who
live by faith, accepting Christ, and Gentiles who live
by faith accepting Christ. They have a common spiritual bond outside of
genetics and it must be recognized that this group is outside
of space-time in that God foreknew all that were His and of those He will
lose none. This is where the grafting comes into play in that eternal Israel
is comprised only of those who have been grafted back onto the root, which
is Christ. I believe it is further divided into groups based on earth’s space-time.
The groups are the bride of Christ, comprised of those who accept Christ
before the harpazo of the bride, and those who accept Christ during the
great tribulation and during the millennium. National Temporal Israel is the physical lineage of the seed of Abraham in a literal sense. What differentiates this group is that not all in this group are part of eternal Israel because many are broken off in unbelief. So when is the Bible talking about which group? It depends on the context. Bible prophecy speaks about events that have happened and will happen within space-time involving earth history and the plan of redemption of the human race. Many immediately turn away when terms like “dispensationalism” are used, but when it comes to Bible prophecy, to deny it is to disregard scripture as I touched on above. Daniel’s 70 weeks are pivotal to the timing of the abomination of desolation and all 70 weeks of years are “determined upon thy people [Israel] and upon thy holy city. [Jerusalem]” So is this Bible prophecy referring to eternal Israel or temporal, national Israel? Since the prophecy was given before the existence of the church in New Testament terms (followers of Christ), and given to a national people and their city Jerusalem, and concerning events within earth’s space-time, I believe it is clearly speaking of the temporal, national Israel. In this way we can see the difference between which Israel is being discussed. I believe this way of thinking is also important when looking at things like temporal, national Israel rebuilding the temple and starting the daily sacrifice. There are some Christians who try to wiggle out of the idea in prophecy that God would allow the temple and daily sacrifice to happen because Christ died and was that sacrifice once and for all. They seem to view Bible prophecy as God dictating what SHOULD happen instead of God letting His people know what WILL happen. It is here that an understanding that God doesn't have to sign off on a future event to let us know it will happen. And furthermore, the Jews are currently blinded and have not accepted that Yeshua is Messiah. They're still in the Old Testament, where temples and sacrifices are what they are told to do as a temporal, national people. In scripture we see that we as Christians are heirs of the promises of Abraham and part of Israel. However, this is speaking in terms of eternal Israel, not national Israel to which the prophecies within earth’s history are referring. They are bounded by time whereas eternal Israel is not. I believe that Bible prophecy speaks of national Israel and it is therefore central to the fulfillment of Bible prophecy. We see that in the 70 weeks prophecy given to Daniel. We see it in the unparalleled time of great tribulation initially focused on national, temporal Israel -- the time of Jacob’s trouble. (Daniel 12:1 | Jeremiah 30:4-7 | Matthew 24:15-22) Replacement TheologyThere are some who look at the promises to the church that they become the seed of Abraham and then place that perspective on Bible prophecy. The problem with this is that Bible prophecy is covering events within earth’s space-time regarding future events. As I went over above, these events refer to a specific people. For instance, the woman of Revelation 12. If we look at this woman who is protected in the wilderness and say, “We are now Abraham’s seed, so this is referring to us too,” then I believe we run into some problems. How can this woman be referring to the church when it was Christ who made the church and Christ was born of that woman? What came first, the chicken or the egg? How can the bride give birth to her husband? The Bible is very clear on physical lineage and traces it from Adam to Christ through Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob/Israel. The symbology of Revelation 12:1 is seen initially in a dream Joseph had. Genesis 37:9-11 Jacob/Israel recognized the symbology and interpreted it for us labeling himself as the sun, his wife the moon, and his 12 sons the stars. All of this is before the church existed and it all refers to Bible prophecy, which is always focused on events transpiring on earth within the confines of the period of time that it will exist. (i.e. Not eternity) Therefore it would follow that even though we are part of Israel, grafted onto Christ our root, we are not the Israel that Bible prophecy refers to. This is seen in other prophecies as well. And upon further examination of the events and the subjects of those events, when Christ says to run to the mountains, He is only talking to those in Judea. Matthew 24:15-22 There’s only one Judea and it’s in the land of Israel. This should also be some indication that the warning is for a particular group of people living in a particular place at a particular time. I should further define my terms here because otherwise I’ll probably be misunderstood. When I use the term “church,” I’m referring to the bride of Christ. This is comprised of all who accept Christ as their Messiah, Jew or Gentile. However, not everyone in heaven eternally will be the bride of Christ. We can see this in the fact that the marriage of the Lamb occurs on heaven before Christ returns in glory and yet there is still a resurrection of the just in Revelation 20:4 after the marriage. The bride of Christ is a mixture of Jew and Gentile, but under Christ those terms don’t matter, we are one body with Christ as our head. They would appear to be a select group, defined by a temporal period of time from the beginning until the harpazo, who lived by faith and accepted Yeshua. Since there are people after the harpazo who will accept Yeshua, like national Israel protected in the wilderness, then it would follow that they will be in heaven, but since they missed the marriage they wouldn't be the bride even though they are in heaven to stick with the analogy of the bride, bridegroom and marriage. There is a later marriage supper to which all those saved attend. In terms of the woman going into the wilderness in future Bible prophecy, there is no indication that this is anyone but those in Judea that fled and the woman described earlier in Revelation 12 as being specifically national Israel, which resides, for the most part, in Judea. The key to understand is that only those who accept Christ and obey are promised to escape the wrath of God. Luke 21:34-36 The fact that all believers in Yeshua are promised to escape God’s wrath indicates a dispensation (divine ordering of earthly affairs) different from those who don’t accept Christ. Israel is blinded until the fullness of the Gentiles. Romans 11:25 The wrath of God comes with the beginning of the day of the Lord. Isaiah 13:6-13 It follows the sixth seal. Joel 2:31 The sixth seal is “immediately after the tribulation of those days,” (Matthew 24:29) referring back to Matthew 24:15-28. This is the unparalleled time of great tribulation that starts at the abomination of desolation. There are three scriptures claiming to be the worst in all of history, meaning that they all must be the same time. All three directly refer to Israel, Jerusalem, and Judea. (Daniel 12:1 | Jeremiah 30:4-7 | Matthew 24:15-22) In Revelation 12:13-17, the dragon first goes after the woman, Israel. It is only after she is taken to the wilderness and protected from him that he turns his attention outside of Judea where it began at the abomination of desolation to get the remnant of Israel worldwide and those holding the testimony of Christ. So there are two different “dispensations” or divine plans for different groups. National Israel is protected in the wilderness and unblinded while the watching obedient church (bride of Christ) is harpazod to the marriage of the Lamb before the wrath of God is poured out on all who dwell on the whole earth. This is another indication that national, temporal Israel is different from the eternal Israel in which we as the bride of Christ are part of. National Israel being taken into the wilderness marks the end of the time of Jacob’s trouble when the dragon moves worldwide in his persecution and the sixth seal is broken. Since the wrath of God comes suddenly and unexpectedly for the world, their recognition of God’s wrath at the sixth seal is telling in that for the Bible to be true, God’s wrath must come soon after that. The seventh seal is ½ hour of silence and then the trumpets start so it would seem that God’s wrath would most likely come on the same day the sixth seal occurs but after it. |
“Be not overcome
of evil, but overcome evil with good.” Romans 12:21 In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, any copyrighted work herein is archived under fair use without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest in reviewing the included information for personal use, non-profit research and educational purposes only. Ref. |