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This page is to track news related to America. While Bible prophecy doesn't clearly speak of America, the fact that the entire world will be under the ruler-ship of the antichrist tells us that either America will no longer be a superpower or she will merge with the rest of the world and join with the beast. Either way, our lifestyles might change dramatically soon. Learn more information about America's relation to Bible prophecy here.

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NAFTA: The Shocking "Rest of the Story" The Cutting Edge - NAFTA was sold to the American public as a brilliant economic plan. Very few people realize that they have just witnessed Biblical prophecy occurring before their unsuspecting eyes!! In the News!!

"Executive approval: Survey of American, Mexican, and Canadian executives show they feel the North American Free Trade Agreement has been successful in improving trade and logistics. CEO's and other senior executives at 250 U.S., Canadian, and Mexican companies see far more positives than negatives to the two-year old North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)". {Industry Week, April 1, 1996, V245, N. 7, page 48}.

"It was the best of times; it was the worst of times". With these words, the classic novel, "Tale of Two Cities" began, a novel set in the midst of the French Revolution. Today, the same thing could be said for Christians. While we are living in the worst time in American history in terms of declining moral standards, declining traditional faith, and economic stress, we are also living in the most exciting time in history. Since Israel was reborn as a nation in 1948, thus beginning the End of the Age countdown, all the signs of the End of the Age have been occurring together. In the past, many of these signs were seen individually, such as rampant wars, widespread disease, earthquakes, but they never occurred simultaneously as they have now been occurring. Christians who know their Bibles should be very excited, because all our beliefs concerning the accuracy of the Bible are coming to pass, in the daily news, right before our eyes. This is the purpose of The Cutting Edge, to show you how you can see this advance to the Tribulation period right before your eyes, in your daily news. The Biblical term, "Tribulation" or "Great Tribulation" now has a secular name, The New World Order. Their plans to achieve this new order so parallel Biblical prophecy that, if you were to envision all Biblical prophecy about the End of the Age as a photograph, then the plans for The New World Order could be thought of as the negative, producing the positive picture! Today's news concerns NAFTA, the North American Free Trade Agreement, created two years ago, which economically joined Canada, the United States, and Mexico. Most Americans think of NAFTA simply and only as an Economic Entity, because that is the only context in which the media has ever portrayed it. However, the leaders of The New World Order have long been following a plan to recreate the many nations of the world into 10 Super Nations. And, not surprisingly, this Plan fulfills Biblical prophecy! Let us first begin with the New World Order Plan to create 10 Super Nations. In 1957, Alice Bailey, then the leader of the House of Theosophy, wrote in her collection of writings, "The Externalisation of the Hierarchy", that the world must first be reorganized into Spheres of Influence before it could be organized into a Global government (Page 209). She made it very clear that this reorganization would not follow traditional national boundaries, but would be a completely different organization. Bailey did not specify how many "Spheres of Influence" would be created, but her plan was fleshed out in 1974, by New World Order authors, Mihajlo Mesarovic and Eduard Pestel, in a book entitled, "Mankind At The Turning Point". They wrote that the world would be reorganized into 10 Super Nation States, listed below.


  1. North America
  2. Western Europe
  3. Japan
  4. Australia, South Africa, and the rest of the market-economy of the developed world.
  5. Eastern Europe, including Russia
  6. Latin America
  7. North Africa and the Middle East
  8. Tropical Africa
  9. South and Southeast Asia
  10. China

Remember, this New World Order Plan was published in 1974. Firmly set this date in your mind, as it will become very important in just a few paragraphs. The first question is "Why 10 Nation specifically?" The answer lies in a knowledge of the spiritual beliefs of the Occult. They believe that man is to be spiritually "perfected" by undergoing the process of "Illumination" by achieving a long, arduous study of "Hidden Truth". Once a man is totally perfected, he is pictured as standing "upright" next to, but uncontrolled, by his world. This perfected man is thought of as the Number 1, while the world is pictured as a zero (0). Thus, the number 10 forms this picture of perfected man standing apart from his world. The number 10 is a very important symbolic number to the occultist. ("Magic Symbols", Frederick Goodman, Brian Todd Publishing House, London, 1989, p. 46-47). Therefore, when the occultic leaders of the New World Order devised their plan to reorganize the world into Spheres of Influence, they acted in accordance with their occultic beliefs in deciding to create 10 Super Nation states. They were creating a New World Order, which, by its very structure, screamed to the peoples of the world, "We have created the 'Perfected" world organization, of 10 Super Nations". The symbolism is powerful: they are the "Perfected" men, standing apart, but controlling, the world. Ten had to be the number; Occult Doctrine demanded it. But, this Plan also fulfills a most important Biblical prophecy. This prophecy was given to the prophet, Daniel, approximately 2,500 years ago, and is the only prophecy which gives a sequence of events which God foretold would flow from this creation of the world into 10 nations. Hang on to your hat, for we are going on an exciting ride. First, let us review the prophecies. The Bible foretells in Daniel that there is a sequence of events which will foretell the appearance of Anti-Christ. Turn with me now to Daniel 7:7-8, remembering that Daniel is talking here of the End of the Age. Consider the Scripture: "After this I saw in the night visions, and behold a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly ...and it had 10 horns. I considered the horns and, behold, there came up among them another little horn, before whom there were three of the first plucked up by the roots..." These 10 horns are further explained in Daniel 2:41 and Revelation 17:12. These prophecies are quite clear in predicting that the world in the last days of time, during the Great Tribulation will be reorganized into 10 Super Nation States, or 10 Regions. This is a shocking revelation, since the world has been controlled by individual sovereign nations since the Tower of Babel 5,000 years ago. Today, there are over 170 sovereign nations in the world today. A new governmental structure is being silently erected over these 170+ sovereign nations Before our very eyes, a new government is being erected; this plan, originally published in 1974 in "Mankind At The Turning Point", is being implemented. And when it is finally implemented, it will fulfill this Biblical prophecy of 10 Nations at the End of the Age. Therefore, you see, NAFTA is not simply an economic super nation; rather, it is Nation #1 of this 10 Nation New World Order. Very few people understand this, because they have been conditioned by our national leadership, aided by our national mass media. No one has ever explained this before. Now, you can understand why Presidents as seemingly dissimilar in world view, style and philosophy as Presidents Bush and Clinton could support the creation of NAFTA. President George Bush began the push to create NAFTA, but was unable to see it created before he left for office. President Clinton supported NAFTA, even though he opposed nearly every other thing for which Bush stood. At this point, I am going to state a truth which I have carefully enunciated in my radio programs, and which I will soon state again: The New World Order Plan was created officially in 1776, and has been consistently supported by Presidents ever since. In this 20th Century, nearly every President, both Democratic and Republican, has secretly supported the Plan for The New World Order. It has not mattered whom we have elected, because both political parties are united in this drive to accomplish this Plan. Generally, Republican Presidents have concentrated on changes in the Foreign Policy field, while Democratic Presidents have concentrated on the needed changes in Domestic Policy. But, whether we have a Republican or Democratic President, the New World Order Plan continues unabated. NAFTA is one example of a Foreign Policy change initiated by a Republican President and continued by a Democratic President. more...
EU/UN / 4th KingdomNewWorldOrder | America |

Does this represent the 10 horns/toes of Daniel and Revelation? Or is the WEU representative of this control structure? I don't fully agree with the conclusions of the article and I currently lean toward the WEU given the other events and power exerted from there applicable to Bible prophecy and the confirmed covenant with many of Daniel 9:27 currently in progress. However, it is good to keep our eyes open to possibilities. There is certainly a division of control and power over the world that will be exerted once the antichrist is revealed. At the very least, it demonstrates how trade agreements subtly eliminate sovereignty in the name of business, peace and security progressing through time. These international legal agreements lead to an agreement to abide by rules and regulations from outside ones own country to participate and with the increased fear of terrorism, this same kind of control can be used in the name of combating terrorism. It then becomes a question of what defines a terrorist. Someone who kills other people, or perhaps someone who rejects the New World Order and the requirements that come with it? How quickly can public perception on this term be changed? Keep watching and we will see soon enough.

Ministry founder: U.S. Christians 'absolutely not prepared' for persecution One News Now (December 31, 2007) - Persecution against Christians is increasing worldwide, especially in countries such as India, where attacks on churches and Christians by Hindu extremists have increased dramatically. In fact, when missionaries graduate from Gospel for Asia (GFA) Bible colleges, they are told to expect persecution -- and perhaps even death -- for spreading the gospel. According to GFA founder K.P. Yohannan, Christians in those countries expect such treatment and are prepared when the tough times come. But he believes Christians in America will soon be faced with persecution as well -- and he is fearful that many are not ready. "The great falling-away from faith could be worst here in [America] because people are absolutely not prepared to face suffering or persecution -- because we cannot imagine a gospel with the cross and the suffering in it," says Yohannan. "Yet the Bible teaches very strong about it. So as the Word of God says: He who has ears, let him hear." The ministry leader is convinced that prosperity has caused many Christians in America to focus on material possessions instead of surrendering all to Christ. The result, he says, is that American Christians have become "very naïve" in thinking that real persecution will never come their way. "These are warning signs," he exclaims. "God is telling us [that] we need to prepare our lives. And preachers going around saying that revival is coming, and everything is okay, and all these things? I think that people are [being] set up for huge disaster and denying their faith when they face problems." It is estimated that more than 16,000 Christians are martyred worldwide each year for their faith.
| America |

Huckabee stands by 'Christ' comment Associated Press (December 30, 2007) - Mike Huckabee, a Republican relying on support from religious conservatives in Thursday's hard-fought presidential caucuses, on Sunday stood by a decade-old comment in which he said, "I hope we answer the alarm clock and take this nation back for Christ." In a television interview, the ordained Southern Baptist minister and former Arkansas governor made no apologies for the 1998 comment made at a Southern Baptist Convention meeting in Salt Lake City. "It was a speech made to a Christian gathering, and, and certainly that would be appropriate to be said to a gathering of Southern Baptists," Huckabee said on NBC's "Meet the Press." He gave the speech the same year he endorsed the Baptist convention's statement of beliefs on marriage that "a wife is to submit graciously to the servant leadership of her husband even as the church willingly submits to the headship of Christ." Huckabee and his wife, Janet, signed a full-page ad in USA Today in support of the statement with 129 other evangelical leaders. The former governor, who rallied Christian evangelicals to make him a surprise force in Iowa, has put his faith front and center in his campaign. His stump speech sounds like a pastor's pitch from a pulpit. Campaign ads emphasize faith and call him a Christian leader. He frequently quotes Bible verses. As his fortunes have improved, Huckabee has faced a drumbeat of questions and criticism about his gubernatorial record and the role of faith in his administration. He also has made some missteps while trying to fend off a challenge — and critical TV ads — from Mitt Romney, a former Massachusetts governor and Mormon whose faith unsettles some religious conservatives. Four days before the caucuses Thursday, a new poll found Huckabee's surge may have stalled; his once double-digit lead over Romney has evaporated. Private polling shows the two in a dead heat. The television interview was Huckabee's only campaign appearance Sunday. With the media throng following him having grown immensely, Huckabee scrapped a public event at a church in favor of attending a private service closed to reporters. Instead of courting voters, he hunkered down to film new TV ads, perhaps spots responding to Romney's barrage of critical commercials. As recently as Friday, Huckabee insisted he wanted to run a positive campaign. He also reserved the right to respond aggressively. more...
| America |

Huckabee Exposed as New World Order Puppet The National Expositor (December 29, 2007) - Mike Huckabee recently named Richard Haas (the President of the CFR) as his advisor on foreign policy. CNN's WOLF BLITZER asked "Who are your principal foreign policy advisers, Governor?" Mike Huckabee responded: "Well, I have a number of people from whom I get policy. I'm talking to Frank Gaffney, I talk to Richard Haas.." So what does Richard Haas believe in? Here's an article below which was written by Haas for the Tapei Times. It basically states the Bill of Rights and Constitution should be given up in favor of a cooperative world body run by elite consensus. Who needs individual rights in the techno-futuristic world police state? And you thought liberty was in jeopardy now? Just wait till you see what your children will have to deal with. Get activated folks, These police state freaks want to shape your future into a control grid enforced through the fear based reaction to state sponsored false flag terror.

State sovereignty must be altered in globalized era by Richard Haass In the age of globalization, states should give up some sovereignty to world bodies in order to protect their own interests. For 350 years, sovereignty -- the notion that states are the central actors on the world stage and that governments are essentially free to do what they want within their own territory but not within the territory of other states -- has provided the organizing principle of international relations. The time has come to rethink this notion. The world's 190-plus states now co-exist with a larger number of powerful non-sovereign and at least partly (and often largely) independent actors, ranging from corporations to non-governmental organizations (NGOs), from terrorist groups to drug cartels, from regional and global institutions to banks and private equity funds. The sovereign state is influenced by them (for better and for worse) as much as it is able to influence them. The near monopoly of power once enjoyed by sovereign entities is being eroded. As a result, new mechanisms are needed for regional and global governance that include actors other than states. This is not to argue that Microsoft, Amnesty International, or Goldman Sachs be given seats in the UN General Assembly, but it does mean including representatives of such organizations in regional and global deliberations when they have the capacity to affect whether and how regional and global challenges are met.

Less is more

Moreover, states must be prepared to cede some sovereignty to world bodies if the international system is to function. This is already taking place in the trade realm. Governments agree to accept the rulings of the WTO because on balance they benefit from an international trading order even if a particular decision requires that they alter a practice that is their sovereign right to carry out. Some governments are prepared to give up elements of sovereignty to address the threat of global climate change. Under one such arrangement, the Kyoto Protocol, which runs through 2012, signatories agree to cap specific emissions. What is needed now is a successor arrangement in which a larger number of governments, including the US, China, and India, accept emissions limits or adopt common standards because they recognize that they would be worse off if no country did. more...

| NewWorldOrder | America |

Bin Laden issues warning on Iraq (December 29, 2007) - The head of the Al-Qaeda network Osama Bin Laden issued a message Saturday warning Muslims against supporting Iraq's US-backed government, and suggested the liberation of Palestine would follow the Iraqi struggle. In the 56-minute audio tape released online, the hunted militant accused the United States of seeking to control the region through the Iraqi government, according to SITE, a US-based institute that monitors extremist web forums. He singled out the Islamic Party of Iraq, a leading political group allied with the government, saying that Muslims supporting the party are traitors to Islam, the monitor said in a report. "The group is assisting the Americans in Iraq," Bin Laden said, according to an excerpt translated from the Arabic by SITE. He added they were "fighting against the mujahedin, while they should have created unity, with the heroes that established the Islamic State." Bin Laden labeled any Muslims cooperating with the US-led Iraqi government of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki as apostates. He also said that with Islamist mujahedin fighters currently engaged in Iraq, the "liberation of Palestine" will follow, adding the mujahedin would never recognize Israel nor any Palestinian government that accepts a Jewish government, including one led by the Hamas Islamist movement. The White House said the message showed the situation in Iraq was improving with Iraqis turning against Al-Qaeda, and the importance of the US-led military mission there. "This is a reminder that the aim of Al-Qaeda in Iraq is to block democracy and freedom for all Iraqis. It also reminds us that the mission to defeat Al-Qaeda in Iraq is critically important and must succeed," said White House spokesman Tony Fratto. "The Iraqi people -- every day, and in increasing numbers -- are choosing freedom and standing against the murderous, hateful ideology of Al-Qaeda in Iraq -- and we stand with them." Bin-Laden also apologized for the death of Muslims during attacks and asked the Islamist fighters to carry out their attacks away from Muslim places, SITE said in its report "I want to assure the Muslims that we are trying to protect the Ummah (the Muslim world) from the enemies, and trying to fight them everywhere," he said, in the SITE translation. "However, when our Muslim brothers die as part of our attacks against the infidels, crusaders, or their agents the apostates, we are extremely sad about it. We don't want that, and we are asking God to enter them to heaven," he added. SITE judged that the audio tape was made after the Mideast peace conference in the US city of Annapolis in late November but before the assassination of former Pakistani prime minister Benazir Bhutto on Thursday, which Pakistan's government has blamed on Al-Qaeda. more...
| Islam | America |

NAFTA Cementing a North American Union News With Views (December 29, 2007) - Millions of Americans are now aware of the plan for a North American Union (NAU)/Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP). This awareness came via the Internet thanks to Phyllis Schafly and Dr. Jerome Corsi (video). Lou Dobbs has given it an extraordinary amount of exposure during his shows on CNN; the rest of CNN ignores it. The silence by ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, and FAUX (FOX) "news" networks has been deafening. The attack by legends in their own minds, i.e., pusillanimous individuals like Michael Medved, have been remarkable and a shame upon their so-called profession. If you are not familiar with this final step in the complete and total destruction of our sovereign republic, I strongly recommend you go to this web site and watch this fully documented and factual slide presentation on this plan which I call treason. The definition of treason is: disloyalty or treachery to one's country or it's government. Treason is any attempt to overthrow the government or impair the well-being of a state to which one owes allegiance; the crime of giving aid or comfort to the enemies of one's government. I don't believe it is inappropriate to use the word treason when it comes to this plan to integrate America into one region with all the trappings of totalitarian government. We are now starting to see the provisions kicking in at hyper speed to finally destroy these united States of America and let me lay it out crisp and clear: The destruction of NAFTA was felt within the first 18 months and has continued to destroy our sovereignty and job bases ever since. In the first few years, over 4,000 factories closed down, small towns became dying towns. To date MILLIONS of jobs have been lost with more all the time because of the evil called out sourcing. America continues to lose in the fair trade arena; instead we are steadily being crushed by the evil of "free" trade. In 1995, American businesses were notified by the IRS that that under NAFTA, they would have to make all of their federal employment taxes by electronic transfer; view this document here. Why? The same reason we the people are being taxed to death to pay for new infrastructure inside Mexico: one world government. One worker base of three countries merged into one region, all under the same homogenized laws. Despite the massive invasion of illegal aliens crossing over our borders, neither Marxist Bill Clinton or globalist George Bush, made any effort to stop it and millions of Americans - especially post 911 - simply could not understand why Bush has steadfastly refused to do what President Eisenhower did so effectively. Many of us who have been in the trenches for decades knew and now millions more know: a North American Union means just that. No borders, no sovereign nations, just one big region for these diabolically evil men and women who lust for raw power to rule over us and they don't care who they destroy on their path to supreme imperialism. more...
NewWorldOrder | America |

Sports: America's True Religion Light The Path (December 28, 2007) - Recently on my way to lunch, a friend and I happened upon an art exhibit in a downtown hotel lobby.  AFTER eating lunch – I do have my priorities – we decided to casually stroll through the exhibit.  We looked at the various reproductions of classic artists such as Van Gogh, Picasso, and Monet.  For some of the pieces, we scratched our heads and wondered why.  For others, we paused and marveled at their beauty and craftsmanship. Toward the end of the exhibit, we came to a series of large, framed photographs of football stadiums.  Notre Dame Stadium, Michigan Stadium, Heinz Field, and Gillette Stadium were among several prominently displayed football facilities in the exhibit.  Each football stadium appeared clad in the team’s colors – green and gold at Notre Dame, blue and yellow at Michigan, black and yellow at Heinz, etc.  The sheer number of fans in attendance at each stadium staggers the imagination.  Indeed, few events could draw 105,000 fans to an outdoor stadium for three hours in a Michigan winter! While staring at these framed photos, I commented that our gaze fell upon America’s cathedrals.  My friend shot me a quizzical expression, and I repeated my assertion that sports stadiums and arenas serve as modern America’s houses of worship.  After I explained, he concurred that most Americans do view our athletes and our sporting coliseums as idols. Certainly, God created humans with a desire to worship. Romans 1:20 states, “From the time the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky and all that God made. They can clearly see his invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse whatsoever for not knowing God.”  Obviously, Almighty God demands that we worship only Him. Clearly, though, some choose to ignore this basic teaching.  Look at verse 23 of the same chapter, “And instead of worshiping the glorious, ever-living God, they worshiped idols made to look like mere people, or birds and animals and snakes.”  Certainly, the worship of idols continues today.  In our culture, the object of that worship has changed over the years. Today, Americans seem inclined to worship, among other things, the god of sports. Consider the influence of the sporting world on our culture.  We spend our hard-earned dollars on outrageously priced tickets so that we may go and express our devotion in these magnificent coliseums of worship.  We make a point to attend these worship services called games even during inclement weather such as freezing cold temperatures, rainstorms, ice, sleet, and snow; and even high heat and humidity.  If we cannot afford to attend in person, we worship by watching the game on television or by listening on the radio.  We display our devotion by wearing authentic athletic apparel so that we may dress just like our team.  In so doing, we feel as if we can personally cheer our favorite team on to victory. Indeed, we have replaced the worship of our Creator with the worship of His creation by elevating the athlete to god-like status.  We justify incredible salaries for athletes just because they excel at playing a game.  We cheer our favorite sports competitors with intense enthusiasm while in attendance at games, and we lavish them with praise during personal encounters.  We beg for their autographs while secretly wishing that we could trade places with them.  Do you remember the Gatorade / Michael Jordan commercial from a few years ago that asked us, “Don’t you want to be like Mike!?!”  Sure, virtually everyone wants to “be like Mike.”  Imitation truly serves as the sincerest form of flattery, or, in our nation’s case, idolatry. Please do not misunderstand my intent.  I do not claim that watching a ballgame is evil.  Nor am I saying that we should abandon athletics.  Instead, I merely call for balance in our lives. Remember, life does not revolve around sports.  Let’s attempt to maintain the proper perspective.  The worship of Jesus the Christ comes first.  Spending time with our families and engaging in family activities must come next.  Everything else must stand in line behind these high-priority activities.  Let’s remember to keep our priorities straight and to place our love for sports in perspective.
| America |

Terrorist Bodyguards for President Bush Bridges For Peace (December 27, 2007) - You can apparently choose your friends but not your bodyguards. In a year when stories from the Middle East have often defied logic, now President Bush will have members of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, armed to the teeth, as his bodyguards. This intriguing event will take place January 9, when the President makes his swift dash into Ramallah to meet with Palestinian Authority [PA] chairman Mahmoud Abbas [Abu Mazen]. The twist in the tale of this absurdity is Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade is the military wing of the Abbas’ led Fatah and is listed by the US State Department as a “terrorist organization.” They have taken credit for suicide bombings in Israel in 2005 and 2006 and have a long list of shootings and rocket launching activities. WorldNetDaily broke the story this week. They spoke with a chief of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade in Ramallah who also serves as a senior officer in Force 17, the PA presidential guard unit. He confirmed to WND he had been “slated to patrol the road outside Abbas’ compound during his meeting with President Bush.” The Israeli security for the Presidential visit is likely to cause chaos in the region. 8,000 police officers will be on duty. Thousands from the local fire departments will be on duty. The main highway between Tel Aviv to Jerusalem will be completely closed to civilian traffic as the US convoy moves out to attend meetings with Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert. There are reports that armored vehicles from the USA are being shipped to Israel for the event. Radical groups are marshalling to protest and proclaim their points of view at various locations. This will add to the sensitivity of the situation and the extreme state of high alert surrounding the visit.
| Islam | America |

Big Brother on Stage: What Kind of Actor is the EU? A Time, Times, and Half a Time (December 25, 2007) - Rafael Dochao Moreno, principal administrator of the Euro-Med Partnership, when asked the question why Spain chose to launch the Alliance of Civilizations initiative at the United Nations rather than the European Union responded that the “Barcelona process is already an AoC…why do we need an AoC?” Moreno’s response reminded those of us who have been following the Barcelona Process what we’ve already known--that the Alliance of Civilizations is a key aspect for the European foreign policy. The Barcelona Process, introduced in 1995 by Spain’s Javier Solana, contained a social cohesion strategy which had a goal to combat religious fundamentalism worldwide. The Alliance of Civilizations is merely a vehicle for such activity. Right from the start, the AoC was intended to form the core of the global counter-terrorism strategy. Before the cartoon crisis (in which Spain’s Zapatero, Moratinos, Federico Mayor, and Solana so authoritatively rose to the occasion to turn crisis into opportunity), Spain’s foreign minister had introduced the idea of the AoC as a tool to combat terrorism. Incidentally, although no group has ever stepped forward to claim responsibility or offer rationale for inciting the cartoon crisis, blame was assigned to “religious extremists” along with the claim that they seek to provoke a clash of civilizations. There is only one group that has reaped tremendous political benefit from the cartoon crisis--it almost reminds me of the Reichstag fire. In a previous blog post we examined the Club of Madrid’s 2005 counter-terrorism strategy. As I reviewed the conference pictures and list of participants, I noticed linkages to those who put forth the EU Social Cohesion Policy and the Alliance of Civilisations initiative. It is not surprising then that the Madrid Agenda contains identical objectives to those of the European Union’s Counter-Terrorism Strategy. Europe’s counter-terrorism strategy was presented to the June 2003 Thessalonika European Council by Javier Solana. Solana’s counter-terrorism strategy, which was incorporated into the security strategy A Secure Europe for a Better World, addresses combating strategic terrorism as its primary objective. Recall in Part I of my counter-terrorism article that strategic terrorism has been attributed to religious beliefs in which one accepts an “exclusivist” truth claim. An examination of the EU counter-terrorism documents yields the same definition. But here we see the lion’s teeth of militarization. There is an interesting paragraph in the Thessalonika document which reads:

“…the Danish Presidency decided to commission a group of Ministers' personal representatives to submit an analysis of the phenomenon of extreme fundamentalism and terrorism…The final report has been submitted and will be further discussed within the Council with a view to taking forward its recommendations.”
I of course was curious to read this report but have been unable to do so because a Decision of the European Ombudsman ruled that there were politically sensitive evaluations concerning a large number of foreign states. During my search, I was able to locate a research report published by the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs which frequently quotes from the Extreme Fundamentalism and Terrorism Group (EFTG). It may give us a glimpse of some of the sensitive issues contained within this report. For example, I suspect we may find that the EFTG considers Israel an authoritarian regime:
“In most fundamentalist transnational terrorist violence, the perpetrators tend to view the front line to be between Israel and the United States, on the one hand, and the Islamic world on the other. It involves the dispute about the US occupation of holy areas either itself or through proxies such as the authoritarian regimes of Saudi Arabia and Persia, or Israel. According to the report of the Extreme Fundamentalism and Terrorism Group (EFTG) the settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict would have a very important positive impact on the struggle against extreme fundamentalism and terrorism.”
This is consistent with the Alliance of Civilizations’ statements as during the Doha debates Israel’s government was named an extremist regime. Regarding fundamentalism, the EFTG says:
"Fundamentalism has been defined as an attitude where non-negotiable principles are introduced to politics from a transcendental source, holy texts or a divine discourse. “From the point of view of fundamentalism, religion expresses a divine order, which ideally embraces all life spheres. Although this may simply lead fundamentalists to encapsulate their own existence around their religious beliefs (“Quietism”), they will most often actively pursue the goal of seeking other life spheres, including political one, dominated by religious rather than secular principles.” Often fundamentalism has also meant a tendency to impose these principles indiscriminately on believers and non-believers alike.”
The European Commission’s social cohesion research report further demonstrates that religious fundamentalism will not be tolerated within the European neighborhood.
"This third school of thought is referred to as 'civil society as the public sphere'. "Theories of the public sphere demand a return to the practice of politics. Not as an elite occupation in which the public takes part once every four or five years through elections, but as an ongoing process through which 'active citizens' can help to shape both the ends and means of the good society…Essential to the functioning of democracy, according to the line of thinking of this school, is that all sets of voices are heard. Inequality and discrimination are therefore seen as the enemies of the public sphere. Fundamentalism is seen as its most dangerous enemy, since fundamentalism does not acknowledge the existence of different truths nor does it respect other values, which makes it impossible to reach a consensus with other groups... The only similarity between European policy and this third school of thought is its aversion to fundamentalism."
As part of the 2007-2013 Cohesion Policy, member states are bound by agreement to implement European Security and Defense Policy (ESDP) guidelines. As mentioned earlier, the European Defense Strategy’s focus is primarily on combating strategic terrorism. To do so, Solana has created a military-industrial complex having the following characteristics (to name only a few):
  • The theatre of operations is global.
  • Military assets that operate far beyond European borders.
  • Capacity to conduct offensive in addition to defensive war.
  • In the event not all member states are in agreement, draw upon a nucleus of states comprising a permanent structured cooperation.
  • Strategic missions will be organized through coalitions of the “willing and able.”
  • A civilian-military crisis management approach (CIMIC). CIMIC is a plan which places the civilian population subject to military authority.
  • Crisis management through EU Battle Groups
  • Overcome the divide between military and criminal intelligence.
  • Involve gendarmerie forces in all types of police missions: crowd control, maintaining public order, conducting intelligence work, criminal investigations, counter-terrorism, etc.
  • Establishment a citizens’ biometrics database (Schengen Information System, aka SIS II and Visa Information System). These systems were developed in secrecy without consultation of the European Parliament.
  • Gather intelligence through satellite capabilities and the Torrejon Satellite Centre.
  • The Galileo Navigational System provides the ability to conduct precision urban warfare (see An Evaluation of the Military Benefits of the Galileo System).
  • New EU-NATO framework - Ensure escalation dominance in the essence of Berlin-Plus.
  • Ability to conduct network-enabled warfare: co-operability with US armed forces having ability to “plug into” US networks.
  • Use of NATO Response Forces in crisis management.
  • Provide military capabilities to the UN. Would include a reserve or an “extraction force” provided to support a UN operation.
  • Activate Western European Union Recommendation 666 which places above assets into control of the High Representative (Solana) in the event of a crisis.
The new EU-NATO relationship has tripled European capacity for power-projection. The Prague Summit Declaration , a blueprint for EU-NATO co-operation, reinforces Solana’s social cohesion platform:
  • We reaffirm that security in Europe is closely linked to security and stability in the Mediterranean. We therefore decide to upgrade substantially the political and practical dimensions of our Mediterranean Dialogue as an integral part of the Alliance’s cooperative approach to security. In this respect, we encourage intensified practical cooperation and effective interaction on security matters of common concern, including terrorism-related issues, as appropriate, where NATO can provide added value. We reiterate that the Mediterranean Dialogue and other international efforts, including the EU Barcelona process, are complementary and mutually reinforcing.
  • Endorse the agreed military concept for defence against terrorism. The concept is part of a package of measures to strengthen NATO’s capabilities in this area, which also includes improved intelligence sharing and crisis response arrangements.
NATO’s military concept for defence against terrorism coincides with Solana’s civilian-military approach as NATO’s framework directs:
  • “Act…in support of the international community’s efforts against terrorism.” [Recalling that the Alliance of Civilizations social cohesion program is the core of the counter-terrorism strategy.]
  • “Developing an overreaching international strategy for defence against terrorism.”
  • “religious extremism is likely to be the source of the most immediate terrorist threats to the Alliance…”
  • “Counter Terrorism, primarily offensive measures.”
  • “…winning the trust of the local population through Psychological Operations and Information Operations is vital.”
  • “Within most NATO nations, civil authorities, such as the police, customs and immigration authorities, finance ministries, interior ministries, intelligence and security services, are the primary agencies involved in dealing with terrorism and military forces will need to operate in support of, and in close coordination with all of these agencies. The Concept therefore states that NATO must harmonise its procedures and efforts with civil authorities within nations in order to maximize its effectiveness against terrorism.
This is a tremendous amount of power to be placed in the hands of one individual. Many of us have often heard that a picture is worth 1000 words. For a visual representation of the EU Security and Defense Policy and to grasp Javier Solana’s power, watch this Center for International Peace Operations presentation. (I would recommend you download it as it is likely to soon disappear.) more...
| EU/UN / 4th Kingdom | Solana | 1st SealNewWorldOrder | America |

Israel fears clash with U.S. over peace talks' impasse Haaretz (December 25, 2007) - The United States will conduct confidential assessments of whether Israel and the Palestinians are meeting their peacemaking commitments and share the results privately with the parties, U.S. and Western officials said. Israel has sought to keep the U.S. process of judging compliance with the long-stalled "road map" peace plan largely secret. Palestinians say they favour disclosure of judgments on whether Israel is halting all settlement activity and whether the Palestinians are curbing militants as the plan demands. Though the Bush administration has decided to keep the assessment process confidential, it reserves the right to go public with its views if necessary, the officials said. U.S. judgments will be crucial because Israel has said it will not implement any peace deal until the Palestinians meet their commitments to combat militants in both the West Bank and the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip, where militants continue to fire rockets across the border into Israel. The monitoring process may be a test of Washington's readiness to hold a key ally to its commitments. Despite U.S. and Palestinian pressure on Israel to freeze settlements, the Housing Ministry said on Sunday 740 new homes would be built in East Jerusalem next year. Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas agreed at U.S.-sponsored conference in Annapolis, Maryland last month to relaunch final-status peace talks with the goal of reaching a statehood agreement by the end of 2008. more...
| Israel | Islam | Dividing the Land | EU/UN / 4th Kingdom | NewWorldOrder | America|

And who could step in if the U.S. is an issue in bringing the peace in the Middle East? Can't anyone stand up and make a difference? The world wonders and I couldn't have picked the next story in the list if I had tried. Keep watching Europe and the man who speaks for it.

We have finally decided that Europe will speak with one voice, that of Mr. Solana. | Jacques Chirac Regarding Solana's visit to Damascus for the Hariri inquiry Solana to Restore EU Ties with Syria (March 9, 2007)

Solana has the power and has had it since January 30, 1999. We are speaking with one voice through Javier Solana. | Madeline Albright USA Secretary of State Regarding Solana being given sole power to make all further military decisions over NATO Balkan operations.

Dollar's Fall Is Felt Around The Globe Washington Post (December 24, 2007) - The sharp decline of the U.S. dollar since 2000 is affecting a broad swath of the world's population, with its drop on global markets being blamed at least in part for misfortunes as diverse as labor strikes in the Middle East, lost jobs in Europe and the end of an era of globe-trotting rich Americans. It marks a shift for Americans in the global economy. In times of strength, a mightier dollar allowed Americans to feed their insatiable appetite for foreign goods at cheap prices while providing Yankees abroad with virtually unrivaled economic clout. But now, as the United States struggles to fend off a recession, observers say the less lofty dollar is having both a tangible and intangible diminishing effect. "The dollar was the dominant force in world economics for 100 years -- we had no competition," said C. Fred Bergsten, an American economist and director of the Washington-based Peterson Institute for International Economics. "There was no other economy close to the size of the United States. But all that is now changing." The dollar is down more than 40 percent against the euro over the past seven years, taking a particularly sharp drop last month. Despite a bit of a rebound in recent weeks, the dollar is still off nearly 12 percent since Jan. 11, when it hit its peak for 2007. For now, that drop is allowing the U.S. economy to reap rewards. American products have become exceedingly competitive, boosting exports ranging from Caterpillar tractors to Boeing jumbo jets that are now relative blue-light specials in the global marketplace. Using the same logic of chasing cheaper local production costs that has driven many U.S. factories to China, a few iconic European companies, including Airbus, are set to shift some manufacturing lines to the United States. But for untold millions worldwide, the weak dollar has emerged as a troubling dark spot. Take Ngengi Mungai, a Nairobi coffee exporter trapped between the weaker dollar and the rapidly appreciating Kenyan shilling -- which gained as much as 12 percent against the dollar this year amid an export-driven economic surge across much of Africa. His coffee sales overseas, as with the bulk of global commodities, are priced in weaker dollars. But he must then convert them into stronger shillings to cover his local costs for local labor, materials, even the clothes on his back. It has cut sharply into his annual income. "Basically," Mungai said, "it's bad." more...
| America |

According to Bible prophecy, the antichrist will have a global system in place so that only those with the mark of his authority can buy or sell anything. Revelation 13:16-18 A global economic crash with a bail-out by European financers could be just another way sovereignty is chipped away for global governance.

FBI prepares to build the world's largest database of peoples' physical characteristics The Washington Post (December 22, 2007) - The FBI is embarking on a $1 billion effort to build the world's largest computer database of peoples' physical characteristics, a project that would give the government unprecedented abilities to identify individuals in the United States and abroad. Digital images of faces, fingerprints and palm patterns are already flowing into FBI systems in a climate-controlled, secure basement here. Next month, the FBI intends to award a 10-year contract that would significantly expand the amount and kinds of biometric information it receives. And in the coming years, law enforcement authorities around the world will be able to rely on iris patterns, face-shape data, scars and perhaps even the unique ways people walk and talk, to solve crimes and identify criminals and terrorists. The FBI will also retain, upon request by employers, the fingerprints of employees who have undergone criminal background checks so the employers can be notified if employees have brushes with the law. "Bigger. Faster. Better. That's the bottom line," said Thomas E. Bush III, assistant director of the FBI's Criminal Justice Information Services Division, which operates the database from its headquarters in the Appalachian foothills. The increasing use of biometrics for identification is raising questions about the ability of Americans to avoid unwanted scrutiny. It is drawing criticism from those who worry that people's bodies will become de facto national identification cards. Critics say that such government initiatives should not proceed without proof that the technology really can pick a criminal out of a crowd. The use of biometric data is increasing throughout the government. For the past two years, the Defense Department has been storing in a database images of fingerprints, irises and faces of more than 1.5 million Iraqi and Afghan detainees, Iraqi citizens and foreigners who need access to U.S. military bases. The Pentagon also collects DNA samples from some Iraqi detainees, which are stored separately. The Department of Homeland Security has been using iris scans at some airports to verify the identity of travelers who have passed background checks and who want to move through lines quickly. The department is also looking to apply iris- and face-recognition techniques to other programs. The DHS already has a database of millions of sets of fingerprints, which includes records collected from U.S. and foreign travelers stopped at borders for criminal violations, from U.S. citizens adopting children overseas, and from visa applicants abroad. There could be multiple records of one person's prints. "It's going to be an essential component of tracking," said Barry Steinhardt, director of the Technology and Liberty Project of the American Civil Liberties Union. "It's enabling the Always On Surveillance Society." If successful, the system planned by the FBI, called Next Generation Identification, will collect a wide variety of biometric information in one place for identification and forensic purposes. In an underground facility the size of two football fields, a request reaches an FBI server every second from somewhere in the United States or Canada, comparing a set of digital fingerprints against the FBI's database of 55 million sets of electronic fingerprints. A possible match is made -- or ruled out--as many as 100,000 times a day. more...
| Technology | NewWorldOrder | America |

If I didn't have the understanding of Bible prophecy, I would think this a good thing, and it will be until wicked men are in control of this information. According to Bible prophecy, there is a coming war on the saints and we're seeing that develop against religious fundamentalism through the Alliance of Civilizations. What happens when those who claim the Bible is true are viewed by the ruling as terrorists because they refuse to participate in the system of worshipping Lucifer through the man of sin? Have no doubt that these systems will be utilized to "eliminate those destroyers of civilization," according to Albert Pike.

Fed: Another $20B auctioned to banks Associated Press (December 21, 2007) - The Federal Reserve, working to combat the effects of a severe credit crunch, announced Friday it had auctioned another $20 billion in funds to commercial banks at an interest rate of 4.67 percent. Fed officials pledged to continue with the auctions "for as long as necessary." The central bank said it had received bids for $57.7 billion worth of loans, nearly three times the amount being offered, indicating continued strong interest in the Fed's new approach to providing money to cash-strapped banks. It was the second of four scheduled auctions. The first auction, on Monday, of $20 billion resulted in loans being awarded at an interest rate of 4.65 percent. There were 93 bidders seeking $63.6 billion at the first auction and 73 at the second. Two more auctions will occur in early January. In a statement Friday, the central bank said it would continue with further auctions "for as long as necessary to address elevated pressures in short-term funding markets." The new auction process was announced by the Fed last week in a coordinated action with central banks around the world trying to address a global credit crunch. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke and his colleagues decided to try the new process because their efforts to inject funds into the banking system through the Fed's discount window, which makes direct loans to banks, had proven less successful than Fed officials had hoped. Many banks had avoided using the Fed's discount window out of concern that investors would see the move as an indication of underlying problems at their financial institutions. The auction process was developed as a second way to get money into the banking system with the hopes that it would not carry the stigma of the discount window. The Fed said Friday that it would announce on Jan. 4 the sizes of the next two auctions which will be held Jan. 14 and Jan. 28. Officials have said the Fed will evaluate the interest in the auctions after the initial four and determine whether more auctions will be scheduled. The new auction results cover short-term loans for 35 days. more...
NewWorldOrder | America |

NATO Secretary General, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer NATO highlights by 51 Reasons (December 20, 2007) - On the eve of the festive season I would like to share with you my thoughts on the months ahead. But first I want to address the people we owe most in this organisation – the men and women in uniform. Over 60000 of you currently serve with distinction in NATO-led operations in different parts of the world. Your dedication, courage, professionalism and hard work are a credit to you and to NATO. The risks you take in fulfilling dangerous missions – in Afghanistan, in Kosovo, in the Mediterranean, as well as providing training in Iraq and helping logistically the African Union with its mission in Darfur – say so much about your commitment to security and stability goals. This commitment is greatly appreciated and embodies the highest standard of excellence associated with the Alliance. At this time of the year our thoughts are in particular with the families of those who have paid the highest price in these operations: your sacrifices will not be forgotten and have not been made in vain. Next year promises to be just as active as the passing one. The whole NATO community – civilians and military alike – will be burning midnight oil to prepare for the key event at the beginning of April: the Bucharest Summit of NATO. Important decisions await the leaders of 26 Allied countries. They will deliberate on the further enlargement of NATO, on strategic guidance shaping the nature of our continued engagement in Afghanistan and Kosovo, as well as on all the crucial projects essential for tackling major security challenges confronting us. This list includes such diverse topics as fight against terrorism, missile defence, new capabilities, energy security or cyber defence. I am also convinced that coming months will broaden and intensify NATO’s dialogue and cooperation with our partners. We will strive to improve further a team-work approach with the United Nations and with the European Union. And we will also work more in the framework of the Partnership for Peace, Mediterranean Dialogue and Istanbul Cooperative Initiative. We will spare no efforts to resolve existing differences with the Russian Federation, to support reform efforts in Ukraine. This is a long list of goals. But NATO is a busy Alliance. Projecting stability where it is needed. Building global partnerships, where they make sense. And standing as a unique forum for transatlantic consultation on security issues. All, as ever, to preserve the security of the citizens of NATO countries and the broader international community. NATO will continue to make its contribution to international security in 2008. I wish you and your loved ones a safe and happy year. And once again, I send my best wishes, and warm thanks, to the NATO and Partner soldiers far away from home during this festive season.
| EU/UN / 4th KingdomNewWorldOrder | America |

If you haven't read through it yet, please check out the Treaty of Lisbon and how the Alliance of Civilizations, combating those who claim sole ownership to the Truth, is being set up to be enforced through Europe and NATO to combat terrorism with military and civilian forces. The question is when will the war on the saints, who hold to the Truth of the Bible that lays claim to sole ownership of the Truth, will begin.

Mitt Romney to buy clear channel Media Monarchy (December 13, 2007) - from lew rockwell: What would it cost to buy the support of just about every nationally-syndicated neocon talk show host in America? About $19.5 Billion, which is what Mitt Romney's private equity firm, Bain Capital, and Thomas H. Lee Partners have agreed to pay in a leveraged buyout agreement with Clear Channel Communications, the largest radio station owner in the country. Clear Channel owns over 1,100 full-power AM, FM, and shortwave radio stations, twelve radio channels on XM Satellite Radio, and more than 30 television stations in the United States. Premiere Radio Networks, which is the largest syndication company in the United States, is a wholly owned subsidiary of Clear Channel and is home to Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, and many others. Sean Hannity recently signed a large multi-market contract with Clear Channel, as well. From an anonymous email: "I'll bet those hosts won't reveal that conflict of interest, but it's worth noting when you hear them begin hyping Romney, which has already begun. A lot of GOP supporters will support whomever they are told to support, so be prepared for a big push for Romney. On the bright side, Romney has more vulnerabilities than Rudy, based on his record. Look at this as the GOP establishment doing us a favor. Rich men can bankroll their own campaigns (a la John Kerry), but it takes a special breed to use investors' money to buy entire networks that can operate as passive wings of a presidential campaign."
NewWorldOrder | America |

I'm sure you're aware that Mitt is a Mormon. What does that have to do with anything? Read The Mormon Church and Freemasonry from a pro-freemasonry perspective giving the history of Joseph Smith and Freemasonry.  Also examine Masonic symbols and the LDS Temple where the compass and square as well as upside-down pentagrams and all-seeing eyes are incorporated into the architecture. If you've studied Freemasonry at all, you will see its influence on American politics from the beginning working toward the same New World Order that many other secret societies are working for. There is a consolidation of power as we approach the end-times and understanding the importance of media and Mitt's ties to Mormonism and push for global governance, I'm very wary of this play. Those who own media can control public perception.

Soon To Be Gone From A Military Doctor (November 29, 2007) - I am a doctor specializing in the Emergency Departments of the only two military Level One-Trauma Centers, both in San Antonio, TX and they care for civilian Emergencies as well as military personnel. San Antonio has the largest military retiree population in the world living here. As a military doctor, I work long hours and the pay is less than glamorous. One tends to become jaded by the long hours, lack of sleep, food, family contact and the endless parade of human suffering passing before you. The arrival of another ambulance does not mean more pay, only more work. Most often, it is a victim from a motor vehicle crash. Often it is a person of dubious character who has been shot or stabbed. With our large military retiree population, it is often a nursing home patient. Even with my enlisted service and minimal combat experience in Panama, I have caught myself groaning when the ambulance brought in yet another sick, elderly person from one of the local retirement centers that cater to military retirees. I had not stopped to think of what citizens of this age group represented. I saw "Saving Private Ryan." I was touched deeply. Not so much by the carnage, but by the sacrifices of so many. I was touched most by the scene of the elderly survivor at the graveside, asking his wife if he'd been a good man. I realized that I had seen these same men and women coming through my Emergency Dept. and had not realized what magnificent sacrifices they had made. The things they did for me and everyone else that has lived on this planet since the end of that conflict are priceless. Situation permitting, I now try to ask my patients about their experiences. They would never bring up the subject without the inquiry. I have been privileged to an amazing array of experiences, recounted in the brief minutes allowed in an Emergency Dept. encounter. These experiences have revealed the incredible individuals I have had the honor of serving in a medical capacity, many on their last admission to the hospital. There was a frail, elderly woman who reassured my young enlisted medic, trying to start an IV line in her arm. She remained calm and poised, despite her illness and the multiple needle-sticks into her fragile veins. She was what we call a "hard stick." As the medic made another attempt, I noticed a number tattooed across her forearm. I touched it with one finger and looked into her eyes. She simply said, "Auschwitz. Many of later generations would have loudly and openly berated the young medic in his many attempts. How different was the response from this person who'd seen unspeakable suffering. Also, there was this long retired Colonel, who as a young officer had parachuted from his burning plane over a Pacific Island held by the Japanese. Now an octogenarian, he had a minor cut on his head from a fall at his home where he lived alone. His CT scan and suturing had been delayed until after midnight by the usual parade of high priority ambulance patients. Still spry for his age, he asked to use the phone to call a taxi, to take him home, then he realized his ambulance had brought him without his wallet. He asked if he could use the phone to make a long distance call to his daughter who lived 7 miles away. With great pride we told him that he could not, as he'd done enough for his country and the least we could do was get him a taxi home, even if we had to pay for it ourselves. My only regret was that my shift wouldn't end for several hours, and I couldn't drive him myself. I was there the night MSgt. Roy Benavidez came through the Emergency Dept for the last time. He was very sick. I was not the doctor taking care of him, but I walked to his bedside and took his hand. I said nothing. He was so sick, he didn't know I was there. I'd read his Congressional Medal of Honor citation and wanted to shake his hand. He died a few days later. The gentleman who served with Merrill's Marauders, the survivor of the Bataan Death March, the survivor of Omaha Beach the 101 year old World War I veteran the former POW held in frozen North Korea, the former Special Forces medic - now with non-operable liver cancer the former Viet Nam Corps Commander. I remember these citizens I may still groan when yet another ambulance comes in, but now I am much more aware of what an honor it is to serve these particular men and women. I have seen a Congress who would turn their back on these individuals who've sacrificed so much to protect our liberty. I see later generations that seem to be totally engrossed in abusing these same liberties, won with such sacrifice. It has become my personal endeavor to make the nurses and young enlisted medics aware of these amazing individuals when I encounter them in our Emergency Dept. Their response to these particular citizens has made me think that perhaps all is not lost in the next generation. My experiences have solidified my belief that we are losing an incredible generation, and this nation knows not what it is losing. Our uncaring government and ungrateful civilian populace should all take note. We should all remember that we must "Earn this." Written By CPT. Stephen R. Ellison, M.D. US Army
| America |

It is sad to see what so many earned falling apart, but this life on earth was always a temporary stop to eternity and as we approach the end-times, the disparity from spirit of the older generation to the modern generations grows greater by the day because of the mystery of iniquity at work in the world. These things were all prophesied to come in the end so the bitterness of understanding these things is accompanied by the joy in realizing that for those that love God and His ways, the suffering under sin is almost over and Yeshua is coming soon. From that point, we will be a theocratic monarchy led by a God of selfless love and not selfish ambition. Some have a problem with that, I say it's better than the corruption running the world today. Regardless of how far America will fall, I am grateful for the sacrifices of those whose hearts were in the right place of selfless love and dying for the freedoms of those they never knew. For Christians today, let us be like that for our kingdom, the eternal kingdom of God. Let us share the good news amidst the chaos unfolding and offer hope to the lost through Yeshua the Christ.

NATO Backs Turkey's Alliance of Civilizations Initiative Todays Zaman (December 20, 2007) - The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) has announced that it supports the Alliance of Civilizations initiative, co-chaired by Turkey and Spain. The NATO summit started on Tuesday with the participation of 26 heads of state and government in Riga, Latvia. In a joint declaration, NATO leaders expressed their support for the Alliance of Civilizations initiative. "We support the collective value and dialogue between cultures and people. Therefore the Alliance of Civilizations initiative under the aegis of United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan is of great importance to us," was the announcement made at the end of the summit. Meanwhile, NATO leaders also invited Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia-Herzegovina on Wednesday to begin negotiations for eventual membership in the military alliance, but urged Serbia and Bosnia to fully cooperate with the UN war crimes tribunal. NATO leaders resumed their summit Wednesday with a pledge to stay the course in Afghanistan despite mounting casualties and the continual refusal of some governments to send their troops into combat in the most dangerous regions of the country. "We will stand with the Afghan people for the long term," NATO Secretary-General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer told reporters at the press conference held after the gathering.
| Islam |
EU/UN / 4th KingdomNewWorldOrder | America | Signs of the Times |

Well it appears that NATO likes the goal of the Alliance of Civilizations. This means that all member nations of NATO will go along with European military forces to enforce wherever this ends up going. I don't think it looks good for those who refuse to go along with the global governance plans.

Michael Collins: Thought Control on the Internet Scoop Independent News (December 19, 2007) - Cracking the Code – Who's to Blame for "Violent Radicalization"? The Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007 passed the U.S. House of Representatives by a 404 to 6 vote on Oct. 23. Not since the Iraq War Resolution have Democrats and Republicans found such a unifying cause. We're told that House Resolution 1955 (H.R. 1955) will be an essential tool enabling law enforcement to peg the sources of "homegrown terrorism" on the Internet. The overwhelming bipartisan support makes it no surprise that the legislation presents a significant danger to citizens and the nation. This sentence is the new heart of darkness for free speech.

(2) VIOLENT RADICALIZATION - The term `violent radicalization' means the process of adopting or promoting an extremist belief system for the purpose of facilitating ideologically based violence to advance political, religious, or social change. (Author's emphasis) (House Resolution 1955)

That one word, "facilitating," takes the bill beyond aiding the hunt for terrorists on the Internet. It creates an emerging standard for wrongdoing that can be applied to everyone who exercises net-based free speech. Senate 1959, the equivalent of H.R. 1955, is up for consideration now. Here are some scenarios under the bill that could easily be called "thought crimes", i.e., "facilitating violent radicalization." You post one of these statements on the Internet …

  • You are extremely upset about what you see as the nation's most serious problem – illegal immigration. You go to your Internet forum of choice and write a barn burner stating clearly that this administration and Congress are attacking the nation, breaking laws, and a threat to the safety of the people.
  • You find the deaths of American soldiers and 1.1 million Iraqi civilians totally unacceptable. You go to your Internet forum of choice and write a very strong post accusing the president and his henchmen with war crimes.
  • You're a former Reagan official, a "paleo-conservative." You argue that this administration's behavior represents tyrannical rule. You write a column published on the Internet where you ask questions about 911: "Who benefits? This question was conspicuously absent from the official investigation." You answer by naming Bush, Cheney, the Federalist Society and others.
  • You question the collapse of the WTC towers and conclude by arguing that a major casualty of 911"is the civil liberties that protect Americans from tyranny. President Bush and his corrupt Department of Justice (sic) have declared our constitutional protections to be null and void at the whim of the executive." Paul Craig Roberts, Sept. 10, 2007

… and a terrorist reads it. That terrorist subsequently commits a violent act. You don't know the person. You're not affiliated with him or her in any way. You don't advocate violence in your post nor do you approve of violence to achieve political goals. None of that matters. You can be accused of facilitating "violent radicalization," which this bill specifically implies can be an outcome of flagrant opposition to the administration, even though you really just oppose the current or any future office holders. You're busted! The scenario just mentioned is an outcome of H.R. 1955 and the yet-to-be-passed equivalent Senate Resolution 1959...

What disturbs me most about this legislation is that it leaves the door wide open for the broadest definition of what constitutes "radicalization." Could otherwise nonviolent anti-tax, anti-war, or anti-abortion groups fall under the watchful eye of this new government commission? Assurances otherwise in this legislation are unconvincing. Ron Paul (R-TX)

“If you understand what his bill does, it really sets the stage for further criminalization of protest. This is the way our democracy little, by little, by little, is being stripped away from us.”

"It probably should have been H.R. 1984. Because what they were doing... is they were trying to criminalize thought... Dennis Kucinich (D-OH)

 | NewWorldOrder | America |

Pointing out the news as related to Bible prophecy implicates those behind it and the deeper I search, the darker it gets. You must also read part II. Things are not good and everyone is going to begin to realize it soon if you haven't already. Could we really be that close? You decide This is America's part in the New World Order apparently setting a legal clamp-down of freedom of speech in the name of peace and security... that sounds familiar.

This could eliminate this watchman's voice online so if you want access to the studies, you may want to print them out now, a daunting task I have yet to take up. I have and never will promote violence, but the light of Truth tends to anger those dwelling in darkness being exposed. I do not believe there is anything that we can do but share the Gospel and the hope that is within us. So I will be clear now.

Romans 12:19-21
Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord. Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head. Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.

Collapse of the Modern Day Banking System - Staring into the Abyss The Market Oracle (December 19, 2007) - “In past financial crises... the Fed has been able to wave its magic wand and make market turmoil disappear. But this time the magic isn't working. Why not? Because the problem with the markets isn't just a lack of liquidity — there's also a fundamental problem of solvency.” Paul Krugman Stocks fell sharply last week on news of accelerating inflation which will limit the Federal Reserves ability to continue cutting interest rates. On Tuesday the Dow Jones Industrials tumbled 294 points following the Fed's announcement of a quarter point cut to the Fed Funds rate. On Friday, the Dow dipped another 178 points when government figures showed consumer prices had risen 0.8% last month after a 0.3% gain in October. The stock market is now lurching downward into a “primary bear market”. There has been a steady deterioration in retail sales, commercial real estate, and the transports. The financial industry is going through a major retrenchment losing more than 25% in aggregate capitalization since July. The real estate market is collapsing. California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger announced on Friday that he will declare a "fiscal emergency" in January and ask for more power to deal with the $14 billion budget shortfall from the meltdown in subprime lending. Economists are beginning to publicly acknowledge what many market analysts have suspected for months; the nation's economy is going into a tailspin which will inevitably end in a hard landing. Morgan Stanley's Asia Chairman, Stephen Roach, made this observation in a New York Times op-ed on Sunday: “This recession will be deeper than the shallow contraction earlier in this decade. The dot-com-led downturn was set off by a collapse in business capital spending, which at its peak in 2000 accounted for only 13 percent of the country's gross domestic product. The current recession is all about the coming capitulation of the American consumer — whose spending now accounts for a record 72 percent of G.D.P.” Most people have no idea how grave the present situation is or the disaster the country will face if trillions of dollars of over-leveraged bonds and equities begin to unwind. There's a widespread belief that the stewards of the system—Bernanke and Paulson—can somehow steer the economy through this “rough patch” into calm waters. But they cannot, and the presumption shows a basic misunderstanding of how markets work. The Fed has no magical powers and will it allow itself to be crushed by standing in the path of a market-avalanche. As foreclosures and bankruptcies increase; stocks will crash and the fed will step aside to safety. That much is certain. more...
NewWorldOrder | America |

My guess of what this will lead to is a transition to a global electronic financial system rising from the ashes of the collapsing one. There would be a single currency not printed on paper, but tattooed through RFID ink under the skin so that one cannot buy or sell without this mark. The fear of terrorism and the demand for peace and safety from it and the guidance of powerful people trying to guide society will eventually lead us there. A collapsing world financial situation would help that along and those who still have the money and run the financial systems already have much of the infrastructure in place today. Time will tell, keep watching!

Morgan Stanley sells stake to China fund Reuters (December 19, 2007) - Morgan Stanley (MS.N) on Wednesday posted a stunning fourth-quarter loss after recording a bigger-than-expected $9.4 billion of write-downs and said it sold a $5 billion stake to China Investment Corp to bolster its capital. The second-largest U.S. investment bank posted a net loss from continuing operations of $3.59 billion, or $3.61 a share, in the quarter ended November 30. A year earlier Morgan had income from continuing operations of $1.98 billion, or $1.87 a share. Morgan Stanley's operating results reflect the spin-off of its Discover Financial Services (DFS.N) in July. Last month Morgan warned that it would write down its exposure to U.S. subprime mortgages and related securities by $3.7 billion. But on Wednesday the bank revealed it was taking an additional $5.7 billion write-down. Combined, the losses slashed earnings by $5.80 a share. To bolster capital slashed by the write-downs, Morgan agreed to sell abut $5 billion of equity units convertible into common stock. The shares equate to a 9.9 percent stake or less of Morgan Stanley's outstanding shares. CIC, a sovereign investment fund controlled by China, will be a passive investor and have no role on the board or in the bank's management. For the quarter net revenue was a negative $450 million, compared with $7.85 billion last year. Analysts on average had expected Morgan Stanley to post a loss of 39 cents a share on $4.1 billion of revenue, according to Reuters Research. The losses are the first setback under Chief Executive John Mack, who has been widely regarded as a savior since he took the helm in 2005. Mack directed the bank to take on more risk and expand several businesses, including mortgages, as he tried to close in on archrival Goldman Sachs Group (GS.N). Earlier this year those efforts were paying off, and Morgan even reported a mortgage trading profit. Yet shares of Morgan Stanley have tumbled 29 percent during the past two months as the mortgage trade backfired and delivered losses.
| America |

LEAP/E2020 Alert: Breaking phase ahead for the global financial system in 2008 Europe 2020 (December 15, 2007) - The rapid aggravation of the global systemic crisis as its phase of impact unfolds [1] has brought our researchers to estimate that the contemporary global financial system will reach a breaking phase in the course of 2008. Crisis follow-up indicators now show that we should no longer only fear the failure of some large financial institution (and of many small ones) in the US first and the in the rest of the world (cf. GEAB N°19), but that the global financial system itself is structurally hit. The network of global central banks’ repeated incapacity to control the « credit crunch » when the two historical pillars of the contemporary global financial system (a US economy in recession and a US dollar in decay), reflects the growing surge of centrifugal forces within this very system. Indeed it is no more a matter of competence or of magnitude of the corrective actions implemented by central bankers. These times are over since summer 2007 and, according to LEAP/E2020, we are now witnessing an increasing divergence in economic interests among the different components of the global financial system. The expected failure of the Fed’s most recent attempt to coordinate a joint action of the main central banks in order to feed the banks in US dollars [2] , is particularly revealing. This action meant to restore confidence in the financial system by two means:

  • reinstating the now moribund inter-banking market, by proving the existence of a « joint force de frappe (strike force) » of global central banks.
  • enabling large financial institutions in distress to anonymously restock in US dollars, in exchange of their assets being accepted as discount window collateral (i.e. worth their value some months ago, when they were still worth something) [3].
Of course the first goal is predominant, as reinstating of interbanking market is the only means to bailout banks in distress in a sustainable manner. However, it is already clear that the target has failed to be reached [4] . The LIBOR (London Interbank Offered Rate), a key indicator of the health of the interbank market, has not moved an inch from its highest levels ever reached [5] . “Psychologically” speaking, the global stocks decline recorded after the action of the central banks was announced, proves this if any message went through, it is that the situation for large US banks is even worse than announced in the past months [6]. According to LEAP/E2020 research team, it is already a fact that after it lost control over interest rates (cf. GEAB N°16), the US Federal Reserve has now lost two more of the attributes that characterized the post-1945 global financial system: its credibility as a proactive player capable of influencing heavy market trends [8] , and its capacity to organize and drive global central banks altogether along its own rhythm and goals. In doing so, it has just lost the ability to steer by itself the entire global financial system, an ability it has gained after 1945. Even though today, financial markets are mostly receptive to the loss of the first attribute [9] , our researchers estimate that it is the loss of the second attribute (and the impact on the system’s leadership) which will result in the global financial system’s break sometime in the course of next year, probably by summer, when the effects of the ongoing US recession will start being fully felt and when Asians and Europeans will decisively be compelled to impose their own priorities to the “Fed-pilot”. In this 20th issue of the GlobalEurope Anticipation Bulletin (December 2007 issue), our team describes in detail the characteristics of the growing divergences between the four main central banks (US Federal Reserve, European Central Bank, Bank of England, Swiss national Bank). According to LEAP/E2020, these crucial trends, coming at a time when the entire magnitude of the US recession effects has not yet been reached (in Asia and the US in particular), illustrate the rapid increase of centrifugal forces which, according to our anticipations, will lead the contemporary global financial system to a break point by summer 2008. This break point will entail numerous disastrous effects for the world’s largest financial institutions, in particular for all those who do not yet fully understand the meaning of ongoing tendencies and therefore who remain largely involved in the US dollar system currently imploding. These institutions will experience, to a much larger degree, what those who failed to anticipate the subprime crisis experienced, now being on the verge of disaster [10] . Meanwhile, for depositors and investors, this breaking phase will convey risks of considerable loss comparable to the two previous breaking periods (1929 and the years that followed [11] , and 1973 and the end of the 1970s). According to our researchers, the ongoing rupture is even more disastrous than the two previous ones due to a disproportionate importance of the financial sphere in contemporary economy. For that matter, LEAP/E2020 comes back on this aspect and describes possible protections further in this 20th issue of the Global Europe Anticipation Bulletin. US banks quarterly change in domestic loans (in blue) versus domestic deposits (in red) – Source FDIC - Comment: There is a historical disconnection between loans and deposits since 2006, illustrating the dangerous spiral US banks have entered. By summer 2008, it will be possible to distinguish more clearly the lines along which the global financial system will reorganise once the break point has been reached. According to our team, it is a fact that the Europeans (the Eurozone essentially), together with Japan and China, will have to compose with Russia and oil-exporting countries in order to structure a new system. The evolution will be painful for the US (and for all related operators) as, inevitably, the new system will no longer be organised along their interest as it was the case in the past sixty years. The next US Administration (that will be in charge from January 2009 onward) will have a task high on their agenda: to handle as well as possible this historic change, conveying new economic and financial constraints, in a context of economic recession. Europeans and Asians too will have to keep in mind this aspect if they want to avoid the break from turning into chaos.
NewWorldOrder | America |
Economic Crisis |

This story I just came across at Fulfilled Prophecy pretty well lays out my belief from studying the events and timing of Bible prophecy that the current global financial system must collapse in order to make way for what the Bible prophesies to come where a mark of loyalty to the antichrist will be required to buy or sell. I personally believe technology will supply the means through tattoo RFID ink that will supply the security that is also desired and needed in this identity theft era. I believe the shadow rulers have been building this system behind the scenes to prepare for the collapse so that when it happens, the New World Order will be able to offer a way out for the collapsed system. I don't believe America will be in any position at that time of collapse to remain separate from the New World Order and the majority of the population will be ignorant to where the Bible says this is leading us.

Revelation 13:16-18
And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name [authority]. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. (666)

Please read Herb Peters free book, Recommendation 666 regarding the emergency authority given to the Secretary-General of the WEU and the official document number 666 that gives him emergency powers over the WEU (military arm of the EU).

Gore: US blocking climate talks progress Associated Press (December 13, 2007) - Nobel laureate Al Gore accused the United States on Thursday of blocking progress at the U.N. climate conference, and European nations threatened to boycott U.S.-led climate talks next month unless Washington compromises on emissions reductions. The former vice president urged delegates to take urgent action to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases blamed for global warming, and told them that the next U.S. president will likely be more supportive of international caps on polluting gases. "My own country, the United States, is principally responsible for obstructing progress here in Bali," said Gore, who flew to Bali from Oslo, Norway, where he received the Nobel Peace Prize for helping alert the world to the danger of climate change. Asked about Gore's charge, Kristen Hellmer, a member of the American delegation in Bali, said: "The U.S. is being open and working very constructively with the other countries that are here. We are rolling our sleeves up and really working to come up with a global post-2012 framework." Earlier, the United Nations warned that time was running out for an agreement aimed at launching negotiations for a successor to the Kyoto Protocol when it expires in 2012 and the talks in Bali were in danger of "falling to pieces." The United States, Japan and several other governments are refusing to accept language in a draft document suggesting that industrialized nations consider cutting emissions by 25 percent to 40 percent by 2020, saying specific targets would limit the scope of future talks. European nations said they may boycott a U.S.-led climate meeting next month unless Washington compromises. "No result in Bali means no Major Economies Meeting," said Sigmar Gabriel, top EU environment official from Germany, referring to a series of separate climate talks initiated by President Bush in September. "This is the clear position of the EU. I do not know what we should talk about if there is no target." The European Union and others say the proposed emissions caps reflect the measures scientists say are needed to rein in global warming and head off predictions of rising sea levels, worsening floods and droughts, and the extinction of plant and animal species. The U.S. invited 16 other major economies, including European countries, Japan, China and India, to discuss a program of what are expected to be nationally determined, voluntary cutbacks in greenhouse gas emissions. more...
| America |
Apostasy | Earth Changes |

Russia, France, Germany, Algeria and US Training Fatah Commandos Israel National News (December 13, 2007) - PA Arabs belonging to the Fatah terrorist group loyal to PA President Mahmoud Abbas are being trained in Russia, France, Germany and Algeria for “counter-terror” operations against Hamas. According to the New York Daily News, the PA forces are receiving covert training at a secret Russian base in Moscow in an effort to stave off a Hamas takeover of Judea and Samaria. The Fatah men are being trained by Russian commandos who fought Islamist terrorists in Chechnya. The PA force is named “al-Himaya Wal-Isnad" (defense and reinforcement) according to the report and includes 25 PA intelligence officers. The course will last for a month and will involve extensive weapons and combat training.  According to the Daily News report, similar training courses are being provided in France, Germany and Algeria – with plans to send PA units to other countries for training as well. "They are getting good training over there," PA official Dr. Ibrahim Khraishi told the Daily News. Meanwhile, in Judea and Samaria, PA forces continue to receive equipment and training from the US, with General Keith Dayton continuing to oversee the program even after the American-supplied arms and equipment supplied to Fatah in Gaza was inherited by Hamas with little resistance shown by Fatah forces. Dayton even testified to Congress just a few weeks before the fall of Fatah in Gaza, saying that the PA forces his men trained had progressed significantly. Abu Yousuf, a Fatah terrorist from Abba's own Force 17 security forces, told WorldNetDaily earlier this year that while some of the weapons may be used in confrontations against Hamas, the bulk of the American arms and training would be utilized to "hit the Zionists." He also said if there is a major conflict with Israel, U.S. weapons provided to Fatah may be shared with other "Palestinian resistance organizations."
| Islam |
EU/UN / 4th KingdomNewWorldOrder | America |

What side are we on? The bottom line is that Islam has a common enemy, everyone that isn't Muslim - and especially hatred for Israel. So could this conflict between Hamas and Fatah a deceptive way to get arms for their future plans to destroy the nation of Israel as foretold in the Bible? How far does this conspiracy go? Are our leaders really that ignorant? What is the goal of Islam?

Free-trade fears dog both parties in U.S. campaign Reuters (December 13, 2007) - Democratic candidates running for president can expect to get a question about the perils of free trade at nearly every campaign stop. But Republicans aren't escaping fears about globalization, either. "Everything you pick up is made in China," a voter told Republican Mitt Romney at a recent event here in Iowa's capital. "We used to make cars, we used to make TVs." How, the questioner wanted to know, can America find a "secure place" in that kind of global marketplace? Romney, a front-runner in the early presidential nominating state of Iowa, spent a minute telling the man what he wanted to hear before explaining why it couldn't be done. It's tempting to "build a wall around this country and keep those foreign goods from coming in," the former Massachusetts governor said. "That sounds good for a while but think about what happens down the road." Explaining the benefits of free trade has become a tough task for candidates ahead of the November 2008 presidential election, as rising fears about unsafe imports and a backlash against illegal immigrants make any mention of foreign goods or labor a flash point for voter anger. Echoing the stand of most of his Republican colleagues, Romney told the concerned voter that fair trade conditions must be in place, before going on to chastise China for manipulating its currency to give itself a trade advantage. Whether the question to candidates is about foreign-made goods, job losses overseas or illegal immigrants taking American jobs, prevailing sentiment against globalization has become a feature of the U.S. campaign trail. While the Republican Party used to be a bastion of free-market believers -- and Democrats embraced free trade under former President Bill Clinton -- an October poll by the Wall Street Journal found even 59 percent of Republicans now believe foreign trade has been bad for the United States. more...
NewWorldOrder | America |

Gold & Mortgage Failure Avalanche Financial Sense (December 12, 2007) - An avalanche comes in 2008. Its wreckage will hit both the USEconomy and banking world. The greatest deception in the bank sector this year has been the misrepresentation of the mortgage debacle as a subprime problem. That is akin to calling an iceberg only a problem for what one can see, when 90% of its mass lies below water. Ice is lighter than water. Most mortgage bonds are like acidic stones weighing down bank and investor balance sheets. Wall Street and the USGovt con artists, using tools are fraud and distortion, prefer the public and investment community to think of the ‘Subprime Problem’ as the source of distress. On mortgage bonds, collateralized debt obligation derivatives, structured investment vehicles, all dominant in the news, reports constantly stress how the problem is traced to subprime mortgages to all those unworthy home loan borrowers who never should have been given such loans, even at higher mortgage rates. The systemic threat, both to the US banking system and USEconomy, has entered a new stage. The remedy addressed is sure to force the USDollar lower and the gold price higher, to occur in the next gear. Breakouts are coming which will seem to lose control, like what was seen in September and October. Official policy in reaction to the USEconomic threat of recession will spill money into every corner and crevice. Gold and mining stocks will benefit. My forecast stated all summer long is that the USGovt maestros will gradually introduce increasingly broader rescue elements, since everything they try at early stages will fail. The USFed remains badly behind the curve, as yesterday they cut the official Fed Funds target rate, but did not sufficiently cut the Discount Window rate that imposes a Stigma Tax. Today, the USFed announced a much broader bank liquidity policy, focused upon more auctions at set rates and a swap line with the Euro Central Bank. They have announced more coordination with the Bank of England, the Bank of Canada, the Swiss National Bank, and the US Federal Reserve. This is part of my forecast. They must have been working all night long. By summertime 2008, the requirements for a grandiose Resolution Trust platform will be etched more clearly. The key to the gold price lies in two spots: 1) massive monetary inflation to treat the banking problems and prevent recession, 2) realized price inflation in a manner lacking disguise. John Mauldin uses the metaphor of fire trucks being called to the scene. The USFed has been amazingly shamefully slow in recognizing the problems. Stuck in their stupid “inflation versus growth” framework mindset, they miss both the interbank system seizures and home mortgage avalanche coming outside the prime mortgage corral. The threat to the banking system will be staggering. The threat to the economic system will be broad and deep. The avalanche will expose the combined system as insolvent, broken, in need to total rescue. The damage will necessitate rescue platforms to undermine the entire US$-based monetary system, certainly sufficient to lift gold well past the $1000 level. By the time 2009 approaches, the system will be recognized as totally broken. The new question will be whether that system can indeed be repaired. As measures put in place and debated for consensus approval, the urgently demanded movement should be the particulars on the new Resolution Trust Corporation. The desperation no longer hidden (like on Bernanke’s face) will lift gold well past the $1000 mark. The impetus behind the gold price will turn to inflation much more than the US$ counter-lever. All major currencies will be inflating heavily, as seen in recent central bank decisions either to cut official interest rates or to hold steady. Major currencies will begin to be compared in a manner to judge which ones are weaker as they are undermined during stimulus to discourage economic recession and credit flow interruptions. more...
| America |

Bible prophecy speaks of a global system of monetary control where a mark of the authority of the antichrist will be the only way to buy and sell, the mark of the beast. It also tells us that the center of power in the end-times will be Europe, the revived Roman Empire. I believe we are heading toward a global economic collapse where the implementation of a cashless and global system implementing RFID tattoo ink to make a mark on the hand or forehead will be the method of regulating buying and selling while implementing a global cashless society the excludes those who don't pledge allegiance to the power in control of that system. This would create global currency without needing physical currency, allowing quick implementation. Since the international banks that control the Federal Reserve and IRS are already in control, those needing a bailing out would be beholden to those providing the bucket with which to bail, Europe. Coincidence or design?

Central Banks Pumping Billions into World Financial System International Herald Tribune (December 12, 2007) - Central banks in Europe and North America moved Wednesday to increase the amount of money they could lend to banks and to make it more readily available in an attempt to ease the credit squeeze. It was the first time since the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks in New York and on the Pentagon that these central banks have coordinated their support of financial markets. Stock markets rose in Europe and the Americas after the announcement by the U.S. Federal Reserve, the Bank of Canada, the European Central Bank, the Bank of England and the Swiss National Bank. In the United States, the Standard & Poor's 500-stock index made up nearly half of its losses from Tuesday, when stocks fell after the Fed cut interest rates modestly, but then dipped, closing up 8.94 points at 1,486.59. The Dow Jones Stoxx 600, a broad measure of European markets, rose 1.20 points to close at 374.75. Fed officials said the united move was an effort to improve financial markets, not a response to problems at any individual bank. "This is not about particular financial institutions with particular problems," a senior Fed official said in a background briefing for reporters. "It is about market functioning." Economists and market specialists welcomed the Fed's intervention but expressed some skepticism whether it would be enough to allay the biggest problems in the credit markets related to the sharp drop in the value of U.S. mortgage securities. "We have a Fed now that seems to understand the liquidity problem of the marketplace," said William Gross, the chief investment officer of Pacific Investment Management, the bond management firm. "These measures, while limited in size and with limitations in acceptance of collateral, should certainly instill a measure of confidence to the private market." Gross added, "Now it's up to the private market to gain a little confidence and turn a little macho and start performing on its own." more...
NewWorldOrder | America |

U.S. says homegrown attack poses biggest risk Reuters (December 12, 2007) - The United States faces a heightened threat of terrorist attack "for the foreseeable future" but any attack will likely be homegrown, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said on Wednesday. Chertoff, who said over the summer that he had a "gut feeling" that the country faced a heightened risk of attack, said that assessment still stands. "It's not something that's going to evaporate in a week or two. I think it's something that's going to be with us for a while," he told a small group of reporters in a phone call. Chertoff, who is in charge of ensuring that the country does not face another attack like that of September 11, 2001, said the heightened risk was not based on any intelligence predicting a specific, imminent attack. "I said we were beginning to enter into a period like this. And that didn't mean it was going to be a week, it meant it's for the foreseeable future," he said. "There's probably a greater risk in terms of likelihood from a homegrown attack than from a massive international attack," he added. Chertoff described that sort of "homegrown" attack as a single person or small group of people living in the United States who were "recruited" on the Internet and had pledged allegiance to al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden. "I think the consequence of that kind of attack is likely to be less cataclysmic than the kind of attack that would be launched from outside like the London plot of 2006 against the airlines," he said, referring to a thwarted plot to bomb transatlantic airliners using liquid explosives.
NewWorldOrder | America |

Nobel laureates propose global CO2 tax EU Observer (December 12, 2007) - While the international community struggles to reach agreement on how to further tackle climate change at a meeting in Bali, former US vice president Al Gore and the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) have received the Nobel Peace Prize for their efforts to increase knowledge about the effects of human activities on global warming. "We have a window of nearly seven years, said IPCC chairman Rajendra Pachauri, who accepted the prize on behalf of the panel in the Norwegian capital of Oslo. "The time to doubt science is over", he said, adding that by 2015 at the latest green house gasses must start declining if the world is to escape a climate catastrophe. Thousands of scientific experts have worked on the panel since 1988 and brought forward more and more evidence of human activities causing climate change. Experts estimate that 20 percent of greenhouse gases alone comes from raising animals for human consumption. When asked what he does on a personal level to fight climate change, Mr Pachauri said he wears warm clothing, is a vegetarian and takes care to limit his use of electricity. Meanwhile, Mr Gore said that "the threat of climate crises is real, rising, imminent and universal" in his acceptance speech before over 400 prominent Norwegians and leading members of the climate panel. Mr Gore and Mr Pachauri, an Indian scientist, are going directly from the celebrations in Oslo to join the Bali conference. "We need to complete a bold mandate there next Friday [14 December] that calls for a visionary treaty to be completed, ratified and brought into effect everywhere in the world by the beginning of 2010 – more than two years sooner than presently contemplated" Mr Gore said. He said that world leaders must meet every three months until such a new treaty is completed. The 2007 Nobel laureates also suggested a price on CO2 pollution "so that the markets can help us make rational decisions about how to sharply reduce it". "The problem with CO2 is it is completely invisible to the economy", Mr Gore said. "I'm strong in favour of a CO2 tax - a large one, with the money raised given back in a progressive repay. If you want to cut your tax, you cut your pollution," he said. But he said he did not think the UN would be "capable" of managing such a tax. more...
| America |
Apostasy | Earth Changes |

So I would like to know how taxing the population is going to cool the sun down and increase the magnetic field of the earth, which has been steadily degrading since first measured. If Mars is also heating up, do our emissions really cause that too? How is taking money from the population going to fix or change anything outside of our control? The facts are too obvious to be missed by those pushing the blame humanity agenda and so I smell a conspiracy. What can be accomplished in the long run is that by uniting the world to save the earth with the idea that we are the cause of global warming, a uniting consciousness can be developed based on fear and lack of understanding so that as the global "all worship the same God" plans progress, the combination of it all will lead to the acceptance of the antichrist as a god to be worshipped when he is revealed with lying signs and wonders. In the meantime, the wealth can be redistributed to whatever methods those controlling taxes decide. The facts of what is causing global warming on Earth, Mars and throughout the solar system cannot be fixed by more money because these factors are completely out of the control of humanity, even the self-glorifying scientific humanists can't fix what is about to happen. See History Repeating: Mankind's Fall of Pride There is another side to this as well from those who see the futility, but these scientists probably aren't in on the agenda. While I don't believe global warming is a "non-problem," I do believe there is nothing that can be done to change it. The globe IS warming, but the cause may not be our physical pollution - rather our spiritual pollution. Global Warming and the Day of the LordSkeptical Scientists Urge World To ‘Have the Courage to Do Nothing' At UN Conference excerpt:
"The UN conference is a complete waste of our time and your money and we should no longer pay the slightest attention to the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change,)" Monckton added. (LINK) Monckton also noted that the UN has not been overly welcoming to the group of skeptical scientists. "UN organizers refused my credentials and appeared desperate that I should not come to this conference. They have also made several attempts to interfere with our public meetings," Monckton explained. "It is a circus here," agreed Australian scientist Dr. David Evans. Evans is making scientific presentations to delegates and journalists at the conference revealing the latest peer-reviewed studies that refute the UN's climate claims. "This is the most lavish conference I have ever been to, but I am only a scientist and I actually only go to the science conferences," Evans said, noting the luxury of the tropical resort. (Note: An analysis by  Bloomberg News on December 6 found:  "Government officials and activists flying to Bali, Indonesia, for the United Nations meeting on climate change will cause as much pollution as 20,000 cars in a year." - LINK) Evans, a mathematician who did carbon accounting for the Australian government, recently converted to a skeptical scientist about man-made global warming after reviewing the new scientific studies. (LINK) "We now have quite a lot of evidence that carbon emissions definitely don't cause global warming.  We have the missing [human] signature [in the atmosphere], we have the IPCC models being wrong and we have the lack of a temperature going up the last 5 years," Evans said in an interview with the Inhofe EPW Press Blog.  Evans authored a November 28 2007 paper "Carbon Emissions Don't Cause Global Warming." (LINK) more...

FBI may have been warned about rampage Reuters (December 12, 2007) - Federal authorities were alerted to anti-Christian postings apparently written by Matthew Murray only hours after he opened fire on a missionary center and just before his deadly rampage at a Colorado megachurch, the Web site's administrator said. Joe Istre, president of the Association of Former Pentecostals, which operates the site, told The Associated Press on Tuesday that he and other forum participants had grown familiar with the frequent and disturbingly dark poetry and obsessions of one participant, whose nickname was nghtmrchld26. But when that same author — believed to be Murray — left at least 11 posts on the day of the twin shootings warning that he wanted to kill Christians, a forum participant immediately contacted the FBI, Istre said. "I'm coming for EVERYONE soon and I WILL be armed to the @#%$ teeth and I WILL shoot to kill," one threat posted by nghtmrchld26 said. Istre said he received a message from a board member who claimed to have contacted the FBI about a half-hour before the bloodshed at New Life Church in Colorado Springs. "My reaction was disbelief, but then almost horror," Istre said of Murray's violence. "This guy was posting on our forums, and we are a support group out to help people, to try to get them to calm their fears and get them into a productive life. And here we are conversing with a dude who was a killer." Denver FBI spokeswoman Rene Vonder Haar said the agency began an investigation immediately after receiving a phone call at 10:30 a.m. Sunday, but she refused to discuss the nature of the call. Vonder Haar said the information was passed on to police in Arvada, where two members of Youth With A Mission had been killed earlier Sunday, and Colorado Springs. But Colorado Springs police Sgt. Scott Schwall said police there didn't learn the Murray family home's address in Englewood until after the church shootings. On Wednesday, two services were planned to remember the four victims killed Sunday. Members of Youth With A Mission and members of New Life Church were to gather to worship, pray and mourn. Arvada police spokeswoman Susan Medina said police cannot say with certainty who nghtmrchld26 is. Istre also said his forum agreed to turn over all relevant information, and provided the FBI the Internet Protocol address of nghtmrchld26 to help confirm the poster's identity. The Denver Post reported Wednesday that Murray also was apparently posting to a different forum under the name DyingChild_65, and may have foretold of his rampage there, too. In one posting, he references the one of the Columbine killers and the gunman who opened fire at Virginia Tech. He also mentioned Ricky Rodriguez, who stabbed a prominent member of a church once known as the Children of God, then shot himself in the head in 2005. The group had been accused of sexually and physically abusing child members during the 1970s and 1980s. "Like Cho, Eric Harris, Ricky Rodriguez and others, I'm going out to make a stand for the weak and the defenseless this is for all those young people still caught in the Nightmare of Christianity for all those people who've been abused and mistreated and taken advantage of by this evil sick religion Christian America this is YOUR Columbine," the newspaper quoted the post as saying. The Gazette of Colorado Springs reported Murray also posted rants under the name "Chrstnghtmr." Ultimately, Istre said he believes the ex-Pentecostal forum helped the man, and he doesn't know what more the group could have done to prevent the bloodshed. more...
| America |

US Officials To Meet With Arch Foes - Iran and Syria (December 11, 2007) - US and Iranian officials are scheduled to hold talks in Baghdad on December 18, in a joint effort to quell the violence in Iraq. Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshiyar Zebari confirmed the meeting. According to reports the ambassadors of both countries, while bitter enemies have met three times in the past. Washington accuses Teheran of providing funds and arms for Shi'te militias that operate in Iraq. Howvever Zehari told reporters the meeting will be "technical and a follow up to the last meeting of security experts, not at the level of ambassadors deputy chiefs of missions and security experts." There are also unconfirmed reports that US Administration officials intended to meet with Syrian officials in the near future. Possibly in an attempt to coax Syrian President Bashar Assad away from the Islamic Republic in order to isolate Syria from Iran and possibly encourage the Syrian regime to engage in peace talks with Israel. Joshua Landis, a leading Syria expert, who publishes "Syria Comment" was quoted in a recent article saying, " Syria is key to the peace process. If you keep the door closed on Syria, many people believe the peace process can go nowhere.” Syrians he said are willing to do a deal, despite Iran’s objections.
| Islam | America |

Fourteen dead as ice storm sweeps Plains Reuters (December 10, 2007) - A vicious ice storm sweeping through the U.S. Plains left more than 600,000 people without power as frigid temperatures plunged and contributed to at least 14 deaths, authorities said on Monday. The icy blast downed tree limbs and power lines, leaving more than 500,000 people without power in Oklahoma, where shelters opened throughout the region for those driven from cold and dark homes, and national guardsmen and volunteers were transporting food and water to hard-hit areas. "This particular storm is now the worst in company history in terms of customers affected," said Brian Alford, spokesman for Oklahoma Gas and Electric. Crews were sent from Texas, Louisiana, Indiana and Mississippi to help repair power lines, which snapped seemingly as quickly as they could be repaired. The storm also shut down electricity service to more than 102,000 people in Missouri, more than 11,000 people in Illinois and about 5,000 in Kansas. In all, ice storm warnings were issued from Texas up through Oklahoma and Kansas and east across Missouri into Illinois, with up to an inch of ice accumulation possible in some areas. Iowa and Arkansas were also affected. Missouri Gov. Matt Blunt declared a state of emergency, calling out the state National Guard to aid communities hit by the storm. "We are only just beginning to see the devastation from this series of storms," he said. Ice-slicked roads contributed to the deaths of 12 people in Oklahoma during the weekend, state officials said. One Oklahoma man died of hypothermia. A Missouri motorist died when he stopped to help another driver and was hit by a car skidding on ice. Parts of several highways and interstates were closed and hundreds of flights were canceled at major airports in Chicago, Kansas City, St. Louis and Oklahoma City. The National Weather Service office predicted another icy blast on Tuesday night, with more significant ice accumulations possible.
| Earth Changes |

‘America has abandoned us’ Jerusalem Watchman (December 9, 2007) - The newspapers here in Israel made for sobering reading this weekend. In the words of a visiting compatriot in the cause of Christian Zionism, it is as if, after years of moving towards a cliff in Israel-US relations, we have suddenly arrived, and tipped over the edge. The United States has betrayed the trust of its once “faithful friend” in the Middle East, and things are spiraling at an alarming speed - seemingly out of control. Israelis today believe that Washington successfully worked to lure them to Annapolis by promising to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the Jewish state against Iran’s fevered efforts to obtain, deploy and possibly use nuclear weapons. Largely as a result of this “guaranteed” alliance, the Olmert government went to Annapolis despite the refusal of the Palestinian Arabs to, among other things, recognize Israel as a Jewish state. Once there, believing that America truly has Israel’s best interests at heart, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert agreed to work towards the creation of a Palestinian state by the end of the Bush presidency, and gave the US the right to judge whether or not Jerusalem is complying with its commitments under the Road Map. And then, with this Israeli commitment in its pocket, and before the news crews had barely departed the US Naval Academy, Washington suddenly lifted its threat to use force against Iran, issuing a report whose heading announced that the genocidal mullahs had in fact halted their nuclear weapons program in 2003 and therefore no longer posed a serious threat to Israel or anyone else within reach of their long range, surface-to-surface missiles. The fact that the body of the National Intelligence Estimate report soundly contradicts its headline has done little if anything to alleviate the fallout from its release. For Israelis, the announcement means that America has left it dangling before the diabolical designs of the Islamic world - and particularly of holocaust-threatening Tehran. This was the consensus of understanding, at least on the staff of The Jerusalem Post, Israel’s biggest-circulation English-language daily, who expressed their sense of shock and disbelief: We have been “bushwacked” exclaimed disbelieving editor-in-chief David Horowitz. America has “dropped a bomb on Israel” said reporter Ya’akov Katz. An American guest columnist, Jonathan Tobin, said the “intelligence bombshell [had left] Bush’s approach to Middle East peacemaking in ruins and Jerusalem isolated.” And Post deputy managing editor and columnist Caroline Glick wrote a requiem for Israel-US relations in her “Column One” piece hauntingly headlined: “The abandonment of the Jews.” Elsewhere, in a Ynetnews report Sunday Shas Party Minister Yitzhak Cohen slammed “the manner in which the Americans relate to the intelligence report on Iran [as] similar to the way in which they viewed those reports they received during the Holocaust on railways transporting hundreds of thousands of Jews to their death at Auschwitz. more...
| Israel | Islam | Dividing the Land |
 NewWorldOrder | America |

Pray for Israel. World politics are lined up against Israel as prophesied. The powers behind America have a secret agenda that falls in line with Bible prophecy as the whole world is coming against Israel. Zechariah 12:1-3 I'm learning that the world we are told of is not the world that is. Our perceptions are shaped by the powerful people who have consolidated their influence over media and politics to blind the population so they can carry out their dark plans.

“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected the promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world-government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the National auto-determination practiced in past centuries” | David Rockefeller in an address to Trilateral Commission meeting, 1991

“For more than a century, ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it." | David Rockefeller, Memoirs , 2002 (Random House, New York, 2002) Chapter 27, page 405

“Today, America would be outraged if UN troops entered Los Angeles to restore order. Tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told that there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all people of the world will plead to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by the world government.”  | Henry Kissinger (Bilderberg Conference 1991 Evians, France)

Iran Drops the US Dollar Short News (December 9, 2007) - Oil Minister Gholam Hossein Nozari announced that "At the moment selling oil in dollars has been completely halted, in line with the policy of selling crude in non-dollar currencies." Sales of crude oil will now be priced in euros. OPEC member nations exporting oil in USDs have been hard-hit by the decline in value and have been urged by Iran, the fourth largest producer of crude, to follow their lead. Recently, Iranian banks have also been blacklisted by the US Government for supporting terrorism, and pursuing nuclear weapons.
| Iran | America |

Canada openly proclaims NAFTA Superhighway WorldNet Daily (December 8, 2007) - A Newsweek story critical of Rep. Ron Paul and labeling the NAFTA Superhighway a baseless conspiracy theory has generated approximately 250 adverse reader responses on the "comments" section of Newsweek's website, many citing hard evidence that the proposed transcontinental trade corridor is quite real. "There is a broad coalition of Americans developing across the United States who are opposed to a North American Union and know that Ron Paul is right and we need to take action now before it is too late," Jesse Benton, national press secretary for the Ron Paul Presidential Campaign 08 told WND. Particularly interesting among Newsweek's reader comments were citations of Canadian government websites that openly discuss and declare plans to create a NAFTA Superhighway. Several readers pointed to a Canadian government video clip gaining wide circulation on the Internet. It involves a Nov. 20 "Speech from the Throne," in which John Harvard, lieutenant-governor of the Province of Manitoba, Canada, opened the second session of the 39th assembly of the provincial legislature with comments proclaiming support for the development of a "Mid-Continent Trade Corridor." "Manitoba is also taking a major role in the development of a Mid-Continent Trade Corridor, connecting our northern Port of Churchill with trade markets throughout the central United States and Mexico," Harvard told the legislature. "To advance the concept," Harvard continued, "an alliance has been built with business leaders and state and city governments spanning the entire length of the Corridor. When fully developed, the trade route will incorporate an 'inland port' in Winnipeg with pre-clearance for international shipping." A video posted on YouTube shows excerpts from Harvard's speech juxtaposed with clips of President Bush and Canada's Prime Minister Stephen Harper at the press conference of the third summit of the Security and Prosperity Partnership in Montebello, Quebec, on Aug. 21, ridiculing the North American Union and the NAFTA Superhighway as baseless conspiracy theories. A Destination-Winnipeg trade group website identifies the Mid-Continent Trade Corridor as "the northern gateway of this vast Corridor, a network of highways and railways linking the business community with cities to the south, through the U.S. and into Mexico." The Canadian government's Canada Transport website describes the Mid-Continent International Trade Corridor as a rail and highway network which stretches from Manitoba to Mexico. Other Newsweek readers provided links to an Alberta government website. The Ministry of Infrastructure and Transportation in Alberta, Canada, has posted on its website a trade corridor map that shows a NAFTA Superhighway clearly designated in the same route, including Interstate Highways 35, 29 and 94, that the North America's SuperCorridor Coalition, or NASCO, designates as the I-35 NAFTA Superhighway. Craig Offman of the National Post writes that this Alberta map of the NAFTA Superhighway on the Alberta Government website is currently Number Two on the popular U.S. web site "Well, now, Mr. Paul might think he has some real fodder," Offman writes. "The Ministry of Infrastructure and Transportation website uses the exact phrase, showing a thoroughfare that begins in Manitoba and drops all the way down to West Texas." "Why would the Canadian government web page in Alberta show a NAFTA Superhighway if the highway doesn't exist?" asks a Newsweek reader linking to the Alberta site. "Keep on lying to the people, Newsweek, it is what you do best." "We have had that map with the NAFTA Superhighway on our website for 5 years or more," Jerry Bellikka, director of communications for the Alberta Ministry of Infrastructure and Transportation told WND in a telephone interview. "The website is a site for truckers," Bellikka explained. "We try to harmonize our trucking regulations with Canada and the United States so truckers can log on and see where they fit on our requirements when they are traveling along these North American corridors." WND asked Bellikka if the Alberta Ministry of Infrastructure and Transportation had any intention of changing the NAFTA Superhighway map on its website. "No," Bellinkka answered directly. "We have no plan to change the designation of NAFTA Superhighway on our website."
NewWorldOrder | America |

NJ parents try to block vaccine mandate Associated Press (December 7, 2007) - Parents concerned about possible vaccine dangers and government intrusion are trying to block New Jersey from becoming the first state to require flu shots for preschoolers. The Public Health Council on Monday is set to consider whether New Jersey should require flu shots as well as three additional vaccines. If approved, New Jersey would become the first state to require annual flu shots for children attending licensed preschool or day care centers. State health department officials also want to require a pneumococcal vaccine for preschoolers, a booster shot to fight whooping cough for sixth-graders, and meningitis shots for school children as young as 11. According to deputy health commissioner Dr. Eddy Bresnitz, the new requirements already have been approved by the state health department and Gov. Jon S. Corzine; they are expected to be rubber-stamped by the Council on Monday. Bresnitz said the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention supports the new requirements and that public health officials in other states are watching and likely to follow suit. Bresnitz said he's convinced the vaccines will reduce the incidence of the diseases, preventable hospitalizations, and the need for parents to stay home with sick children. "It's a great day for public health in New Jersey," he said. But some parents say there is inadequate proof the vaccines are safe and effective. At a Statehouse news conference Friday, about a dozen parents protested the new requirements and urged people to call the governor's office to ask him to stop Monday's vote. "This will be the first jurisdiction anywhere in the world to make the flu shot mandatory" for school attendance, said Jon Gilmore, a board member of Advocates for Children's Health Affected by Mercury Poisoning, or ACHAMP. He blames his 7-year-old son's autism on vaccines. Bresnitz said he didn't know whether jurisdictions outside this country have required flu shots for school kids. Parents on Friday also urged support for a bill that would give parents a right to "philosophical objection" to vaccine mandates. The bill has been sitting in a committee for four years without action. "It is not right for the government and unelected councils to dictate what we put into our children," said Sue Collins, co-founder of the New Jersey Alliance for Informed Choice in Vaccination. more...
| America |

Ron Paul fires back at Newsweek 'hit' piece WorldNet Daily (December 6, 2007) - Republican presidential candidate Rep. Ron Paul fired back at Newsweek for an article labeling the NAFTA Superhighway a baseless conspiracy theory. "It's the same old story," Paul said in an exclusive interview with WND. "If Newsweek can't discredit the message, they have to discredit the messenger." The Newsweek article, by Gretel C. Kovach, keyed off an answer the Texas congressman gave during the Nov. 28 CNN presidential debate. A question asked him about a "conspiracy theory regarding the Council [on] Foreign Relations and some plan to merge the United States with Canada and Mexico." Paul told WND the problem Newsweek and CNN have is that "it's not just me" talking about it. "We have some 14 states passing resolutions to oppose the North American Union and NAFTA Superhighways, amendments passed in Congress have taken away funds for North American integration projects and Virgil Goode has some 50 sponsors for his bill in the House," Paul explained. "There are millions of Americans who oppose this globalist agenda." WND has reported the House and Senate are in the final stages of sending to President Bush a Department of Transportation funding bill with amendments removing the funds needed to continue the Mexican truck demonstration project. Rep. Goode's office confirmed to WND that House Concurrent Resolution 40, sponsored by the Virginia Republican to oppose the North American Union and NAFTA Superhighways, now has more than 40 co-sponsors in the House of Representatives. "Millions of Americans know about these issues and are concerned about them," Paul told WND. "What I was trying to say in the CNN debate is that this is not so much secret debates behind closed doors but real philosophical differences between those who believe in globalism, including many at the top of the Democratic and Republican parties, and those of us who believe in national sovereignty and securing our borders." Paul emphasized he wants to "deal with the world in a voluntary fashion, through trade, travel and friendship, rather than through higher levels of government." "I've always been opposed to more government to achieve integration throughout the world," he said. "I reject the U.N., NAFTA-CAFTA, North American Union approach," he continued, "because to me that's just more international government and less emphasis on the U.S. Constitution." more...
| NewWorldOrder | America |

If America rises up to keep our sovereignty, something will have to happen so that we're more apt to accept or require help from outside. That is happening now with the financial situation America is in and indeed international bankers are in control of America's money already. We could also see it come with more "terrorist" attacks to help convince those who don't want global governance. Either way, the laws will be changed and Europe will be behind it.

Operation Grapes of Wrath Michael Vail (December 6, 2007) - "Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world." -Heinz Alfred Kissinger Would you trust your government with the lives of your family? During a national emergency would you wait for help or make efforts to safeguard your family? The government devours roughly 40% from the average American family's budget through taxes and what services do they get in return? The proper role of government according to the constitution is to guard life, liberty and property. It is sad to say but if America was the name of a ship sailing upon choppy waters and our government officials knew we were headed for the ‘perfect storm'[1] they would be guarding the life rafts and jumping ship. I could cite[2] so many different examples[3] showing that the government does not concern itself with the safety of Americans but if you are honest with yourself you know it as well as I do. The stark reality is that the politicians and monopoly men view the common man and woman like cattle. We are branded with names like ‘useful idiots' and ‘useless eaters' and of course they must thin the herd to ensure their own survival. This idea has been passed down from gangrenous minded individuals like Giammaria Ortes[4] and Thomas Malthus and many in this generation who want 80 percent of the world to be culled. In 1961 Frederick S. Jaffe, then vice president of Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA), sent a memorandum to Bernard Barelson, president of the Population Council, in which he proposed various measures to reduce U.S. fertility. Social constraints would include postponing or avoiding marriage, altering the image of the ideal family size, compulsory sex education and family limitation, encouraging increased homosexuality, encouraging women to work and putting fertility control agents in the water supply.[5] John D. Rockefeller and other so-called elites have taken great care to invest part of their fortunes into the eugenics and population control movement. They are responsible for pushing abortion under the name of ‘Planned parenthood'. John D. Rockefeller is also responsible for putting fluoride in the water supply which is causing spontaneous miscarriages. Fluoride has a disastrous effect upon the mind and body. 1953: In a joint speech, U.S. Surgeon-General Scheele and Health, Education & Welfare Undersecretary Nelson Rockefeller announced hopeful plans to put more medicine than just fluoride into the U.S. water supplies: "Dr. Scheele, in discussing mass-application methods for preventing non-infectious diseases, said a case in point was fluoridation of water supplies to reduce tooth decay. Nearly 800 cities throughout the country have adopted the technique during the past 10 years, he said. Such a community-wide attack on "far more serious diseases than dental decay" probably will be forthcoming after laboratory tests have paved the way, he predicted." (Paterson Evening News, 11/6/53) Today some of the richest Americans such as Bill Gates[6] are actively participating in mass genocide[7]. They want to bring the one-child policy from China to America and they don't mind spending millions to get it done. The important question is what happens when the rat poison in our water supply, forced sterilizations and other methods to mass murder the populace isn't decreasing the population as fast as they had hoped? That is the question that keeps me up at night but I think I know the answer.  Over the past six months I have seen a most disturbing trend. The American economy is on its last leg as the dollar slides towards oblivion and the prices of food[8] have started to rise sharply. Farmers have been worried about Monsanto[9] and DuPont, as they are trying to corner the seed market. Both companies are producing ‘genetically modified crops' and you will be eating the Frankenfoods[10] regardless of what food you buy unless you buy your own seeds now and produce your own vegetables. Food banks which supplies foods to our nations poor have recently been reporting critical shortages and some even closing down. Many of these food banks also provide food during national emergencies. Now Americans may face stagflation, a situation where prices rise but growth slows. Recently the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research(CGIAR)[11] released a report about the world's food situation while at the same time working in tandem with Bill Gates and the Rockefeller Foundation, Monsanto and DuPont to create a ‘doomsday'[12] seed vault in Norway. This seed vault will contain, "It will contain up to three million different varieties of seeds from the entire world, ‘so that crop diversity can be conserved for the future,' according to the Norwegian government." We can only speculate as to the reasoning for this seed vault but their agricultural Noah's ark will not be for public consumption. Also these GMO frankenfoods may have catastrophic effects on our bodies and the environment. Warn your friend and families about GMO products and let's live off our own land like our forefathers.
NewWorldOrder | America |

In the Bible, the grapes harvested are cast into the great winepress of the wrath of God. I have a feeling that the elites in the world know something about God's coming wrath. There are stories about underground cities created by governments and Isaiah 2:12-21 and Revelation 6:12-17 both referring to the people of earth hiding under rocks and in caves for fear of the Lord. This would explain the seed vault and underground cities if they knew something earth-shaking was about to happen, but at the same time warning the world would probably mean the loss of control. I don't trust the government anymore though, because of those controlling it.

Homosexodus! Students flee forced 'gay' agenda World Net Daily (December 4, 2007) - Parents in California have started reacting to the state's newly mandated homosexual indoctrination program by pulling their children out of classes, and state Superintendent of Public Instruction Jack O'Connell is warning districts they'll lose money if that happens. A spokeswoman for a ministry called Considering Homeschooling said she already has seen an overwhelming increase in requests for information about homeschooling. As a result, spokeswoman Denise Kanter told WND that her group is sending out 5,000 DVD packages to churches around the state that include basic "how-to" information to provide parents a direction to turn when they choose to protect their children from the new school agenda. The new law demands, "No teacher shall give instruction nor shall any school district sponsor any activity that promotes a discriminatory bias because of a characteristic [including perceived gender.]" "With the passing of SB 777, a Christian parent cannot, in good conscience, send their child to a public school where their child will be taught or coerced into a lifestyle or belief system that is contrary to the faith they hold dear," Kanter told WND. "Fortunately, SB 777 has caught the attention of many churches and pastors here in California, and as they should, they are calling on their congregants to take their children out. To help in this endeavor, our ministry has sent and will continue to send out free packages directly to churches containing information on how they can encourage their congregants to homeschool their children, as well as how to create in-church parent led schools," she said. "We hope our resources will encourage Christians to focus on the importance of not leaving Christ out of a child's education," she said. WND columnist Olivia St. John reported California's "raging ideological" battle prompted students to pack up their backpacks and stage a two-day boycott to protest the plan that has the state "force-feeding children perverse material and videos vile enough to garner an R-rating in the local multiplex." "Evidently, some are beginning to wake up to the fact that their children are no longer receiving true education, but are being clandestinely recruited into sick social movements threatening to tear families apart at the seams," she wrote. "When it comes to actively promoting sin to public school children, the homosexuals are light years ahead of adulterers, fornicators and substance abusers, who haven't yet implemented student-run organizations to convince children that such lifestyle choices are normal," she continued. In California, parents told the Inland Valley Press Enterprise they were pulling their children from public school classrooms in protest of the law. Donna Myers, whose three daughters were attending Norte Vista High in Riverside, said the new law has no application to reading, writing and arithmetic. "We have rights, too. Enough is enough," she told the newspaper. And Betty Voltz also told the newspaper her son and daughter were boycotting the public district. "They don't allow religion in school but they're going to allow homosexuality in schools. That makes no sense," she said. Randy Thomasson, president of the Campaign for Children and Families, said there is reason for alarm. He said the new law effectively requires school instruction and school activities to portray homosexuality, bisexuality and transsexuality to the six million children in public schools in a positive light. "The new law states that 'No teacher shall give instruction nor shall a school district sponsor any activity that promotes a discriminatory bias because of' … (homosexuality, bisexuality, and transsexual or transgender status). Including instruction and activities in the anti-discrimination law goes much further than 'streamlining.' This incremental and deceitful approach to achieving their goals is a favorite and effective tactic of liberals. Expanding the law is not 'streamlining' the law," Turney wrote. "Mr. O'Connell's doublespeak reveals his – and his peers' – arrogant attitude toward their 'gullible' constituents. In fact, parents are not stupid and they recognize that their authority is being undermined by such subversive school policies. This is nothing less than an attempt to confuse the public about the true intention of SB 777," she said. "The terms 'mom and dad' or 'husband and wife' could promote discrimination against homosexuals if a same-sex couple is not also featured," said Turney. "Parents want the assurance that when their children go to school they will learn the fundamentals of reading, writing and arithmetic – not social indoctrination regarding alternative sexual lifestyles. Now that SB 777 is law, schools will in fact become indoctrination centers for sexual experimentation," she said. more...
| Signs of the Times | America |

CAIR called 'turnstile' for terrorist suspects World Net Daily (December 4, 2007) - 'Proven record of senior officials being indicted, imprisoned, deported from U.S.' As the Council on American-Islamic Relations lobbies Congress to help strike its name from a list of co-conspirators in a federal terror case, WND has learned the Muslim group's ties to terrorism and extremism are far more extensive than first believed. Although CAIR is a nonprofit organization, it does not disclose complete directories of its staff or advisory boards, and even refuses to make its federal tax filings readily available to the public. But a review of federal criminal court documents, past IRS 990 tax records and Federal Election Commission records detailing donor occupations, reveals that Washington-based CAIR has been associated with a disturbing number of convicted terrorists or felons in terrorism probes, as well as suspected terrorists and active targets of terrorism investigations. "Their offices have been a turnstile for terrorists and their supporters," said one FBI veteran familiar with recent and ongoing cases involving CAIR officials. As previously reported, three CAIR officials have been linked to terrorism. But WND has learned that at least 11 other CAIR officials have been caught up in terror investigations, bringing the total to 14. Congressional leaders say they are warning lawmakers and other Washington officials to disassociate from the group due to its growing terror ties. "Groups like CAIR have a proven record of senior officials being indicted and either imprisoned or deported from the United States," said U.S. Rep. Sue Myrick, R-N.C., co-founder of the House Anti-Terrorism/Jihad Caucus. CAIR itself recently was named as an unindicted co-conspirator in an alleged scheme to funnel $12 million to the terrorist group Hamas. In the Holy Land Foundation case, federal prosecutors also listed CAIR as a member of the U.S. branch of the Muslim Brotherhood, a worldwide jihadist movement that gave rise to Hamas, al-Qaida and other terrorist groups. The government will retry the Holy Land case, which ended in a hung jury. "There was a lot of evidence presented at the recent Holy Land Foundation trial which exposed CAIR and others as front groups for the Muslim Brotherhood in the United States," Myrick said. Still, CAIR is lobbying House Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers and other sympathetic members of Congress to pressure the Justice Department to expunge its name from the case, arguing the negative publicity has hurt membership and fundraising. The federal judge during the trial refused a written request by the group to strike its name from the list of co-conspirators. The petition is still pending before the court. CAIR denies supporting terrorism and continues to claim to be a "moderate" voice for Muslims in America. The group says its critics are the extremists, including radio personality Michael Savage, whom the group is now attacking with a boycott campaign. So far it has convinced Wal-Mart, OfficeMax, AT&T, JCPenney and other companies to stop advertising on Savage's popular show. In response, Savage last week filed a lawsuit against CAIR, accusing the organization of being a "political vehicle of international terrorism" that seeks to do "material harm to those voices who speak against the violent agenda of CAIR's clients." Ibrahim Hooper, communications director for CAIR, told WND the group would not comment on Savage's action until the document had been reviewed. CAIR, which runs 33 offices and chapters nationwide, also recently helped defeat an anti-terror plan by Los Angeles police to map the local Muslim community for extremist neighborhoods. Now it's pressuring GOP presidential hopeful Mitt Romney to back down from his position against appointing a Muslim to his Cabinet. Critics counter that CAIR has no legitimate voice to make such complaints, because the group is itself an extremist organization that has employed or appointed to its boards of directors and advisers an inordinate number of radical co-conspirators, suspected and convicted terrorists, and other criminals. Indeed, the list is long and growing, and includes: more...
| Islam | NewWorldOrder | America |

CAIR – anything but 'American' World Net Daily (December 4, 2007) - I'm proud of my friend and colleague Michael Savage today for standing up against the un-American bullies at the so-called "Council on American-Islamic Relations." I'm here to endorse his lawsuit and offer any help he needs in combating these thugs who seek to narrow the public debate in America, apparently to conform to the wishes and standards of their foreign supporters in some of the most vicious police states in the world. This is an important case. It's about the defense of freedom of speech. It's about the defense of truth. It's about the defense of justice. And it's about fighting for the American way. Please read the suit for yourself – and join me in making a sacrificial monetary contribution to the fight. But I also want to share some information to consider that is not addressed in this lawsuit. CAIR, a powerful and well-funded lobby group, has been targeting Savage's radio advertisers with a campaign of lies and intimidation. Every single advertiser has been pressured, and a few have caved in to the heavy-handed threats. Each of us who cares about preserving Savage's unique voice on the airwaves needs to pull out all the stops in support of the advertisers who remain. I have done this already. I urge you to do the same. Likewise, you need to know who and what this group is really all about. In April 2005, the founder of the Texas chapter of CAIR, Ghassan Elashi was found guilty of supporting terrorism – the third CAIR figure to be convicted on federal terrorism charges since 9/11. Elashi, along with two brothers, was convicted in Dallas of channeling funds to a high-ranking official of the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas, Mousa Abu Marzook. CAIR is a spin-off of the Richardson, Texas-based Islamic Association For Palestine, or IAP, which was founded by Marzook. Former FBI counterterrorism chief Oliver Revell has called the IAF "a front organization for Hamas that engages in propaganda for Islamic militants." Marzook, deputy chief of Hamas' political bureau in Syria, founded the IAP in 1991. At its conferences in the United States, the IAP hosted leaders of Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood. Marzook was deported in 1997. It was not the first conviction for Elashi. As chairman of the Holy Land Foundation charity in Dallas, Elashi was convicted last year of making illegal technology shipments to two countries on the U.S. list of terrorist-sponsoring states, Libya and Syria. Four brothers, including Bayan and Basman, also were convicted. Other CAIR figures convicted since 9/11 are Randall Todd "Ismail" Royer, a former communications specialist and civil-rights coordinator, and Bassem Khafagi, former director of community relations. Royer was sentenced to 20 years in prison on charges he trained in Virginia for holy war against the United States and sent several members to Pakistan to join Lashkar-e-Taiba, a Kashmiri terrorist group with reported ties to al-Qaida. In a plea bargain, Royer claimed he never intended to hurt anyone, but admitted he organized the holy warriors after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the United States. After his arrest, Royer sought legal counsel from Hamas lawyer Stanley Cohen, who said after 9/11 he would consider serving as a defense lawyer for Osama bin Laden if the al-Qaida leader were captured. Khafagi, was arrested in January 2003, while serving with CAIR, and convicted on fraud and terrorism charges. Current CAIR leaders also have made statements in support of Hamas and the domination of the United States by Islam. more...
| Islam
| NewWorldOrder | America |

IAEA: US Iran report matches UN agency Associated Press (December 4, 2007) - A new U.S. intelligence review that concludes Iran stopped developing a nuclear weapons program in 2003 is consistent with the U.N. atomic watchdog agency's own findings and "should help to defuse the current crisis," the organization's chief said Tuesday. "Although Iran still needs to clarify some important aspects of its past and present nuclear activities, the agency has no concrete evidence of an ongoing nuclear weapons program or undeclared nuclear facilities in Iran," International Atomic Energy Agency director-general Mohamed ElBaradei said in a statement. ElBaradei said he viewed "with great interest" Monday's release of a U.S. National Intelligence Estimate that said Tehran halted nuclear weapons development in late 2003 under international pressure. The chief U.S. envoy to the IAEA, Gregory L. Schulte, said the U.S. assessment contained "some positive news" and raised hopes of a peaceful and diplomatic end to the standoff. "It does make us more hopeful that diplomacy can succeed, but for diplomacy to succeed, we still need to keep the pressure on while giving Iran a negotiated way out," Schulte told reporters in Vienna. But "Iran's nuclear file is not closed," he said, adding that the U.S. report "shows we were right to be concerned." The U.S. report noted that Iran continues to enrich uranium, and senior officials in Washington said that means it still may be able to develop a weapon between 2010 and 2015. Monday's finding was a shift from two years ago, when U.S. intelligence agencies said they believed Tehran was determined to develop a nuclear capability and was continuing its weapons development program. It suggests that Iran is susceptible to diplomatic pressure, the officials said. more...
| Iran |
EU/UN / 4th Kingdom | America |

National debt grows $1 million a minute Associated Press (December 3, 2007) - Like a ticking time bomb, the national debt is an explosion waiting to happen. It's expanding by about $1.4 billion a day — or nearly $1 million a minute. What's that mean to you? It means almost $30,000 in debt for each man, woman, child and infant in the United States. Even if you've escaped the recent housing and credit crunches and are coping with rising fuel prices, you may still be headed for economic misery, along with the rest of the country. That's because the government is fast straining resources needed to meet interest payments on the national debt, which stands at a mind-numbing $9.13 trillion. And like homeowners who took out adjustable-rate mortgages, the government faces the prospect of seeing this debt — now at relatively low interest rates — rolling over to higher rates, multiplying the financial pain. So long as somebody is willing to keep loaning the U.S. government money, the debt is largely out of sight, out of mind. But the interest payments keep compounding, and could in time squeeze out most other government spending — leading to sharply higher taxes or a cut in basic services like Social Security and other government benefit programs. Or all of the above. A major economic slowdown, as some economists suggest may be looming, could hasten the day of reckoning. The national debt — the total accumulation of annual budget deficits — is up from $5.7 trillion when President Bush took office in January 2001 and it will top $10 trillion sometime right before or right after he leaves in January 2009.
| NewWorldOrder | America |

Who will be there to "bail" U.S. out? We're already beholden to the international bankers. I believe many things are not truly known by us.

Savage Sues Muslim Group Newsmax (December 3, 2007) - Nationally syndicated radio host Michael Savage has filed a lawsuit against CAIR, the Counsel on American-Islamic Relations, charging that the Muslim group has misused copyright material from his show. The group, which identifies itself as the nation's leading watchdog group protecting the rights of Muslims, has used clips of Savage's radio show to raise funds and to get supporters to demand Savage's sponsors cease advertising on his “Savage Nation” broadcasts. Savage’s show which originates in San Francisco, California reaches over eight million listeners per week, according to the lawsuit. The suit adds that his Web site receives 2.3 million page views per month. In the suit he alleges that instead of being what it claims to be — a civil rights organization — it is actually a political organization “designed to advance a political agenda that is directly opposed to the existence of a free society that includes respect and dignity for all people and all religions. “The copyright infringement herein is part of this plan. CAIR’s fundamental purpose is to be a lobbyist for foreign interests,” an allegation that the lawsuit backs up with numerous examples of CAIR’s activities. In a Nov. 1, 2007 statement CAIR, which described itself as “A prominent national Islamic civil rights and advocacy group” urged “radio listeners of all faiths to contact companies that advertise on Michael Savage's nationally-syndicated radio program to express their concerns about the host's recent anti-Muslim tirade. CAIR charged that Savage “screamed attacks on Muslims, Islam, and the Quran, Islam's revealed text, during his Oct. 29, 2007, program,” and claimed that an unspecified number of concerned listeners contacted the group CAIR about Savage's alleged attacks on Islam.” CAIR cited what it called “Savage's shouted anti-Muslim attacks,” using copyrighted material from that show: "I'm not gonna put my wife in a hijab. And I'm not gonna put my daughter in a burqa. And I'm not getting on my all-fours and braying to Mecca. And you could drop dead if you don't like it. You can shove it up your pipe. I don't wanna hear anymore about Islam. I don't wanna hear one more word about Islam. Take your religion and shove it up your behind. I'm sick of you." more...
| Islam | America |

Cantwell aide arrested in sex sting; quickly fired Komo TV (December 3, 2007) - A former aide to Sen. Maria Cantwell, D-Wash., was in federal custody after being arrested on a charge of attempting to sexually exploit a minor. James Michael McHaney was fired Friday from his job as a scheduler for Cantwell, hours after he was arrested by FBI agents. The FBI said in court papers that McHaney is accused of trying to set up a meeting with a witness posing online as a teenage boy. McHaney, who appeared in federal court on Saturday, was being held without bond pending a court hearing on Wednesday, said Channing Phillips, a spokesman for the U.S. attorney's office for the District of Columbia. According to court papers, McHaney, known as Mike, tried to arrange a lunchtime meeting with an unidentified person posing as a 13-year-old boy. When the witness, working under the supervision of the FBI, asked whether McHaney was interested in sex with a 13-year-old, McHaney allegedly replied, "I'll be there," the court papers said. He later asked for a photo of the child, the FBI alleged. News of the arrest was first reported on the Web site, Congressional records show McHaney worked as a scheduler in Cantwell's Washington, D.C., office since at least July 2006. Cantwell's chief of staff, Michael Meehan, issued a statement Monday night saying McHaney had been fired. "Late Friday afternoon the FBI informed our office that a Senate employee was arrested. The employee was immediately fired. Our office has and will continue to fully cooperate with the ongoing federal criminal investigation. Senator Cantwell has zero tolerance for crimes against children," Meehan said. McHaney's lawyer, Thomas Abbenante, did not immediately return a telephone message seeking comment late Monday.
| America |

Rockefeller and the New World Religion Old-Thinker News (December 2, 2007) 

"Internationalism must first be a state of mind, an ideal, a chivalry, a religion, before it can be a reality and a system." -- Samuel Zane Batten, The New World Order, 1919
The Rockefeller family, while they are by no means the only major players in world affairs, have contributed large amounts of resources to the creation of a world government. Utilizing vast monetary resources which were initially amassed by the oil empire of John D. Rockefeller Sr., their efforts have gone into nearly every area of significance. From politics, media, to education, the Rockefellers are a force to be reckoned with. [1] One vitally important and often overlooked method of influence that the Rockefellers have enjoyed is in the realm of the church and religion. It comes as little surprise, given their long term goal of world government, that the Rockefeller family would approve of and support a societal outlook favorable to globalism. The use of religion is one method that, in Rockefeller's eyes, looked to be a promising means of accomplishing this goal. Early programs such as the Interchurch World Movement focused on the maintenance of harmonious relations between people in America's growing industrial society. Later endeavors such as the World Council of Churches would trend towards being global in nature with goals moving beyond that of simply maintaining class stability in America to elimination of national sovereignty and world governance. While some methods have been changed over time, and names of organizations have been altered, the overarching agenda of Rockefeller has remained the same. As the documents will show, multiple attempts have been made to urge the Christian churches to get behind programs for world governance. If the attempts were not spearheaded by Rockefellers themselves, significant financial support was provided to organizations sharing their vision for the world. A discernable pattern emerges, with the ability to look back at history, that escalating world crises have served as convenient launching points for incrementally larger pieces of the world government agenda. If this pattern continues - and there is little doubt that it will - we will inevitably see greater pieces locked into place after future crises. On May 31, 2007, speaking in Istanbul Turkey at a conference organized by Akbank [2], Henry Kissinger alluded to this pattern of crises, stating that,

"...The outcome in Iraq will depend on something that a German philosopher, Immanuel Kant said... someday there will be universal peace. The only question is whether it comes about through human insight, or whether it comes about... through a series of catastrophes of such a magnitude that people are so exhausted that they have no other choice." [3]

Utopian ideals of a world civilization and a world government have always existed. No matter how well meaning and egalitarian they may sound, history has shown us that centralized systems almost always lead to corruption and abuse of power. Given the actions of the Rockefeller family in providing support to the Bolshevik revolution, [4] their instrumental role in the spread of eugenics policies to Nazi Germany, [5] and David Rockefeller's proud exclamation, "Some.. believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others... to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world, if you will. If that is the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it," [6] it would seem that the solution of world government is rising out of crises that the proponents of such a system are fostering. It should be reiterated that while the Rockefeller family has been involved with promoting the ideas of world government and actively pursuing its formation, the idea did not originate with them. Utopians throughout history have promoted ideas of a world civilization and a world government, often with humanitarian aims. For example, as documented by Frederick Charles Hicks in his 1920 book "The New World Order", Royal Society member John Bellers presented in the year 1710,

" elaborate proposal to Parliament for a confederation of states to do away with war. It contained also a proposal for a convocation of all religions." [7]

The Interchurch World Movement (1919 - 1920)

In the aftermath of the bloody conflict of World War I, the League of Nations was presented as a solution to the horrendous problems that the world had witnessed. During the same time period that the League of Nations was formed, John D. Rockefeller Jr. launched the Interchurch World Movement (IWM) in 1919. [1] The Interchurch World Movement was the first attempt by Rockefeller to consolidate the churches into a corporate like structure which would exercise control over their activities. The "stability of government", and the promotion of "harmonious relations" between people in an industrial society that the Rockefeller family was already dominating was a driving force behind the IWM. Charles E. Harvey, professor of history at California State University, wrote a history of the Interchurch World Movement in a 1982 paper titled "John D. Rockefeller, Jr., and the Interchurch World Movement of 1919-1920: A Different Angle on the Ecumenical Movement". Harvey traces the roots of the "social gospel" and the resulting battle between fundamental Christians and liberalism back to Rockefeller's Interchurch World Movement. Upon investigating the IWM, Harvey found that the historical information that most historians and researchers were using to research the IWM had been directly prepared by the lawyer of John D. Rockefeller Jr., a man named Raymond B. Fosdick. The doctored information, writes Harvey, was "...compiled precisely to conceal the real role Rockefeller played in the organization." more...
| EU/UN / 4th KingdomNewWorldOrder | America | Apostasy |

According to the Scriptures The Berean Call (December 1, 2007) - The Bible makes uncompromisingly clear to all mankind its claim to be the infallible, inerrant Word of the only true and living God. It denounces all other gods and scriptures as false, as well as the religions they represent. Of Jesus, God's Word declares, "He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him" (John 3:36). Peter told Jewish religious leaders (and was beaten, imprisoned, and killed for testifying to Christ's resurrection): "There is none other name...given among men whereby we must be saved" (Acts 4:12). Such unequivocal statements cannot be misunderstood. Jews would not have been persecuted and killed had they presented Yahweh as just one more god to be added to the Roman Pantheon. Christians were considered an even greater threat because in obedience to Christ they preached the gospel everywhere and thereby "turned the world upside down" (Acts 17:6). Even they would not have been persecuted and killed had they presented Jesus Christ as merely one of many possible saviors. It was their firm proclamation of Christ's claim, "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me" (John 14:6), that threatened Caesar and aroused such vicious hatred. Today, however, to avoid the objectionable exclusivity of their faith, "Christians" often compromise and many ecumenically deny the biblical gospel. Christianity is a biblical faith, and the Bible is not an "ecumenical" book. It makes no compromise with any of the world's religions. Those who support ecumenism to any extent, no matter how loudly they defend their orthodoxy, are not Bible-believing Christians. At worst they are deliberate frauds; at best they are confused into simultaneously professing two contradictory beliefs (syncretism). Which do they really believe? Speaking out of both sides of their mouths is a popular ploy today of both political and "Christian" leaders. Anyone is free to invent any new religion-but not free to call it Christianity. That faith is founded upon facts: Scripture, history, and prophecy, all of which are a matter of clear record and none of which can be changed. These facts cannot honestly be denied. What must we say of "Christian" leaders and even entire denominations that do not follow Christ and His Word? We have exposed many by name and have documented in these pages their inexcusable hypocrisy and deceit, which must be summarily rejected. Away with all duplicity! Whoever (Bush, Rice, et al.) insists that Islam is a "religion of peace" and that Allah is the God of the Bible is either deceived or lying. Islam has its founding prophet, Muhammad, who began his career with numerous murders, attacked peaceful villages and caravans, and beheaded hundreds who surrendered in exchange for his sworn promise of peace and safety. Islam has its scriptures (the Qur'an and Hadith) and 1,350 years of the bloodiest and most violent history of any religion ever known, including the merciless slaughter of millions (more millions in the take-over of India than Hitler killed in all of Eastern and Western Europe). We fully document the truth about Islam in Judgment Day , which every Berean ought to donate to his or her local public library. One can only say that all those (from Bush and Rice on down) who turn a blind eye to the indisputable truth about Islam and call this violent religion "peaceful" are engaged in a cover-up. It is indisputable that today's Islamic terrorism may not honestly be blamed upon "extremists." This is true Islam as it always has been from the beginning! Terrorists are sincere Muslims following both the teaching and example of Muhammad, the obedient example set by his loyal followers, and Islam's scriptures, which command the take-over of the entire world and death to all who will not convert. True, not every Muslim is a terrorist, but nearly every terrorist is a Muslim! more...
| Islam | RCC |
 NewWorldOrder | America | Apostasy |

The Hammer and Tongs behind the Hugs of Annapolis DEBKAfile (December 1, 2007) - No one at UN headquarters in New York remembers a case of a draft resolution being abruptly withdrawn hours before a UN Security Council session was scheduled to approve it. This is what happened to a US draft that would have endorsed President Bush’s announcement three days earlier at the Annapolis Middle East conference of Israeli and Palestinian consent to work toward a settlement of their conflict before the end of 2008. The Council had been called into closed session Thursday night, Nov. 30 to endorse the Annapolis declaration. The text was buried hastily in an undignified scramble by the Bush administration after two days of sharp words between the White House and prime minister Ehud Olmert and his threat not to turn up for talks with the Palestinians. This incident led also to the first real falling-out between President George W. Bush and his secretary of state Condoleezza Rice. He blamed her for seeking to bolster the Annapolis declaration by Security Council endorsement, thereby exposing the hyped-up event to the world as a charade and his own declaration as too flimsy to stand up. The head of the Israeli mission, Danny Gillerman, denied being fully briefed on the American text - a diplomatic figure of speech which applies equally to the situation of the Israeli delegation at the Middle East conference in Annapolis and since. But as soon as the Israeli ambassador heard that Khalilzad had obtained the consent of the five permanent members of the Security Council to a closed session for approving the US draft, he urgently alerted Olmert and Livni in Jerusalem. Gillerman warned them that a closed session means that neither Israel nor the Palestinians would be present or given a hearing. And that was not the only undesirable aspect:

1. The Arab side, which is represented by Qatar, would use the opportunity to augment the Annapolis declaration with additional clauses detrimental to Israel, and possibly win US assent.

2. Security Council endorsement would obligate Israel and the Palestinians to bring negotiations to a conclusion by the end of 2008, less than a year hence, as demanded by Saudi Arabia. Either side could face being found in violation of a UN resolution.

3. The Security Council would become the overseer of the Israeli-Palestinian peace process with authority to reconvene and weigh up progress. In other words, the bilateral Israel-Palestinian conflict would be relegated to international authority. Israel has always resisted this since the odds in the world body are traditionally weighted against the Jewish state.

Ambassador Gillerman alerted the Israeli prime minister and foreign minister to the short distance from UN sponsorship of the process to the dispatch of international troops to the region as a buffer between Israel’s counter-terror forces and the Palestinian terrorists ruling the Gaza Strip and West Bank. In the Israeli ambassador’s opinion, the US initiative to bring the world body in as a party to the Annapolis declaration originated with Secretary Rice. She sought to punish Israel for not following her lead at the conference. He pointed out that the application to the UN directly contravened Rice’s own accords with the Israeli foreign minister. Gillerman’s heads-up to Jerusalem sparked an urgent series of phone calls between the prime minister’s office and the White House. Olmert made no bones about threatening to pull out of the entire diplomatic track charted at Annapolis if the Security Council were to be brought in over its head. After 36 hours of hammer and tongs, US ambassador to the UN, Zalmay Khalilzad, was instructed to call off the Council session and withdraw the text. But recriminations on the American side for an unprecedented loss of face were just as bitter. The White House accused state department officials of egging Rice on to circumvent the agreements Bush and Olmert had concluded and running off half-cocked to the world body in a manner which left the administration red-faced. Khalilzad was urgently recalled to Washington. When State Department officials pushed the blame for the shambles on him, accusing him of drafting the Security Council resolution without consulting the secretary of state, the US ambassador’s aides shot back with a strong denial. This incident also brought to the surface the frustrations experienced by Israel’s delegation to the Annapolis conference, DEBKAfile’s political sources report. US officials consistently neglected to inform Olmert or foreign and defense ministers Tzipi Livni and Ehud Barak of steps pre-coordinated with the Palestinians and Arab ministers, presenting them as accomplished facts. When Israeli leaders flew out of Washington Wednesday night, Nov. 28, none had yet been informed that the White House had named Ret. Gen. James Jones to chair the “US-Israel-Palestinian mechanism” accompanying the Palestinian-Israel talks. When they read about it in the media, Olmert protested the general's role, and it was downgraded to liaison officer. Neither did the Americans bother to inform Israel about consultations with the Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov for a follow-up conference in Moscow at the beginning of 2008. There, Israel will be required to agree to the return of the Golan to Syria.
| Israel | Islam | EU/UN / 4th Kingdom | 1st Seal | Dividing the Land | America |

It seems America isn't as "in control" of the peace process as they might like to be. Herb Peters wrote in De-Facto Power:

"Today's news is about Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice's trip to the Middle East and a possible three-way summit between Rice,  PA Chairman Mahoud Abbas and Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert Read about it here. Earlier this month, while in Washington, it was announced that Solana would be following in Rice's steps. And, after closed door talks at the Madrid+15 Conference, I believe Solana may have expressed the new feeling of most of the international community. Solana said, "the moment of action has come" Read about it here."

July 20, 2006, Rice met with Solana to discuss the Middle East. Given some of the quotes regarding the source of policy, many things seem to point to Solana. I wonder what the results of that meeting were. Could Rice be working toward globalist agendas in the peace process? Bible prophecy specifies the 7-year confirmed covenant with many comes from the head of the revived Roman Empire with 10 horns. Given these things I would expect to see a shift to Europe to handle the Middle East, whether anyone wants that or not.

Annapolis: A Day for the Prophetic History Books Fulfilled Prophecy (November 29, 2007) - Organizers and attendees appear to agree: the Annapolis Conference, Tuesday, was a success. But more than that, I think it was prophetically significant. For the first time, the entire international community -- including the United States, Israel and even the Arab nations -- gathered to declare their joint support for the creation of a Palestinian state. Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas committed to working for a peace treaty by the end of 2008. (Read their statement of Joint Understanding here.) They're now creating a steering committee that will start continuous negotiations on Dec. 12. Olmert and Abbas will meet every two weeks to advance the negotiations. Olmert and Abbas also agreed to begin immediate implementation of their nation's obligations under the Road Map for Peace, created in 2003 by the Quartet on the Middle East (the United States, Russia, the European Union and the United Nations). They even agreed to let the United States monitor the implementation of the Road Map and judge whether both parties are fulfilling their obligations. And, today, the United States appointed a Special Envoy for Middle East Security -- General James Jones, an ex-NATO commander -- to help Abbas' government bring security to Palestine. Read about it here. Despite the naysayers, I think we may see a peace deal within the next year. Of course, that's what we'd expect if we've entered the 70th week of Daniel. That's not to say there won't be bumps in the road and times when negotiations look like they've stalled. But we may look back to this conference as the breakthrough. In my father, Herb Peters', book, Recommendation 666 (available to read free here), he cited the 1992 Israeli election as the first time Israelis began saying "Peace and safety!" -- when they voted for Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin who ran on the platform of trading land for peace. According to 1 Thessalonians 5:3, when they are saying "peace and safety!" (in other words, when Israel is willing to give up its God-given land and turn to its enemies for protection) then destruction will come on Israel suddenly. Note two very similar words in the statement of Joint Understanding read by Bush at the conference:

This is a formal declaration made by Israel -- and witnessed by the nations of the world -- that Israel has chosen to give up its land for peace. And it was a U.S. president -- sad for me to say -- that pushed for it. Yes, I think we'll look back on this day as prophetically significant.
| Israel | Islam | Dividing the Land | EU/UN / 4th Kingdom | Solana | 1st Seal | America |

Hillary gets standing ovation at Rick Warren's summit WorldNet Daily (November 29, 2007) - Within days of introducing a $50 billion plan to combat AIDS, Sen. Hillary Clinton received a standing ovation at one of the nation's most influential evangelical churches after addressing its "Global Summit on AIDS and the Church" today. If the Democratic presidential frontrunner's aim was to make inroads into the heavily Republican evangelical electorate, her appearance at Saddleback Church with pastor and "The Purpose Driven Life" author Rick Warren apparently didn't hurt. Saddleback Church member Cindy Logan told WND after Clinton spoke to some 1,700 conference attendees that as a Republican, the senator's visit was "a little bit of a challenge for me," but she, nevertheless, was impressed. "I saw a softer side of her that I hadn't seen before," Logan said, adding she thinks it's quite possible some minds were changed about the New York Democrat. "She was very articulate. I liked her approach," Logan said. "I liked the fact that she's been to Africa, she's been with people who have been affected by AIDS, and she's here because of her heart for people. And I appreciated that." Logan emphasized, however – as did Warren before introducing Clinton – that all of the leading presidential candidates, both Democrat and Republican, were invited to come and speak. Democrats Barack Obama – whose appearance at last year's summit drew controversy – and John Edwards sent taped messages addressed to the summit, as did Republicans John McCain, Mitt Romney and Mike Huckabee. "She's a presidential candidate," Logan said, responding to opposition by some Christian leaders to Clinton's visit. "And as a presidential candidate, she has her voice. And she may be the future leader of our country, and so as that person, I think she deserves to be on stage. I think all of them should have been here." more...
| America |

Summary of remarks by Javier SOLANA on the occasion of the Annapolis Conference Europa (November 27, 2007) - NEW MOMENTUM IN THE PEACE PROCESS: Recent developments have created a sense of cautious optimism for progress towards resolution of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. President Abbas and Prime Minister Olmert are engaged in a substantive and wide-ranging bilateral dialogue. The United States Government is actively supporting their efforts, including by calling for an international meeting before the end of the year, in order to launch a bilateral negotiation process that would lead to the establishment of a Palestinian state. The new momentum in the peace process benefits from the full backing and active involvement of the Quartet. Arab support has been expressed through the voice of the Arab League follow-up Committee. Comprehensive peace in the Middle East is a strategic objective for the European Union. Any lasting and just settlement to the conflict should be based on the principle of land for peace, relevant UNSC resolutions, the Arab Peace Initiative, the Roadmap and previous agreements reached between the parties. The EU considers that the present opportunity should not be missed and is ready to take its responsibilities, in accordance with the vital European interests involved. The EU is therefore committed to supporting current efforts in a serious and substantive way, offering a comprehensive and coherent contribution to the process, including during the crucial implementation period. The European Union calls on all other interested parties to support the current process, bearing in mind the high cost of failure for everyone involved. The forthcoming international meeting in Annapolis should launch a bilateral negotiation between Israel and the Palestinians on final status issues, as a first step towards a comprehensive settlement of the Arab-Israeli conflict. It should establish a robust follow-up process under the auspices of the Quartet and with the involvement of the international community. The EU calls on its Quartet, Arab League and other international partners to contribute to the success of the upcoming donors conference in Paris, which will constitute an indispensable complement to the political process launched at Annapolis. more...
| Israel | Islam | Dividing the Land |
EU/UN / 4th Kingdom | Solana | 1st Seal | America |

More bad news for the dollar as the UAE gets ready to dump it Thaindian News (November 28, 2007) - A serious crisis looms ahead of the US dollar as the UAE along with other Gulf Cooperation states are reportedly considering a move to dump the US currency. For GCC states where the main export; oil; is dollar denominated it makes sense. This week the governor of UAE’s central bank twice questioned the existing currency regime. Washington, however, will resist another blow to the dollar, and it is using all its muscle to discourage the Gulf regimes from dropping the dollar. If the oil exporting nations drop the dollar, experts say that it will lose at least twenty percent of its value. In September this year, as the dirham faced further value erosion following the dollar’s decline against major international currencies, UAE residents became poorer as the currency bought less and less of what it used to in the past. The UAE economy is facing a unique situation due to high growth, high inflation and low interest rates as the dirham faces further erosion as a result of the falling dollar. Due to the inherent weakness of the US economy and the tightening credit situation in the US, economists expect the dollar to decline further. The Middle East News quoted Serhan Cevik, an economist at Morgan Stanley, as saying recently that the weaker dollar would worsen the already high inflationary pressures in the Gulf Cooperation Council states. Last year, the UAE’s inflation hit a 19-year high of 9.3 per cent. According to Sudhir Shetty, the General Manager of the UAE Exchange Centre, was quoted as saying that the Indian rupee gained more than 14 per cent against the dirham in 2006. He warned then that the exchange rate losses combined with domestic inflation is wiping out more than one third of the earnings of Indian expatriates working in the UAE. Western expatriates to have suffered heavily from the dirham’s fall. The dirham fell 17 per cent against the euro from December 2005 to the end of August 2007 and dropped 16 per cent against sterling. The recent sharp fall of the dirham’s exchange rate against all leading international currencies was triggered by a 50-basis-point (0.5 per cent) interest cut by the US Federal Reserve. Due to the growing pressure of the global credit crunch arising out of the US mortgage market turmoil and sagging economic growth, the Fed was forced to cut interest rates, reports the business website The lowering of interest rates and the growing prospects of future interest rate cuts in the US has driven the currency markets to dump the dollar in favour of other currencies such as the Euro, Sterling, the Canadian dollar and a host of Asian currencies such as the Indian rupee and the Chinese yuan. While the dollar’s decline was proportionately reflected in the dirham’s exchange rate against other currencies due to the dirham’s peg to the dollar, a big surge in domestic prices (inflation) in recent years has seen the dirham’s purchasing power shrink rapidly. The sharp decline of the dollar against major currencies has revived the debate about the dirham’s revaluation as a viable solution. More than 70 per cent of the UAE’s imports are from Europe, the UK and Asia where currencies have appreciated against the dollar. The decline of the dollar has added to imported inflation. Earlier this month, following the recent OPEC meet in Riyadh, Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said all GCC states were concerned about the falling US currency and have asked their finance ministers to study the feasibility of selling oil in another currency. more...
| Islam | America |

Joint Understanding Read by President Bush at Annapolis Conference US Department of State (November 27, 2007) - PRESIDENT BUSH: The representatives of the government of the state of Israel and the Palestinian Liberation Organization, represented respective by Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, and President Mahmoud Abbas in his capacity as Chairman of the PLO Executive Committee and President of the Palestinian Authority, have convened in Annapolis, Maryland, under the auspices of President George W. Bush of the United States of America, and with the support of the participants of this international conference, having concluded the following joint understanding. We express our determination to bring an end to bloodshed, suffering and decades of conflict between our peoples; to usher in a new era of peace, based on freedom, security, justice, dignity, respect and mutual recognition; to propagate a culture of peace and nonviolence; to confront terrorism and incitement, whether committed by Palestinians or Israelis. In furtherance of the goal of two states, Israel and Palestine, living side by side in peace and security, we agree to immediately launch good-faith bilateral negotiations in order to conclude a peace treaty, resolving all outstanding issues, including all core issues without exception, as specified in previous agreements. We agree to engage in vigorous, ongoing and continuous negotiations, and shall make every effort to conclude an agreement before the end of 2008. For this purpose, a steering committee, led jointly by the head of the delegation of each party, will meet continuously, as agreed. The steering committee will develop a joint work plan and establish and oversee the work of negotiations teams to address all issues, to be headed by one lead representative from each party. The first session of the steering committee will be held on 12 December 2007. President Abbas and Prime Minister Olmert will continue to meet on a bi-weekly basis to follow up the negotiations in order to offer all necessary assistance for their advancement. The parties also commit to immediately implement their respective obligations under the performance-based road map to a permanent two-state solution to the Israel-Palestinian conflict, issued by the Quartet on 30 April 2003 -- this is called the road map -- and agree to form an American, Palestinian and Israeli mechanism, led by the United States, to follow up on the implementation of the road map. The parties further commit to continue the implementation of the ongoing obligations of the road map until they reach a peace treaty. The United States will monitor and judge the fulfillment of the commitment of both sides of the road map. Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, implementation of the future peace treaty will be subject to the implementation of the road map, as judged by the United States.
| Israel | Islam | Dividing the Land | America |

Olmert Addresses the Annapolis Mideast Conference Washington Post (November 27, 2007) - PRIME MINISTER EHUD OLMERT (THROUGH TRANSLATOR): The honorable president of the United States, George Bush, my colleague, president of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, heads of delegations, and distinguished guests, I came here today from Jerusalem, Mr. President, at your invitation, to extend, on behalf of the people of Israel and the state of Israel, to the Palestinian people and to our neighboring Arab states, to extend a hand in peace, a hand which marks the beginning of historic reconciliation between us and you, the Palestinians, and all of the Arab nations. I had many good reasons not to come here to this meeting. Memory of failures in the near and distant past weighed heavy upon us. The dreadful terrorism perpetrated by Palestinian terrorist organizations has affected thousands of Israeli citizens, has destroyed families and has tried to disrupt the lives of the citizens of Israel. I witnessed this when I served as mayor of Jerusalem in days of bombings at cafes, on buses, and in recreational centers in Jerusalem, as well as in other cities in the state of Israel. The ongoing shooting of Qassam rockets against tens of thousands of residents in the south of Israel, particularly in the city of Sderot, serves as a warning sign, one which we cannot overlook. The absence of governmental institutions and effective law enforcement mechanisms, the role of Hamas in the Gaza Strip, the ongoing activity of murderous organizations throughout all the territories of the Palestinian Authority, the absence of a legal system that meets the basic criteria of democratic government, all of these are factors which deter us from moving forward too hastily. I am not overlooking any of these obstacles which are liable to emerge along the way. I see them. But I came here, despite the concerns and the doubts and the hesitations to say to you, President Mahmoud Abbas, and through you to your people, and to the entire Arab world, the time has come. We no longer and you no longer have the privilege of adhering to dreams which are (inaudible) from the sufferings of our peoples, the hardships that they experience daily, and the burden of living under ongoing uncertainty, which offers no hope of change or of a better future. We want peace. We demand an end to terror, an end to incitement and to hatred. We are prepared to make a painful compromise, rife with risks, in order to realize these aspirations. I came here today not in order to settle historical accounts between us and you about what caused the confrontations and the hatred, and what for many years has prevented a compromise, a settlement of peace. more...
| Israel | Islam | Dividing the Land
EU/UN / 4th Kingdom | America |

Mahmoud Abbas Remarks at Annapolis Conference Washington Post (November 27, 2007) - SPEAKER: PALESTINIAN AUTHORITY PRESIDENT MAHMOUD ABBAS (THROUGH TRANSLATOR): In the name of God, the compassionate, (SPEAKING IN ARABIC) with great hope, but it is accompanied with great worry that this new opportunity might be lost. But the meanings of your message are well known and they carry your personal bridge and commitment by your great country and its determination to embrace the Palestinian and Israeli peace and the Arab-Israeli peace to be converted in the arena of negotiations to be the first and foremost arena for making peace. And that this initiative would culminate your term of office is an outstanding achievement which would add a new shining star in the skies of the world, the world of the future free of violence, oppression and bigotry. And also we would like to applaud you, Mr. President, for choosing this charming city, Annapolis, as a venue for convening this international conference. In addition to its beauty and distinctive location, it bears the symbol of freedom; the most sublime value in our life. "Freedom" is the single word that stands for the future of the Palestinians and captures the meanings of all their generations. It is their sunshine and it is the life that inspires their future. It is the last word voiced by the martyrs and victims, and it is the lyric (ph) of their prisoners. I must also pay tribute to the role played by Dr. Condoleezza Rice and her aides. For without here relentless resolve and determination and her vision vis-a-vis all aspects of conflict in our region, we would not have been convening here. Dr. Rice took important strides with us in order to affirm that the path of peace is the only choice and it is irreversible. And that the path to negotiations for peace and to achieve peace is the right path. It is important for me to indicate here that this distinguished participation and large participation from sister Arab and Islamic countries, the quartet, and the group of great industrial countries, and the permanent members of the Security Council of the United Nations, and many prominent European and Asian countries, as well as non-aligned countries and African states and from South America, in a unique conference in the history of the conflicts would provide impetus and protection, in addition to the fact that it carries the meanings of encouragement to pursue the path of Palestinian-Israeli peace negotiations and move that forward and the need to reach the solution of two states, based on ending occupation and the establishment of the state of Palestine side by side to the state of Israel, and the resolution of all issues relating to the Palestinian- Israeli conflict, Arab-Israeli conflict in all their aspects, as an indispensable qualitative step, so that comprehensive and normal peace relations would be established in our region. I am proud that this Arab and Islamic contribution and this broad international that this Arab and Islamic contribution and this broad international participation in the work of this conference is a testimony to the fact that sister and friendly states are standing by us, the people of Palestine, as a leadership, and for our efforts to achieve peace. It is a support of our approach that calls for a balanced historical settlement that would ensure peace and security for our independent state and for Israel, as well as for all countries in the region. more...
| Israel | Islam | Dividing the Land
EU/UN / 4th Kingdom | America |

Text of Bush’s Remarks at Annapolis Conference NY Times (November 27, 2007) - Here are the remarks President Bush delivered today at the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, Md., as transcribed by Federal News Service, Inc., a private firm not affiliated with the government. Mr. Bush’s remarks opened a meeting of Middle Eastern leaders seeking peace in that region, and were addressed to the leaders. Thank you for coming. Prime Minister Olmert, President Abbas, Secretary-General Ban, former Prime Minister Blair, distinguished guests, welcome to one of the finest institutions we have in America, the United States Naval Academy. We appreciate you joining us in what I believe is an historic opportunity to encourage the expansion of freedom and peace in the Holy Land. We meet to lay the foundation for the establishment of a new nation, a democratic Palestinian state that will live side by side with Israel in peace and security. We meet to help bring an end to violence that has been the true enemy to the aspirations of both the Israelis and Palestinians. We’re off to a strong start. I’m about to read a statement that was agreed upon by our distinguished guests. “The representatives of the government of the state of Israel and the Palestinian Liberation Organization, represented respectively by Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and President Mahmoud Abbas, in his capacity as chairman of the P.L.O. Executive Committee and president of the Palestinian Authority, have convened in Annapolis, Maryland, under the auspices of President George W. Bush of the United States of America, and with the support of the participants of this international conference, having concluded the following joint understanding. “We express our determination to bring an end to bloodshed, suffering and decades of conflict between our peoples; to usher in a new era of peace, based on freedom, security, justice, dignity, respect and mutual recognition; to propagate a culture of peace and nonviolence; to confront terrorism and incitement, whether committed by Palestinians or Israelis. In furtherance of the goal of two states, Israel and Palestine, living side by side in peace and security, we agree to immediately launch good-faith, bilateral negotiations in order to conclude a peace treaty resolving all outstanding issues, including all core issues, without exception, as specified in previous agreements. more...
| Israel | Islam | Dividing the Land
EU/UN / 4th Kingdom | America |

Abu Dhabi blazes trail with Citi deal Reuters (November 27, 2007) - A $7.5 billion Abu Dhabi deal to buy Citigroup Inc (C.N) shares may have created a model for acquisitions by Gulf and other emerging-market investors scouring the ruins of the U.S. mortgage crisis for bargains. The Abu Dhabi Investment Authority (ADIA) sought no role in managing Citi, allowing the world's wealthiest sovereign fund to invest as a saviour of the largest U.S. bank without the risk of being perceived in the United States as an Arab predator. Investors from Dubai to China could be considering similar deals with cash-strapped U.S. banks, hoping to ride a recovery in their stocks and avoid the political barriers that could have been thrust in their path in better times, analysts said. "There will be more such investments," said Giyas Gokkent, head of research at the National Bank of Abu Dhabi. "The other buyers will likely play the same white-knight role," he said of other Gulf Arab investments in Wall Street firms. Citi, which could book $17.8 billion in second-half credit-market losses, said ADIA would buy 4.9 percent of stock, eventually becoming the largest shareholder of a bank that has lost 42.5 percent of its market value in the past five months. Other Gulf investors, backed by $1.2 trillion in state reserves, say they could follow, depending on when they expect the worst of the crisis triggered by defaults on high-risk home loans to have passed. Investment Corporation of Dubai said on November 20 it was looking to benefit from the U.S. crisis, but judged shares of Citigroup to be too expensive as were those of Merrill Lynch & Co (MER.N), which reported the biggest credit losses after Citi. DIFC Investments, the Dubai government agency that bought into Deutsche Bank this year, said last week it could invest in banks and property among other U.S. assets. more...
See also: Sheikdom shakedown: Dubai moves on Nasdaq WorldNet Daily (September 20, 2007) - In a complex set of transactions, Dubai is moving to acquire 19.9 percent of the Nasdaq in New York, placing the Arab government in an ownership position of the key U.S. stock exchange and raising concerns in Congress. As a result of the transaction, Dubai also will acquire 28 percent of the London Stock Exchange, one of the oldest and largest in the world. The transaction is being made through Borse Dubai, a holding company 100-percent owned by the government of the Emirate of Dubai and controlled by Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum, the head of the Dubai ruling family.
What is the significance of all this? Whether or not that is the case as far as America is concerned, this is another addition to the other reasons I believe America is about to collapse. It began in 1913 with the handing over of our nation to international bankers in the creation of the Federal Reserve. Watch America: Freedom to Fascism Since then, our money has been under the control of elements outside of our government. They didn't teach me that in school. Nor did I learn about the realities of our financial system. More here and here and here. This weak system of finance not backed by anything has had heaped onto it the credit issues we see unfolding now. Moreover, for the past few decades, production has been shipped overseas where work is cheaper. The drive to make a buck has undermined the ability of our nation to stand on its own. That out energy and oil is centered in the Middle East where we are the great Satan to the population doesn't help matters and now that they have that power, they are not backing their business with the Dollar anymore, but are switching to the Euro. This is exactly what I would expect given Bible prophecy and its focus on a revived Roman Empire of 10 horns or 10 toes. In order for global governance centered in Europe to rise, America and the rest of the world will have to give up their national sovereignty in the name of peace and security in combating terrorism. This is exactly the plans that Albert Pike wrote about in 1871 when he also described the two world wars that would precede this final war between Islam and Zionism. I recommend watching  Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings: Volume One - The New Atlantis as well as the sequel,  Secret Mysteries of America’s Beginnings: Volume Two - Riddles In Stone: Secret Architecture of Washington, D.C., to see how the New World Order views America as the stepping stone to ultimate plans laid out in the Bible thousands of years ago, the rise of the man of sin. Make no mistake that the fallen angels are working with Lucifer to deceive the whole world. Do not be in darkness regarding what is happening. Be aware and warn those with ears to hear. Our only salvation is in Yeshua (Jesus) who is coming back to gather us to Himself. Recognize the world for what it is and come out of her into a life lived in God's selfless Love. For those that refuse to back down from their beliefs difficult times are coming, I won't lie. But eternity makes our lives seem as a blink in eternity.
1 Thessalonians 5:1-11
But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you. For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief. Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness. Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober. For they that sleep sleep in the night; and they that be drunken are drunken in the night. But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for an helmet, the hope of salvation. For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ, Who died for us, that, whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with him
Wherefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one another, even as also ye do.

Bush: I remain personally committed to two state solution Jerusalem Post (November 26, 2007) - "I remain personally committed to implementing my vision of two democratic states, Israel and Palestine, living side by side in peace and security," US President George W. Bush pledged in a statement released by the White House Sunday, ahead of the Annapolis conference. Bush said the conference would signal international support for the Israelis' and Palestinians' intention to commence negotiations on the establishment of a Palestinian state and the realization of peace between the two peoples. "The broad attendance at this conference by regional states and other key international participants demonstrates the international resolve to seize this important opportunity to advance freedom and peace in the Middle East," continued the statement.
| Israel | Islam | Dividing the Land |
America |

Jeremiah 30:15-24
Why criest thou
[Israel] for thine affliction? thy sorrow is incurable for the multitude of thine iniquity: because thy sins were increased, I have done these things unto thee. Therefore all they that devour thee shall be devoured; and all thine adversaries, every one of them, shall go into captivity; and they that spoil thee shall be a spoil, and all that prey upon thee will I give for a prey.

For I will restore health unto thee, and I will heal thee of thy wounds, saith the LORD; because they called thee an Outcast, saying, This is Zion, whom no man seeketh after. [Pre 1948] Thus saith the LORD; Behold, I will bring again the captivity of Jacob's tents, and have mercy on his dwellingplaces; and the city shall be builded upon her own heap, and the palace shall remain after the manner thereof. And out of them shall proceed thanksgiving and the voice of them that make merry: and I will multiply them, and they shall not be few; I will also glorify them, and they shall not be small. [Technology of Israel] Their children also shall be as aforetime, and their congregation shall be established before me, and I will punish all that oppress them. And their nobles shall be of themselves, and their governor shall proceed from the midst of them; and I will cause him to draw near, and he shall approach unto me: for who is this that engaged his heart to approach unto me? saith the LORD. And ye shall be my people, and I will be your God. Behold, the whirlwind of the LORD goeth forth with fury, a continuing whirlwind: it shall fall with pain upon the head of the wicked. The fierce anger of the LORD shall not return, until he hath done it, and until he have performed the intents of his heart: in the latter days ye shall consider it.

Remember Andrew and Katrina? Bill Koenig wrote a book, Eye to Eye: Facing the Consequences of Dividing Israel journaling the events that transpired and the touchdown of these two hurricanes on the very days that America was working to divide the land of Israel. Coincidence? You decide.

BTW, this plays right in with the comments of the story above regarding the earth changes and what is causing them. God's wrath is coming and acceptance of Yeshua is our ONLY escape. Those too proud to come humbly before Him will get to not be near Him. His wrath will make many humble and shake their foundations (wealth, strength, power, life). These all fade and every one of us comes before the God of the universe. I recommend you get His Son as your defender before the Father as your judge. American politics are not going to stop their dividing of Israel, there may be a reason they are acting the way they are. Watch this (1:30:27) and read through the America page.

America becoming conspiracy nation WorldNet Daily (November 24, 2007) - If you believe the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, against the World Trade Center and the Pentagon came without any specific warning, a new poll says the person on your left and the person on your right think you're wrong. Almost two-thirds of Americans think it is possible some officials in the federal government had specific information about the pending attacks, but chose to ignore it and take no action to protect the country, according to a Scripps Howard News Service/Ohio University poll. The national survey of more than 800 U.S. adults conducted by Scripps Survey Research Center at Ohio University echoes a similar one by the same organization in 2006 that found more than a third of Americans believing the U.S. government somehow assisted in the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, or else took no steps to stop them from occurring, so the Bush administration could launch a war in the Middle East. In the most recent poll, researchers found more than one-third of Americans subscribe to a range of conspiracy theories, including the 9/11 attacks, the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, soaring oil prices and UFOs. The reason? The Bush administration, according to an academic interviewed by Scripps Howard News Service. "You wouldn't have gotten these numbers a year or two after the attacks themselves," said University of Florida law professor Mark Fenster. "You've got an increasingly disaffected public that is unhappy with the administration." "What it could mean is that people are thinking that the Bush administration is incompetent, that there were warnings out there and they chose to put their attention on other things," Fenster said. Fenster is author of the book "Conspiracy Theories: Secrecy and Power in American Culture." more...
NewWorldOrder | America |

San Francisco to give illegal aliens ID cards Reuters (November 21, 2007) - San Francisco will give resident identification cards to illegal immigrants under a plan approved on Tuesday amid a fierce nationwide debate on granting privileges to undocumented aliens. In a 10-1 vote, the city's board of supervisors -- the equivalent of a city council -- approved giving identification cards to all residents, including illegal immigrants. The move makes San Francisco the largest U.S. city to back such a plan. Residents will be able to obtain the resident cards by presenting photo identification and proof they live in the city, such as a utility bill. It was unclear if the new cards, which will be accepted at libraries and health clinics, will carry photos. Such a move had been expected from San Francisco, which is famously liberal. Earlier this year, Mayor Gavin Newsom said he would not allow city officials and employees to assist immigration raids by federal authorities seeking people who had committed crimes or disregarded deportation orders. San Francisco, which declared itself a "sanctuary city" in 1989, also this year launched a program to provide medical care to uninsured residents regardless of their immigration status. At the state level, California's Republican Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has vetoed bills that would allow undocumented aliens to obtain state identification cards, including driver's licenses. By contrast, New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer, a Democrat, proposed giving illegal immigrants drivers licenses. But he was forced to drop the plan last week due to overwhelming opposition, even from presidential candidates from his own party like Hillary Clinton.
NewWorldOrder | America |

Dollar plunges to new record Euro low AFP (November 21, 2007) - The dollar on Wednesday slumped to a fresh record low against the euro owing to weaker US growth projections and the prospect of another cut to American interest rates, traders said. The European single currency struck a record peak of 1.4855 dollars -- the highest level since the euro's creation in 1999. Later in European trade, the euro stood at 1.4835 dollars, compared with 1.4836 in New York late on Tuesday. "The dollar has come under renewed downward pressure after relatively upbeat real GDP forecasts by the Federal Reserve were coupled with warnings over the risks to growth from deteriorating financial market conditions," said Lee Hardman, currency economist at The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi in London. The US central bank on Wednesday trimmed back its growth projections citing weakness in housing and tighter credit conditions, but suggested policymakers are unsure about future rate decisions. The Federal Reserve projected growth next year in a range of 1.8 to 2.5 percent, down from a prior forecast of 2.5 to 2.75 percent. The Fed had slashed borrowing costs by a hefty half-point in September followed by another quarter-point cut last month in the wake of a collapse in the subprime housing market, which sees mortgages loaned to high-risk borrowers. "Given that financial market conditions today have deteriorated notably since the end of October, the prospect for monetary easing in December remains realistic," Hardman said. "Hence we continue to believe the dollar will remain under downward pressure as the dislocation in financial markets persists and market participants price additional monetary easing in 2008 into the curve," he added. A further reduction in US interest rates would likely make the dollar even less attractive to investors. Meanwhile the dollar's fall to the 108-yen level raised new questions about whether the Bank of Japan would intervene to rein in the strong yen, which hurts Japanese exporters, as it did a decade ago. Top government officials have recently played down talk of intervention, arguing that a strong yen also had benefits for the Japanese economy. more...
NewWorldOrder | America |

The dollar has to fail in conjunction with uninhibited illegal immigration and job outsourcing to weaken US sovereignty and merge us into the global governance while preparing the population for that change. I expect this trend will continue to the collapse and perhaps this will be used by the European banks to bring America under them.

North American Union 'a couple years away' WorldNet Daily (November 19, 2007) - Bilderberg author who 1st exposed plot in 1996 sees EU replication as imminent. The next giant step toward world government will be integration of the U.S., Canada and Mexico in European Union-style merger in the next few years, says the author of a best-selling book on the power of shadowy international organizations promoting the move. "I would say [it's just] a couple of years away," reports Daniel Estulin, author of "The True Story of the Bilderberg Group." Estulin, a Canadian now living in Europe, says the original plans for a North American Union involved the U.S. and Canada as the prime participants. It was motivated primarily by the desire to harvest Canada's abundant natural resources. In his new book, Estulin reveals the first efforts in this plan date back to 1996 when the elite Bilderberg Group first discussed plans for the dismantlement of Canada as an independent nation and proposed its merger – minus Quebec – with the United States into a Greater North America. "Actually, the North American Union, or rather a Canada-U.S. merger, was initially discussed shortly after the Reagan-Bush candidacy won the White House," he says in an interview with WND. "Upon taking over the reins of the country, George Bush and Ronald Reagan called in the presidents of the key trans-national companies and asked them for the real picture. The money people told them that if the United States were a corporation it would have to be shut down immediately. It was bankrupt." The solution proposed then, according to Estulin, was merger between the U.S. and Canada. "Canada is virgin country with a multitude of natural resources, water, mines, oil, gas, etc.," he explains. "They decided that it was going to take 14 or 15 years to put the whole project together. In the interval, the economies, social programs and laws of the two countries would be quietly harmonized as much as possible." Back then, part of that harmonization plan involved the separation of Quebec as an independent state, he says. "Actually, when all is said and done, it all comes down to money," Estulin says. "Money makes its own rules. If your goal is to make the most money possible using Canada's natural resources, what would you ask for? Number one, give me control over the sun. Number two, give me control over the air. Number three, give me control over water. Now, we know we cannot control the sun, nor can we control the air. But we can control water. Water, after all, is the most important element that can be controlled." But the plot for a North American Union, as exposed in detail in Jerome Corsi's new bestselling book, "The Late Great USA," is but a prelude, Estulin says, to the ultimate merger – one-world government. more...
| EU/UN / 4th Kingdom | NewWorldOrder | America |

Deepening China-Iran Ties Weaken Bid to Isolate Iran Washington Post (November 19, 2007) - The rapidly growing relationship between Iran and China has begun to undermine international efforts to ensure that Iran cannot convert a peaceful energy program to develop a nuclear arsenal, U.S. and European officials say. The Bush administration and its allies said last week that they plan to seek new U.N. sanctions against Iran, after the International Atomic Energy Agency said Iranian officials had given inadequate answers to questions about the country's past nuclear activities. But U.S. and European officials now worry more about a Chinese veto than about opposition from Russia, which has previously assisted and defended the Iranian nuclear energy program. U.S. and European officials charged Friday that Beijing is deliberately stalling to protect its economic interests. "China needs to play a more responsible role on Iran, needs to recognize that China is going to be very dependent in the decades ahead on Middle East oil, and, therefore, China, for its own development and its own purposes, is going to need a stable Middle East, and that an Iran armed with nuclear weapons is not a prescription for stability in the Middle East," national security adviser Stephen J. Hadley told reporters Friday. China now gets at least 14 percent of its imported oil from Iran, making it China's largest supplier and the source of as much as $7 billion worth of oil this year, according to David Kirsch, a manager at PFC Energy. Tehran in turn gets major arms systems from Beijing, including ballistic and cruise missiles and technical assistance for Tehran's indigenous missile program. Dozens of Chinese companies are also engaged in several other industries. On the eve of Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi's visit to Tehran last week for talks with President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Beijing suggested that it could reject U.S.-orchestrated efforts for a new resolution. "We believe that all parties should show patience and sincerity over this issue, while any sanctions, particularly unilateral sanctions, will do no good," said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Liu Jianchao. more...
| Iran | America |

Venezuela's Chavez comes to Tehran to further boost ties with Iran International Herald Tribune (November 19, 2007) - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez made his fourth trip to Iran in two years on Monday, state media reported, as the two countries sought to strengthen ties while their leaders exhort the international community to resist U.S. policies. Chavez, who arrived in Tehran from Saudi Arabia where he attended the weekend's OPEC summit, is expected to discuss various political and economic issues with his Iranian counterpart, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the official Islamic Republic News Agency reported. Chavez was accompanied by a string of top Venezuelan officials for the hours-long visit, including the foreign, industry, oil and communication ministers, as well as the mayor of Caracas, the country's capital. Ahmadinejad also attended the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries summit in Riyadh. During the gathering, the two firebrand leaders echoed one another, blaming U.S. President George W. Bush's policies for the decline of the dollar and its negative effect on other countries, and challenging Saudi Arabia's reluctance to mention weak dollar concerns in the summit's final declaration. Ahmadinejad claimed OPEC's member countries want to convert their cash reserves into a currency other than the depreciating U.S. dollar, which he called a "worthless piece of paper." Chavez said the dollar was in free-fall and that its "empire" must end, and proposed trading oil in a basket of currencies excluding the dollar. But the two were unable to generate support from enough in the 13-member cartel — many of whom, including Saudi Arabia, are staunch U.S. allies. Tehran is in a bitter standoff with Washington over its nuclear program, which the U.S. fears is a cover for a weapons program but which Iran insists is peaceful. more...
| Iran |
America |

This and the story above in connection with how the Bible describes Iran and friends attacking Israel in Ezekiel 38,39 are why I don't think any sanctions on Iran will do anything. I also don't believe they will use nuclear weapons against Israel since the antichrist will cause the abomination of desolation on the Temple Mount in the future. According to prophecy, Iran will attack with Russia and Turkey among others when Israel is dwelling in safety and will be destroyed in the mountains of Israel. This means the attack will be a ground-based attack to occupy land, not a nuclear attack to destroy Jerusalem. Since the same principalities and powers are controlling the Western New World Order and the Eastern terrorists to control the world through fear and bring about global domination by one man, I think what is going on now is a method to clamp down on freedom in the name of peace and safety. Time will tell so keep watching!

Saudi minister warns of dollar collapse The Business (November 17, 2007) - The dollar could collapse if Opec officially admits considering changing the pricing of oil into alternative currencies such as the euro, the Saudi Arabian foreign minister has warned. Prince Saud Al-Faisal was overheard ruling out a proposal from Iran and Venezuela to discuss pricing crude in a private meeting at the oil cartel's conference. In an embarrassing blunder at the meeting in Riyadh, ministers' microphones were not cut off during a key closed meeting, and Prince Al-Faisal was heard saying: "My feeling is that the mere mention that the Opec countries are studying the issue of the dollar is itself going to have an impact that endangers the interests of the countries. "There will be journalists who will seize on this point and we don't want the dollar to collapse instead of doing something good for Opec." After around 40 minutes press officials cut off the feed, which had been accidentally broadcast to the press room. Prince Al-Faisal added: "This is not new. We have done this in the past: decide to study something without putting down on paper that we are going to study it so that we avoid any implication that will bring adverse effects on our countries' finances." Iran and Venezuela have argued that the meeting's final communique should voice concern about the level of the dollar, which has recently fallen to new record lows against the euro. They are pushing for oil to be denominated against a basket of currencies. more...
NewWorldOrder | America |

In event of emergency ... call out the military? WorldNet Daily (November 16, 2007) - New federal legislation shows the Bush administration has begun systematically putting in place authorization for the president to federalize the National Guard and use the U.S. military in domestic emergency situations. A provision in the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008 (H.R. 1585) requires the secretary of defense to prepare and submit to Congress by March 1, 2008, and each subsequent March 1 a plan to coordinate the use of the National Guard and members of the Armed Forces on active duty when responding to natural disasters, acts of terrorism, and other man-made disasters. Section 1806 of H.R. 1585 requires the secretary of defense to prepare two versions of the plan, one using only members of the National Guard, and one using both members of the National Guard and members of the regular components of the armed services. The section also requires the secretary of defense's plan to specify "Protocols for the Department of Defense, the National Guard Bureau, and the governors of the several states to carry out operations in coordination with each other and to ensure that governors and local communities are properly informed and remain in control in their respective states and communities." Critics are concerned that when legal infrastructure for the president to involve the military in a domestic emergency situation, or to federalize the National Guard, is in place, a president intent on a power grab could declare a national emergency under NSPD-51 or HSPD-20, and impose federal martial law, by-passing civilian control. In an exclusive interview with NORAD-USNORTHCOM commander, Gen. Gene Renuart, separately published in WND today, WND posed these questions. Renuart responded by emphasizing the importance of respecting the U.S. Constitution, including civilian control of the military. He expressed caution that the military and USNORTHCOM in particular should be careful not to engage in legal or political questions involving presidential directives such as NSPD-51 and HSPD-20. Renuart was also clear to affirm that, "Our involvement at USNORTHCOM would be at the specific direction of the secretary of defense, on orders from the president." The answer implied that USNORTHCOM would respond to a direct order from the secretary of defense, on orders from the president, to become involved in a domestic emergency situation, without attempting to resolve thorny questions of civilian control that a president in a power grab might attempt to obviate. WND observed nothing in the operation of NORAD-USNORTHCOM in Vigilant Shield 08 which would substantiate a charge that the Bush administration is preparing to utilize the military in domestic situations to supersede civilian control in a domestic emergency. more...
| America |

My concern is for the future. Understanding Bible prophecy points to a war on those with faith in Christ and the desire of the New World Order to use fear to remove freedoms, who will be in the position of leadership when that time comes around? Or who will that power be ceded to? Time will tell.

Hillary Clinton to Attend Saddleback Church AIDS Event Lighthouse Trails (November 15, 2007) - According to a CBS report Hillary Clinton will be attending the Global Summit on AIDS and the Church, to be held at Saddleback Church in California from November 28th to December 1st. The CBS news story states: "Presidential hopeful Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., will attend a meeting on AIDS at the Saddleback Church hosted by pastor and "The Purpose Driven Life" author Rick Warren and his wife Kay, church officials announced Thursday." The article quotes Clinton as saying: "I commend Rick and Kay Warren for their work to fight HIV/AIDS ... Our churches have a powerful role to play in raising the consciousness of the nation and the world to this pandemic and urge compassion for the sick and the suffering." A PR News Wire press release issued on 11/15 from the Global Summit on AIDS and the Church office in Lake Forest, California states:

The Warrens have extended invitations to leading presidential candidates. Five invitees, including former Sen. John Edwards (D-N.C.), former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, have expressed a desire to participate and are currently working on scheduling issues....
The HIV/AIDS initiative of Saddleback Church is a key part of the P.E.A.C.E. plan, an overarching humanitarian strategy launched three years ago. This worldwide effort is to mobilize 1 billion church members to Promote Reconciliation, Equip servant leaders, Assist the poor, Care for the sick and Educate the next generation. One session of the Summit will feature a report about the P.E.A.C.E. plan progress and the lessons learned over the past three years as a result of sending out more than 7,500 members to test the plan in 69 countries.
Rick Warren has, on a number of public occasions, discussed his global peace plan and what he calls a new reformation which he says will include people from all faiths:
Who's the man of peace in any village - or it might be a woman of peace - who has the most respect, they're open and they're influential? They don't have to be a Christian. In fact, they could be a Muslim, but they're open and they're influential and you work with them to attack the five giants [of the P.E.A.C.E. Plan] And that's going to bring the second Reformation."-Rick Warren, May 2005, Pew Forum on Religion 
Under the recommended reading list for Saddleback's HIVAIDS Community are two books by mystic Henri Nouwen. 1 One of the books, In the Name of Jesus, is also recommended by Kay Warren on This is the book where Nouwen says Christian leaders must move from the moral to the mystical:
Through the discipline of contemplative prayer, Christian leaders have to learn to listen to the voice of love ... For Christian leadership to be truly fruitful in the future, a movement from the moral to the mystical is required" (pp. 6, 31,32).
After years of following the mystical way, this same Henri Nouwen, near the end of his life, stated:
Today I personally believe that while Jesus came to open the door to God's house, all human beings can walk through that door, whether they know about Jesus or not. Today I see it as my call to help every person claim his or her own way to God.-From Sabbatical Journey, Henri Nouwen's last book, page 51, 1998 Hardcover Edition
For more information on Warren's global peace plan and other related topics, see Speakers at this year's AIDS event at Saddleback.
Also related: A New Vision for God's Kingdom on Earth

| America | Apostasy |

Don't answer Census, don't face going to jail WorldNet Daily (November 14, 2007) - Another month is coming, and another 250,000 forms are being mailed out in the U.S. Census Bureau's perpetual American Community Survey, which demands responses to personal questions about a family's lifestyle, housing accommodations, work schedules, physical and mental disabilities, income and the like. That means roughly 250,000 times recipients will see the warning that participation is required by law, and there are penalties including fines for not answering each question. But, in fact, U.S. Census Bureau officials say they've never had anyone prosecuted for refusing to provide those intimate details to the government. "The Census Bureau has never prosecuted anybody," spokesman Clyve Richmond told WND. "We try to work with people and explain how useful the information is." As WND has reported, the U.S. Census Bureau switched from the surveys once every 10 years, called for in the U.S. Constitution, to annual surveys sent to three million households, to keep the government's data more up-to-date. The issue arises periodically about the invasion into a family's privacy by the questions, including:

  • Does this house, apartment, or mobile home have COMPLETE plumbing facilities; that is, 1) hot and cold piped water, 2) a flush toilet, and 3) a bathtub or shower?
  • At any time DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did anyone in this household receive food stamps? If so, how much?
  • Do you have a mortgage and if so, how much is it?
  • Because of a physical, mental, or emotional condition does this person have any difficulty in doing any of the following: learning, dressing, bathing or getting around?
  • Has this person given birth in the last year?
  • What time did this person go to work?
  • How much did this person make in salaries? Interest? Retirement?

There are several Internet blogs where consumers sound off, including Survivalerts, where "Mark" submitted a copy of a letter to his state senator asking if he supported the survey, and "under what authority I am being required – under the penalty of fines – to give up my privacy under the Bill of Rights and be forced to give the Census Bureau information on my private life." more...
| America |

American Gangster's Wad of Euros Signals U.S. Decline Bloomberg (November 14, 2007) - "It may be our currency, but it's your problem'' was Treasury Secretary John Connally's taunt when the U.S. unhooked the dollar from the gold standard in 1971, unilaterally rewriting the rules of world business in America's favor. Now the world is taunting back. Almost four decades after the U.S. tore up the monetary arrangements that governed the post-World War II international economy, the dollar's fall from grace amounts to a tectonic shift in the global hierarchy. This time, the U.S. currency is on the losing side. After declining in five of the last six years, the weakest dollar in the era of floating currencies reflects a period of diminished U.S. political and economic hegemony. Whoever wins the White House next year will confront two unpopular choices: Accept the fall in U.S. clout and the rise of new rivals, or rein in record public and consumer debt that the rest of the world no longer wants to bankroll. "What we're seeing is a very broad rebalancing of economic and political power in the world,'' says Jeffrey Garten, a Yale School of Business professor who was the Commerce Department's undersecretary for international trade in the Clinton administration. ``The scales are moving, and they're moving quite fast.'' The dollar blues have migrated from the halls of central banks to images of rap musicians. In a video for the movie "American Gangster,'' hip-hop maestro Jay-Z thumbs through a wad of 500-euro notes on a night of cruising through the concrete canyons of New York, a city where the euro isn't legal tender. The euro gained against the dollar today as European economic growth in the third quarter accelerated more than forecast. more...
NewWorldOrder | America |

Say Goodbye To Privacy Haaretz (November 13, 2007) - Privacy doesn't mean anonymity. Think about that for a bit - and get used to it. Or if you don't like it, get a plan. But it had better be a good one. On Oct. 23, Donald Kerr, deputy director of the Office of National Intelligence, outlined the new order of things: "Too often, privacy has been equated with anonymity; and it's an idea that is deeply rooted in American culture." Well, yes, the Bill of Rights, for instance, includes protections against "search," as well as "seizure." But that was then. As Kerr put it, "In our interconnected and wireless world, anonymity - or the appearance of anonymity - is quickly becoming a thing of the past." Kerr's speech got little notice until The Drudge Report highlighted an Associated Press write-up. No doubt, of course, the Office of National Intelligence will soon issue a soothing statement assuring us that the government indeed respects your privacy and your anonymity. And we've all heard that line before: "Nothing to see here folks, just move along." Then Uncle Sam will resume perfecting his warrantless surveillance. In fact, the old equation - privacy equals anonymity - is being buzz-sawed six ways. First and most obviously, terrorism concerns. If you're walking through Times Square carrying a backpack and acting strangely, inquiring minds will want to know why. And Godspeed to cops brave enough to tap that shoulder. Second, and closely related, the proliferation of cameras and Webcams. Nobody likes to be spied on, but many people - including parents keeping tabs on baby-sitters - like to spy. In the coming face-off, the spies have it. Third, health insurance. We have decided, collectively, to be generous with each other in terms of "human services." But though most Americans are happy to operate a welfare state for Americans, they draw the line at subsidizing the world. So as a matter of administrative necessity, the Nurse State will have to know exactly who you are - and your legal status. Fourth, the reality that medical treatment now depends on medical information. If doctors are to help you, they need to know your medical history - not just blood type and allergies, but everything about you, including your genetic background. Such monitoring is fraught with controversy - recent headline in The New York Times: "In DNA Era, New Worries About Prejudice" - but this is the era of the instant Q-Tip identity test. more...
| Technology | NewWorldOrder | America |

Rice: Israelis are prepared to give up West Bank for peace Haaretz (November 13, 2007) - U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said Tuesday she believes that the majority of Israelis are prepared to give up the West Bank in exchange for peace. Rice made the comments at the final panel of the yearly General Assembly of the United Jewish Communities (GA), in Nashville Tennessee, which ended Tuesday. Rice added that Israelis must be prepared for difficult and painful sacrifices to some of their longest-held aspirations during upcoming talks with Palestinian leaders. Rice did not specify what sacrifices might be needed but added that the Palestinians must also be prepared for sacrifices. "The threat from violent extremists means that failure of the talks is not an option," she said. "What is at stake is nothing less than the future of the Middle East," she added. Rice expressed optimism ahead of the upcoming U.S.-hosted Annapolis summit planned for the end of November, and said that the situation in the past years had improved greatly. She maintained that Israelis believe today that the establishment of a Palestinian state could benefit Israel, and that most Arab states are not questioning whether Israel will exist, but rather what the conditions for peace are. "In our view, the security of the democratic Jewish state required the creation of a responsible Palestinian state," she said. She suggested that the Palestinian state also could serve as a bulwark against the threat from violent extremists. She praised President George W. Bush for realizing a Palestinian democracy was a necessary precondition for meaningful negotiations between the Palestinians and Israelis. "Some think that this focus on democracy backfired with the election of Hamas," she said. "I disagree with that conclusion. Hamas always had power. What it never had was responsibility for power." "Hamas has chosen violence rather than responsible government," she said, "and for that reason it is isolated by the international community." Rice said a two-state solution for the Israelis and Palestinians was more urgent than ever because of the threat from violent extremists in the Middle East, referring specifically to Hamas, Lebanese Hezbollah guerrillas and Iran. "Iran is choosing to destabilize the Middle East, pursue nuclear capabilities and threaten our allies, especially Israel," she said. She also warned that the mere thought of a nuclear Iran is unacceptable for the U.S., and should be unacceptable for the international community as well. She praised the Iranian people, maintaining that their leadership does not properly represent them - investing million in financing terror and developing nuclear weapons while the citizens of Iran are struggling to find jobs.
| Israel | Islam | Dividing the Land | America |

Pat Robertson Backs Giuliani (November 7, 2007) - Televangelist Pat Robertson, founder of the Christian Coalition, endorsed Republican presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani on Wednesday. "It is my pleasure to announce my support for America's Mayor, Rudy Giuliani, a proven leader who is not afraid of what lies ahead and who will cast a hopeful vision for all Americans," Robertson said during a news conference with Giuliani in Washington. The former New York mayor backs abortion rights and gay rights, positions that put him in conflict with conservative GOP orthodoxy, and has been trying to persuade evangelical conservatives like Robertson to overlook their differences on those issues. Evangelicals have split in their support for the leading Republican candidates. Kansas Sen. Sam Brownback, a favorite of Christian conservatives who dropped out of the race last month, endorsed fellow Sen. John McCain of Arizona on Wednesday. Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney recently announced that Paul Weyrich and Bob Jones III were on board with his candidacy. Asked about the Robertson endorsement, McCain, at a news conference with Brownback in Dubuque, Iowa, said: "Every once in a while, I'm left speechless. This is one of those times." Giuliani is best known to voters for leading New York in the aftermath of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. Shortly after 9/11, Robertson released a statement in which he said the attacks occurred because Americans had insulted God and lost the protection of heaven by allowing abortion and "rampant Internet pornography." Robertson made no mention of his differences with Giuliani on social issues in Wednesday's statement. "Rudy Giuliani took a city that was in decline and considered ungovernable and reduced its violent crime, revitalized its core, dramatically lowered its taxes, cut through a welter of bureaucratic regulations, and did so in the spirit of bipartisanship which is so urgently needed in Washington today," Robertson said. Robertson, who unsuccessfully ran for president in 1988, founded the Christian Broadcasting Network, the Christian Coalition and Regent University in Virginia Beach. Also Wednesday, Giuliani said he asked two GOP friends in Congress, Rep. Peter King of New York and Sen. Jeff Sessions of Alabama, to introduce bills to keep states from giving licenses or similar identification to illegal immigrants. The Democratic front-runner, Hillary Clinton, was criticized after a televised debate last week when she hedged an answer on whether she supported New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer's effort to grant licenses to illegal immigrants. Her aides say she generally supports the idea in the absence of comprehensive immigration reform.
| America | Apostasy |

More background on Giuliani and Robertson's apparent familiarity with the Vatican here. I don't know if Robertson is just naive, but Giuliani also has ties, through his law firm Bracewell & Giuliani, to Cintra owned by Juan Carlos, the king of Spain. The truth is that prophetically the world will come together for peace and security and end up giving their freedom and eternity to the man of sin and his master Lucifer. Even some Christians will fall into the New World Order in the name of unity at the price of Truth. Trust your own reading of the Word of God for the best education on God's plans for your future. Start the Bible studies now

Mideast terror leaders describe what life would be like in the U.S. under Islamic rule WorldNet Daily (November 7, 2007) - Madonna and Britney Spears stoned to death? Bars and clubs closed down? Church bells banned? That's just a taste of what Americans have to look forward to if terrorists ever took over the U.S. and imposed Islamic law, according to a new book. In one chapter of the recently released "Schmoozing with Terrorists: From Hollywood to the Holy Land, JIhadists Reveal their Global Plans – to a Jew!" author and WND Jerusalem bureau chief Aaron Klein petitioned Mideast terror leaders to describe day-to-day life in the U.S. if al-Qaida won the war on terror. "Once Islam dominates, anyone living inside the Islamic state must abide by our rules. There is no choice. You will abide or face the punishment," said Muhammad Abdel-El, the spokesman and a senior leader of the Popular Resistance Committees terror organization. Sheik Abu Saqer, a prominent Gaza-based preacher, a founder of the Sword of Islam terror group and a subscriber to the ideology of al-Qaida, explained if Islam controls the U.S., all American women, whether Muslim or not, must cover their hair. "This is the demand of our religion. Being and walking naked doesn't mean that you are enjoying more freedom; it means that you are going against Allah's laws and you are serving the enemies of Islam who want to empty our Islamic society from its values. Uncovered heads is a form of nudity." Yasser Hamad, a cleric and a Hamas leader in the northern West Bank, explained in "Schmoozing" Islamic law enforcers would at first try to persuade American woman to cover their heads, but eventually females would be forced. Those women who refuse may be stoned. Asked by Klein whether stoning was too harsh a punishment, Hamad replied: "If you don't respect the local law in America, if you don't pay taxes, if you drive on a red light, aren't there sanctions used against you by your government? Of course there are and it's okay with you. Why is there a problem when it comes to the Islamic state that wants to impose its rules?" more...
| Islam | America |

Rabbis warn Bush: Annapolis will bring destruction to US YNet News (November 6, 2007) - Group of right-wing rabbis writes open letter to US president demanding he cancel Annapolis summit or risk provoking 'wrath of the almighty.' Rabbis assert Katrina disaster a result of America's support of 2005 disengagement, say California fires a warning. A fringe group of prominent ultranationalist rabbis issued a harshly-worded letter to United States President George W. Bush earlier this week, warning him that the upcoming Annapolis peace conference would bring destruction upon America. The rabbis evoke their previous prediction in 2005, when they published an open letter to Bush in the New York Times, demanding the US rescind its support of the disengagement plan. "We wrote to President Bush, a man who believes in the Bible, to warn him against the terrible danger to which he is exposing his country by hosting such a conference," said Rabbi Meir Druckman, one of signatories to the letter. "The land of Israel belongs to the people of Israel. God punishes anyone who coerces Israel to give up its land," he said. "There is no doubt the New Orleans flood from the Katrina hurricane was God's punishment for evicting the settlements," said Druckman, "with hundreds of thousands left homeless, hundreds killed or wounded and billions of dollars sent down the drain – can we really ignore God's hand collecting an eye for an eye?" The disengagement from Gaza and the northern West Bank was completed August 23rd, 2005 – which was also the date Hurricane Katrina formed over the Bahamas. "Despite those consequences, yet again we find ourselves facing an initiative to expel Jews from Judea and Samaria and cede their cities to terror organizations. And once again the patrons of the event are President Bush and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. "This time the Almighty is warning the US in advance: if the plague of water was not enough now he shall send flames. While hundreds of thousands of families have already fled the terrible fires in California, and we ask you, will you really forge ahead with this malevolent plan?" added Druckman. The letter was authored by SOS Israel, a right-wing movement which earlier this year distributed citations to IDF soldiers who disobeyed orders and refused to take part in the disengagement. The rabbis urged Bush's administration to back down from the current direction of the peace process, saying that not an inch of Israeli land should be ceded. "Be merciful to yourselves and the beloved America and its citizens. Lay down the hand you have raised against the Creator in war. Help the people of Israel fight without compromise against the terrorists who rise against it, and then, with a pure heart, you will truly be able to pray: May God bless America," the rabbis said. Among the rabbis who signed the letter are several leading religious figures, including Rabbis Dov Wolfa, Yekutiel Rap, Gedalia Axelrod as well as the chief rabbi of Kiryat Arba and Hebron, Dov Lior and the son of former Chief Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, Yaakov Yosef.
| Dividing the Land | America | Apostasy |

If you have read Eye To Eye: Facing the Consequences of Dividing Israel by William Koenig, you may see the connection of America's trying to deal with bringing peace to the Middle East by dividing Israel. It reminds me of some scripture:

Zechariah 12:2-3
Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem. And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.

Jeremiah 30:20
Their children also shall be as aforetime, and their congregation shall be established before me, and I will punish all that oppress them.

Zechariah 12 speaks to those of Judah and Jerusalem besieged by the world, Gentiles. This is Israel in the land of Judea and Jerusalem. It is speaking to the conflict now that none can solve. America has tried and on the very days we take action, disaster befalls America. This proves Jeremiah 30:20 true as seen in how God's wrath is manifest in the natural world. It is the same way that much of His wrath will be poured out in the end.

The worst crisis I've seen in 30 years Guardian Unlimited (November 4, 2007) - I have been following the financial markets for more than 30 years. Crises have come and gone, but the one unfolding since August and which intensified last week is the most serious. It is not just that its impact is cascading around the world because of the new interconnectedness of global finance, it is that the authorities, particularly in Britain and America, have lost control and do not have the means to regain it as quickly as we might hope. With an oil price approaching $100 a barrel, we are in an uncharted and dangerous place. After more than 15 years of extraordinarily benevolent economic conditions worldwide - cheap oil, cheap money, growing trade, the Asia boom, rising house prices - things are unravelling at bewildering speed. The system might be able to handle one shock; it is undoubtedly too fragile to handle so many simultaneously. The epicentre is the hegemonic London and New York financial system. No longer are these discrete financial markets; financial deregulation and the global ambitions of American and European banks have made them intertwined. They are one system that operates around the same principles, copying each other's methods, making the same mistakes and exposing themselves to each other's risks. Thus the collapse of the American housing market, the explosive growth of American home repossessions and the discovery that 'structured investment vehicles' (SIVs), the toxic newfangled financial instruments that own as much as $350bn of valueless mortgages, are not American problems. They are ours too. The recent departure of the CEOs of two of the biggest investment banks - UBS and Merrill Lynch - after unexpected losses and loan write-offs running into many billions of dollars is not just an American problem, it's ours. It is also our problem that Credit Suisse last week announced more billions of write-offs, and Citigroup was rumoured to be following suit with even bigger losses. When banks take hits as big as this, it hurts their capacity to lend, because prudence demands they have up to eight dollars or pounds of their own capital to support every hundred dollars or pounds that they lend. If they don't, they have to lend less - and that is called a credit crunch. This crunch is already upon us - hence the massive selling of bank shares at the end of last week and the extraordinary news that the taxpayer, one way or another, now has supplied £40bn to the stricken mortgage lender Northern Rock, a sum that could climb to £50bn by Christmas. Stunningly, that represents 5 per cent of GDP. The bank got into trouble because it thought, under the chairmanship of free-market fundamentalist Viscount Ridley, that it could escape trivial matters like having savers' deposits to finance its adventurous lending. Instead, it could copy the Americans and sell SIVs to banks in London - most of them the same banks that bought from New York - and it could steal a march on its competitors. But in the London/New York financial system, when things went wrong in the US they immediately went wrong for Northern Rock in Britain. The banks announcing those epic write-offs no longer wanted to buy Northern Rock's loans - and neither did anybody else. The Bank and Treasury hoped to get by with masterly inactivity, but instead, as we know, there was a run on the bank. The government had to step in by guaranteeing £20bn of small savers' deposits - but also, we now learn, by supplying £30bn of finance that the financial system will no longer supply itself. This is testimony to the degree of fear that characterises today's credit crunch - and it bodes ill. What is worse, the Ridleyite maxims that got Northern Rock into trouble have also disabled the rescue, protracting rather than limiting the crisis. more...
| America |

Israel, with US support, says peace possible by end of 2008 (November 4, 2007) - Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said he may be able to make peace with the Palestinians by the end of 2008 as the United States vowed to defend Israel's security during the difficult process. "If we act decisively together, we and the Palestinians, there is a chance for us to reach real achievements, maybe even before the end of President (George W.) Bush's term," he said at the Saban Forum think-tank in Jerusalem. "There is no intention to drag out the negotiations without end. There is no reason to again hit the foot-dragging that characterised our talks in the past," the premier said. Israel and the Palestinians have been engaged in intensive talks in an effort to draft a joint statement outlining a solution to the decades-old conflict ahead of a meeting in Annapolis, Maryland expected later this year. The two sides plan to launch intensive bilateral talks on a permanent agreement following the international meeting, aimed at reviving a peace process that has been dormant for seven years. The Palestinians have repeatedly demanded that the joint statement include a clear timetable for the negotiations, but Israel has insisted on a looser document based on a 2003 peace blueprint known as the roadmap. At the same event US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice vowed to defend Israel as it pushes ahead with the peace process, saying that it was time for all sides to make the difficult decisions necessary for a lasting peace. "All Israelis should be confident that America is fully behind you, that we are fully committed to your security and that you can thus be bold in your pursuit of peace," she said. Rice, on her eighth visit to the region since the begining of the year, warned that if peace efforts between Israel and the Palestinians flounder, extremists would take over the Palestinian leadership. "If we do not act now to show the Palestinians a way forward, others will show them a way forward," Rice said. "Failure is simply not an option." Around 2,000 Jewish settlers protested against the talks in central Jerusalem, saying they would lead to painful concessions on the fate of the city, which they call the indivisible, eternal capital of Israel. "We know perfectly well that with the concessions envisaged by Olmert, Hamas will end up in the West Bank and the heart of Israel will be within the range of their rockets," Shaul Goldstein, a protest leader, said. The Islamist movement Hamas, which has ruled the Gaza Strip since a bloody takeover in which security forces loyal to Abbas were defeated nearly five months ago, has also rejected the conference. "It's well-known goals are normalisation with the Arabs, the hardening of internal divisions and the preparation for the coming attack on Iran and Gaza and Syria and Lebanon," Hamas leader Ismail Haniya said in Gaza City on Sunday. Special Middle East envoy Tony Blair nevertheless insisted that despite the differences between Israel and the Palestinians, everyone involved in the negotiations knows what a final agreement will look like. "The irony is the final settlement is not hard to see. It is visible in the distance, the house on the hill. But the path to it is utterly fraught," he said. Israeli negotiators and their Palestinian counterparts have been divided for weeks over a joint document which will form the basis of future negotiations, and until now have not written a word. Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas has pushed for a document with a timetable that addresses the most hotly contested issues of the conflict -- the borders of a Palestinian state and the fate of Jerusalem and the refugees. On Sunday, Olmert said he was not opposed to discussing the so-called final status issues, but that he preferred to wait until after the conference that Washington hopes to convene before the end of the year. more...
| Israel | Islam | Dividing the Land |
America |

CFR, Bilderbergers, Trilateral Commission insiders usually run for, win White House, shows new book WorldNet Daily (November 1, 2007) - Nearly every person elected as president of the United States since then – and nearly every opponent – has belonged to a secretive, globalism-oriented organization known as the Council on Foreign Relations. Some presidents and their challengers have belonged to additional clubs of internationalists – the Bilderberg Group and the Trilateral Commission. Running mates, too, more often than not have had ties to the groups. That the groups exert enormous influence on public policy is indisputable. What is disputed is whether such groups are, as adherents and members argue, just discussion forums for movers and shakers, or, as critics have long alleged, secret societies shaping a new world order from behind the scenes. On that last point at least, no one could challenge the critics: All these groups operate in considerable secrecy, away from the scrutiny of the American public. Regardless of how one characterizes them, the fact that virtually all presidents belong to the same secret clubs prompts the author of a new book to wonder if the 2008 election will also be a contest between globalist insiders. Judging from the list of frontrunners of each party, Daniel Estulin, author of "The True Story of the Bilderberg Group," may be on to something. According to a variety of sources, the following presidential candidates are either members of one of the groups or have strong ties: Hillary Rodham Clinton, Rudy Giuliani, Mitt Romney, Barack Obama, John McCain, John Edwards, Fred Thompson, Joe Biden, Chris Dodd and Bill Richardson. Mike Huckabee, though not a member, spoke to the CFR in September. Since then, his political star has risen to the point that he has become a top-tier candidate. So often throughout recent history it has been the case. Ever since Democrat Adlai Stevenson challenged Republican Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1952 and 1956, the odds have significantly favored those with membership in the elite groups.

  • In 1960, both John F. Kennedy and Richard M. Nixon were members.
  • In 1964, President Lyndon B. Johnson was not a member. Neither was his opponent, Barry Goldwater. But Johnson had already staffed his administration with plenty of insiders.
  • In 1968, it was Nixon versus club member Hubert H. Humphrey.
  • In 1972, it was Nixon again against Democratic Party CFR member George McGovern.
  • In 1976, it was CFR Republican Gerald Ford losing to CFR Democrat Jimmy Carter.
  • In 1980, Ronald Reagan was not a member, but his running mate, George H.W. Bush, was. So were both of his opponents – Carter and independent John Anderson. Assuming office, however, Reagan quickly named 313 CFR members to his team.
  • In 1984, another CFR member, Walter Mondale, was nominated by the Democratic Party to challenge Reagan.
  • In 1988, CFR member Bush took on CFR member Michael Dukakis.
  • In 1992, Bush was challenged by an obscure governor from Arkansas, Bill Clinton, who won the "trifecta" by being a member of the CFR, Trlateral Commission and Bilderberg Group. He was also a Rhodes scholar – another favored credential of the worldwide elite.
  • In 1996, Clinton was challenged by CFR member Bob Dole.
  • In 2000, CFR member Al Gore ran against non-member George W. Bush, but his running mate, Dick Cheney, was.
  • In 2004, Bush was challenged by CFR member John Kerry.

"David Rockefeller, whose family financed the CFR, is a common denominator among these parallel groups," writes Estulin. "Not only is he the CFR chairman emeritus, but he also continues to provide financial and personal support to the TC, CFR and Bilderberg Group." What is the agenda behind these groups, which Estulin says are comprised of "self-interested elitists protecting their wealth and the investments of multinational banks and corporations in the growing world economy at the expense of developing nations and Third World countries"? "The policies they develop," he writes, "benefit them as well as move us towards a one-world government." Those questioning Estulin's conclusion as mere speculation need only recall organizational financer David Rockefeller's own words as recorded in his "Memoirs." "Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will," he wrote. "If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it." With regard to insider roles in recent U.S. presidential races, two of the most interesting were 1976 and 1992. more...
| NewWorldOrder | America |

Something to consider in the election process, just how much control do a people have when their options are given to them by those running the world? I'm going to be working on researching the current top candidates for President and present some background you may not have known about. The data I currently have is available now here. If we are truly in the end-times, no matter who we vote for and who wins, global governance will be the result. We should keep this in mind when voting on laws that restrict or remove freedom in the name of security. Who will be in the position in the future to utilize these laws? Do they really have our best interest in mind?

What is Robert Schuller 'rethinking'? WorldNet Daily (October 30, 2007) - It's an all-star conference set for the Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove, Calif., Jan. 17-19. Former President George H.W. Bush will speak. Chuck Colson will make a presentation. Larry King will be there. Rupert Murdoch will address attendees. Ben Stein will appear. And Kay Warren, wife of Saddleback Church mega-pastor Rick Warren, will join Robert Schuller, the white-haired, bespectacled purveyor of "possibility thinking." What could such a diverse group have in common? What's the topic? Well, it's a little vague. It's called the "Rethink Conference," and Schuller promises 30 "Aha!" moments from the 30 different speakers confirmed for the event. Not everyone is thrilled about this meeting of the minds. Some, including Christian author and former New Age devotee Warren Smith, suspect an agenda to subvert the church – to take the focus off biblical truth and absolutes. "From my perspective as a former New Age follower, I believe that Robert Schuller's mission has always been to 'rethink' and 'change' biblical Christianity into something 'new' – as in New Age/New Spirituality," he says. Smith's "Deceived on Purpose: The New Age Implications of the Purpose-Driven Church" documents Schuller's contacts and endorsements of New Age stars such as Gerald Jampolsky, Neale Donald Walsch and Bernie Siegel. "As a former New Age follower I could hardly believe it," says Smith. "On October 17, 2004, more than 20 years after his first appearance on the 'Hour of Power,' New Age leader Gerald Jampolsky was once again Robert Schuller's featured guest. I was not surprised on one level, because I had always been aware of Schuller's affection for New Age teachings. What did surprise me was Schuller's willingness to still be so openly aligned with a veteran New Age leader like Jampolsky." Smith says it was Jampolsky who first introduced him to "A Course in Miracles," the best-selling book New Age bible that taught him "there is no sin," "a slain Christ has no meaning" and "the recognition of God is the recognition of yourself." All of Jampolsky's books, according to Smith, are based on "A Course in Miracles." But yet, there was Schuller on his TV show recommending all of Jampolsky's "fabulous" works. He even noted he sold some of them in the Crystal Cathedral bookstore. And, according to Smith, for awhile, Schuller even hosted "A Course in Miracles" study groups in his church. It's not a one-way street, either, says Smith. New Age leaders like Walsch, author of the best-selling "Conversations With God," and Jampolsky go out of their way to praise Schuller, too. "They know that Robert Schuller has always been open to spiritual compromise," he says. According to Smith, Schuller has always "done a good job of softening up the church" for what he sees as unbiblical New Age ideas. And that's just what he expects the "Rethink Conference" is all about. If indeed that's what the conference is all about, some other big names are going along for the ride. They include Christian pollster George Barna, former heavyweight champ George Foreman, American Center for Law and Justice founder Jay Sekulow, Gary Smalley and "The Case for Christ" author Lee Strobel. "Never before have we gathered such dynamic leaders who will challenge us to think outside the box as we grapple with a changing culture and our response to it," said Schuller. The conference will not only be attended by thousands at the Crystral Cathedral, but it will be telecast by satellite around the world by Church Communication Network, according to organizers. "These culture pioneers know what is center-stage in our culture right now and also what is breaking on the horizon," says Rethink Conference executive director Bill Dallas. "This conference will confront outdated and pre-conceived ideas, offer new perspectives and open our minds to all kinds of possibilities that connect us with out shifting culture without compromising our core values." Smith just wonders about those "outdated and pre-conceived ideas." "The church does not need to 'rethink' and 'compromise' its God-given biblical doctrines to accommodate the world," he says. "It needs to rethink its willingness to follow worldly leaders like Robert Schuller." Read the related commentary by Warren Smith
| America | Apostasy |

The New Age is the spiritual-secular path leading to the all-inclusive belief system while this kind of attitude in the Christian church of pulling away from the Bible as the foundation of doctrine will also lead many Christians to the all-inclusive all-roads-lead-to-God view that removes the foundation of belief and substitutes a "believe what you want" approach. This mixing and matching to fit personal preference is exactly what the Bible said the last days would be like and is the apostasia that precedes the day of the Lord. Those who refuse to accept this all-inclusive personal reality will be ostracized in time. That's what the stories above regarding the coming war on the saints is about. Keep watching.
1 Timothy 4:1,2
Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;
2 Timothy 4:1-4
I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

A Shocking “Confession” from Willow Creek Community Church (October 30, 2007) - If you are older than 40 the name Benjamin Spock is more than familiar. It was Spock that told an entire generation of parents to take it easy, don’t discipline your children and allow them to express themselves. Discipline, he told us, would warp a child’s fragile ego. Millions followed this guru of child development and he remained unchallenged among child rearing professionals. However, before his death Dr. Spock made an amazing discovery: he was wrong. In fact, he said:

We have reared a generation of brats. Parents aren't firm enough with their children for fear of losing their love or incurring their resentment. This is a cruel deprivation that we professionals have imposed on mothers and fathers. Of course, we did it with the best of intentions. We didn't realize until it was too late how our know-it-all attitude was undermining the self assurance of parents.

Oops. Something just as momentous, in my opinion, just happened in the evangelical community. For most of a generation evangelicals have been romanced by the “seeker sensitive” movement spawned by Willow Creek Community Church in Chicago. The guru of this movement is Bill Hybels. He and others have been telling us for decades to throw out everything we have previously thought and been taught about church growth and replace it with a new paradigm, a new way to do ministry. Perhaps inadvertently, with this “new wave” of ministry came a de-emphasis on taking personal responsibility for Bible study combined with an emphasis on felt-needs based “programs” and slick marketing. The size of the crowd rather than the depth of the heart determined success. If the crowd was large then surely God was blessing the ministry. Churches were built by demographic studies, professional strategists, marketing research, meeting “felt needs” and sermons consistent with these techniques. We were told that preaching was out, relevance was in. Doctrine didn’t matter nearly as much as innovation. If it wasn’t “cutting edge” and consumer friendly it was doomed. The mention of sin, salvation and sanctification were taboo and replaced by Starbucks, strategy and sensitivity. Thousands of pastors hung on every word that emanated from the lips of the church growth experts. Satellite seminars were packed with hungry church leaders learning the latest way to “do church.” The promise was clear: thousands of people and millions of dollars couldn’t be wrong. Forget what people need, give them what they want. How can you argue with the numbers? If you dared to challenge the “experts” you were immediately labeled as a “traditionalist,” a throwback to the 50s, a stubborn dinosaur unwilling to change with the times. All that changed recently. Willow Creek has released the results of a multi-year study on the effectiveness of their programs and philosophy of ministry. The study’s findings are in a new book titled Reveal: Where Are You?, co-authored by Cally Parkinson and Greg Hawkins, executive pastor of Willow Creek Community Church. Hybels himself called the findings “earth shaking,” “ground breaking” and “mind blowing.” And no wonder: it seems that the “experts” were wrong. If you simply want a crowd, the “seeker sensitive” model produces results. If you want solid, sincere, mature followers of Christ, it’s a bust. In a shocking confession, Hybels states:

We made a mistake. What we should have done when people crossed the line of faith and become Christians, we should have started telling people and teaching people that they have to take responsibility to become ‘self feeders.’ We should have gotten people, taught people, how to read their bible between services, how to do the spiritual practices much more aggressively on their own.

Incredibly, the guru of church growth now tells us that people need to be reading their bibles and taking responsibility for their spiritual growth. Just as Spock’s “mistake” was no minor error, so the error of the seeker sensitive movement is monumental in its scope. The foundation of thousands of American churches is now discovered to be mere sand. The one individual who has had perhaps the greatest influence on the American church in our generation has now admitted his philosophy of ministry, in large part, was a “mistake.” The extent of this error defies measurement. more...
| America | Apostasy |

Thanks to the diligent research of Lighthouse Trails Project in regards to all matters related to the current apostasy. Please read their coverage of this story here.

"Kent identifies Scot McKnight as part of this mystical shift. McKnight acknowledges the Catholic connection to contemplative practices, and amazingly, Kent brings into her article Catholic priest Richard Rohr. Why amazing? Rohr's spirituality would be in the same camp as someone like Matthew Fox who believes in pantheism and panentheism. For Willow Creek to include him in Willow speaks volumes about the level of spiritual deception that Willow Creek is now under. If Kent is right that spiritual formation is now mainstream, then this deception is mainstream as well. Incidentally, Richard Rohr wrote the foreword to a 2007 book called How Big is Your God? by Jesuit priest (from India) PaulCoutinho. In Coutinho's book, he describes an interspiritual community where people of all religions (Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity) worship the same God. Is this where Willow Creek is heading?"

House Passes Thought Crime Prevention Bill (October 25, 2007) - The U.S. House of Representatives recently passed HR 1955 titled the Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007. This bill is one of the most blatant attacks against the Constitution yet and actually defines thought crimes as homegrown terrorism. If passed into law, it will also establish a commission and a Center of Excellence to study and defeat so called thought criminals. Unlike previous anti-terror legislation, this bill specifically targets the civilian population of the United States and uses vague language to define homegrown terrorism. Amazingly, 404 of our elected representatives from both the Democrat and Republican parties voted in favor of this bill. There is little doubt that this bill is specifically targeting the growing patriot community that is demanding the restoration of the Constitution. First let’s take a look at the definitions of violent radicalization and homegrown terrorism as defined in Section 899A of the bill. The definition of violent radicalization uses vague language to define this term of promoting any belief system that the government considers to be an extremist agenda. Since the bill doesn’t specifically define what an extremist belief system is, it is entirely up to the interpretation of the government. Considering how much the government has done to destroy the Constitution they could even define Ron Paul supporters as promoting an extremist belief system. Literally, the government according to this definition can define whatever they want as an extremist belief system. Essentially they have defined violent radicalization as thought crime. The definition as defined in the bill is shown below.

`(2) VIOLENT RADICALIZATION- The term `violent radicalization' means the process of adopting or promoting an extremist belief system for the purpose of facilitating ideologically based violence to advance political, religious, or social change.

The definition of homegrown terrorism uses equally vague language to further define thought crime. The bill includes the planned use of force or violence as homegrown terrorism which could be interpreted as thinking about using force or violence. Not only that but the definition is so vaguely defined, that petty crimes could even fall into the category of homegrown terrorism. The definition as defined in the bill is shown below.

`(3) HOMEGROWN TERRORISM- The term `homegrown terrorism' means the use, planned use, or threatened use, of force or violence by a group or individual born, raised, or based and operating primarily within the United States or any possession of the United States to intimidate or coerce the United States government, the civilian population of the United States, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives.

Section 899B of the bill goes over the findings of Congress as it pertains to homegrown terrorism. Particularly alarming is that the bill mentions the Internet as a main source for terrorist propaganda. The bill even mentions streams in obvious reference to many of the patriot and pro-constitution Internet radio networks that have been formed. It also mentions that homegrown terrorists span all ages and races indicating that the Congress is stating that everyone is a potential terrorist. Even worse is that Congress states in their findings that they should look at draconian police states like Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom as models to defeat homegrown terrorists. Literally, these findings of Congress fall right in line with the growing patriot community. The biggest joke of all is that this section also says that any measure to prevent violent radicalization and homegrown terrorism should not violate the constitutional rights of citizens. However, the definition of violent radicalization and homegrown terrorism as they are defined in section 899A are themselves unconstitutional. The Constitution does not allow the government to arrest people for thought crimes, so any promises not to violate the constitutional rights of citizens are already broken by their own definitions. more...
| NewWorldOrder | America |

Some people view Christianity as a group attempting to affect political change and therefore a threat. There is an upcoming war on the saints according to Bible prophecy. The Alliance of Civilizations (more up-to-date info here) has a stated goal of standing against those who claim sole ownership to the Truth. Free speech as long as it is not deemed "hate speech" and that will soon be termed claims of sole ownership to the Truth. Those that know their Bible know that Yeshua said He is the only way to salvation. If one reads the text of the Bible fulfilled in Christ, terrorism is not in it. Rather loving ones enemies and giving selflessly to God and others. Redefining Truth with deception is the m/o of our enemy. Ever since there were Christians, the real ones have been persecuted by the pagan community and those who have hijacked the Bible with traditions of men and false doctrine. Freedom? Not with a need and call for peace and safety in the world apparently. We will see how this plays out soon enough. There is an element who will act out violently against the New World Order once they realize what is going on and those trying to bring it about know that. Personally, I go by the Bible which states we should not avenge ourselves because God will avenge all justly. Rather we should love our enemies.

Narco-Dollars for Beginners "How the Money Works" in the Illicit Drug Trade Narco News (October 24, 2001) - The Solari Index is my way of estimating how well a place is doing. It is based upon the percentage of people in a place who believe that a child can leave their home and go to the nearest place to buy a popsicle and come home alone safely. When I was a child growing up in the 1950's at 48th and Larchwood in West Philadelphia, the Solari Index was 100 percent. It was unthinkable that a child was not safe running up to the stores on Spruce Street for a popsicle and some pin ball. The Dow Jones was about 500, the Solari Index was 100 percent and our debt per person was very low. Of course I did not think about it that way at the time. All I knew was that life on the street with my buddies was sweet. Today, the Dow Jones is over 9,000, debt per person is over $100,000 and the my favorite hairdresser in Philadelphia, Al at the Hair Hut in West Philadelphia, and I just had a debate yesterday afternoon while Al was cutting my hair about whether the Solari Index in my old neighborhood was 0 percent (my position) or 10 percent (Al's position). Men always think it is higher than women. Despite the boy-girl spread between us, it is fair to say that Al and I agree that the Solari Index is in the tank ---both in the streets of Philadelphia and throughout America. Life on the street ain't sweet any more. I watched the slide of the Solari Index as a child. A lot of it had to do with narcotics trafficking and the people that narco dollars put in power on our streets - and in city hall, in the banks, in Congress and the corporations and investors down town and that ring the city. My mission is to see the Solari Index return to 100 percent and to do so in a manner that moves the Dow up and our debt per person down and makes me and my partners a whole pile of money. A few years back when my efforts to improve the Solari Index were threatening to reduce narcotics profits in a few places, I discovered that I could not look to the enforcement or the judicial establishment funded with my tax dollars to protect me. Narco dollars had the upper hand throughout government and the legal establishment. That's when I decided that I would have to learn how the money works on the drug trade. Here is what I have learned that has been useful to me---- and may help you have a better map of how narco dollars impact you, your business, your family and the Solari Index in your neighborhood. more...
| Signs of the TimesNewWorldOrder | America | More Narco News |

The love of money is the root of all evil. Please read the whole series of articles this begins. I found the Solari website from an interview on Coast to Coast AM with Catherine Austin Fitts on January 2, 2008. The show was regarding America's current economic crisis. Catherine is an insider who worked with HUD as the Assistant Secretary of Housing for the Federal Housing Commissioner and was Managing Director and member of the Board for Dillon Read & Co. Inc. Her experience reveals a dark side to money and politics to manipulate the masses for profits leading to the current crisis. Read her article The American Tapeworm for more.

I believe the current global financial crisis developing will be used to bring about the New World Order's plans for a global cashless economic system that will replace physical money and utilize tattoo RFID so that only those with a mark on their forehead or hand will allow them to participate in this new global economic system. Revelation 13:16-18 First the current system must collapse in such a way that the world will accept the terms of a bail-out. There's much more to it than that, but that's all just Bible stuff right? In whom do you put your faith?

“The age of Nations must end... The Government of nations has decided to order their separate sovereignties into one government to which they surrender their arms.” | United Nation's World Constitution

“No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he takes a Luciferian initiation.” | David Spingler Director of Planetary Initiative, Interconnections Must-read link

“The United Nations is the greatest fraud in all History! Its purpose is to destroy the United States.” | John Rankin , U.S. Congressman

“It is the sacred principals enshrined in the UN Charter to which we will henceforth pledge our Allegiance.” | President George H.W. Bush - UN building, Feb. 1, 1992

New California law labeled anti-family, 'insidious' OneNews Now (October 24, 2007) - An official with the World Congress of Families says it was a surprise when California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed a measure into law that many believe is a blatant attack on the natural family. SB 777 prohibits any instruction or school-sponsored activity that would promote discrimination against gender. That means terms like "mom and dad" and "husband and wife" cannot be used in California textbooks because they suggest that heterosexuality is the norm. And under the new law, teachers and students who oppose same-sex "marriage" or who express disapproval of cross-dressing or sex-change operations could face disciplinary measures. Dr. Alan Carlson says the measure -- which he describes as "very insidious" -- is absurd. "This is a huge step in an anti-family direction," he asserts. "This basically turns the public schools of California, in effect ... into indoctrination centers for alternative household arrangements, alternative sexual arrangements." According to the global coordinator for the World Congress of Families, the measure is proof that the homosexual lobby is not interested in non-discrimination, but in forcing its views on an unwilling public. "It's clearly designed to make defenders and advocates of the natural family ... something like thought criminals, essentially," Carlson says. The World Congress of Families says although some may find it unbelievable, the new law even allows students who identify with the opposite gender the freedom to use restrooms and locker rooms of the opposite sex. Carlson says parents who do not want their children to be subjected to "gender indoctrination" now have no alternative but to withdraw their children from California's public school system -- a system he points out parents will still be required to fund through their taxes. SB 777 is currently scheduled to go into effect January 1, 2008. A coalition of conservative and pro-family groups,, has begun the process of collecting the signatures needed to turn the referendum into a valid ballot measure for the state's voters to consider. (See related story)
| America | Signs of the Times |

Is America's Sovereignty Obsolete? (October 22, 2007) - When Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) said, “Americans have lost trust in their government” at the Values Voters’ gathering in Washington, DC, there was more than a wee bit of irony in his words. McCain elaborated on the theme yesterday on “Fox News Sunday,” saying the distrust comes from corruption in Washington, frustration at the Iraq war, incompetence in the Katrina relief and from failure to deal with illegal immigration. The irony is in the confluence of the two McCains: recognition that part of the distrust of government arises from a failure -- now six years after 9-11 -- to secure our borders from incursion by illegal aliens. McCain’s realization is not shared by President Bush whose press secretaries -- first Tony Snow and now Dana Perino -- have said that he is still convinced he was right in the failed “comprehensive” approach to illegal immigration which translated into amnesty for illegal aliens and would not have secured our borders. It is no exaggeration to say that a nation which does not secure its borders cannot claim sovereignty. Sovereignty -- the supremacy of political power a nation has over its own actions -- seems to mean a great deal less to free world leaders than to their Chinese, Russian and Islamist counterparts. It is important to frame the issue just that way because among the free nations, especially in Europe, sovereignty is eroding and unfree nations guard their sovereignty with paranoid fervor. The leaders of too many free nations -- including President Bush -- appear to be in competition to give away their nations’ sovereignty by placing more and more authority in supranational organizations like the UN and the European Union which are not accountable to voters. This week will feature “UN Day” and we’ll again be lectured about international law and how we owe the world -- which means the UN -- respect for the ‘laws’ it adopts. Under the UN charter, which we signed sixty years ago, resolutions of the UN Security Council have the force of international “law.” But what does that mean? Judge Robert Bork memorably wrote in “Coercing Virtue”:

International law is not law but politics. For that reason, it is dangerous to give the name “law,” which summons up respect, to political struggles that are essentially lawless. The problem is not merely the anti-Americanism that grips foreign elites and shapes law; it is also the American intellectual class, which is largely hostile to the United States and uses international law to attack the morality of its own government and society.

To foreign elites and our “intellectual class”, American sovereignty is passé: a concept that has outlived its time that should be limited at every opportunity by international “law” in the form of treaties and decisions of the Security Council and UN-created courts. American sovereignty is based on our Constitution. There is no provision in the Constitution for US law to be made by the UN or any of the “courts” it creates. George W. Bush may go down in the history books incorrectly as a “unilateralist” president for taking action in Iraq, but his legacy -- most of which is still undecided -- may be just the opposite. George Bush waited six months, from September 2002 to March 2003 -- in military terms, nearly an eternity -- for the UN to act before he threw the most-telegraphed punch in American military history. Conservatives were properly critical when Supreme Court Justices Anthony Kennedy and then-Justice Sandra Day O’Connor referenced European law in deciding a case arising under our Constitution.  The idea of injecting foreign or “international” law created by any body other than our Congress -- limited by the Constitutional checks and balances of the Congress and the Executive -- is in contradiction to our sovereignty.  But as Andy McCarthy wrote here last week, President Bush took a position against Texas’ right to decide its own law in death penalty cases in favor of a treaty from which he had previously withdrawn the United States and which was probably unconstitutional.  The president’s whittling away at American sovereignty continues.  As Sen. John Cornyn (R-Tex) and Chris Horner say elsewhere on our pages today, the UN Law of the Sea Treaty -- rejected long ago by President Reagan -- now awaits Senate ratification because President Bush chose to submit it for that purpose.  LOST would establish a tax on deep-seabed mining payable to the UN and controls over America’s economy by regulating pollution that affects the seas.  These powers are to be vested in an international court that is unaccountable to US voters and not bound by - and thus violate - the Constitution.  European leaders have now decided on a new version of the European Union “constitution” that is essentially the same as the version rejected by French and Dutch voters two years ago.  They plan to make it effective without submitting it to the voters again.  Britain has no constitution to protect its citizens so even there, where no vote has ever been taken, the Brown government plans to surrender its sovereignty and adopt the EU “treaty,” binding England to the product of the European elites. Europe may be beyond saving, but America is not.  We shall, by dint of the work of Sen. Cornyn and like-minded conservatives, survive President Bush’s erosion of America’s political power to decide our own policies and, ultimately, our fate.  Who comes after Mr. Bush may continue the erosion or end it and repair the damage. We know Hillary Clinton will do what Kerry promised not to.  In her article in “Foreign Affairs” last week (about which more shall appear here), she hinted that she would seek ratification of the Kyoto “Global Warming” treaty, saying we need a, “…binding global climate agreement.”  She also called for strengthening and reliance on the whole internationalist alphabet soup of bureaucracies including the International Labor Organization and the World Trade Organization.  Will any of the Republicans do better? Mitt Romney last week declared the UN a failure.  But how will he -- or any of his competitors -- stop the erosion of our sovereignty and restore it to what the Founding Fathers designed? more...
| EU/UN / 4th Kingdom | NewWorldOrder | America |

Teacher sex abuse scars family, town Associated Press (October 22, 2007) - They've learned to watch their older daughter for any sign that something's wrong. She cuts her long, blond hair and dyes it jet black. And they worry. Her father picks up a book she's been reading, "The Road" by Cormac McCarthy, and skims it for clues. He notices a highlighted passage: "You forget some things, don't you," it reads. "Yes. You forget what you want to remember and you remember what you want to forget." Her parents can relate. There's a lot they'd like to forget, too — especially since the day nearly three years ago when their then 15-year-old daughter told them her elementary school band teacher had molested her and other girls. The teacher, Robert Sperlik Jr., pleaded guilty last year to sexual abuse and kidnapping of more than 20 girls, some as young as 9. Among other things, he told prosecutors that he put rags in the girls' mouths, taped them shut and also bound their hands and feet with duct tape and rope for his own sexual stimulation. According to court documents, he rubbed their inner thighs and shoulders and forced them to sit, while bound, in closets and school storage rooms. He pretended it was a game, gave the girls candy and told them not to tell. And for a long time, none of them did. A seven-month Associated Press investigation found stories like these are all too common. AP reporters in every state and the District of Columbia identified 2,570 teachers who were punished for sexual misconduct from 2001 to 2005 alone, for actions that ranged from fondling to viewing child pornography to rape. Though experts who deal with sexual abuse say victims tell the truth more often than not, the ordeal is often worsened when the community around them is drawn in, and people take sides. Often, victims and their families face uncooperative administrators, disbelieving neighbors and an agonizing legal journey. This family in Berwyn, a suburb west of Chicago, understands the emotional toll. "It's a silent epidemic is what it is," the girl's father says. "People are protecting people who aren't worth protecting. I hope our daughters will have that instilled in them, too — that you report what you know." The couple, a telecommunications technician and a stay-at-home mom, spoke on the condition that they and their daughter not be identified, so she can try to move on from the nightmare that began in the late 1990s. They want to share their story to encourage anyone being abused by an educator to come forward. They also hope school officials will do more to get abusive teachers out of classrooms. "I thought my children were safest in school," the girl's mother says. She shakes her head. As a child, she went to Pershing Elementary, the same school her two daughters attended and one of several in Berwyn, where Sperlik taught band for 18 years. "I don't trust anybody now." Her daughter was a fourth-grader when Sperlik began teaching her how to play the clarinet. She liked him. He said nice things about her and played funny games during class, including letting them draw lips on duct tape and put it on their mouths. Eventually, though, she and two of her friends started to feel uncomfortable with what they described as increasingly creepy behavior. more...
| America | Signs of the Times |

There are children being abused all over the world right now that we need to keep in our prayers.

Georgia’s Governor Declares Drought Emergency MSNBC (October 20, 2007) - With water supplies rapidly shrinking during a drought of historic proportions, Gov. Sonny Perdue declared a state of emergency Saturday for the northern third of the state of Georgia and asked President Bush to declare it a major disaster area. Georgia officials warn that Lake Lanier, a 38,000-acre reservoir that supplies more than 3 million residents with water, is less than three months from depletion. Smaller reservoirs are dropping even lower. Perdue asked the president to exempt Georgia from complying with federal regulations that dictate the amount of water released from Georgia's reservoirs to protect federally protected mussel species downstream. "We need to cut through the tangle of unnecessary bureaucracy to manage our resources prudently — so that in the long term, all species may have access to life-sustaining water," he said. On Friday, Perdue's office asked a federal judge to force the Army Corps of Engineers to curb the amount of water it drains from Georgia reservoirs into streams in Alabama and Florida. Georgia's environmental protection director is drafting proposals for more water restrictions. More than a billion gallons of water is released from Lanier every day. The Corps of Engineers bases its water releases on two requirements: The minimum flow needed for a coal-fired power plant in Florida and mandates to protect two mussel species in a Florida river. White House press secretary Dana Perino said Perdue's request will be reviewed. "In the meantime, we have already begun drafting interim rules to use procedures and flexibility to address the endangered species requirements and the Army Corps has started the process of revising the operations manual for the river basin," Perino said. Georgia lawmakers say neighboring states also are exploiting the law as a tool to draw more water from Georgia's lakes. "We've learned from this what a blunt weapon the Endangered Species Act has become," said state Rep. John Linder. "We need to understand this lake was created not for mussels but for people." more...
| America |

If we're really as close to the end as the evidence would seem to suggest, could this help contribute to the famine of the third seal? Let's take into account several other stories that affect this I shared earlier. One is the bee problem where with less pollination comes less crops. We also have the stories of a smaller wheat crop. When taking this into account with the other story in this issue regarding the supply chain and how 2% of Americans produce food for all of America, where does that leave the rest of the country in a national crisis? What if terrorism is included in the mix? There are many factors, all of which could very quickly plunge America into great depression, not the least of which is current volatility in the financial markets as well as the declining Dollar against the Euro. In other words, you may want to start thinking about stocking up on bottled water and non-perishable foods because with the instability mixed with people who want our destruction, we may find that we can't rely on the government to take care of us as well as they did with Katrina and the like. I think churches should start to utilize some of their storage for this purpose as well. As the body of Christ we stand much stronger together than alone and in the coming times of increased persecution and uncertainty we need to build each other up in the Word and be a support for those who have no solid foundation in Christ as we do. Our churches should be centers of selfless love where our awareness spells preparedness to help others both materially and spiritually.

Message from John L. Petersen on the Coming Crash Steve Quayle (October 19, 2007) - It appears that the world in general and the United States in particular are on the edge of a major disruption in the global financial system. Here’s the summary as we see it. At a recent Board meeting of The Arlington Institute, Dr. David Martin, CEO of M*CAM and one of the members of the Board was asked for his assessment of the global financial situation in the coming months. Here are my notes from his response:

The next shoe to fall is consumer credit

Currently as reports came in on the 3rd quarter, foreclosures were up 470% this quarter alone. They will be up over 500% this coming quarter (4th). A foreclosure in our terms is when the bank has officially declared an account insolvent and tries to regain the asset (if it exists). The person who is foreclosed upon can no longer secure any traditional consumer credit. This in turn goes straight to the banks as no one will be able to get the store issued charge cards. A minority of people pay off their consumer debt every month. When one considers the combination of consumer credit card debt and the compounded debt of “home equity” financing, we estimate that less than 20% of people actually carry no consumer credit from one month to the next. Many of the ones who don’t pay off their carried consumer debt have at least one credit card at its limit and therefore lack credit capacity. Most have their paycheck directly covering bills and servicing the minimum balance due. Therefore people who are foreclosed upon will not be able to obtain credit and since their paychecks will be maxed out, there will not be extra cash left over from the paycheck to service a new debt. Next, everybody buys things at Christmas. As much as 40% of retail sales are done in the 4th quarter of the year – i.e. the retail miracle. The purchase decline in retail goods this fourth quarter will occur because many credit-only consumers will lack the credit capacity mentioned above. Frequently, people overcharge their limit and the banks (albeit a profit center for subprime credit users) levy a penalty by increasing interest rates and charging additional fees. In the 4th quarter of 2007, the amount of people overcharging their limits will be too many for the banks to handle. We do not have a system in place to deal with overcharge on that scale. A substantial number of this December’s purchases will go into an overdraft on credit limits.

CDO – Collateral Debt Obligation – Consumer Credit

Consumer credit pooled debt investment instruments (a form of CDO) are originated and rated based on underlying historical credit behavior and a complex series of predictive models for repayment dynamics. CDOs have “strips” which are a combination of similar profile tranches within a larger investment product. Based on the market’s appetite for risk, investment performance guarantees (or credit enhancements) are packaged with the credits. These credit guarantees are issued by insurance companies, reinsurance companies, and other specialty finance companies – many operating with extra-territorial jurisdiction rendering fiscal oversight more complicated. These strips come in several categories:

  • Investment grade
  • Almost investment grade
  • Junk and
  • Why did we give them a credit card?

All of these grades are priced on historical default rates. The credit insurance companies (AIG, MBIA, Ambac, Financial Security Assurance, Channel Re, XL, Zurich Re and other reinsurers) have, from time to time, issued credit guarantees to the securities. Banks sell debt in the form of a Collateralized Debt Obligation (CDO). Minor shifts in default actuarial activity (+/- 25 basis points) from normative behavior is absorbed within pricing of these financial guaranty contracts. However fundamental shifts (hundreds or thousands of basis points in one quarter) are not built into the model and result in credit enhancement insolvency on a major scale. When the insurer cannot pay based on its own liquidity impairment, the bank is left with catastrophic (an insurance term for excessive loss outside of expected) exposure. If in a single quarter we have an increased foreclosure rate of 400% (or 4000 basis points) the insurance contracts simply cannot handle that kind of drastic shift as evidenced by the write offs in the third quarter. When we will follow the drastic third quarter with a loss of 500% in the fourth quarter, the trajectory becomes clear. Neither the banking nor the insurance industry has a historical experience in dealing with this type of challenge and neither has the liquidity linked to these contracts to support system wide collapse. Where was the announcement of this? There was no announcement.

However Hank Greenberg is resurfacing in AIG leadership even during an SEC investigation because without him, no one else can remember where the counterparty risks are. In order to save the insurance industry, shareholders have looked past alleged SEC violations as there is no one with Mr. Greenberg’s awareness of the market and counterparty agreements who can hope to navigate the coming challenges. In the 4th quarter, the US will have another record foreclosure announcement. Once you’re over 25% (25 basis point) foreclosure, all models are broken. Under a consumer credit melt-down, Capital One and/or Wachovia are likely going to put a massive foreclosure liability to an insurance company and the insurance company will not have liquidity to cover the exposure. This is the problem we got into when we issued credit card debt on top of secondary mortgages – (inflated the value of the home) and gave out credit based on faux equity that no one really had. The reason why this problem is the second shoe to fall (subprime mortgage collapse was the first shoe) is because consumer credit has a different foreclosure frequency than traditional mortgage credit. December is when the maturity of the giant buyout of the economy moves. By December, you’ll have a second round of charge offs based on consumer credit. The real big problem – when you foreclose on consumer credit, people stop buying things. When people stop buying things, we don’t have a tertiary way to pump liquidity into the market. People won’t have extra cash from their paychecks and won’t have capacity on their cards. more...
| America |

Police with Dogs: Vaccinating Kids in Maryland Vaccine Awakening (October 19, 2007) - "In Germany, they came first for the Communists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn't speak up because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me, and by that time no one was left to speak up." - Martin Niemueller

I watched them bundled up against the cold winter air on Saturday, November 17, 2007, with their children and the letter from the State of Maryland threatening them with imprisonment or fines of $50 a day for failing to show proof their children had gotten a chickenpox or hepatitis B shot. Confused, angry or scared but mostly resigned, they were working mothers and fathers trudging toward the courthouse to face the Judge ordering them to get vaccinated or go to jail. Patrolling the scene was a SWAT team of policemen with dogs. There were a few vaccine safety and informed consent advocates who showed up to witness what happened at the Prince George's County Courthouse, among them Washington D.C. Attorney Jim Moody and autism activist Kelli Ann Davis, of SAFEMINDS and Charles Frohman, representing the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) as well as several Moms with children who developed autism after vaccination. The U.S. media turned out but they were kept behind barricades and denied access into the building, as were the advocates and other members of the general public. There was no public oversight on what was happening to the parents and children inside. I listened to or spoke with several mothers leaving the building with their children and learned the sad truth about what was happening behind the closely guarded, closed doors of the Courthouse. The parents were not being asked questions about their child’s medical history or whether the children had experienced health problems after previous vaccinations. The parents were not being given information about vaccine side effects or how to monitor their children for signs of vaccine reactions. They were not given forms for religious and medical exemptions to vaccination allowed in Maryland (see the video of my debate on CNN the day before with Vanderbilt’s Bill Schaffner, M.D. plus a video of a Saturday CNN interview with Jim Moody) Apparently, the children were being re-vaccinated with not just hepatitis B and chicken pox vaccines, the two new vaccines added to the Maryland school requirement list, but also with other required vaccines for which the public school system could find no record. One mother told me her children were up-to-date on their shots but the school system lost the records and she had to give her children all the required vaccines on the spot or face jail or fines. My son, Chris, who became learning disabled after suffering a serious reaction to a fourth DPT shot in 1980, traveled with me to Maryland carrying a camera. After growing up watching his Mom work to change one-size-fits-all vaccine policies that were responsible for his vaccine reaction, Chris recently decided he wants to help NVIC put a face on what it means to be vaccine injured in America and what it means when Americans do not have the right to freely exercise informed consent to vaccination. more...
| America |

US Food Supplies Ice Age Now (October 19, 2007) - Last week on the George Noory show I said that "we’ll be fighting in the streets for food long before we’re buried in ice." (I say the same thing in Not by Fire but by Ice.) I just received an email from a reader that sums it up better than I did. "I spent about thirty years working in commercial agribusiness. My main job was to purchase ingredients, mainly grain, for flour mills and animal feed mills. As a part of my job I was forced to understand the US food supply system, its strengths and weaknesses. Over the years I became aware of some things that nearly all Americans are completely unaware of. I am going to make a list of statements and then you will see where I'm going.

  • 1% of the US population grows all of the food for all Americans.
  • Nearly all Americans know essentially nothing about where the food they eat every day comes from. How it gets from the ground to them. And they don't want to know about it. It's
    cheap, as close as their local store, and of high quality. So no worries.
  • The bulk of the food we eat comes from grain. Although they raise a lot of fruits and vegetables in California, Arizona, Florida, Oregon and Washington, those things don't compose the main part of the average diet. Half of what a meat animal is raised on is grain so when you eat meat you are really eating grain. And, of course, we eat grain directly as bread,
    bagels, doughnuts, pasta, etc. Milk (and milk products like cheese) comes from cows that eat grain. A lot of grain. And the grain they eat is not produced where the cows are located.
  • The lion's share of grain produced in the US is done in a concentrated part of the US Midwest (Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri is the center of this area). The grain is moved to the coasts (where 70% of the population live) by only two (2) railroads.
  • Nothing is stored for very long in a supermarket. One day grain travels (by rail) from Kansas to Seattle to a flour mill. The next day the flour mill makes the flour and sends it to a bakery. The next day the bakery makes it into bread (and other baked things) and the next day it is at the store where it is purchased that day. Nobody stores anything. The grain is produced and stored in the Midwest and shipped daily in a single pipeline to the rest of America where the people live.
  • Up until the 1980's there was a system that stored a lot of grain in elevators around the country. At one time a whole year's harvest of grain was stored that way. But since tax-payers were paying to store it, certain urban politicians engineered the movement of that money from providing a safety net or backup for their own food supply in order to give the money to various other social welfare things. So now, nothing is stored. We produce what we consume each year and store practically none of it. There is no contingency plan.
Now for my take on what this means for us and what it has to do with the topic you are publicizing.
  • If a drought such as has lingered over other parts of the US where little grain is grown were to move over the grain-producing states in the Midwest where few people live, it would seriously damage the food supply of the country and the apples of Washington, the lettuce of California, the grape-fruit of Florida and the peanuts of Georgia won't make up the difference because grain is the staff of life and most of it is grown in the Midwest.
  • Americans are armed to the teeth. In LA people burned down their own neighborhoods to protest a court case.
  • In order for riots to break out the whole food supply doesn't have to be wiped out. It just has to be threatened sufficiently. When people realize their vulnerability and the fact that there is no short term solution to a severe enough drought in the Midwest they will have no clue as to what they should do. Other nations can't make up the difference because no other nation has a surplus of grain in good times let alone in times when they are having droughts and floods also. It takes two or three months to raise grain, yet people have to eat usually at least once a day, usually more than that.
  • So basically we have in place a recipe for a disaster that will dwarf any other localized disasters imaginable. The important thing to note is that there is no solution for this event. There is no contingency plan for this. People living in certain parts of the US will fare better than others (which is another story) but those who live in big cities, where most of the US population live, are done for.
Anyway, I have no agenda of my own concerning this. I just thought I'd share it with someone who appears to have an idea of what might likely cause this scenario to occur. The only people who know about this are those who are involved in the production and distribution of the food supply and there are very, very few of them number-wise. And most of them haven't put two and two together yet either.
| America |

Zechariah's warning to Bush and Condi WorldNet Daily (October 18, 2007) - The Palestinians and Israelis are scheduled to meet at the Naval Academy in Annapolis, Md., this November. This major "peace summit" is the brainchild of the Bush administration and is under the supervision of U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. Though most of the world – especially the Arab world – seems dubious about the summit's prospects for success, the United States appears bent on forcing some sort of "peace" upon that troubled region. To do so, Secretary Rice is pressuring Israel to drop all of its redline demands. Redlines are the points that cannot be conceded. Both sides have redlines. Both sides have points they will not give up, boundaries they will not cross. But the State Department is pressuring Israel to drop all of its redline conditions. For the first time, the division of Jerusalem is on the table. Since 1967, Israel had steadfastly claimed a united Jerusalem as "its eternal capital, never to be divided again." I will never forget when Gen. Moshe Dayan first stood before the Western Wall after the amazing six-day victory in June of 1967. He dramatically declared, "We have returned to all that is holy in our land. We have returned never to be parted from it again." Evidently, to Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, "eternal" and "never" means about 40 years. According to the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, the Palestinians are pressuring Secretary Rice to guarantee that Israel will relinquish sovereignty over the Temple Mount. What's more, they're making this guarantee a pre-condition before they'll even show up at the conference! According to a senior Palestinian official quoted by Haaretz, "No Arab country would agree for a final-status arrangement in which the Temple Mount was not in Muslim hands, particularly not Saudi Arabia." So, while Israel is not permitted any redline issues, the Palestinian redlines are not only permitted, but Secretary Rice is seeking guarantees of Israeli acceptance of them. And their No. 1 redline demand is that Israel must surrender the very heart and soul of Judaism as the price of admission to even start discussing peace. Just suppose for a moment that Israel and the Muslims were in reverse circumstances. Can you imagine the reaction to Israel demanding that the Muslims guarantee the surrender of Mecca as a precondition to "discussing" peace? The world would consider such a demand unthinkable. Yet, according to a report in WorldNetDaily, Secretary Rice singled out areas of Jerusalem that will become part of a future Palestinian state. She reportedly told Palestinian negotiators that she would publicly blame Israel for the failure of next month's summit if the Jewish state didn't agree to evacuate east Jerusalem neighborhoods. Rice traveled to the Middle East this week to help the Israelis and Palestinians formulate a joint statement ahead of November's conference. The Palestinians want the statement to outline specifically a Palestinian state including the Gaza Strip, West Bank and essentially all of east Jerusalem, which includes not only the Muslim holy places, but those of the Jews and Christians as well. They are ostensibly to be put under Jordanian supervision. But I remember what that was like before June 1967. There were walls and barbed wire separating East Jerusalem from Israel. Christian pilgrims had to carry their own luggage across an intimidating no man's land of about 40 meters while unfriendly Jordanian soldiers looked on. I am stunned the Bush administration is pressuring Israel to agree to all of the Palestinian demands in advance, with the threat that they'll be blamed for the summit's failure if they don't. In view of this, my question is, "What's the point of the conference?" "What's left to negotiate?" President Bush and Secretary Rice have already done the Palestinians' negotiating for them. And all of this despite the fact that the Palestinians have not lived up to one prerequisite condition outlined in Bush's own "Road Map for Peace." You know, I fear for both President Bush and Secretary Rice. I also fear for my beloved country. They must be ignorant of a prophecy God made 2,500 years ago through the Hebrew prophet Zechariah. It applies to this precise time and situation in history. God said, "Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of drunkenness to all the surrounding peoples. …" The people surrounding Jerusalem are all the current Muslim nations. As predicted, they have become intoxicated over possessing Jerusalem. Like drunken people, their emotions, inflamed with religious zeal, are causing them to do unwise, reckless and violent things. The truth is hardly any Muslims traveled to visit Jerusalem before the Jews returned to it. Now you would think there is no other holy place on earth as important to them. These are the exact conditions Zechariah predicted would be part of the last stages of this age. He continues, "And it shall happen in that day that I WILL make Jerusalem a very heavy stone for ALL PEOPLES. …" – meaning the entire world. Now here's the punch line: "ALL who would seek to heave it away will surely be cut in pieces." The original Hebrew makes the meaning of this even clearer. It reveals that everyone who tries to remove the heavy burden of the Jerusalem crisis will be utterly destroyed for getting involved with it. Isaac and Ishmael's fight over possession of Jerusalem has drawn the whole world into it – just as the prophets predicted. It is the culmination of Ishmael's 4,000-year-old hatred of his half-brother Isaac, the forefather of the Israelites. I pray that somehow this message will get through to President Bush and Secretary Rice. This prophecy applies to this very moment in which we live. And in light of what they are forcing on Israel, it applies to them personally. While Bush and Rice strive to create legacies for themselves – just as most presidents have tried to do with the Middle East conflict for the last 40 years – they not only endanger themselves, but also endanger this nation with the divine curse promised above. Mr. President, there is nothing on this earth worth what you are doing. In the power of God's Spirit, I warn them both, "Stop, before it's too late!"
| Israel | Islam | Dividing the Land | 1st Seal | Temple MountAmerica |

Bush warns of World War III if Iran goes nuclear Breitbart (October 17, 2007) - US President George W. Bush said Wednesday that he had warned world leaders they must prevent Iran from getting nuclear weapons "if you're interested in avoiding World War III." "We've got a leader in Iran who has announced that he wants to destroy Israel," Bush said at a White House press conference after Russia cautioned against military action against Tehran's supect atomic program. "So I've told people that, if you're interested in avoiding World War III, it seems like you ought to be interested in preventing them from having the knowledge necessary to make a nuclear weapon," said Bush.
| Iran | America |

What does the Bible have to say about Iran's future? Ezekiel 38, 39 labels Iran, Turkey, Russia, Ethiopia and others are part of an attack on Israel, the Gog/Magog invasion. It is at that point that God destroys them in the mountains of Israel. This tells us that whether or not Iran has or will have nuclear weapons, they are going to make an attempt at a ground invasion of Israel. They are drawn into this with "hooks in the jaws." So nuclear weapons are not a part of that future with Israel. And first Israel must be living in safety. Ezekiel 38:8-15 The fate of America is not laid out in Bible prophecy however. Either we will be integrated into the global governance and also come against Israel, or we will not be an influential power in support of Israel. The Bible says that all the world will come against Israel and it will be a burdensome stone to all who come against her. Right now the US is joining in the call to divide Israel and Jerusalem to create a Palestinian State. Indeed all the world is pushing for this goal. Will America enter WWIII with Iran? I think America will collapse from the perch of power before it comes to that. The Dollar is failing globally and everyone knows it while foreign governments have too much control of a currency that is dictated by private bankers. I think the bubble is going to burst, those who hate America will make sure of it. And this would explain why America may not be influential enough to show up in Bible prophecy, which focuses on Israel and Jerusalem mostly. Either that or we will be a part of the same antichrist kingdom and will have given our power to him. With the need for a bailout from Europe and the global power and influence being exerted from Europe, those who make the laws, rule. I think the purposes of the terrorist cells will come into play when the antichrist demands worship and people reject him. These groups will probably be the centers for the new converts to worship, train and enforce. All the world will wonder after the beast and the dragon that gives him his power. Revelation 13 Keep watching!

Weak Dollar Allows Foreigners to Snap Up U.S. Firms News Max (October 16, 2007) - Bargain-hunting foreigners are snapping up U.S. companies at a record pace as the weak dollar, a growing trade imbalance and spiking oil prices spark a raid on America’s corporate assets. Through September, foreign firms have spent $276 billion to acquire U.S. businesses, according to Thomson Financial. At that rate, the 2007 total will easily surpass 2000’s record of $325 billion in foreign buy-outs. With the dollar at a record low against most major foreign currencies, and with a robust economy abroad, “It’s a fire sale for companies in Europe, Canada, Australia and some emerging markets that want to buy in the U.S.,” says David Gilmore, a partner at consulting firm Foreign Exchange Analytics in Essex, Conn. The biggest deals over the past two years include:

• French telecommunications equipment maker Alcatel’s $13.4 billion takeover of Lucent, of Bedminster, N.J.
• The U.K’s National Grid buyout of New York’s KeySpan for $11.8 billion
• Saudi Basic Industries’ $11.6 billion purchase of GE Plastics of Pittsfield Mass.

Earlier this month, Canada’s Toronto-Dominion Bank announced an $8.5 billion deal to acquire Commerce Bank of Cherry Hill, N.J. The trend not only raises national security red flags but has also sparked concerns that U.S. assets--and associated investment returns--are increasingly falling into foreign hands, experts say. “If they’re productive investments, foreigners will receive the dividends rather than Americans, but that’s the consequence of living beyond your means,” says Michael Klein, professor of economics at Tufts University. more...
| NewWorldOrder | America |

The Panic Window Approaches Financial Sense University (October 15, 2007) - Adding to the list of things that can go wrong from our last discussion, things that could cause a possible dislocation in the stock market during the possible panic window opening next month, we have an astute observation by Rick Ackerman. Then you have Gary North out further discussing Fed antics associated with a contracting monetary base, which he is suggesting will topple the equity complex, and possibly the system. Here, you can’t blame the Fed for instituting such policy. Again, the idea behind constricting growth in the monetary base is to support the dollar ($) and curb the inflationary effects of easing rate policy. And while I agree with the conclusions of both these gentlemen, as stated in our last commentary the timing associated with when such factors will come home to roost is still very much up in the air however, not imminent by any means. Enter Goldman Sachs, where last week they came out saying the worst of the credit crunch is over, and to bet on a recovery. Obviously this must be the way they are betting now, betting their expanding balance sheet (buyers of last resort) on seasonal tendencies and an easy money environment. One does need wonder just how long this can go on for however if as Rick Ackerman above points out the consumer is saturated with debt. Try as they will however, brokers, bankers, and politicos (the ‘authorities’) are attempting to get the borrowing binge back on track, attempting to get companies interested in leveraged buyouts again, anything to keep the credit bubble from collapsing. If you believe the message in a rising gold price, one must consider the possibility they will be more successful than is the conventional wisdom at the moment, making short selling a very dangerous prospect indeed. Outcomes in October will tell the story in this respect. And then we have the Chinese, whose ‘upper-ups’ are apparently waking up to what Goldman Sachs and the Rothschild’s have planned for them now. So, it will be interesting to see just how things develop moving forward. I am looking for profound change in trade related exchange between China and the West developing after the Olympics next year to mark acceleration in the demise of the Western Banking Model known as ‘Globalization’. This is when you can expect to see the $ come under intense pressure as the Chinese pull their support, and interest rates rise. (More on this below.) This of course will make above considerations very important because if the monetary base is already shaky by then, a genuine system collapse is possible at the extreme. Continue to buy gold and silver bullion. You will not regret it in the end. The markets have now completed a close resemblance of a 1987 signature in the trade as month end approaches. That being said, based on the strength of the move in stocks into new all time highs in many cases, this does suggest that despite what authorities would have you believe, money supply growth rates are accelerating. In this regard I will refer you to the attached resource piece pointing out the fact one need be a scientist these days in grappling with increasingly complex accountings and methodologies employed by monetary authorities. Of course we have known this for some time, along with the fact unaccounted for inflation is coming from so many sources now that it’s not possible to add the total largesse befalling the larger system today. Here, the only way one can be sure you are on the right track interpretation wise is to watch prices, with gold featuring prominently as a leading indicator. This may become more apparent to Gary North in coming days. more...
| America |

Rice: Now is time for Palestinian State Associated Press (October 15, 2007) - The time has come for establishing a Palestinian state and it's in the interest of the U.S. to do so, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said Monday in one of her most forceful statements yet on the issue. The comments from Rice, after a meeting with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, suggested that the Bush administration is determined to try to bridge the wide gaps between Israel and the Palestinians ahead of a U.S.-hosted Mideast conference. The gathering is expected to take place next month, though a date has not been announced. Moderate Arab countries, whose participation is widely viewed as critical, have not committed to attending. Standing next to Abbas, Rice defined Palestinian statehood as a U.S. interest. "Frankly, it's time for the establishment of a Palestinian state," Rice said. "I wanted to say in my own voice to be able to say to as many people as possible that the United States sees the establishment of a Palestinian state and a two-state solution as absolutely essential for the future, not just of Palestinians and Israelis but also for the Middle East and indeed to American interests," she said. "That's really a message that I think only I can deliver." Tensions arose Sunday when Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert told his Cabinet that he did not regard a joint declaration of principles for a future peace deal to be a prerequisite for the conference. The Palestinians said that without such a document, they would not attend. Rice did not say whether she wants the document completed before the conference, set in Annapolis, Md. However, the U.S. has said it wants a substantive working paper dealing with all the key disputes before the start of the conference. The issues include borders, Jerusalem, Israeli settlements and Palestinian refugees. "We frankly have better things to do than invite people to Annapolis for a photo op," she said. She said ending the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a top priority of the Bush administration. Rice praised Israel and Palestinians for making their "most serious effort" in years to end the conflict. Olmert and Abbas have held a series of meetings in recent months, and the two sides have appointed negotiating teams to hammer out their joint vision for peace in time for the gathering. Abbas said he expects the conference to launch Israeli-Palestinian peace talks, and that a deadline should be set for completion. However, Israel rejects a timetable and U.S. officials have been cool to the idea. more...
| Israel | Islam | Dividing the Land | America |

New FDA research center rife with risks Associated Press (October 14, 2007) - The Food and Drug Administration is moving with unprecedented speed to launch a drug research center to be paid for by companies it regulates. The goal of the Reagan-Udall Foundation, approved by Congress and signed into law late last month, is to streamline and improve the development of drugs and medical devices, a goal long sought by regulators and the biggest players in the industry, such as Merck & Co., Pfizer Inc., Wyeth, GlaxoSmithKline PLC, and Johnson & Johnson. At a time when the FDA's reputation has been battered by perceptions that it is lax on some safety issues and too cozy with drug makers, consumer advocates say the loosely defined partnership increases the agency's vulnerability to industry clout despite its promise of groundbreaking success. It's an ambitious undertaking that puts regulators and companies in a relationship unlike that of any other industry. Congress required fast-track creation of the foundation. The FDA filed a public notice Oct. 3 that it was accepting board nominations and will name board members Oct. 27. Drug industry executives likely will hold four seats on the center's 14-member board. The rest will be academics, consumer advocates and physicians, with no voting seats for FDA commissioners or staff. The board's makeup could allow drugs to be developed more cheaply, improving pharmaceutical industry profits, but not necessarily result in safer and less expensive drugs for consumers, critics worry. "Given FDA's track record in the past, I'm not confident in their ability to create something that is free of influence from industry," said Francesca Grifo, a director at the Union of Concerned Scientists. Her group and others have argued that the agency has become too accommodating to drug companies the past 25 years, after they began paying FDA user fees for the review of drug applications. "Time and again we've seen that people within FDA behave as if industry is their primary client," Grifo said. Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass., a co-sponsor of the bill to create the foundation, says the bill requires "effective safeguards to ensure that the foundation is independent of both the FDA and its donors, whether those donors are from industry or are charitable organizations." Reagan-Udall "will make new research tools and techniques available to the entire research community, shortening the time it takes to develop new drugs and reducing costs for patients," Kennedy added in an e-mailed response. more...
NewWorldOrder | America |

I don't trust the pharmaceutical industry and according to scripture it is called witchcraft, or Pharmacia. Do you think you can trust men playing with chemicals to provide unnatural chemical combinations to introduce to our bodies? I think our health and well being has much more to do with our spiritual condition. (I had cancer) Part of the unspoken push from a spiritual sense is to deaden our senses and lull us into compliance. The fruits of the industry are a generation blinded and drugged out, dependent on the very chemicals that can put us to sleep. With the ability for these companies to directly advertise their poison on TV directly to the users, they can get more people hooked, even with all the negative side-effects they list for the potential slight benefits. There is also many stories about doctors getting kickbacks from the industry in exchange for offering their drugs. Another somewhat related story, Pfizer joins online doctors' forum, talks about a forum online meant to keep the pharmaceutical companies out of doctors conversations. However, now Pfizer has made an alliance with the site. Christians beware! We are to be awake, sober and watchful. God is able to heal better than ignorant men's tinkering with chemicals that cause more problems, trust in God over men.

Shakings, Weighings and Divisions: Syria, Annapolis and the Return of YHVH - Part One - Syria David's Tent (October 13, 2007) - Israel has been in the headlines again – a mysterious Israel Air Force attack delves deep into Syria; an upcoming US-prompted peace conference in Annapolis MD discusses a major dividing up of the land of Israel; a brazen new book accuses the American Jewish community and Israel of acting against the interests of the USA, raising the ante of anti-Semitism in the USA. The sharks smell blood and are circling, while the Jewish David, one arm tied behind his back by world pressure and opinion, finds himself confronting many modern-day Goliaths. We are indeed living in significant days! Serious stirrings in Syria Some secret events in Syria have hit the headlines in recent days. Israel's strict censorship rules on military matters forbid direct reporting of certain military matters, but anonymous leaks to major journalists have somewhat dispersed the mists of war. London's Sunday Times reported on September 16 2007 that just after midnight on September 6, the 69th Squadron composed of eight Israeli F-15Is, F-16s and a UAV crossed the Mediterranean coastline of Syria and headed to a military target 50 miles from the Iraqi border – Deir ez-Zour. Syrian radar was somehow blocked, and a pre-positioned Israeli special forces Shaldag team (air force commandos) painted the target with laser beams. The pinpoint accurate bombing destroyed what Israeli intelligence anonymously describe as either nuclear material or a nuclear device from North Korea which could be fitted on North Korean Scud-C missiles (already in Syria's arsenal). An Israeli source said, "We’ve known for a long time that Syria has deadly chemical warheads on its Scuds, but Israel can’t live with a nuclear warhead." Over the years the world's intelligence community has given us some context for this attack. A CIA report from June 2003 stated, "Broader access to foreign expertise provides (Syria) opportunities to expand its indigenous capabilities and we are looking at Syrian nuclear intentions with growing concern." Link On November 12 2003 John R. Bolton, Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security at the State Department, spoke at a public gathering in Washington DC (

"As I have recently testified to Congress, we are concerned about Syria's nuclear research and development program and continue to watch for any signs of nuclear weapons activity or foreign assistance that could facilitate a Syrian nuclear weapons capability. We are aware of Syrian efforts to acquire dual-use technologies that could be applied to a nuclear weapons program. . . Broader access to Russian expertise could provide opportunities for Syria to expand its indigenous capabilities, should it decide to pursue nuclear weapons. . . Since the 1970s, Syria has pursued what is now one of the most advanced Arab state chemical weapons capabilities. It has a stockpile of the nerve agent sarin that can be delivered by aircraft or ballistic missiles, and has engaged in the research and development of more toxic and persistent nerve agents such as VX."

On April 29, 2004 Bolton told the United Nations that the Pakistani nuclear scientist Abdul Qadeer Khan had "several other" customers for his nuclear bomb factories besides Iran, Libya and North Korea. Western diplomats said then that Bolton was clearly referring to Syria (see the Reform Party of Syria's article in The Road To Annapolis (2007) The past few weeks have seen a flurry of activity concerning a possible peace conference in Annapolis, Maryland, a city that since American Colonial days has been known as the "Athens of America". Tony Blair recently stepped down from his position as Prime Minister and immediately was appointed Middle East Envoy of the Quartet (US, UK, European Union and Russia) on June 27 2007.  He promptly stated that until Israel surrenders more land, there will be no peace in the Middle East.  "The absolute priority is to try to give effect to what is now the consensus across the international community - that the only way of bringing stability and peace to the Middle East is a two-state solution" (PM Blair's final press briefing at Downing Street). According to Blair, it seems, Israel holds the key to Middle East and world peace. While there is a sense where Blair's words may be biblically true (Israel does hold the key to life from the dead, according to Romans 11:15), Blair's statement as it stands is grossly inaccurate, ignoring the bloody ongoing inter-Arab conflicts that churn across the Middle East on a daily basis – conflicts that have nothing to do with Israel in even the remotest way! See Dr. Daniel Pipes' article "Arab-Israeli Fatalities Rank 49th" at The UK and the US seem to have come to a remarkable agreement regarding what to do with Israel. Speaking in Ramallah on October 15 2007 Secretary of State Rice said:  

  • "Frankly, it's time for the establishment of a Palestinian state"
  • A two-state solution is "absolutely essential for the future, not just of Palestinians and Israelis but also for the Middle East and indeed for American interests."
  • "Frankly, we have better things to do than invite people to Annapolis for a photo op."
  • "I hope you understand that the President has decided to make this one of the highest priorities of his administration and of his time in office. It means that he is absolutely serious about moving this issue forward and moving it as rapidly as possible to conclusion."
One day before Rice's statement, on October 14 2007 Israeli Industry and Trade Minister Eli Yishai had met with the Secretary of State in Jerusalem. He told her that the status of Jerusalem must be taken off the agenda of the Annapolis conference. According to Yishai's office, Rice responded that "the time has come to deal with issues that we were afraid to touch for many years." (JP Oct 15 2007 p.9 "As Rice arrives …").  
Pray for America's and Britain's leaders as they once again attempt to pick up a heavy Jerusalem stone that cannot be lifted (Zechariah 12:1-4). more...
| Iran | Gog/Magog | Israel | Islam | Isaiah 17 | Dividing the Land | America |

Also see parts II and III of this article. Part III goes into the upcoming Annapolis meeting to divide Israel.

'Mom' and 'Dad' banished by California WorldNet Daily (October 13, 2007) - "Mom and Dad" as well as "husband and wife" effectively have been banned from California schools under a bill signed by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, who with his signature also ordered public schools to allow boys to use girls restrooms and locker rooms, and vice versa, if they choose. "We are shocked and appalled that the governor has blatantly attacked traditional family values in California," said Karen England, executive director of Capitol Resource Institute. "With this decision, Gov. Schwarzenegger has told parents that their values are irrelevant. Many parents will have no choice but to pull their children out of the public schools that have now become sexualized indoctrination centers." "Arnold Schwarzenegger has delivered young children into the hands of those who will introduce them to alternative sexual lifestyles," said Randy Thomasson, president of Campaign for Children and Families, which worked to defeat the plans. "This means children as young as five years old will be mentally molested in school classrooms. "Shame on Schwarzenegger and the Democrat politicians for ensuring that every California school becomes a homosexual-bisexual-transsexual indoctrination center," he said. Analysts have warned that schools across the nation will be impacted by the decision, since textbook publishers must cater to their largest purchaser, which often is California, and they will be unlikely to go to the expense of having a separate edition for other states. The bills signed by Schwarzenegger include SB777, which bans anything in public schools that could be interpreted as negative toward homosexuality, bisexuality and other alternative lifestyle choices. There are no similar protections for students with traditional or conservative lifestyles and beliefs, however. "SB 777 will result in reverse discrimination against students with religious and traditional family values," said Meredith Turney, legislative liaison for Capitol Resource Institute. "These students have lost their voice as the direct result of Gov. Schwarzenegger's unbelievable decision. The terms 'mom and dad' or 'husband and wife' could promote discrimination against homosexuals if a same-sex couple is not also featured. "Parents want the assurance that when their children go to school they will learn the fundamentals of reading, writing and arithmetic – not social indoctrination regarding alternative sexual lifestyles. Now that SB777 is law, schools will in fact become indoctrination centers for sexual experimentation," she said. England told WND that the law is not a list of banned words, including "mom" and "dad." But she said the requirement is that the law bans discriminatory bias. "Having 'mom' and 'dad' promotes a dicsriminatory bias. You have to either get rid of 'mom' and 'dad' or include everything when talking about [parental issues]," she said. "They [promoters of sexual alternative lifestyles] do consider that discriminatory." Also signed was AB394, which targets parents and teachers for such indoctrination through "anti-harassment" training, CCF said. Schwarzenegger had vetoed almost identical provisions a year ago, saying existing state law already provided for penalties for discrimination. more...
| America
Signs of the Times |

'Make peace with us – or we'll kill you!' World Net Daily (October 12, 2007) - An open letter issued by a group of 138 Muslim scholars, clerics and academics issued an "invitation" to the Vatican, the archbishop of Canterbury and other Christian leaders to "make peace" with Islam. At least, that is the way most mainstream news reports styled it – "an invitation to make peace." It was actually more of an ultimatum than it was an invitation. Boiled down to its essence, the letter warned Christians to "make peace with us or we'll kill you." The letter just phrases it more nicely. "As Muslims, we say to Christians that we are not against them and that Islam is not against them – so long as they do not wage war against Muslims on account of their religion, oppress them and drive them out of their homes." It was hard to know what to make of that statement. If it refers to the war on terror, it was Osama bin Laden who declared this a war of religions, in which he identified his enemies as Christian Crusaders and Jews. The so-called "invitation" to make peace with Islam suggests that the price of peace is Islamic freedom to make war on others without fear of retaliation. At no point in the conflict has anyone other than Islam defined it as a conflict between Christians and Jews against Islam. The statement was timed to coincide with the end of the Islamic month of Ramadan and one year after the pope inflamed the sentiments of the Religion of Perpetual Outrage by quoting the words of an obscure 14th century Byzantine emperor. The letter was hailed by Newsweek as "something of a miracle" – treating it as if were an olive branch being offered by the victim to the aggressor, if only the aggressor were humane enough to accept it. Gushed Newsweek in it's column headlined, "Give Peace a Chance" – as if it were the West who opposed peace and had suddenly run amok attacking innocent Muslims everywhere – "It is addressed to Christianity's most powerful leaders, including the pope, the archbishop of Canterbury and the heads of the Lutheran, Methodist and Baptist churches, and, in 15 pages laced with quranic and biblical scriptures, argues that the most fundamental tenets of Islam and Christianity are identical: love of one (and the same) God, and love of one's neighbor." I hardly know where to begin to address that statement. In the first place, if it were true, then no Muslim could make a credible argument to his co-religionists based on the most fundamental tenets of Islam that there is any eternal reward to be had for killing one's enemy in jihad. If it were true, then the word "jihad" wouldn't be an Islamic concept. There is no identical fundamental belief within Judaism or Christianity that ascribes special spiritual benefits to dying in religious combat. In fact, there is no such concept of "religious combat" of any kind in Christianity or Judaism. The Bible relates combat involving Jews against their enemies, but those were territorial political battles, not battles to impose Judaism on the vanquished. Jews don't particularly encourage converts, and Christians believe that conversion can only be accomplished by the Holy Spirit. The job of the Christian is limited to sharing the Gospel, not imposing it by force or threats. Christians are taught by no less an authority than the Lord Himself, "And whosoever will not receive you, when ye go out of that city, shake off the very dust from your feet for a testimony against them." The Quran tells the faithful that, should an infidel reject Islam, "you will fight against them until they submit." And of course, those who continue to reject are to be slaughtered. The document is peppered with references to the Islamic contention that Muslims, Christians and Jews all worship the same God, which got rave reviews from the press. Time magazine enthused, "The letter notes that 'whilst Islam and Christianity are obviously different religions – and whilst there is no minimizing some of their formal differences,' both require believers to believe in only one god, and it's the same god." Time, in its excitement, is emulating Newsweek's style of making sweeping theological pronouncements disguised as news. From their perspective, who can blame them? If you don't believe in any god at all, what difference does it make? One god is as good as the next – or as some Americans would say, as offensive as the other. Islam not only demands that its followers believe that Allah is the same god as the God of Christians and Jews; it demands that Christians and Jews agree. Neither Christianity nor Judaism imposes that requirement on their adherents, although Christians and Jews generally agree that the God of Israel is also the God of Christianity. Not because one side or the other demands it, but because both understand from the Bible that the nature of the God of Israel and the God of Christianity are the same. The mainstream media embraced the letter as vindication of their long-held but difficult to believe faith in the existence of a vast, moderate Islamic majority that follow the kinder, gentler Islam that we keep hearing about, but for which we see little evidence. That is one way of interpreting it, if you really squint hard. Unfortunately, there are verses in the Quran that nobody wants to talk about – probably because nobody wants to consider the awful implications of their meaning. The ignorance of our political leaders and the media concerning Islam's true beliefs is beyond deplorable; it is more in the range of criminal negligence in time of war. Under Islamic law, before Islam can make war against the infidel with Allah's blessings, the infidels must first be offered an opportunity to submit to Islam. Osama bin Laden has just recently asked the leaders and people of the United States to embrace Islam. So has Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. All these letters offer the West the "opportunity" to submit to Allah as being equal to God. They also warn that, should their offer be rebuffed, "The very survival of the world is at stake." Islam just finished the feast of Ramadan. Here is what the Quran says should be the attitude of all Muslims at the end of this sacred feast season: "So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolaters [particularly Jews and Christians] wherever you find them, and take them captives and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush. …" (Quran, Surah 9.5) The irony of our leaders' and media's response is mind-boggling. This is not an offer of peace – it is a prelude to war. In the cold light of day it means, "Make peace with Islam and Allah, or we'll kill you."
| Islam | EU/UN / 4th Kingdom | RCC | America |

I believe that the current conflict between the West and Islam was part of a plan to exhaust the world with conflict and then provide someone to resolve what they themselves created. Albert Pike in 1871 wrote a letter detailing three world wars he said were necessary to bring about their desired end, the introduction of the "universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view." Read whole description of the three world wars at the link above.

The Bible talks about that too but calls it the abomination of desolation, when the man of sin declares himself god in the Holy of Holies and demands that the world worship him or die. This is the beginning of the great tribulation and the dragon's war on the saints from Daniel 7:25 and elsewhere. If you do a little research on Islam and the 12th Mahdi in light of scripture, I think you will see the possibility that the 12th Mahdi is the false prophet of Bible prophecy. He has power to call fire from heaven, which would be enough of a sign for Islam to follow him and he is prophesied to direct the world to worship the antichrist. If indeed the Vatican constitutes the woman riding the beast, that would bring Catholics that put the Pope's authority over that of the Bible to worship the antichrist as well. Think that's not possible? The Vatican is already saying we all worship the same God, etc. Trust the Bible over man always.

Ahmadinejad: Iran Calls For Effective, Comprehensive Ties With Russia Islamic Republic News Agency (October 11, 2007) - President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Thursday that the Islamic Republic of Iran is not to set any limit for expansion of ties with Russia and seeks a durable, effective and all-out ties with that country. "Iran's authority would be to the benefit of Russia and vise versa," he said. Ahmadinejad made the remarks in an interview with Russian news agency Itar Tass and Russian TV network on Thursday. Given their geographical, political, and cultural status, the two nations are to live together, underlined the president. Iran and Russia are naturally united, he said. Despite many ups and downs in two sides' relations in the past, the two countries are determined to fully bolster and broaden their mutual relations, he said. Mutual cooperation between Iran and Russia would leave positive impacts on the region as well as the whole world, he pointed out. The two sides enjoy ample economic potentials to meet each other's requirements, he said. Expansion of mutual cooperation between Iran and Russia would be to the benefit of both nations, regional countries and the world, he said. Both Iran and Russia as two big powers playing significant role in regional and global equations, he said. On his latest trip to New York and his speech at the United Nations General Assembly, he said the United Nations is an international venue for exchange of views and expressing ideas and Iran did the same thing which was welcomed by the whole world. All countries in the world including Russia put the seal of approval on Iran's viewpoints about freedom and justice seeking, he said. "Another positive result of the trip to New York was that strong barrier of censorship in that country broke and the American nation directly listened to our real points of view on various global issues and welcomed them," he said. Iran's nuclear activities are within IAEA rules and regulations and have a peaceful nature, he said, adding that the reports released by the IAEA is a good proof of this claim that Iran has not deviated from peaceful nuclear activities. Since a number of western countries believe that they have lost their interests in Iran they try to put the blame on Iran by raising such claims as lack of confidence building in nuclear issue, he said. more...
| Iran | Gog/Magog | EU/UN / 4th Kingdom | America |

Foreclosure Filings Nearly Double Associated Press (October 11, 2007) - Foreclosure filings across the U.S. nearly doubled last month compared with September 2006, as financially strapped homeowners already behind on mortgage payments defaulted on their loans or came closer to losing their homes to foreclosure, a real estate information company said Thursday. A total of 223,538 foreclosure filings were reported in September, up from 112,210 in the same month a year ago, according to Irvine-based RealtyTrac Inc. The number of filings in September was down 8 percent from August's 243,947, the firm said. Despite the sequential decline, the September figure represents the second-highest total for filings in a single month since the company began tracking monthly filings two years ago. "August was an extraordinarily high month for foreclosure activity, so some falloff was almost predictable," said Rick Sharga, RealtyTrac's vice president for marketing. The filings include default notices, auction sale notices and bank repossessions. Some properties might have received more than one notice if the owners have multiple mortgages. Typically, borrowers must be 60 to 90 days past due on their mortgage payments before their lender will consider them in default, the first stage of the foreclosure process. If a homeowner can't find a way to get current on payments, the home is then often put up for auction, and if it doesn't sell, it eventually goes back to the bank. In all, 39 states saw a decline in foreclosure filings, the firm said. more...
| America |

Outrage Erupts Over Bush Demands in Murder Case WorldNet Daily (October 10, 2007) - What the U.S. government wants in the Medellin murder case, now being heard before the U.S. Supreme Court, is "bizarrely grotesque," according to the chief counsel for the Alliance Defense Fund. And the warning from ADF Chief Counsel Benjamin Bull notes that the case, being pursued by President Bush through the Department of Justice, could result in U.S. laws being subjugated to U.N. resolutions and rules to the point that local police officers will have to spend more time studying international law than catching criminals. "The notion that an international body can Mirandize the right of an illegal immigrant to call a consulate, so that if the local police trip up and innocently don't to it, a convicted rapist-torturer-murderer goes free, goes beyond bizarrely grotesque," Bull, whose organization has filed an amicus brief on the issue, told WND. At issue is the death penalty verdict for Jose Medellin, who confessed in 1993 to participating in the rape and murder of two Houston teenagers. Jennifer Ertman and Elizabeth Pena were sodomized and strangled with their shoe laces. Medellin then boasted of keeping one girl's Mickey Mouse watch as a souvenir of the crime. The Bush administration is before the U.S. Supreme Court seeking to overturn the death penalty, at the behest of the International Court of Justice, a division of the United Nations. Medellin and four others were convicted of capital murder and sent to Texas' death row. A juvenile court sentenced Medellin's younger brother, who was 14 at the time, to 40 years in prison. But the Bush administration intervention came after the U.N.'s International Court of Justice found Medellin was not informed of his right to contact the Mexican Consulate for legal assistance. That, according to the Hague, was a violation of a 1963 treaty known as the Vienna Convention. WND requests for comment on the situation to the campaigns of three leaders for the GOP nomination for president, Rudy Giuliani, Mitt Romney and John McCain, as well as several other "second-tier" candidates, did not generate a response. But Bull said the potential results are frightening. "This is going to be a watershed case," he said, "which could bring the U.S. criminal justice system into a brave new world, subordinated to United Nations regulations and issuances." He noted the 50 convictions of illegal immigrants that could be overturned by the ruling, and said many of them would simply go free despite the assaults and homicides that may have been committed. "Most of these individuals will never be retried – and that's another level of concern – because the witnesses aren't available," he said. And even worse yet, he noted, is the precedent it would set for "activist presidents." If the case is decided the wrong way, he said, a future president simply could impose such requirements on the United States simply by signing a treaty composed by the United Nations. "That should scare the pants off Americans," he said. "What this would do if decided wrongly would be to transfer American sovereignty to instruments of the United Nations, essentially putting it under the 3rd World governments who form a majority of the governments at the United Nations," he said. "Our worst nightmare as Americans who love our country will happen," he said. He said he expects the outcome of the case ultimately will turn on the vote of Justice Anthony Kennedy, because the liberal and conservative blocs on the court largely have coalesced in previous decisions. more...
| EU/UN / 4th Kingdom NewWorldOrder | America |

In two words, "global governance." And the world will give their power to the beast because none can make war with him. They have slowly given all their rights and freedoms over to a man who comes in with flattery to deceive and take the freedom of others to later exert his control on them through changing the laws and the times.

Daniel 7:25
And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.

Which brings me to an update, the Treaty of Lisbon. This is the beginning of the coming legal war on the saints. How much control does Europe apparently already have? And what will happen when America's economy collapses and Europe has to bail us out financially, will there be any option but obedience or fighting, but they're expecting and prepared for both. That is why we must pray and forgive, loving our enemies for vengeance is the Lord's, He will repay justly.

Credit card debt is ready to blow Baltimore Sun (October 10, 2007) - After every financial crisis over the past 10 years, the Federal Reserve has cut interest rates and pumped money into the economy. Each rescue solved the problem - and created a new one. The next bomb from this chain reaction of bailouts and blowups will be credit-card debt. Hardly anybody is talking about it yet, but banks and consumers are laying the ground for a wave of credit-card defaults, bankruptcies and asset write-offs for 2009 or so. Regulators and investors have discouraged excessive mortgage lending, so banks are turning to credit cards as the next growth business. They're starting to raise credit limits, lower lending standards and increase recruitment. And now that they can't borrow against homes so easily, consumers are borrowing more against plastic - even to meet higher, adjustable mortgage obligations that they can't handle from their income. This can end only one way. The only question is how bad it will be. The percentage of banks tightening credit-card lending standards is hovering near its lowest levels in a decade, according to a Federal Reserve survey. Junk-mail credit-card solicitations jumped late last year, although they're still below the levels of 2005, according to the Tower Group, a financial services research firm. But more importantly, the percentage of people responding to credit-card come-ons has risen steadily and nearly tripled since mid-2005. "It doesn't mean that banks are giving the store away, but they've eased their lending standards to be able to grab [market] share" in credit cards, says Dennis C. Moroney, a senior analyst at Tower. Increasing market share is often banker-ese for "making lots of loans that won't get paid back." more...
| America |

Ex-Mexican prez: 'Amero' on the way WorldNet Daily (October 9, 2007) - Former Mexican President Vicente Fox confirmed the existence of a plan conceived with President Bush to create a new regional currency in the Americas, in an interview last night on CNN's "Larry King Live." It possibly was the first time a leader of Mexico, Canada or the U.S. openly confirmed a plan for a regional currency. Fox explained the current regional trade agreement that encompasses the Western Hemisphere is intended to evolve into other previously hidden aspects of integration. According to a transcript published by CNN, King, near the end of the broadcast, asked Fox a question e-mailed from a listener, a Ms. Gonzalez from Elizabeth, N.J.: "Mr. Fox, I would like to know how you feel about the possibility of having a Latin America united with one currency?" Fox answered in the affirmative, indicating it was a long-term plan. He admitted he and President Bush had agreed to pursue the Free Trade Agreement of the Americas – a free-trade zone extending throughout the Western Hemisphere, suggesting part of the plan was to institute eventually a regional currency. "Long term, very long term," he said. "What we proposed together, President Bush and myself, it's ALCA, which is a trade union for all the Americas." ALCA is the acronym for the Area de Libre Comercio de las Américas, the name of the FTAA in Spanish. King, evidently startled by Fox's revelation of the currency, asked pointedly, "It's going to be like the euro dollar (sic), you mean?" "Well, that would be long, long term," Fox repeated. Fox noted the FTAA plan had been thwarted by Hugo Chavez, the radical socialist president of Venezuela. "Everything was running fluently until Hugo Chavez came," Fox commented. "He decided to combat the idea and destroy the idea." Fox explained that he and Bush intended to proceed incrementally, establishing FTAA as an economic agreement first and waiting to create an amero-type currency later – a plan he also suggested was in place for NAFTA itself. "I think the process to go, first step is trading agreement," Fox said. "And then further on, a new vision, like we are trying to do with NAFTA." Fox's reply to the CNN viewer was captured in a clip posted on CNN posted video of the interview but did not include the segment with questions from viewers. more...
| NewWorldOrder | America |

Eventually America has to cooperate with the globalists or chaos will ensue. It is not part of their plan to control the globe, and according to Bible prophecy, they will achieve their goal and give their power to one man given power by Lucifer for 42 months. Revelation 13:5 That will occur when this man of sin declares himself god in the rebuilt Hebrew temple in Jerusalem. 2 Thessalonians 2:4 We're still a little ways away from that coming to pass, but the end according to scripture is written already. Control of the world's currency is part of that such that nobody will be able to buy or sell without getting a mark of allegiance to this world leader. Those who take the mark will never see heaven. Revelation 13:16-18

Israel says peace conference not enough Associated Press (October 7, 2007) - Israel's prime minister said Sunday the U.S.-sponsored Mideast conference next month is not a substitute for direct Israeli-Palestinian peace talks, an apparent attempt to lower expectations from the gathering called by President Bush. However, violence threatened to overshadow preparations. On Sunday, Gaza militants fired a Katyusha rocket at southern Israel. No one was hurt, but it raised the dire possibility of an escalation in the daily battles with Israeli forces if the militants use more of the rockets, which are far more dangerous than the homemade versions they have been using. Lebanese Hezbollah guerrillas bombarded northern Israel with nearly 4,000 of the rockets in their monthlong war with Israel in 2006, killing dozens of Israelis. Palestinians were scaling back their demands before the conference, improving chances for an agreement with Israel on an advance document. Prime Minister Ehud Olmert told his Cabinet on Sunday that his meetings with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas have yielded no breakthroughs. "There have been no agreements or deals," Olmert said. The two have been sitting down every two weeks or so, and last week they appointed committees to draft an accord to take to the Mideast conference, expected to convene in late November in the U.S. The teams are set to meet for the first time on Monday, and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is to return to the region later this week to assess progress. While the international conference is designed to promote peacemaking, "it will in no way replace direct negotiations with the Palestinians," Olmert said. He also said there could be no actual movement toward peace until the Palestinians implement their commitments under the 2003 "road map" plan. That includes dismantling violent groups like Hamas, which has in the meantime taken over Gaza and is threatening Abbas' rival Fatah faction in the West Bank. Palestinians charge Israel has not done its part under the road map — halting settlement expansion and removing illegal outposts. Palestinian government spokesman Nabil Abu Rdeneh said Sunday Israeli intentions are the key. "If they are serious, we will definitely reach a political document that handles the final status issues with a timetable for the implementation and the establishment of the independent Palestinian state," he said. But other Palestinian officials said a detailed agreement is no longer a condition for attending the conference — a document that lists the issues but does not spell out Palestinian concessions would be acceptable. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because negotiations are still in progress. Israel prefers a vague declaration of principles instead of a detailed document including its concessions. The outline of a final Israel-Palestinian peace deal has been clear for years — an Israeli withdrawal from most of the West Bank, removal of most Jewish settlements there, and deals over Palestinian refugees and division of Jerusalem. The main problem is the perception on each side that the other is too weak to make the necessary concessions to finalize such an agreement. more...
| Israel | Islam | EU/UN / 4th Kingdom | Solana | 1st Seal | Dividing the Land | America |

Deadly Mystery Disease Follows Troops Home San Francisco Chronicle (October 7, 2007) - The young American Army medic would not stop bleeding. He had been put on a powerful regimen of antibiotics by doctors aboard the hospital ship Comfort in the Persian Gulf. But something was wrong. He was in shock and bleeding from small pricks where nurses had placed intravenous lines. Red, swollen tissue from an active bacterial infection was expanding around his abdominal wound. His immune system was in overdrive. How odd, thought Dr. Kyle Petersen, an infectious disease specialist. He knew of one injured Iraqi man with similar symptoms and a few days later encountered an Iraqi teenager with gunshot wounds in the same condition. Within a few days, blood tests confirmed that the medic and the two wounded Iraqis were infected with an unusual bacterium, Acinetobacter baumannii. This particular strain had a deadly twist. It was resistant to a dozen antibiotics. The medic survived, but by the time Petersen connected the dots, the two Iraqi patients were dead. It was April 2003, early in the Iraq war - and 41/2 years later, scientists still are struggling to understand the medical mystery. The three cases aboard the Comfort were the first of a stubborn outbreak that has spread to at least five other American military hospitals, including Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington and the Army's Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany. Hundreds of patients - the military says it has not tabulated how many - have been infected with the bacterium in their bloodstream, cerebrospinal fluid, bones or lungs. Many of them were troops wounded in Iraq or Afghanistan; others have been civilians infected after stays in military hospitals. At least 27 people have died in military hospitals with Acinetobacter infections since 2003, although doctors are uncertain how many of the deaths actually were caused by the bacteria. The rise in infections has been dramatic. In 2001 and 2002, Acinetobacter infections made up about 2 percent of admissions at the specialized burn unit at Brooke Army Medical Center in Texas. In 2003, the rate jumped to 6 percent, and then to 12 percent by 2005. Other military hospitals have reported similar levels. more...
| America |

It's official: Terrorists endorse Hillary in '08 WorldNet Daily (October 7, 2007) - With presidential primaries approaching and the race for the White House heating up, Muslim terrorist leaders in the Middle East have offered their endorsement for America's highest office, stating in a new book they hope Sen. Hillary Clinton is victorious in 2008. "I hope Hillary is elected in order to have the occasion to carry out all the promises she is giving regarding Iraq," stated Ala Senakreh, West Bank chief of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades terrorist group. Senakreh is one of dozens of terror leaders sounding off about American politics in the new book, "Schmoozing with Terrorists: From Hollywood to the Holy Land, Jihadists Reveal their Global Plans – to a Jew!" by WND Jerusalem bureau chief Aaron Klein. Abu Hamed, leader of the Al Aqsa Brigades in the northern Gaza Strip, explained in "Schmoozing" Clinton's repeated calls for a withdrawal from Iraq "proves that important leaders are understanding the situation differently and are understanding the price and the consequences of the American policy in Iraq and in the world." "The Iraqi resistance is succeeding," stated Hamed. "Hillary and the Democrats call for withdrawal. Her popularity shows that the resistance is winning and that the occupation is losing. We just hope that she will go until the end and change the American policy, which is based on oppressing poor and innocent people." The Brigades, together with the Islamic Jihad terrorist group, took responsibility for every suicide bombing in Israel the past three years. The Brigades also has carried out hundreds of recent shootings and rocket attacks. Abu Ayman, an Islamic Jihad leader in Jenin, said he is "emboldened" by Clinton's calls for an eventual withdrawal from Iraq. "It is clear that it is the resistance operations of the mujahideen that has brought about these calls for withdrawal," boasted Abu Ayman. Nasser Abu Aziz, the West Bank deputy commander of the Al Aqsa Brigades, declared it is "very good" there are "voices like Hillary and others who are now attacking the Iraq invasion." In "Schmoozing," every terrorist leader out of dozens interviewed stated they hope a Democrat becomes president in 2008. Some terror leaders explained their endorsement of Clinton is not necessarily at the expense of other Democratic presidential candidates, whose policies are not as well known to them. "All Americans must vote Democrat," stated Jihad Jaara, an exiled member of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades terror group and the infamous leader of the 2002 siege of Bethlehem's Church of the Nativity. Some Palestinian terrorist leaders stated their support of Clinton, in part, stems from hopes she will apply some of her husband's foreign policies, particularly toward the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. "I hope also she will maintain her husband's policies regarding Palestine and even develop that policy," stated Brigades chiefton Senakreh. "President Clinton wanted to give the Palestinians 98 percent of the West Bank territories. I hope Hillary will move a step forward and will give the Palestinians all their rights. She has the chance to save the American nation and the Americans life.” more...
| Islam | America |

Bush: All religions pray to 'same God' WorldNet Daily (October 7, 2007) - President George Bush has repeated his belief all religions, "whether they be Muslim, Christian, or any other religion, prays to the same God" – an assertion that caused outrage among evangelical leaders when he said it in November 2003.  Bush made the statement Friday in an interview with Al Arabiya reporter Elie Nakouzi. Al Arabiya is Al Jazeerah's top competitor in the Mideast. As the president and Nakouzi walked from the Oval Office to the Map Room in the White House residence, Nazouki asked, "But I want to tell you – and I hope this doesn't bother you at all – that in the Islamic world they think that President Bush is an enemy of Islam – that he wants to destroy their religion, what they believe in. Is that in any way true, Mr. President?" "No, it's not," said Bush. "I've heard that, and it just shows [sic] to show a couple of things: One, that the radicals have done a good job of propagandizing. In other words, they've spread the word that this really isn't peaceful people versus radical people or terrorists, this is really about the America not liking Islam. "Well, first of all, I believe in an Almighty God, and I believe that all the world, whether they be Muslim, Christian, or any other religion, prays to the same God. That's what I believe. I believe that Islam is a great religion that preaches peace. And I believe people who murder the innocent to achieve political objectives aren't religious people, whether they be a Christian who does that – we had a person blow up our – blow up a federal building in Oklahoma City who professed to be a Christian, but that's not a Christian act to kill innocent people. "And I just simply don't subscribe to the idea that murdering innocent men, women and children – particularly Muslim men, women and children in the Middle East – is an act of somebody who is a religious person. more...
| America | Apostasy |

Reaaaalllyyyy? Islam and Christianity are incompatible because in Christianity the Son of God died for the sins of mankind. In Islam, Allah has no son. The message of the two holy books is completely different from each other as seen in the fruits of the two groups who take their holy books seriously. The New World Order will have to remove that "extremist" exclusivity issue somehow to bring everyone together under the antichrist. The war on the saints is coming, keep watching!

Looking for Purple Hippopotamuses Fulfilled Prophecy (October 6, 2007) - What if all your life you were told that, one day, thousands of massive war ships would arrive on the shores of your city? You'd probably build a coastal fortress and a strong navy. Now, instead, let's say some people reinterpreted that belief and said your city would be visited, not by ships, but by droves of purple hippopotamuses. And the hippos would come, not from the sea, but out of a volcano. You might build a watchtower near the volcano and Google "how to build a hippo trap." If you did build that watchtower, when the ships arrived you'd be caught by surprise. You'd have your back to the ocean, hippo trap in hand. That's what's happening in the church today. End-times events are occurring -- events the Bible prophesied centuries ago -- and yet many Christians aren't seeing them because they've been told to look for something else. A perfect example is the growing apostolic-prophetic movement. Leaders in this movement have reinterpreted many end-times prophecies. Take a recent prophecy by Todd Bentley, which he gave during an Aug. 23 conference at the Healing Rooms in Grand Rapids, Michigan. The gist of the prophecy is that Grand Rapids is about to experience a great work of God. Read the full prophecy here. But Bentley shares how he knows this -- from revelation God gave him about "the bowls of heaven" in Revelation 8. He describes the revelation like this:

And I had an angelic encounter and I saw how the state [of Michigan] was open. In fact the bowls were full. There's been a groundwork laid in intercession and the bowls were full. Heaven is about to respond. When those bowls are full, it's going to be mixed with the altar from God's fire and cast back down to the earth. That's what happens when the bowls are full, right? In Revelation chapter 8, when the bowls are full of the incense (the prayers of the saints), something happens in Heaven and it gets thrown back to the earth.
Bentley goes on to describe how, when these bowls are cast down to Michigan, then God will do great things in that state. In his vision, he even saw "flashes of lightning" and "thunder" over Michigan's Great Lakes. Yet, when you read Revelation 8, you will see that -- although the casting of the bowls is accompanied by lightning and thunder, they don't release God's blessings. They release His terrible judgments: including natural disasters and cosmic disturbances. In the larger context of this passage, we learn the timing of this event is when Christ opens the seventh seal of God's judgment -- after His people have endured persecution. So, presumably, the prayers that fill the bowls are Christians' prayers for vindication. And vindication is exactly what God gives them when the bowls are cast to earth.  Not only does Bentley reinterpret the casting of the bowls as blessings, but he also reapplies them to just the state of Michigan.  Other "prophets" do the same thing. Kim Clement often prophesies about "dry bones" -- reinterpreting the prophet Ezekiel's metaphor of God's restoration of the nation of Israel (Ezekiel 37). Last November, Clement applied the "dry bones" prophecy to Southern California -- saying God was going to do a mighty work in its regions, including the San Fernando Valley and Hollywood. Clement described his conversation with God like this:
"What do you see? Prophet, what do you see?" I see a valley of dry bones--the San Fernando Valley. "What do you see?" I see three valleys, no four, with dry bones. "What will you do?" says the Spirit. "What did I tell Ezekiel to do?--prophesy to the bones and they shall live." God is speaking in this building tonight. His Word shall go forth into the atmosphere. I see four principalities being brought to nothing. "They have no power over your children, your family, your money, your business, your ministry, your future," says the Lord.
These are just two examples of how end-times prophecies have been reinterpreted and reapplied in the apostolic-prophetic movement. "Prophet" Bill Hamon teaches that the two witnesses in Revelation 11 are actually two armies of apostles and prophets (see his book Apostles, Prophets and the Coming Moves of God, page 137). Many others, like "apostle" C. Peter Wagner and "prophet" Chuck Pierce, speak of a "great transference of wealth" from God's enemies to His people that will allow the kingdom of God to be built on earth before Christ's return. Yet, the passages they use to support this teaching actually speak of the wealth of the nations being brought to Israel during Christ's millennial rule. Meanwhile, real prophecies are actually occurring -- including the very real possibility that the "covenant with many" has been confirmed and we've entered the 70th week of Daniel (read about this here). But their significance is lost on people who've been taught to look for different things. And last week, world leaders at the United Nations meetings agreed that any religion that claims to be the only true religion is an enemy to peace. Read about it here. World leaders also gave their support to the Alliance of Civilizations -- a U.N. initiative that has big plans for countering religious fundamentalism. Read about it here. This fits perfectly with the false religious system the Bible prophesied will precede Christ's return -- one that will launch a bloody assault on Christians. Yet, not a peep about this has been heard from the "prophets" who are busy applying bowls and bones prophecies to Grand Rapids and Hollywood -- while their focus should be on the revived Roman Empire in Europe and God's nation, Israel.
| America |

Many of these cases are a prime example of not taking the whole council of God into account when reading Bible prophecy and not interpreting the prophecies with the Bible itself. It's very easy to look from our perspective in the 21st century and try to apply our ideas to what was written thousands of years ago. However, the author is the Holy Spirit and scripture was written precept upon precept, line upon line, here a little and there a little. Isaiah 28:9-13 The prophetic movement seems to focus on personal prophecy and helping set up the kingdom of God, but is that what Bible prophecy is about? Revelation 19:10 states, "...the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy." Prophecy centers on Christ, and in regards to what is written in scripture, His coming. In studying the prophecies, we learn more about Christ because He is the center of Bible prophecy and the Word made flesh. This doesn't mean we can't speak edification to the body, but the redefining from outside of scripture the prophecies written therein will only lead to confusion because scripture must interpret scripture and the prophecies of the Bible are regarding a future time beginning with much deception that will lead to the apostacy (falling away from God), the revealing of the antichrist, the great tribulation and the coming of our Lord to gather us to Himself. Trying to interpret scripture with anything but scripture will only lead to error.

US 'Must Break Iran and Syria Regimes' Telegraph (October 5, 2007) - America should seize every opportunity to force regime change in Syria and Iran, a former senior adviser to the White House has urged. "We need to do everything possible to destabilise the Syrian regime and exploit every single moment they strategically overstep," said David Wurmser, who recently resigned after four years as Vice President Dick Cheney's Middle East adviser. "That would include the willingness to escalate as far as we need to go to topple the regime if necessary." He said that an end to Baathist rule in Damascus could trigger a domino effect that would then bring down the Teheran regime. In an interview with The Daily Telegraph, the first since he left government, he argued that the United States had to be prepared to attack both Syria and Iran to prevent the spread of Islamic fundamentalism and nuclear proliferation in the Middle East that could result in a much wider war. Mr Wurmser, 46, a leading neo-conservative who has played a pivotal role in the Bush administration since the September 11th attacks, said that diplomacy would fail to stop Iran becoming a nuclear power. Overthrowing Teheran's theocratic regime should therefore be a top US priority. more...
| Israel | Islam | Isaiah 17 | America |

Bush says "very optimistic" on Mideast peace Reuters (October 5, 2007) - President George W. Bush said in comments aired on Friday he was "very optimistic" a Palestinian state could be set up alongside Israel and that next month's Middle East conference could lead towards peace in the region. The U.S.-sponsored conference is due to take place in the Washington area in November, although there are doubts over how far it will go towards ending decades of conflict and uncertainty over which Arab states will attend. "I am very optimistic that we can achieve a two-state solution," Bush told Al Arabiya television. "We're hosting an international conference that will be attended by interested parties and ... a committee from the Arab League. It is an opportunity for serious, substantive discussions about the way forward and a two-state solution," Bush said. "I fully understand that the two-state solution is a part of a comprehensive peace in the Middle East. Our strategy is to get all concerned countries to the table to get this comprehensive peace, and move forward in a way that is tangible." Reuters obtained a tape of Bush's remarks in English in the interview, which was dubbed into Arabic by the network. Israeli and Palestinian leaders agreed on Wednesday that formal negotiations on Palestinian statehood would begin after the peace conference. But Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has balked at Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas's call for setting a specific timeframe for the resolution of key issues including borders and the fate of Jerusalem and the Palestinian refugees. Abbas said on Thursday that formal negotiations for statehood could be completed six months after the conference. more...
| Israel | Islam | Dividing the Land | America |

Ex-US officials: Divide Jerusalem YNet News (October 4, 2007) - Five former State Department and Pentagon officials are proposing Israeli and Palestinian capitals in Jerusalem and excluding Arab refugees from returning to Israel as part of an Middle East accord. In a six-page policy statement submitted to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, they also suggested a series of peace conferences following the one she hopes to convene next month, probably in Annapolis, Maryland, near Washington. Hamas, which controls Gaza and about one-third of Palestinian-held land, has not met US terms for attending. Those conditions are recognizing Israel's right to exist and abandoning violence against the Jewish state. But the ex-officials suggested Hamas might be drawn to attend a second conference, which implicitly would accept the first one and Israel's existence. They called the role of Hamas the most difficult issue in peacemaking. Jerusalem's future and that of Palestinian refugees have snarled past US peace efforts. Former President Bill Clinton's mediation efforts between the late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat and then-Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak envisioned sharing Jerusalem. Clinton ruled out requiring Israel to take in most Palestinians or their families who claimed to have been forced out of Israel during creation of the Jewish state in 1947-8. It will be very difficult, "but not impossible," said Robert Pelletreau, a former US ambassador to Egypt and ex-assistant secretary of state for the region. "There is a little bit of momentum starting to build" with talks between Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, and with former British Prime Minister Tony Blair as a mediator, he said in a telephone interview. Along with announcement of the conference, he said, "You have several things that can reinforce each other if they are framed properly." "The refugee issue is the most difficult," he said. "And Jerusalem is right up with it." more...
| Israel | Islam | Dividing the Land
| 1st Seal | America |

Are Iran, Russia, China behind dollar's free-fall? WorldNet Daily (October 2, 2007) - The hottest selling book in China right now is called "Currency Wars," which makes the case that the U.S. Federal Reserve is a puppet of the Rothschilds banking dynasty and it has persuaded some top officials Beijing should resist America's demands to appreciate its own undervalued currency, the yuan. This might not be news of concern to most Americans if the U.S. dollar were not in precipitous free-fall, having reached record lows against the euro yesterday. What would it mean if China ever threw its economic weight around by dumping dollars in a major way? Suffice it to say it is referred to in some quarters as China's financial "nuclear option," because it would be the economic equivalent of detonating a thermonuclear weapon in the world's financial markets. But the American dollar's fate is hardly in the hands of the Chinese alone. Other foreign parties suspected of participating in a new "Currency Cold War" are Iran, Russia and Venezuela. Diane Francis, a financial reporter for the National Post in Canada, says it plainly and boldly: "There is a Currency Cold War being waged by Russia, Iran and various allies such as Venezuela." The grand strategy being engineered by Vladimir Putin, she writes, is to force the use of euros as the international monetary standard as a transition to the Russian ruble. "This is simply a monetary version of the old Cold War, minus the missiles," she writes. Experts don't see any short-term reprieve for the falling value of the dollar. Kathy Lien, chief currency strategist with in the US, told Bloomberg she expects the American dollar to slide even further, forcing more lending rates cuts in the U.S. to stave off recession. "It seems like every single passing day we have a new record low in the dollar, and a new record high in the euro, and it's driven by the fact that U.S. data is continuing to deteriorate," she said. If other nations do not follow the U.S. in cutting rates, the slide in the value of the dollar would most likely continue. If the dollar trend continues spiraling downward, the risk is that nations like China – or Japan or Saudi Arabia – which have been buying U.S. Treasury bonds and thereby funding America's deficit, would stop that practice. That would be the nuclear option. China, with $1.3 trillion in foreign exchange reserves as a result of the massive and growing $260 billion U.S. trade deficit, has taken huge losses with the falling dollar, given that some 80 percent of China's $1.3 trillion in foreign reserves is held in U.S. dollar assets, largely in U.S. treasury securities. Meanwhile, Song Hongbing, the author of China's runaway bestseller, "The Currency Wars," says he's pleasantly surprised at the 200,000 copies his book has sold. He is probably not eager to see the dollar punished as he lives in Washington, D.C. more...
| Iran | Islam | America |

Bible prophecy on Trial Lighthouse Trails Research Project (September 27, 2007) - Because there is a growing connection between those who promote contemplative spirituality (i.e., mysticism) and those who reject the study of Bible prophecy regarding the second coming of Jesus Christ, the following information and documentation is crucial in understanding the nature of both the spiritual formation (contemplative) movement and the emerging church movement. In Faith Undone, Roger Oakland states that Bible prophecy is on trial. He explains:

"Many who were once looking for the return of Jesus have fallen asleep. We now live in a period of time where numerous prominent Christian leaders are telling the Christian masses that paying attention to the signs of our times in light of the Bible is a waste of time. And many of them take it a step further and accuse those who believe what Bible prophecy says about the end of the age of being negative and self-centered.

"In the Purpose Driven Life, Warren was actually laying ground work for the emerging church's new reformation, a reformation that rejects thinking about the return of Christ and works more at convincing the multitudes that Christ is already in them as a global christ-consciousness. As you will see in the following documentation, Warren has a low regard for Bible prophecy. Perhaps this helps explain why so many who once were anticipating the return of the Lord have become occupied with worldly ambitions. Warren writes:

When the disciples wanted to talk about prophecy, Jesus quickly switched the conversation to evangelism. He wanted them to concentrate on their mission in the world. He said in essence, "The details of my return are none of your business. What is your business is the mission I have given you. Focus on that!"
"I find it simply astounding that a statement of this sort would be in a New York Times best-seller in the present-day Christian book market. Jesus was telling the disciples they could not know the day or the hour, but nowhere does Jesus ever indicate that "the details of my return are none of your business." Rather than quickly changing the subject, we find in Matthew 24 and Luke 21 two of the longest passages in Scripture quoting Jesus' own words, and what's more, where He details the signs of His coming. In essence, Jesus was saying, because you cannot know the day and hour of my return, you need to educate yourself in Bible prophecy and take heed of my words about the end times. Later on, one of those disciples, John, was given an entire book to write on the details of Jesus' coming. Jesus continually said to be alert and ready for when He returns. In both parables and straightforward talk, he spoke of this. In Luke 12:35-40, Jesus emphasized that it is essential to be prepared for His return:
Let your loins be girded about, and your lights burning; And ye yourselves like unto men that wait for their lord, when he will return from the wedding; that when he cometh and knocketh, they may open unto him immediately. Blessed are those servants, whom the lord when he cometh shall find watching:... And this know, that if the goodman of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have watched, and not have suffered his house to be broken through. Be ye therefore ready also: for the Son of man cometh at an hour when ye think not.
"And Jesus frequently referred to the Old Testament prophecies. Those prophecies became the evidence that Jesus Christ was indeed whom He said He was--"Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace" (Isaiah 9:6). "But Warren tells readers to think about something other than Bible prophecy: "If you want Jesus to come back sooner, focus on fulfilling your mission, not figuring out prophecy." "Warren ends this section of his book by stating that Satan would have you "sidetracked from your mission" and by quoting Jesus out of context, saying, "Anyone who lets himself be distracted [by studying Bible prophecy] from the work I plan for him is not fit for the kingdom of God" (Living Bible). But Jesus was not referring to His return when He made that statement, which in the King James Version says: "No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God" (Luke 9:62). The Purpose Driven kingdom of God leaves no room for Bible prophecy, and in fact, condemns those who study it. The apostle Peter, inspired by the Holy Spirit, had a different view. He writes:

We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts. (II Peter 1:19)

"Christians are called to witness and be watchmen. No Scripture exists that tells us to ignore the events that have been pointed out as signposts indicating the return of Jesus. If we do, we might be like the foolish virgins who fell asleep waiting for the bridegroom (Matthew 25:1-13). "In light of Warren's end-time views, what does he think of the emerging church? This statement he made in the foreword of Dan Kimball's book answers that question. He notes:

Today seekers are hungry for symbols and metaphors and experiences and stories that reveal the greatness of God. Because seekers are constantly changing, we must be sensitive to them like Jesus was; we must be willing to meet them on their own turf and speak to them in ways they understand.

"Rick Warren is enthusiastic about the emerging church because he believes it is the church of the future. And ... the emerging church is equally fond of Warren's view of Bible prophecy, or the omission thereof, and of his plan to usher in the kingdom of God." (for references, see Faith Undone, Roger Oakland, 2007, pp. 154-157) more...
Signs of the Times | America | Apostasy |

Need of the Hour Fulfilled Prophecy (September 27, 2007) - You know the old saying, "The devil is in the details"? It couldn't be more true of the United Nations gathering taking place right now. For two weeks each year, world leaders swoop on the U.N. headquarters in New York, where they're given a platform to address their concerns. Media has aired sound bytes from their speeches -- mostly juicy ones about Iran's president -- yet much of the real news is happening on the sidelines, out of the spotlight. Yesterday, for example, the Alliance of Civilizations Group of Friends held its second ministerial meeting, attended by U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and U.N. General Assembly President Srgjan Kerim. The presence of the U.N's top two leaders shows that this meeting was not viewed by them as peripheral. Quite the contrary, in his remarks to the Group of Friends, Ban called the AoC's task of healing the divide between Muslim and Western societies "the need of the hour." Ban went on to say that the AoC "can help reinforce the work of the United Nations system." For those who don't know what the AoC is -- let's just say it's "the U.N. meets religion." The U.N. realized it can't achieve world peace without getting religious people onboard -- those who are the source of so much conflict. So, in 2005, it launched this initiative -- co-sponsored by the prime ministers of Spain and Turkey -- which "hopes to contribute to a coalescing global movement" against religious extremism, according to its Web site. Unfortunately for Christians, it labels as "extremists" all those who claim sole ownership to the truth -- not just terrorists. (Learn how it may play into the end-times false religious system in league with the Antichrist.) During his speech yesterday, Sampaio enlisted the help of the Group of Friends -- made up of representatives from governments and multilateral organizations -- in fulfilling his vision for the AoC, as outlined in the "Implementation Plan 2007-2009." But, first, Sampaio pointed out how many nations have joined the Group of Friends since late April, from about 40 to over 70. See the list here. This means the AoC now has weight to throw around. Or, in Sampaio's words, "our ever-enlargening Group of Friends has now reached the critical mass of participation." Read his speech here. He said it's time to turn the AoC's momentum into concrete action in the form of commitments from governments. He urged the Group of Friends to go back to their countries and seek suggestions for projects and policies that can be implemented nationally, regionally and locally -- targeting the AoC's four areas of focus: education, youth, migration and media. According to the Implementation Plan, such projects should include programs to train journalists, major-motion films, AoC youth groups, advertisements at cultural and sporting events, and new curriculum on religion for schoolchildren. As Sampaio said yesterday, the AoC is much more than conferences and lectures: It "needs to be integrated in the domestic agendas of the countries, in the international agenda and indeed in all aspects of the work of the United Nations." In other words, the AoC is planning some big stuff. If the Implementation Plan is, indeed, implemented, then schools around the world may soon be required to use AoC-approved curriculum. Yes, even religious schools (don't believe me, read the Implementation Plan). Do you want your kids being taught that all religions are equally valid -- that Jesus was wrong and he isn't the only way? Of course, this excludes, for now, the United States, which hasn't yet joined the Group of Friends. But, oh, the difference one election can make! The participating government's suggestions will be presented at the AoC's first annual forum, Jan. 15-16, in Madrid Spain. Sampaio urged them to view this event as a golden opportunity for the AoC to go public. You think Hollywood's got a liberal agenda, wait until film directors catch the AoC vision. And don't forget the very real possibility of Super Bowls sponsored by the Alliance of Civilizations. The good thing is then the media will have to report on it.
EU/UN / 4th KingdomRCCNewWorldOrder | America | Apostasy |

Holy See's speech addresses a 'serene dialogue of civilizations'

Bush to U.N.: Lay Off Israel Israel National News (September 25, 2007) - United States President George W. Bush urged the United Nations to reform its Human Rights Council Tuesday, criticizing the body for ignoring abuses in places like Iran "while focusing its criticism excessively on Israel.” "The American people are disappointed by the failures of the Human Rights Council," Bush said. "The United Nations must reform its own Human Rights Council." In the course of his speech, Bush pointed out several regimes which he termed "brutal" and "cruel." He announced new sanctions against the military dictatorship in Myanmar (Burma), accusing it of imposing "a 19-year reign of fear" that denies the basic freedoms of speech, assembly and worship. "Americans are outraged by the situation in Burma," the president said in an address to the U.N. General Assembly. He purposely used the country's old name, Burma: the military junta renamed the Asian country Myanmar but the U.S. refuses to recognize the change. "Basic freedoms of speech, assembly and worship are severely restricted," he said. "Ethnic minorities are persecuted. Forced child labor, human trafficking and rape are common. The regime is holding more than a thousand political prisoners, including Aung San Suu Kyi, whose party was elected overwhelmingly by the Burmese people in 1990. "The ruling junta remains unyielding, yet the people's desire for freedom is unmistakable," Bush said. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad sat in the chamber and checked his watch during Bush's remarks. First Lady Laura Bush, also present for the president's speech, walked by the seated Iranian president without making contact, and Israeli Ambassador Danny Gillerman, too, made a point of avoiding Ahmadinejad. Bush urged the world's nations to support countries that are struggling for democracy. more...
Iran | Israel | Islam |EU/UN / 4th Kingdom | America |

Are Feds Hiding Crash Imagery? World Net Daily (September 20, 2007) - Three weeks ago, I wrote about the FBI's unwitting revelation of a potential smoking gun in the TWA Flight 800 case. I refer specifically to an amateur video shot five days before the plane's demise. The video captured an image, concedes the FBI, "consistent with the exhaust plume from a MANPAD [Man-portable air-defense] missile." I argued that the suppression of this video for 11 years strengthens the case that other imagery – in particular an amateur video shot on the night of the crash, July 17, 1996 – might also have been suppressed. This argument elicited some provocative responses from some very good sources. Let me cite a few. The first one comes from Atlanta, Ga. "I, too, can attest to a video broadcast on the night of the Flight 800 tragedy," writes the correspondent. His wife, a television producer at work that night, phoned him at home and instructed him to turn on the television. According to this correspondent, the video showed "what appeared to be a missile heading directly to and connecting with the airliner." The correspondent's brother, an aircraft mechanic with Pratt & Whitney, saw the tape as well. He immediately stated, 'Did you see the missile connect with the plane?'" The correspondent adds, "After that fateful evening, I have never seen the footage again." A second correspondent, a retired FAA technician and licensed pilot, writes that both he and his wife "clearly" saw the amateur video of the plane's destruction. What they remember is "a fire trail ascending upward" followed by "a very large flash," after which "pieces came tumbling down." They confirm that the video was shown several times in the early morning hours after the crash and then "completely disappeared from public access and viewing." This correspondent argues that the video's removal from public access and its replacement with a substitute video produced by the CIA "is all the evidence any rational person needs to prove to themselves that TWA Flight 800 was downed by an external ascending source." After reading this, I took another look at the CIA video. The video famously shows the nose of the 747 blowing off due to a fuel tank explosion, and the nose-less fuselage zooming some 3,200 feet straight up like a rocket. This zoom-climb allegedly confused more than 200 eyewitness into thinking they were seeing a missile. It also inspired retired United Airline Capt. Ray Lahr to petition the authorities for the data used to concoct this preposterous scenario. This petition has turned into a six-year-long slog through federal courts. Along the way, however, Lahr and attorney John Clarke have unearthed one informational nugget after another, like the revelation about the suppressed video cited above. Like Lahr, I had grown inured to the CIA disinformation, but what struck me in re-watching the video were the multiple references to "infrared sensors aboard a U.S. satellite." These sensors apparently captured the plane's demise. Unfortunately, the satellite imagery has also gone missing. An airline pilot "with a major U.S. airline" addressed this issue in still another e-mail. The pilot writes that a few days after the downing of TWA Flight 800, an armed FAA officer showed up at the last minute on a flight out of Washington National and manned his plane's jump seat. While in flight, the FAA officer told him and his co-pilot about a meeting that he had attended the day before, "where he saw satellite photographs of TWA 800 exploding." "I didn't think that much of it at the time because I figured that eventually the truth would come out and we would all get to see the photos," the pilot writes. "Guess not." As with the video, the evidence is overwhelming that U.S. satellites did record the events of July 17, 1996. On July 22, 1996, the London Times went so far as to report that "the satellite pictures show an object racing up to the TWA jet, passing it, then changing course and smashing into it." The major American media, however, chose not to pursue this obvious line of inquiry. In the 25 most relevant New York Times articles of the investigation's first two months, there is not one single reference to a satellite. The Times likewise failed to interview a single one of the roughly 270 official eyewitnesses to a potential missile strike. Early in the investigation, the head of the FBI's investigation, James Kallstrom, referred to the satellites as "our friends in the sky" and suggested that they held the answers to the investigation's seeming problems. That was not to be. Whatever promise the satellites once held for the FBI, the word "satellite" was not mentioned once at its comprehensive, case-scuttling press conference in November 1997. This is all the more curious since the FBI showed the CIA video – with its multiple references to relevant satellite imagery – at this press conference, the one and only time it would be shown. Nor was the word "satellite" mentioned at the NTSB's final two-day "sunshine" hearings in August 2000. Our friends in the sky had gone mute. Despite repeated requests through the Freedom of Information Act, they have stayed that way. more...
| America |

Islam Using First Amendment Guarantees To Enact Plan to “Eliminate and Destroy” America Daily Jot News Service (September 19, 2007)Islam is using First Amendment guarantees of freedom of religion to implement a strategic plan to eliminate and destroy the United States of America, according to an analysis of documents submitted by the government as evidence in the Dallas, Texas Holy Land Foundation terror trial. A strategic planning document for North America written by the Muslim Brotherhood in May 1991 indicates that Islam’s plan is well under way to “settle” the United States by possessing “a mastery of the art of “coalitions,” the art of “absorption” and the principles of “cooperation.”” The plan, already 16 years in implementation, identifies eight historical stages of development that the Muslim Brotherhood in America already had accomplished by the plan’s introduction in 1991. They included the stages of 1) searching for self identity; 2) building the inner organization; 3) first phases of building mosques and Islamic centers; 4) first phases of building Islamic organizations; 5) first phases of building Islamic schools; 6) first phases of the overt Islamic movement; 7) first phases of openness to other Islamic movements; and 8) the second phase of reviving and establishing the Islamic organizations. The plan calls for the establishment of Islamic Centers in every town in America which would serve as the “axis” of the Islamic movement and a “base” to “educate us, prepare us and supply our battalions in addition to being the “niche” to our prayers.” The plan says, “This is in order for the Islamic Center to turn—in action not in words—into a seed for ‘a small Islamic society’ which is a reflection and a mirror to our central organizations…Thus the Islamic Center would turn into a place for study, family, battalion, course, seminar, visit, sport, school, social club, women gathering, kindergarten for male and female youngsters, the office of domestic political resolution, and the center for distributing our newspapers, magazines, books and our audio and visual tapes.” The “heart and the core” of the plan is then to unite all Muslim organizations in America to complete the “settlement process.” Rather than being a peaceful religion protected by the Constitution, Islam is a Trojan Horse religion set on performing in its own words a “Civilization Jihad” to eliminate and destroy America. Resisting Islam in America should therefore not be constrained by religious freedom, but rather be unleashed as a duty of every American citizen in the name of national security. Jesus said in Matthew 24:4, “Take heed that no man deceive you.” Do not be deceived by the wicked who would twist the intent of law and Constitution to conquer a law abiding people and destroy a nation. Join the conversation!
| Islam | America |

WND banned from secret meeting on selling U.S. assets World Net Daily (September 19, 2007) - EuroMoney PLC, the UK-based company that arranges dozens of financial conferences around the world each year, has refused to allow WND staff reporter Jerome Corsi to attend next week's "North American PPP (Public-Private Partnership) & Infrastructure Finance Conference" in New York, even though WND offered to pay the $1,999 conference fee required to attend. "When government officials want to go behind closed doors with investment bankers and lawyers to discuss selling our public infrastructure to foreign investment leaders, investigative reporters need to be there to tell the public what is really going on," Corsi said. "Why is it that all these PPP and SPP (Security and Prosperity Partnership) meetings are behind closed doors," Corsi asked, "and government officials and their supporters think that's normal? But when investigative reporters want to attend and report on what is being said, we are the ones who get accused of being the conspiracy theorists?" "By refusing to allow WND to attend as a paying customer," Corsi argued, "EuroMoney is telling the American public that they intend to conduct a secret meeting designed to teach government officials how to sell out U.S. public infrastructure to foreign investment concerns. "I'm sure we will all be told that EuroMoney seminars and PPP structures are really for our 'security and prosperity,' just as President Bush asserts for the SPP itself," Corsi continued. "Evidently we are just supposed to close our eyes and trust government officials, investment bankers and international lawyers, putting aside national security concerns and other economic issues which we believe may be of concern to our readers." According to the conference brochure, the purpose of the EuroMoney seminar is to teach state and local government officials in the U.S. how to lease a wide range of public assets to international and foreign private investment groups. "Your online news service is known for its political rather than business content," EuroMoney's Joanna Johnson explained yesterday to WND in an e-mail, while refusing to allow Corsi permission to attend the conference. "We don't feel it's appropriate for a business conference." In an Aug. 29 e-mail, Johnson told WND the seminar was "only open to those who are internal to EuroMoney or those with whom we have a media partnership. In this instance I am unable to extend a press pass to your organization." WND then offered to pay the full registration fee for Corsi, the author of "The Late, Great USA" which uses government documents to outline plans for a continental merger, to attend. In response, Johnson sent a second Aug. 29 e-mail asking WND for payment details and confirming Corsi could attend, provided WND paid the full registration fee as offered. Yesterday's e-mail shutting the door to Corsi came after WND pressed EuroMoney to send an invoice. "So, EuroMoney made a political decision to keep me out of their private meeting," Corsi commented, "but WND is the one EuroMoney objects to as being too political. Seems to me like a case of guilty conscience where EuroMoney is accusing WND of a fault EuroMoney knows itself to be committing." Public-private partnerships, or PPPs, were authorized by Executive Order No. 12803 President George H.W. Bush signed April 30, 1992, clearing federal barriers for cities and states to lease public works infrastructures to private investors.
| EU/UN / 4th Kingdom | NewWorldOrder | America |

Iran promises response to Zionist allies by October 12 Islamic Republic News Agency (September 19, 2007) - Supporters of the Zionist regime will receive their response during the world Qods Day's rallies, government spokesman, Gholam-Hossein Elham, said Wednesday. The spokesman made the remarks during his weekly press conference while commenting on the current visit to the occupied Palestine of the US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. Qods Day is held each year on the last Friday of Muslims fasting month of Ramadan after it was nominated by the late Founder of the Islamic Republic, Imam Khomeini, as a day to voice the protest of the Islamic Ummah against the Zionists. The day falls on October 12 this year. "The US loses all opportunities to cooperate with regional and other world states by trying to support a regime (the Zionist regime) which is now at its weakest political and social position," Elham said. He warned that Washington's insistence on its wrong policies and arrogant approaches would have no result "but further political disgrace" for itself. Referring to the approaching World Qods Day, the spokesman stressed, "Supporters of the Zionist regime will definitely receive the final response for their support on that day."
| Iran | America |

Muslim Brotherhood's papers detail plan to seize U.S. Dallas Morning News (September 17, 2007) - Amid the mountain of evidence released in the Holy Land Foundation terrorism financing trial, the most provocative has turned out to be a handful of previously classified evidence detailing Islamist extremists' ambitious plans for a U.S. takeover. A knot of terrorism researchers say the memos and audiotapes, many translated from Arabic and containing detailed strategies by the international Islamist group the Muslim Brotherhood, are proof that extremists have long sought to replace the Constitution with Shariah, or Islamic law. The Muslim Brotherhood was formed in Egypt in the 1920s by Islamists seeking to install a fundamentalist government there. Islamist radicals today still idolize the martyr Sayyid Qutb, the Brotherhood's most influential thinker. While attending college in the U.S. in the late 1940s, Mr. Qutb was appalled by what he perceived as the nation's lack of piousness and morality. In the early 1950s, he was jailed in Egypt, where he had worked to overthrow the secular government of Gamal Abdel Nasser. Before he was executed in 1966, he penned a scathing indictment of American culture that called for worldwide rejection of Western values. His writings are still credited with radicalizing countless young Muslims, including Ayman al-Zawahiri. He became al-Qaeda's No. 2 leader and the spiritual guide to Osama bin Laden. ..."Al-Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood are working toward the same goal, but the Brotherhood is willing to work through it politically and take their time," said Mr. Farah, the counterterrorism consultant. "They want an Islamic state. Does that mean they're going to pick up a gun and start shooting at the [U.S.] president? No. They're going to work the system." The U.S. is among the countries where the Brotherhood has sought to spread its message, according to Department of Justice prosecutors in the Holy Land case. Prosecutors say that the Brotherhood was behind the Palestinian Committee, formed in the U.S. in the 1980s. The goal of the Palestinian Committee, which trial documents indicate existed in the late 1980s and early 1990s, was to raise money in the U.S. to fund Hamas. This was to be accomplished by forming a complex network of seemingly benign Muslim organizations whose real job, according to the government, was to spread militant propaganda and raise money.  The Muslim Brotherhood created some American Muslim groups and sought influence in others, many of which are listed as unindicted co-conspirators in the Holy Land case. On the list are several prominent groups, including the Islamic Society of North America, the North American Islamic Trust and the Council on American-Islamic Relations. All have protested their inclusion on the list. On one hand, several articles and statements indicate that the group wants to reform the West, not necessarily destroy it. It repeatedly accuses the U.S. of being "anti-Muslim" mostly for its historic backing of Israeli interests. more...
| Islam | America |

Euro Could Replace U.S. Dollar As Favored Reserve Currency Associated Press (September 17, 2007) - Former U.S. Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan said it is possible that the euro could replace the U.S. dollar as the reserve currency of choice. According to an advance copy of an interview to be published in Thursday's edition of the German magazine Stern, Greenspan said that the dollar is still slightly ahead in its use as a reserve currency, but added that "it doesn't have all that much of an advantage" anymore. The euro has been soaring against the U.S. currency in recent weeks, hitting all-time high of $1.3927 last week as the dollar has fallen on turbulent market conditions stemming from the ongoing U.S. subprime crisis. The Fed meets this week and is expected to lower its benchmark interest rate from the current 5.25 percent. Greenspan said that at the end of 2006, some 25 percent of all currency reserves held by central banks were held in euros, compared to 66 percent for the U.S. dollar. In terms of being used as a payment for cross-border transactions, the euro is trailing the dollar only slightly with 39 percent to 43 percent. Greenspan said the European Central Bank has become "a serious factor in the global economy." He said the increased usage of the euro as a reserve currency has led to a lowering of interest rates in the euro zone, which has "without any doubt contributed to the current economic growth."
| EU/UN / 4th Kingdom | NewWorldOrder | America |

Very, very dangerous -- Excuse for EU to unite and come after USA? Constance Cumbey (September 13, 2007)USA to begin crafting Iran Bombing Plan?

Breaking News: Looks like Solana's NGO cheering section in the form of Worldwatch Institute is getting in on his power boosting act. Read about that here. It has now called for the EU to pressure the USA on climate change. Maybe we should have Lester Brown and his World Watch Institute register as the foreign agents they evidently are!

A frightening headline on a Fox news story ran yesterday. It indicated:

1. Germany's Angela Merkel says they will no longer support increased sanctions against Iran on the nuclear development issue.
2. Assumption in Washington is that this means they won't care if USA does something unilaterally to take that threat out.
3. Germany's economic relationship with Iran makes it unfeasible for them to support sanctions against that oil rich country.

Now, the reality, probabilities, and prophetic implications:

1. Germany's Angela Merkel could not be more closely allied with the EU's foreign and military policy chief, Javier Solana.
2. Europe is already bitter at the USA for the 2003 Iraq invasion. Also click here for more documentation.
3. European Union countries have been handing Solana the immense powers they have to EQUALIZE themselves with the USA.
4. A prophesied God given role of whoever the prophesied "10 kings" handed their power to was to equalize themselves with another power "and thus fulfill the words of this prophecy." See Rev. 17.
5. If Germany can't afford to antagonize Iran with sanctions, how much less can it afford to antagonize Iran by tacitly sanctioning war?
6. Germany's agenda during its recently closed EU presidency was to boost Javier Solana's powers -- it made tremendous progress on crafting a treaty that would give him the powers he sought in the constitution. It has placed (with the help of EU allies inside England) Solana in a much stronger position than he was prior to that German presidency.
7. Javier Solana's Brookings Institution speech of March 21, 2007 said that global disarmament and non-proliferation were "imperative" to him. He also said it was "imperative" that the new global governance machinery be ready by 2009.
8. This new public hint that the USA is considering imprudent bombing operations against Iran might be exactly what Javier Solana needs to give European countries "the crisis that equals opportunity" rationale to put him over the top with the powers he needs to consolidate the 2 million scattered separate European country armies, their navies, their weaponry, etc. valued at over $200 billion USD per EU sources.
9. The NATO weaponry is sitting in Europe with more European control than USA control, thanks in no small part to Javier Solana's splitting of the commands between Brussels and Norfolk during his NATO tenure between 1995 and 1999.
10. There are clear Biblical prophecies about a great Babylon being destroyed by fire and the ships at sea bewailing her burning? Could that be the USA the prophets were seeing? "In one hour is thy destruction come?"
11. The threat of the USA bombing a necessary oil and economic resource for European countries such as Iran could very well give credence to the increasing demands that "Europe speak with one voice."
12. Very clearly, Javier Solana is and has been the "face and voice of Europe."
13. Never forget what created Javier Solana's job and what he proposed to increase his powers.

I am writing this in shock and on the fly. I must go to my office for an appointment. I will add hyperlinks to this story and amplify it later. We indeed live in serious times and I fear for my country. Stay tuned!
| EU/UN / 4th Kingdom | Solana | NewWorldOrder | America |

State's 'hate crimes' code used against 'pure speech' WorldNet Daily (September 12, 2007) - While California hate-crimes laws are being used to target "pure speech," a federal plan that would impose similar speech restrictions on Christians "is still lurking in the shadows" in the U.S. Senate, warns a team of civil rights advocates. The warning comes from the Pacific Justice Institute, which is running an online petition campaign to alert people to the dangers the pending legislation poses. As WND reported, the federal plan, H.R. 1592, was approved by the U.S. House of Representatives, but when it reached the U.S. Senate, instead of holding hearings and a vote, senators tried to attach it to another bill as an amendment. The maneuver would have prevented any public input on the plan. That effort failed, but that doesn't mean the American public is safe from the dangers the federal legislation poses, according to Matt McReynolds, a staff attorney for Pacific Justice. The full title of the legislation is "Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2007," and it provides federal help to local agencies dealing with "hate crimes." It also separately creates new federal offenses for "hate crimes," including the addition of "sexual orientation" and "gender identity" for inclusion as protected characteristics. "It hasn't gone away, it's still lurking in the shadows," he told WND. "And not just that. The U.S. House version has passed, so they can slap it on as an amendment to something else." McReynolds said the dangers are real. "When you start down the list of Western countries, Australia, Canada, Britain, France. Everywhere hate crimes plans have been adopted there are examples of problems. It's gotten to the point even pure speech is being criminalized, with no actions or violence," he said. "That's where hate crimes legislation inevitably has led in other Western societies," McReynolds said. His organization has worked on a number of such cases already involving California's own version of a "hate crimes" plan. "The law of unintended consequences – or perhaps intended consequences cleverly disguised – is starkly illustrated by the ongoing federal case Harper v. Poway Unified School District," he wrote in a summary of the problems. "In Harper, a student responded to the annual pro-homosexual 'Day of Silence,' which was being heavily promoted on his high school campus, by wearing a T-shirt which expressed his religious viewpoint that homosexuality was 'shameful.' "Instead of allowing a differing viewpoint, school officials pulled aside Harper, demanding that he change his expression or face suspension. An assistant principal even suggested to Harper that he needed to leave his faith in the car while at school, in order not to offend homosexual students," according to McReynolds. more...
| America | Signs of the Times |

The Rise of Atheist America WorldNet Daily (September 7, 2007) - The signs are everywhere. Many of America's top-selling books right now are angry, in-your-face, atheist manifestos. Judges try to outdo each other in banning references to God like the Ten Commandments and the "Under God" phrase in the Pledge of Allegiance. And nearly half of Americans, according to a recent Gallup poll, would be willing to vote for an atheist for president of the United States of America – a nation founded by devout Christians. In its groundbreaking September edition, titled "THE RISE OF ATHEIST AMERICA," WND's monthly Whistleblower magazine provides a powerfully eye-opening analysis of what's really behind the current atheist phenomenon. "This is atheism's moment," brags David Steinberger, CEO of Perseus Books, celebrating the tremendous success of anti-God bestsellers like "God is Not Great: Why Religion Poisons Everything" by journalist Christopher Hitchens and "The God Delusion" by Oxford evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins. "Mr. Hitchens has written the category killer," he says, "and we're excited about having the next book." That's right – this fall the publishing world will further cash in on the anti-God juggernaut with the release of "The Pocket Atheist," featuring the writings of famous atheists, edited by Hitchens. In earlier eras, atheists were on the fringes of society, mistrusted by the mainstream. Those few who dared to publicly push their beliefs on society, like Madalyn Murray O'Hair, were widely regarded as malevolent kooks. But today, Hitchens' No. 1 New York Times bestseller, which has dominated the nonfiction charts for months, boldly condemns religion – including Christianity – as "violent, irrational, intolerant, allied to racism, tribalism, and bigotry, invested in ignorance and hostile to free inquiry, contemptuous of women and coercive toward children." Indeed, arrogant denial of God and condemnation of religious people characterize today's popular atheist books, which besides Hitchens' and Dawkins' bestsellers include "Letter to a Christian Nation" by Sam Harris, sequel to his earlier bestseller "The End of Faith," as well as "God: The Failed Hypothesis: How Science Shows That God Does Not Exist" by Victor J. Stenger, "Breaking the Spell: Religion as a Natural Phenomenon" by Daniel C. Dennett, "Atheist Universe: The Thinking Person's Answer to Christian Fundamentalism" by David Mills and others. more...
America | Apostasy |

Solana: ‘Israel has our solidarity in fighting terrorism’ European Jewish Press (September 4, 2007) - Javier Solana, the European Union’s foreign policy chief, condemned Monday the Qassam rocket attack from Gaza on a kindergarten school in the Israeli southern city of Sderot. Speaking at a press conference after meeting Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni in Jerusalem, Solana, who is on a new Middle East trip, declared: "I would like to offer my solidarity to the people of Sderot and I condemn the rocket attack on a school today". “I was there with the minister not long ago and we were welcomed together there, and I know what it means. And to see Sderot again today - once again, seeing the same spirit of the people of Sderot, particularly the kids in the schools. I think that this is something that I have to condemn,” he added. Asked about EU support for Israeli operations in Gaza to stop the rockets, Solana, whose official title is EU High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP), said: "Israel has our solidarity in fighting terrorism. We have continued to search for efficient measures against terrorism. Sometimes we do not agree 100% on exactly how to combat it but we offer our full solidarity with Israel in it’s efforts to fight terroris. Israel knows that you have it.” Solana’s trip is aimed at preparing the EU for an intensive period of activity in the coming months and at restarting the peace process. He pointed to the meeting of the ad hoc liaison committee and the Quartet meeting during the UN General Assembly week later this month in New York and the international conference to take place in the late autumn probably in Washington. This conference was called for by US President George Bush as part of efforts to jumpstart the dormant peace process in the wake of the takeover of Gaza by Hamas in mid-June. Solana said: "We don’t know exactly when the conference will take place but it must be a success. We can not allow it to fail and we must therefore define success". The EU would help and cooperate as much as possible in the preparations of the event, he added. more...
| Israel | Islam | America |
EU/UN / 4th Kingdom | Solana | 1st Seal |

Solana beating US conference drum Associated Press (September 4, 2007) - European Union Foreign Policy chief Javier Solana has arrived in Egypt for talks with the Egyptian officials on Middle East peace process. Solana will hold talks with the Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Abul-Gheit and the Arab League Chief Amr Moussa, according to DPA. Solana's multi-leg tour of the Middle East takes place ahead of a major US-sponsored international conference on Middle Peace which is scheduled to be held in Washington this autumn. The main discussions between the EU's top diplomat and the Egyptian officials are expected to be held on Wednesday. During the two-day visit Solana will make efforts to bring the Palestinians and Israelis back to the negotiating table. Solana held similar talks in Amman on Monday. So far, Solana's statements had signaled hope. During his Sunday's visit to the West Bank city of Ramallah, Solana predicted that the coming months would witness a series of important forums in which the peace process will be discussed. He had also said that that the Middle East Quartet, which comprises the United States, Russia, the EU and the United Nations, will meet with members of the Arab League in December. One obvious flaw in the much-ballyhooed US sponsored conference is that it has consciously failed to allow Hamas to attend. The militant group has consistently refused to recognize Israel and in the January 2006 elections soundly trounced Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah party throughout the occupied territories.
| Israel | Islam | America | EU/UN / 4th Kingdom | Solana | 1st Seal |

Iran warns US over risks of military action  YNet News (September 4, 2007) - New special military advisor to supreme leader Ali Khamenei says Washington could never foresee size of Tehran's response against US troops in region; adds reaction could affect Israel. Iran on Tuesday issued a stark warning to the United States over the danger of launching a military attack, saying Washington could never foresee the size of its response against US troops in the region. "The US will face three problems if it attacks Iran. Firstly, it does not know the volume of our response," said General Rahim Yahya Safavi, the new special military advisor to supreme leader Ali Khamenei. "Also, it can not evaluate the vulnerability of its 200,000 troops in the region, since we have accurately identified all of their camps," added Safavi, who stepped down last week as head of the elite Revolutionary Guards. Safavi also warned over how Iran's reaction to a US attack could affect Israel - Tehran's regional archfoe - and also crude oil supply from the world's fourth-largest producer. "Secondly, it does not know what will happen to Israel and, thirdly, the United States does not know what will happen to the oil flow," he was quoted by the ISNA news agency as saying. Washington has never ruled out taking military action against Tehran, and its tone has sharpened again over the past week, with President George W. Bush warning that Iran's atomic program could lead to a "nuclear holocaust." Iran has always insisted it would never launch any attack against a foreign country, but has also warned of a crushing response to any aggression against its soil. Tehran has an array of medium range missiles, and claims that its longer-range Shahab-3 missile has a reach of 2,000 kilometers (1,200 miles), which would put Israel and US bases on the Arabian Peninsula within reach. President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has dismissed the chance of any US attack against Iran, but influential former president Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani has warned of the dangers still posed by the United States. more...
| Iran | Gog/Magog | Israel | Islam | America |

Will Presidential Decision Directive #25 be Declassified? Daniel New (August 2007) - What happened? On October 10, 1995, the 1/15 Battalion of the 3rd infantry Division of the U.S. Army came to attention at 0900 in Schweinfurt, Germany. All but one of the 550 soldiers were wearing a sky-blue baseball-style cap with a United Nations insignia on the front. One was wearing the olive-drab flat cap that is authorized to be worn with the Battle Dress Uniform. With this simple act of disobeying a direct order, Spc. 4 Michael New set the stage for a legal battle that has profound implications for the future of American soldiers into service of the United Nations without the constitutional permission of Congress. On 24 July, attorneys for Michael New sent a letter to the Office of Information Programs and Services, a division of the State Department, requesting a "Mandatory Declassification Review" of Presidential Decision Directive #25. Most of our readers will recognize that as the document which President Slick Willie Clinton authorized himself to ignore the Constitution, ignore Congress, ignore long-standing statutory law, and to send US troops into military settings under the authority of the United Nations, without Congressional participation in any way. We only recently learned that this agency exists. We also learned that any citizen may request a review of any classified document, and if that document is over ten years old, a mandatory review of it is triggered by the request. PDD#25 is now 13 years old. What are the implications?

  • The implications for Michael New are tremendous. The Pentagon and the White House based their prosecution upon the basis of the order given to deploy to Macedonia under a General from Finland. By refusing to allow a soldier access to the legal basis of that order to deploy, New had no defense. The original court-martial refused Spc. New permission to introduce any evidence in his own defense! If we can read PDD#25, we may well find the legal basis for demanding that the court-martial be overturned.
  • The implications for our troops in uniform today are also tremendous. If, for example, it is found that the Constitution has been violated, (which we believe has happened), then the entire question of placing American soldiers under foreign commanders in undeclared wars may well find its way to a courtroom - and we may well assist that in happening!
  • The implications for restoring the Constitutional balance of power between Congress and the White House, and restricting both with that very document to which each and every one of them has taken an oath, are also great.
  • The implications of the US relationship to all international agencies will suddenly be subject to a sharp review by, of all things, the Constitution of the United States! What a novel concept.

In short, this review could well be the point at which imperial presidents are brought up short on a tether known as Constitutional Law. Regional Alliances seem to be the "wave of the future" - but the way we have been involved in them (since 1946) just happens to be contrary to the U.S. Constitution. Not content with the pace of Globalism, Bill Clinton and Al Gore decided to "reinvent government" - in what was nothing less than a coup d'etat against the Constitution! You may have thought that the case of Michael New vs. United States Army was over and done with. I know we did. But, you asked to be kept informed of any developments in Michael's case, and this one, while a simple request for information, may turn out to be huge. We'll let you know. The coming book, to be entitled, Legions of Empire, by William Norman Grigg and Daniel New, is coming along (slowly). Any person wanting to get a copy of the first edition, hardback, autographed, needs to send us $50 along with a request to reserve a copy in their name. That first printing will consist of 500 hardback copies and 3,000 paperbacks. The first 100 will be numbered and autographed. If we get all 100 pre-subscribed, it will mean we can pay for most of the raw printing costs of the entire run. That's not everything, but it's a running start! It is incumbent upon you to study, first that you may understand the nature of the threats coming against our country, and second that you might educate your children and the next generation, for the Struggle for Liberty is not an event - it's a lifestyle. more info
/ 4th Kingdom | NewWorldOrder | America |

Will Lady Liberty Last Beyond 2010? News With Views (August 31, 2007) - Free republics are not known to have long life expectancies. At the ripe old age of two hundred and thirty-one, America is definitely showing her age. She is long past her prime, and some are predicting her demise. No, some are PLANNING her demise. Thomas Jefferson and the other founders of this once-great country believed there was a controlling cabal that was crafting America's servitude. With the assistance of Heaven, they decided to fight those forces. Pastors fought with fiery sermons from the pulpit; newsmen fought with the power of the pen; statesmen fought in the halls of congress; and merchants fought with the sacrifice of their material gain. Together, they lifted Lady Liberty to her feet and defeated the powers of darkness. It took the global elite a long time to recover, but they have reemerged with a vengeance. They are now on the precipice of accomplishing what their great granddaddies failed to do: bring the rebellious colonists under their power and control. You see, we no longer have the will to resist servitude. Our pulpits are too busy preaching a prosperity gospel; newsmen are in bed with the forces they once disdained; statesmen have been replaced with opportunistic, self-serving politicians; and merchants know no god but money. Hence, it is left to a small--and I mean very small--remnant to sound the clarion call for freedom and independence. Unfortunately, few seem to be listening to their cries. 2010 seems to be a banner year for these designers of despotism. That is the target year for the implementation of the North American Community, which will unite the United States with Canada and Mexico. The global elite suffered a minor set-back when the U.S. Senate failed to pass the Bush/McCain/Kennedy/Graham amnesty-for-illegal-aliens bill. But if you think that George W. Bush is going to let that bill lie on the floor of defeat, you don't understand these people. President Bush will do everything he can to implement some kind of amnesty law before he leaves office. I would not be surprised if he attempted some sort of Executive Order or Presidential Directive in order to accomplish it. You see, it is absolutely essential to the designers of despotism that our southern border be eliminated. Absolutely essential. more...
NewWorldOrder | America |

Bush left Rice at home for North America summit World Net Daily (August 30, 2007) - Anticipating public backlash against the recent Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America summit in Canada, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper asked President Bush to leave Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice at home. A White House official confirmed for WND reports circulating in the Canadian press indicating that prior to the summit, Harper requested Bush and Mexican President Felipe Calderon downplay the meeting. As a result of the request, Bush agreed Rice would skip the Montebello, Quebec, summit. Rice's absence was especially conspicuous because she had attended the first two SPP summits, first in March 2005 at Waco, Texas, and then in March 2006, at Cancun, Mexico. At both previous summits, Rice was responsible for conducting press briefings on behalf of the U.S. delegation. Gutierrez and Chertoff were not present at the final press conference held by Bush, Harper and Calderon. Seasoned press present at the summit also expressed skepticism at Calderon's suggestion that he needed to return to Mexico early because of Hurricane Dean. Even as Calderon gave his reason for leaving early, weather reports were showing the hurricane had diminished in force and the damage suffered in Mexico was likely to be minimal. The Montebello summit was the shortest of the three SPP summits held so far, lasting less than 24 hours from the time President Bush arrived mid-day Aug. 20. Despite Harper's attempt to downplay the meeting, it ended up fueling Canadian opposition to SPP. Particularly damaging for Harper was the admission that Canadian police had infiltrated protesters with undercover agents who acted as provocateurs. The controversy began when a video was posted on showing three masked people confronted in Montebello by peaceful protesters and accused of being police infiltrators who wanted to start a riot to discredit the demonstration. One of the three provocateurs clearly has a rock in his hand. Analysis of the video showed the footwear of the masked people bore markings on the soles that matched the footwear worn by the heavily riot-geared Sûreté du Québec police at the scene. On Thursday last week, the Sûreté du Québec was forced to admit the three provocateurs in the video were police officers who disguised themselves as protestors at the SPP summit in Montebello. A video on shows, in French, the press conference in which the Sûreté du Québec made the admission, ending a three-days of denials by the Harper government . In Canada, the Montebello meeting is now being called the "Jellybean" summit in reference to Harper's comment at the final press conference that the closed meetings had discussed standardizing jellybean regulation in Canada and the United States. more...
NewWorldOrder | America |

Iran Ready To Fill Power Vacuum in Iraq, Ahmadinejad Says The New York Sun (August 29, 2007) - President Ahmadinejad of Iran said yesterday that American political influence in Iraq is "collapsing rapidly" and said his government is ready to help fill any power vacuum. The hard-line leader also defended Prime Minister al-Maliki of Iraq, a fellow Shiite Muslim who has been harshly criticized by American politicians for his unsuccessful efforts to reconcile Iraq's Sunnis, Shiites, and Kurds. "The political power of the occupiers is collapsing rapidly," Mr. Ahmadinejad said at a news conference, referring to American troops in Iraq. "Soon, we will see a huge power vacuum in the region. Of course, we are prepared to fill the gap, with the help of neighbors and regional friends like Saudi Arabia, and with the help of the Iraqi nation." Mr. Ahmadinejad did not elaborate on his remarks, an unusual declaration of Iran's interest in influencing its neighbor's future. The mention of a Saudi role appeared aimed at allaying the fears of Saudi Arabia and other Sunni Muslim nations that Iran wants to dominate in Iraq. Even though Saudi Arabia and Iran have not cooperated in the past, it "doesn't mean it can't happen," Mr. Ahmadinejad said. Iran fought a brutal eight-year war with Saddam Hussein's regime and welcomed the elimination of a deeply hated enemy. But Iran also strongly objects to the presence of America, another rival, over its eastern and western borders in Afghanistan and Iraq. "Occupation is the root of all problems in Iraq," Mr. Ahmadinejad said. "It has become clear that occupiers are not able to resolve regional issues." more...
| Iran |
America |

Deception built super-secret abortion clinic World Net Daily (August 29, 2007) - Planned Parenthood concealed its ownership of a huge new abortion facility scheduled to open soon in a Chicago suburb, and pro-life advocates – and at least one city official – are questioning whether the abortion provider can mislead officials without repercussions. "There's always legal ramifications," Aurora, Ill., Alderman Richard Irvin told the Chicago Tribune while standing with some of the estimated 1,200 pro-life protesters who assembled over the weekend to protest the existence of the structure that had been depicted by owners as an office building. He was not on the board when the project, proposed by a company identifying itself as "Gemini Office Development," was approved. But he said he has concerns the building was brought into his city under false pretenses, and said the city could sue Planned Parenthood for being deceptive. There was no acknowledgement during the permit application and construction processes that the project actually was scheduled to be an abortion business. However, as WND columnist Jill Stanek reported, a pro-life construction worker on the 22,000-square foot site became suspicious of the bulletproof glass and surgical suites, components not routine in an office building. It was soon outed as an abortion facility, prompting the weekend protest, and outrage from pro-life community members who said, as Stanek phrased it, "If citizens may lie to occupancy permit officials, may they also lie to police officers? Or at city council meetings? Where will Aurora draw the line between permissible and impermissible lies?" "At a minimum, the city of Aurora should launch an official and legal investigation, questioning the applicant and tenant under oath about statements on applications and in meetings," she said. "If the city does not, is something more going on, a cover-up? Did some officials know that the public documents filed and statements made by the applicant were false? Did some officials know the tenant was to be an abortion provider, but then conspired with Gemini to keep it quiet to avoid politically unfavorable publicity?" Troy Newman, president of Operation Rescue, said the deception probably was the result of two issues: the fact that a Planned Parenthood clinic's construction in Austin, Texas, earlier was delayed for months when local contractors refused to work on the project, and the general atmosphere that accompanies abortion businesses. "What do you get when you get an abortion facility? Not only do you get dead children, the blight and underworld that comes along with that, but you also get thousands upon thousands of pro-lifers who adorn the streets with pictures of aborted children," he told WND. "I don't think either is good for a community." The tactic, however, is not isolated to the Illinois location. Newman said the same scenario developed with Denver, where Planned Parenthood recently purchased a building without announcing its presence. "The bottom line is nobody wants an abortion facility in their community. It's kind of like a toxic waste dump," he said. Cheryl Sullenger, also of Operation Rescue, said community residents have legitimate concerns when a Planned Parenthood facility announces it is moving in. "They're concerned about their children, what their children are going to be taught as far as sex education. They don't want their daughters getting abortions without their knowledge, and in some states Planned Parenthood is famous for promoting that. When Planned Parenthood comes to town, the community is going to have something to say about it," she said. Unless, of course, the community doesn't know. more...
| America | Signs of the Times |

The Blood-Red Moon, the Temple Mount and the Bible Bill Koenig (August 28, 2007) - August 28, 2007, had very revealing headlines: A Blood-Red Moon Rises over North America | Olmert Offers Temple Mount Sovereignty to the Palestinians | Olmert and Abbas Meet on Israel's Land and Jerusalem | Bush Says Iran's Actions Could Lead to a Shadow of a Nuclear Holocaust | Bush Arrives in New Orleans for his 15th Post-Katrina Visit | These were the news headlines on the day of a total lunar eclipse that produced a "blood-red" moon, the second one in seven years with a connection to the Temple Mount. A total lunar eclipse/"blood-red" moon occurred on July 16, 2000, while U.S. President Bill Clinton, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak and Palestinian President Yasser Arafat were at the Middle East Summit at Camp David. The sticking point that caused the summit to fail had to do with who would have sovereignty over the Temple Mount — the Israelis or the Palestinian Arabs. During this year's total lunar eclipse/"blood-red" moon of Aug. 28, 2007, that rose over North America, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert offered the Palestinians sovereignty over the Temple Mount. What was so incredible about the timing of this offer is that it didn't take place days, weeks or months after the "blood-red" moon but on the very same day. In other words, the Temple Mount’s sovereignty was a central focus during both total lunar eclipse/ "blood-red" moons in 2000 and this week. Blood-Red Moon The Old and New Testaments speak of blood-red moons prior to the Tribulation. Joel 2:31 The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the LORD come. Acts 2:20 The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before that great and notable day of the Lord come. The Jewish Talmud (book of tradition/ interpretation) says, "When the moon is in eclipse, it is a bad omen for Israel. If its face is as red as blood, [it is a sign that] the sword is coming to the world." Total-eclipse “blood-red” moons are rare. The next total-eclipse/ "blood-red" moon will occur on Feb. 21, 2008. Having another total eclipse this close to a previous one is extremely rare; to say the least, we will be watching that day with much interest. News From the Last Two Blood-Red Moons more...
| Israel | Islam | Dividing the Land | Temple Mount |
America |

U.S. under U.N. law in health emergency World Net Daily (August 28, 2007) - The Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America summit in Canada released a plan that establishes U.N. law along with regulations by the World Trade Organization and World Health Organization as supreme over U.S. law during a pandemic and sets the stage for militarizing the management of continental health emergencies. The "North American Plan for Avian & Pandemic Influenza" was finalized at the SPP summit last week in Montebello, Quebec. At the same time, the U.S. Northern Command, or NORTHCOM, has created a webpage dedicated to avian flu and has been running exercises in preparation for the possible use of U.S. military forces in a continental domestic emergency involving avian flu or pandemic influenza. With virtually no media attention, in 2005 President Bush shifted U.S. policy on avian flu and pandemic influenza, placing the country under international guidelines not specifically determined by domestic agencies. The policy shift was formalized Sept. 14, 2005, when Bush announced a new International Partnership on Avian and Pandemic Influenza to a High-Level Plenary Meeting of the U.N. General Assembly, in New York. The new International Partnership on Avian and Pandemic Influenza was designed to supersede an earlier November 2005 Homeland Security report that called for a U.S. national strategy that would be coordinated by the Departments of Homeland Security, Health and Agriculture. The 2005 plan, operative until Bush announced the International Partnership on Avian and Pandemic Influenza, directed the State Department to work with the WHO and U.N., but it does not mention that international health controls are to be considered controlling over relevant U.S. statutes or authorities. Under the International Partnership on Avian and Pandemic Influenza, Bush agreed the U.S. would work through the U.N. system influenza coordinator to develop a continental emergency response plan operating through authorities under the WTO, North American Free Trade Agreement and the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization. WND could find no evidence the Bush administration presented the Influenza Partnership plan to Congress for oversight or approval. The SPP plan for avian and pandemic influenza announced at the Canadian summit last week embraces the international control principles Bush first announced to the U.N. in his 2005 International Partnership on Avian and Pandemic Influenza declaration. The SPP plan gives primacy for avian and pandemic influenza management to plans developed by the WHO, WTO, U.N. and NAFTA directives – not decisions made by U.S. agencies. The U.N.-WHO-WTO-NAFTA plan advanced by SPP features a prominent role for the U.N. system influenza coordinator as a central international director in the case of a North American avian flu or pandemic influenza outbreak. In Sept. 2005, Dr. David Nabarro was appointed the first U.N. system influenza coordinator, a position which also places him as a senior policy adviser to the U.N. director-general. Nabarro joined the WHO in 1999 and was appointed WHO executive director of sustainable development and health environments in July 2002. In a Sept. 29, 2005, press conference at the U.N., Nabarro made clear that his job was to prepare for the H5N1 virus, known as the avian flu. Nabarro fueled the global fear that an epidemic was virtually inevitable. In response to a question about the 1918-1919 flu pandemic that killed approximately 40 million people worldwide, Nabarro commented, "I am certain there will be another pandemic sometime." Nabarro stressed at the press conference that he saw as inevitable a worldwide pandemic influenza coming soon that would kill millions. more...
NewWorldOrder | America |

Now imagine if a flu pandemic happened to break out purely by accident of course... Could this be a way for global governance to take control in an emergency? Certainly sounds like it. And Nabarro is fueling the fire of fear in order to get people to accept this. After all government has our best interest in mind, right?! We all know where this is leading and now it's here. Even so Lord Yeshua, come!!! George Noory interviewed Jerome Corsi regarding this story for the first hour on the August 29 show. The spirit of antichrist doesn't change...

Daniel 8:25
And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.

How do you destroy by peace? I think it is destroying in the name of peace and with the terrorism in the world, our freedoms are being taken away in the name of peace and security.

Revelation 6:1,2
And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see. And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.

Conquering in the name of peace, coming in with flatteries, and all the other characteristics are coming into play today and the globalist plan of bringing order out of chaos is well under way. I believe we are seeing the process of the first seal being broken.

Ahmadinejad says his country now a 'nuclear Iran' The Jerusalem Post (August 28, 2007) - Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad reiterated Tuesday that Teheran has achieved full proficiency in the nuclear fuel cycle and warned the West that dialogue and friendship - not threats - were the right way to deal with Iran. "Today, Iran is a nuclear Iran," Ahmadinejad told a press conference in Teheran. "That means, it fully possesses the whole nuclear fuel cycle." Ahmadinejad, however, said his country was committed to a "peaceful path" in pursuing its controversial nuclear program. Ahmadinejad's comments followed an announcement Monday by the International Atomic Energy Agency which said that Teheran was offering some cooperation in the agency's probe of an alleged secret uranium processing project linked by US intelligence to a nuclear arms program. The IAEA has said that Teheran also outlined its timetable for providing other sensitive information sought by the Vienna, Austria-based UN watchdog in its investigation of over two decades of nuclear activity by the Islamic republic, most of it clandestine until revealed more than four years ago. The US criticized the deal with the IAEA, saying the agreement won't save Iran from a third set of UN Security Council sanctions for refusing to halt uranium enrichment. Some in the IAEA have suggested Washington may be trying to derail important progress in the Iranian nuclear negotiations, in a drive to impose new UN penalties. At the presser in Teheran, Ahmadinejad said the US president was a "wicked, selfish and arrogant" leader who has abused the UN Security Council in a push to stop Iran's nuclear program. Although the Iranian leader did not name George W. Bush, his remarks were clearly addressed to his US counterpart. "You saw that your coercion ... was futile," Ahmadinejad said. "Some wicked and selfish leaders stood arrogantly behind the podium to say, 'we won't let them do this' ... You sold out your prestige and stood against a cultured nation... I recommend that you don't repeat this ugly behavior." The US and its allies fear Teheran is using its civilian nuclear program as a cover to produce atomic weapons. Iran denies the charge, saying its program is solely geared toward generating electricity. more...
| IranAmerica |

U.S. seeks home for research on fearsome diseases Reuters (August 27, 2007) - A federal laboratory off Long Island, known as the "Alcatraz for animal disease," may move to the U.S. mainland as part of a new $450 million research center. Plans for the next-generation National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility, slated to go online by 2013, include biosafety labs where scientists, clad in outfits resembling spacesuits and tethered to air supplies, would research diseases that can spread to people from animals. The Department of Homeland Security has partially completed a round of public hearings, which conclude September 20, on six potential sites for the NBAF, including Plum Island, which already houses an older research center. Public meetings are scheduled for Tuesday in Manhattan, Kansas, and for Thursday in Flora, Mississippi, on proposals to build the facility in those communities. Sites also have been proposed in San Antonio, Texas; Athens, Georgia, and Butner, North Carolina. The winning site would be named in fall 2008 under the schedule outlined by the government. For more than half a century, the Plum Island Animal Disease Center has been the only federal laboratory permitted to conduct research on live foot-and-mouth disease viruses. If another site is selected, Congress will be asked to repeal a law that bars such research on the mainland, a DHS spokesman said. Homeland Security says the NBAF would conduct research on highly contagious diseases, like foot-and-mouth disease and swine fever, along with two diseases that can spread to humans from animals, Rift Valley Fever and Japanese encephalitis. "Today's ... labs are extremely safe," said the spokesman, Larry Orluskie. There are four labs that run at biosafety level 4, which calls for multiple safeguards while handling high-risk disease organisms, in urban areas -- Atlanta, the Washington, D.C. suburbs, and in Galveston and San Antonio, Texas. By comparison, a college chemistry lab could be level 1. "There has never been a public exposure at a BSL-4 lab in the United States," DHS said in documents prepared for the public meetings, which will garner information on possible environmental impacts at each site. more...
| America |

The Militarization of the Alliance of Civilizations Richard Peterson (August 24, 2007) - Over the months that followed the cartoon crisis, I paid very close attention to the Alliance of Civilizations’ web site. Daily search engine inquiries and AoC web visits had become routine. July and August yielded more than enough reading material. One such report, the OSCE contribution to the Alliance of Civilizations initiative, was released in June. The OSCE originated from the Helsinki Final Act of 1975 (also known as the Helsinki Process) and changed its official name to the Organization for Security and Co-operation of Europe in 1994. To this day, the Helsinki Process remains active working to implement a one world government. What I found was that the OSCE had been particularly impressed with how the EU’s High Representative Javier Solana and the Alliance of Civilizations had turned the cartoon crisis into opportunity. Now they were on board and had written of their unique position to contribute to the implementation of the AoC initiative. Although I found aspects of the report somewhat troublesome, it wasn’t until I read the Alliance’s July 17 Report of the Hearing with the International Community and Civil Society that I decided to give the OSCE a second in-depth look. The International Hearings report contains the following: “The Military Staff Committee, instead of being abolished, should be revived so that meetings of military leaders at different levels could be introduced for the international practice.” (page 26) It appeared that the defunct Committee was about to be revived! I also read: “On the national level, constitutional democracy does not entail the existence of a police state or military watchdog, but implies observation of the laws that have been worked out by the elected representatives, as well as the adherence to the value system.” (page 26) This reminded me of a statement in the OSCE report that I found puzzling. They said that the OSCE is the world’s largest regional security organization, comprising of 56 participating states and that “decisions are based on consensus and are politically but not legally binding”. What did that mean? I found my answer in the Helsinki Process Papers--Building Democracy From Manila to Doha: The Evolution of the Movement of New or Restored Democracies as follows: “Under its human dimension objectives, the OSCE has adopted instruments, created norms and initiated activities for the promotion of democracy and governance. The OSCE instruments are "politically binding commitments" for the participating states, and become effective upon adoption and implementable without having to wait for subsequent domestic approval or ratification. This process allows also the OSCE to react quickly to new needs.” (page 67) The Barcelona Process, established in 1995, set among its goals the responsibility of straightening out the clash of civilizations as well as combating religious fundamentalism worldwide. The Alliance of Civilizations intends to start operations within the framework of the Barcelona Process and then amplify the AoC initiative globally. Next is NATO and the AoC. NATO is also on board with the Alliance of Civilizations and, unknown to most Americans, has split under the Berlin-Plus Agreement. In the event of a crisis situation, NATO assets are transferred to the European Union’s Political and Security Committee presently presided over by EU High Representative Javier Solana. Crisis management drills have already been conducted to test the Berlin-Plus arrangement. Moving in we have the European Union which has at its disposal the crisis management Battle Groups which can simultaneously sustain multiple offensive operations. These battle groups are intended for rapid deployment while awaiting reinforcements from member states’ militaries and NATO assets. The European Security Strategy has committed to strengthening the United Nations so that it may fulfill its role in global governance. Anything that undermines global governance is considered by Solana to be a threat. Statewatch’s report, Arming Big Brother, provides an excellent analysis of the EU’s militarization. The EU is fully committed to the Alliance of Civilizations as it has appointed the Anna Lindh Foundation to oversee its implementation. more...
| Islam | EU/UN / 4th Kingdom | Solana | NewWorldOrder | America |

Adult psychiatric drug OK'd for kids Associated Press (August 22, 2007) - The Food and Drug Administration on Wednesday approved a widely used adult psychiatric drug for the treatment of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder in children and adolescents. The action permits use of Risperdal for schizophrenia in youths aged 13 to 17 and for bipolar disorder in those aged 10 to 17, FDA said. It was approved last fall for treatment of irritability in autism. Risperdal, manufactured by Janssen, L.P. of Titusville, N.J., is the No. 3 anti-psychotic drug, with $2.3 billion in sales in 2005, according to the pharmaceutical data company IMS Health. Janssen is a unit of Johnson & Johnson. Risperdal was approved for use in adults in 1993. Until now, FDA said, there has been no approved drug for the treatment of schizophrenia in youths and only lithium is approved for the treatment of bipolar disorder in adolescents. The dose approved for youths is slightly lower than the adult dose, FDA said. Drowsiness, fatigue, increase in appetite, anxiety, nausea, dizziness, dry mouth, tremor, and rash were among the most common side effects reported, the agency said. more...
| America |
Apostasy |

I bring you this story to point out something important that most Christians do not know or realize. The understanding of this begins to reveal how the pharmaceutical companies are assisting in the fall of America and the world. Many may not realize it, but through the attempts to adjust body chemistry through foreign drugs put into the system, we only cover up what is there to tell us something. And beyond that, it affects our minds and attitudes assisting in the lulling to complacency. The same works for vaccinations too, trust God for protection from disease and remain in Christ. Have you seen how vaccinations are produced? Do you really want to put that in your temple? 

Galatians 5:19-21
Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.

That's pretty serious, but what does it have to do with the drug companies of today? Did you know that the word "witchcraft" used above is actually the Greek word pharmakeia G5331? It means, "the use or the administering of drugs, poisoning, sorcery, magical arts, often found in connection with idolatry and fostered by it." In researching the problems of today, much of it stems from the widespread use of drugs made by pharmaceutical companies who make billions of dollars selling these drugs, many of which are abused to dull the senses and mind. AP: Pain medicine use has nearly doubled This works perfectly with the New World Order, who want an ignorant population so they can go about their business of creating the global governance for their future leader of the world. Minn. law sheds light on drug companies This story is a perfect example, "A groundbreaking Minnesota law is shining a rare light into the big money that drug companies spend on members of state advisory panels who help select which drugs are used in Medicaid programs for the poor and disabled." This plague is working on children as well as adults as the parents who are ignorant to reality are feeding their children drugs that are probably the cause of much of the problems that stem from negative spiritual influences manifesting in the body. In researching the New Testament and the healing miracles that Yeshua did, much of the psychological diseases people had were resolved by the casting out of demons. But man has his own methods of "solving problems" medically. That's the main thrust of psychology today. If something's out of whack, drug up. That didn't work? Try this. And we tend to put our faith in man before turning to God. That's what I did for most of my life. I trusted the establishment because I figured they were working for the best interest of man. But the sooner that deceptive veil is lifted from your eyes, however difficult it may be to deal with, the better off you will be. Trust only in God. He alone has your best interest in mind and He can heal all illness. Maybe you have demonic influence from your past experiences that is still clinging to you and affecting you. Cry out to Yeshua, He is able and willing to save those who love and obey Him. I recommend reading Thought: Voice of the Spirit Realm to better begin to understand the spiritual battles we fight. Often we don't understand how things work so we have no idea how to approach things. I pray it helps. For more information about vaccine history and how that possibly plays into the future plans of the New World Order, watch Avian Flu: Killer of Millions? by Dr. Scott Johnson. You can listen to clips of it at the Prophecy Club podcast.

Top banks tap Fed discount window Reuters (August 22, 2007) - The four largest U.S. banks, led by Citigroup and Bank of America Corp., took the unusual step of borrowing $2 billion directly from the Federal Reserve on Wednesday, as the Fed tries to stabilize tempestuous financial markets by adding money to the banking system. U.S. shares rose after the move, but financial stocks declined slightly. Borrowing money directly from the Fed is usually seen as a sign of weakness, but JPMorgan Chase & Co., Bank of America and Wachovia Corp., said they have ample access to funds and made the move for the sake of the financial system. Citigroup, meanwhile, said it borrowed funds for customers; but the bank has issued at least $2.5 billion of corporate bonds this month. The Federal Reserve on Friday cut the rate at which banks borrow directly from the central bank by a hefty half a percentage point and signaled it was willing to take more dramatic action to cushion the economy from tightening credit. Timothy Geithner, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, encouraged banks in a call on Friday to borrow from the Fed. Deutsche Bank late last week borrowed funds from the Fed, the Financial Times reported on Monday. The Dow Jones industrial average was up 70 points or about half of one percentage point after the announcements, while the Standard & Poor's financial index turned modestly negative, trading down 0.43 percent.
NewWorldOrder | America |

Europe, Asia and U.S. inject more cash Associated Press (August 21, 2007) - Central banks in Europe, Asia and the U.S. injected more cash into the markets Tuesday as commercial banks clamored for money. The European Central Bank placed 275 billion euros ($370.6 billion) in its normal weekly refinancing as it furthered emergency moves taken over the last two weeks. That followed a decision by the Bank of Japan Tuesday to lend another 800 billion yen ($7.01 billion), which followed a trillion-yen injection ($8.71 billion) the day before. The U.S. Federal Reserve followed with another $3.75 billion infusion Tuesday, the latest in a series of cash transfusions that have topped more than $100 billion since last week. U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson insisted the nation will move safely through credit crisis that has spread from Wall Street to Tokyo, Frankfurt and other financial centers. The Reserve Bank of Australia lent banks 4.57 billion Australian dollars ($3.64 billion) Tuesday. The Bank of England, meanwhile, lent 314 million pounds ($622.3 million) directly to an institution — the first time it has made an emergency loan since the start of the subprime crisis and the resulting credit crunch. The ECB said the 275 billion-euro allotment announced Tuesday was about 46 billion euros ($61.9 billion) more than it had estimated, in part because banks that use the euro are still seeking extra cash. Despite that, Tuesday's cash infusion was significantly lower than the ECB's tender last week, when it lent 310 billion euros ($417.7 billion), and also less than the 292.5 billion euros ($393.5 billion) it lent the week before. more...
| EU/UN / 4th Kingdom NewWorldOrder | America |

Bush doesn't deny plans for N. American Union World Net Daily (August 21, 2007) - President Bush today sidestepped a direct question about whether he'd be willing to categorically deny there is a plan to create the North American Union. Instead, he ridiculed those who believe that is taking place as conspiracy theorists. The exchange came at a news conference held by Bush, Mexico's President Felipe Calderon, and Canada's Prime Minister Stephen Harper, who met at a resort in Quebec to discuss their latest work on the Security and Prosperity Partnership. After the trio presented their prepared statement about the SPP, several reporters who had been selected in advance were allowed to ask questions. When it came time for a question from a Fox News reporter, Bush was asked if he would be willing to categorically deny that there is a plan to create a North American Union, or that there are plans to create NAFTA Superhighways. "As you three leaders meet here, there are a growing number of people in each of your countries who have expressed concern about the Security and Prosperity Partnership. This is addressed to all three of you. Can you say today that this is not a prelude to a North American Union, similar to a European Union? Are there plans to build some kind of superhighway connecting all three countries? And do you believe all of these theories about a possible erosion of national identity stem from a lack of transparency from this partnership?" was the question, according to a White House transcript. Bush's answer was, "We represent three great nations. We each respect each other's sovereignty. You know, there are some who would like to frighten our fellow citizens into believing that relations between us are harmful for our respective peoples. I just believe they're wrong. I believe it's in our interest to trade; I believe it's in our interest to dialogue; I believe it's in our interest to work out common problems for the good of our people. And I'm amused by some of the speculation, some of the old – you can call them political scare tactics. If you've been in politics as long as I have, you get used to that kind of technique where you lay out a conspiracy and then force people to try to prove it doesn't exist. That's just the way some people operate. I'm here representing my nation. I feel strongly that the United States is a force for good, and I feel strongly that by working with our neighbors we can a stronger force for good. So I appreciate that question. I'm amused by the difference between what actually takes place in the meetings and what some are trying to say takes place. It's quite comical, actually, when you realize the difference between reality and what some people are talking on TV about." Harper joined in. There's not going to be any NAFTA Superhighway connecting the three nations, he said, and it's "not going to go interplanetary either," he said. However, Jerome Corsi, a Harvard Ph.D. whose newly published book, "The Late Great USA," uses the government's own documentation to show the advance of a North American Union, said ridicule is the "last resort of someone who is losing an argument." Such tactics, Corsi said, "underestimate the intelligence of people listening, and people realize that the argument wasn't answered." At the news conference, he noted, Bush failed to respond to the Fox News question with a denial of the plans for a North American Union. And, Corsi said, "Bush did not address the fact that Texas Gov. Rick Perrry vetoed a two-year moratorium on the Trans-Texas Corridor project," believed to be the starting point for an eventual continent-wide grid of NAFTA Superhighways. "Just to ridicule the idea, when he had a change to categorically deny it, raises doubts in peoples' minds, especially when these meetings aren't transparent," Corsi added. The meeting this week, which focused on economic issues, was attended by representatives of dozens of multinational corporations anxious to have their manufacturing and sales processes smoothed. However, Corsi said, "not one person who objects is permitted inside the room." more...
| NewWorldOrder | America |

'Terrorist' label means U.S. set for Iran attack, experts say Ottawa Citizen (August 16, 2007) - A U.S. decision to designate Iran's Revolutionary Guard as a foreign terrorist organization fuelled speculation yesterday that the White House is laying the groundwork for air strikes against the hardline Islamic nation before President George W. Bush leaves office. Foreign policy analysts were surprised yesterday by the reported White House decision, which would mark the first time in history that the U.S. has formally declared the armed forces of a sovereign nation to be terrorists. "The United States has chosen to up the ante against Iran. This is a warning, or an indicator, that a major policy shift is unfolding within the Bush administration," said retired U.S. air force colonel Sam Gardiner, an Iran policy specialist and former war games planner at the National War College. "From a policy perspective, it's huge. Never in the history of warfare has another country declared another's armed forces to be a separate instrument from the state." In Crawford, Texas, White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said "it would be inappropriate for me to comment on any possible actions" the U.S. is planning to curb the activities of the Revolutionary Guard, an elite military force that operates outside Iran's regular army. But several high-ranking U.S. officials said Mr. Bush has already made a decision to sign an executive order classifying the Revolutionary Guard a "specially designated global terrorist" group that threatens the U.S. The administration could formally announce the move as early as next month ahead of United Nations Security Council meetings in New York, when the U.S. will seek tougher sanctions against Tehran over its nuclear program. The U.S. military has also repeatedly accused Iran's Revolutionary Guard, particularly its covert al-Quds Force, of supplying weapons to aid Shia insurgents fighting American troops in Iraq. Iran's Revolutionary Guard "is well-known to be engaged in" terrorist activities and the pursuit of weapons of mass destruction, said State Department spokesman Sean McCormack. more...
| Iran | America |

Iran cleric warns U.S. not to pick on Guards - "Americans should know that if they act madly in this regard, they would be entering a swamp they won't be able to get out of," the conservative cleric said in a speech that was broadcast live on the radio.

Giuliani: No Palestinian State; It Would Support Terror Jerusalem Newswire (August 15, 2007) - A candidate for the US Republican Party's presidential nominee has taken a stand against supporting the creation of a Palestinian state on Israel's biblical heartland at this time. Laying out his foreign policy positions in a magazine article, Rudy Giuliani said it "is not in the interest of the United States, at a time when it is being threatened by Islamist terrorists, to assist the creation of another state that will support terrorism." The former New York mayor stressed that "America's commitment to Israel's security is a permanent feature of our foreign policy." If the Palestinians wanted a state they would have to earn it "through sustained good governance, a clear commitment to fighting terrorism, and a willingness to live in peace with Israel." Giuliani took a swipe at President George W. Bush and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice who have become almost obsessive about getting a Palestinian state established before the end of the presidential term. "Too much emphasis" has been put on trying to secure an agreement between Israel and the Palestinian Arabs, he said. Turning to Iran, Giuliani said that, if he is made president, he would threaten to use a "big stick" to put a stop to Tehran's nuclear program. Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is universally believed to be committed to developing an atomic bomb and has vowed to wipe Israel off the map.
| Israel | Islam | America |

3rd SPP summit shrouded in secrecy World Net Daily (August 13, 2007) - President Bush will interrupt his summer vacation in Crawford, Texas, next week to attend the third summit meeting of the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America, or SPP, slated for Aug. 20 and 21 in Montebello, Quebec, at the five-star Fairmont Le Chateau Montebello resort. Bush will meet with Mexico's President Felipe Calderon and Canada's Prime Minister Stephen Harper at the event. The meeting has been hidden in a cloud of secrecy until WND obtained from an Access to Information Act request a previously unreleased copy of a government report detailing agenda plans for the third SPP summit. According to WND reports, as many as 10,000 protesters are expected to be in Quebec to oppose the meeting. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Canada's national police force, and the Sûreté du Québec, the state police, plan to maintain a 25-kilometer protest-free zone around the Montebello resort where the meeting is to be held. WND has reported that a multinational business agenda is driving this upcoming SPP summit according to the heavily redacted document obtained from the Canadian government. The memo clearly states at center stage in the Montebello SPP summit will be recommendations by the North American Competitiveness Council, regarding promoting North American competitiveness for multinational corporations through "integrating" and "harmonizing" regulations between Mexico, Canada and the U.S. The council, an executive group composed of 10 top multinational corporations from each of the three SPP countries, was constituted under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Commerce to provide guidance to the 20 SPP working groups of U.S., Mexican, and Canadian bureaucrats. WND has also reported that President Bush will discuss at the summit a plan to send U.S. military assistance to Mexico to assist Mexico's military and civilian law enforcement agencies to combat Mexican narco-criminals and drug lords.
 NewWorldOrder |
America |

'Secret' plan would give Palestinians West Bank World Net Daily (August 13, 2007) - Newly installed Israeli President Shimon Peres has quietly drafted a plan for the Jewish state to evacuate and transfer to the Palestinians nearly the entire West Bank and several Arab Israeli cities located within territory that is undisputedly Israel's according to the international community, WND has learned. The West Bank is strategic territory that runs alongside Jerusalem and is within rocket range of Tel Aviv and Israel's international airport. It is home to many biblical Jewish communities and some of Judaism's holiest sites. Peres has presented his initiative to Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and to top aides for Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas the past few weeks, after he took office as Israeli president last month, diplomatic sources in Jerusalem told WND. The official role of president here is limited largely to ceremonial matters; the president does not create foreign policy. Olmert is mulling over the plan and agrees with much of its contents, the diplomatic sources said. Peres' plan calls for Israel to hand 97-percent of the West Bank over to Abbas, with Israel retaining a small number of the territory's Jewish communities. In exchange for Israel keeping some land, the Jewish state will give the PA control of Arab Israeli cities north of Tel Aviv which, together with the evacuated West Bank territory, would amount to the equivalent of 100 percent of the West Bank. Diplomatic sources said aside from Abbas and Olmert, Peres has presented his plan to European Union officials. Top EU diplomats in recent days told the media they want a U.S.-sponsored international conference scheduled for November to lead to negotiations on a final agreement with the Palestinians. That international conference and talk from the Bush administration the past few weeks has led many here to speculate the U.S. will push in the near future for intense Israeli-Palestinian negotiations leading to a Palestinian state. With a year and a half left in office, Bush and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice have been urging meetings between Abbas and Olmert to establish a framework for momentum leading to a breakthrough at November's conference. Olmert and Abbas have been meeting bi-monthly in summits brokered by the U.S. Already Olmert during the meetings has granted a number of security concessions to Abbas regarding increased Palestinian control of the West Bank. The Israeli prime minister last month amnesty to 178 gunmen from Abbas' Fatah organization who comprise most of the senior leadership of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, the declared military wing of Fatah that is responsible for every suicide bombing in Israel the past three years. more...
| Israel | Islam | Dividing the Land | EU/UN / 4th Kingdom | 1st Seal | America |

Learn from the fall of Rome, US warned World Net Daily (August 13, 2007) - The US government is on a ‘burning platform’ of unsustainable policies and practices with fiscal deficits, chronic healthcare underfunding, immigration and overseas military commitments threatening a crisis if action is not taken soon, the country’s top government inspector has warned. David Walker, comptroller general of the US, issued the unusually downbeat assessment of his country’s future in a report that lays out what he called “chilling long-term simulations”. These include “dramatic” tax rises, slashed government services and the large-scale dumping by foreign governments of holdings of US debt. Drawing parallels with the end of the Roman empire, Mr Walker warned there were “striking similarities” between America’s current situation and the factors that brought down Rome, including “declining moral values and political civility at home, an over-confident and over-extended military in foreign lands and fiscal irresponsibility by the central government”. “Sound familiar?” Mr Walker said. “In my view, it’s time to learn from history and take steps to ensure the American Republic is the first to stand the test of time.” Mr Walker’s views carry weight because he is a non-partisan figure in charge of the Government Accountability Office, often described as the investigative arm of the US Congress. While most of its studies are commissioned by legislators, about 10 per cent – such as the one containing his latest warnings – are initiated by the comptroller general himself. In an interview with the Financial Times, Mr Walker said he had mentioned some of the issues before but now wanted to “turn up the volume”. Some of them were too sensitive for others in government to “have their name associated with”. “I’m trying to sound an alarm and issue a wake-up call,” he said. “As comptroller general I’ve got an ability to look longer-range and take on issues that others may be hesitant, and in many cases may not be in a position, to take on. “One of the concerns is obviously we are a great country but we face major sustainability challenges that we are not taking seriously enough,” said Mr Walker, who was appointed during the Clinton administration to the post, which carries a 15-year term. more...
America |

DEBKAfile Exclusive: New Al Qaeda threat of radioactive truck attacks naming New York, Los Angeles, Miami DEBKAfile (August 10, 2007) - The threat was picked up by DEBKAfile’s monitors from a rush of electronic chatter on al Qaeda sites Thursday, Aug. 8. The al Qaeda communications accuse the Americans of the grave error of failing to take seriously the videotape released by the American al Qaeda spokesman Adam Gaddahn last week. “They will soon realize their mistake when American cities are hit by quality operations,” said one message. Another said the attacks would be carried out “by means of trucks loaded with radio-active material against America’s biggest city and financial nerve center.” A third message mentioned New York, Los Angeles and Miami as targets. It drew the answer: “The attack, with Allah’s help, will cause an economic meltdown, many dead, and a financial crisis on a scale that compels the United States to pull its military forces out of many parts of the world, including Iraq, for lack of any other way of cutting down costs.” There is also a message which speaks obliquely of the approaching attacks easing the heavy pressure America exerts on countries like Japan, Cuba and Venezuela. DEBKAfile’s counter-terror sources and monitors say there is no way of gauging for sure how serious these threats are, how real, or whether they are part of a war of nerves to give the Gaddahn tape extra mileage. But it is important to note that the exchange of messages took place over al Qaeda’s internal Internet sites and that they contained the threat of radioactive terror and specific American cities for the first time after a long silence on these subjects. In addition, a growing number of clips has been disseminated of late over al Qaeda sites instructing the faithful how to design remote-controlled gliders, pack them with explosives and launch them against predetermined targets.
| Islam | America |

China Threatens To Trigger US Dollar Crash Guardian UK (August 10, 2007) - The Chinese government has begun a concerted campaign of economic threats against the United States, hinting that it may liquidate its vast holding of US treasuries if Washington imposes trade sanctions to force a yuan revaluation. Two officials at leading Communist Party bodies have given interviews in recent days warning - for the first time - that Beijing may use its $1.33 trillion (£658bn) of foreign reserves as a political weapon to counter pressure from the US Congress. Shifts in Chinese policy are often announced through key think tanks and academies. Described as China's "nuclear option" in the state media, such action could trigger a dollar crash at a time when the US currency is already breaking down through historic support levels. It would also cause a spike in US bond yields, hammering the US housing market and perhaps tipping the economy into recession. It is estimated that China holds over $900bn in a mix of US bonds. Xia Bin, finance chief at the Development Research Centre (which has cabinet rank), kicked off what now appears to be government policy with a comment last week that Beijing's foreign reserves should be used as a "bargaining chip" in talks with the US. "Of course, China doesn't want any undesirable phenomenon in the global financial order," he added. He Fan, an official at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, went even further today, letting it be known that Beijing had the power to set off a dollar collapse if it choose to do so. "China has accumulated a large sum of US dollars. Such a big sum, of which a considerable portion is in US treasury bonds, contributes a great deal to maintaining the position of the dollar as a reserve currency. Russia, Switzerland, and several other countries have reduced the their dollar holdings. "China is unlikely to follow suit as long as the yuan's exchange rate is stable against the dollar. The Chinese central bank will be forced to sell dollars once the yuan appreciated dramatically, which might lead to a mass depreciation of the dollar," he told China Daily. The threats play into the presidential electoral campaign of Hillary Clinton, who has called for restrictive legislation to prevent America being "held hostage to economic decicions being made in Beijing, Shanghai, or Tokyo". She said foreign control over 44pc of the US national debt had left America acutely vulnerable. Simon Derrick, a currency strategist at the Bank of New York Mellon, said the comments were a message to the US Senate as Capitol Hill prepares legislation for the Autumn session. "The words are alarming and unambiguous. This carries a clear political threat and could have very serious consequences at a time when the credit markets are already afraid of contagion from the subprime troubles," he said. more...
| America |

National ID? How about a global ID? Info World (August 10, 2007) - A little-known federation quietly lays the infrastructure for a universal identity system that could eventually be implemented nationally or internationally. The Federation for Identity and Cross-Credentialing Systems (FiXs) -- a little-known group of non-profits, government contractors, commercial entities, and government agencies -- has just unveiled a first-of-its-kind global infrastructure to support distributed, integrated identity management and cross-credentialing across organizations. The implementation combines several existing security technologies along with a set of trusted models, policies, and operating rules to insure the accurate identity of personnel accessing physical sites or logical systems. Already in a pilot mode at a handful of government agencies and defense contractors, the FiXs identity management initiative does not have a hard date for broad deployment, although the impediments do not appear to be technical. “The cultural gap with the public in general is still too wide,” said Dr. Mike Mestrovich, President of FiXs. “I think there would have to be a public consensus to move us in that direction and I don’t see that happening until at least 2009 or beyond.” Founded in 2004 and based in Fairfax, Va., FiXs counts among its members the Department of Defense (DoD), Wells Fargo, Lockheed Martin, EDS, and several others. Modeled after secure electronic payment systems and initially implemented by the DoD’s Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC), the FiXs initiative meets the objectives set forth in the October 2006 Homeland Security Presidential Directive (HSPD-12). “Until now, cross-bordering policies between government and industry had not been established,” said Mary Dixon, director at the DMDC. The FiXs implementation does not assign roles, grant or deny access, or otherwise act as a gatekeeper. Rather, the mission of FiXs is simply to authenticate the identity of participants within its member organizations. Once verified by FiXs, individual site managers and systems administrators assign or designate access controls based on the role of the individual and the policies of a given organization. FiXs’ capabilities allow it to cross between both public and private sector organizations using a federated trust model. The implementation is available worldwide in local or remote settings via both wireless and wired environments. Access is available in real time. An individual’s specific identity data remains within their vetted source organization. “By its very nature, the federated solution aids in privacy because there is no central database and individual data can be stored in only one [vetted] place,” Dr. Mestrovich said. Yet the distributed design and cross-organizational model found in the FiXs implementation does offer the possibility of a future national or international identity management system that might cross borders and organizational boundaries. “The federated approach can actually take the place of a mandated National ID system,” Dr. Mestrovich stated.
| Technology | NewWorldOrder America |

Thank you Vera for this article! This shows the subtle move to build the infrastructure necessary to carry out the mark of the beast. According to the Bible, without this mark a person will be unable to buy or sell. But the Bible tells us the end, not always how it gets to that point. I believe this is a good example of how the infrastructure could be there without anyone really realizing it in the population until the time came to implement it. Then say goodbye to paper currency because nobody will accept it anymore. And without this mark, you can't walk into a store and get anything unless it's running out with alarms blaring. Vera adds,

"...this worldwide trend is not the private work of a few secret societies- it is openly being pushed by 1000s of engineers and business people and government bureaucrats, all over the world, that want to either make money or save money. No secrecy involved- this FiXs membership open to any business or group interested in making money on identity solutions, or driving forward their desire to identify terrorists or give security clearances (DoD and GSA) - this is being driven by companies and groups that want to make money, not conspiracies. This ought to be raising waaaaay more eyebrows than RealID."

Christian Zionist Leader Denounces Evangelicals' Pro-Palestinian Letter The Christian Post (August 7, 2007) - A Christian Zionist leader has denounced the recent letter by some of America’s leading evangelicals voicing support for a Palestinian state, criticizing the signers for their “appalling ignorance.” Dr. Jim Hutchens, president of the Jerusalem Connection and the Washington-area director for Christian United for Israel, acknowledged the “deep chasm” growing among evangelicals regarding Israel. He contends, however, that the modern state of Israel is part of the fulfillment of God’s covenant of a homeland for the Jewish people. Evangelicals supporting a Palestinian state have an “appalling ignorance of both secular and biblical history,” said Hutchens, according to OneNewsNow. The Zionist leader noted that there has never been a sovereign state of “Palestine.” In July, 34 prominent evangelical leaders signed a letter voicing support for President Bush’s Israeli-Palestinian peace efforts, emphasizing their support for a two-state solution. The leaders also said they wanted to repair the “serious misconception” that all American evangelicals are against the two-state solution and the creation of a new Palestinian state. “Historical honesty compels us to recognize that both Israelis and Palestinians have legitimate rights stretching back for millennia to the lands of Israel/Palestine,” states the letter dated July 27 and published in the New York Times. Signers included Richard Mouw, president of Fuller Theological Seminary; David Neff, editor of Christianity Today; Richard Stearns, president of World Vision; Tony Campolo, president/founder of Evangelical Association for the Promotion of Education; Stephen Hayner, former president InterVarsity Christian Fellowship; and Joel Hunter, senior pastor of Northland Church in Longwood, Fla., and member of the executive committee of the National Association of Evangelicals. Hutchens, however, disagrees and points to the Replacement Theory as the theological explanation for evangelical support of a Palestinian state. “I would suggest that the basic theological underpinning of this is super-cessionism,” he said, according to OneNewsNow, “and that is to say that the church is the new Israel, that Christians have replaced Jews as the covenant people of God … [and that] the covenants that God made with Israel and the Jews are now null and void because they have not accepted Jesus as the Messiah.” Yet Hutchens believes that the covenant between God and Israel still holds. He proposes as solution to the Israel-Palestinian problem that Israel annex the West Bank and Gaza and for the Israeli military to uproot terrorists in the region. The debate on Israel and Christian support for the biblical land has stirred tension among evangelicals – arguably the world’s most vocal supporters of the state; evangelicals make up 1/3 of American tourists that visit Israel, second only to American Jews. Among the critics are those against the “blind support” that some Christians give to Israel despite the fact that the Knesset – Israel’s legislative body – bans evangelism in the country and has proposed punishment including imprisonment and heavy fines for guilty parties. Megachurch pastor Joel Hunter, one of the signers supporting a Palestinian state, noted: “There is a part of the evangelical family which is what I call Christian Zionists, who are just so staunchly pro-Israel that Israel and their side can do no wrong, and it’s almost anti-biblical to criticize Israel for anything,” he said, according to the New York Times. “But there are many more evangelicals who are really open and seek justice for both parties.” more...
| Israel | Islam |
America | Apostasy |

It seems to me the blindness is on the side of those who have no clue what is happening in the world according to Bible prophecy. Peace sounds great, who doesn't want it? The peace that is coming will only arrive once Yeshua does.

Hebrews 5:11-14
Of whom we have many things to say, and hard to be uttered, seeing ye are dull of hearing. For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God; and are become such as have need of milk, and not of strong meat. For every one that useth milk is unskilful in the word of righteousness: for he is a babe. But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.

The difference between the milk and meat is discernment of both good and evil.

Ephesians 5:11-21
And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret. But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light. Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light. See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, Redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is. And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit; Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord; Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ; Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God.

Understanding the will of the Lord is paramount in determining our direction because His goals are our goals. The end He wrote about is the end we will experience. We can develop all kinds of our own plans, but His will always win out and are motivated by love. Sometimes the motives of men is selfish and absolute power corrupts absolutely. So let us guard our minds with the Word of God in all things, clinging to Truth and rejecting the lies and deceptions. God gave us His Book to guide us and light our path for us. Understanding the end helps determine direction for the present.

3 killed execution style behind school Associated Press (August 6, 2007) - Three friends were forced to kneel against a wall behind an elementary school and were shot to death at close range, and a fourth was found about 30 feet away with gunshot and knife wounds to her head, police said. All were from Newark and planned to attend Delaware State University this fall. Essex County Prosecutor Paula Dow said authorities didn't have any suspects or a motive in the killings late Saturday. None of the victims had any criminal record, she said. "They were good kids," Dow said. The four had been listening to music in a parking lot behind Mount Vernon School when they were gradually joined by a group of men, authorities said. Newark Police Director Garry McCarthy said the four exchanged text messages saying they should leave, but were attacked before they could do so. Police said the attackers shot one young woman, then forced her three companions down an alley, lined them up against a wall, made them kneel and shot each in the head. Natasha Aerial, 19, was listed in fair condition at Newark's University Hospital, authorities said. Police identified her companions as her brother, Terrance Aerial, 18, Iofemi Hightower, 20, and Dashon Harvey, 20. The Aerials' mother, Renee Tucker, said the last time she saw them was around 10:30 p.m. Saturday, when they told her they were going around the corner to get something to eat. "They said they were going to come right back to the house," Tucker said. more...
| Signs of the Times
| America |

Israel, Palestinians may both be onside for peace talks this fall CanWest News Service (August 3, 2007) - Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said Thursday his government was prepared to negotiate "a declaration of principles" proposed by Israel to help guide the first serious Middle East peace talks in more than seven years and give both sides a much better idea "what the end game will be," with specific details to be agreed to later. For its part, Israel would discuss "fundamental" issues at the U.S.-sponsored talks, which may take place in New York this autumn, according to U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. Rice returned home Thursday after a round of talks in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Israel and the West Bank, where she met with Abbas. "Fundamental issues" were, in this case, diplomatic code for talks about three of the most divisive and potentially explosive subjects in the Middle East -- the borders of a future Palestine, the fate of Palestinian refugees living in neighbouring countries, and what to do about Jerusalem, which both sides proclaim as their capital. Rice, at a news conference she attended with Abbas in Ramallah, described her diplomacy as an attempt to foster "a deepening of the dialogue between the Palestinians and the Israelis on all of the issues." Answering suspicions from both the Palestinian and Israeli sides, she vowed that by calling the peace summit, President George W. Bush was not just trying to arrange "a photo-op." While open to these talks, Israel's position has been that because of the current security situation and the danger of creating false expectations, it was best to proceed cautiously and negotiate a final settlement later on the most sensitive issues. A day after a senior Saudi Arabian official said his country might join the Americans, Palestinians and Israelis at such a peace summit, Tzipi Livni, the Israeli foreign minister, urged other Arab countries without relations with the Jewish state to support the peace process by taking part, too. Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said on Wednesday that he had encouraged the U.S. to invite moderate Gulf states as well as Morocco and Tunisia to be part of the talks. Before returning to Washington on Thursday, Rice met with Abbas and his emergency cabinet, as well as with his new prime minister, Salaam Fayyad. It was the secretary's first visit to the West Bank since Abbas' secular Fatah faction lost political and military control of the Gaza Strip to the Islamist Hamas movement six weeks ago. To underscore the White House's support for the Abbas government and as part of its continuing effort to keep Hamas isolated because it refuses to recognize Israel's right to exist or renounce terrorism, Rice told her hosts in Ramallah the U.S. would provide $80 million to begin reforming the Palestinian Authority's much-maligned security forces.
| Israel | Islam | 1st Seal | America |

S. 1959: Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007 (August 2, 2007)
`SEC. 899A. DEFINITIONS. In this subtitle:

(1) COMMISSION- The term 'Commission' means the National Commission on the Prevention of Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism established under section 899C.

(2) VIOLENT RADICALIZATION- The term 'violent radicalization' means the process of adopting or promoting an extremist belief system for the purpose of facilitating ideologically based violence to advance political, religious, or social change.

(3) HOMEGROWN TERRORISM- The term 'homegrown terrorism' means the use, planned use, or threatened use, of force or violence by a group or individual born, raised, or based and operating primarily within the United States or any possession of the United States to intimidate or coerce the United States government, the civilian population of the United States, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives.

(4) IDEOLOGICALLY BASED VIOLENCE- The term `ideologically based violence' means the use, planned use, or threatened use of force or violence by a group or individual to promote the group or individual's political, religious, or social beliefs. more...
| America |

Countless people will hate the New World Order and will die protesting against it.| H.G. Wells The New World Order (1939)

What's the harm in stopping ideologies based on violence to advance political, religious, or social change? I like Bob's response, "While this would become a 'tool' to be used for apparent 'good' against this type of violence, the sad truth, as we've seen so many times, once it is 'placed in the toolbox' is then often used for other purposes." Some Christians are considered extremists, even though those who are obedient to the Bible are not allowed violence, but rather to love their enemies. The question becomes not how the individual is, but how the world defines the term you use to define your belief. The Bible says that we will be hated by the world and the Bible claims sole ownership to the Truth, where acceptance of Yeshua is the only way to heaven. This is what the Alliance of Civilizations is trying to stop and we can't change the Bible. So Christians are going to be caught in the middle just like the rest of history. The true believers who live a life of selfless love toward God and each other will be labeled and they will have no say because the world assumes to know the person by their definition of the belief. So the question is how the world will mold the definition of Christianity in the years to come. How will the majority of those claiming to be Christians react? If it is with violence then it will be met with violence. If not then we will go as lambs to the slaughter unless the Lord comes first.

F-14 Parts Sold Despite Sales Ban Guardian Unlimited (August 1, 2007) - The Pentagon sold more than a thousand aircraft parts that could be used on F-14 fighter jets - a plane flown only by Iran - after announcing it had halted sales of such surplus, government investigators say. In a report Wednesday, the Government Accountability Office, the investigative arm of Congress, said the Defense Department had improved security in its surplus program to prevent improper sales of sensitive items. But investigators found that roughly 1,400 parts that could be used on F-14 ``Tomcat'' fighter jets were sold to the public in February. That came after the Pentagon announced it had suspended sales of all parts that could be used on the Tomcat while it reviewed security concerns. Iran, trying to maintain its F-14s, is aggressively seeking components from the retired U.S. Tomcat fleet. The Pentagon's surplus sales division - the Defense Reutilization and Marketing Service - told investigators the parts were sold because it failed to update an automated control list and remove the aircraft parts before they were listed on its Internet sales site. The GAO's investigation focused on F-14 parts. Iran is known to be seeking those, and if the parts were publicly available, it could endanger national security, Greg Kutz, the GAO's managing director of special investigations, wrote. Iran has managed to obtain U.S. spares in the past, he said. Kutz said he does not know if any of the Tomcat parts sold in February made it to Iran. The GAO forwarded details about some of the sales to federal law enforcement for possible investigation, he said. more...
Iran | America |

Christian Apologist Says Church is Producing Atheists The Christian Post (July 31, 2007) - Churches are producing atheists by not answering the questions of young people and explaining why they believe in the Bible, said a Christian apologist who works with young adults. Anthony Horvath, who was formerly an atheist himself after years of Christian education, pointed out that renowned atheists such as Richard Dawkins were raised in the Church but have become some of the fiercest attackers of God. He further noted, “Books like Richard Dawkins’ ‘The God Delusion’ and Dan Brown’s ‘The Da Vinci Code’ do not become best sellers in a society that understands what Christianity is all about.” Horvath, who has taught religion to middle school and high school students, explained that some of the recurring questions young adults struggle with but churches often fail to address include the formation and development of the Bible, the presence of evil and suffering in the world, and the question of inspiration and inerrancy. “In large part, it happens when the church leadership is completely unaware that their members – and not necessarily just the young members – have questions at all,” explained Horvath to The Christian Post. “And [they] continue merrily along thinking that to retain the youth they just need to be entertained.” Young people question whether they should trust the Bible since it “is so old,” and are not satisfied with the simple answer that they should trust it because God wrote it. Horvath explains that though they understand that to be the Christian position, they want to know how they can be sure of that. Furthermore, the younger generation continues to wrestle with the age-old question of why, if God is good, then there is evil and suffering in the world. “The evidence – which they can see with their own eyes on TV and in the newspaper – is that God is not good,” said Horvath. “It is only a matter of time before a young person begins to encounter pain and suffering in their own lives and has to grapple with the issue personally.” He added that these youth will be less likely to trust what the Church says as they continue to be fed easy answers which do not really explain why. more...
| America | Apostasy |

US "Evangelicals"—Divide the Land of Israel Jerusalem Newswire (July 30, 2007) - The issue of where to take a stand concerning the Land and People of Israel continues to split Christians who choose to reinterpret the scriptures through liberal and socialist lenses from those who insist that the Bible is the unchanging Word of God. In a letter published in the Sunday edition of the New York Times, 34 self-described "evangelical leaders" wrote to US President George W. Bush, urging him to forge ahead with his plan to implement a "two state solution" to the "Palestinian"-Israeli conflict. The document appears to have been drawn up in reaction to the statements of high-profile evangelicals like John Hagee who have recently asserted anew that tens of millions of American evangelicals identify themselves as Christian Zionists and oppose the globally-supported effort to establish an Arab state on the biblical heartland and national cradle of the Jewish people. Twisting both the meaning of scripture and historic fact to support their position, the signatories to the letter - who claimed to speak on behalf of "large numbers of evangelicals throughout the US" - sought to "encourage" Bush with the assertion that not "all American evangelicals are opposed to a two-state solution and creation of a new Palestinian state that includes the vast majority of the West Bank [sic]." They had written "to thank [Bush] for [his] efforts (including the major address on July 16) to reinvigorate the Israeli-Palestinian negotiations to achieve a lasting peace in the region. "We affirm your clear call for a two-state solution. We urge that your administration not grow weary in the time it has left in office to utilize the vast influence of America to demonstrate creative, consistent and determined US leadership to create a new future for Israelis and Palestinians [sic]." more...
| Israel |
America |
Apostasy |

Lack of understanding Bible prophecy is a main issue with this I believe. For those who don't believe Israel's right to the land, they come up against the Word of God. For those who think Israel isn't part of God's plan for the end-times, it shows a deep lack of understanding of the Hebrew Bible. It is the historical record of the children of Israel through which our Messiah was born. Romans 11 explains how God has not cast them off completely. And it is our Lord Yeshua Himself who connects Israel's existence to the end-times. On the mount of Olives, the disciples asked Yeshua, "when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?" According to Yeshua, "the end" comes at the abomination of desolation. Matthew 24:14-22 That is when the great tribulation begins, which is the antichrist's 3 1/2 year reign on the earth. Daniel 7:25 It begins with the time of Jacob's trouble in Judea, which is why Christ said for those in Judea to run to the mountains at the abomination of desolation. But I digress. Christ referred to Daniel, an Old Testament prophet, regarding what time was being referred to. Daniel 9:27 places that event in the middle of the final week of years (7 years) of the prophecy given to Daniel about the future of Israel! That means that Israel is the absolute center of Yeshua coming again! Here's what the prophecy began by stating, "Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy." If the 70 weeks are for Israel and the last one has "the end" in the middle of it, that must mean Israel is significant to end-time Bible prophecy. For those who don't believe there is any future aspect to Bible prophecy, you have a big surprise coming. The Bible lays out the future, trust in God's Word and it will be a light to your path leading straight to Christ. Psalm 119:105 The church needs to wake up to God's plans so their own don't counter His Will. Those who don't believe God has a plan don't know His Word or don't take Him at His Word. And if you don't believe in the Bible, you have bigger problems coming. Certainly not from me, but God is just and without believing in Christ and obeying God's Word, we show we have no love for Him (John 14:15-21) and He respects our desires. To be separated from God is hell, beyond the wildest imaginations. Nobody is tough enough to deal with it and it's forever. I don't want anyone to get their wish to be separated from God. Eventually reality will always overcome vain imaginings. May God reveal His Word in greater detail as you get to know Him better. Get alone in your prayer closet and just speak to Him. He is worthy of our praise! 2 Timothy 4:1-4

Electing Career Politicians and the Consequences Koenig's International News (July 26, 2007) - A slang definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again while expecting different results. With the approval rating of the President hovering around only 30 percent and Congressional job approval ratings even lower in the mid-20’s, American’s are faced with a grim ultimatum come the 2008 elections. Do we elect career politicians so the government can continue to grow out of control, continue raising the tax burden on American citizens, and continue conducting foreign policy with same worn out concepts, or dump the whole bunch of them and recruit, vote for and elect anybody except a career politician. I would wager that the average American has more common sense than does a career politician. Somewhere, somehow along the way, Americans got caught up in a paradigm that only career politicians can govern best. But look where it has gotten us. The country, thanks to career politicians on both sides of the political spectrum, has become an immoral and financial shell of what it once was. Everybody has more rights than what the Constitution provides. The right to free speech has been extended to pornographers and haters of America, while the rights of those who would call on the name of God in the public square have been severely curtailed. The rights of a perverse sexual group of people have trumped the protection of the citizenry in the name of tolerance. The rights of animals have more standing in America than those of pre-born American citizens. American citizens no longer own property because it is taxed to the extent that if taxes are not paid, their property can be taken from them and sold. Property can be seized even if the taxes are paid if some entity wants to build a mall or an apartment complex and the politicians agree it is in the best interest of the common good. All these things have been accomplished by electing the same old career politicians to do more of the same. In a nation of over 300 million people, surely there is one person who isn’t a career politician and has the common sense and integrity to lead a country. But if we, as Americans, cannot look at the reason why we do not approve of Congress or the President, and act on it, who is to blame? Could it be said that the current crop of Presidential candidates, for example, are completely unqualified to lead the nation because they are responsible for its troublesome state? Jesus said in Matthew 15:14, “Leave them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.” That ditch can be mighty deep if it’s the cavernous government dug by career politicians.
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I'm starting to track some of the candidates for 2008. Here's some interesting info:

Analyst concerned CNN documentary may equate 'Christian Right' with Islamic terrorists One News Now (July 26, 2007) - Starting August 21, CNN plans to air a three-night, six-hour documentary in prime time called God's Warriors. The special, hosted by chief international correspondent Christiane Amanpour, will purportedly discuss "the impact of religious fundamentalism as a powerful political force around the world." CNN says the documentary will feature what it calls "patriot pastors who seek to change American culture through the ballot box," "parents who reject science education in conflict with their religious principles," and Muslim "suicide martyrs who are revered as iconic heroes." Knight, director of the Media Research Center's Culture and Media Institute (CMI), says any series that equates "conscience-based resistance to liberal programs" with Islamic extremists is a blatant attempt to equate Christianity with Islam and to say "a pox on both their houses -- they're all bad." "It looks very much like what the media had been up to all along, which is to push a secular viewpoint and to tar all religious believers with the same brush," says Knight -- and that includes resorting to "vilifying Christians" using any method they are able, he adds. "They never seem to get around to explaining that the only reason there's a free press in America is because it was founded by Christians who believed in freedom of conscience," says the CMI director. "They instead paint the picture of all religion threatening fundamental civil liberties." CNN says its God's Warriors series also includes an interview with former President Jimmy Carter about "the political impact of the Christian Right in the United States." Examples of religious fundamentalists in the CNN documentary include the non-violent Christian youth group "Battle Cry." The CNN special also includes interviews with the late Dr. Jerry Falwell and the founder of the Israeli settlement movement.
| America

Secy. Rice: Israel Must End Occupation of 'West Bank' Israel National News (July 26, 2007) - Speaking with Arabic-language Radio Sawa, based in Washington and Dubai, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice went further in her demands on Israel than President Bush did in his recent speech on Israel. Rice, about to depart for the Middle East to prepare an upcoming international meeting of regional leaders, said that President Bush recently stated "very clearly that Israel's future will rest in Israel, in places like Galilee and in the Negev - and that the occupation of the West Bank will have to end, and a Palestinian state will need to be established." In fact, however, in his recent speech, President Bush did not phrase this as a demand upon Israel, but rather cited Prime Minister Olmert as having "made clear that Israel's future lies in developing areas like the Negev and Galilee - not in continuing occupation of the West Bank. This is a reality that Prime Minister Sharon recognized, as well. So unauthorized outposts should be removed and settlement expansion ended." Rice Sets New Standard Pres. Bush also stopped short of saying Israel must withdraw from all of Judea and Samaria.  Bush said rather that future Israel-PA negotiations must "lead to a territorial settlement, with mutually agreed borders reflecting previous lines and current realities, and mutually agreed adjustments." By stating so clearly that the "the occupation of the West Bank will have to end," Rice has set a new standard for United States officials of her stature in opposition to Israel's presence in Judea and Samaria. Secretary Rice did not deal with the question of what to do with the 240,000 Jews living in the non-annexed areas of Judea and Samaria (nor the roughly equal amount living in the outlying neighborhoods of Jerusalem beyond Israel's pre-1967 borders).  Israel has not yet been able to solve the problems of the fewer than 10,000 Jews it evicted from Gaza two years ago; those Jews are still living in transient camps of temporary pre-fab houses, with no long-term housing or employment solutions in sight. more...
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Islam | 1st Seal | America | Dividing the Land

'Declaration of North American Integration' unearthed World Net Daily (July 25, 2007) - The endorsement by a major city mayor of a document described as "The Declaration of North American Integration" represents a long-term effort by local governments to bypass state and federal governments and work directly with Mexico and Canada to create agreements that integrate the continent below the radar screen, charges an activist. Adam Rott, founder of watchdog blog Oklahoma Corridor Watch, brought to light the document signed by Mayor Mick Cornett. The document was presented at the May 2004 summit meeting of the North American International Trade Corridor Partnership, or NAITCP. According to an Internet-archived summary report of the meeting, held in Kansas City, Mo., the document was signed by 90 people. Rott told WND he created Oklahoma Corridor Watch because, "I saw the efforts in Texas by Internet blogs such as Texas Corridor Watch and Texas Toll Party to get the word out in Texas about the Trans-Texas Corridor. I wanted to warn Oklahoma about plans to extend the Trans-Texas Corridor along Interstate 35 north into our state." Rott said it should be clear to everyone "that the international business interests and government officials working with them do not intend to stop the four-football-fields wide TTC-35 at the Texas border with Oklahoma." "Oklahoma has been at work for almost 15 years to get I-35 designated as a NAFTA superhighway," Rott said. "I want to wake Oklahomans up to the reality that Oklahoma is on the front lines of the battle being waged by investment bankers, foreign investment consortia and politicians who stand to benefit to expand the TTC-35 north into Oklahoma." WND contacted Cornett's office for comment, but the mayor did not respond. "What is so diabolical about Cornett's signature is that it has largely remained hidden from view since 2004," Rott charged. "It is disturbing to think that councilmen and councilwomen who live in our communities are working for North American integration in the mistaken notion that globalism will result in local economic development." Roth is skeptical of the promise North American integration holds for economic development in Oklahoma. "What we see is the sovereignty of the U.S. being compromised at a local level, and we have yet to see where globalism has benefited Oklahoma City," he said. "Our manufacturing base is deteriorating in Oklahoma City as plants close and multinational corporations outsource from Oklahoma to get cheaper workers in international markets." Oklahoma Republican state Sen. Randy Brogdon agrees. Brogdon told WND he believes "the ramifications of what Oklahoma City Mayor Cornett is doing is to destroy U.S. national sovereignty and to grab property like we have never seen before." Brogdon was outspoken in his opposition to North American integration. more...
NewWorldOrder | America |

'Blog' puts fear into gun shop inspectors World Net Daily (July 25, 2007) - A team of inspectors from the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives fled an Idaho gun shop where they were inspecting sales records when they learned their actions were being recorded on a blog. The federal agency and Red's Trading Post of Twin Falls, Idaho, have been disputing for six years already over the store's license to sell firearms, with regulators using rules infractions such as a missing poster to attack Red's business operations. WND documented earlier how the store appears to be caught up in a new campaign for gun control, focusing on the elimination of retail outlets through technical rules infractions. Now the federal agency has gone to court with a report that its inspectors "suspended" their work at the store recently because of the "threat to the inspectors' safety created by Ryan Horsley, the Manager of Red's." Sometime during the agency's visit to his store on July 17, he updated his blog, which he's been using to chronicle for readers his encounters with the federal bureaucracy. "AFT Area Supervisor Linda Young came in today from Spokane, Washington (567.72 miles; 9 hour drive) along with Industry Operations Inspectors Calvin Pavey and Mike Gorewicz from Portland, Oregon (570.96 miles; 9 hour drive) at around 9:45am. They showed up in a rented newer model Chrsyler … [it] appears they are staying at Best America Suites, which I have to compliment them on their taste, that is a very nice hotel for this area," he wrote. He went on to describe how the inspectors were looking through the store's books and one of the store's supporters arrived with a camera and started taking some photos. "We had been recording the audit because of some of the statements that Linda Young had made in the past," he wrote. The inspectors, however, suddenly left, and within days, the federal agency's version arrived in the U.S. District Court for the District of Idaho. "[The federal agency] notifies the court than an inspection of Red's Trading Post … was initiated on July 17, 2007. The inspection was suspended due to the threat to the inspectors' safety created by Ryan Horsley, the Manager of Red's," the court filing said. The filing documented how some unidentified person had taken pictures of the inspectors at work. "At about this time, Supervisor Young's assistant from the Spokane office contacted her and advised that Mr. Horsley had updated his internet blog ( to include the information that ATF, and Supervisor Young personally, was at the store conducting an inspection," the filing said. So Young contacted others. "The Director of Industry Operations, Richard Van Loan, agreed with Supervisor Young's assessment that the photographing of the rental car used by ATF personnel, coupled with the instantaneous posting on the internet of ATF's presence … posed a credible threat to their safety and was designed to harass and intimidate," the court filing said. The court filing noted two other times when the inspectors had been photographed, including once by a news team. "The ATF has resorted to a smear campaign on my character to present before the judge, they are now spinning the fact that I wrote a recap of the events on our blog…" Horsley said in an update. more...
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MS-13 gang seeks to unite nationwide The Washington Times (July 25, 2007) - The international street gang MS-13 is unifying its violent members across the U.S., including the D.C. area, attempting to strengthen its criminal operation by creating a single organization. "Traditionally, the gang consisted of loosely affiliated groups known as cliques; however, law enforcement officials have reported increased coordination of criminal activity among Mara Salvatrucha cliques in the Atlanta, Dallas, Los Angeles, Washington, D.C., and New York metropolitan areas," states a confidential letter sent out earlier this month from the U.S. Attorney's Office in the Southern District of Illinois. "MS-13 is attempting to become a unified criminal enterprise operating under one leadership." The Washington Times has obtained a copy of the letter and an Army intelligence presentation on the growth of MS-13, or Mara Salvatrucha. Federal law-enforcement agents say the gang is adopting tactics used by major Mexican and Colombian drug-trafficking groups and has become a gun-for-hire for many major Central and South American drug-trafficking cartels. "Indications that previously independent cliques are forming alliances with other MS-13 cliques, as well as with other gangs to facilitate criminal activity, further heighten the threat," the letter continued. "It would be dangerous to look at MS-13 as just another street gang." Agents for the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) say that the gangs' tactics are terroristic but question whether the small groups can unify under one leader. "These gang members are some of the most brutal people we have ever encountered," said a DEA intelligence officer on the condition of anonymity. "Whether they are unifying, well that's more difficult to tell. In some cases yes and in other cases no. more...
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These could be the kind of people who will enforce the future worship of the antichrist. They will have no qualms about being brutal and killing in the name of their god. They will seek to dominate the population to that effect and will behead those who refuse during the great tribulation.

Secret memo: One-world agenda dominates SPP summit World Net Daily (July 24, 2007) - A multinational business agenda is driving the upcoming summit meeting of the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America, according to a document obtained through an Access to Information Act request in Canada. The memo shows a secondary focus of the leaders' meeting in Montebello, Quebec, Aug. 20-21, will be to prepare for a continental avian flu or human pandemic and establish a permanent continental emergency management coordinating body to deal not only with health emergencies but other unspecified emergencies as well. As WND has reported, President Bush, Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Mexico's President Felipe Calderon will attend the third SPP summit. The document, obtained by Canadian private citizen Chris Harder, is a two-page heavily redacted summary of the ministerial meeting in Ottawa, held Feb. 23 between Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and her counterparts, Canadian Foreign Minister Peter MacKay and Mexican Foreign Minister Patricia Espinosa. The purpose of the Feb. 23 meeting in Ottawa was to set the agenda for the August summit. The Access to Information Act-obtained memo noted the nation's leaders intend next month to pursue the five priorities set at their second summit meeting in Cancun in March 2005: Strengthening Competitiveness, Avian and Pandemic Influenza, Emergency Management, Energy Security, and Secure Borders. Of the five issues, the memo clearly states recommendations by the North American Competitiveness Council, or NACC, regarding competitiveness "took centerpiece" at the Feb. 23 meeting. Almost immediately, the memo says, governments "will need to begin assessing the potential impact of adopting recommendations made by the NACC and coordinating their response to the authors of the report." The memo states "the most dynamic element on the plenary agenda was a meeting with the NACC, the body created by the Leaders in 2006 to give the private sector a formal role in providing advice on how to enhance competitiveness in North America." more...
NewWorldOrder | America

Selling America to Communist China Family Security Matters (July 24, 2007) - Do you remember the uproar that rippled throughout the U.S. when Jimmy Carter “gave the Panama Canal to China?”  What are the realities of new national security threats from China? FSM Contributing Editor Cliff Kincaid has an explosive exposé guaranteed to get your attention. In remarks on July 20 to a Freedom 21 conference in Dallas, Texas, conservative leader Phyllis Schlafly declared that the Chinese communists intend to exploit development of a North American Union in order to bring more cheap goods into the U.S. and destroy more American jobs. The Freedom 21 conference, organized by Tom DeWeese of the American Policy Center and Cathie Adams of Eagle Forum of Texas, was devoted to highlighting the erosion of American sovereignty through an ongoing process that aims to economically and politically integrate the U.S., Canada and Mexico. Schlafly, president of Eagle Forum, highlighted the role of Democratic Party foreign policy specialist Robert Pastor in the unfolding plan. Pastor helped lead the campaign to surrender U.S. control of the Panama Canal through the Panama Canal Treaty, a development that has taken on added significance in view of the fact that a Chinese firm, Hutchison Whampoa, now controls not only the ports at both ends of the Panama Canal but ports and terminals in Mexico. The company has close ties to the Chinese regime. Speaking at the same conference, Rep. Duncan Hunter, a Republican presidential candidate, said unfair Chinese trade was decimating America’s industrial base and that the communist regime was using “crisp new American trade dollars” to build up its war machine. Schlafly came close to endorsing Hunter for president, declaring, “Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have him in the White House?”  She said he was “right on every issue” and “he’s the only one of all the candidates who talks about the jobs issue, and I think that is the coming big issue in the next election.” Her remarks followed Hunter’s speech. She strongly recommended Jerome Corsi’s new book, The Late Great USA, which argues that a North American Union would provide China another “economic advantage” over the U.S., with ominous national security implications. Indeed, Corsi comes close to arguing that China is the ultimate power broker behind the scheme, saying that “In order to solidify its economic superiority over North America, Red China is working to restructure the North American transportation infrastructure.” It also turns out, according to information presented at the conference by Oklahoma activist Amanda Teegarden, as well as Corsi’s book, that a Hutchison Whampoa subsidiary is a major investor in a firm, Savi Networks, that has developed  a radio technology to track and manage cargo shipments. Hutchison Whampoa owns 49 percent of the firm, with 51 percent owned by U.S. defense contractor Lockheed Martin. In 2006, Lockheed Martin was the top contributor among military contractors to candidates for federal office and national political parties. Fifty-eight percent of its money went to Republicans. Schlafly also attacked so-called “patent reform,” now moving through Congress, which she said would benefit China by forcing Americans to put information about their inventions on the Internet where it could be stolen. And she warned against President Bush’s plan to “to put all the illegal aliens in Social Security,” a scheme called “totalization,” which would “break the bank.” Several speakers at the Freedom 21 conference were activists from Texas and Oklahoma opposed to the building of corridors or “NAFTA highways” through their states to bring goods from Mexico to the U.S.  Organizations represented at the conference included Oklahomans for Sovereignty and Free Enterprise, Corridor Watch, and Texans Uniting for Reform & Freedommore... 
NewWorldOrder | America |

The ultimate goal of the globalists is to remove national sovereignty to hand that over to a single leader who will control all the nations. These groups behind the globalization push ultimately have an occult connection through secret societies who have been working to this end for centuries behind closed doors. Not everyone believes this because they don't advertise it and when confronted with the scope of their power, people find it hard to accept. I understand this because I was there once too. Now I've researched it in conjunction with Bible prophecy and I believe that Satan has his influence to bring about a New World Order to give to his antichrist when the restrainer is removed. Currently the power is being consolidated politically through money in the cloak of peace. That is part of the shell game to keep the population in confusion and thereby keeping the truth of their actions in the shadows. This makes it easier to use the cue-word "conspiracy" to immediately get most of the population to dismiss the possibilities. Outsourcing American jobs while allowing illegal immigration will inevitably lead to America needing to be bailed out. Who will step up to the plate and what concessions will we have to make? We're already preparing to allow international law to dictate our laws, where is the real power behind America? I don't think it rests in the traditionally accepted places.

Don't send your kids to college – before you read this World Net Daily (July 23, 2007) - On December 27, 1820, Thomas Jefferson wrote William Roscoe about his vision for the University of Virginia (chartered in 1819), "This institution will be based on the illimitable freedom of the human mind. For here we are not afraid to follow the truth wherever it may lead, nor to tolerate any error as long as reason is left free to combat it." But what should happen 200 years later when our public universities avoid the testing of truths? Or suppress alternate opinions because they are unpopular or politically incorrect? Or no longer tolerate opinions now considered errors by the elite? What happens when sociopolitical agendas or scientific paradigms dominate university views to the exclusion of a minority even being mentioned? When higher centers of learning fail to be places where all ideas are examined from a variety of reasoned perspectives? What happens when the political and public educational pendulum swings from concern for the tyranny of sectarianism in Jefferson's day to secularism in ours? The new narrow-mindedness of the American university Dr. Jim Nelson Black, founder and senior policy analyst of the Sentinel Research Associates in Washington, D.C., in his excellent book "Freefall of the American University," documents well the clear biases pervading our public academic settings. Among this educational lopsidedness is the intentional training of students to disdain America, freely experiment sexually, forcefully defend issues like abortion and homosexuality, as well as become cultural advocates for political correctness, relativism, globalization, green agendas and tolerance for all. One of the primary ways these educative platforms are propagated is by recruiting and retaining faculty members who reflect and teach them. For example, citing from the polling firm of Luntz Research, Dr. Black notes that 57 percent of faculty members represented in our most esteemed universities are Democrats (only 3 percent Republican) and 64 percent identify themselves as liberal (only 6 percent conservative). Moreover, 71 percent of them disagree that "news coverage of political and social issues reflects a liberal bias in the news media." And the No.1 answer they gave to the question, "Who has been the best president in the past 40 years?" was Bill Clinton (only 4 percent said Ronald Reagan). The impact of secular progressive influence is being experienced by students across this land, tens of thousands who have already cried out with complaints of academic inequity. A sampling of hundreds of student grievances from across the academic spectrum can even be found on websites like the Students for Academic Freedom and While I fully realize there are some great conservative people on the staffs of many higher learning campuses, I know virtually all of them would concur that a liberal bias in our academic curricula and system is overwhelmingly dominant and ubiquitous. Is this present, restrictive and one-sided educational environment that which Thomas Jefferson and other founders intended for the future generations of America? Absolutely not! Rather than encourage free thinking, the U.S. academic system has turned Jefferson's plans for open education into our culture's system of indoctrination. more...
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Javier Solana & The Larger Plan News With Views: Dennis L. Cuddy (July 23, 2007) - In my July 2 column, I gave a specific example of how the power elite’s dialectical process worked (a micro analysis). In this new article here, I’ll look at the larger picture (macro analysis) of how a single incident or individual fits into the power elite’s larger plan. To do this, I’ll refer to Constance Cumbey’s excellent June 17 NWV column regarding Javier Solana, Canada, and other elements. As I’ve mentioned before, one of the primary power elitists was Cecil Rhodes, whose secret Society of the Elect was “to take the government of the whole world.” Canadian P.E. Corbett was a member of this group, and in his Post-War Worlds (1942) described their plan to form a world government by linking regional arrangements which would involve trade, investment, distribution of food and raw materials, migration, etc. After World War II, Rhodes scholars packed the Canadian external affairs office of Lester Pearson, who probably had a great deal to do with President Truman’s firing of U.S. General Douglas MacArthur. This is because MacArthur had displeased Canada (and Britain) by his efforts to win the Korean War. Thus, Canada has played an important role in the power elite’s plans. Constance Cumbey began her article by stating, “In March of 1995, there was a near shooting war. . . between Spain and Canada.” She then referred to Solana’s “BIG plans” involving “mutually advantageous trading terms over the area’s resources leading to a Mediterranean Free Trade Zone by 2010.” To accomplish this, the larger plan was to get rid of Yugoslavia’s Serbian leader Slobodan Milosevic, who was standing in the way of linking the European Union’s trade corridor to the power elite’s desired Mediterranean regional arrangement because of his conflict with Croatia and Kosovo. In Washington Post columnist William Raspberry’s interview of me on the subject on December 18, 1995, he wrote: “Cuddy says he is tempted more and more to look for economic explanations for what seems otherwise inexplicable. . . . . Cuddy notes that the United States is now involved in negotiating a Transatlantic Free Trade Agreement with Europe.” In early June 1995, Secretary of State Warren Christopher announced regarding the Transatlantic Free Trade Area: “We intend to give it the serious study it deserves, with its considerable potential to form an element of our overall strategy. . . . The long-term objective is the integration of the economies of North America and Europe, consistent with the World Trade Organization.” In Constance Cumbey’s article, she referred to Solana chairing the “Transatlantic Alliance,” and in my June 12, 2006 NWV column on “Global Integration,” I spelled out the details of the “New Transatlantic Agenda,” not only involving education (portability of academic credits, etc.) but the Agenda further stated that “governments too are obliged to adapt their economic training and social welfare programs.” Constance Cumbey concluded her article referring to the New Age influence on Canadians Maurice Strong and former Prime Minister Paul Martin. The power elite’s larger plan regarding spirituality involves a synthesis of all religions into “A Common Faith” (the title of humanist John Dewey’s 1934 book). And prominent Canadians have played a significant part in the plan. Dorothy MacLean, formerly with British Intelligence, in the 1990s was president of the New Age Canadian Lorian Association. The first head of the World Health Organization (WHO) was Canadian psychiatrist Brock Chisholm (1959 Humanist of the Year), who wrote in Psychiatry (February 1946): “We have swallowed all manner of poisonous certainties fed us by our parents, our Sunday and lay school teachers, our politicians, our priests. . . . the reinterpretation and eventual eradication of the concept of right and wrong which has been the basis of child training, the substitution of intelligent and rational thinking for faith in the certainties of old people, these are the belated objectives. . . for charting the changes in human behavior.” Just 3 months later, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation on May 5, 1946 aired a speech by Dr. Ewen Cameron, who would in 1953 become president of the American Psychiatric Association and later receive CIA funds to conduct horrible LSD and control experiments on people. In the speech titled “The Building of the Coming World Order,” he declared: “. . . What we call morals, are simply the customs, prohibitions and rules which a society maintains at any given time. . . . What we have once set up, we can set up again, and better. . . . The United Nations Organization deserves the support of all who are concerned with the building of a New World Order. . . . There can be only one education anywhere on earth and that is education for world citizenship.” Maurice Strong was former U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan’s right-hand man. And long-time U.N. Assistant Secretary-General Robert Muller has based the curriculum for his many Robert Muller schools around the world on the underlying teachings of Luciferian Alice Bailey. Muller and former Canadian parliament member Douglas Roche in 1995 co-authored a book advocating a “common security agenda as the basis for a new world order.” This was after Roche at the World Conference of Religion for Peace in Louvain, Belgium (August 28-September 3, 1974) delivered a report titled “We can achieve a New World Order,” thus showing the power elite’s larger plan to use religion to bring about their New World Order of a World Socialist Government and One World Religion. Check out Constance Cumbey's latest article on Javier Solana and the UN.
/ 4th Kingdom
| Solana | NewWorldOrder | America |

Solana talks of revival The European Weekly (July 21, 2007) - The European Union has vowed full support for US President George W Bush’s renewed drive to revive stalled Middle East peace talks and seek a two-state solution to the conflict. EU foreign and security policy chief Javier Solana said the 27-nation bloc also backed Bush’s call for an international conference to explore moves to create an independent Palestinian state. “The European Union will continue to work side by side with the United States ... in a determined effort to bring about an end to the Arab-Israeli conflict,” said Solana. Solana said the proposed international meeting would also give substantial support to the parties in negotiations towards a permanent settlement. The diplomatic Quartet - whose members include the US and the EU as well as Russia and the United Nations - would have a “major part” to play in such a gathering, he added. Solana is also expected to underline EU support for the Bush initiative in talks with the new Quartet envoy and former British premier Tony Blair who was in Brussels for meetings with key EU officials. The Quartet was to meet in Lisbon for the first time since the appointment of Blair. It was also the first encounter of the group since Hamas captured the Gaza Strip in June and the subsequent nomination of a non-Hamas interim government led by Palestinian prime minister-designate Salam Fayyad.  Bush has said the US will provide full backing to Blair’s peace efforts but several EU officials and ministers, including Solana, were taken aback by the US push to give the former British premier the Quartet job. Like the US, the EU has pledged to improve the clout and standing of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and his moderate Fatah movement. But unlike Washington, the EU has yet to release millions of dollars in direct aid to the Fatah-led Palestinian government. The funds were frozen after last year’s Hamas electoral victory. The militant group is black-listed as a terrorist organisation by the EU and the US. The EU has, however, been channelling aid for the Palestinian health and security sector through non-governmental aid groups. Officials said an estimated 700 million Euro in such emergency aid was sent to Gaza and the West Bank last year. The money was used to pay the salaries of teachers, doctors and health workers and for supplies of fuel, water and electricity to the territories. Bush has announced USD 190 million in direct aid to the Palestinian government, with an additional USD 80 million for security. The amount includes funding humanitarian causes in Gaza. “We are showing the Palestinian people that a commitment to peace leads to the generous support of the United States,” Bush said.
Israel | EU/UN / 4th Kingdom
| Solana | 1st Seal | Dividing the Land | America |

DEBKAfile reports: Problem of Jews and Christians expelled from Arab lands must be dealt with in any Middle East peace process – US Congressional caucus states DEBKAfile (July 21, 2007) - Of the million-strong, 2,500-year old Jewish communities of the Middle East, only 8,000 remain in 10 Arab countries, said former Justice Minister and Attorney General of Canada Dr. Irwin Cotler in his briefing to the bipartisan Congressional Human Rights Caucus in Washington co-headed by Frank R. Wolf (R.-VA) and Tom Lantos (D-CA), Thursday, July 19. Yet against the 101 UN resolutions passed on the Palestinian refugees since 1947, not one addressed the forcible expulsion of Jews from Arab countries by state-orchestrated oppression, persecutions and pogroms. This raises serious questions about the appropriateness of the United Nations having a role in the Middle East Quartet meeting in Lisbon Thursday, said Cotler, counsel to former prisoners of conscience Andrei Sakharov and Nelson Mandela. he whole question of refugees and refugee claims is at the forefront of the Peace Process, and integral to the Roadmap. Rights for Jewish refugees from Arab countries, 600,000 of whom were absorbed in Israel, have to be part of any peace process with a claim to integrity. The Caucus, after hearing four speakers on behalf of the Justice for Jews from Arab Countries organization, decided to promote two Middle East refugee resolutions already before Congress. They would instruct the President to ensure that in all international forums dealing withMiddle East refugees, US representatives must ensure that reference to Palestinian refugees is matched with explicit reference to Jewish, Christian and other refugees expelled from Arab lands. Stanley Urman, Executive Director of JJAC said, "When the issue of 'refugees' is raised within the context of the Middle East, people invariably refer to 'Palestinian refugees', virtually never to the plight and flight of Jews, Christians and other minority populations from Arab countries. As a matter of law and equity, history records two refugee populations – not one - created as a result of the longstanding dispute in the Middle East. Regina Bublil-Waldman, whose family escaped Libya in 1967, said that forgetting the nearly one-million Jews who were indigenous to the Middle East and North Africa means that we have a distorted view of the Middle East Refugee Problem today. Prof. Henry Green noted that the Jewish legacy in Arab lands is eight times older than American Jewry, going back 2,800 years and including periods of Jewish sovereign statehood in the Babylonian and Roman eras. The campaign to secure rights and redress for Jews forced to flee Arab countries is not a campaign against Palestinian refugees but a quest for truth and justice. It is also a call for other minorities to be recognized and addressed. Today, Christians are exiting the Middle East in greater numbers than ever before.
| Israel | Islam |

Jersey City Woman Finds Missile Launcher On Lawn WCBS TV News (July 20, 2007) - A Jersey City woman made what to her and her neighbors was a shocking discovery Friday morning when she noticed a military rocket launcher lying in the grass. Niranjana Besai was leaving her house, located at 88 Nelson Street, to go to work just after 8 a.m. when she spotted the launcher on her front lawn. "I read it and it [said] 'missile,'" Besai told CBS 2 HD. "There was little 'missile' [writing] on it." She immediately called police. Sources tell CBS 2 HD that the device is an AT-4 missile launcher that is used to fire against tanks and buildings. The device was first approved by the U.S. Army in 1985 and its very powerful warheads can penetrate through more than a foot of armor. Each launcher can be used only once, however, and the device found on Besai's lawn was said to have been used previously. It was deemed inoperable and turned over U.S. Army officials at the New Jersey's Fort Monmouth. Investigators were trying to determine when and where the launcher had been fired. Officials initially expressed concern after discovering that Besai's house is located along a flight path for Newark Liberty International Airport. They later learned that used, inoperable AT-4 tubes are sold to the public through military surplus Web sites and other outlets. Residents along Nelson Street were alarmed by the discovery. Besai's neighbor, Joe Quinn, told CBS 2 HD he was outside of his home when he noticed Besai pointing at the device from her front porch. When he walked over to see what the fuss was about, he was just as shocked to see weapon, said to be about three or four feet long and weighing about 15 pounds. "She's pointing that there's something in the front," he said. "I said, 'Let me come down and take a look,' and I saw a little soldier on it and I said, 'Whoa, that's a missile launcher or something!'" Quinn says he originally thought the launcher was just a pipe, but after noticing the picture of the soldier -- which he described as a soldier kneeling and holding a launcher -- he realized it looked similar to a missile launcher he'd seen on television. "I got scared myself," he said. "It looked like a bazooka, and right away you think what does somebody want with something like that?" 
| America |

An odd find just a day after a steam pipe exploded in midtown Manhattan. Related? I don't know, the pipe that exploded was 85 years old so I have no doubt it could have just been an old pipe wearing out. Could a random firing of an anti-tank missile into Manhattan from Jersey City caused the pipe explosion too? It's certainly possible, and the find of a used anti-tank launcher just across the river is curious. The AT-4 has a range of 984 feet and can penetrate more than 14 inches of armor. (image is from unrelated story) The empty launcher was found at 88 Nelson Street and the explosion was at Lexington Ave. near 41st street. Driving that is just over 6 miles, so if these two stories are related, it would have to have been ditched there from firing closer to the site, or it is completely unrelated. The timing and oddity of it all seems pretty coincidental though. Video of New York steam pipe explosion

Sex Ed for Kindergarteners 'Right Thing to Do,' Says Obama ABC News (July 18, 2007) - ABC News' Teddy Davis and Lindsey Ellerson Report: Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., told Planned Parenthood Tuesday that sex education for kindergarteners, as long as it is "age-appropriate," is "the right thing to do." "I remember Alan Keyes . . . I remember him using this in his campaign against me," Obama said in reference to the conservative firebrand who ran against him for the U.S. Senate in 2004. Sex education for kindergarteners had become an issue in his race against Keyes because of Obama’s work on the issue as chairman of the health committee in the Illinois state Senate. "'Barack Obama supports teaching sex education to kindergarteners,'" said Obama mimicking Keyes' distinctive style of speech. "Which -- I didn’t know what to tell him (laughter)." "But it’s the right thing to do," Obama continued, "to provide age-appropriate sex education, science-based sex education in schools." Watch the video Speaking to a young woman who asked a question about sex education, Obama said, "You, as a peer, can have enormous power over your age cohort but you’ve got to have some support from the schools. You certainly should not have to be fighting each and every instance by providing accurate information outside of the classroom because inside the classroom the only thing that can be talked about is abstinence." "Keep in mind: I honor and respect young people who choose to delay sexual activity," Obama continued. "I’ve got two daughters, and I want them to understand that sex is not something casual. That's something that we definitely want to communicate and should be part of any curriculum. But we also know that when the statistics tell us that nearly half of 15 to 19 year olds are engaging in sexual activity, that for us to leave them in ignorance is potentially consigning them to illness, pregnancy, poverty, and in some cases, death." When Obama's campaign was asked by ABC News to explain what kind of sex education Obama considers "age appropriate" for kindergarteners, the Obama campaign pointed to an Oct. 6, 2004 story from the Daily Herald in which Obama had "moved to clarify" in his Senate campaign that he "does not support teaching explicit sex education to children in kindergarten. . . The legislation in question was a state Senate measure last year that aimed to update Illinois' sex education standards with 'medically accurate' information . . . 'Nobody's suggesting that kindergartners are going to be getting information about sex in the way that we think about it,' Obama said. 'If they ask a teacher 'where do babies come from,' that providing information that the fact is that it's not a stork is probably not an unhealthy thing. Although again, that's going to be determined on a case by case basis by local communities and local school boards.'" more...
| America |

Bush's, Peres's rosy scenario The Jerusalem Post (July 18, 2007) - There is something touching about the naivete of presidents George W. Bush and Shimon Peres, who this week outlined the steps needed to achieve the long-sought-after peace settlement in the Middle East. Perhaps they genuinely believe, or at least hope, that we can reach a settlement. Perhaps they are just going through the motions because, after all, politicians have to strive for peace and promise a better future even if they know in their hearts that it is not really feasible. There is no chance for peace because there will always be those among the Palestinians and Arab countries and in the Muslim world who will obstruct any attempt to reach a settlement that recognizes the existence of Israel as a Jewish state, to say nothing of one that does not guarantee the "right of return" of the Palestinian refugees. Anyone who claims that the peace agreements with Egypt and Jordan prove that peace is possible is forgetting that peace does not end with the signing of an agreement. The peace in Jordan is being maintained, with great difficulty, by the royal family and the elite surrounding it. They do this contrary to the view held by the majority of the Jordanian public and despite vehement opposition from the Jordanian intelligentsia: academics and students, writers and journalists, doctors and lawyers. The situation in Egypt is similar: President Hosni Mubarak maintains relations with Israel the way porcupines make love: very carefully. And that too evokes intense opposition from both the general public and the intellectuals. The Jordanian crown is somewhat shaky, and the Egyptian regime could be overthrown by an uprising of the Muslim Brotherhood - and Israel could find itself surrounded by enemies in the south and east. The difficult reality is that there will never be true peace here, and it is important to internalize that fact so as not to set out on paths from which there is no return. more...
| Israel | Islam |

Bear Stearns Hedge Funds Wiped Out Telegraph UK (July 18, 2007) - Two struggling Bear Stearns hedge funds that ran into difficulties after making large bets on the troubled US sub-prime mortgage market now contain "very little" or "effectively no value" for investors, according to the Wall Street firm. In a letter to clients, Bear Stearns, which had to pump $1.6bn (£800m) into the funds last month to stop them collapsing, said that it was seeking "an orderly wind-down of the funds over time". In what it described as "a difficult development for investors", the bank said "there is effectively no value left" for investors in its Enhanced Leverage Fund and "very little value left" for investors in its High-Grade Fund. A spokesperson for Bear Stearns said the letter was sent to investors in the fund yesterday after markets closed in New York. The two funds, which borrowed heavily to invest in securities known as collateralised debt obligations (CDOs) that were linked to sub-prime mortgages, started to come unstuck in June when investors asked for their money back. The funds had borrowed so much money that they could not afford to pay back their investors, despite selling assets to try to raise additional cash. The Bear Stearns letter explained: "As you know, in early June, the funds were faced with investor redemption requests and margin calls that they were unable to meet. The funds sold assets in an attempt to raise liquidity but were unable to generate sufficient cash to meet the outstanding margin calls." It continued: "As a result, counterparties moved to seize collateral or otherwise terminate financing arrangements they had with the funds." The bank stressed to its clients that it has "taken action to restore investor confidence" in its asset management arm, bringing in Mike Winchell, its former head of risk management, to advise on the company's "hedge fund risk management structure". Bear Stearns also sought to reassure clients that it remained "financially strong and committed to meeting your investment needs". The dollar slumped to a record low against the euro as the news sparked fears that investors could spurn US assets as the woes related to the sub-prime market deepen.
| America |

Ankara says all Turkish-US relations would be shattered if America were proved to have given arms to PKK Kurdish terrorists DEBKAfile (July 17, 2007) - Asked whether Ankara had evidence to support the claim, deputy prime minister and foreign minister Abdullah Gul said in a television interview there was no confirmation but there is an allegation and convincing confessions, which must be investigated. Ankara has asked Washington for clarifications. On July 6, DEBKA-Net-Weekly 308, shed light on the occurrence which has caused such consternation in Ankara. That American weapons are flowing to more than one unforeseen destination was revealed this week by chance, DEBKA-Net-Weekly revealed 11 days ago. Four defectors of the Turkish separatist Kurdish party, the PKK, stood up in Ankara and announced that two armored vehicles had been sighted carrying American weapons to PKK hideouts in the Qandil Mountain of northern Iraq. Attempting to calm the Turkish government, the US ambassador to Turkey Ross Wilson strenuously denied the claim. He said “the US was the first country after Turkey to designate the PKK a terrorist organization. We continue to classify it as such, and on the basis of that, we do not and will not negotiate with the PKK or its leaders, supply weapons to the organization or its personnel or assist them in any way,” the ambassador stressed. He was telling no more than the truth. However, rather than assuming that the right hand does not know what the left is doing, DEBKA-Net-Weekly’s military sources report that the arms and war materials supplied through the American army posted in Kurdistan to the biIranian Kurdish separatist movementib, the PEJAK (Party for a Free Life in Kurdistan) appear to have been diverted at some point and by an unknown hand to the anti-Turkish Kurdish PKK.
| Islam | America |

Goldman, JPMorgan Saddled With Debt They Can't Sell Bloomberg (July 17, 2007) - Goldman Sachs Group Inc., JPMorgan Chase & Co. and the rest of Wall Street are stuck with at least $11 billion of loans and bonds they can't readily sell. The banks have had to dig into their own pockets to finance parts of at least five leveraged buyouts over the past month because of the worst bear market in high-yield debt in more than two years, data compiled by Bloomberg show. Bankers, who just a few months ago boasted that demand for high-yield assets was so great that they would have no problem raising debt for a $100 billion LBO, are now paying for their overconfidence. The cost of tying up their own capital may curb earnings and stem the flood of LBOs, which generated a record $8.4 billion in fees during the first half of 2007, according to Brad Hintz, the former chief financial officer at New York-based Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. "The private equity firms, being very tough negotiators, are unlikely to let the banks off the hook,'' said Martin Fridson, chief executive officer of high-yield research firm FridsonVision LLC in New York. "They'll say that's your problem and that's why we're paying you: To take risk." As the market began to turn sour last month, Goldman Sachs, Citigroup Inc., Lehman and Wachovia Corp. had to buy $725 million of bonds that Goodlettsville, Tennessee-based Dollar General Corp. was selling to finance Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. purchase of the company for $6.9 billion. All of the securities firms are based in New York, except Wachovia, which is located in Charlotte, North Carolina. more...
| America |

Bush to call for regional summit on Mideast peace process Haaretz (July 16, 2007) - U.S. President George W. will call for a regional conference on restarting the Middle East peace process during a special address Monday, a U.S. official said ahead of the speach. The U.S. president will also announce $190 million in aid to the Palestinian Authority, the official said. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice would lead the peace conference, which would include representatives of Israel and neighbors in the region, said a senior administration official who spoke on the condition of anonymity. The speech to be given by the U.S. president will express a plan for "activism" on the part of the Bush administration, according to a senior Israeli political source who was briefed in advance about it. Bush's tone is meant to express his approval of the formation of a new Palestinian Authority government under Salam Fayad, as well as the appointment of former British prime minister Tony Blair as the special envoy for the Quartet of Middle East peace negotiators. White House officials said Bush was planning to rally diplomatic and financial support for Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas' government. Abbas controls only the West Bank after the Islamic militant group Hamas gained authority in Gaza in June. more...
| Islam | America

Does this dividing of the land of Israel fulfill Bible prophecy? Ezekiel 38,39 talks of a relative peace prior to an attack by Russia, Turkey, Iran and Libya among others. If the land is divided and a Palestinian state created, a temporary peace would go into effect. Israelis would be moved from their residence now to that land marked for Israel from this dividing and visa-versa. This sounds a lot like Zechariah 14:1-3, "Behold, the day of the LORD cometh, and thy spoil shall be divided in the midst of thee. For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle; and the city shall be taken, and the houses rifled, and the women ravished; and half of the city shall go forth into captivity, and the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the city. Then shall the LORD go forth, and fight against those nations, as when he fought in the day of battle." I believe the Lord going forth to fight these nations could be referring to the day of the Lord, which comes as sudden destruction from the Almighty. Isaiah 13:6-13 The ultimate end of this battle will be at Armageddon when Christ returns in glory and destroys the armies gathered there from the sixth bowl to do battle. America's participation in this dividing of the land of Israel will come back to haunt us I believe. Jeremiah 30:20, "Their children also shall be as aforetime, and their congregation shall be established before me, and I will punish all that oppress them." For more history on natural disasters that coordinated with our government signing policy against Israel like Hurricane Andrea and Katrina, read Bill Koenig's Eye To Eye.

Hate Crimes Amendment Sneaks Into Senate Defense Reauthorization Bill Liberty Council (July 12, 2007) - The so-called "hate crimes" legislation took a new form yesterday when Senators Ted Kennedy (D-Mass.) and Gordon Smith (R-Ore.) attached the controversial amendment to a Defense Reauthorization bill. This move will could push senators to vote on the issue as early as this week. You need to contact your senators right away and tell them to oppose the "hate crimes" amendment. CONTACT Your Senators at Hate crimes laws are actually "thought crimes" laws that violate the right to freedom of speech and of conscience and subject individuals to scrutiny of their beliefs rather than focusing on a person's criminal actions. Hate crimes laws will have a chilling effect on people who have moral or religious objections to homosexual behavior. Evidence of a person's beliefs will be used against any individuals who are even suspected of committing a crime. In a debate on a similar bill that passed the House in May, Rep. Artur Davis, who supported the bill, admitted that under this law a minister could be charged with the crime of incitement if the minister preached that homosexuality is a serious sin and a person in the congregation left church and committed a crime against a homosexual. Read our News Release for more details.
| America

Recruiting in the West: The Lure of Radical Islamic Terror Family Security Matters (July 12, 2007) - Many question why individuals located in or raised in the freedoms of the West would ever want to engage in terrorism. What would make someone who had seen all of the good things freedom has to offer, turn against that freedom?  When consulting with and training law enforcement I point out that often, members of terror groups are professional and very well educated. Terror organizations purposely encourage recruits to become learned, particularly in hard sciences, so that they can understand Western technology and use it against the enemy. Every facet of the enemy should be contemplated, absorbed, and repackaged for use by the terror group. Thus, it was not surprising that the latest terror plot in Europe involved doctors. Anyone can be recruited into a terror organization as long as the individual has the right mindset. Whether one is African American, Caucasian, Hispanic, professional or blue collar, male or female, young or old, the terror draw is always dependent upon the individual’s personality. Simply, the basic concepts for terror motivation include identity and injury. Those who are radical in any religion identify themselves first and foremost as members of the religious group. The religion dictates everything, from law to private life. Of note, this is true of all religions. One’s faith and religious obligation are put above everything and everyone, and there is no room for question. This creates a dissonance for some Muslims who are raised in and those who move to the West. There is a discrepancy between what they read in the Koran, what they observe in Jihad (there are over 150 versus about Jihad in the Koran), and how they view those Muslims who lead peaceful, tolerant lives. They often feel inferior because they do not necessarily fit in, and they can perceive discrimination whether it occurs or not. In essence, in the West there are many young Muslims who believe that they do not have community. Suspicious glances by non-Muslims and contempt from Muslims in the Middle East make them feel like second-class individuals. That is, they know that because of the actions of many violent Muslims, they themselves are looked at with question. At the same time, those they encounter from the Middle East view them as innovators who do not practice true Islam. Because they live in the West and may partake in Western behaviors (including speech and style of dress) they are mocked by more fundamentalist Muslims as being taghut (impure). So they are not quite fully Western and not ‘fully’ Muslim. This can make them uncomfortable and question identity. Usually it is at this time that the individual on the radical path suffers a life set back. Whether it is due to the West or not, the young Muslim loses someone or something dear. This may be very personal such as the death of a loved one, or it may be viewing Muslims injured around the world. It may be a personal illness, which precludes him from following a dream. Whatever it is, there is something that forces the Muslim to reevaluate his life. Many times, he feels as if he has lost that which matters most to him. With loss and the identity question, dissonance grows. In an effort to escape the pain of loss, young Muslims on the path to radicalism search for more substance in their lives. A psychological struggle ensues. On one hand, they are part of the West, and they can see some good aspects to it, such as specific kind individuals. On the other hand, they are Muslim, and they see the struggles of Muslims worldwide. They see oppressive regimes propped up by the West. And because they perceive themselves as outcasts, they gravitate toward their religion because it cuts across cultures, socioeconomic status, race etc. In this, they find community. Then they focus their attention to the plight of Muslims worldwide in a search for self-fulfillment and acceptance. They hear the ever-present call to defend and spread Islam and become psychologically isolated from the West. When they internalize perceived/actual discrimination and zero in on global Islamic causes, they come to an understanding that Muslims suffer because of Western influence and policies. Slowly, the West is viewed as a villain, and anxiety and questions plague the young Muslims. more... | Islam | EU/UN / 4th Kingdom | America |

An interesting insightful look into the mindset of the radical Muslim today.

Adolescent America WorldNetDaily (July 10, 2007) - America has become the land of adolescents – thinking in the short term across the board without a consideration of consequences. It's everywhere, from personal life to institutions. And it's costing us our future. Here are just a few examples that I've observed: Buy now! Pay later! More than a commercial aimed at short-term thinkers, this is the policy of our U.S. Congress: Spend more than you have and create a deficit. Borrow to pay the deficit. When you can't pay the interest on that loan, just borrow some more! Result: Bankruptcy. In Fiscal Year 2006, the United States government spent $406 billion of your money just on interest payments to the holders of the National Debt. That National Debt is now $8.8 trillion. Who needs terrorists? America is destroying herself. Put it on credit, drive it today! Here's a neat short-term idea – let's sell off (or lease for a lifetime) our highways, bridges, ports, water departments and infrastructure to foreigners for some fast cash up front! Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels, along with an increasing number of others, wanted some quick cash. But it wasn't his house he refinanced. He sold the Indiana toll road to Cintra Concesiones de Infraestructuras de Transporte, S.A. of Spain for $3.85 billion. Who pays the price? The same ones who paid for the road to begin with – the taxpayers – who will be left with potholes and doubled tolls (for starters) channeled overseas rather than re-invested in their state. Robert Poole, an engineer who advised the George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush administrations to privatize U.S. highways, estimates that more than $25 billion in Public-Private-Partnership, or PPP, highway projects are planned or approved in the United States. And now the short-term globalists are taking a page from the European Union and building a NAFTA superhighway (four football fields wide) from Mexico to Canada right through America – taking farms, businesses and homes from people all along the way. Texas Gov. Rick Perry just paved the way by vetoing legislation which would have delayed the Mexico to Oklahoma portion of the superhighway. Oh, and the same Spanish group, Cintra Concesiones de Infraestructuras de Transporte, S.A., will own the leasing and operating rights for 50 years after completion. By the way, Cintra is represented by Bracewell & Giuliani, Rudy Giuliani's law firm. How very nice. Short-term pleasure; long-term pain. Making less sense than the words, "Sell the house honey, we're going to rent," adolescent thinking has become the norm everywhere you look. more...
| America |

I think this is why the understanding of the end-times is passing over the heads of many people. Western society and technology mixed with large populations and fast transportation have gotten us so busy and so distracted by entertainment that we tend to forget about the long-term. Having the education system and the media complex controlled by those who are actively working to bring about a New World Order doesn't help either. I don't think its fixable because I'm seeing the end-time scenario being played out and we're at the beginning of the end. The Bible will come to pass 100% accurately and much of the world is blindly fulfilling every word of it. I know I was blinded by the world for most of my life. Thank God He did not leave me in darkness once I started searching and obeying His Word. In these difficult times coming, we need to fill our minds with His Word and make it a part of our daily lives.

Euro Hits New High Against U.S. Dollar Associated Press (July 10, 2007) - The euro shot to an all-time high against the U.S. dollar Tuesday on concerns about the American economy that were fueled by discouraging growth forecasts from key U.S. retailers and homebuilders. The British pound, which has been trading around 26-year highs against the dollar, briefly touched $2.0273 after reports showed British consumer prices were rising at a faster pace than the target set by the Bank of England. The euro hit a new record of $1.3738 Tuesday, its highest level against the dollar since the 13-nation currency started trading in 1999, before retreating to $1.3729. That was still above the euro's previous high of $1.3682 reached on April 27 and the $1.3623 it bought late Monday in New York. A higher euro makes goods from the 13-nation currency zone more expensive for customers abroad. Along with the rise in the pound, the stronger euro also makes visits to much of Europe more expensive for travelers from elsewhere and makes shopping trips to the U.S. more appealing to Europeans. "The dollar is a basket case," said Peter Schiff, president of Euro Pacific Capital Inc. "We are going to pay the piper for years of having the underlying fundamentals of our economy disintegrate beneath our feet." Given the state of the U.S. economy, he said, the dollar could continue to fall in the coming years against the Euro, to $2.50 or even $3. more... 
NewWorldOrder |
EU/UN / 4th Kingdom
| America |

As the Middle East oil moves to the Euro, so will the rest of the world gravitate there as the dollar weakens and our fake system collapses as it inevitably would. Learn the history of the Federal Reserve, which is neither federal nor reserve. Where money is made out of thin air in exchange for the manual labor required of the masses to pay it back. This system works great for the powerful few that had the money and run the banks until inflation pops their bubble and we all fly apart. This is part of the plan of the New World Order, who needs a weaker more dependent America because the center of power is not going to fall on America, but on the revived Roman Empire of Bible prophecy.

Muslims declare sovereignty over U.S., UK WorldNet Daily (July 9, 2007) - Across town from the site of the recent attempted car-bomb attacks, several thousand Muslims gathered in front of the London Central Mosque to applaud fiery preachers prophesying the overthrow of the British government – a future vision that encompasses an Islamic takeover of the White House and the rule of the Quran over America. "One day my dear Muslims," shouted Anjem Choudary, "Islam will govern Britain!" Choudary was a co-founder of Al Muhajiroun, the now-banned group tied to suspects in the July 7, 2005, London transport bombings and a cheerleader of the 9/11 attacks. "Democracy, hypocrisy," Choudary chanted as the crowd echoed him. "Tony Blair, terrorist! Tony Blair, murderer! Queen Elizabeth, go to hell!" The Muslim leader's charge, along with interviews with protesters and a "literal foaming-at-the-mouth" diatribe by another speaker, were captured on tape June 22 by nationally syndicated talk radio host Rusty Humphries. Humphries, who was in London with WND Jerusalem bureau chief Aaron Klein, recorded angry Muslim leader Abu Saif, who kept his voice at a fever pitch through declarations such as: "Brothers and sisters, make no mistake. Make no mistake. The British government, the queen, the MPs in this country, they are enemies to you, enemies to Allah and enemies to the Muslims." A protester told Humphries Abu Saif is a member of the group Hizb ut-Tahrir, the Party of Liberation, which states its aim is to unify Muslims and establish the rule of Islamic law over the world. Group spokesman Taji Mustafa insisted to WND, however, Abu Saif is not a member. Hizb ut-Tahrir, which casts itself as "non-violent," also has denied testimony and British media reports charging its Cambridge cell tried recruit the Iraqi doctor now suspected of mounting the attack on Glasgow's airport June 30. The failed car-bomb assault followed two similar attempts in London the previous day. more...
Islam | EU/UN / 4th Kingdom
| America |

Ignoring the lessons of 1929 MSN Money (May 21, 2007) - The similarities of the lead-up to the great market crash to today's economic environment are obvious. Don't say you weren't warned. The economic and financial landscape of 2007 bears striking similarities to 1929. Back then, there were large, unregulated pool operators and other insiders constantly muscling the tape in whatever direction they chose. The public, too, was involved, thinking the country was experiencing a new era. Meanwhile, business began deteriorating in the spring of 1929, though the partying in stocks lasted until the fall. To give you a flavor of those times, I'd like to quote from Frederick Lewis Allen's "Only Yesterday," which is one of my favorite books about 1929: "Mergers of industrial corporations and of banks were taking place with greater frequency than ever before, prompted not merely by the desire to reduce overhead expenses and avoid the rigors of cut-throat competition, but often by sheer corporate megalomania. (My emphasis.) And every rumor of a merger or a split-up or an issue of rights was the automatic signal for a leap in the prices of the stocks affected -- until it became altogether too tempting to the managers of many a concern to arrange a split-up or a merger or an issue rights not without a canny eye to their own speculative fortunes." Obviously, I don't need to point out how similar that is to the practices we are seeing today. Today, too, there are pool operators, in the form of leveraged-buyout (LBO) and hedge funds, both of which borrow money to invest. And, just like their predecessors, who ignored macroeconomic and corporate deterioration, they are partying as never before. In reading the following passage from Allen's 1931 book, you have to remind yourself that it's a portrait not of 2007 but 1929: "One could indulge in all manner of dubious financial practices with an unruffled conscience so long as prices rose. The Big Bull Market covered a multitude of sins. It was a golden day for the promoter, and his name was legion." I think that for this current cycle, "promoter" should be changed to "hedge fund." more...
| America
Mark 5:1-9

Israelis, Palestinians discuss final peace accord – report YNet News (April 24, 2007) - Israeli and Palestinian officials discussed a number of sticky issues at an undisclosed European location in preparation for final-status peace talks, the al-Quds newspaper reported Tuesday. The final borders of the future Palestinian state, the plight of Palestinian refugees, the status of Jerusalem and the future of Jewish settlements built in the West Bank were on the agenda, the Palestinian daily added. The report quoted a senior Palestinian official as saying that the meeting reflected the willingness of Israeli and Palestinian leaders to fulfill US President George W. Bush will to establish an independent Palestinian state by the end of his presidency next year. The report also said that Israel initially resisted the meeting but acquiesced to pressure from Washington and the European Union. Under the Oslo Accord negotiations over final status talks should have ended in May 1999. Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said Israel was ready to make "painful concessions" to achieve peace with the Palestinians, but warned that no Palestinian refugees will be allowed into Israel's sovereign territory. The Palestinians insist that all refugees who fled Palestine during the 1948 Israeli-Arab war should be allowed back into their homes according with United Nations Resolution 194.
| Israel | Islam | America |

Bush OKs 'integration' with European Union WorldNetDaily (May 8, 2007) - President Bush signed an agreement creating a "permanent body" that commits the U.S. to "deeper transatlantic economic integration," without ratification by the Senate as a treaty or passage by Congress as a law. The "Transatlantic Economic Integration" between the U.S. and the European Union was signed April 30 at the White House by Bush, German Chancellor Angela Merkel – the current president of the European Council – and European Commission President José Manuel Barroso. The document acknowledges "the transatlantic economy remains at the forefront of globalization," arguing that the U.S. and the European Union "seek to strengthen transatlantic economic integration." The agreement established a new Transatlantic Economic Council to be chaired on the U.S. side by a cabinet-level officer in the White House and on the EU side by a member of the European Commission. The current U.S. head of the new Transatlantic Economic Council is Allan Hubbard, assistant to the president for Economic Policy and director of the National Economic Council. The current EU head of the council is Günther Verheugen, vice-President of the European Commission in charge of enterprise and industry. The Transatlantic Economic Council was tasked with creating regulatory convergence between the U.S. and the EU on some 40 different public policy areas, including intellectual property rights, developing security standards for international trade, getting U.S. GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Practices) recognized in Europe, developing innovation and technology in health industries, implementing RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technologies, developing a science-based plan on bio-based products and establishing a "regular dialogue" to address obstacles to investment. At a joint press conference, Bush thanked the other two leaders for signing the "trans-Atlantic economic integration plan," commenting that, "It is a recognition that the closer that the United States and the EU become, the better off our people will be." Barroso said the Transatlantic Economic Council is meant to be "a permanent body, with senior people on both sides of the Atlantic." As WND has reported, Secretary of Commerce Carlos Gutierrez repeatedly has pushed for North American integration, much as the April 30 agreement proposes closer U.S.-EU integration. Mexico's ambassador to the U.N., Enrique Berruga, has called for a North American Union to be created in the next eight years. more...
EU/UN / 4th KingdomNewWorldOrder | America |

Global governance is not necessarily losing national identity, but having laws dictated by foreign interests. This is exactly what is happening. In a Western world that prides itself on rule of law, whoever writes the laws controls the nations. What is being worked toward now is integrating international law that trumps national law. This is a very dangerous game to play with men hungry for power. They have done an effective job hiding their evil intentions from the world and to find out what they've been up to one must search it out. Most people are content with their personal situation enough to let things move on in their course. The Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America ( is meeting in a formal organizational structure working to integrate and harmonize our laws. The course of the world today is taking us directly to the fulfillment of Bible prophecy and those in control in the world are not looking out for the interests of the world, but are consolidating their power to control the world with their brand of laws meant to further solidify their control. This will eventually be handed over to the antichrist. That the man of sin is said to come from a revived Rome -- See Daniel 9:26,27 -- is interesting considering what has been occurring since EUROMED -- E.U. "ROMED" --  in 1995 with the consolidation of power in Europe. Now we are seeing this integration of international trade is creating the infrastructure and the beginning of governmental integration that can more easily be used in the future to integrate control of many nations through laws dictated from outside the United States. This is only the beginning, and it starts out seemingly insignificant so as not to catch the ire of the population.

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected the promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world-government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the National auto-determination practiced in past centuries."
David Rockefeller in an address to Trilateral Commission meeting, 1991

Al Qaeda's No. 2 says end of West imminent, video shows CNN (July 5, 2007) - In a newly released videotaped message similar to a "fireside chat," al Qaeda's second-in-command issues advice and directives for the Muslim world, terrorism expert Laura Mansfield said Wednesday. In the one-hour, 34-minute video, titled "The Advice of One Concerned," Ayman al-Zawahiri includes clips from other videos and news broadcasts, including one from al-Furqan, the video production arm of the Islamic State of Iraq, according to Mansfield, who obtained the video. Al-Zawahiri says in the message that the defeat of the West is imminent, and that "the enemy" is trying to forestall the inevitable, Mansfield said. "The good omens of the new dawn of victory have begun to loom on the horizon, with Allah's permission and will," he says. "And the stage preceding victory is normally, in the history of nations, the stage in which there is most seen an increase in conspiracies, plots and inciting of discord in an attempt by the enemy, who has begun to see his defeat approach, to push back and delay the defeat as much as he can." Al-Zawahiri does not reference the recent terrorism incidents in the United Kingdom in the video. Mansfield said it appears to be more of a "state of the ummah [community]" style of address "intended to try and provide advice to the Muslim world in a manner similar to the 'fireside chat.'" Al-Zawahiri advises people in Iraq and the Palestinian territory, Mansfield said, and renews his call for young men to join the jihad in Iraq and Afghanistan. Included is a video clip of the late Sheikh Abdullah Azzam -- an extremist in Afghanistan during the Soviet occupation -- reminding Muslims that jihad is their responsibility. Al-Zawahiri also rebukes Fatah for battling Hamas in the Palestinian territory, telling party members to "return to your religion, your Islam, your honor and your Arabness." Last month, al-Zawahiri, in an audiotaped message posted on several Islamist Web sites, voiced his support for Hamas leaders who maintain control of Gaza after a split with Fatah, a more moderate Palestinian faction. "We say to you, now that you are in control of Gaza, you should remember two things: One is that being in power is not a goal in itself, but the goal is, rather, to implement the rule of Allah," al-Zawahiri said in that audiotape, according to a CNN translation. "Two, this control is incomplete and unstable, for the [Israeli] plans are being made to invade Gaza. Unite with your mujahedeen brothers in Palestine and do not stir up problems with them. "Unite your ranks with all of the mujahedeen in the world for the upcoming battle [of Gaza] that I expect the Egyptians and Saudis to participate in." The audiotaped message was a reversal of al-Zawahiri's previous criticism of Hamas, issued after its leaders agreed to form a unity government with Fatah leaders. Hamas fighters wrested control of Gaza from Fatah security forces two weeks ago, prompting Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, based in the West Bank, to replace the Hamas leadership with an emergency government. Since then, the United States, the European Union and Israel have agreed to release funds to the new Palestinian government. The money had been frozen after Hamas won legislative elections last year.
Islam | EU/UN / 4th Kingdom | NewWorldOrder | America |

I place the NWO link here because of the perported writings of Albert Pike in 1871 of the three world wars. The last of which is the current war between the West and radical Islam. He writes,

The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.

That adoration will be directed at the man of sin, the antichrist as described in Revelation 13:1-8, "And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority. And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast. And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him? And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months. And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven. And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nationsAnd all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world." This will begin at the abomination of desolation, when the man of sin declares himself to be god as described in 2 Thessalonians 2:1-4. So the ultimate goal of everything we see happening in the world is all part of the plan to reveal Lucifer's antichrist and cause worship of him as god rather than the One True God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. It seem Albert Pike and his Masonic and Illuminati network had been planning for this and now we are seeing those plans come to fruition.

Drought Is Sapping the Southeast, and Its Farmers The New York Times (July 4, 2007) - Northern Alabama has become acre after acre of shriveled cornstalks, cracked red dirt for miles and days of unrelenting white heat. The region’s most severe drought in over a century has farmers here averting their gaze from a future that looks as bleak as their fields. The drought is worst here, but it is wilting much of the Southeast, causing watering restrictions and curtailed crops in Georgia, premature cattle sales in Mississippi and Tennessee, and rivers so low that power companies in the region are scrambling and barges are unable to navigate. Fourth of July fireworks are out of the question in many tinderbox areas. Hay to feed livestock is in increasingly short supply, watermelons are coming in small and some places have not had good rain since the start of the year. On Monday, Dennis Bragg, the biggest farmer in Madison County, the drought’s center, clutched a scrawny, leathery cornstalk half as high as it should be, barely reaching his waist. A healthy one should now be towering over him, according to the calendar. “This right here is going to be a zero,” Mr. Bragg said, pushing the puny thing away. “This is what we call a weed.” The field of muted green will be a loss. Down the road, he stopped his truck at a barren hillside that should be carpeted with green soy plants. “I tend not come over here and look at it,” he said, bending his head. “This whole hill never came up because of the drought.” In the browning corn fields here, the light breeze makes a tindery noise as it rustles the dry stalks. Struggling to pay their bills, farmers here in the Tennessee Valley say they are burning through cash reserves and staring at bankruptcy, as last year’s dry weather turned into a singeing drought this year. Gleaming steel grain bins that should be full of corn ready to become ethanol are virtually empty. Cattle sales are several times normal; the farmers have nothing to feed them. Harvest day’s expected small returns will be make-or-break time, farmers here say. more...
| Earth Changes | America |

The third seal is the black horse and speaks of famine. With all the weather changes due to global warming, the slightest changes in ocean currents and wind currents can affect crops like this. I think it is these kinds of events due to increased solar activity that will help bring about famine in the near future. Of course I hope I'm wrong, but the timing would seem to fit in the next couple years.

Lieberman: Iran Has Declared War (July 2, 2007) - Connecticut Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman asserted Monday that the Iranian government has in effect declared war on the United States. Lieberman commented after a U.S. military spokesman said Tehran's senior officials were aware of efforts to encourage violence against Americans in Iraq. "The fact is that the Iranian government has by its actions declared war on us," said Lieberman, an independent who caucuses with Senate Democrats. As a result, he continued, "The United States government has a responsibility to use all instruments at its disposal to stop these terrorist attacks against our soldiers and allies in Iraq, including keeping open the possibility of using military force against the terrorist infrastructure inside Iran." He stopped short of advocating a military strike, but said that "while I sincerely hope that diplomacy alone can convince the Iranian government to stop these attacks, our diplomatic efforts are only likely to succeed if backed by a credible threat of force." Lieberman said he hoped the latest news about Iran would help quash calls in Congress to withdraw U. S. troops. Withdrawing U.S. troops from Iraq at this time, he added, "will give Iranians exactly what they want most" -- an "epic victory" for forces of terrorism. "Iran's purpose in sponsoring these attacks against our soldiers is clear," he said. "The Iranian government wants to push the United States out of Iraq. "For Congress to mandate a retreat from Iraq," he said, "will give the Iranians exactly what they want most. A retreat would not only represent a catastrophic defeat for the United States, but an epic victory for Iran, Hezbollah and the forces of Islamist terrorism." more...
| America |

The War is Here -- Are You Ready? Family Security Matters (July 2, 2007) - In a style reminiscent of the vehicle born incendiary explosive devices (VBIED) used in Iraq and by terrorists worldwide, two Mercedes were found in London this weekend packed with gasoline, gas canisters and nails. The bombs were to be exploded using cell phones as remote detonators, another favorite tactic of those terrorists who do not wish to die themselves. Had the plan been successful, potentially hundreds of innocent civilians would have been brutally murdered either by the explosions or by the deadly projectiles that the nails would have become. London was saved by alert citizens who noticed something was amiss and took swift action. The United States, because of lax border security and an inability to enforce its own immigration laws, will be next. Over the past few months, our news has been consumed with debate on an amnesty bill that would give legal status to millions of illegal aliens who have crossed the US/Mexico border. A red-faced, shrill Ted Kennedy would have us believe that these illegals are all here to pick lettuce. President Bush, who was adamant after September 11, 2001, that he would do all he could do to keep Americans safe, attempted to feed the American public the same false bill of goods. With the focus on the senorita cleaning motel rooms or the senor waiting outside Home Depot for a day labor job, Washington has forgotten that we are at war. We are at war with a sly, evasive enemy who preys on our unwillingness to secure our homeland. It should come as no surprise that the enemy is among us, waiting to strike. You have been warned. On October 19, 2001, J. Zane Walley reported for World Net Daily “Arabs have been reported crossing the Arizona border for an unknown period. Border rancher George Morgan encounters thousands of illegals crossing his ranch on a well-used trail. He relates a holiday event: ‘It was Thanksgiving 1998, and I stepped outside my house and there were over a hundred 'crossers' in my yard. Damnedest bunch of illegals I ever saw. All of them were wearing black pants, white shirts and string ties. Maybe they were hoping to blend in,’ he chuckled. ‘They took off, I called the Border Patrol, and a while later, an agent, Dan Green, let me know that they had caught them. He said that they were all Iranians.’ “According to Border Patrol spokesperson Rob Daniels, ‘Ten Egyptians were arrested recently near Douglas, Arizona. Each had paid $7,000 to be brought from Guatemala into Mexico and then across the border.’ "According to the San Diego Union-Tribune, hours after the 9-11 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, an anonymous caller led Mexican immigration agents to 41 undocumented Iraqis waiting to cross into the United States." more...
| America |

Secret Document: U.S. Fears Terror 'Spectacular' Planned ABC News (July 1, 2007) - A secret U.S. law enforcement report, prepared for the Department of Homeland Security, warns that al Qaeda is planning a terror "spectacular" this summer, according to a senior official with access to the document. "This is reminiscent of the warnings and intelligence we were getting in the summer of 2001," the official told U.S. officials have kept the information secret, and Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said today on ABC News' "This Week with George Stephanopoulos" that the United States did not have "have any specific credible evidence that there's an attack focused on the United States at this point." As reported, U.S. law enforcement officials received intelligence reports two weeks ago warning of terror attacks in Glasgow and Prague, the Czech Republic, against "airport infrastructure and aircraft." The warnings apparently never reached officials in Scotland, who said this weekend they had received "no advance intelligence" that Glasgow might be a target. Homeland Security Secretary Chertoff declined to comment specifically on on the report today, but said "everything that we get is shared virtually instantaneously with our counterparts in Britain and vice versa." Unlike the United States, officials in Germany have publicly warned that the country could face a major attack this summer, also comparing the situation to the pre-9/11 summer of 2001. more...
| Islam |
America |

Quiet or they might wake up...The Totalitarian Tiptoe David Icke Newsletter (July 1, 2007) - It is many years now since I coined the term 'The Totalitarian Tiptoe' for the technique of step-by-step changes leading to a long-planned goal. Each step is promoted as unconnected to all the others when in fact they are fundamentally connected and all lead in the same direction - centralised control. The idea of the Totalitarian Tiptoe is to diffuse the opposition there would be if they went from A to Z in one go. The change would be so great that heads would lift and eyes would open to ask the question: 'What's going on?' By taking baby steps, each change is sold as small and insignificant while the Shadow People orchestrate the steps to become, taken together, giant strides of change and imposition. There is no better example of this than the European Union and this week came another blatant example of the technique. This is also relevant to readers in the Americas, Asia, Africa and Australia-New Zealand because the same is happening there by the day. The European Union is only the precursor to four superstates that are being tiptoed into place. The others are the American Union (the North American Union - The United States, Canada and Mexico - is now secretly well advanced); the African Union; and the Asia-Pacific Union. These are designed to be the second tier of global control under a world government. If the manipulators had come clean and told the truth about these plans there would be have been an outcry decades ago. They knew this and so it has all been done on the sly, step by step.   The major politicians of all major parties say one thing in public while pursuing a very different path behind the scenes. The most important public face of Britain's entry into the European Community/Union was the child abuser and Conservative Party Prime Minister, Edward Heath, who signed the treaty of membership in 1972. He told the people that the then European Economic Community, or EEC, was just a free trade zone and not planned to be a centrally-controlled United States of Europe. But while Heath was saying 'it's only about free trade', a Foreign Office memo in 1971 warned: '... the Community is a process of fundamental political importance implying progressive development towards a political union'. This memo was suppressed for 30 years. In fact, Heath was agreeing to British political union with Europe as far back as April 1962 when he was Lord Privy Seal in the Conservative government of Harold Macmillan. He told the Ministerial Council of the Western European Union that '... you have decided that those who join the Economic Communities as full members must also join the Political Union. I am sure that this was the right decision' (Command Paper 1720). more...
EU/UN / 4th Kingdom | NewWorldOrder | America |

It's kind of scary how much information about the hidden history of politics is out there and where it is all leading. I can see how many people could get a whiff of this information and disregard it, it's part of our programming I think. The idea of "conspiracy" comes up and we immediately relegate the information to the kook section of memory to which we rarely go again. The more I understand Bible prophecy though, and our timing in it, the less I feel like a kook for seeing the possibility and the more blessed I feel to be led through information supporting Bible prophecy in regard to a world that will soon be controlled by the man of sin. The people have no power, even when we vote because all those in power or rich and well-known enough to get into power are all playing the same game with two faces. Given the nearness of the fulfillment of Bible prophecy, I wouldn't be a good watchman to remain silent. What can we do about it? Watch and pray. Luke 21:34-36, "And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares. For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth. Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man."

The people killed amnesty The Washington Times (July 1, 2007) - The justifiably furious reaction of the American public, which deluged senators with telephone calls, e-mails and faxes, forced the Senate to reverse itself yesterday and send the amnesty bill crashing to defeat — a potentially fatal blow. It was a devastating setback for the Bush administration and its Democratic Party allies, in particular Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Sen. Ted Kennedy. In addition to being an extraordinary substantive triumph for the American people, it was a huge victory for the conservative movement. Talkers such as Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, Laura Ingraham and many others played an indispensable role in making available the research by the Heritage Foundation and NumbersUSA and analysis from editorial pages such as this one to tens of millions of Americans in a very short period of time. But ironically, by demonstrating in a powerful way its ability to reach and educate the public about the specific problems with the bill, talk radio has also made liberal politicians like Sen. Dianne Feinstein even more determined to revive the so-called Fairness Doctrine (the equal-time policy enforced by the Federal Communications Commission until it was eliminated in 1987 at the urging of President Reagan) in an effort to take away the one part of the mass media that conservatives dominate. On the final vote, virtually the entire conservative movement lined up against the bill. On the losing side were the leading Democratic presidential contenders — Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama — and the Bush administration, vividly demonstrating the political gap between the president and the conservative movement. On Tuesday — just 48 hours before the legislative coalition supporting the bill crumbled — the bill appeared to have been given a new lease on life. Despite the abysmal poll ratings of the president and Congress, and the fact that barely one-quarter of the American public favored the bill, 64 senators (four more than needed) voted for cloture. This permitted Mr. Reid with White House support to bring the bill to the floor, together with a carefully selected group of amendments that amnesty advocates believed either 1) were unlikely to pass; or 2) if passed would not change the pro-amnesty thrust of the bill in a significant way; and 3) if necessary, could be stripped out of the legislation in conference. Yet just 48 hours later, the amnesty coalition collapsed, and the 64 Senate supporters became just 46. What happened? As we noted above, talk radio proved that in modern times, it is indispensable for conservative political success. Much of the credit should also go to the bipartisan lobbying organization NumbersUSA, a powerful advocate for strengthening border security, which made it clear to members of Congress that they weren't buying the phony games some lawmakers wanted to play: proposing tough-sounding amendments that stood little chance of becoming law, while voting for cloture — and in effect for amnesty. The 18 senators who switched from supporting amnesty on Tuesday to opposing it yesterday are Democrats Jeff Bingaman, Sherrod Brown, Tom Harkin, Ben Nelson, Mark Pryor and Jim Webb; and Republicans Kit Bond, Sam Brownback, Richard Burr, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, Pete Domenici, John Ensign, Mitch McConnell, Lisa Murkowski, Ted Stevens, George Voinovich and John Warner.
| America

America - A Nation of Apathy toward Truth! Last Trumpet Newsletter (July 2007) -

John 8:43-45
Why do ye not understand my speech? Even because ye cannot hear my word. Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.

II Thessalonians 2:8-12
And then shall that wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie. That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

Romans 1:28-31
And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness, full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity, whisperers, backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful.

In this issue of the Last Trumpet Newsletter, we will examine the greatest of all problems in the United States at this present time. In fact, it is the condition that leads to all other problems and allows Satan and his Illuministic human stooges to advance their cause and hellish agenda of one-world governance in a new world order. The problem I am referring to is apathy toward truth. In the Scriptures above, our Saviour told us that it has always been Satan's job and purpose to lay a foundation of deceit and build upon it with lies. Lies thrive in the darkness of misunderstanding and secrecy, but truth shines forth and cannot be hid. People everywhere have a choice to accept or reject the light of truth. If they reject truth, there is nothing left but the darkness of Satan's kingdom and domain. The Lord Jesus clearly stated this as the greatest problem in the world in John 3:19 as follows: "And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil." We now live in a world full of people who believe a whole lot of things that just aren't so, and they know very little about what is truly happening. It has been correctly stated that you can sell lies, but you cannot give the truth away. I might add that the truth is freely given to all who would gladly receive it and love it. Lies, however, always come with an ever-increasing price. Religions, governments, commerce, and every endeavor of sinful man are built on lies and deceit and are perpetuated by them. All that Satan has built up and established in the world through wars, commotions, craftiness of conspiracies, varieties of religions, and brainwashing philosophies are leading up to one great lie and grand deception at the end of this world. Even now, and more than ever, people everywhere are caught in its tentacles. The world is caught in a world wide web, an ensnaring net or Internet. The effect of all of this is converting people into living images of the beast; who look, talk, and act like programmed stooges and obey like trained seals. These people have no capacity for truth as our Saviour said, and when the throne of the antichrist makes its grand crescendo to rise up, only to quickly fall; the masses of people will rise and fall with it when the last trumpet sounds and our Saviour appears and the sky is filled with heavenly angels. This wondrous and marvelous event is not far off. The urgent question is: are you ready for that imminent day? Where will you be for eternity? The truth is that religion will never save you, and neither will your own best behavior. Only the Lord Jesus can save you, and He will if your truly repent, turn away from evil, and obey the Gospel as they did on the day of Pentecost. You will know immediate peace when you do this. Do it now, while there is a little time left! This year of 2007 is the 400th anniversary of America. (1) The Jamestown colony was founded in 1607 as the first settlement in America, and it was named after the same King James of England that ordered the translation of the Authorized Version, also known as the King James Bible. In a previous publication, I mentioned that the number 400 is highly significant in the Scripture. Israel was in bondage in Egypt for 400 years, and there were 400 years of silence between the Old and New Testaments during which time there was no prophet. In both of these cases, when the 400 years were over, there was a great manifestation of the Almighty in a sovereign move of His Spirit that changed the world forever. Now, America has existed for 400 years! What will happen next? more...
NewWorldOrder | America |

Alex Jones receives "anonymously" the member roster of the Bohemian Grove InfoWars (June 29, 2007) - An interesting package came into the Infowars mailbox recently-- sent anonymously with no return address-- but the contents revealed the reason for secrecy. Someone has shipped our office the 2006 membership roster for the secretive and exclusive Bohemian Grove, which Alex Jones infiltrated and exposed in 2000. A number of high profile elites appear on the list, including David Rockefeller (and son), Henry Kissinger, George H.W. Bush, Gerald Ford, David Gergen (who Alex Jones confronted about his grove membership), Colin Powell, George P. Shultz, Donald Rumsfeld and even Kenneth Starr, who gained attention after prosecuting Bill Clinton. See a 1981 news report on the grove. Many U.S. Presidents have gone to the grove, but most do not appear on the membership roster, though we know that Reagan, Nixon (both pictured below at the Grove), George W. Bush, Herbert Hoover and many other presidents have also attended but are not listed, as is the case for presidential advisor Karl Rove. Walter Cronkite, the infamous and notable TV journalist, is also a member and listed in the directory. The 'P' next to his name denotes "Regular - Professional." Also listed is the King of Sweden, Carl XVI Gustaf. Beyond Presidents and elite world controllers, the exclusive male-only club has obviously used the appeal of the retreat to influence the world of academia-- at least 50 well-known universities are represented at Bohemian Grove, including almost every school in California, at least any that come to mind. The members-- which includes listings of older and deceased members who no longer attend-- are influential faculty members, board members, trustees or presidents of universities. Stanford University with 17 members and U.C. Berkeley with 19 members, were the most heavily represented schools. (See members from academia below-- note: only those members with schools listed by their name were counted as academia, with many other members listed by city and name or only by name). more...
NewWorldOrder | America |

While the information sent anonymously cannot be taken as fact, I find it interesting that our nation's scholarship is in such high attendance. Knowing that the best way to affect change long-term is to brainwash the youth, and experiencing that ourselves in the education system, I have no doubt that many in the power structure of the education system are active participants in the plans of the New World Order. I also have no doubt that many people we deem as good are really playing an act in public while their true intentions are only seen in these groups of common interest, that of bringing a New World Order and its connections with the occult. We are conditioned to take these "conspiracy theories" with a grain of salt. I know I have for a long time. But the closer we get to the end, the more bold these groups are becoming and the more people in the know are speaking up about these activities.

Target Iran - Countdown Timeline (June 2007) - The Bush Administration has almost certainly not approved the timing of military operations against Iran, and consequently any projection of the probable timing of such operations is neccessarily speculative. The election of Mahmoud Ahmadi-Nejad as Iran's new president would appear to preclude a negotiated resolution of Iran's nuclear program. The success of strikes against Iran's WMD facilities requires both tactical and strategic surprise, so there will not be the sort of public rhetorical buildup in the weeks preceeding hostilities, of the sort that preceeded the invasion of Iraq. To the contrary, the Bush Administration will do everything within its power to deceive Iran's leaders into believing that military action is not imminent. The Coalition for Democracy in Iran was formed in 2001 to mobilize the efforts of a variety of groups and individuals across the United States supporting the aspirations of the Iranian people for freedom, democracy and respect for human rights in Iran. The CDI strongly supports President Bush's designation of Iran as part of the deadly "axis of evil." Michael Ledeen [of the American Enterprise Institute], Morris Amitay [a former director of the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee, or AIPAC], and James Woolsley [former CIA director] formed the Coalition for Democracy in Iran, which has strong ties to the exiled Reza Pahlavi, the deceased shah's son. more...
Iran | America

'Dhimmification' on the march The Washington Times (June 29, 2007) - If anyone wants to know why Muslims the world over tell pollsters the United States is at war with Islam, just read President Bush's speech at the Islamic Center of Washington, especially the part about American-style religious freedom — in the president's words, "what we wish for the world." He began this way: "For those who seek a true understanding of our country, they need look no farther than here." No, not the mosque itself, but down the street it occupies. "This Muslim center sits quietly down the road from a synagogue, a Lutheran Church, a Catholic parish, a Greek Orthodox chapel, a Buddhist temple — each with faithful followers who practice their deeply held beliefs and live side by side in peace," the president explained, standing in his Islamically observant stocking feet before a cool Muslim audience. "This is what freedom offers: societies where people can live and worship as they choose without intimidation, without suspicion, without a knock on the door from the secret police." As one who has attended a Bar Mitzvah at that synagogue down the road, I have news for the president: Freedom, American-style, has changed. To enter, I passed an armed guard holding an automatic weapon manning the door. Armed guards like him man many such doors in many such cities. In fact, so common is it for religious worship (mainly, but not exclusively, Jewish worship) to require armed protection today that we miss the implications: the degree to which freedom to worship without fear in America has been curtailed by the open-ended threat of Buddhist violence. Whoops, sorry. I mean, curtailed by the open-ended threat of Greek Orthodox violence. Or was that Catholic Lutheran violence? No, the peril to the synagogue was, and remains, Islamic violence. The resulting diminution of freedom is a symptom of advancing dhimmitude — the diminished cultural condition of non-Muslims living in relation to Islam. So, freedom of worship ain't what it used to be. But even in its terror-constrained state, the spread of American religious freedom actually threatens religiously unfree Islamic cultures, which, for example, consider "apostasy" — deciding not to be Muslim — a capital crime. But that threat is only on paper. Where Americans actually become involved in the Islamic world, Shariah (Islamic law) is protected, enshrined even, as shockingly attested by Shariah's primacy in the American-fostered constitutions of Iraq, Afghanistan and the Palestinian Authority. The president doesn't seem to understand that. I don't think he even understands Shariah, under which the primacy of Islam is absolute, and other religions are "tolerated," at best, at the high cost of dhimmitude. Nearly six years after September 11 — nearly six years after first visiting the Islamic Center and proclaiming "Islam is peace" — Mr. Bush has learned nothing.
Islam | America |

See - The Society of Americans for National Existence (SANE) announced today the launch of the Mapping Shari’a in America Project, the world’s first effort to systematically evaluate the threat that a nation faces from efforts to impose Shari’a within its borders. The project will collect information about America’s 2,300-plus mosques and associated day schools, provide information to both law enforcement officials and the public, and test the proposition that Shari’a amounts to a criminal conspiracy to overthrow the U.S. government.

Chavez: Prepare for war with U.S. WorldNetDaily (June 25, 2007) - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez called for his military to prepare for a guerrilla-style war against the U.S., accusing Washington of using psychological and economic means to overturn his government. Clad in military attire, Chavez addressed hundreds of soldiers inside Tiuna Fort, surrounded by tanks and armored vehicles decorated with banners declaring, "Fatherland, Socialism, or Death! We will triumph!" Chavez repeatedly warned of a U.S. invasion and commanded, "We must continue developing the resistance war, that's the anti- imperialist weapon. We must think and prepare for the resistance war everyday." Chavez told soldiers the U.S. would invade to steal control over Venezuela's oil reserves. However, U.S. officials reject Chavez's accusations that the U.S. may be considering a military assault but have expressed concern over the significant arms build-up in Venezuela. "It's not just armed warfare," said Chavez, a close ally of fellow rogue leader Fidel Castro of Cuba. "I'm also referring to psychological warfare, media warfare, political warfare, economic warfare." Chavez, a former military officer, is leading what he refers to as the "Bolivarian Revolution," a socialist movement named after Simon Bolivar, a 19th independence hero. Since Chavez has been in power Venezuela has purchased $3 billion worth of Russian arms, including 53 military helicopters, 100,000 Kalashnikov rifles and 24 SU-30 Sukhoi fighter jets. Chavez also expressed that he wishes to purchase arms, including submarines and a missile-equipped air defense system, as he soon prepares to tour Russia, Belarus and Iran. "We are strengthening Venezuela's military power precisely to avoid imperial aggressions and assure peace, not to attack anybody," said Chavez Sunday. Last September, in an address to the United Nations General Assembly, Chavez referred to President Bush as "the devil," accusing the U.S. of being a hegemonic world power seeking global domination. "The American empire is doing all it can to consolidate its system of domination. And we cannot allow them to do that. We cannot allow world dictatorship to be consolidated," Chavez warned. Air Force Maj. Juan Diaz Castillo, formerly a pilot for the Venezuelan leader, warned U.S. officials of what he calls Chavez's dismissal of the constitution and his ties to terrorism in collaboration with Castro. more...
| America |

Tyranny and the Military Commissions Act Jacob G. Hornberger (June 20, 2007) - In Star Wars, Episode 3, in response to the Senate’s grant of sweeping powers to Chancellor Palpatine, Padme declares, “So this is how liberty dies: with thunderous applause.” The same may be said about the Military Commissions Act (MCA) that was recently enacted by Congress – that this is how freedom ends, with or without the applause. Despite the fact that the MCA has received just a modicum of publicity from the mainstream press, it is undoubtedly the most ominous and dangerous piece of legislation in our lifetime. By suspending habeas corpus for foreigners, by adopting the executive branch’s “enemy combatant” designation for both Americans and foreigners, and by establishing military tribunals for foreigners, the law not only entails a fundamental reordering of our criminal justice system but also effectively places the U.S. military in control of the American people. Habeas corpus Of all the rights and freedoms mentioned and enumerated in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, the writ of habeas corpus is arguably the most important safeguard of individual freedom. Without the “Great Writ,” none of the other rights and liberties has much value. To illustrate why this is so, let us assume that we live in a society in which everyone has the right of freedom of speech, including the right to criticize government programs. One day, someone criticizes some government policy. That day, a federal SWAT team conducts a no-knock raid and arrests the critic. The next day, several people protest the arrest, arguing that the prisoner has the right to criticize the government under principles of free speech. That afternoon, federal agents arrest and incarcerate some of the critics. What could be done to get the prisoners released from incarceration? The answer is: Nothing, unless the society recognizes the writ of habeas corpus. With habeas corpus, the prisoner files a petition with the judicial branch of government, asking a judge to order his custodian to appear before the judge to justify his incarceration of the prisoner. If the custodian refuses to comply, the judge issues an arrest warrant for him, which is enforced at the federal level by deputy marshals. Or let’s assume that the custodian shows up and says, “Your honor, the reason we’re holding him in custody is that he criticized the government.” In that case, the judge can order his immediate release, holding that criticizing the government is not a crime. Or if the judge incorrectly upholds the detention, the prisoner can file an immediate appeal to the appellate courts, which ordinarily give priority to habeas corpus proceedings. Without habeas corpus, there is no way for a person who is being wrongfully detained to challenge his detention, even if the detention has gone on for years. In the absence of habeas corpus, he must continue to languish in prison until the authorities, out of the kindness of their hearts, decide to release him. That’s in fact the way things work in communist China and communist Cuba, where everyone is guaranteed freedom of speech but has no way to secure his release from prison after exercising it. more...
| America

Shocking Truth Uncovered about U.N. Taxation Plan pdf - Powerful international organizations and personalities, including the United Nations and left-wing billionaire oligarch George Soros, are promoting global taxes that would extract trillions of dollars from the American people. In violation of the letter and spirit of the so-called "Helms-Biden" U.N. "reform" law, which was passed by the U.S. Congress to prohibit the world body from promoting or adopting international taxes, the U.N. has prepared a book, New Sources of Development Finance, advocating global taxes on the American people. The book suggests global environmental taxes and a global currency tax that would affect the international investments of ordinary Americans. According to journalist Steven Solomon, a former staff reporter at Forbes, such a proposal, known as the Tobin Tax, "might net some $13 trillion a year..." more...
EU/UN / 4th Kingdom
 | NewWorldOrder | America |

The Secret Agenda Behind the Law of the Sea Treaty pdf - The Bush Administration supports Senate ratification of the Law of the Sea Treaty (UNCLOS), a measure so extreme that former U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Jeane Kirkpatrick said that it was viewed as the cornerstone of a Marxist-oriented New International Economic Order (NIEO). This was conceived as a scheme to transfer money and technology from the U.S. and other developed countries to the Third World. Kirkpatrick strongly opposed ratification of UNCLOS. The elements of a world government could be put in place if UNCLOS, described as the most comprehensive treaty ever and a “Constitution of the Oceans,” is ratified and implemented. At a time when conservatives and Republicans are raising concerns about activist judges on the national level who cite international law and foreign rulings in their opinions, UNCLOS will open the U.S. up to international lawsuits and climate change litigation, providing a back door for implementation of the unratified and costly global warming treaty. more...
EU/UN / 4th Kingdom | NewWorldOrder | America |

Now we know why the Panama Canal was given away Rumor Mill News (June 19, 2007) - Treason Abounds ~ Gov't Cabal Plots North American Union (NAU) Didn't you every wonder why Carter gave away the Panama Canal? In his article titled: Meet Robert Pastor: Father of the North American Union, Jerome Corsi charges that: "Robert Pastor intends to give away U.S. sovereignty to a newly forming North American Union exactly as he gave away the Panama Canal to Panama during Jimmy Carter's presidency."(99) There is absolutely no doubt about the clear and evident goal of the CFR as constantly expressed by their 'golden boy' Dr. Robert A. Pastor. He has been a consistent 'mouth piece' for their agenda for a minimum of eight years which includes the two years of study he made of the European Union before he wrote his 2001 'blueprint' for the NAU. He has been groomed, engaged, supported and showered with accolades from within and without the CFR's many tentacled operations, organizations and 'good ole boy' connections. Over the years he has had access and positions at the highest levels of our government. Of import was the fact that from "February 1975 to January 1977, Dr. Pastor was executive director of the Linowitz Commission on U.S./Latin American Relations. The Linowitz Commission supported President Carter's decision to negotiate a treaty to turn over the Panama Canal to Panama. Pastor left the Linowitz Commission to join [and then] become director of the Office of Latin American and Caribbean Affairs in the National Security Council in the Carter White House. There Pastor served as Carter's 'point man' in getting the Senate to narrowly vote for the Carter-Torrijos Treaty on April 18, 1978, despite staunch objections from conservative politicians including Ronald Reagan." Did you know that it "was CFR stalwarts Henry Kissinger, Ellsworth Bunker and Sol Linowitz who arranged (with Senate approval) to give away the U.S. canal in Panama, and to pay the Marxist dictatorship in that country $400 million to take it?" more...
NewWorldOrder | America |

Israel on the Brink, Again The Conservative Voice (June 19, 2007) - Last summer we saw a bungled war between Israel and Hezbollah that ended in a stalemate, which is not what Israel intended when it began. Israeli Prime Minister, Ehud Olmert sounded like he meant business when he declared that Hezbollah would be driven out of Lebanon. But Israel made the same mistake as we continue to make in Iraq. We are allowing too much concern for civilian casualties to interfere with winning the war. This is a mistake that neither Israel nor the US has learned to avoid, I'm sorry to say. To make things worse, Olmert gave the Gaza Strip to the Palestinians as a “peace offering.” He should have known better and we can only hope that he learned a lesson from it. Today, Gaza is now a threat to Israel’s very survival and any responsible leader should have seen this coming. Anything you give to Palestinians, they will take but instead of saying “thank you” they only demand more. Sound familiar? Things were kind of ok there for a while as long as President Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah party was holding the guns and could control the militias. But the rivalry between Abbas and the democratically elected representatives of Hamas continued to heat up ever since the election in January, 2006. Hamas is not a political party. It is a terrorist organization which pretended to be a political party for the election. But let’s make one thing clear. Fatah party members are just as responsible for terrorism on Israel as is Hamas, if not more. It’s hard to know which is worse, but Fatah is considered a little more moderate and willing to work for peace. Hamas, on the other hand, has but one goal - the obliteration of Israel. Neither one is a friend to the US or Israel. In Gaza, over the past couple of weeks, fighting between Fatah and Hamas militias has reached the boiling point. Fatah soldiers have been killed or driven out of Gaza, leaving the entire region in the hands of Hamas. During the takeover, stockpiles of American weapons supplied to Fatah were seized by Hamas as were critical CIA records covering CIA activities in the Middle East and tactics to defeat the radicals. This Friday, Abbas dissolved the Palestinian government, kicked Hamas out of Parliament, and appointed a new Prime Minister who is currently without a cabinet. Fatah is the old Yasir Arafat P.L.O. party. Now the western media is naively asking “How is Hamas going to govern in Gaza when they don’t have access to government money and resources?” Do they really think Hamas took Gaza so they could “govern” it? Hamas’s only concern for governing consists of giving free stuff to the poor, just like the American Democrat Party does, for the purpose of holding their support. They have renamed Gaza to “Hamasistan”. Hamas doesn’t care about Gaza but it does put them in a valuable strategic position to attack Israel from the south. I’m sure they won’t have any trouble getting money from Iran and Syria which is where they get their weapons, except of course, the ones they just got from America. The media is calling this a “civil war” but I think it’s much more than that, just as Iraq is much more than a civil war. Now that they have Gaza, Hamas intends to take the West Bank as well which, will put them within shooting range of Tel Aviv. The Bush Administration is sending reinforcements to Fatah troops in the West Bank which so far have been holding off Hamas fighters. The question to be asked is should the US be taking sides and sending more arms to either Palestinian side? Considering what happened with them in Gaza, I don’t think so. A second shipment is under consideration. A little further north, Syrian troops have been gathering on the border in the Golan Heights and conducting war games to pass the time while they wait - for what? Just to their west in Lebanon, Hezbollah has recovered from last year’s war. They have rebuilt their tunnels along the northern Israeli border and stocked them with from 20,000 to 25,000 Russian made Kasam, Katusha and “tank buster” rockets. And all of this was done right under the watchful eyes of the UN peacekeepers planted there last year for the expressed purpose of preventing it. Is there really any question about whose side the UN is on? more...
Iran | Gog/Magog | Israel | Islam | EU/UN / 4th Kingdom | America |

This article is a good overview of the latest events that I believe will lead up to the Gog/Magog invasion. Read the whole article. In the bigger picture, the war between Islam and the West, I actually believe that the ultimate goal is for both sides to continue the war as long as possible so that the world is fed up with it and are more willing to accept a savior. That's the idea behind what Albert Pike wrote in 1871. The ultimate goal of that plan? "...Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time." Just a bunch of conspiracy mumbo-jumbo? We're dealing with an angel of light, existent for millennia, working for the destruction of the human race while influencing people through pride and selfishness to bring the world under his dominion. He is the master conspirator and he's way smarter than any of us. Keep watching!

"Raw" Almonds Must be Heated or Treated with Toxic Chemical Bioneers (June 18, 2007) - The following is a news release from Cornucopia institute CORNUCOPIA, WI: Small-scale farmers, retailers, and consumers are outraged over a new federal regulation that will require all almonds grown in California to be sterilized with various “pasteurization” techniques. The rule, which the USDA quietly developed in response to outbreaks of Salmonella in 2001 and 2004, traced to raw almonds, mandates that all almonds undergo a sterilization process that includes chemical and/or high-temperature treatments. Although the final rule was just published in the Federal Register, The Cornucopia Institute, a Wisconsin-based farm policy research group, is asking the USDA to reopen the proceeding for public comment. Cornucopia contends that the rule was never effectively announced to the public, and that the reasoning behind both the necessity and safety of the sterilization processes should be questioned before the rule goes into effect this September. “The new rule is unwarranted and could have many harmful impacts," said Mark Kastel, senior farm policy analyst at Cornucopia. “The costs of the chemical and heat treatments, in addition to the costs of transporting and recording the new procedures, will be especially onerous on small-scale and organic farmers, and could force many out of business.” The only exemption to these new regulations will be organic “raw” almonds that will not be fumigated, but will undergo the steam-heat treatment, and small-scale growers who can sell truly raw almonds but only direct to the public from farm stands. Although foodborne illnesses have garnered headlines in recent years, including contamination of California-grown spinach and lettuce, raw produce and nuts are not inherently risky foods. Contamination occurs when livestock manure or fecal matter is inadvertently transferred to food through contaminated water, soil, or transportation and handling equipment. Raw foods can also be infected by poor employee sanitation either on the farm or in processing facilities. Glenn Anderson, a small-scale organic almond farmer in the central valley of California, worries that “This could be one more way for the big companies and the government to put us small farmers out of business.” more...
| America |

Bush's Trojan Horse For America NewsWithViews (June 18, 2007) - “Doing nothing is not a solution,” said President George W. Bush last Tuesday at his news conference. “We need to pass immigration reform now.” Since he ‘did nothing’ before or after 9/11 to stop terrorists by leaving our borders open and he hasn’t done anything for the past six years to stop illegal aliens, now he offers to enforce our laws with $4.4 billion from money paid by illegal aliens as fines to gain citizenship. That’s like saying police officers issuing speeding tickets will pay for the construction of the highway! “Gosh Aunt Bee, that makes about as much sense as a hound dog chasing a porcupine to see how many quills he can bite!” said Gomer. After ‘doing nothing’ for the past six years and clearly in violation of his oath of office, he arm twisted key senators to reintroduce his ‘Comprehensive Immigration Reform Bill’ that was defeated in the Senate on June 7, 2007 by a massive outpouring of Americans protests. Is Bush completely out his mind or will he go down in history as a cunning Trojan horse president? You can’t be sure. But, it’s a fact he’s playing citizens of this country as fools that will do nothing to stop his plans for dissolving the sovereignty of the United States. As shown for many years, Americans won’t react until it’s too late. What Bush proposes stands as a Trojan horse. Except, in this case, Bush drags the horse inside the walls of his own country. Just as he lacked understanding of his invasion of Iraq, he’s about to unleash this Trojan horse immigration scheme into the belly of America. It will prove deadly beyond anyone’s understanding. “The whole Senate bill is the horse,” said Dr. John Tanton, publisher of “The Trojan it contains is section 413, which will be taken as authorizing the SPP (Security and Prosperity Partnership), which is mentioned by name, and behind and above this some form of an eventual North American Union.” Tanton said, “Here is what Robert Pastor, American University professor and chief architect of the NAU concept, writes in his book "Toward a North American Community" (Institute for International Economics ) on page 9: “Second, NAFTA is just a free trade area, whereas the European Union passed that threshold decades ago, on its way to becoming a customs union (with a common external tariff), a common market (with free movement of labor and capital), and finally an economic and monetary Union." “I am theorizing that Bush sees full blown North American Union on a continental scale as his ultimate legacy,” Tanton said. “One that through its "free movement of labor" provisions that will vitiate most immigration control legislation as it applies to North America, including the present bill. In its grand scope, the NAU will overshadow in the long run Bush’s blunder of the Iraq war. The Senate immigration bill is just the "carrier," the "stalking horse" for this larger concept.” If you look at the media running stories sympathetic to massive illegal alien migration, it’s a prep job for ‘soothing’ and ‘dumbing down’ American citizens until they won’t know what hit them. America’s middle class degrades before your eyes in 2007. Once our borders vanish, if you think 20 million illegal aliens haven’t done enough damage, you ain’t seen nothing compared to what the next 20 million will bring. As that Trojan horse with free movement of labor from south of the border ruptures our language, culture, economic and educational systems, social security, hospitals and prisons—we morph into another Mexico. In other words, the hound dog caught the porcupine’s full arsenal of quills. Once another 10 to 20 million of Mexico’s poor take America’s jobs, we create a whole new poor class. Who cheers this Trojan horse? Big business, Council on Foreign Relations, Tri-lateral Commission and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, that’s who! more...
NewWorldOrder | America |

The further in time we go, the less I believe Bush's actions are separate from that of the New World Order's goals. For a long time, I didn't want to believe it, but I can't deny his own words. He's pushing for a New World Order, the goal of the elitists that are grooming the earth for the ultimate fulfillment of the one world government that will be run by the antichrist according to Bible prophecy. Stopping these events is not possible as the Bible is 100% accurate, but it is the evil forces of this world that are pushing events to their fulfillment, whether they realize it or not. Seeing the kind of evil and injustice in the world today really makes me want the Lord to return sooner rather than later to fix this mess we find ourselves in now. Absolute power corrupts absolutely and the governments of the world are filled with those holding the power over the people, creating laws and planning for complete control in the near future over the population. Eventually it will come down to a simple choice, worship the beast as God or die. Christ is our salvation and I urge you to develop a personal relationship with Him now if you haven't already. Open your eyes and research this yourself too, the world system is not being designed with your benefit in mind. It is designed to enslave you. Christ offers freedom, peace, love, and joy to them that love Him and obey Him.

DEBKAfile Exclusive: Hamas – and its Syrian and Iranian sponsors - capture priceless Palestinian Authority intelligence archives in Gaza putsch DEBKAfile (June 17, 2007) - The Fatah-led general intelligence and security services caved in too fast to shred, wipe or burn documents, computer disks and archives. The entire collection fell into Hamas' hands when they seized Palestinian Preventive Intelligence HQ at Tel Awa (henceforth Tel al-Islam) and the Palestinian General Intelligence center near Gaza port. DEBKAfile's intelligence sources say: Never before has a bonanza of Western intelligence secrets on this scale ever reached an implacably hostile Islamist terrorist gang. The US, British and Israeli intelligence services may have suffered their greatest debacle in the war on Islamist terror. It will take them many years to recover. Hamas has taken possession of hundreds of thousands of documents cataloguing the clandestine operations of Western intelligence services in the Middle East, including Saudi Arabia and the oil emirates. It is now the owner of complete archives of Palestinian undercover links with foreign intelligence services going back decades, with names of spies, political collaborators and double agents. The documentation covers the secret ties Palestinian intelligence maintained from the 1970s, when Yasser Arafat was based in Lebanon, with the Americans, the British, the French, the Israelis and many others. Most intelligence experts say Israel should have bombed the two buildings and destroyed their contents rather than letting them fall into the hands of an organization and country dedicated to its eclipse. For Hamas, this booty is priceless – and not only as the repository of bombs for planting under Mahmoud Abbas and his cohorts. The Palestinian group's Syrian and Iranian sponsors will pay a king's ransom for this unique collection of explosive secrets hidden by many a Western intelligence agency and government. Damascus and Tehran will be hugely empowered with the means to stay a jump ahead of American moves in the region and tools to sabotage US policies at any time. They will have a store of national secrets and compromising information to hold over the heads of Western leaders and officials, lists of undercover agents, and records of covert operations carried out by the Israeli Mossad, Shin Bet and Military Intelligence, CIA, British MI6 and other Western agencies. Iran, Syria and Hamas will know the names of politicians, including Israelis, who worked secretly with Palestinians and their shady deals. One intelligence expert said that the Gaza hoard left in enemy hands by Abbas and Mohammed Dahlan are the crown jewels compared with the Saddam Hussein's intelligence archives. In the Palestinian security service building, Hamas found computer hard disks covering years of undercover activity and a complete set of sophisticated wiretapping and surveillance equipment and sensors which the CIA and MI6 gave Mahmoud Abbas and his forces. It was all in perfect condition ready to switch on. After the Nazi regime was defeated at the end of World War II and Eastern Germany fell in the 1990s, there were officials willing to make a desperate effort to destroy or hide their intelligence treasure. Palestinian intelligence officers did not burn a single page.
Iran | Israel | Islam | EU/UN / 4th Kingdom | America

It’s Official: The Crash of the U.S. Economy has begun Global Research (June 14, 2007) - It’s official. Mark your calendars. The crash of the U.S. economy has begun. It was announced the morning of Wednesday, June 13, 2007, by economic writers Steven Pearlstein and Robert Samuelson in the pages of the Washington Post, one of the foremost house organs of the U.S. monetary elite. Pearlstein’s column was titled, “The Takeover Boom, About to Go Bust” and concerned the extraordinary amount of debt vs. operating profits of companies currently subject to leveraged buyouts. In language remarkably alarmist for the usually ultra-bland pages of the Post, Pearlstein wrote, “It is impossible to predict when the magic moment will be reached and everyone finally realizes that the prices being paid for these companies, and the debt taken on to support the acquisitions, are unsustainable. When that happens, it won't be pretty. Across the board, stock prices and company valuations will fall. Banks will announce painful write-offs, some hedge funds will close their doors, and private-equity funds will report disappointing returns. Some companies will be forced into bankruptcy or restructuring.” Further, “Falling stock prices will cause companies to reduce their hiring and capital spending while governments will be forced to raise taxes or reduce services, as revenue from capital gains taxes declines. And the combination of reduced wealth and higher interest rates will finally cause consumers to pull back on their debt-financed consumption. It happened after the junk-bond and savings-and-loan collapses of the late 1980s. It happened after the tech and telecom bust of the late '90s. And it will happen this time.” Samuelson’s column, “The End of Cheap Credit,” left the door slightly ajar in case the collapse is not quite so severe. He wrote of rising interest rates, “As the price of money increases, borrowing and the economy might weaken. The deep slump in housing could worsen. We could also discover that the long period of cheap credit has left a nasty residue.” Other writers with less prestigious platforms than the Post have been talking about an approaching financial bust for a couple of years. Among them has been economist Michael Hudson, author of an article on the housing bubble titled, “The New Road to Serfdom” in the May 2006 issue of Harper’s. Hudson has been speaking in interviews of a “break in the chain” of debt payments leading to a “long, slow economic crash,” with “asset deflation,” “mass defaults on mortgages,” and a “huge asset grab” by the rich who are able to protect their cash through money laundering and hedging with foreign currency bonds. Among those poised to profit from the crash is the Carlyle Group, the equity fund that includes the Bush family and other high-profile investors with insider government connections. A January 2007 memorandum to company managers from founding partner William E. Conway, Jr., recently appeared which stated that, when the current “liquidity environment”—i.e., cheap credit—ends, “the buying opportunity will be a once in a lifetime chance.” more...
| America |

I would recommend watching Money As Debt. Also, I recommend watching America: Freedom to Fascism. Also other interesting online videos here. Things are not as they appear, and the closer we get to the end, the more we're going to see the collapse of sovereign nations which will be incorporated into the global community. What we are taught about the world we live in is only in part. Focus on certain aspects with ignorance to others is the tool that is leading the sheeple to believe certain things and accept certain things as reality. Do you wonder why it seems that the leadership is acting in irresponsible ways regarding the economy, etc? I believe there is a goal behind it all, and it plays into the New World Order and the globalist agenda. Bible prophecy places the end of the current happenings in a world controlled by the man of sin, the antichrist.

Driver ticketed for using biofuel The News & Observer (June 11, 2007) - Bob Teixeira decided it was time to take a stand against U.S. dependence on foreign oil. So last fall the Charlotte musician and guitar instructor spent $1,200 to convert his 1981 diesel Mercedes to run on vegetable oil. He bought soybean oil in 5-gallon jugs at Costco, spending about 30 percent more than diesel would cost. His reward, from a state that heavily promotes alternative fuels: a $1,000 fine last month for not paying motor fuel taxes. He has been told to expect another $1,000 fine from the federal government. To legally use veggie oil, state officials told him, he would have to first post a $2,500 bond. Teixeira is one of a growing number of fuel-it-yourselfers -- backyard brewers who recycle restaurant grease or make moonshine for their car tanks. They do it to save money, reduce pollution or thumb their noses at oil sheiks. They're also caught in a web of little-known state laws that can stifle energy independence. State Sen. Stan Bingham, R-Denton, is known around Raleigh for his diesel Volkswagen fueled by used soybean oil. The car sports a "Goodbye, OPEC" sign. "If somebody was going to go to this much trouble to drive around in a car that uses soybean oil, they ought to be exempt" from state taxes, he said. The state Department of Revenue, which fined Teixeira, has asked legislators to waive the $2,500 bond for small fuel users. The department also told Teixeira, after the Observer asked about his case this week, that it will compromise on his fine. But officials say they'll keep pursuing taxes on all fuels used in highway vehicles. With its 29.9-cent a gallon gas tax, the state collects $1.2 billion each year to pay for road construction. "With the high cost of fuel right now, the department does recognize that a lot of people are looking for relief," said Reggie Little, assistant director of the motor fuel taxes division. "We're not here to hurt the small guy, we're just trying to make sure that the playing field is level." more...
| America

F-Word OK on TV Plugged In Online (June 15, 2007) - Pop diva Cher, during the Billboard Music Awards of Dec. 9, 2002, had two words for her critics: "F--- 'em." It took the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals 53 pages to tell pro-family advocates that it was A-OK for her to do so. Cher's obscenity was aired, uncensored, on Fox during what is typically classified as family viewing time. The Federal Communications Commission scolded Fox for the slip (though the FCC did not fine the network), and for a similar occurrence on the same awards show the following year. But on June 4, the court told the FCC that it had no right to take Fox to task for this pesky profanity. The court declared that the FCC's policies on the matter were "inconsistent and arbitrary," that the f-word and its cussin' cousin, the s-word, are not necessarily "profane" or "indecent," according to the letter of the law. The ruling was painted as a victory for broadcast networks, who fret about censorship and would rather not be bothered by the potentially hefty fines the FCC could slap on offenders. FCC chairman Kevin Martin was less bullish. "I find it hard to believe that the New York court would tell American families that [the s-word] and [the f-word] are fine to say on broadcast television during the hours when children are most likely to be in the audience," Martin said in a statement. more...
| America

Another Border Patrol agent sent to prison WorldNetDaily (June 11, 2007) - Noe Aleman, a border patrol agent for 12 years in the El Paso sector of Texas, is headed to federal prison today, destined to join Border Patrol Agent Ignacio "Nacho" Ramos in solitary confinement at Yazoo City, Miss., both having been prosecuted by El Paso U.S. Attorney Johnny Sutton. He surrenders to the U.S. Marshal's office at the U.S. District Court in El Paso at 2:00 pm local time today. What was Aleman's crime? "I was prosecuted for trying to adopt the three daughters of my wife's sister after their father died in Mexico," Aleman said in a telephone interview. "My wife and I cannot have children and we already have an adopted Samoan child from Hawaii, Noe Aleman III, now age 18." But to read the statement from Sutton's office, Aleman is a dangerous criminal who defrauded the United States by smuggling aliens, providing false testimony to the adoption court, and lying to federal authorities about the girls' ages, whereabouts, and parentage. "I'm just another victim in George Bush, Alberto Gonzales, and Johnny Sutton's war against Border Patrol agents," Aleman said in the telephone interview. According to Aleman, Sutton's prosecutors repeatedly lied, suggesting that Aleman had a sexual relationship with the girls, aged 12, 13, and 15 when the adoption procedures began 3 years ago, and that his purposes were prurient, not fatherly. "Federal investigators questioned these minor girls without a lawyer present," Aleman said. "We protested, but nothing we have said in this whole case has made any difference." "Sutton's office decided my wife and I were criminals," Aleman pleaded. "Our only offense was that we wanted to adopt my wife's three nieces from Mexico and some forms were filled out incorrectly. How many illegal immigrants from Mexico bother to fill out any forms at all?" Aleman's legally adopted daughters are today at an orphanage in Juarez, separated from their adopted parents and forbidden from returning to the United States for another 10 years. "It's hard to see what's happened to me as justice," Aleman argued over the phone. "I spent 12 years of my life on the border trying to prevent criminals and illegal aliens from entering the United States and now I find myself going to federal prison." "What crime did I commit?" Aleman asks. "There are organized criminals out there who bring hundreds of women and children into the U.S. for sexual exploitation. I'm not one of the bad guys. I'm one of the good guys who just wanted to adopt three kids who were already part of our family." The Aleman family has set up a defense site at their website.
| America |

Man's justice through Beaurocracy. Thank God His justice is actually just. This story makes me sick and it's this kind of thing that could be happening to others in the near future, especially those considered radical by the state. Such broad definitions will be applicable to many who don't deserve it. This story has an air about it that stinks to high heaven of corruption, but what can we do? Contact the government? I think there is a method to this madness, which is even more scary. That is why it's so important to remain in Christ, watch, and pray.

PC mandate gone wild: Christian books yanked WorldNetDaily (June 11, 2007) - Hundreds of Christian books are disappearing off the shelves of U.S. prisons under a federal directive intended to prevent violent inmates from receiving radical Islamic texts, prompting a lawsuit. Instead of focusing on Muslim books, the directive restricts literature from all religions, the Associated Press reported. The post-9/11 order, which only now is being implemented, allows the prison libraries to stock only 100 to 150 books for each religion. Three inmates at the federal prison camp in Otisville, N.Y., have filed suit, claiming violation of their constitutional rights. Inmate John Okon told U.S. District Judge Laura Taylor Swain the set of books removed from the prison were used to minister to new converts. "I have really seen religion turn around the life of some of these men, especially in the Christian community," he said, according to the AP. Assistant U.S. Attorney Brian Feldman explained to the judge the rule limiting books was the result of a review by the Department of Justice in April 2004 of how prisons choose Muslims providers of religious services. The reason for the delay is unclear, the AP reported, but prison officials said they needed time to look over a long list of books. As WND reported, prisons have proven to be a fertile recruiting ground for al-Qaida, spawning the likes of shoebomber Richard Reid and alleged dirty bomber Jose Padilla. Christian prison chaplains say Islam is so popular with inmates they are having a hard time competing with Muslim chaplains for their souls. Blacks are being converted by the cell block. The FBI worries blacks could be the next face of terror in America.
| America |

Turkish, Iranian cooperation against PKK irks US and Iraq Turkish Weekly (June 11, 2007) - News that Iranian and Turkish forces are shelling the PKK hideouts in northern Iraq from their own territories apparently in a coordinated manner has created deep discomfort in Baghdad, Erbil and Washington prompting the Iraqi government to hand a diplomatic note to Turkey calling "to act together" against the militants. Turkey's charge d'affair in Baghdad Ahmet Yzal was invited to the Iraqi Foreign Ministry on Saturday where he was handed the note. Turkish diplomatic sources stressed that this was not a protest note and that it was aimed to call for cooperation. Foreign news agencies, however, said Baghdad had protested Turkey for shelling border regions. A statement by the Iraqi Foreign Ministry said Deputy Foreign Minister Mohammed al-Haj Mahmoud called for an immediate halt to the shelling, saying such actions "undermine confidence between the two nations and negatively affect their friendship." The statement was the first government confirmation of the shelling. Mahmoud said the shelling had started large fires and caused serious damage, but gave no other details. The note said the recent security measures Turkey is taking in the border regions is causing scare among the people of the region on the Iraqi side and requested a concerted effort to prevent any harm to the locals. Turkey has been building up its forces along the border with Iraq, and its leaders are debating whether to stage a major incursion to pursue separatist Kurdish militants who cross over to attack Turkish targets.
| Iran | Gog/Magog | Islam
| America |

Wisconsin shooting kills 6, wounds toddler Associated Press (June 11, 2007) - A domestic dispute erupted into a mass killing in southern Wisconsin, leaving six people, including two infant boys, shot to death, and a 2-year-old girl with a gunshot to her chest. A prosecutor said late Sunday no one was in custody but that police weren't looking for a suspect and no one else was in danger. Officials often use such language when the shooter is among the dead. "What we have is a complicated death scene and we're investigating all the possibilities," said Kevin St. John, a spokesman with the state Justice Department, which is leading the investigation. Walworth County District Attorney Phillip Koss said the shooting was part of a domestic dispute, but he wouldn't elaborate until autopsies were completed and the crime scene was fully evaluated. Officers, responding to a report of shots fired, stormed an A-frame duplex Saturday night with weapons drawn, kicking in the door, neighbor Richard Heideman said. He saw two paramedics go in behind them and come back out minutes later. "That's when I knew everybody was dead," Heideman said. As the bodies were wheeled out, one onlooker dropped to his knees on a neighbor's lawn and threw his hands to the sky in prayer. The 2-year-old girl was found in a nearby van, seriously wounded. A male family member who escaped the shooting was helping investigators. more...
| Signs of the Times
| America |

The wrath of 2007: America's great drought The Independent (June 11, 2007) - America is facing its worst summer drought since the Dust Bowl years of the Great Depression. Or perhaps worse still. From the mountains and desert of the West, now into an eighth consecutive dry year, to the wheat farms of Alabama, where crops are failing because of rainfall levels 12 inches lower than usual, to the vast soupy expanse of Lake Okeechobee in southern Florida, which has become so dry it actually caught fire a couple of weeks ago, a continent is crying out for water. In the south-east, usually a lush, humid region, it is the driest few months since records began in 1895. California and Nevada, where burgeoning population centres co-exist with an often harsh, barren landscape, have seen less rain over the past year than at any time since 1924. The Sierra Nevada range, which straddles the two states, received only 27 per cent of its usual snowfall in winter, with immediate knock-on effects on water supplies for the populations of Las Vegas and Los Angeles. The human impact, for the moment, has been limited, certainly nothing compared to the great westward migration of Okies in the 1930 - the desperate march described by John Steinbeck in The Grapes of Wrath. Big farmers are now well protected by government subsidies and emergency funds, and small farmers, some of whom are indeed struggling, have been slowly moving off the land for decades anyway. The most common inconvenience, for the moment, are restrictions on hosepipes and garden sprinklers in eastern cities. But the long-term implications are escaping nobody. Climatologists see a growing volatility in the south-east's weather - today's drought coming close on the heels of devastating hurricanes two to three years ago. In the West, meanwhile, a growing body of scientific evidence suggests a movement towards a state of perpetual drought by the middle of this century. "The 1930s drought lasted less than a decade. This is something that could remain for 100 years," said Richard Seager a climatologist at Columbia University and lead researcher of a report published recently by the government's National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). While some of this year's dry weather is cyclical - California actually had an unusually wet year last year, so many of the state's farmers still have plenty of water for their crops - some of it portends more permanent changes. In Arizona, the tall mountains in the southern Sonoran desert known as "sky islands" because they have been welcome refuges from the desert heat for millennia, have already shown unmistakable signs of change. more...
| Earth Changes | America |

The third seal is famine. With the bee disappearances and the weather changes, if this drought is truly as bad as they believe it will become, along with the financial issues of America, the power of this nation could be very much diminished. Additionally there is the possibility of terrorism as well. The terrorists have a definite desire to see America's influence disappear. Outside of America, here's a story about Yemen's recent locust outbreak putting their crops at risk.

Iran Threatens Gulf Blitz If US Hits Nuclear Plants Times Online (June 10, 2007) - IRAN has threatened to launch a missile blitz against the Gulf states and plunge the entire Middle East into war if America attacks its nuclear facilities. Admiral Ali Shamkhani, a senior defence adviser to the supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, warned that Gulf states providing the US with military cooperation would be the key targets of a barrage of ballistic missiles. Shamkhani told the US journal Defense News that missiles would be launched not only at US military bases but also at strategic targets such as oil refineries and power stations. Qatar, Bahrain and Oman all host important US bases and British forces are based in all three countries. Any Iranian attack would be bound to draw in the other Gulf Cooperation Council states: Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Kuwait. The attacks on Arab states would be in addition to air strikes on Israel, which have been threatened repeatedly. An Iranian foreign ministry official said: “The objective would be to overwhelm US missile defence systems with dozens and maybe hundreds of missiles fired simultaneously at specific targets.” Shamkhani, a former Iranian defence minister, accused the Gulf states of “helping the US establish legitimacy for its anticipated aggression against Iran”. Shamkhani is the head of Iran’s Centre for Strategic Studies, a think tank made up of former foreign, defence and interior ministers that advises the supreme leader. Another Iranian official said to be familiar with the “retaliation plan” claimed it would be launched within an hour of a US attack and would be accompanied by increased support for terrorist groups. “The US will be as surprised with Iranian military capabilities as the Israelis were with Hezbollah in last summer’s war in Lebanon,” he said. more...
Iran | Gog/Magog | Israel | Islam
| America |

Goodbye to the Good Old Days Financial Armageddon (June 10, 2007) - Last week, the yield on the 10-year U.S. Treasury note recorded its biggest one-day jump in years and breached the five percent level for the first time since July. Other fixed-income markets quickly followed suit, hurt not only by a nominal rise in rates but by a jump in risk spreads. One trader described the sell-off in the mortgage-backed securities market as “a good old-fashioned mortgage puke.” The ostensible reason behind the sudden jitters, following a period when yields were already drifting higher, was the decision by European and New Zealand central banks to boost short-term interest rates. What’s more, a smattering of positive economic data finally convinced some investors that the Federal Reserve meant business when it said rising inflation was its main concern. The turmoil was not confined to fixed-income markets, however. Most U.S. and European stock markets were also rattled, after testing new highs only days earlier, and emerging equity and currency markets also got slammed by a bout of heavy selling. Precious metals prices slipped amid liquidation pressures and short-covering in the dollar, while options premiums rose, as the VIX index, or “fear gauge,” broke out from a multi-week base. There was trouble in other quarters, too. The Wall Street Journal reported that some recent leveraged buyouts were starting to trigger alarm bells, noting that it was “striking how quickly a few of the deals have run into problems.” A Federal Reserve loan officer survey indicated that lenders were not only tightening standards on subprime loans, but were beginning to closely scrutinize some prime borrowers. Another recent poll noted that corporate chief financial officers had turned pessimistic on the U.S. economy. Elsewhere, a report revealed that analysts, in a rare move, had downgraded earnings forecasts for a number of investment banks, whose financial vitality is often seen as a leading indicator for markets as a whole. There was also growing speculation that Goldman Sachs and other bulge-bracket firms were considering a hiring freeze, which is not the sort of step that is taken lightly by revenue-hungry operators.
| America |

Exclusive: The Lost Angeles Tinderbox Primed for Large Riots! Americans for Legal Immigration (June 9, 2007) - Small fires quickly become big fires. Every child in America is taught this and every public official and American citizen knows this. Every firefighter and police officer knows this, as did the LAPD riot teams in MacArthur Park on May 1. Now that the dust is starting to settle from the mayhem in MacArthur Park on May Day 2007, an understanding of basic and mob psychology tells us that Lost Angeles is again primed for major riots and destruction on a large scale. While we hope these riots never manifest, the recent actions of Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and LAPD Chief William Bratton have primed the city for major upheavals. Their actions have provided LAPD officers an incentive not to do their jobs and given pro-illegal alien protesters a political incentive to create larger and more destructive mobs. Mayor Villaraigosa and Chief Bratton have quickly denounced their officers based on video footage and verbal reports from illegal alien supporters and press crews that are politically supportive of the illegal aliens. Their rush to judgment and politicization of the matter is clear as they have demoted several high-ranking officers and taken more than 60 of their best officers off the streets before the official investigation is even in full swing! Amazingly, they have done this immediately after requesting a "Marshall Plan" for Lost Angeles County. They have asked for billions of dollars from the American taxpayers to fight the paramilitary drug and human smuggling illegal alien gangs that have the LAPD outmanned and outgunned! In fact, these illegal alien gangs such as MS-13, the 18th Street Gang, LA Surenos, and many more now control large areas in Lost Angeles. According to the LA Times, they have set up ethnic cleansing zones where Anglo and black Americans can be murdered just for entering these areas. Most of the prisons in Southern California are now segregated by race because major riots occurred when the Latino illegal alien gangs attacked the black prisoners. Many schools easily erupt into race riots, including Jordan High School, where Lost Angeles police had to enter in riot gear because more than 1,000 black and Hispanic students were fighting. It is no surprise that Lost Angeles would ask for an expensive "Marshall Plan" comparing LA to a war zone, because LA is a war zone! Many of these illegal alien gangs have their roots in the civil wars of Central and South America. They have a military structure and carry military grade weaponry. Gang leaders encourage their street thugs to join the American military for training and access to elite weaponry and tactics. They are known for their ruthlessness, assassinations of police officers, and ability to organize sophisticated supply lines. In fact, they have shown the world that in Central and South America, these gangs become the rulers of large areas in what is called "Gang Rule." These drug cartels and gang street soldiers have manifested with such power South of the Border that nations such as Mexico, El Salvador, and Columbia now have conflicts on their hands that resemble civil wars. As these organized crime syndicates fight for control of local and national governments and multi-billion dollar human and drug supply lines, these conflicts can easily and accurately be described in military terms as Low Intensity Conflicts or LICs. Lost Angeles and other border areas of the United States now have growing LICs! Congressional reports tell us that these organizations control our southern border and that the same crime cartels that are bringing in over 90% of America's cocaine, methamphetamine, and black tar heroin know as "The Cheese" are the exact same groups importing the vast majority of our illegal aliens. The relationship between individual illegal aliens and these crime cartels does not end after they reach the US as they rely on these multi-billion dollar cartels for things such as fake documents, job support, drugs and prostitutes. If you paid the mob $5,000 to bring you into the US, do you think your relationship with organized crime would end there? more...
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House of Representatives: Move US Embassy to Jerusalem YNet News (June 6, 2007) - The House of Representatives on Tuesday [June 5] unanimously passed a resolution calling on President George W. Bush to move the American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, this on the 40th anniversary of the Six Day War. The senate is expected to approve a similar motion later in the day. In the Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995, Congress determined that Jerusalem should be recognized as the capital of the State of Israel and that the US Embassy should be established there no later than May 31, 1999. However, the Clinton and Bush administrations have refrained from moving the embassy for fear of riots against American embassies in Arab countries and a possible decline in the status of the United States. “The House congratulates the citizens of Israel on the 40th anniversary of the Six Day War in which Israel defeated enemies aiming to destroy the Jewish state. Jerusalem has been the focal point of Jewish religious devotion and the site of a continuous Jewish presence for over three millennia, with a Jewish majority since at least 1896,” the resolution said. “The vibrant Jewish population of the historic Old City of Jerusalem was driven out by force during the 1948 Arab–Israeli War. In six days of war, Israel defeated those forces seeking its destruction and reunited the city of Jerusalem which had been artificially divided for 19 years.”
Israel | America

U.S. signs security pact with Kurdistan, warns Turkey not to invade World Tribune (June 5, 2007) - The United States has issued its highest-level warning against a Turkish military invasion of neighboring Iraq. Meanwhile, on May 30, the autonomous northern Iraqi region of Kurdistan signed a security cooperation accord with the U.S.-led coalition. The accord was signed by Kurdistan President Masoud Barzani and U.S. commanders in Irbil. The accord stipulated the handover of coalition security responsibility to the Kurdish regional government in the provinces of Dohuk, Irbil and Suleimaniya, Middle East Newsline reported. Officials said the Bush administration has warned Turkey that an invasion of northern Iraq to uproot Kurdish insurgency strongholds would destabilize the region. They said the United States would instead encourage Iraq and the autonomous Kurdistan government to act against the Kurdish Workers Party.  "We hope there would not be a unilateral military action across the border into Iraq," Defense Secretary Robert Gates said. At a news conference on Sunday in Singapore, Gates responded to reports of a Turkish military buildup along the Iraqi border. The Pentagon chief sounded sympathetic to Turkey's increasing concern over PKK infiltration. "The Turks have a genuine concern with Kurdish terrorism that takes place on Turkish soil," Gates said. "So one can understand their frustration and unhappiness over this. Several hundred Turks lose their lives each year, and we have been working with the Turks to try to help them get control of this problem on Turkish soil." Turkey was said to have amassed 60,000 troops along the Iraqi border. The Turkish military, saying it was awaiting an invasion order from the government, has also deployed at least 300 main battle tanks as well as attack helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft in the southeast. more...
America |

Toothpaste Containing Poison Is Found in U.S. New York Times (June 2, 2007) - Consumers were advised on Friday to discard all toothpaste made in China after federal health officials said they found Chinese-made toothpaste containing a poison related to a chemical used in antifreeze in three locations — Miami, the Port of Los Angeles and Puerto Rico. Although there are no reports of anyone being harmed by the toothpaste, the Food and Drug Administration warned that the Chinese products have a “low but meaningful risk of toxicity and injury” to children and people with kidney or liver disease. The United States is the seventh country to find tainted Chinese toothpaste within its borders in recent weeks. F.D.A. officials said they found toothpaste containing a small amount of diethylene glycol, a sweet syrupy poison, at a Dollar Plus retail store in Miami, sold under the brand name ShiR Fresh Mint Flouride Paste. The F.D.A. also identified another nine brands of Chinese toothpaste that contain diethylene glycol, some with concentrations of between 3 percent and 4 percent. Previously, only a few brands had been identified by health officials around the world as containing diethylene glycol and all of them listed the chemical on the label. But diethylene glycol was not listed on the label of the toothpaste found in the Miami store. Its presence was detected only because the F.D.A. began testing imported Chinese toothpaste last month. That precaution was prompted by the discovery in Latin America of tens of thousands of tubes of tainted toothpaste made in China. Over the years, counterfeiters have found it profitable to substitute diethylene glycol for its chemical cousin, glycerin, which is usually more expensive. Glycerin is a safe additive commonly found in food, drugs and household products. In toothpaste, glycerin is used as a thickening agent. Chinese regulators said Thursday their investigation of toothpaste manufacturers there had found they had done nothing wrong. Chinese officials also said that while small amounts diethylene glycol can be safely used in toothpaste, new controls would be imposed on the use of the chemical in toothpaste. The F.D.A. said diethylene glycol in any amount is not suitable for use in toothpaste. The F.D.A. said two Chinese companies, Goldcredit International Trading and Suzhou City Jinmao Daily Chemicals Co., made the tainted brands found in the United States. more...
| America |

President Bush's New World Order Legacy Accuracy in Media (June 1, 2007) - With his record of defending American borders and national sovereignty in ruins, President Bush has decided to conclude his second term in office by making common cause with those who think America's future lies in appeasing the "international community." He apparently wants his "legacy" to be that he cared for the rest of the world. Watch your wallets―and your freedom. The latest phase of this "legacy building" campaign began with a plea on Wednesday for more money to fight AIDS. This provided a photo opportunity for the President to pose with a black child. So far, about $200 billion has been spent by the federal government on AIDS, without any cure or vaccine being developed. But it looks "compassionate" to throw money at the problem. Tens of billions are now being spent, some of it provided by agreements brokered through Bill Clinton's foundation, to fight AIDS with potentially toxic and lethal drugs. On the eve of the G-8 meeting of major industrialized nations in Germany, Bush gave a global warming speech on Thursday at an event hosted by the U.S. Global Leadership Campaign. This is a coalition of business and non-government organizations that includes the pro-world government Citizens for Global Solutions, Physicians for Social Responsibility, Ted Turner's U.N. Foundation, Planned Parenthood, the American Friends Service Committee, the Alliance for a Global Community, and the United Nations Association. It looks like Bush is abandoning what's left of his conservative base before they abandon him. Bush told the group, "This is a fine organization and it's an important organization. It's rallying businesses and non-governmental organizations and faith-based and community and civic organizations across our country to advance a noble cause, ensuring that the United States leads the world in spreading hope and opportunity." Another part of this "legacy building" is his decision to seek ratification of the U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), a dangerous document that transfers control of the oceans and much of the land area of the world as well to a U.N. bureaucracy. It finances its activities with a global tax. The pact is endorsed by some of the same groups and individuals involved in the Global Leadership Campaign. UNCLOS charges American corporations a "fee" for exploiting ocean resources for the benefit of America and threatens these same corporations with global climate change litigation before an international court if they "pollute" the oceans from anywhere on the face of the earth. U.S. Navy support for UNCLOS masks the sharp decline in U.S. Naval forces. The number of U.S. ships has declined under Bush to 276, from a high of 594 under President Reagan, who rejected UNCLOS. The Bush budget projects their further decline to 210. The American Shipbuilding Association says that, if present trends continue, the U.S. Naval Fleet will decline to 180 ships by 2024. more...
NewWorldOrder | America |

Solana, Zoellick and the World Bank News With Views: Constance Cumbey (May 31, 2007) - Portfolio now include Robert Zoellick and the World Bank. Newswithviews regular readers may remember my February 21st article. In it, I covered Javier Solana's Valentine's Day speech (February 14, 2007) in New York City. He was addressing the Arthur F. Burns Foundation. He was introduced by Robert F. Zoellick. Today that same Robert F. Zoellick, “a friend for many, many years” of Javier Solana [1] was nominated by President George W. Bush to be head of the World Bank.[2] Perhaps raising their own expected opposition so that they may just as rapidly unilaterally squelch it, the Bookings Institution, another confederate, together with Zoellick for Javier Solana's Global Governance initiative, most disingenuously issued a statement that foreign countries may be unhappy at the nomination. I suspect that at least “The Face and Voice of Europe”[3] in the form of Javier Solana is not. I also suspect that the Brookings Institution itself is not unhappy! At the February 14th New York City event, “dear Javier” was introduced by German Ambassador to the USA, Klaus Scharioth as “The Face and Voice of Europe.” Five weeks later, Javier Solana would with the assistance of New York University, Stanford University and the Brookings Institution all apparently acting with the blessings of the United States State Department would launch a new global security initiative. [4] Javier Solana has evidently had a cozy relationship with both Zoellick and the Brookings Institution. On January 5th, while in the USA, his busy itinerary included a meeting with Brookings Institution representatives.[5] Gingerly, like testing the water, “global constitutionalism” a/k/a “global governance” is being advanced. This is not entirely unlike George H. W. Bush (Bush the elder) mentioning the New World Order and his intentions to advance same in a speech he auspiciously delivered on September 11, 1991. Similar speeches were given other times.[6] That Robert Zoellick is part of that scene is clear. In addition to being a friend of Javier Solana for many years, Robert Zoellick has with equal vigor been a friend and proponent of a “New World Order,” more recently and politely known as “global governance.” As early as March, 1992, Robert Zoellick was speaking of his World Economic Forum inspired epiphanies of a New World Order.[7] They are calling all of this by various names these days. Condoleezza Rice calls it “Transformational Diplomacy.” Fletcher Law School Associate Professor Daniel W. Drezner calls it “the New New World Order.”[8] It appears that although Javier Solana may have his European migraines as reluctance to hand him everything appears among the masses, he has offsetting advantages of global elitist support.
/ 4th Kingdom | Solana | NewWorldOrder | America

Taxpayers on the hook for $59 trillion USA Today (May 29, 2007) - The federal government recorded a $1.3 trillion loss last year - far more than the official $248 billion deficit - when corporate-style accounting standards are used, a USA TODAY analysis shows. The loss reflects a continued deterioration in the finances of Social Security and government retirement programs for civil servants and military personnel. The loss - equal to $11,434 per household - is more than Americans paid in income taxes in 2006. "We're on an unsustainable path and doing a great disservice to future generations," says Chris Chocola, a former Republican member of Congress from Indiana and corporate chief executive who is pushing for more accurate federal accounting. Modern accounting requires that corporations, state governments and local governments count expenses immediately when a transaction occurs, even if the payment will be made later. The federal government does not follow the rule, so promises for Social Security and Medicare don't show up when the government reports its financial condition. Bottom line: Taxpayers are now on the hook for a record $59.1 trillion in liabilities, a 2.3% increase from 2006. That amount is equal to $516,348 for every U.S. household. By comparison, U.S. households owe an average of $112,043 for mortgages, car loans, credit cards and all other debt combined. Unfunded promises made for Medicare, Social Security and federal retirement programs account for 85% of taxpayer liabilities. State and local government retirement plans account for much of the rest. This hidden debt is the amount taxpayers would have to pay immediately to cover government's financial obligations. Like a mortgage, it will cost more to repay the debt over time. Every U.S. household would have to pay about $31,000 a year to do so in 75 years. more...
| America |

So do we trust the governments of man or God to provide for us. Learning from Israel's past failures in scripture to trust God, we're much better off in His hands than any man, let alone the beaurocratic mess we now have. I choose God.

Is China trying to poison Americans WorldNetDaily (May 27, 2007) - While Americans are still recovering from a scandal over poison pet foods imported from China, FDA inspectors report tainted food imports intended for American humans are being rejected with increasing frequency because they are filthy, are contaminated with pesticides and tainted with carcinogens, bacteria and banned drugs. Last month, like most months, China topped the list of countries whose products were refused by the FDA - and that list includes many countries, including Mexico and Canada, who export far more food products to the U.S. than China. Some 257 refusals of Chinese products were recorded in April. By comparison, only 140 were from Mexico and only 23 from Canada. Refused by the FDA in April because they were "filthy": salted bean curd cubes in brine with chili and sesame oil, dried apple, dried peach, dried pear, dried round bean curd, dried mushroom, olives, frozen bay scallops, frozen Pacific cod, sardines, frozen seafood mix, and fermented bean curd. Among the foods rejected because they were contaminated with pesticides: frozen eel, ginseng, frozen red raspberry crumble, and mushrooms. Frozen catfish was stopped because it was laced with banned antibiotics. Scallops and sardines were turned away because they were coated with putrefying bacteria. Toothbrushes were rejected last month because they were improperly labeled. And last week the FDA found Chinese toothpaste contaminated with a chemical used in antifreeze - the same chemical that killed people in Panama last year when it turned up in cough syrup. Just three days ago, the U.S. warned consumers not to buy or eat imported fish labeled as monkfish, which actually may be puffer fish, containing a potentially deadly toxin called tetrodotoxin. Two people in the Chicago area became ill after consuming homemade soup containing the fish. One was hospitalized due to severe illness. The FDA is also on the lookout for vegetable proteins contaminated with melamine - the chemical that killed American cats and dogs when it was imported from China in pet food. In the past year, the FDA rejected more than twice as many food shipments from China as from all other countries combined. Most of the time, the reason listed is simply "filthy," the official term used when inspectors smell decomposition or gross contamination of food. Officials say FDA inspectors examine only a tiny percentage of the food imported from foreign countries - about 1 percent -- meaning most of the contaminated products make it inside the country and to the shelves of retailers. In the age of globalization, food imports in America are big business and getting bigger. In 2006, they represented $64 billion - a 33 percent increase over 2003. No country is increasing its food exports faster than China - about 20 percent in the last year alone. China has become America's leading supplier of apple juice used as a food sweetener, garlic and garlic powder, sausage casings and cocoa butter. China has also attempted to export hundreds of thousands of pounds of chickens and poultry products to the U.S., even though it is not yet certified to do so. Chinese exporters disguise the meat by labeling crates "dried lily flower" or "prune slices" or "vegetables." Despite the deliberate deception, the U.S. government is about to certify the Chinese to export poultry legally. more...
| America |

No Jobs for US Citizens Without Homeland Security Approval Press ESC (May 26, 2007) - US citizens who apply for a job will need prior approval from Department of Homeland Security under the terms immigration bill passed by the Senate this week. American Civil Liberties Union pointed out that the DHS's Employment Eligibility Verification System (EEVS) is error plagued and if the department makes a mistake in determining work eligibility, there will be virtually no way to challenge the error or recover lost wages due to the bill's prohibitions on judicial review. Even current employees will need to obtain eligibility approval from the DHS Within 60 days of the Immigration Reform Act of 2006 becoming law. "EEVS would be a financial and bureaucratic nightmare for both businesses and workers," said Timothy Sparapani, ACLU Legislative Counsel. "Under this already flawed program no one would be able to work in the U.S. without DHS approval - creating a 'No Work List' similar to the government's 'No Fly List.' We need immigration reform, but not at this cost." The act allocates US$400 million for the implementation of the EEVS, but the Congressional Budgeting Office estimates the system to cost in excess of a billion dollars.
| America |

I'm not good at reading political documentation to find the details of this story, but it wouldn't surprise me given the state of the world and where it's headed soon. Things can change quickly and have been slowly happening already under the radar of most who aren't looking. Read the excerpt from They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933-45.

Alzheimer's Care Center to Carry Out VeriChip Pilot RFID Journal (May 25, 2007) - This summer, Alzheimer's Community Care (ACC), a West Palm Beach, Fla., provider of support to Alzheimer's patients and their caretakers, will implant RFID chips in about 200 volunteers who are clients of the organization. The two-year project, says Mary M. Barnes, president and CEO of ACC, will employ VeriChip Corp.'s VeriMed system to help identify patients who arrive at an emergency room in an unresponsive state. ACC provides support to about 2,000 patients suffering from Alzheimer's disease. That includes a daycare center for some patients, as well as visiting registered nurses, caregiver education programs and support groups. One safety concern, Barnes says, involves the lack of information available to medical personnel when patients unable to speak for themselves are admitted to a hospital during an emergency, unaccompanied by caregivers. In such circumstances, the patients may receive inappropriate treatment because doctors are unaware of any existing medical conditions. "I really am concerned about the situation with Alzheimer's patients dealing with losing the ability to remember," Barnes says. "This [loss of memory] is so isolating that the effect on the patient and the caregiver is very dramatic. In an acute situation, such as emergency medical services, it can be even worse. There comes a point in a person's illness when you have to look at every safety measure available." Alzheimer's Community Care considered a multitude of resources to reduce this risk, says Barnes, including MedicAlert wristbands. Such wristbands, however, can be removed or damaged, rendering them useless. Therefore, 10 months ago, Barnes began speaking with Scott Silverman, now chairman and CEO of VeriChip, about an RFID solution. Alzheimer's Community Care has formed a review board to generate the proper paperwork for the participants, as well as other basic protocols, before beginning the project. Once the board finishes its work and the project is launched, hospitals that have VeriChip-trained staff and have implemented the procedures will be able to access the medical histories of the 200 participating patients. When an unresponsive patient enters the hospital, the staff can use an RFID interrogator to scan that person's arm. If the patient has had a VeriMed chip embedded, the reader will indicate its ID number. That number can then be inputted manually, or directed wirelessly to the VeriMed Web-based database. If the hospital is an approved care provider, it can immediately access the patient's identification and health records. more...
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Thanks to Kimberly for the referral! In today's security-conscious world, imagine instead of hospital information, a system where money was now obsolete and payment was automatic and mindless. Nobody takes cash anymore because there's no longer a system in place to handle it. That time is coming and already possible. With RFID taking off for so many applications that makes life easier, the system is probably already close to being in place. I actually believe that the mark of the beast in Bible prophecy will be RFID ink so that it will be impossible to remove it from under the skin adding to the security. But this prepares the world to accept what is coming more readily. Ultimately I believe that the "mark" will be made as a pledge of allegiance to the antichrist as well as buying into his system. I think many people won't have a problem with that when the time comes.

The March to War: Syria Preparing for US-Israeli Attacks Global Research (May 25, 2007) - "To the east there is the Resistance in Iraq, to the west there is the Resistance in Lebanon and to the south there is the Resistance of the Palestinian people. We, in Syria, are at the heart of all these events!" -Basher Al-Assad, 10th President of Syria (April 30, 2007) Syria was in the sights of the White House and Pentagon since the advent of the "Global War on Terror." Attacks on Lebanon and Syria have long been expected as a phase in the American-led war march unfolding in the Middle East and Central Asia in the wake of  the tragic events of September 11, 2001. The U.S. government itself has clarified that it was considering invading Syria after the fall of Baghdad in 2003. [1] The U.S. Congress in 2003 also started to re-evaluate strengthening the Syrian Accountability Act. The Guardian, a major British newspaper, reported during the initial days of the Anglo-American invasion of Iraq in April of 2003 that Syria was a potential military target: In the past few weeks, the U.S. defence secretary, Donald Rumsfeld, ordered contingency plans for a war on Syria to be reviewed following the fall of Baghdad. Meanwhile, his undersecretary for policy, Doug Feith, and William Luti, the head of the Pentagon's office of special plans, were asked to put together a briefing paper on the case for war against Syria, outlining its role in supplying weapons to Saddam Hussein, its links with Middle East terrorist groups and its allegedly advanced chemical weapons programme. Mr. Feith and Mr. Luti were both instrumental in persuading the White House to go to war in Iraq. Mr. Feith and other conservatives now playing important roles in the Bush administration, advised the Israeli government in 1996 that it could "shape its strategic environment... by weakening, containing and even rolling back Syria." [2] The 2006 Israeli war against Lebanon was also initiated for strategic reasons, which included the subjugation of Syria, as a continuation of the Pentagon's plans to strike Syria. This has been acknowledged by Israeli and U.S. government officials and there are numerous international press reports to validate this. In fact on October 8, 2003, months after the fall of Baghdad to U.S. tanks and soldiers, Israeli fighter jets made air raids inside Syrian territory. The Syrians restrained themselves, refusing to be baited into a war. The Syrian President gave a rare public response to the Israeli air strike in Syria accusing Ariel Sharon and the Israeli government of trying to drag Syria and the entire region into a "new war." [3] Syria is now the subject of intense covert and overt diplomatic U.S. and E.U. pressure as the Anglo-American war machine is running out of time. Attempts are also underway to create a wedge between Iran and Syria. Military provisions are additionally underway on the immediate borders of Syria for a possible war in the Levant and a broader Middle Eastern war that would stretch from the borders of Egypt and Turkey to the frontier of Western China. Israel is also making preparations for yet another war, while the U.S. and British militaries continue to marshal their armed forces into Afghanistan, Iraq, and the broader Middle East. Controlling Syria can heavily influence the geo-strategic realities and environment in the Middle East. The geo-strategic position of Syria places it at a critical juncture between Lebanon, Palestine, and Anglo-American occupied Iraq; three fronts that the U.S. and its allies are actively engaged in. Three intertwined wars of intelligence, proxy, public relations, civil, covert, and military dimensions are being waged in Palestine, Lebanon, and Iraq. The conquest of Damascus is a prerequisite to winning these fronts and would greatly strengthen the American-led position in a possible showdown against Iran and its allies. Although, it should be mentioned that after the strategic 2006 defeat of Israel in Lebanon, it seems that preparations are now being made for a simultaneous war against both Syria and Iran. more...
| Israel | Islam |

Plan calls for $3.5M Katrina memorial Associated Press (May 25, 2007) - Tucked inside a $14.4 billion blueprint for the rebuilding of New Orleans is a proposal for a Hurricane Katrina monument on a grand, "Homeric" scale, like the Arc de Triomphe in Paris. The idea is to honor Katrina's victims and the spirit of New Orleans, and create a tourist attraction. But with many sections of the city still in shambles and only about half the population back 21 months after the hurricane, some question the need for a $3.5 million memorial, even if it is paid for mostly with private money, as proposed. "What will it memorialize? How many people came back?" said Angele Givens, president of the Gentilly Civic Improvement Association. The rebuilding plan is making its way through city approval processes. While the memorial is a far lower priority than upgrading drainage and reconstructing neighborhoods over the next decade, it is still listed among the top projects. Troy Henry, project manager for the Unified New Orleans Plan, said planners believe - and the local arts community seems to agree - that a memorial would create a place where people could reflect on Katrina. "It's something that's with us everyday, the remnants of it anyway, and I think it's affected so many people, not only the city and its fiber - its architectural and structural fiber - but also the fabric of the people living here," said Mary Len Costa, director of public art for the Arts Council of New Orleans. more...
| America |

Mosques awarded Homeland Security grants WorldNetDaily (May 25, 2007) - While the European Union investigates mosques for ties to Islamic terrorism, the U.S. government is giving mosques security grants that are designed to protect churches, synagogues and other nonprofit groups from Islamic terror. Most recently, the Islamic Society of Baltimore landed a $15,000 grant from the Department of Homeland Security to upgrade security at its Maryland mosque. The Council on American-Islamic Relations since April has been urging leaders of mosques and Islamic schools across the nation to apply for the DHS grants, even though the agency's program was set up to help protect nonprofit facilities that are at high risk for attacks by Islamic terrorists. In a recent "Action Alert" posted on its website, CAIR encouraged its Muslim members to take advantage of $24 million in federal funds DHS has made available - specifically, DHS says, for nonprofit organizations "deemed high-risk for a potential international terrorist attack." Organizations in 46 urban areas designated high risk for Islamic terror attack are eligible to participate in the new Nonprofit Security Grant Program. The CAIR alert issued April 29 to Muslim members reads as follows: "ACTION REQUESTED: All eligible 501(c)(3) American mosques and other Islamic institutions are urged to begin the application process to receive training and to purchase equipment such as video cameras, alarm systems and other security enhancements." Several Islamic institutions already have applied and are receiving government approval. U.S. officials who spoke to WND on condition of anonymity expressed dismay that CAIR would drain limited federal funds away from higher risk targets for terrorism. They argue mosques are among the lowest risk for such attacks. In fact, a number of mosques across the nation actually have promoted Islamic terrorism and have been tied to Islamic terrorists, including the large Dar al-Hijrah Islamic Center in Washington, where some of the 9/11 hijackers received spiritual guidance, as well as help obtaining housing and IDs. Terrorism experts note some 80 percent of U.S. mosques are funded and controlled through the Saudi Arabian government. more...
| Islam | America |

Continental currency all the rage WorldNetDaily (May 24, 2007) - On Monday, Bank of Canada Gov. David Dodge told the Chicago Council on Global Affairs that North America could one day move toward a euro-style currency. Dodge's comments add to a growing list of comments from Canadian economists, academics and government officials supporting the idea of creating the amero as a North American common currency. Dodge argued a common North American currency would help buffer the adverse effects of exchange rate fluctuations between the Canadian dollar and the U.S. dollar. Currently, the Canadian dollar has surged to a 30-year high against the U.S. currency, a move Dodge noted makes Canadian products a lot less competitive for export to the U.S., Canada's major foreign market. "In the past two months alone," Dodge told the group in Chicago, "the Canadian dollar is up about 8 percent against the U.S. dollar, and is now worth more than 91 cents (U.S.)." In October 2006, El Universal, a Mexican newspaper published in Spanish, reported in a little-noticed article the then-president-elect of Mexico and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper in their first meeting together shared a vision of a future North America united under a common currency. El Universal reported Gilles Duceppe, the leader of the separatist party Bloc Québécois commented at the October 2006 Calderon-Harper meeting in Ottawa that a unified North American currency might be necessary to compete in a global economy. The Canadian, a progressive Canadian newspaper that supports preserving Canadian sovereignty, expressed surprise at Duceppe's support of what the paper characterized as "the amero." The paper commented, "Mr. Duceppe and other elites of the so-called 'Québec sovereignty' movement view selling-out to U.S. based neo-cons to be much more commercially profitable than forming a new Québec nation." more...
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 NewWorldOrder |

Global Agenda: Kuwait can't wait The Jerusalem Post (May 24, 2007) - Last Friday, Kuwait announced that it was abandoning the "peg" linking the value of its currency, the dinar, to the US dollar, replacing it with a peg to a basket of currencies. Kuwait was the first country in the Middle East to make such a move, but it is unlikely to be the last. Why did Kuwait take this step and why are other countries expected to follow? The simple answer is that the fall in the value of the US dollar is pushing up the cost of Kuwaiti imports. In other words, being linked to the US dollar when the dollar is declining can create problems. If so, the Kuwaiti decision was perfectly rational and, indeed, should have come much earlier. The Kuwaitis are, in this respect, no different from apartment owners in Israel whose dollar-linked prices have been eroded by the dollar's fall against the shekel. Since the same logic applies to oil producers generally, because oil prices are quoted in dollars - it is hardly surprising that Kuwait is likely to start a fashion. But is there some deeper significance to this development? Probably - but just what depends on how you want to look at it. As noted, from a purely rational economic perspective, the only remarkable feature of the Kuwaiti decision is why it was so long in coming. No country that trades with all the main regions in the world should link its currency to one other currency; a basket approach is the most logical and the most theoretically correct. But rational economics is not the sole, or even main, criterion to be applied. more...
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 NewWorldOrder |

American Christianity -- Laodicean church in the making, says Barna OneNewsNow (May 23, 2007) - More than 20 years of research, says The Barna Group, has revealed a disturbing trend among Americans' spiritual beliefs and behavior: their commitment to orthodox biblical perspectives is "slipping." The director of a recent Barna study says the findings reflect a "spiritual profile" among Americans similar to that of the early church at Laodicea -- a church which Jesus admonished for being "neither hot nor cold" and called to repentance. Every year, The Barna Group explores the "state of America's faith," examining such factors as people's spiritual activity, faith identity, commitment, and religious perspective. This year's poll of more than 1,000 adults (conducted in January) indicates that while Americans are remaining spiritually active, the percentage of those who hold orthodox biblical views has fallen to its lowest level in decades. "They've actually become less orthodox, less traditional," Barna's David Kinnaman tells Associated Press. "[M]any of their core biblical perspectives have changed." A report released by Barna summarizes this year's findings. Among them -- two-thirds (66%) of Americans believe that God is best described as "the all-powerful, all-knowing creator of the universe who rules the world today." That is down five percent from one year ago and represents the lowest percentage in more than 20 years of similar surveys, notes the report. In addition, says Kinnaman, "they are less likely to reject the notion that Jesus sinned (37%), and they're less likely to believe that Satan is a real spiritual entity (24%)." Both of those percentages are lower than last year and are among the lowest during the two decades Barna has tracked Americans' views in those areas. The research organization observes that such revelations call into question the sincerity of people's commitment to orthodox biblical perspectives. Kinnaman puts it this way: while millions of Americans feel personally committed to God, they are apparently "renegotiating" the definition of God. "They lack a consistent and holistic understanding of their faith," he says in the Barna report. "[They] say they are personally committed to Jesus Christ, but they believe he sinned while on Earth. Many believers claim to trust what the Bible teaches, but they reject the notion of a real spiritual adversary ...." The survey director says most Americans seem to have one foot in the "biblical camp" and one foot outside it -- placing themselves in what Kinnaman refers to as a "squishy middle." "They say they are committed, but to what?" he asks. "They are spiritually active, but to what end? The spiritual profile of American Christianity is not unlike a lukewarm church that the Bible warns about." (Revelation 3:14-22) more...
| AmericaSigns of the Times |

Regional currency to replace dollar in Argentina-Brazil trade RIA Novosti (May 23, 2007) - Argentina and Brazil, South America's two largest economies, will drop the U.S. dollar in favor of a regional currency in their bilateral trade starting in October 2007, Argentine Economics Minister Felisa Miceli said. The countries' transition to a new currency, as yet unnamed, is part of a pilot project by the South American continent's major trade alliance, Mercosur, to replace the U.S. currency in internal transactions with money of its own, Miceli said. Speaking ahead of a Mercosur ministerial session in Paraguay, she said the new currency should eventually spread throughout the bloc, which also includes Paraguay, Uruguay, and Venezuela. Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru have associate member status. Argentine-Brazilian commerce topped $20 billion in 2006, with Argentina running a deficit of $4 billion. Since its foundation in 1991, Mercosur's primary objective has been to remove obstacles to internal trade. But the recent admission of Venezuela made experts wonder whether the country's anti-American leader, Hugo Chavez, would try to turn Mercosur into a political weapon to undermine U.S. influence in the region.
| America |

Congressman issues dire warning about amnesty fallout OneNewsNow (May 22, 2007) - A Virginia congressman says the so-called "comprehensive immigration reform" proposal in the U.S. Senate is an "awful" bill that will encourage more illegal immigration and eventually turn the U.S. into a Third World country. Hear This Report The bill being debated by the Senate would grant legal status to the approximately 12 million to 20 million illegal aliens currently living in the U.S. It also includes provisions that would "accelerate" the Security and Prosperity Partnership, a Bush administration plan to merge the U.S. with Mexico and Canada in a North American Union. Representative Virgil Goode (R-Virginia) hopes the bill's backers will be unable to obtain cloture in the Senate and the bill fails. He says the overwhelming majority of Americans oppose amnesty for illegal aliens. "They recognize what many in Washington do not recognize," Goode asserts, "and that's the street parlance for saying, 'If we can get to the United States and stay for a few years, they will give us amnesty.' That's exactly what's happening here, and this is just going to be more of the same; it will increase, not decrease illegal immigration." And with regard to the Security and Prosperity Partnership, the Virginia congressman believes such a merger with Mexico and Canada would only serve to undermine the sovereignty of the United States. "It will lead us on a path to likely have a North American currency, will further break down the borders between our countries, and it really undermines the concept of the United States of America in favor of something called North America," Goode predicts. "And it will harm the lifestyles and the status and standing of most American citizens," he says. Congress should have learned its lesson from the 1986 Reagan-backed amnesty and the amnesties of the 1990s, Goode contends. He says if the U.S. had a strict no-amnesty policy, criminalized and enforced it, illegal immigrants would not try to slip into the country as they do now.
more on SPP from the government website 
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Bush gets ready for Iraq U-turn by Brown (May 20, 2007) - Gordon Brown is prepared to risk the future of the "special relationship" with the United States by reversing Tony Blair's support for the Iraq war, President George W Bush has been warned. He has been briefed by White House officials to expect an announcement on British troop withdrawals from Mr Brown during his first 100 days in power. It would be designed to boost the new prime minister's popularity in the opinion polls. The President recently discussed with a senior White House adviser how to handle the fallout from the expected loss of Washington's main ally in Iraq, The Sunday Telegraph has learned. Details of the talks came as a close ally of Mr Brown called for a quicker withdrawal of British troops. Nigel Griffiths, a former minister, said: "We should get out of Iraq as soon as is practicable. We should consult the Iraqi government - but they cannot have a veto. This cannot be delayed." Mr Griffiths, who resigned as deputy leader of the Commons this year over the decision to replace the Trident nuclear weapons system, spoke out as reports suggested that Mr Brown would use an early trip to Iraq to reassess Britain's role and accelerate the withdrawal. Revelation of the US fears will reinforce expectations in Westminster that Mr Brown will make a decisive break with Mr Blair's support for the war. more...
/ 4th Kingdom | America

Bill sees churches as political lobbies (May 18, 2007) - A Christian organization is announcing the success – for now – of its urgent petition drive to convince Congress to drop plans to re-classify ministers and ministries as "lobbyists," which would create reams of red tape and subject leaders to fines of up to $50,000 if they didn't follow the fine print. Jay Sekulow, of the American Center for Law and Justice said the language was "troubling" and would have created an "extreme burden" for churches and non-profits if they wanted to exercise First Amendment rights to speak out on moral issues. "We heard from more than 180,000 Americans who wanted this provision removed and we're delighted that it has been defeated," he said. "Most Americans clearly understand that lobbying reform does not translate to threatening the constitutional freedoms that permit Christians to speak out on issues that matter most." He had warned when a similar proposal was defeated in January in the U.S. Senate that the issue may return, and it did. "This legislation, in essence, attempts to override the United States Constitution," the ACLJ had said in its petition appeal on the new U.S. House plan. "What we're dealing with here is the work of politicians who want to control, limit, and silence Christians and conservative groups." "This is an important free speech victory for churches and non-profit organizations. We stand ready to meet any further challenge should Congressman [Martin] Meehan [D-Mass.] attempt to reintroduce this troubling amendment on the House floor when the lobbying reform bill is considered next week. We will vigorously oppose such a move if it occurs," Sekulow said. The ACLJ said the newest proposal, House Resolution 2093, would have done the same as the earlier Senate plan, in Section 220 of S. 1. The proposal, as did the earlier plan, could have required pastors, church leaders, advocacy organizations and even some individuals to register as lobbyists, under penalty of fines of up to $50,000, the ACLJ said. The ACLJ's protest petition is available online. And Sekulow noted that he has assembled a legal team and produced a legal analysis, available on the organization's website, that details the dangers of the proposal. "We are preparing a complaint to file in federal court if necessary," he said. more...

Marxists and Islamo-fascists of the World Unite! (May 17, 2007) - Forget the proletariat! Now it is Marxists and radical Muslims of the world unite! If any doubt still existed regarding bonds being formed between the hardcore left and elements within Islam, one needed to look no further than the leftist “Festival of Resistence” conference held at the University of Toronto last weekend for confirmation. As indicated by the causes they represented, the contemporary Marxists gathered there seem to have given up on the Western proletariat ever becoming revolutionary and placed their hopes elsewhere in their unending, hate-filled struggle to destroy capitalism. In the audience were members from such stimulating groups as the environment, First Nations, the anti-war movement and the transgendered (Was Marx a cross dresser?). But while diverse in nature, the one commonality they all possessed, one can be assured, was hatred of capitalism, Israel, the United States and of Western civilization. But, as reported in the Canadian newspaper, The National Post, the conference’s opening night was not given over to any of these ragtag, would-be revolutionaries to rail against the ills of capitalism or George Bush, as one would expect, but rather was dedicated to forging unity between Marxists and Muslims. To this end, the keynote speaker the first evening was a controversial local Muslim, Zafar Bangash, a Muslim imam and the director of the Institute of Contemporary Islamic Thought. Bangash is currently at the center of a controversy to bring a mosque to Newmarket, a town north of Toronto. The people opposing the project say they are not objecting to their community getting its first Muslim place of worship but rather are against Bangash himself, whom they regard as an Islamic extremist. more...
| America |

Democrats to change 185 year-old house rule to allow tax hikes without having to vote (May 16, 2007) - In a stunning move, House Democrats today revealed they will attempt to rewrite House rules that have gone unchanged since 1822 in order to make it possible to increase taxes and government spending without having to vote and be held accountable. House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) today vowed Republicans will use every available means to fight this unprecedented change. “This is an astonishing attempt by the majority leadership to duck accountability for tax-and-spend policies the American people do not want,” Boehner said. “The majority leadership is gutting House rules that have been in place for 185 years so they can raise taxes and increase government spending without a vote. House Republicans will use every tool available to fight this abuse of power.” Last November, House Democratic leaders promised the most open, ethical Congress in history: “[W]e promised the American people that we would have the most honest and most open government and we will.” (Nancy Pelosi press stakeout, December 6, 2006) “We intend to have a Rules Committee ... that gives opposition voices and alternative proposals the ability to be heard and considered on the floor of the House.” (Steny Hoyer in CongressDaily PM, December 5, 2006) The rules House Democrats are seeking to change have not been changed since 1822. Republicans have already achieved significant legislative successes on the House floor with 11 consecutive “motion-to-recommit” victories that exposed flaws and substantively improved weaknesses in underlying Democrat bills. But rather than living by the same rules which have guided the House of Representatives for 185 years, Democrats are proposing to change the rules in order to game the system and raise taxes and increase spending without a House vote. What are House Democrats afraid of?
| America

If the plans of the likes of Albert Pike are not prophecy, then they are a game-plan that is being carried out. This is what I believe the Bible terms the mystery of iniquity already at work. The ultimate goal will be a one-world government headed by one man from the revived Roman Empire whom Satan gives his power. Revelation 13:5 Understand that these dark forces are at work in ours and all political systems now to help bring that about. I don't think we can change it because it's part of prophecy. The same spirit is behind all parties and those corrupt in power control who joins them and I don't believe they want to risk having their plans exposed. Prophetically I see two options for America, either it will cooperate with the Globalists or have it's power removed. This could be terrorist actions or just the collapse of the nation from the inside. Our moral foundation seems to be deteriorating faster and faster while the lust for money is destroying the economy while rich people play number games to get richer. When God shakes the earth, the material world will crumble. The spiritual world is eternal, but those who cling to the material will be destroyed with it because they chose to reject the God that created them. Put your hope, faith, and trust in Yeshua the Christ because this world is going to pass away. 2 Peter 3

Roe v. Wade Loses Public Support (May 16, 2007) - The more people understand about the court ruling, the more likely they are to be pro-life. A national public opinion survey released this week shows that many people who know the facts about Roe v. Wade -- the 1973 Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion -- think it should be overturned. The survey, commissioned by the Ethics and Public Policy Center and the Judicial Confirmation Network and conducted by Ayres, McHenry & Associates, Inc., was completed earlier this month. “Public opinion on the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade is significantly affected by a focus on the conditions under which abortion is allowed by the ruling,” the survey report stated. David O’Steen, executive director of the National Right to Life Committee, said the survey confirms what he’s known for years. “If you just ask about Roe v. Wade, there’s majority support for it. Using the slogans of modern business, Roe v. Wade is a ‘brand’ that has been sold to the American people by the media,” O’Steen said. “But if you describe what Roe v. Wade does, then a majority doesn’t support it.” In response to the survey’s first question – “Would you like the Supreme Court to overturn Roe vs. Wade, or not?” – 55 percent said Roe should not be overturned; just 35 percent indicated it should. Support for Roe varied depending on circumstances. Seventy-five percent of respondents said they supported abortion when the life of the mother is at risk, and 77 percent said it should be legal if the pregnancy poses a health risk or if it resulted from rape or incest. If the preborn child was diagnosed with a “serious physical or mental deformity,” abortion support dropped to 55 percent. Seventy-nine percent said abortion should not be legal if “the woman does not like the gender of the fetus”; 72 percent said it should be illegal if the woman believes the child would interfere with her life; and 65 percent said a lack of financial stability does not make it right. Respondents were then told that Roe v. Wade allowed abortion in every circumstance presented – and were again asked if it should be overturned. This time, 48 percent said it should not be overturned; 43 percent said it should be. “While many Americans will say they support Roe v. Wade,” said Carrie Gordon Earll, senior bioethics analyst at Focus on the Family Action, “most don’t know it allows unrestricted abortion for any reason throughout pregnancy.”
| America

Europe-U.S. alliance shifts (May 16, 2007) - European politics are suddenly moving forward at a dizzying pace, making room for tectonic changes in transatlantic relations that will, in turn, force Washington to reassess how it looks at its European friends, not-so-friends and foes. In France after 12 years in the French presidency, Jacques Chirac is bowing out; Nicolas Sarkozy is in. Mr. Sarkozy, 52, is the son of a Hungarian immigrant who fled communism. In Great Britain after 10 years as prime minister, Tony Blair will soon be out when he steps down in June. Gordon Brown will be in. And in Berlin, Helmut Kohl, a dinosaur of German politics, has been gone for a while, replaced by Angela Merkel. Besides the obvious changes, it is also important to point out major political differences among Western Europe's top leaders; Mr. Chirac was seen as cold to the United States, with whom he never really managed to surmount the strains caused by the Iraq war; Mr. Sarkozy is outwardly warm to Washington. Mr. Blair seemed to follow Mr. Bush blindly, even into the greatest Mesopotamian misadventure; Mr. Brown is likely to question, and then question some more before committing to accepting Mr. Bush's policies. And in Berlin, Mr. Kohl, who together with Mr. Chirac put up a united front against Washington's hegemony, was replaced by Gerhard Schroeder. Then he was replaced by Mrs. Merkel, who is far more open to cooperating with Washington. The irony brought about by these changes is that the countries labeled "old Europe" by former U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld -- indicating that they were practically irrelevant as allies in the wars waged by the United States -- are back firmly in the U.S. corner. Meanwhile, the United Kingdom, which, until recently could be counted as Washington's most trusted ally in Europe -- thanks to Mr. Blair's unfaltering support of George W. Bush -- may adopt a different policy after Mr. Blair's departure from No. 10 Downing Street next month. Mr. Blair was seen to be so adamantly in agreement with Mr. Bush that the British press took to calling him "Bush's poodle." In France, these changes at the top have produced the unthinkable. Who would have imagined just a few months ago that a French leader, no less one emerging from the party that has inherited the political legacy of Gen. Charles de Gaulle, would emerge into the open as being so pro-American? Especially when it was de Gaulle himself who initiated the anti-American mood that prevails in much of France's society to this day. In a book just released by Nicolas Sarkozy titled "Testimony: France in the 21st Century" and no doubt timed to coincide with his victory in the May presidential elections, the new French president does not waste time letting the reader know his strong pro-American feelings. As for the opening chapter in his book, Mr. Sarkozy writes that he has "no intention of apologizing for feeling an affinity with the greatest democracy in the world." Mr. Sarkozy goes on to say, "I don't see why my country doesn't take inspiration from its great ally, rather than constantly trying approaches that have failed both in France and elsewhere." His very American outlook on work ethics will undoubtedly send shivers down the spines of many of his fellow citizens. As Mr. Sarkozy says, "the French socialists would have you believe that work is a sort of punishment from which people should try to escape." more...
/ 4th Kingdom | America

Understanding the Masonic history of our nation and the view that it was the New Atlantis, then seeing how the mystery of iniquity has been shaping world politics over the years, I think this change is very telling to the times. The power struggle in Europe seems to be playing right into the globalist agenda and the grooming of the population will definitely be helped with the chaos of radical Islam that is causing the call for peace and security. Don't think the politics can shift to global control by one man in a couple of years? We've seen the kinds of changes terrorism has caused to happen. Convenient, yes? You might be surprised just how planned out it all has been. Who do you think is behind the scenes pulling all the strings? He supplies the chaos that will cause the world to give him their power and eventually, worship. He will supply the apparent peace-bringer and subdue the chaos-bringers in concert. The world will love him for it and his pride will cause his downfall when he gets his power from Lucifer the dragon and claims to be God in the Holy of Holies. Revelation 13 | 2 Thessalonians 2 Expect to see more trans-Atlantic cooperation in the coming months and years.

Olmert: Israel seeks world acceptance of a united Jerusalem under its sovereignty (May 14, 2007) - Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said on Sunday he would seek to expand the borders of Jerusalem and that he hoped for eventual world acceptance Israeli sovereignty over the entire city. At a ceremony marking the 40th anniversary of the reunification of the city in 1967, Olmert said: "The past 40 years are only the beginning. I believe, hope and pray that we will continue to work together to strengthen Jerusalem, to expand its borders, to cultivate its foundations, to build its neighborhoods." In his remarks at the Western Wall remnant of an ancient Jewish temple in Jerusalem, Olmert said Israel hoped to achieve world acceptance of its rule in the city, by respecting its holiness to three faiths, Judaism, Christianity and Islam. "If we do this with wisdom and caution, we will preserve this city always under our sovereignty, complete and united and accepted by the entire world. This is our goal," Olmert said. Meanwhile, the ambassadors from the United States and the European Union countries will not attend the celebrations Wednesday to mark the 40th anniversary of the reunification of Jerusalem, the Israeli media reported Sunday. Ra'am-Ta'al MK Ahmed Tibi welcomed the decision not to attend celebrations for what he termed "the so-called unification of Jerusalem." According to Army Radio, the envoy from Germany declined the invitation in the name of all EU states due to a dispute over the status of East Jerusalem as part of the Israeli capital. A short time later, Israel Radio reported that American Ambassador Richard Jones will also not attend. The Foreign Ministry explained it had invited diplomats to attend a ceremoney commemorating 40 years since the unification of East and West Jerusalem at the Knesset. "We regret the EU's announcement by which its representatives will not take part in this event, and expect the participation of many other diplomats," it added. more...
Israel | Islam | EU/UN / 4th Kingdom
 | America |

Springtime in Islamberg (May 14, 2007) - Situated within a dense forest at the foothills of the Catskill Mountains on the outskirts of Hancock, New York, Islamberg is not an ideal place for a summer vacation unless, of course, you are an exponent of the Jihad or a fan of Osama bin Laden. The 70 acre complex is surrounded with "No trespassing" signs; the rocky terrain is infested with rattlesnakes; and the woods are home to black bears, coyotes, wolves, and a few bobcats. The entrance to the community is at the bottom of a very steep hill that is difficult to navigate even on a bright sunny day in May. The road, dubbed Muslim Lane, is unpaved and marred by deep crevices that have been created by torrential downpours. On a wintry day, few, save those with all terrain vehicles, could venture forth from the remote encampment. A sentry post has been established at the base of the hill. The sentry, at the time of this visit, is an African American dressed in Islamic garb - - a skull cap, a prayer shawl, and a loose fitting shalwat kameez. He instructs us to turn around and leave. "Our community is not open to visitors," he says. Behind the sentry and across a small stream stand dozens of inhabitants of the compound - - the men wearing skull caps and loose fitting tunics, the women in full burqa. They appear ready to deal with any unauthorized intruders. The hillside is blighted by rusty trailers that appear to be without power or running water and a number of outhouses. The scent of raw sewage is in the air. The place is even off limits to the local undertaker who says that he has delivered bodies to the complex but has never been granted entrance. "They come and take the bodies from my hearse. They won't allow me to get past the sentry post. They say that they want to prepare the bodies for burial. But I never get the bodies back. I don't know what's going on there but I don't think it's legal." On the other side of the hill where few dare to go is a tiny village replete with a make-shift learning center (dubbed the "International Quranic Open University"); a trailer converted into a Laundromat; a small, green community center; a small and rather squalid grocery store; a newly constructed majid; over forty clapboard homes; and scores of additional trailers. It is home to hundreds - - all in Islamic attire, and all African-Americans. Most drive late model SUVs with license plates from Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, South Carolina, and Tennessee. The locals say that some work as tollbooth operators for the New York State Thruway, while others are employed at a credit card processing center that maintains confidential financial records. While buzzing with activity during the week, the place becomes a virtual hive on weekends. The guest includes arrivals from the inner cities of New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania and, occasionally, white-robed dignitaries in Ray-Bans from the Middle East. Venturing into the complex last summer, Douglas Hagmann, an intrepid investigator and director of the Northeast Intelligence Service, came upon a military training area at the eastern perimeter of the property. The area was equipped with ropes hanging from tall trees, wooden fences for scaling, a make-shift obstacle course, and a firing range. Hagmann said that the range appeared to have been in regular use. Islamberg is not as benign as a Buddhist monastery or a Carmelite convent. Nearly every weekend, neighbors hear sounds of gunfire. Some, including a combat veteran of the Vietnam War, have heard the bang of small explosives. None of the neighbors wished to be identified for fear of "retaliation." "We don't even dare to slow down when we drive by," one resident said. "They own the mountain and they know it and there is nothing we can do about it but move, and we can't even do that. Who wants to buy a property near that?" more...
| America |

Iraqi bill on troop pullout discussed (May 10, 2007) - A majority of Iraqi lawmakers endorsed a draft bill calling for a timetable for the withdrawal of foreign troops and demanding a freeze on the number already in the country, lawmakers said Thursday. The legislation was being discussed even as U.S. lawmakers were locked in a dispute with the White House over their call to start reducing the size of the U.S. force in the coming months. The proposed Iraqi legislation, drafted by the parliamentary bloc loyal to anti-American Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, was signed by 144 members of the 275-member house, said Nassar al-Rubaie, the leader of the Sadrist bloc. The Sadrist bloc, which holds 30 parliamentary seats and sees the U.S.-led forces as an occupying army, has pushed similar bills before, but this was the first time it garnered the support of a majority of lawmakers. The bill would require the Iraqi government to seek approval from parliament before it requests an extension of the U.N. mandate for foreign forces to be in Iraq, al-Rubaie said. It also calls for a timetable for the troop withdrawal and a freeze on the size of the foreign forces. The U.N. Security Council voted unanimously in November to extend the mandate of the U.S.-led forces until the end of 2007. The resolution, however, said the council "will terminate this mandate earlier if requested by the government of Iraq." more...
| America |

I wonder why the supporters of Muqtada al-Sadr would want America to pull out? I really think that the suggestion of moving the U.N. to Babylon may be the way out for everyone that also fulfills Bible prophecy putting the European government in Babylon.

2007: Nuclear Attack and Invasion of United States (May 9, 2007) - According to Hal Lindsey of, Hugo Chavez, the President of Venezuela, has threatened to unleash an army of operatives already inside the United States, if the U.S. attacks Iran. In other words, mass murder by armed gangs already in U.S. cities. WND: Chavez threatens to 'unleash operatives' already in U.S. MS-13, most likely the 'army of operatives' Chavez threatened to unleash, is the most violent gang in the United States, numbering in the tens of thousands, responsible for murders across the country and the subject of congressional investigations. At one point they were reported to be in over 3,500 U.S. cities. Approximately 70,000 more are in Central America where many receive paramilitary training, and from the sound of things, have been sneaking in by the thousands from Mexico into the United States. MS-13 gangs have set up in many American cities, and are reported to have created a national command hierarchy, with some gang members on the East and West coast reporting directly to and paying gang dues to leaders in Central America. FPIF: MS-13 'command hierarcy' in U.S. cities Now it gets scary. Brigitte Gabriel, the author of "Because They Hate: A Survivor of Islamic Terror Warns America," tells Larry Elder of "The Larry Elder Show" (a nationally syndicated daily talk show for ABC Radio Networks): "We have terrorists coming through our borders. Al-Qaida is working with the MS-13 gang, smuggling al-Qaida terrorists into the country. Hezbollah is doing the same... We estimate thousands have already been smuggled into America... Hamas is here..." Update: 5/9/2007 MSNBC: Hezbollah builds Western base in South America In addition, MS-13 is reported to have smuggled in a variety of nuclear weapons for Al-Qaeda, including suitcase nukes and even a few nuclear missile warheads, and Al-Qaeda's arsenal may even be bigger than that. Which is probably why a nuclear attack on U.S. soil is now considered the number one threat by Homeland Security. If you live in America, you should be worried. If you're not worried, you're not paying attention. The government is slowly telling us what's going on, but they're doing a great job of not creating panic. The threat is real. It can happen any day. CHICAGOTRIBUNE: Cheney: Nuclear attack on U.S. cities 'very real' Hugo Chavez - the 'Missing Link' to Nuclear Terror Why the interest in Chavez? Chavez, if you recall, made threatening remarks to the United Nations back in September of 2006, predicting the fall of the 'United States Empire', and also speaking Arabic, ending his heated speech with inshallah, which means God willing. Why is the President of Venezuela, a country in South America, speaking Arabic? Why did he predict the fall of the United States? CNN: Chavez predicts fall of 'United States Empire' According to, Chavez has been reported by a defector to have given atleast $1 million to Al-Qaeda. Obviously Hugo Chavez has ties to Iran, hence the threat to unleash operatives if the U.S. attacks Iran. He also has direct ties to MS-13 in Central America, with many originating from his own country, Venezuela. writes, 'MS-13 has ties to Adnan El Shukrijumah, a top al-Qaida lieutenant believed to be plotting new attacks against U.S. targets. El Shukrijumah had sought meetings with the Mara Salvatrucha [MS-13] gang leaders who control alien-smuggling routes through Mexico and into the United States.' If this sounds crazy, that's because it is. Crazy. If news reports are correct, the United States is in immeninent danger of nuclear attacks and mass murder across the country. Of course no country, especially Venezuela, wants to be linked to Al-Qaeda. The U.S. is a sitting duck for an Al-Qaeda nuclear attack because there is no country we can nuke back. Al-Qaeda doesn't have a return address. You can bet though that a handful of countries would willingly help Al-Qaeda, as long as they can do it without being traced. Like Iran. Like Chavez. Like Fidel Castro. more...
| America |

We must remain in Christ always. Trust in the Lord and He will direct our paths.

Goodbye U.S. dollar, hello global currency (May 9, 2007) - The director of international economics at the Council of Foreign Relations has launched a scathing attack on sovereignty and national currencies. Benn Steil, writing in the current issue of CFR's influential Foreign Affairs magazine, says "the world needs to abandon unwanted currencies, replacing them with dollars, euros, and multinational currencies as yet unborn." In the article, "The End of National Currency," Steil clearly asserts the dollar and the euro are temporary currencies, perhaps necessary today. He argues "economic development outside the process of globalization is no longer possible." His inevitable conclusion is "countries should abandon monetary nationalism." Steil tempers his embrace of one world currency, writing, "Governments should replace national currencies with the dollar or the euro or, in the case of Asia, collaborate to produce a new multinational currency over a comparably large and economically diversified area." He concludes: "It is the market that made the dollar into global money – and what the market giveth, the market can taketh away. If the tailors balk and the dollar falls, the market may privatize money on its own." The "tailors" Steil has in mind are the world's central bankers. He advises that the U.S. needs "to perpetuate the sound money policies of former Federal Reserve chairmen Paul Volker and Alan Greenspan and return to long-term fiscal discipline." In our current era of large and growing trade imbalances and over $35 trillion in GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) accounted federal deficits, these targets appear unlikely. more...
EU/UN / 4th Kingdom
 | NewWorldOrder | America |

Bush OKs 'integration' with European Union (May 8, 2007) - President Bush signed an agreement creating a "permanent body" that commits the U.S. to "deeper transatlantic economic integration," without ratification by the Senate as a treaty or passage by Congress as a law. The "Transatlantic Economic Integration" between the U.S. and the European Union was signed April 30 at the White House by Bush, German Chancellor Angela Merkel – the current president of the European Council – and European Commission President José Manuel Barroso. The document acknowledges "the transatlantic economy remains at the forefront of globalization," arguing that the U.S. and the European Union "seek to strengthen transatlantic economic integration." The agreement established a new Transatlantic Economic Council to be chaired on the U.S. side by a cabinet-level officer in the White House and on the EU side by a member of the European Commission. The current U.S. head of the new Transatlantic Economic Council is Allan Hubbard, assistant to the president for Economic Policy and director of the National Economic Council. The current EU head of the council is Günther Verheugen, vice-President of the European Commission in charge of enterprise and industry. The Transatlantic Economic Council was tasked with creating regulatory convergence between the U.S. and the EU on some 40 different public policy areas, including intellectual property rights, developing security standards for international trade, getting U.S. GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Practices) recognized in Europe, developing innovation and technology in health industries, implementing RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technologies, developing a science-based plan on bio-based products and establishing a "regular dialogue" to address obstacles to investment. At a joint press conference, Bush thanked the other two leaders for signing the "trans-Atlantic economic integration plan," commenting that, "It is a recognition that the closer that the United States and the EU become, the better off our people will be." Barroso said the Transatlantic Economic Council is meant to be "a permanent body, with senior people on both sides of the Atlantic." As WND has reported, Secretary of Commerce Carlos Gutierrez repeatedly has pushed for North American integration, much as the April 30 agreement proposes closer U.S.-EU integration. Mexico's ambassador to the U.N., Enrique Berruga, has called for a North American Union to be created in the next eight years. But the Bush administration's push for North American integration is facing increasing opposition within Congress. WND reported Rep. Virgil Goode, R-Va., has introduced House Concurrent Resolution 40, which opposes the administration's Security and Prosperity Partnership, blocks a NAFTA Superhighway System and expresses opposition to the U.S. entry into a North American Union with Mexico and Canada. WND also has reported a movement led by Phyllis Schlafly of Eagle Forum has led to an increasing number of state legislatures proposing resolutions opposing a North American Union.
EU/UN / 4th Kingdom
 | NewWorldOrder | America |

Jihad in U.S. Streets (May 5, 2007) - "These killers are known as "paintball jihadists" in that they practice in paintball game style what they have planned for America’s streets. They are already training others in "urban combat" using paintball guns. They will engage in paramilitary-style training right under our noses, and lie about it to our faces. They are protected, in some cases, by the religious Imams, some who even encourage or schedule such outings." Zealot Muslims now plan to bathe America’s streets with gunfire just as is going on in Iraq, Afghanistan, Sudan, Darfur and so forth. Once these Allah devotees get hold, they don’t stop. Street fighting never ends. Further, these fighters are more than willing to sacrifice their own bodies and those of their families and neighbors in order to see through Islam World Rule. Douglas J. Hagmann, Director, Northeast Intelligence Network, reports that American officials already know of the process. However, both government and media are muffling detail. Jihad will come to the United States due to "Muslim men inside the U.S., (the latter) adhering to the Islamist ideology of jihad, preparing for war on the streets of America. "The ‘insider’ reports are very troubling and are purposely being downplayed by official sources and go largely unreported in the media. "One case, however, can serve as an example of what is taking place all across the U.S. involving the procurement and disbursement of weapons to Muslim ‘jihadists.’ On Tuesday, May 2, 2007, a federal indictment was unsealed in the U.S. federal court in St. Louis naming eight Islamic men as defendants in a case involving the buying, selling or hiding of automatic weapons, an anti-personnel mine and other explosives. more...
Islam | America |

This kind of thing may not happen full-scale until the abomination of desolation, but the fact that so much of it is being built up now I think is a sign of the end times. The fourth rider is preparing to ride and 1/4 of the earth's population with him. Interestingly enough, Islam comprises about 1/4 of the earth's population as of 2000.

Hate crime bill veto is vowed (May 4, 2007) - A long-stalled bill that would expand the federal hate crime law to cover violent acts based on a victim's gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or disability is headed for approval in the Democratic-controlled Congress but faces a White House veto threat. The House on Thursday approved the measure, the first major expansion of the hate crime statute since it was enacted in 1968. Senate approval is expected soon, putting the controversial bill on the president's desk for the first time since it was proposed nearly a decade ago. Under intense pressure from conservative religious organizations to derail the bill, the White House on Thursday called it "unnecessary and constitutionally questionable," issuing the latest in a string of veto threats aimed at the congressional Democratic majority. The measure was spurred by a number of high-profile incidents, including the 1998 killing of Matthew Shepard, a gay college student who was brutally beaten in Wyoming and left to die tied to a fence. Shepard's mother, Judy, who lobbied for the bill's passage, addressed House Democrats shortly before the vote and watched the debate from the gallery. "I'm so relieved. It's been a long time," she said afterward. The House approved the bill 237 to 180, with 25 Republicans joining 212 Democrats in passing it. Voting no were 166 Republicans and 14 Democrats. The California delegation voted along party lines, except for Republican Mary Bono of Palm Springs, who supported the measure. Republicans Duncan Hunter of El Cajon and George P. Radanovich of Mariposa did not vote. The vote was short of the two-thirds needed to override a presidential veto. Joe Solmonese, president of the Human Rights Campaign, a gay rights group, said he hoped President Bush would sign the bill. "We are not going to stop working on this president," he said. "There's time before this goes to the president's desk. I hope that we have an opportunity to engage the White House … to talk to him about the kind of legacy he wants to look back upon." more...
| America |

U.S.: Rice to meet with Syrian FM (May 3, 2007) - Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said her meeting with the Syrian foreign minister, the first high-level talks in years between the United States and Syria, was "professional" and focused on how to improve security in Iraq. Rice met with Walid Moallem for a half-hour on the sidelines of a two-day conference about Iraq's future, taking the opportunity to air U.S. concerns about Syria's notoriously porous border with its neighbor. "I didn't lecture him and he didn't lecture me," Rice said afterward. "I would say it was professional. It was businesslike." Rice said she was not seeking a similar meeting with Iran's foreign minister. The Bush administration has shunned Syria, which it considers a state supporter of terrorism, and last month President Bush assailed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for making a trip to Damascus, saying it sent mixed messages to the Syrian government. But the White House has been under pressure to talk with Syria and Iran, another U.S. opponent in the region. In Baghdad, U.S. Maj. Gen. William Caldwell said Syria had tightened its borders to and reduced the number of foreign insurgents crossing into Iraq — a chief demand of the United States. "There has been some movement by the Syrians ... there has been a reduction in the flow of foreign fighters into Iraq" for more than a month, Caldwell said. more...
| America |

Palestinian leader: 'Kill every American and Jew' (May 3, 2007) - Every American and Jew in the world must be killed, demanded Ahmad Bahar, the speaker of the Palestinian Authority parliament in a televised speech, explaining the U.S. is on its way to collapse. "Allah, take hold of the Jews and their allies, Allah, take hold of the Americans and their allies. ... Allah, count them and kill them to the last one and don't leave even one," said Bahar last week in a speech broadcast on official PA television, which is controlled by PA President Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah party. Bahar, a Hamas member, is a senior figure in the Hamas-Fatah unity government headed by Abbas. His speech was translated this week by Palestinian Media Watch, which provided a video excerpt that can be seen here. Bahar declared the U.S. has been defeated. "Be certain that America is on its way to disappear. America is wallowing [in blood] today in Iraq and Afghanistan, America is defeated and Israel is defeated, and was defeated in Lebanon and Palestine. ... Make us victorious over the infidel people. "This is Islam, that was ahead of its time with regards to human rights in the treatment of prisoners, but our people was afflicted by the cancerous lump, that is the Jews, in the heart of the Arab nation." Fatah and Hamas in February forged a unity government that grants Hamas veto rights over any agreement with Israel. The U.S. backs talks with the Palestinian government and last month brokered bi-weekly meetings between Abbas and Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert meant to eventually lead to the creation of a Palestinian state. Earlier this week, a Hamas leader stated in an Arabic language interview Abbas does not have full authority to engage in negotiations with Israel, and Hamas will block any deal reached during talks with Olmert. more...
| Israel | Islam | America |

Iran, Syria Hold Conferences on a 'Culture of Resistance' (May 3, 2007) - As Iran was hosting an international conference this week under the banner "The Muslim World: Victim of Terrorism," Syria was holding its own international conference on "Arab and Islamic Media Support of the Palestinian People." In both countries, the theme was how the Islamic or Arab peoples are under assault and occupation by Israel and the United States. On Tuesday, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad told the audience at the first-ever Culture of Resistance Conference, held in Tehran, that the Islamic world has been victimized by terrorism perpetrated by "the arrogant powers." It is those powers, Ahmadinejad said, that have created and promoted international terrorist organizations. "Unfortunately," the Iranian leader said, "Islam's enemies are trying to cover up their failures by wrongly portraying Islam as a religion of violence." Ahmadinejad called the United States a terrorist regime and claimed that Israel, with Western backing, is continually threatening other nations. "Islam is nowadays the victim of organized terrorism," he declared. Iran's Deputy Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mohammadi told conference attendees, "We strongly condemn all forms of terrorism because we have suffered most from it." The two-day Tehran conference, which had as its explicit goal the promotion of a "culture of resistance," ended on Wednesday and was attended by guests from 46 states. At the same time as the Iranian event, a three-day conference in Syria drew 350 people from around the globe, as well. Like its sister gathering in Tehran, the Syrian conference expressed a commitment to "deepen the culture of resistance." Specifically, the conference offered support for the Hizbullah terrorist organization, referred to in Syrian media as "the Lebanese national resistance." The final statement of the conference further praised the war Hizbullah launched against Israel in July 2006, "which defeated the US-Israeli schemes," according to the Syrian government's news agency, SANA. In their closing statement, the Syrian conference organizers called on Arab and Islamic media to put the Arab-Israeli conflict at the top of their agenda, especially regarding the release of convicted Arab terrorists in Israeli jails. more...
| Israel | Islam | America |

So radical Islam attacks with suicide bombers, kidnappings, etc. and now that the reprocussions are on them, they use that as propaganda to brainwash the population into feeling dominated and fighting back. I honestly think this is all planned and both sides may be controlled by the same spirit using them as pawns to affect conflict on the earth. The question is how much of what is going on is planned? I don't know, but the propaganda machines of the enemy work extremely well.

Iran tops US list of state terror sponsors (May 1, 2007) - The US State Department has once again recognized Iran as the world's leading state sponsor of terrorism, accusing the Islamic Republic of aiding extremists throughout the Middle East, particularly in Iraq. Although the designation is not new, the release of the department's annual global survey of terrorism in which it is contained comes at a delicate moment - just days ahead of a possible meeting between Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Iran's top diplomat. Rice could meet Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki when they both attend a weekend conference of Iraq's neighbors aimed at boosting stability in a nation where the report says terrorist attacks, some backed by Iran, killed more than 13,000 civilians in 2006. "Should the foreign minister of Iran bump into Condi Rice, Condi won't be rude," President George W. Bush said Monday. "She's not a rude person. I'm sure she'll be polite."
America |

U.S.-EU Sign Agreement on Security of Classified Information (April 30, 2007) - Deputy Secretary of State John D. Negroponte and European Union Council Secretary General and High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy. Javier Solana signed a U.S.-EU Agreement on the security of classified information today at the Department of State. The agreement enables systematic exchanges of classified information between the United States and the European Union by obligating each party to undertake certain steps to protect such information. As the United States and European Union work together on global priorities, sharing of such classified information will remain vital to public safety and security.
/ 4th Kingdom | Solana | 1st Seal | NewWorldOrder | America

The Countdown Has Begun (April 29, 2007) - The intelligence information gathered by the Unites States regarding Iran's technological breakthrough that could lead Teheran to an atom bomb in less than three years bodes well with President George Bush's political desperation. The new intelligence indicates that Iran is making accelerated progress in acquiring the required amount of enriched uranium for assembling its first nuclear bomb. Until recently, American intelligence estimated that this would only happen in 2015. Now US intelligence is falling into line with its colleagues in Israel and is estimating that an Iranian bomb can be expected as early as 2010. Contrary to the war in Iraq, the American public does indeed view Iran as a real threat. The combination of a radical religious regime and weapons of mass destruction is America's worst nightmare. Publication of the information is part and parcel of the imminent beating of war drums: On the one hand the Bush Administration is building a significant naval force along the Iranian coast, and on the other it is signaling to the public that the Iranian threat is approaching in great strides. When the information was revealed on CBS, senior officials at the Pentagon were quoted as saying that now there will be more pressure on Israel to carry out a preventative strike on Iran, just as it did in 1981 in Iraq. And indeed less than two days elapsed since the publication and Israel's prime minister was quoted in the German weekly Focus as outlining the possibility of such an attack, which would include firing 1,000 cruise missiles in 10 days. more...
Iran | Israel | Islam | America

Leave Iraq, Sadr tells "Antichrist" Bush (April 28, 2007) - The powerful Iraqi cleric and militia leader Moqtada al-Sadr called President George W. Bush the Antichrist on Saturday and urged him to heed calls by the opposition Democrats to withdraw from the chaos of Iraq. In fresh violence on Saturday, 14 people were killed and 39 others were wounded in a suicide car bombing in the holy Shi'ite city of Kerbala south of Baghdad, a hospital said. A Reuters witness said he saw tens of casualties. Sadr, whose ministers quit Shi'ite Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki's government this month, renewed his demand for a U.S. pullout a day after Bush pledged to veto legislation that would require U.S. troops to begin leaving Iraq by October 1. Calling Bush "the greatest evil," Sadr said in a letter read out by a Sadrist MP in parliament that an eventual U.S. pullout would be a "victory for the Iraqi people." "Here are the Democrats demanding that you withdraw at least with a timetable and you are stubborn against them," said Sadr, whose Mehdi Army militia fought two uprisings against U.S. forces in 2004. "You are like the one-eyed Antichrist. You look with one eye and refuse to look with the other," he told Bush. more...
| Islam
| America

The masters of propaganda have achieved the goal of setting America against herself. All they had to do was scream injustice whilst blowing themselves up and committing acts of terrorism to scare everyone into submission and obedience to the every whim of those trying to control and shape society. Once the mystery of iniquity cut out the recognition of the spiritual in the West, it became easier to use the fear of death to manipulate the masses. Truth be told, there is no amount of big brother that will completely protect society from evil people. But evil people in control of the structure of big brother is an even greater threat as the world will find out once the antichrist has control of it. And no, I don't believe Bush is the antichrist. It's a convenient propaganda tool that the enemy can use though thanks to the power of the fear of death in the western world that doesn't recognize their eternal souls or are not comfortable with the state of their eternal souls. The threat of death has much sway over these, and it's interesting that a religion of death is bringing the war, terrorism, and death. A history of the mystery of iniquity already at work today

Internet Providers Censoring Conservative News E-Mail (April 26, 2007) - Something ominous and sinister has been happening on the Internet lately: two major internet service providers -- without any prior explanation or notice -- have been discriminating against conservative e-zines and web journals. According to several subscribers to NewsWithViews.Com's newsletter, companies such as Earthlink and SBC Global are intentionally blocking delivery of NWV's e-mail to subscribers. "When I wasn't receiving my NewsWithViews notices I called their office in Oregon to ask why. I was concerned they had closed down or worse. The gentleman I spoke with told me that all the Earthlink folks were being denied delivery of the daily posts from NWV," complains Jackie Juntti, a e-mail subscriber. "I have to admit that shocked me as Earthlink has long had the reputation of sending EVERYTHING thru their servers -- no holds barred. I tried and tried to make an e-mail complaint about their blocking NWV from getting to me. I explained to them I SUBSCRIBED to that list and I WANT IT DELIVERED!! I tried several different Earthlink e-mail addresses and as of this moment I have yet to receive any response from Earthlink about my emailed complaints on this topic," said Ms. Juntti. As reported by NewsBusters, the most recent widespread occurrence of this unexplained phenomenon was when Frank Salvato, proprietor of The New Media Journal, realized that his content that day hadn't been disseminated at Google News as it had been on a daily basis since he reached an agreement with the search engine in September 2005. After sending the Google Help Desk a query concerning the matter, Salvato was informed that there had been complaints of "hate speech" at his website, and as a result, The New Media Journal would no longer be part of Google News. As evidence of his offense, the Google Team supplied Salvato with links to three recent op-eds published by his contributing writers, all coincidentally about radical Islam and its relation to terrorism. According to a recent WND news article American Airlines is blocking WorldNetDaily as a "hate site." "WoldNetDaily is anything but, all they do is report the truth, since when is truth hate?" As a sidebar, the NewsBusters article that first broke this story on May 19 cannot be found by doing a Google News search even though other recent articles by NewsBusters can. more...
| AmericaSigns of the Times |

FDA, Supplements and so-called hate crime bill (April 26, 2007) - I'm going to cut to the chase here on the latest efforts by non elected government bureaucrats and Congress to further destroy our natural rights. First, our right to natural health care and supplements, which cuts into the mega billions of dollars in profit to the big pharmaceutical companies, see Tom DeWeese's recent column: "The Federal Drug Administration (FDA) has launched another sneak-attack, trying to regulate your health freedom into oblivion. Through FDA’s unholy partnerships with Big Pharma and the Codex Alimentarius Commission (an offshoot of the UN), we are very close to losing alternative health care in America. This is a crisis, and needs your immediate action." The loons behind this new world order nightmare where every aspect of our life is controlled, include water to be regulated! Think I'm blowing some conspiracy junk? "The website noted that among likely developments if the FDA has its way: Growing and selling common garden herbs will get you arrested as a drug dealer. Massage oils and handheld massagers will be regulated as "medical devices." Vegetable juice will be regulated as a drug. Weight machines will be regulated as "medical devices" and require FDA approval before being sold or used. Raw sprouts and other anti-cancer foods will be regulated as drugs. Bottled water that "treats" dehydration will be regulated as a drug....." Read the rest of this factual column here. Anyone who has done even a minimal amount of research is fully aware that the FDA is nothing more than a pimping operation for the big pharma houses. The question is this: does the FDA have any authority to regulate natural food supplements and vitamins, never mind water? more...
EU/UN / 4th Kingdom |
NewWorldOrder | America |

EU to demand US commitment to visa-free travel (April 25, 2007) - The European Union will pressure the United States to commit to including all EU nations in its visa-waiver programme, officials said today. Only 15 out of the EU’s 27 nations are included in the programme that permits people to enter the US without having to apply for a visa. EU officials have long insisted visa waiver deals must be fully reciprocal, but US officials argue Greece and most of the new EU members still fail to meet all the criteria necessary for joining the scheme. “Citizens of 12 EU member states still need a visa, even for short stays. The EU presidency is forcefully speaking to ensure that in future all EU citizens are included in visa waiver programme,” German Deputy Foreign Minister Guenther Gloser, whose country holds the rotating six-month EU presidency, told the European Parliament in Strasbourg ahead of the April 30 EU-US summit in Washington. “There should be no split in the EU as to who has the right to travel to the United States without a visa. All member states should be treated equally,” Gloser said.
EU/UN / 4th Kingdom
 | NewWorldOrder | America |

Is there writing on the wall? (April 25, 2007) - Watching (and participating in) the intense Iraq war and war on terror debate both in the United States and in Europe and the politics that flows from it, a sense of futility is increasingly hard to resist. Our nation and Europe seem to have hardened in their divisions on those topics. It would appear that the great divide in both public opinion and between politicians is not Republican-Democrat, liberal-conservative, pro- or anti-Bush or even pro- or anti-war (or, in Europe: pro-or anti-American). Rather, the great divide is between those, such as me, who believe that the rise of radical Islam poses an existential threat to Western Civilization; and those who believe it is a nuisance, if episodically a very dangerous nuisance. For those in the latter category, the great thrust of modern history exemplified in Francis Fukuyama's concept of "The End of History" continues onward. The great secular triumph of (more or less) free markets, a world economy, democracy, individual rights, socialized economic security and their management by merit?based technocrats will be an inevitable continuity in human affairs. The episodic terrorist violence, so far killing far less people than die in car crashes or from lung cancer each year, does not justify re-ordering our social priorities. It does not justify any significant intrusions into civil liberties. It does not justify a major shift of tax revenues from social spending to war and homeland security programs. It certainly does not justify fighting wars on the other side of the world that kill and grievously wound painful numbers of American and European soldiers — and even greater numbers of local residents in the war zones. For the people holding that view, George Bush and Tony Blair (and their supporters) are not only seen as wrong, nor merely incompetently wrong — but are seen as cynically exploiting an obvious lie to crassly enhance their political power and enrich their corrupt friends. Conceptual opposition has evolved into personal contempt for the antagonist (as it often does in fights over big issues — e.g. the fight between capital and labor of the late 19th and first half of the 20th centuries). For those of us who support the great struggle against radical Islam, the world reality could not be plainer. The threat of radical Islam is not merely a few thousand terrorists using small explosives to kill a few dozen people at a time — usually in the far away Middle East. Rather, it is an historic recrudescence of a violent, conquering old tradition of Islam that almost overwhelmed the world from the seventh century until as recently as 17th century. It is radicalizing the minds of increasing numbers of the world's 1.4 billion Muslims to be very aggressive culturally, as well as violent — from Africa to Indonesia, to Cairo to Ankara, to Paris, to Rotterdam to London to Falls Church, Va. Funded by Saudi petro-dollars, it is capable of acting on a worldwide scale and will eventually get its hands on biological, chemical and nuclear weapons. While it probably will not be able to find sufficient unity to form a caliphate, it clearly has the capacity and intent to create violent chaos, to wreak digital havoc on our computer-based world economy and to intimidate Western governments to give up the very values and methods that have made our civilization so vibrant and free. Free speech in Europe is already being curtailed to protect radical Islam from even verbal criticism. The flying imams' lawsuit attempts to intimidate American citizens from even reporting possible terrorist activity to the authorities. Iran's nuclear ambitions are being appeased. How dare the media call it "Bush's war on terror." It's our war — and it was started by the radical Islamists — not by us. Where will it all stop? more...
Islam | EU/UN / 4th Kingdom
 | America |

‘Baghdad Prayer Patrol‘ aims to provide spiritual support to US troops in Iraq (April 24, 2007) - A new Christian website, dedicated to prayer for Iraq, has been launched to coincide with the recent surge in US military forces in Baghdad.  founder Wayne Dillard launched the "Baghdad Prayer Patrol" to enlist Americans to pray for troops stationed in and around the Iraqi capital. Timing the project to coincide with the recent troop surge in Baghdad, Dillard says: "It's not right to send more troops without sending more prayer. We are asking Christians to join us for just one minute a day to stand with our troops over the next six months." "What if Baghdad were a city of peace? What if the impossible happened and it became a beacon of hope for the region? What if we prayed, and God answered, what could happen?" the website asks. "Did you know that Baghdad was once called Madinat Al- Salam, city of peace? Maybe that’s it’s God given destiny, maybe if we agree with God, we can change history," the website says. Answering the question, 'Why pray?' the site's organizers respond: "Because of the events that surround Baghdad, you will probably never have a better opportunity to change the course of world history than you do right now." They add: "Forces of both good and evil are locked in battle for Baghdad. Just a few short months will determine the fate of that city, it’s 6 million inhabitants, and it’s on-going influence in that region and the world. "The good people of Baghdad have stepped up to put their lives on the line as leaders for democracy and freedom. Soldiers from around the world are laying down their lives, and the Baghdad police are spilling their blood to see their countrymen live in peace." But, according to the site, "this is not enough, and the tug of war for Baghdad will be lost if believers like you and me don’t step up to our spiritual responsibility and join the battle. Others are doing all they can, are we doing what we can? "If you are a believer then you understand that political, military, and humanitarian efforts are only part of the picture. Rees Howells, a prayer leader that impacted the outcome of WWII, once said, 'History belongs to the intercessor' if that’s true, then the future also belongs to the Intercessor." more...
| America

Let us join in prayer for the soldiers in Iraq. Remember also that this is the location of ancient Babylon. Remember the story from April 9? Want Middle East Stability? Move UN to Iraq Babylon is a big part of Bible prophecy and events that are going to happen in the near future. Intercession for those giving their lives in sincere desire to help their nation, we should remember what the Bible says about those who give their lives for a friend. God is Love. John 15:13, "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." Lord, protect our soldiers. Give them that love you the opportunity to witness through their love to the people of Iraq, Afghanistan, and all throughout this world. Show your Spirit to them that don't love you yet. Part of your coming wrath is to shake away the comforts of them who are too wrapped up in their desires to notice you and rely on you as we all should. Lord, your friends ask that You glorify your name in our soldiers. That as they willingly continue to give their lives for our protection, that this reflection of the kind of God You are would rip the veils from the eyes of them who have been brainwashed to hate You, and not given the opportunity to know You. May our soldiers be awakened to a deeper understanding of You and filled to overflowing. That they would stand out to others and that their voices would be loosened in glory of Your name. Whether this battle is for good or bad, You know, but we recognize the opportunity for Your love to break down barriers in Iraq and elsewhere. In these dark times, Your light is a standard for them that hear Your voice. Your bride is awakening. May she glorify Your name as our voice resonates throughout the earth, "Blessed be the name of the Lord, Yeshua be praised!"

Hate Bill Fast Forwarding To Vote In House (April 24, 2007) - The House version of the federal "anti-hate" bill, H.R. 1592, is scheduled for a last hearing in the Subcommittee on Crime on Tuesday, April 24. The next day the entire House Judiciary Committee will consider the marked-up version, making its own changes. If approved, the bill will be sent forward to the House to be voted on, perhaps immediately. Those who love free speech must respond NOW with unprecedented calling, not only to the member of the House from your district but to as many members of the House of Representatives as possible. All House members are listed at The toll-free number is 1-877-851-6437, or call toll 1-202-224-3121. Tell them: "Please don't vote for any hate crimes legislation. Hate laws have taken away free speech in Canada and many European Countries." Most persons who are concerned about imminent passage of the federal "anti-hate" bill don't realize that S. 1105 in the Senate and H.R. 1592 in the House are actually amendments to a federal hate law passed in 1969. During the height of the civil rights movement, "Title 18, U.S.C., Sec. 245" stipulated that no one could verbally "…attempt to…intimidate" another person (chiefly black) away from enjoyment of their federally protected right to equal employment, public services, housing, voting rights, jury privileges, etc. If the government finds such verbal "intimidation" in a state and state officials are not enforcing these guarantees, the federal government can invade states' rights in local law enforcement, upholding Title 18. Title 18 is considered a "hate crimes" law because it criminalizes bias-motivated, verbal attempts to "intimidate" blacks by persuading them that they are intellectually, hygienically, or morally inferior -- unfit to eat at the same lunch counter, attend the same church, work in the same business, get the same education, live in the same apartment complex, or serve on the same jury with whites. Fast forward from 1969 to 2007. Instead of guaranteeing such protection just for religion, race and gender, the present hate bill grants it to homosexuals, transvestites, and transsexuals. If the House passes H.R. 1592 this week, it will include not just the language of the present bills posted at the government website but also that of Title 18, making it federally indictable to "…attempt to…intimidate" a homosexual from believing that he (even if he has AIDS or hepatitis) has the right to work in a restaurant, be employed as a police officer or summer camp counselor, or has equal rights to housing and employment anywhere he wishes. A pastor, Christian broadcaster or publisher who verbally attempts to "intimidate" homosexuals by describing homosexuality as an abomination (Leviticus 18:22) are thus high-profile targets for indictment under this legislation. The federal hate bill, incorporating Title 18, is clearly much more than an attempt to put down violent hate crimes in the states. It is a speech crime bill that, if passed, could immediately outlaw not only discrimination against homosexuals in employment or housing but also public criticism of sodomy.
| America

The Control Cult (April 21, 2007) - In the aftermath of the murders of 32 people at Virginia Tech, we are witnessing the collective reaffirmation of the article of faith uniting all politically-minded persons: the belief that the state is capable of identifying and controlling the factors that produce undesirable behavior. Even before the killer was identified, the chant arose – in unison – from political chambers, academia, government offices, and the media: “there is something that those in authority can do to alleviate such problems.” The mantra often finds expression – without any break in established meter – in this form: “we will find out what went wrong and fix it, so that this doesn’t happen again.” This mindset is so out of touch with the harsh facts of reality that The Wall Street Journal carried a feature article asking: “Next Debate: Should Colleges Ban Firearms?” That firearms had been banned on the Virginia Tech campus before these atrocities took place apparently did not inform the judgments of this newspaper’s editors. Nor have I seen evidence of any rethinking on the part of a Virginia Tech spokesman who, in 2006, following the Virginia legislature’s enactment of a ban on guns on state university campuses, declared: “I’m sure the university community is appreciative of the General Assembly’s actions because this will help parents, students, faculty and visitors feel safe on our campus.” This man might send such words of comfort to the families of these 32 victims! Whatever explanations or remedies various “experts” offer for the problems that beset mankind, the common thread connecting them is that both human and physical nature are capable of being causally understood and, therefore, subject to interventionist correction. Universities are the temples of faith in this proposition, with students enrolling for their stated purpose of “making the world a better place.” It is not surprising, therefore, that immediately following these atrocities, the Virginia Tech campus became an attractor for the proponents of this Weltanschauung. “If the university had intervened after this man turned in some disturbed writing to his English professor;” “if we can just control guns;” “if police had had access to his mental health records beforehand”: these were the oft-repeated concerns of those who are convinced that the world is predictable and, hence, controllable. In the latter vein, NBC news anchor, Brian Williams, reportedly vocalized the catechism in proposing a new federal program to monitor the mental health of all college students, in order to prevent occurrences such as this one. The true believers of the dogmas of control have insinuated themselves into all forms of institutions. Being ends in themselves, and with people serving as little more than resources for organizational purposes, institutions provide a fitting environment for such thinking. Government schools – unable to grasp the reality that children are, by nature, self-directed, spontaneous, and exploring people eager to devote their energies to what interests them – become upset when their conscripts refuse to suppress their inquisitiveness. The children get labeled “hyperactive” or “suffering” from “attention deficit disorder” (i.e., do not adhere to the teacher’s prescribed agenda) and must, therefore, have their energies controlled by drugs, counseling, and other “behavior modification” techniques that squeeze the childhood sense of personally-relevant curiosity from them. Children grow into adulthood, and go to work for an institutionalized employer who plays this same control game at their expense. The employee finds himself or herself under the thumb of what has got to be the most dehumanizing and vulgar job description anywhere: a “human resources manager.” For an individual to be labeled as nothing more than a “resource” – what one dictionary defines as “an available means” – is a glaring admission of the victory of institutions over the human spirit! ...Apostles of the control cult will focus their energies on any area of human activity that provides them the opportunity to advance what is central to their lives: the exercise of coercive power over other people. Whether any given issue involves gun ownership; global warming; discriminatory behavior; tobacco, drug, and alcohol usage; eating habits; educating or raising children; or any other expressions of human action that can be exploited for their purposes, the overall objective remains fixed. There is nothing this crowd fears more than the specter of ordinary people retaining decision-making authority over their own lives. more...
| America

The problem, I believe is a spiritual one. Because there is so much iniquity and sin, the love of many has grown cold. Many in Western scientific thought deny the spirit world for lack of physical evidence when the very nature of the spiritual has no physical dimensions. However, even though we live in the spirit daily, it's never really addressed in terms that make sense. This is where Thought: Voice of the Spirit Realm comes in. We need to understand that God put laws in place so that love would dominate our lives and actions. It is when that spirit of God's love is deficient that we get the kind of situation the world is in today. Guns don't kill people, people who have no regard for anyone but themselves kill people. Given the direction of Bible prophecy, I wouldn't expect the situation to get better until Christ returns. There is a definite truth to this article that I believe exposes the subtle design of the enemy to keep the population under his control. It's even more subtle because it has occurred over generations slowly to bring the kind of lax culture we're seeing emerge today. We are seeing the results of rejection of God's ways. Send In The Clowns

'Question Mark' Killer Quietly Seethed With Rage (April 17, 2007) - Cho Seung-Hui, the gunman who apparently killed 32 people and himself Monday morning at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, Va., seems to have been a shy, quiet type seething with rage at unspecified tormentors. Virginia Tech police on Tuesday morning identified Cho, 23, as the man whose body had been found in Norris Hall, site of the worst shooting spree in American history, lying next to two semi-automatic pistols. He apparently had scrawled the words "ISMAIL AX" on the inside of one arm, according to the Chicago Tribune, which may be a reference to the Islamic account of the Biblical sacrifice of Abraham. A rambling note left in Cho's dorm room reportedly railed for several pages against "rich kids" and "debauchery" and "deceitful charlatans" on campus, and at one point states, "You caused me to do this." An English professor said Cho's creative-writing work was so disturbing that he had been referred to on-campus counseling services. In one class, he refused to speak and signed his name using a question mark. Fellow pupils called him "The Question Mark Kid." There were also reports that Cho, a senior majoring in English from Centreville, Va., had been taking medication for depression, and had also recently set fire to a dorm room and stalked women. Identification was delayed nearly 24 hours after the end of the rampage because Cho was carrying no ID, had no police record and had severely damaged his own face when he killed himself. A positive match was finally made with fingerprints on immigration records. "He was a loner, and we're having difficulty finding information about him," Virginia Tech spokesman Larry Hincker said Tuesday morning. Cho was born in South Korea on Jan. 18, 1984 and entered the United States in 1992 as a child of 8. He was a permanent resident alien, a "green card" holder entitled to most of the legal rights held by U.S. citizens.
| Islam? |

Related story? US drug company knew that 'Prozac could lead to violence'

Pelosi Accused of Violating U.S. Law on Syria Trip (April 15, 2007) - Calls are being sounded in the United States for charges to be filed against U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi over her trip to Syria last week - in which she is said to have violated the Logan Act, which prohibits members of Congress from meeting with representatives of enemy states without permission from the Executive Branch. If Pelosi were to be charged and convicted under the Logan Act, which is a felony, she could be imprisoned for up to 10 years. Pelosi has been roundly criticized by Republicans, including U.S. President George W. Bush, for meeting with Syrian President Bashar Assad last week in Damascus. Bush told reporters in Washington that Pelosi's trip could undermine U.S. foreign policy. He also reiterated charges that Syria was facilitating the movement of foreign fighters into Iraq and failing to rein in Hamas and Hizbullah. Pelosi said that the trip was not intended to give aid and comfort to Assad or to terrorists. "We came in friendship, hope, and determined that the road to Damascus is a road to peace," she said, commenting on the criticism.
| Islam |

Turkish daily: Pelosi to be welcomed in Iran (April 14, 2007) - A Turkish daily said Saturday that Iran would welcome the Democratic Speaker of the US House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi if she wanted to visit Tehran. "We are ready to meet Mrs. Pelosi," the Saturday edition of daily Radical quoted deputy head of Iran's Majlis National Security and Foreign Policy Commission Mohammad-Nabi Roudaki as saying. Radical said exchange of meetings at the parliamentary level would help the two sides arrange dialogue on current problems, lead to closer ties among people of Iran, the US and Europe and clarify Iran's peaceful nuclear program.
Iran | Islam | America

'Pagan morality' on way to becoming law (April 11, 2007) - A legislative plan to "eliminate attitudes" opposing homosexuality is moving forward in Oregon, even though opponents claim it threatens churches and establishes pagan morality as a benchmark for their operations. Senate Bill 2, already endorsed by the state Senate and favored by Gov. Ted Kulongoski, a Democrat, now heads to the floor of the state House following a 5-1 committee endorsement. It is expected to be voted on within the next week. In the House Rules Committee, an amendment was offered that would have provided an exemption for Christian churches and Christian groups in the proposal to grant broad new powers to the homosexual community by designating them as members of a protected minority class. However, the amendment was rejected in favor of a plan to continue to allow homosexuals to demand Christian churches hire them when there are job openings – among other issues. "This is still an intrusion of the state into religious liberty, and makes [Christian organizations] subject to state control," David Crowe, of Restore America, told WND. "It favors the homosexual community and puts the church in a defensive posture, having to defend itself and its beliefs, policies, doctrines and employment," he said. The Oregon Family Council had proposed an amendment derived from similar legislative plans in other states where homosexual community members have been granted special rights, but it was rejected. "This is very objectionable. It reveals that this is an agenda. They couldn't care less about what the people of Oregon think," said Crowe. His organization's petition to encourage legislators to oppose the plan already has 6,000 signatures and is growing at the rate of about 1,000 per day. "We're going to tell the world what is being dictated (to Christians and Christian churches) in Oregon," Crowe said. He said the attitude on the part of lawmakers was typified by a comment from state Rep. Peter Buckley, from Ashland, who didn't want to provide "more exemptions," likening the situation to "past racist employment motives." It used to be signs that said "No Irish need apply," he suggested. "Only now it's like, 'No gays or lesbians need apply for jobs.'" Buckley insists the church must employ homosexuals, said Crowe. "He has no regard, no understanding whatsoever of the religious community at all, and certainly no respect for the U.S. Constitution," Crowe explained. "He says he's going to summarily override anything in the Constitution. He believes we ought to be forced to hire homosexuals. They come to the door, we ought to hire them." He said the homosexual-rights promoters are becoming self-righteous in their attitudes, saying, "We're against any kind of discrimination and certainly this kind as well." Churches, meanwhile, are being portrayed as impeding "what is really good." The entire issue, however, is built on false pretenses, Crowe said, because the need for such legislation can only be substantiated if there is a significant problem with discrimination against homosexuals. more...
| AmericaSigns of the Times |

Queen Nancy The Worst (April 11, 2007) - Representative Tom Lantos, who accompanied House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi to meet Syrian President Bashar Al Assad against strong White House objections, said he thought Pelosi might also be willing to make a trip to Tehran. “Speaking just for myself, I would be ready to get on a plane tomorrow morning,” Lantos said at a press conference in San Francisco Tuesday, the Chronicle reported on its website. “Because however objectionable, unfair and inaccurate many of (Ahmadinejad’s) statements are, it is important that we have a dialogue with him,” Lantos said. “Speaking for myself, I’m ready to go — and knowing the speaker, I think that she might be.” Nancy Pelosi defended her recent visits to Israel and Syria, during which she conveyed messages from both governments that each government later denied. After visiting Ehud Olmert in Israel, Madame Speaker went to Syria in defiance of numerous White House requests to pay a visit to Bashar Assad. The White House has been attempting to isolate Syria to pressure Damascus into distancing itself from sponsoring terrorist groups like Hezbollah, Hamas and Islamic Jihad. (All three organizations are listed by name in the Damascus telephone book) Instead, Pelosi went to Syria, where she delivered a message from Ehud Olmert to the effect that Israel was ready to negotiate. Afterward, she gave a press conference in which she announced that Bashar Assad was also prepared to negotiate with Israel. Bingo! In one trip, Nancy Pelosi had resolved the Arab-Israeli conflict that has confounded successive US administrations since 1948. Quite an accomplishment, Madame Speaker! Unfortunately for the Pelosi Peace Plan, when Ehud Olmert heard her announcement, he denied giving her any such message. Assad held a press conference to deny she was carrying any message from him. In response, Pelosi dismissed both leaders as liars, (a proven tactic in liberal politics, but considered extremely bad form in diplomatic circles).  Addressing the denial from Olmert, Pelosi snapped, "There was absolutely no confusion." "The message that we carried from Prime Minister Olmert was the exact message that he gave us," she told NPR's "All Things Considered." See? Olmert must be lying. more...
| Islam |

PMO denies peace message to Assad (April 5, 2007) - The Prime Minister's Office issued a rare "clarification" Wednesday that, in gentle diplomatic terms, contradicted US Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi's statement in Damascus that she had brought a message from Israel about a willingness to engage in peace talks. According to the statement, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert emphasized in his meeting with Pelosi on Sunday that "although Israel is interested in peace with Syria, that country continues to be part of the Axis of Evil and a force that encourages terror in the entire Middle East." Olmert, the statement clarified, told Pelosi that Syria's sincerity about a genuine peace with Israel would be judged by its willingness to "cease its support of terror, cease its sponsoring of the Hamas and Islamic Jihad organizations, refrain from providing weapons to Hizbullah and bringing about the destabilizing of Lebanon, cease its support of terror in Iraq, and relinquish the strategic ties it is building with the extremist regime in Iran." The statement said Olmert had not communicated to Pelosi any change in Israeli policy on Damascus. Pelosi, who met in Damascus with Syrian President Bashar Assad over the objections of US President George W. Bush, said she brought a message to Assad from Olmert saying that Israel was ready for peace talks. "We were very pleased with the reassurances we received from the president [Assad] that he was ready to resume the peace process. He was ready to engage in negotiations for peace with Israel," Pelosi said after meeting Assad. She said the meeting with the Syrian leader "enabled us to communicate a message from Prime Minister Olmert that Israel was ready to engage in peace talks as well." According to officials in the Prime Minister's Office, however, this was not what transpired during her meeting with Olmert. The officials said Olmert had told Pelosi that he thought her trip to Damascus was a mistake, and that when she asked - nevertheless - whether he had a message for Assad, Olmert said Syria should first stop supporting terrorism and "act like a normal country," and only then would Israel be willing to hold discussions. The first part of that message, the officials said, was lost in what was reported from Damascus on Wednesday. Pelosi said the congressional delegation she led raised the issue of kidnapped IDF soldiers Gilad Schalit, Ehud Goldwasser and Eldad Regev and conveyed "the importance of Syria's role in promoting peace between the Palestinians and the Israelis." She also said she had pressed Assad on Syrian support for Hamas and Hizbullah. In a related development, Bahrain's Foreign Minister Sheikh Khalid Bin Ahmed al-Khalifa told the Bahrain daily Al-Ayam on Tuesday that the Riyadh Arab League summit set up "panels to communicate with all influential parties, including Israel, to activate the Arab Peace Initiative." According to the Bahrain News Agency, Khalifa said the Arab League has formed "working teams to communicate with all parties, including Israel, the United Nations, the US, China and the European Union." more... 
| Israel | IslamAmerica |

Gold: Western Inaction Pushing Saudi Arabia to Hamas, Hizbullah (April 4, 2007) - For Saudi Arabia, the Israeli–Palestinian conflict is not the main issue; it is rather Iran—and the West’s inaction vis-a-vis the Iranian threat. So writes former Israeli Ambassador to the UN, Dore Gold, in a brief for the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs’ Institute for Contemporary Affairs. “What is shaping Saudi Arabia’s new diplomatic activism,” Gold explains, “is the rapidly expanding Iranian threat and the weakness of the Western response.” Gold feels that though expectations were raised that “the Riyadh Arab summit might provide a mechanism for restarting the Arab–Israeli peace process,” it got off to a “bad start when Saudi Foreign Minister Saud al-Faisal warned Israel that its rejection of the [Saudi complete-withdrawal] plan would leave its fate in the hands of the ‘lords of war.’ Rather than obtaining some flexibility, Israel was handed an ultimatum.” Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah was to have had a mid-April gala dinner with US President George W. Bush at the White House later this month, but abruptly canceled it. This was a clear signal, Gold writes, that the time was far from ripe for a Saudi–Israeli rapprochement under an American umbrella. Why were the hopes of both the US and Olmert government diplomats dashed? Gold quotes the Washington Post that “Riyadh had decided for now to seek common ground with Iran, Hamas, and Hizbullah.” Why? Because the West has responded weakly to the growing Iranian threat. Gold concurs with other experts in positing that Saudi Arabia feels threatened by Shiite-controlled Iran. Haifa University’s Middle Eastern affairs expert Dr. David Bukai said at last month’s Jerusalem Conference, “The main dispute in the Middle East is between the Shiites (10% of the world’s Moslems) and the Sunnis and the so-called moderate nations. The Shiites are more threatening to Saudi Arabia than to Israel.” Iran is committed to “a second Iranian revolution,” Gold writes, referring to a “revival of Iranian efforts to export revolutionary Shiism, wherever possible. In some Sunni-dominated countries, like Sudan and Syria, the Iranians hope to convert Sunnis to Shiism. In the [Persian] Gulf, there are already substantial Shiite populations. more...
Iran | Islam | EU/UN | 4th Kingdom |
 America |

Pelosi meets Syrian president (April 4, 2007) - House Speaker Nancy Pelosi held talks with Syria's leader Wednesday despite White House objections, saying she pressed President Bashar Assad over his country's support for militant groups and passed him a peace message from Israel. The meeting was an attempt to push the Bush administration to open a direct dialogue with Syria, a step that the White House has rejected. Congressional Democrats insist the U.S. attempts to isolate Syria have failed to force the Assad government to change its policies. Rep. Tom Lantos, the head of the House Foreign Affairs Committee who was in Pelosi's delegation, said the meeting "reinforced very strongly" the potential benefits of talking to Syria. "This is only the beginning of our constructive dialogue with Syria and we hope to build on this visit," he told reporters. On Tuesday, President Bush denounced Pelosi's visit to Syria, saying it sends mixed signals to Assad's government. "Sending delegations doesn't work. It's simply been counterproductive," Bush said. Washington says Syria is fueling Iraq's violence by allowing Sunni insurgents to operate from its territory. It also accuses it of backing terrorism because of its support for the Hezbollah and Hamas militant groups and of destabilizing the Lebanese government. "We came in friendship, hope, and determined that the road to Damascus is a road to peace," Pelosi told reporters after her talks with Assad. Pelosi said she and her delegation "expressed our concern about Syria's connections to Hezbollah and Hamas" and discussed the issue of militant fighters slipping across the Syrian border into Iraq. "These are important issues not only in the fight against terrorism but important priorities for us for peace in the Middle East," she said. She said she brought a message to Assad from Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert that Israel was ready for peace talks with Syria. Assad gave assurances that "he's ready to engage in negotiations for peace with Israel," Pelosi said. She later left Syria and arrived in Saudi Arabia, meeting with King Abdullah, a top U.S. ally. more...
Islam |
America |

New Jersey School Stages Practice Hostage Drill – Portrays Killers as Fundamentalist Christians (April 3, 2007) - Superintendent says, “We need to practice under conditions as real as possible.” On Thursday, March 22, officials at Burlington Township High School enlisted the help of two local policemen to carry out a mock ‘hostage situation’ drill at their school.  The drill invoked disapproval from Christian students as the student body was told that the alleged gunmen were “members of a right-wing fundamentalist group called the 'New Crusaders' who don't believe in separation of church and state.” According to a report in the local paper, The Burlington County Times, the mock gunmen pretended to gun down several students in the hallways before taking 10 students hostage in the school’s media center.  Given that the drill was intended to test the disaster response of students, faculty and local emergency personnel, county officers were dispatched during the drill to realistically execute an emergency evacuation of the building. The drill organizers explained that the supposedly Christian gunmen “went to the school seeking justice because the daughter of one had been expelled for praying before class.” School Superintendent Chris Manno praised the drill beforehand explaining that “You perform as you practice.  We need to practice under conditions as real as possible in order to evaluate our procedures and plans so that they're as effective as possible.” Bob Pawson, National Coordinator of the Scriptures in School Project, denied that the drill portrayed a possible reality and instead asserted that the drill was used as an excuse to denigrate Christians.  “So what allegedly real condition was imagineered?  A grotesque scenario saturated with Christian-bashing prejudice and bigotry; a scenario which could never possibly occur.” Pawson explained that the scenario created by the Burlington school officials could never realistically happen.  “Why could it never happen?  Because, as all Burlington school officials know full well: It is perfectly legal for any student or staff member to pray in a public school. They know that no student can ever be expelled for praying before class. Hence, the contrived reason for the mock attack is bogus.” Prayer in school has been a contentious issue for schools in the past despite a 1969 Supreme Court ruling that stated that students do not “shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate.” The US Department of Education explicitly affirms the high court ruling and the national No Child Left Behind educational program penalizes any school that does not allow for constitutionally protected religious speech which includes public prayer. While county officials praised the drill saying that it was the first live test of its sort Pawson explained that he thought the drill was a test of another sort.  “This denigrating drill is also a test of the reactions and responses of New Jersey 's Christians, along with all other fair-minded citizens of any faith, to such a blatant example of anti-Christian animosity.” "A public apology is in order. The citizens of Burlington County could rightly demand the resignation or termination of school officials who dreamed up and approved this reprehensible scenario."
| America | Burlington Township School District response

Europe tops US in stock market value (April 2, 2007) - Europe has eclipsed the US in stock market value for the first time since the first world war in another sign of the slipping of the global dominance of American capital markets. Europe’s 24 stockmarkets, including Russia and emerging Europe, saw their capitalisation rise to $15,720bn (€11,819bn) at the end of last week, according to Thomson Financial data. That exceeded the $15,640bn market value of the US. The rise of the euro against the dollar, growth of east European markets such as Russia and stock market outperformance spurred by improving profitability have seen Europe close a long-held gap with the US. Ian Harnett at Absolute Strategy Research, who identified the move, said this marked a “seismic shift” in markets. The last time Europe eclipsed the US in market capitalisation was likely to have been before the first world war, said Mike Staunton, stock-market historian at London Business School. The shift mirrors a trend in the debt world, where European activity has caught up, and in some cases overtaken the US. more... 
EU/UN / 4th Kingdom
 | America |

Israel, Palestinian Leaders Agree To Regular Talks (March 27, 2007) - Israeli and Palestinian leaders have agreed to hold confidence-building talks every two weeks that could eventually lead to discussions on a Palestinian state, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said on Tuesday. An official in Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's office, speaking amid Israeli media reports of dissonance with Rice over how to proceed toward peacemaking, made clear substantive negotiations on statehood would not be on the agenda for now. "The issues would be security, humanitarian and the political horizon," the official said, the latter term a loose reference to a U.S.-backed vision of a Palestinian state alongside a secure Israel. "Political horizon is not about specifics," the official said, appearing to rule out any discussion soon on core issues such as the future of Jerusalem, the borders of a Palestinian state and the fate of Palestinian refugees. On her fourth visit in four months, Rice has been trying to revive peace hopes dimmed last year by the establishment of a Hamas-led Palestinian government and further complicated by the creation earlier this month of a unity administration. The power-sharing partnership between Hamas Islamists and President Mahmoud Abbas's Fatah faction has not met demands by a Quartet of Middle East mediators to recognize Israel, renounce violence and accept existing interim peace accords. At a news conference postponed from Monday evening after reported discord with Olmert, Rice said the prime minister and Abbas "have agreed that they plan to meet together bi-weekly." "We are not yet at final-status negotiations. These are initial discussions to build confidence," Rice said. Olmert told reporters on Monday he would maintain constant contacts with Abbas, but did not say how frequently they would meet. The Israeli leader said after the unity government was inaugurated he would limit such talks to humanitarian issues. Saeb Erekat, a senior adviser to Abbas, said Rice "managed to keep the door open between us and the Israelis which was closing rapidly in the past few days." more...
Israel | Islam | 1st Seal |
America |

I'll consider summit with Arab leaders, PM tells UN chief (March 27, 2007) - UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon will leave Israel on Tuesday for the Arab leaders' summit in Riyadh, where he is expected tell Saudi King Abdullah that Prime Minister Ehud Olmert is willing to consider a peace summit between Israel, Saudi Arabia and the moderate Arab countries. The UN chief is expected to deliver a message to the king from Olmert, who believes that the Saudi peace initiative is "good and challenging" and could serve as a basis for a dialogue, excluding a number of reservations. In their meeting Monday, Ban told Olmert about the Quartet's plan to convene a summit between Saudi Arabia, Israel and moderate Arab countries in order to advance the peace process based on the Saudi initiative. "If I receive such an invitation, I will consider it positively," the prime minister replied with a smile. The UN secretary-general will convey this message to King Abdullah, as well as Olmert's praises for the king's courage and decisiveness. "The Saudi initiative points to the kind's leadership," the prime minister said. Olmert does not accept the clause in the Saudi initiative discussing the right of return, but Quartet representatives made it clear on Monday that a dialogue could be launched in order to decide on the agreements and leave the disagreements for the end. The UN chief is expected to tell the Saudi king and the Arab leaders that Olmert is furious over the fact that the kidnapped Israeli soldiers have yet to be released, and that he made it clear that if there was dramatic development in that area he would find it difficult to convince the Israeli public that there was room for peace initiative. more...
Israel | Islam | EU/UN | 4th Kingdom | 1st Seal |
America |

Peace is definitely more spoken of now than before in the Middle East. Fear, funding, and deception are all playing part in this play for peace in the Middle East. Israel fears the chants of destruction and Islam fears the lack of funding to accomplish their chants. The European Union is supplying the funding through the ENP, a seven year deal strengthening a previous 1995 agreement. Deception is being played all around the table as the two faces of Islam confuse and divide the West. One face plays the part of peacemaker while the other shows the true heart of Islam as written in their holy book, the Koran. It is the spirit behind the lies, and Lucifer is the master of lies. In diplomacy, the lies mask the truth, which is chanted daily in the streets of Islamic nations and daily in the mosques around the world. Death to Israel, death to the USA. I believe the first seal has been opened. The rider on the white horse is going forth to conquer by peace. He has been given a crown and authority by the 10 horns [10 voting member-states], who have also given him their power. There is so much more than meets the eye of those not watching, which is why I'm sharing my observations with you. I know these kinds of things have been said before, but never before have so many events lined up with Bible prophecy from the description of the man of sin to the description of his kingdom and actions.

U.S. Navy Launches Show Of Force Off Coast Of Iran (March 27, 2007) - The U.S. Navy on Tuesday began its largest demonstration of force in the Persian Gulf since the 2003 invasion of Iraq, led by a pair of aircraft carriers and backed by warplanes flying simulated attack maneuvers off the coast of Iran. The maneuvers bring together two strike groups of U.S. warships and more than 100 U.S. warplanes to conduct simulated air warfare in the crowded Gulf shipping lanes. The U.S. exercises come just four days after Iran's capture of 15 British sailors and marines who Iran said had strayed into Iranian waters near the Gulf. Britain and the U.S. Navy have insisted the British sailors were operating in Iraqi waters. U.S. Navy Cmdr. Kevin Aandahl said the U.S. maneuvers were not organized in response to the capture of the British sailors — nor were they meant to threaten the Islamic Republic, whose navy operates in the same waters. He declined to specify when the Navy planned the exercises. Aandahl said the U.S. warships would stay out of Iranian territorial waters, which extend 12 miles off the Iranian coast. A French naval strike group, led by the aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle, was operating simultaneously just outside the Gulf. But the French ships were supporting the NATO forces in Afghanistan and not taking part in the U.S. maneuvers, officials said. Overall, the exercises involve more than 10,000 U.S. personnel on warships and aircraft making simulated attacks on enemy shipping with aircraft and ships, hunting enemy submarines and finding mines. "What it should be seen as by Iran or anyone else is that it's for regional stability and security," Aandahl said. "These ships are just another demonstration of that. If there's a destabilizing effect, it's Iran's behavior."
| Iran | America |

Russian intelligence sees U.S. military buildup on Iran border (March 27, 2007) - Russian military intelligence services are reporting a flurry of activity by U.S. Armed Forces near Iran's borders, a high-ranking security source said Tuesday. "The latest military intelligence data point to heightened U.S. military preparations for both an air and ground operation against Iran," the official said, adding that the Pentagon has probably not yet made a final decision as to when an attack will be launched. He said the Pentagon is looking for a way to deliver a strike against Iran "that would enable the Americans to bring the country to its knees at minimal cost." He also said the U.S. Naval presence in the Persian Gulf has for the first time in the past four years reached the level that existed shortly before the invasion of Iraq in March 2003. Col.-Gen. Leonid Ivashov, vice president of the Academy of Geopolitical Sciences, said last week that the Pentagon is planning to deliver a massive air strike on Iran's military infrastructure in the near future. A new U.S. carrier battle group has been dispatched to the Gulf. The USS John C. Stennis, with a crew of 3,200 and around 80 fixed-wing aircraft, including F/A-18 Hornet and Superhornet fighter-bombers, eight support ships and four nuclear submarines are heading for the Gulf, where a similar group led by the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower has been deployed since December 2006. The U.S. is also sending Patriot anti-missile systems to the region.
| Iran | America |

How reliable is information out of Russia? I don't know, but I wouldn't be surprised if plans are being made to do something. Given Bible prophecy though, Iran will have to be around to attack Israel, so I doubt this will go anywhere. If it does, perhaps that will be the trigger that removes America from significance in the world through terrorist attacks?

China to Take Down World Markets (March 27, 2007) - We are looking right now at the following situation. China is about to drop the world markets in stemming their bubbles – stocks and real estate and manufacturing. I notified PS subscribers that China is going to prick the world stock bubbles – as the emerging manufacturing giant, just like the USA did in the 1929/30’s. China has indicated – their Premier no less – that they intend to take matters into hand in 07 and that means, as we have already seen, that another China market crash is in the cards. I wrote an article several years ago about the bubble number. IT is 18%. When markets reach a speed of 18% growth it is all over. China is now at 18% growth. China, now cannot control their bubbles – manufacturing, stocks and else – at this rate without a drastic action – and if you followed Premier Wen’s comments – he – China is now ready to pull the plug. China is going to lead the world stock markets to doom, just like the emerging world economic power did in the 1920’s – the USA. The latest manifestation of this was their combined interest rate hike and stock liquidity drain. That tanked world markets and led to massive Yen carry selling, several weeks ago. That is the end of world stock bubbles. I just put out alerts to Prudent Squirrel subscribers about the fact that Iran is blowing up and that is overriding the now apparent stock drops this week in Asia and the US- as far as Gold is concerned. But another major issue aside from gold, is the imminent collapse of world financial bubbles and China is about to lead the way. The Prudent Squirrel Newsletter is Chris Laird’s Macro economic gold newsletter. It is published 44 times a year on Sunday. Subscribers also get mid week email market alerts, but these are not guaranteed delivery. The Prudent Squirrel Newsletter is one of the ONLY forward looking gold and economic newsletters you will find. Subscribers were alerted to the Iran situation Monday, and in the Sunday NL, as well as the emerging stock weakness in Asia and the US – both counter to each other gold wise, but the Iran concerns are winning the day right now. Stop by and have a look.
| America |

If any kind of strike to take America out is seriously in the works, expect that it will come when we are perceived weak. Much of our industry has been moved out overseas and our economy is built on dreams and wishful thinking propped up by private banking. Our enemies know how to hit us when they can't do it literally...yet. Many will play the blame game, but we are all to blame. Revelation 18:1-8, "And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory. And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies. And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities. Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double. How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow. Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her." No, I am not saying America is Babylon, but the same spirit behind Babylon of old is controlling all nations today. Our world is a material one and those of the world focus on that aspect. We are called out of the world. There is a saying that the love of money is the root of all evil. There is a reason for that. Our first love is our Savior, Yeshua. America's turning from God to the ways of Babylon will bring judgment on this nation too. Let us repent and get closer to Christ. He will provide for our needs. We need Him more than anything this world has to offer and He will shake this world, bringing that which the world loves to naught, giving them a chance to recognize the only true source of life, joy, peace, happiness, and love - the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

Drive for Mideast peace gains momentum (March 26, 2007) - An international diplomatic drive for Mideast peace gained momentum Monday, with Israel welcoming the idea of a regional peace summit and Saudi Arabia suggesting it would consider changes in a dormant peace initiative to make it more acceptable to Israel. Senior U.S. and U.N. officials confirmed they were trying to bring Israelis and Arabs together in a wide push for peace, but acknowledged the idea is still at an early stage. The new developments came at a time of high-profile diplomacy, with the U.N. chief Ban Ki-Moon and U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice both in the region for talks with Israeli and Arab leaders. The international officials are trying to break an impasse following formation of a Palestinian unity government that includes the Hamas militant group. Immediately after the government was formed, Israel ruled out peace talks with the Palestinians until Hamas explicitly recognizes the Jewish state. But on Monday, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said he "wouldn't hesitate" to take part in a regional summit. Palestinian officials cautiously endorsed the idea. Any such meeting — especially if Saudi and Israeli officials were to publicly meet — would be a huge symbolic breakthrough. Saudis and Israelis are believed to have held private meetings in the last year. Hopes have been raised in the past, only to be subsequently dashed. This trip follows several months in which Rice has tried to put substance to the goal of President Bush four years ago to eventually have an independent Palestinian state. On this trip, Rice says she is developing a common set of questions that both sides can use for discussions with her or on their own. After talks with Israeli and Palestinian officials, she traveled to Amman, Jordan, for a second meeting with the moderate Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas of Fatah, and separate talks with King Abdullah II of Jordan. "Some good things are there. We just have to put them together," Rice said Monday before returning to Israel, where she was to meet for a second time with Olmert, too. A senior U.S. official traveling with Rice said Monday that one idea that is being pursued is to bring Israel and the Palestinians together as part of wider talks involving moderate Arab countries and the "Quartet" of Mideast peacemakers — the U.S., European Union, U.N. and Russia. The Arab countries involved in the efforts would include Egypt and Jordan, which both have peace agreements with Israel, as well as Saudi Arabia, which does not. "It's a good idea that's out there," the U.S. official said, adding it was "premature" to schedule a meeting. He said talks were taking in place in Washington and Arab countries. "The options are being looked at for how you have a more active Arab-Israeli track," he said, speaking on condition of anonymity because the proposal hasn't been formally unveiled. At a joint news conference with Olmert in Jerusalem, Ban confirmed that consultations on bringing the many parties together were "ongoing," but said further talks were needed. Olmert said he would look at an invitation to such a summit "in a very positive manner." more...
Israel | Islam | EU/UN | 4th Kingdom | 1st Seal | America |

Gulf economies to 'drop the dollar' (March 25, 2007) - Gulf economies will move away from a dollar currency peg and shift foreign exchange reserves away from dollar to other currencies, including the Chinese yuan, the chief executive of Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) has said. Nasser al-Shaali noted that the UAE central bank had already started buying euros - part of its strategy to move about 10 per cent of its reserves into the single European currency before the end of the year. "We've seen, for example in the case of the UAE central bank, a movement into the euro," al-Shaali told the Reuters Middle East Investment Summit. "In the future, most likely, we predict some of the economies in the region will adopt the Chinese yuan currency as well," he said, noting that he was not aware of that happening at the moment. He said the appetite of the region as a whole was to increasingly diversify exposure. "The investment strategies of Dubai Holdings entities, Kuwait Investment Authority and so on ... you will see a lot of these bodies start looking at Eastern Asia more aggressively along with a lot of institutional and private investors in the region," he said. Saudi Arabia, the largest Gulf Arab economy, as well as Qatar, Oman and Bahrain have ruled out changes to their dollar pegs, adopted in preparation for a monetary union planned for 2010. more...
Islam | EU/UN | 4th Kingdom | America |

Feminism Destroying America (March 23, 2007) - When one searches to find the causes for America's rapid deterioration, there is no shortage of suspects. However, my thirty-plus years experience as a pastor, counselor, and researcher has convinced me that there is no greater threat to America's future survival than the overall negative effect that modern-day feminism has had, and is having, upon our homes and churches. In just over three decades, the feminist movement has completely uprooted and rewritten the norm for American family life. No longer are women seen as nurturers and helpmeets. The push for "equality" has done much more than move America's women from the kitchen to the boardroom; it has moved them from under the arm and next to the side of their husbands to, in many cases, a place of independence from, and lordship over, them. Wives and mothers today seem to take pride in their ability to "control" their husbands. At the same time, however, they seem to be oblivious to the fact that they have absolutely no control over their children. But neither will they allow their husbands (or anyone else) to discipline their children. As a result, today's kids are growing up mostly undisciplined, unrestrained, and uncontrollable. Ask any teacher, Sunday School teacher, coach, or youth worker, and they will tell you the same thing: today's children are out of control! Many people have far more control over their pets than they do their own children. Sadder still is the fact that the only answer anyone seems inclined to proffer is to put these kids on behavior modification drugs, which, as almost anyone knows, only exacerbates the problem. The problem with most children is not an inability to sit still and learn; it is the inability of parents to make their children sit still and learn. When it comes to making children mind, many parents today seem to be absolutely and totally helpless. I have never seen anything like it. Please don't misunderstand me. I am not one who believes that all of our marital and family problems are due to women working outside the home. I don't believe that at all. However, I do believe that any couple that places their personal careers or ambitions above their primary responsibility to raise respectable, honest, obedient children is not only failing their children; they are failing our country. more...
America |

Their New America Is Not America (February 27, 2007) - We the people have no representation. No one stands for the liberty of the people – no one – and no presidential contender will save our rights, our land, our liberty, or Constitution. Therefore, let us begin on the most negative of notes. We the people are now told whom to believe, what to believe, how to live, what to worship, how to work, and to follow all the new codes for behaviors, opinions, and actions. We the people are, in fact, animals with no rights whatsoever. However, we, like teenagers, are not inclined to dictatorship in spite of the fact that we are addicted to people to tell us what to do. It’s easier than thinking, after all. I had the pleasure of meeting a 17-year-old boy in a bakery who told me he wanted to be an electrician. He said he didn’t want to go to college, and I told him I thought he was very smart. I told him that should he attend a university, he would come out a changed person who would, no doubt, betray his nation and freedom. I realized I had challenged his view of reality with my opinions, and so we discussed high school. I asked him if he had “multicultural” acceptance studies. He stated he hadn't had such studies since the Third Grade. I asked him if he had homosexuality acceptance class, and he told me he had also received such on-going instruction since the Sixth Grade. I asked him if he had studied the American Constitution and Declaration of Independence, and he stated, “I had it once in Ninth Grade.” I asked him if he could name one of his Constitutional rights, and he responded, “Maybe the right to vote?” I asked him if he could name one of the Amendments, and he stated, and I quote, “I don’t think I had that in school.” He was a good boy, and a smart boy. He told me about the day he had to give a speech about Rap music, and that he earned an A grade for his speech. He told me about his basketball and soccer injuries and about his girlfriend. I wished him luck as an electrician, and upon leaving, I asked him if he was free as an American citizen. He said, “I’m not really sure…” And once again, I was struck by the power of those who tell us what to do and how to think, even to the point of being unsure if we should think for ourselves or even how to think for ourselves. I write to you today while watching C-SPAN and listening to many, many highly educated people. On and on they talk at the cameras – telling viewers what they are doing on our behalf, what we need, and how we are supposed to think and feel. On and on, they dictate the rhymes and reasons for their New America and the purposes for our new morality codes. The New American leaders are Communitarians. They don’t believe in life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness. They don’t believe in freedom or individual efforts or individual accomplishments. They don’t believe in private property for the masses. They don’t believe in mobility for the masses, choice for the masses, or wealth for the masses. Rather, they believe in corporate wealth and dictatorship in unison and threaded together in “community” partnership bureaucracies. They believe in great wealth for the very few and great servitude in and for poor and struggling “communities” of like kinds. They believe in obedience, highly limited reproductive rights, and in voluntary services of many makes and measures. They believe in regulations, licensing, chipping, ID cards, spying technologies in homes, workplaces, and automobiles, and they believe in military control upon the homeland. In essence, they believe in terrorism as a rule of thumb and a moral-political code. more...
NewWorldOrder | America |

EU backs U.S. air pact with 5-month delay (March 22, 2007) - European Union transport ministers unanimously backed a landmark agreement with the United States on Thursday that will throw open transatlantic air travel to more competition and drive down fares. But the 27 ministers, at Britain's request, decided on a five-month delay in implementing the deal so it will take effect on March 30, 2008 instead of October this year. German Transport Minister Wolfgang Tiefensee, who chaired the talks, hailed a "breakthrough" that would give a boost to transatlantic relations and benefit consumers and airlines. The "open skies" agreement will allow EU airlines to fly from any city in the 27-nation bloc to any city in the United States and vice versa, replacing highly restrictive bilateral arrangements dating back to World War Two. EU Transport Commissioner Jacques Barrot forecast the deal would boost transatlantic flights by 50 percent over five years and he expected it to trigger takeovers among European airlines. European member states would be able to withdraw benefits of the agreement from U.S. airlines if Washington did not agree by 2010 to allow foreign airlines to buy control of U.S. carriers, he said. "The deal is of great political and economic importance," Barrot told a news conference. "I am delighted to have piloted this agreement to its destination with all passengers still on board." The United States welcomed the EU decision, saying it was historic and would benefit consumers. Britain had sought concessions for London's Heathrow airport, Europe's busiest hub, and some firm assurance that Washington will in future allow foreign airlines to own and control U.S. carriers, but appeared to have won little extra. A spokesman for British Prime Minister Tony Blair described the Brussels deal as "a good deal for the UK." more...
EU/UN | 4th Kingdom | America |

Forecaster sees active Atlantic hurricane season (March 21, 2007) - The Atlantic hurricane season will be exceptionally active this year, according to a British forecasting group, raising the possibility that killer storms like Hurricane Katrina could again threaten the United States. London-based forecaster Tropical Storm Risk on Tuesday said the six-month season, which begins on June 1, was expected to bring 17 tropical storms, of which nine will strengthen into hurricanes with winds of at least 74 miles per hour. Four of those are expected to become more destructive "intense" hurricanes, TSR said. The long-term average for the Atlantic is for 10 storms to form during the hurricane season and for six of those to reach hurricane strength. The United States emerged unscathed from the 2006 season after it spawned a below-average nine storms, of which five became hurricanes. Experts had universally -- and erroneously -- predicted 2006 would be a busy year for Atlantic storms. None of the hurricanes hit the United States, bringing welcome relief to beleaguered residents of the U.S. Gulf Coast, where Katrina killed 1,500 people, swamped New Orleans and caused about $80 billion in damage the year before. But TSR said current and projected climate signals indicate that Atlantic basin and U.S. landfalling hurricane activity will be 75 percent above the 1950-2006 average in 2007. TSR had predicted in December that Atlantic basin and U.S. landfalling hurricane activity would be just 60 percent above average this year. It raised the projected activity level because of the sudden dissipation in February of last year's El Nino weather phenomenon. An unusual warming of the eastern Pacific waters, El Nino events tend to suppress Atlantic storm activity. more... | Earth Changes | America |

There is an author, Bill Koenig, who wrote the book Eye To Eye: Facing the Consequences of Dividing Israel. In it, he outlines the dates of political events in which America pushed to sign away Israel's land for peace and hurricanes Andrew and Katrina touching US soil on the very days that political deals were struck. Jeremiah 30:20 says, "Their children also shall be as aforetime, and their congregation shall be established before me, and I will punish all that oppress them." I think this should be a warning for the US. Given what is coming prophetically for Israel and the land-for-peace that is being pushed currently, I wouldn't be surprised if this year negates all the physical work that was done in New Orleans as it is still below sea level. Hopefully the spiritual work that has taken place will hold from all those who gave their time to reach out to those people who could possibly be facing a re-run of events.

EU And US To Begin Single Market Push (March 19, 2007) - The European Union and the US will next month start an ambitious initiative to harmonise regulations, norms and technical standards in up to 40 economic and industrial sectors, laying the cornerstone for a single market between the two regions. The pledge is the central item in the draft agenda of the April 30 EU-US summit in Washington, a senior German government official told the Financial Times. The summit will mark the official launch of German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s initiative for a transatlantic economic partnership which aims to abolish non-tariff barriers to trade and investment between the world’s two richest regions. Although the summit will only mark the start of the initiative, negotiators are hopeful that they can sign a long-delayed “open sky” agreement, which would create a unified civil aviation market between the two regions. The three dozen other sectors to be given priority range from the automotive industry, where regulatory incompatibilities are responsible for 10 per cent of the cost of developing and producing new cars, to biofuels and renewable energies. “India, China and others are setting us a new competitive challenge. They will continue to do so and develop their own know-how,” Ms Merkel told an EU-US conference in Berlin yesterday. “This is why we must join forces . . . Whoever sets the norms today will secure the markets of tomorrow.” Ms Merkel, who has sought to mend Germany’s frayed relationship with Washington since entering office 18 months ago, has put the transatlantic economic partnership high on the list of priorities for Berlin’s presidency of the EU, which ends in June. The April summit will also identify “lighthouse” pro-jects where negotiators think harmonisation can be achieved over the next 12 months, or which would bring fast and tangible benefits to consumers. more...
EU/UN | 4th Kingdom |
 NewWorldOrder | America |

DEBKAfile Exclusive: Bowing to Washington, Olmert agrees to go directly and unconditionally to final-status talks with Palestinians (March 17, 2007) - Prime minister Ehud Olmert conceded key Israeli policy points in his talks with Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas in Jerusalem Sunday, March 11, according to DEBKAfile’s Middle East and Washington sources – contrary to advance statements from his office that the meeting was only a formality. Last week, Bush administration officials notified Olmert’s senor aides Yoram Turbovitch and Shalom Turjman in Washington that the wait for the Palestinians to comply with roadmap conditions to recognize Israel and renounce violence was at an end. Whether a Palestinian government was led by Hamas or shared with Fatah, they were told, Israel must now initiate final settlement talks with Abbas. Saudi and Jordanian leaders had won President George W. Bush over on this point as leverage for cooperation on the Iraq and Iranian issues.. At the Sunday cabinet meeting in Jerusalem, the prime minister therefore announced he was seriously considering accepting the 2002 Saudi peace plan. He already knew the Saudis had informed the White House that the plan would not be revised at the coming Arab summit in Riyadh on March 28. This means that Olmert has agreed to rescind the road map’s conditions for peace talks in favor of the tough Saudi peace plan. It was left to Abbas to run down for Olmert’s benefit the steps expected from Israel, now that the road map’s provisions were out of the way:

  1. The Israeli government must pledge unconditionally that the IDF will refrain from attacking the Gaza Strip. Abbas called this “a mutual ceasefire” although he offered no guarantee for the Palestinian termination of missile fire or other terrorist attacks emanating form the Gaza Strip. After the Olmert-Abbas talks, Israeli officials spread reports of an Israel military alert in the area around the Gaza Strip in an effort to lay a smokescreen to conceal the prime minister’s concession.
  2. Abbas said he would do his best to obtain the release of Hamas hostage Gilead Shalit, but offered no promises.
  3. The “mutual ceasefire” is the first step to fast-track Israel-Palestinian negotiations on its extension to the West Bank. DEBKAfile reports that Israeli military and intelligence chiefs are trying to impress on the prime minister that the cessation of Israel’s intense counter-terror operations on the West Bank will result in an eruption of a fresh wave of Palestinian suicide bombings inside Israel and the transfer of Palestinian missiles and rockets to launching positions opposite central Israel, including its main cities.
  4. Security restrictions on Palestinian movements in the West Bank must be further relaxed.
  5. In May or June of 2007, Israel will enter into direct negotiations with the Palestinians on a final -status framework. Since the road map was formulated, Abbas has lobbied hard to skip the document’s prior condition for an end to Palestinian violence as the sine qua non for talks on a final settlement. Now the Palestinian leader has got is way.
  6. Abbas voiced the hope that Israel’s flexibility in negotiating with the Palestinians would be rewarded by the willingness of “moderate” Arab and Muslim nations, like Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Malaysia and Indonesia, to establish diplomatic and open economic relations with the Jewish state.

DEBKAfile’s sources note that the Olmert-Abbas conversation did not discuss the role to be played by Hamas in the diplomatic process dictated the Israeli government, when it heads the Palestinian government. Also left up in the air was the framework in which the moderate Arab and Muslim governments would “normalize” their relations with Israel. This would call for amendments of the Saudi peace plan. However, Riyadh has informed Washington that no such amendments would be tabled at the coming Arab summit.
| Israel | Islam
| America

EU's Solana says Palestinians must give clear recognition of Israel (March 8, 2007) - The Palestinian unity government being formed by Hamas and Fatah must clearly state that it recognizes Israel, the EU's foreign policy chief Javier Solana said Thursday. "There are many ways whereby you can express the recognition of Israel," Solana told The Associated Press. "I am not going to define what is the manner that would be the most appropriate, that's for them to decide, but in any case it has to be sufficiently clear that statement can be read and not only imagined." Solana spoke in an interview before an EU summit where French President Jacques Chirac pressed other European leaders to support the Palestinian efforts to form a coalition government. The EU presidency, held by Germany, also backed recent progress. "We note the important step taken in Mecca," said German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier, referring to the deal in the Saudi city last month which pledges to "respect" certain agreements with Israel even though it does not explicitly recognize Israel. "It's not at the end of the matter yet but it's a basis for further work," Steinmeier said. French diplomats said at the summit that last month the power-sharing deal between Hamas and Fatah was "a first step toward the realization of the conditions" set by the EU, U.S. and others for the restoration of aid to the Palestinian government. Those conditions include recognition of Israel, renunciation of violence and respect for previous peace agreements. Solana said the movement toward unity among the Palestinians was "a good decision" following outbreaks of fighting between Fatah and Hamas militants. He said Palestinian unity was also positive for Israel, but stressed that the EU would have to wait to see what the power-sharing deal would mean in practice before making any decisions. "These agreements have to be implemented," he said. "We'll have to make the final judgment ... when they are implemented." Despite the Mecca agreement, Fatah and Hamas have failed to agree on the formation of a unity government with differences focused on who would be interior minister, controlling security forces. more...
| Israel | Islam
| EU | 4th Kingdom |
 Solana | 1st Seal | America |

Bill Clinton sees new dynamic at work in troubled Middle East (March 7, 2007) - Former President Clinton said last night that fear of Iran throughout the Middle East created a potential opening for an Israeli-Palestinian peace agreement. In a speech to the United Jewish Federation of San Diego County's 70th anniversary dinner, Clinton, who tried and failed to broker such an agreement during his presidency, said a new dynamic had emerged in the region since he left office: that Sunni Arab states have come to fear Iran more than they do Israel. “The Arab states will lobby the Palestinians to take a reasonable deal because they need it for their own existence,” he told the audience of about 2,000 people at the Manchester Grand Hyatt. “The Israelis need to keep in mind what they could get in a deal now from the Arab states that they never could have gotten before. We aren't quite there on the formula yet, but I think there's a deal to be had there and I wouldn't want the Israelis to miss it.” Clinton said that although economic sanctions over Iran's nuclear program were working, “we should not take the military option off the table.” The former president divides his time between his foundation, which promotes medical care and economic development around the world, and the campaign of his wife, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y., who is seeking the Democratic presidential nomination. Clinton stressed that for serious Israeli-Palestinian negotiations to resume, the Hamas government of the Palestinian Authority must cool its demands for a major rollback of Israeli territory and unequivocally recognize Israel's right to exist. He warned that the United States must be prepared militarily to enforce any agreement. “The United States has to be prepared to give a security guarantee like we give our NATO allies both to Israel and to the new Palestinian state because they will both be under attack,” he said. Clinton criticized former President Carter's controversial book on the Middle East, which likens Israel's policies to the apartheid system of South Africa. “If I were an Israeli, I wouldn't like it because it's not factually accurate and it's not fair,” he said. more...
| Israel | Islam
| EU | 4th Kingdom |
1st Seal | America |

Clinton's noticed too.

Jordan’s King Urges U.S. to Pursue Peace in Mideast (March 7, 2007) - King Abdullah II of Jordan, in a rare appearance before a joint meeting of Congress, made an impassioned plea today for the United States to lead in an active pursuit of Israeli-Palestinian peace, saying that without it none of Middle East’s other problems would be solved. He implored the lawmakers to exert American “leadership in a peace process that delivers results not next year, not in five years, but this year.” The king pleaded as well for greater concern for the Palestinian people — a theme often heard in Europe but rarely in the halls of Congress. It met with a relatively tepid response, paling next to the applause for his broader calls for regional peace. “Sixty years of Palestinian dispossession, 40 years under occupation, a stop-and-go peace process — all this has left a bitter legacy of disappointment and despair on all sides,” he said. Palestinians grievances, the 45-year-old monarch said, were the "core issue" underlying violence throughout the region. "The wellspring of regional division — the source of resentment and frustration far beyond — is the denial of justice and peace in Palestine," Abdullah said. His plea for the United States to play a "central role" for peace in the Middle East came as the Bush administration, stung by setbacks from Iraq to Lebanon, has taken a broader diplomatic approach to the region, including a decision to meet on Saturday in Baghdad with Iranian, Syrian and other regional representatives to discuss security in Iraq. more...
| Israel | Islam
| EU | 4th Kingdom |
1st Seal | America |

Peres says U.S. mediation bid stymied by internal PA divisions (March 4, 2007) - Vice Premier Shimon Peres said Saturday that while Jordan's King Abdullah would like to see a stronger U.S. role in resolving the Israel-Palestinian conflict, greater American intervention is being thwarted by internal divisions within the Palestinians. "The Americans are ready to be more involved, but they encounter factions within the Palestinian camp itself, and also disagreements between Sunni and Shiites, who influence the Palestinians as well." Speaking on state television in Amman on Friday ahead of a visit to the U.S., Abdullah said the United States was the country most capable of influencing Israel. "It is time that the [U.S.] employ this influence to prove its transparency to the people of the region, and that it is not biased," Abdullah said. The king, who has long urged America to make a greater effort on the Israeli-Palestinian peace process, is likely to make the same point when he addresses the U.S. Congress on Wednesday. He called on Israelis to choose between a "fortress" mentality or living in peace and security with their neighbors. "The Middle East faces two choices - either the choice of peace or the choice of chaos, violence and destruction," the king told Jordanian television, to which he rarely gives interviews. He said that a solution to the Palestinian problem would spare the region disaster and chaos. Referring to the United States, he said: "It is our duty to push this great state, and others, to take balanced positions and support the peace process." Abdullah said that he realized that Washington was preoccupied with Iraq, and said Jordan too wanted to see reconciliation and stability in Iraq. But, the king added, "the principal problem in the region is the Palestinian issue and, if it is not solved, it will be impossible to solve the other problems." more...
| Israel | Islam
| America |

Christian belief a 'hate crime' under plan (March 3, 2007) - Americans worried about new "hate crime" legislation that could be used to make criminals of those whose religious faith doesn't endorse homosexuality could be facing a two-pronged attack, according to groups that monitor those developments. The newest threat is being prepared by U.S. Rep. John Conyers, the head of the House Judiciary Committee, whose work is being called "The Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2007," according to the Rev. Ted Pike, of the National Prayer Network. He said a letter to other members of the House was intercepted by Focus on the Family and indicated that it "gives the federal government even more power to create a bias motivation justice system, turning America into a police state." Michael Marcavage, director of Repent America and Pike both had alerted their constituencies earlier to H.R. 254, or the David Ray Hate Crimes Prevention Act, which could create "anti-hate" restrictions and penalties. Marcavage told WND that plan would invert American justice, and instead of requiring evidence it would leave it to someone who claims to be offended to determine whether a "crime" has been committed. "Truth is not allowed as evidence in hate crimes trials. … A homosexual can claim emotional damage from hearing Scripture that describes his lifestyle as an abomination. He can press charges against the pastor or broadcaster who merely reads the Bible in public. The 'hater' can be fined thousands of dollars and even imprisoned!" Marcavage said. So there immediately was a flood of calls to Congress with opposition to H.R. 254 and it appeared that the plan might not make it out of committee. In fact, records show it still is pending in the House Judiciary Committee. But Pike is says the danger is far from over. "I think H.R. 254 may be a decoy, designed to absorb the bulk of protest from Christians and conservatives. Because of massive protest, it may be voted down or set aside in Judiciary soon. But Conyers will then substitute the bill that's really wanted by the Anti-Defamation league of B'nai B'rith, architect of this legislation," Pike said. "Conyers could reintroduce this bill very soon. Since Nancy Pelosi and the House Rules Committee can speed any bill forward for a House vote, even bypassing Judiciary altogether, Conyers and Pelosi could almost immediately put LLEHCPA at the head of the docket and up for a vote in the House," he said. Pike said the same plan passed the House in 2005, but not the Senate. This year, "buttressed by a host of co-sponsors and virtually untainted by criticism, it could be sped forward," he said. more...
| America
NewWorldOrder |

New York: Targeted By Tehran? Newsweek (March 5, 2007 edition) - Increasing tensions between Washington and Tehran have revived New York Police Department concerns that Iranian agents may already have targeted the city for terror attacks. Such attacks could be aimed at bridges and tunnels, Jewish organizations and Wall Street, NYPD briefers told security execs last fall, according to a person with access to the briefing materials who asked for anonymity because of the sensitive subject matter. NYPD officials have worried about possible Iranian-sponsored attacks since a series of incidents involving officials of the Iranian Mission to the United Nations. In November 2003, Ahmad Safari and Alireaza Safi, described as Iranian Mission "security" personnel, were detained by transit cops when they were seen videotaping subway tracks from Queens to Manhattan at 1:10 in the morning. The men later left New York. "We're concerned that Iranian agents were engaged in reconnaissance that might be used in an attack against New York City at some future date," Police Commissioner Raymond W. Kelly told NEWSWEEK. A spokesman for the Iranian Mission in New York said he was aware of the allegations but had no immediate comment.
| Iran
| America

Real IDs to Become Real in 2010 (March 2, 2007) - US Department of Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff announced today that states will be given an additional two years past the original May 11, 2008 deadline to comply with the directives of the controversial Real ID Act. Originally enacted into law in 2005, the Act contains many contentious directives, such as state agencies scanning of personal documents into a nationally-accessible database, giving a uniform appearance to each state's personal IDs, and implementing RFID tagging. Today, in announcing the new deadline of December 31, 2009, Sec. Chertoff stressed that the process of tightening identification security strictly involves common sense.Once the deadline has passed, applicants for driver's licenses will need to prove five items to their local DMV: name, birth date, legal status, social security number, and address. These can all be confirmed with birth certificates, passports, permanent resident cards, Social Security cards, or W-2s; and for addresses, a recent utility bill or similar document. This is all essentially the same process US citizens had to endure 20 years ago to verify their new address for the Postal Service, although now documents will be scanned or copied and stored in the DMV's database. According to Chertoff, some states have already begun doing this. In addition, states will be required to prepare security plans for DMV offices, license storage and production facilities, databases, and systems. Chertoff today addressed fears that the federal government was accumulating a central database of citizens' identities - one which would inevitably become the target of attack from malicious users. "We at the Department of Homeland Security in the federal government will not build, will not own, and will not operate any central database containing personal information," he told reporters. "The data will continue to be held at the state level as it has traditionally been since they began to issue drivers’ licenses." As for the RFID tagging, Chertoff said: "The magnetic strips, these aren’t RFID. You’d have to actually take the strip and run it into a reader." While Chertoff's comments do address the state of affairs at present, he did not decisively say whether the magnetic strips will be replaced with RFID by the January 2010 implementation date. He repeated several times, however, his belief that technology makes these IDs better.
| America

CNN, BBC 24 Reports Conclusively Prove Media Prior Knowledge and False-Start Scripting of Building 7 Controlled Demolition (February 27, 2007) - It has now been discovered that BBC 24 also reported the Building 7 collapse before it fell. Furthermore, CNN’s Aaron Brown reported that Building 7 "has collapsed or is collapsing" over an hour before it fell. These clips both reinforce the shocking, newly discovered BBC coverage wherein Jane Standley reports the collapse early-- with the building still standing behind her. The early timing of these reports is now verified twiceover-- the BBC 24 report is time stamped at 21.54-- or 4:54 P.M. Eastern Standard Time [See World Time Zones] Secondly, CNN's Aaron Brown states the time as "4:15 Eastern Daylight Time," announcing Building 7 has fallen-- more than one hour before its actual collapse. Furthermore, both the BBC report with Jane Standley and the CNN report with Aaron Brown clearly show Building 7 still standing, 'billowing with smoke' as the collapse is reported-- so premature reporting is confirmed visually as well. There is no longer any doubt they were all reading off the same script. Reports mirrored testimony of scores of fire fighters, police and emergency workers who were told to get back from the building in the 2 hours before Salomon Brothers building (better known as WTC 7) fell at free-fall speed. Rescue workers were told the building was to be brought down in a controlled demolition. The group that carried out the demolition of Building 7 was in a position to feed the media and local authorities an official story. We have the controlled demolition of Building 7 hidden in plain sight-- including an admission by the building's 99-year lease holder Larry Silverstein. We are witnessing the unraveling of the 9/11 cover-up. New video and audio clips of emergency workers who were told the Building 7 was to be purposefully brought down are coming out on an hour-by-hour basis as thousands of 9/11 researchers investigate publicly available archives. Alex Jones in his car on the afternoon of 9/11 also heard ABC News report that the government was considering demolishing Building 7. Jones didn't’t realize what he was hearing for several weeks. Now the evidence is coming out. more...
NewWorldOrder | America |

It's hard to believe at first, but it should be no surprise that there are evil people with lots of power. The Bible speaks of this in the end-times, the mystery of iniquity that is already at work today. The world governmental bodies are all going to end up under one man according to scripture. Revelation 13 Is it any wonder that we would see these evil men guiding the world into the trap of their master? If you think about where 9/11 has led us and where it's going, the bringing of war and conflict is in the best interest of the plans of the enemy. I don't know all the details, but I've seen several films that bring to light many interesting scientific facts and video/audio evidence that all things on 9/11 are not what they appeared to be. Watch 9/11 Mysteries: Demolitions

US 'Iran attack plans' revealed (February 20, 2007) - US contingency plans for air strikes on Iran extend beyond nuclear sites and include most of the country's military infrastructure, the BBC has learned. It is understood that any such attack - if ordered - would target Iranian air bases, naval bases, missile facilities and command-and-control centres. The US insists it is not planning to attack, and is trying to persuade Tehran to stop uranium enrichment. The UN has urged Iran to stop the programme or face economic sanctions. But diplomatic sources have told the BBC that as a fallback plan, senior officials at Central Command in Florida have already selected their target sets inside Iran. That list includes Iran's uranium enrichment plant at Natanz. Facilities at Isfahan, Arak and Bushehr are also on the target list, the sources say. BBC security correspondent Frank Gardner says the trigger for such an attack reportedly includes any confirmation that Iran was developing a nuclear weapon - which it denies. Alternatively, our correspondent adds, a high-casualty attack on US forces in neighbouring Iraq could also trigger a bombing campaign if it were traced directly back to Tehran. Long range B2 stealth bombers would drop so-called "bunker-busting" bombs in an effort to penetrate the Natanz site, which is buried some 25m (27 yards) underground. The BBC's Tehran correspondent Frances Harrison says the news that there are now two possible triggers for an attack is a concern to Iranians. Authorities insist there is no cause for alarm but ordinary people are now becoming a little worried, she says. more...
| Iran | America

Defusing the Middle East powder keg (February 17, 2007) - THE Bush Administration's policies have generated such destructive conditions in the Middle East and west Asia that they have turned the region into more of a powder keg than ever before in its modern history. Iraq is locked in a devastating civil war, Afghanistan is balanced on a knife edge, Lebanon is teetering on the brink of civil war, Palestinians are at each other's throats, and Arabs are set against Iranians and Sunni Muslims against Shiites, with a US-Iran confrontation looming. In the meantime, while US credibility is in tatters, a powerful regional Shiite strategic entity linked to Tehran has emerged, causing fear among Iran's Sunni-dominated neighbours as to what this might entail. This entity stretches from western Afghanistan, where Iran has made huge financial and infrastructural investment, with a strong sectarian inroad into some of the 15 to 20 per cent of the country's Shiite population, to Lebanon, where the Iranian-backed Hezbollah has become a critical player. The US push for democratisation in Iraq and its virtual deliverance of formal power to the country's Shiite majority has, together with the Iran-Syria strategic partnership, created the centrepiece of this entity. A majority of Iraqi Shiites are Arabs and Iraq has historically had an Arab national identity, but the political and social landscape of the country has changed so much under the US-led occupation that no amount of effort can now easily restore sectarian balance in Iraq and in the wider Muslim domain. These developments have alarmed many in the Arab world and in the wider, Sunni-dominated, Muslim domain. The Arabs are disturbed by the rapid change in the sectarian equation and the regional strategic balance, and many Sunni Muslims now think that Washington and Tehran have made a common anti-Sunni cause. As Tehran has quietly revelled in its new strategic gains, the Saudi leaders have summed up the position of many Arabs by calling for open assistance to the Iraqi Sunnis against Iran's growing influence. more...
| Islam | America |

Utah gunman, 18, was Muslim from Bosnia (February 13, 2007) - The 18-year-old gunman who killed five people in a crowded Utah shopping mall was a Bosnian Muslim refugee who was prepared to kill many more, say investigators. An off-duty police officer having an early Valentine's Day dinner with his wife was credited today with cornering Sulejmen Talovic, exchanging fire with him until other officers arrived to shoot and kill the gunman. The trench-coated teenager wanted to "to kill a large number of people" and probably would have killed many more if not for the off-duty officer, Police Chief Chris Burbank said. A friend said Talovic was from the war-torn country of Bosnia and that the trauma he experienced while growing up may have led to him snapping for some reason. Ken Hammond, an off-duty officer from Ogden, north of Salt Lake City, jumped up from his seat at a restaurant after hearing gunfire and cornered the gunman, exchanging fire with him until other officers arrived, Burbank said. "There is no question that his quick actions saved the lives of numerous other people," the police chief said. Police said it was not immediately clear who fired the shot that killed Talovic. Talovic had a backpack full of ammunition, a shotgun and a .38-caliber pistol, police said. Investigators knew little about Talovic, except than he lived in Salt Lake City with his mother, the chief said. He was enrolled in numerous city schools before withdrawing in 2004, the school district said. Initially, police refused to release his name or any information about his background. more...
| Islam | America

Nashville mayor vetoes English-only bill (February 12, 2007) - Mayor Bill Purcell vetoed a measure Monday that would have made English the official language of Nashville, saying it was unconstitutional, unnecessary and mean-spirited. "This ordinance does not reflect who we are in Nashville," Purcell said. The measure passed 23-14 last week by the Metro Council required all government documents to be in English, except when multilingual communications are required by federal rules or are needed "to protect or promote public health, safety or welfare." Opponents and supporters of the ordinance agreed it was largely a symbolic slap at illegal immigration that had no significant effect. Purcell said his legal staff had advised him the bill violated the U.S. and state constitutions and would be costly to defend. "If this ordinance becomes law, Nashville will become a less safe, less friendly and less successful city," Purcell said. "And as mayor, I cannot allow that to happen." His veto seems likely to stand. It would take 27 council votes to override it. Councilman Eric Crafton, who sponsored the measure, said it would offer an incentive for immigrants to learn English. Opponents including the Chamber of Commerce worried it would hurt the image of Nashville, which bills itself as "Music City USA." Phone calls to Crafton's home went unanswered Monday. Several smaller communities have passed similar laws or resolutions, including Pahrump, Nev.; Taneytown, Md.; and the Dallas suburb of Farmers Branch, Texas. Nashville, a city of more than 600,000, is home to the nation's largest Kurdish community and has been a resettlement site for refugees from Africa and Southeast Asia. The Hispanic immigrant population also has boomed. Researchers say Nashville's foreign-born population has grown 350 percent since 1990.
| America |

I don't get it, if we want to be a untied country, we need a common language. It was the creation of different languages at the tower of Babel that divided the world as it is today. I don't think it's discrimination to want a common language, I think being able to actually understand each other stops some division that occurs without understanding. The language of the US is English as it always has been. It's good to remember heritage, but not at the cost of the here-and-now in my opinion.

Abbas looks forward to Rice meeting with Israeli PM (February 11, 2007) - Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said Sunday he hoped an upcoming meeting between Israel's prime minister and U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice would jump start a permanent peace process. Abbas, who met with his Egyptian counterpart in Cairo, said the Feb. 19 meeting with Rice and Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert would "lay the features of the road to start the permanent peace process." He also said the meeting would help the so-called Quartet — whose members are the U.S., EU, U.N. and Russia — play a more active role in promoting Mideast peace in their meeting in Berlin on Feb. 21. But Abbas declined to say whether he thought the United States and Israel would accept an accord he signed with his rival, the militant group Hamas, establishing a Palestinian coalition government. The new government "should commit itself to it in spirit and letter without going into details, expressing other opinion or elaborating about this issue," Abbas told reporters. The accord said the new government would "respect" past peace deals signed with Israel by the Palestine Liberation Organization, now led by Abbas. But the United States and Israel have demanded the new government explicitly renounce violence, recognize Israel and agree to uphold past peace accords. Since the deal was signed late Thursday in the Saudi city of Mecca, Palestinian officials have been trying to persuade the international community to embrace the deal and lift crippling sanctions on their government. Olmert said Sunday his government had "urgent consultations" over the weekend about the deal, but had not decided whether to reject or accept the agreements. more...
| Israel | Islam | EU/UN | Temple Mount | America |

Clinton slams PA indoctrination (February 8, 2007) - US Presidential candidate Senator Hilary Clinton has condemned Palestinian textbooks for school children, saying the texts indoctrinate children towards incitement, and fail to provide them with an education. "I believe that education is one of the keys to lasting peace in the Middle East and for this reason I am very concerned with these findings," Clinton was quoted as saying in a report released by the Palestinian Media Watch (PMW), which monitors the Palestinian Authority for incitement to hatred and violence. "Ever since we first raised this issue some years ago there still has not been an adequate repudiation of incitement by the Palestinian Authority. It is even more disturbing that the problem appears to have gotten worse. These textbooks don't give Palestinian children an education, they give them an indoctrination," Senator Clinton said. In the press release, Itamar Marcus, head of PMW, said: "Teaching Palestinian children that the conflict is religious and not territorial will leave no possibility for compromise and could guarantee another generation of conflict." According to the PMW's report, "new Palestinian Authority textbooks for Grade 12 encourage students to see Israel, the US and the West as enemies, and portray the PA's territorial disputes with Israel as an existential religious conflict for Islam." The books teach Palestinian children to envision "a world without Israel," reject Israel's right to exist, and describes it as a "catastrophe that is unprecedented in history." "This is compounded by the presentation of the conflict as a religious conflict to defend Islamic land, and leaves no latitude or religious option for students to have positive -- or even neutral -- attitudes towards Israel," the report added. more...
| Islam | America

Iran 'Prepared to Teach a Lesson to Possible Aggressors ... to Make Them Repent Forever' (February 6, 2007) - Iran's defense minister reportedly warned the U.S. that if it attacks, Tehran is ready to teach Americans a lesson that will make them "repent forever." Defense Minister Mostafa Mohammad-Najjar, quoted Tuesday in an interview with the Algerian News Network, charged that U.S. troop presence in the region creates "crisis" and "insecurity" in the region, and called for the removal of American presence in the region. The Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) carried the defense minister's remarks on its Web site. Iran is "fully prepared to teach a lesson to possible aggressors," Mohammad-Najjar said. Iran is ready and willing to "confront any threat" from the U.S., and its "hostile approach" toward the country's nuclear installations, he added. "By resorting to psychological war, the U.S. attempts to exert pressure on Iran. But such methods will rather increase the problems and complications facing the American forces in the region," he said. Click here to read Islamic Republic News Agency version of the story. more... 
| Iran |
Gog/Magog | Israel | Islam | America |

WARNING: THE END OF AMERICA AS WE KNOW IT IS AT HAND (February 5, 2007) - The Patriot's Preamble "Let it be known far and wide that American Patriots will come together in the year 2007, to unite the citizens and statesmen of the Republic of the United States of America. They will gather with the purpose of maintaining our nation's sovereignty, to reinstate our Constitutional and Natural Rights, and to free the American people from institutional servitude. They will come to pursue this course with Honor, Dignity, and Courage, while acknowledging that unless God keeps our nation and guides her steps, we will have labored in vain." The United States of America and its citizenry has been assessed, warned, plotted against, and sold out by internationalists in government, business, and the banking industry. Its workforce has been decimated, its standard of living shredded and its working people made financial slaves through unjust taxation, socialist government practices, rules and regulations at all levels in society that would make any communist dictator grin with envy. Our role as partners in governmental affairs has been reduced to a whisper that is not heard by any elected official anywhere—with very, very few exceptions. Our representative government has become 535 regional dictators who live a life of luxury, self-importance and as arrogant master over the populace. The congress of the United States has carefully exempted itself from virtually all repressive laws they choose not to adhere to and have given themselves retirement pensions, health care and other perks, the rest of us can only dream of. They have become the Duma (Soviet Parliament) types who exemplify nothing other than crass selfishness at the expense of every American working citizen. The Bush Administration has been pursuing a blending of Canada, America and Mexico into the “North American Union.” They have done it under the cover of governmental darkness. They have been running a race as to how fast they can manipulate our great nation into a “no going back” strategic position with these other two nations. The president and his cabal of sell-out White House/Congressional turncoats have intentionally kept the American people in a state of confusion (war on terror, etc.) so that organized resistance to this national sovereignty killing plan can not be formulated. Business and banking interests are salivating at the thought of trillions of dollars in “free trade” being exchanged throughout North America.
NewWorldOrder | America |

Prophetically, we don't have any clear indication of America's role in prophecy. Part of the issue is that the Bible is focused on Israel, which is on the other side of the earth. At the same time, we could be taken out of the picture, or more likely, the leadership of our nation will join with the "global community" in a new world order. In this, we will be no different than the Babylon we're told to come out of. Being raised a patriot and loving the freedom we've been blessed with, it's a sad thing to see fall apart, but at the same time, our home is not on this earth. We're just visiting.

Quartet Statement (February 2, 2007) - The Quartet Principals - Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, High Representative for European Foreign and Security Policy Javier Solana, German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier, and European Commissioner for External Relations Benita Ferrero-Waldner - met today in Washington to discuss the situation in the Middle East. The Quartet welcomed UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and the representative of the EU Presidency, German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier. Recognizing the critical need to end the Palestinian/Israeli conflict, which would contribute to security and stability in the region, the Quartet pledged to support efforts to put in place a process with the goal of ending the occupation that began in 1967 and creating an independent, democratic and viable Palestinian state, living side-by-side in peace and security with Israel, and reaffirmed its commitment to a just, lasting, and comprehensive peace based on UNSCRs 242 and 338. The Quartet expressed the hope that the result-oriented dialogue initiated between Israeli and Palestinian leaders will continue in the framework of a renewed political process with the aim of launching meaningful negotiations. The Quartet undertook to give active follow-up to these meetings and to remain closely engaged at this moment of increased activity and dialogue. The Quartet reaffirmed its commitment to meet regularly at both the principals and envoys level according to an agreed calendar, including with the parties and other regional partners, to monitor developments and actions taken by the parties and to discuss the way ahead. The Quartet noted its support for renewed dialogue between Israeli and Palestinian leaders and welcomed the December 23 meeting between Israeli PM Olmert and PA President Abbas, and the subsequent implementation of some steps discussed at that meeting. The Quartet urged the parties to implement fully steps discussed at the December 23 meeting, to refrain from taking any measures that could predetermine the number of issues that will be resolved in negotiations, to meet their respective obligations under phase one of the Roadmap and under the Agreement on Movement and Access, and to seek to fulfill their obligations under the Sharm el-Sheikh Understandings of 2005. more...
Iran | Gog/Magog | Israel | Islam | EU/UN
Solana | America |

I think God has a couple things to say about this and given the history of those who try to get Israel out of the Land, I think it should be understood that God will punish those that come against Israel whom He Himself has placed there as prophesied in Ezekiel 36,37. However, God has also made it clear that those who come against Israel will be cut to pieces. Zechariah 12:1-3, "The burden of the word of the LORD for Israel, saith the LORD, which stretcheth forth the heavens, and layeth the foundation of the earth, and formeth the spirit of man within him. Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem. And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it." God also promises to punish all those who oppress Israel. Jeremiah 30:18-20, "Thus saith the LORD; Behold, I will bring again the captivity of Jacob's tents, and have mercy on his dwellingplaces; and the city shall be builded upon her own heap, and the palace shall remain after the manner thereof. And out of them shall proceed thanksgiving and the voice of them that make merry: and I will multiply them, and they shall not be few; I will also glorify them, and they shall not be small. Their children also shall be as aforetime, and their congregation shall be established before me, and I will punish all that oppress them." As the US/EU policy moves forward to take away the Promised Land given to Israel in 1967, expect God's protection to be removed and replaced with His punishment.

Ellis says he's converted to Islam and wants name change (February 1, 2007) - Macon Mayor Jack Ellis has converted to Islam and is working to legally change his name to Hakim Mansour Ellis. The mayor, raised as a Christian, said Thursday that he has been studying the Koran for years and made the religious switch at a December ceremony in the country of Senegal on the western African coast. Ellis is now a Sunni Muslim, having chosen a religion he said was originally practiced by his west African ancestors before they were brought to America by slave traders. Ellis said his decision was a personal one, though he understands his elected position breeds public interest in his choice. It was not something he decided overnight to do, he said. "Why does one become a Christian? ... You do it because it feels right. It's the right thing for you to do. ... To me it's no big deal. But people like to know what you believe in. And this is what I believe in."
| Islam | America |

Serious Thinking About the Middle East (January 30, 2007) - Are things moving in the right direction in the Middle East? Most Americans, I think, would say no. But perhaps they should ponder a trio of interesting columns. Two weeks ago, the military historian Edward Luttwak wrote a column in the Wall Street Journal arguing that George Bush's policies have created a Middle East much more hospitable to American goals. Here is his summation: When the Bush administration came into office, only Egypt and Jordan were functioning allies of the U.S. Iran and Iraq were already declared enemies, Syria was hostile, and even its supposed friends in the Arabian peninsula were so disinclined to help that none did anything to oppose al Qaeda. Some actively helped it, while others knowingly allowed private funds to reach the terrorists whose declared aim was to kill Americans. The Iraq war has indeed brought into existence a New Middle East, in which Arab Sunnis can no longer gleefully disregard American interests because they need help against the looming threat of Shiite supremacy, while in Iraq at the core of the Arab world, the Shia are allied with the U.S. What past imperial statesmen strove to achieve with much cunning and cynicism, the Bush administration has brought about accidentally. But the result is exactly the same. The implication is that this happy state of affairs came about by accident. Last week in the Washington Post David Ignatius wrote a column based on an interview with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice in which he described a "realignment" toward the United States that came about in large part because of the administration. Rice said the new approach reflects growing Arab concern about Iran's attempt to project power through its proxies: "After the war in Lebanon, the Middle East really did begin to clarify into an extremist element allied with Iran, including Syria, Hezbollah, and Hamas. On the other side were the targets of this extremism–the Lebanese, the Iraqis, the Palestinians–and those who want to resist, such as the Saudis, Egypt, and Jordan." America's recent show of force against Iran–seizing Iranian operatives in Iraq and sending additional warships to the Persian Gulf–was part of this broader effort to reassure the Saudis and others that, despite its troubles in Iraq, America remains a reliable ally against a rising Iran. "The U.S. has to demonstrate that it is present in the gulf, and going to be present in the gulf," Rice told me. Ignatius also mentions possible downside risks. more...
| IranIslam | America |

The New, New Middle East (January 30, 2007) - ISRAEL, says Tel Aviv University historian Paul Liptz, now has more "friends among [its] enemies than ever before," including some "who don't necessarily want to talk to us." It is an arresting argument, given the outcome of the Lebanon war last summer and the subsequent elevation of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah to an iconic status. (As the war wound down, even Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak said Hezbollah was "part of the Lebanese national fabric.") But Liptz points to recent reported diplomatic contacts between Israel and Saudi Arabia--"kind of like Earth and Mars getting married." The region's most salient fissure, he believes, divides the "status quo" forces (such as Egypt and Jordan) from those of radicalism and revolution (such as Iran and Hezbollah). This seems a common view among Israelis, which explains why they may look askance at George W. Bush's freedom agenda. Speaking to a visiting delegation of journalists sponsored by the pro-Israel American Israel Education Foundation (which supports the American Israel Public Affairs Committee), Liptz scorns the notion that democracy can transform illiberal Middle Eastern societies. Former Labour party minister Matan Vilnai, an ex-army general, calls America's democratization program "nonsense." On the Israeli right, Silvan Shalom, a Likud party member of the Knesset, blames the U.S.-led democracy push for enabling Hamas to win the Palestinian elections in January 2006. "In my personal judgment, it is a mistake," says Ephraim Kam, a former military intelligence official, who notes that "moderate" Arab leaders--the ones Israel is trying to cultivate--have resisted democratization. Another Israeli security source carves the Middle East into two groups: a "radical" camp (Iran, Syria, Hezbollah, and Hamas) and a "moderate" camp (including Egypt, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia). Notice that the "moderates" are all Sunni Arab autocracies, who fear not only a nuclear-armed Persian Iran but also an Iranian-led "Shiite crescent" that might dominate the region. Already frightened at the prospect of a U.S. pullout from Iraq, which would leave Iraqi Sunnis prey for murderous Shiite militias and possibly pave the way for Iranian intervention, status quo states such as Egypt and Saudi Arabia now have more reason than ever to work with Jerusalem and Washington. (Though how much they will remains unclear.) more...
| Israel | Islam | EU/UN | America |

A kind of peace is coming to the Middle East. I believe the fear of radical Islam and the leadership of a good diplomat will bring about this false peace. I also believe according to scripture, that during this time of peace Iran, Russia, Turkey, and several others will attempt to attack Israel from the North. Ezekiel 38,39 Look for the ENP to also help bring in this peace and EU funding as incentive for peace. After Gog/Magog is stopped by God, then I believe Israel will rebuild their temple. Time will tell, keep watching!

North America activists plotted 'stealth' strategy (January 30, 2007) - Participants in a high-level, closed door, three-day conference on the integration of the three North American nations debated whether openness about goals was preferred to a stealthy policy of building infrastructure before a vision of the end result was even laid out to the people of the U.S., Mexico and Canada, according to notes obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request. Official notes taken on a session on "Border Infrastructure and Continental Prosperity" at the North American Forum in Banff, Canada, last September, reveal the internal debate over continued secrecy. "While a vision is appealing, working on the infrastructure might yield more benefit and bring more people on board ('evolution by stealth')," record the notes discovered amid documents obtained by Judicial Watch. Several speakers at the event emphasized the importance of "deepening economic integration," "integrating the energy infrastructure" and "the development of new institutions" between the three North American nations. Participants promoted the idea of using popular issues, such as concern over climate change, to push integration of energy and environmental governance and the possibility of imposing a carbon tax. Judicial Watch released yesterday the documents it received in a FOIA request from the U.S. Northern Command, whose commander, Admiral Timothy Keating, participated in the conference along with Northcom political adviser Deborah Bolton and Plans, Policy and Strategy Director Maj. General Mark Volcheff. A similar request concerning participation in the North American Forum meeting by former  Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld is still pending. more... 
NewWorldOrder |
America |

Washington Soon to Release Evidence of Hostile Iranian Activity in Iraq (January 26, 2007) - US ambassador to Iraq, Zalmay Khalilzad and State department spokesman Sean McCormack said the US would soon present evidence of Iran’s hand in the violence besetting Iraq. The spoke as US-Iran military tensions over Iraq continued to rise. The ambassador stressed too that the charges against the Revolutionary Guards al Quds Brigade agents detained at the Iranian “liaison center” in Irbil on Jan 11 would be made public. The detainees are still in custody. McCormack spoke of “solid evidence” that Iranian agents sent by the Iranian government are working with individuals and groups in Iraq. He quoted President Bush who vowed to confront the networks and individuals “trying to harm our troops.” Eight days after the US raid on Irbil, DEBKA-Net-Weekly 286 exclusively revealed some of the evidence referred to by the two US officials of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards’s direct involvement in terrorist operations in Iraq. Quote: Their biggest catch was Iranian colonel Fars Hassami, No. 3 in the Revolutionary Guards al Quds Brigade’s hierarchy, two below the Brigades commander, General Qassem Sulemaini. Officers of the al Quds Brigade also serve with Hizballah combat units in Lebanon and Hamas in the Gaza Strip. The interrogation of Hassami and his four fellow detainees yielded some eye-openers, supplemented by sweeps of their offices and computers. 1. Col. Hassam was found to have been in charge of Iranian operations in northern and central Iraq - from Kurdish Irbil down to the northern outskirts of Baghdad – and all links with Iraq’s Shiite militias, including Moqtada Sadr’s Medhi Army, and Sunni insurgent groups. Hassam was the live wire behind Iran’s military, intelligence and logistic operations in the violence-stricken towns of the northern half of Iraq, Tal Afar, Mosul, Haditha, Kirkuk, Samarra, the Banji refinery town, Tikrit, Ramadi, Falluja and Baquba. more...
| Iran | America |

The Destruction of the United States (January 26, 2007) - History teaches that all nations, like all individuals, have a beginning and an end. No country is immortal. No nation is invincible. To make the point less delicately, America will one day cease to exist. And it may be useful, especially given the multiple crises now developing, to contemplate the mortality of the world’s most powerful country. What would the world be like without the United States? Would it be more violent or less violent? Would it be richer or poorer? Would there be more dictatorships in the world, or fewer, more freedom or more tyranny? The answers you give on these questions, if you are liable to have any answers, are ideologically defining. There are those who claim that America’s destruction would be a good thing. The destroyers of America, by this reasoning, would be liberators and heroes. If we attempt to look at the case objectively, it is hard to think of America’s chief rivals for power as “liberators” in any sense of the word. China is a communist dictatorship and Russia is governed by thugs. It is not nice to say that major powers like China or Russia seek the destruction of the United States. It is not nice to say that Russia and China are governed by thugs. But anyone who studies the foreign policies, chicanery, secret maneuvers and war preparations of Beijing and Moscow cannot honestly conclude otherwise. The fact that Russia and China are both assisting Iran’s development of nuclear weapons is more than suggestive. It is no accident that in America’s struggle against radical Islam, the Russian president has declared that Russia is Islam’s “best friend.” Before the fall of the Communist Party Soviet Union the central goal of Soviet foreign policy was to foster the downfall of the United States and the communization of the entire world. China, on the other hand, is a great country that suffered eclipse during the period of Western imperialism and colonialism. So China has reason to predicate its policy on the notion that “one good turn deserves another.” The reason for China’s opening to the West was not to enrich the Chinese bourgeoisie, or to adopt Western democratic values. The Chinese Communists sought an opening to the West so that they could get the investment capital and technology they needed for a modern military machine. Developing their economy is merely a necessary step in developing China’s new superpower status. Some days ago China successfully tested an anti-satellite weapon. This remarkable capability didn’t develop overnight. As Washington Times correspondent Bill Gertz pointed out in his January 24 column, American defense officials concede that China’s Jan. 11 test is part of a “covert space-weapons program designed to cripple the U.S. military in a conflict.” The Chinese, to be sure, are publicly lying about the peacefulness of their intentions. “This test was not directed at any country and does not constitute a threat to any country,” said the Chinese Foreign Ministry. Oh yes, we all know that China couldn’t possibly want to shoot down American satellites. Beijing merely enjoys the challenge of shooting down its own satellites for meaningless target practice. In that case, it was a also a “practice” exercise when Chinese hackers attacked U.S. Naval War College computers in November. As one U.S. official told Bill Gertz: “The Naval War College is where the Navy’s Strategic Study Group is planning and practicing cyber-war techniques, and now they don’t even have e-mail access.” more...
| America |

Military shows off new ray gun (January 25, 2007) - The military calls its new weapon an "active denial system," but that's an understatement. It's a ray gun that shoots a beam that makes people feel as if they are about to catch fire. Apart from causing that terrifying sensation, the technology is supposed to be harmless _ a non-lethal way to get enemies to drop their weapons. Military officials say it could save the lives of innocent civilians and service members in places like Iraq and Afghanistan. The weapon is not expected to go into production until at least 2010, but all branches of the military have expressed interest in it, officials said. During the first media demonstration of the weapon Wednesday, airmen fired beams from a large dish antenna mounted atop a Humvee at people pretending to be rioters and acting out other scenarios that U.S. troops might encounter in war zones. The device's two-man crew located their targets through powerful lenses and fired beams from more than 500 yards away. That is nearly 17 times the range of existing non-lethal weapons, such as rubber bullets. Anyone hit by the beam immediately jumped out of its path because of the sudden blast of heat throughout the body. While the 130-degree heat was not painful, it was intense enough to make the participants think their clothes were about to ignite. "This is one of the key technologies for the future," said Marine Col. Kirk Hymes, director of the non-lethal weapons program at Quantico, Va., which helped develop the new weapon. "Non-lethal weapons are important for the escalation of force, especially in the environments our forces are operating in." The system uses electromagnetic millimeter waves, which can penetrate only 1/64th of an inch of skin, just enough to cause discomfort. By comparison, microwaves used in the common kitchen appliance penetrate several inches of flesh. The millimeter waves cannot go through walls, but they can penetrate most clothing, officials said. They refused to comment on whether the waves can go through glass. more...
Technology | America |

Activists Trying to Silence Global Warming Skeptics (January 24, 2007) - Climate change skeptics - and journalists who report on them - have become the target of a campaign aimed at stifling legitimate debate at a time when Congress is planning an aggressive new environmental push. This is the assessment of environmental scientists and free market advocates who see a concerted effort to silence and de-fund think tanks that publish material challenging "prevailing global warming orthodoxy." Leftist activists masquerading as scientists are promoting false notions of "consensus" in an effort to back calls for mandatory caps on CO2 and other "greenhouse gas" emissions, they argue. Jeff Kueter, president of the George C. Marshall Institute (GMI) said "rational and open" discussion of climate change science that includes dissenting voices is in danger of being short-circuited, at the expense of sound science and free speech. Kueter told Cybercast News Service the assault on groups like the GMI amounted to "censorship." He said the notion of scientific consensus on global warming masked "real disputes that exist in the science over the quality of data." Bonner Cohen, author of "The Green Wave: Environmentalism and Its Consequences" said in an interview with Cybercast News Service that the censorship campaign hinges on two key components - a call for congressional oversight leading effectively to "show trials" aimed at discrediting global warming skeptics and an assault on press freedom. more...
Earth Changes | America |

I've commented on my position on this before, but since it's come up some more, I would just like to point out that the data doesn't lie, the earth is warming up. However, so is the temperature on Mars and other planets evidenced by the shrinking polar icecaps on Mars. Also, the sun has had increased energy output since the middle of last century. See chart here. I highly doubt that humans caused either of those, and there is more evidence than that saying this global warming is actually solar system warming. That doesn't mean we don't help some, but certainly not to the extent that things are changing now. I don't debate earth changes, I've been tracking them for some time now. However, it's not our fault and I believe it's a sign of the end. I just watched Kent Hovind's theory of creation based on scripture and he brought up a good point. Our magnetic field has been deteriorating since we started measuring it. It has never gotten stronger, only weaker. This means less plasma from the sun is deflected. Increased atmospheric temperatures will mess with weather patterns. It could also affect things on this earth we don't realize over time. 2 Peter 3:3-7, "Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation. For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water: Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished: But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men." God's wrath is coming and things will not continue as they always have. We don't have millions of years before the sun burns out, we have years before God's wrath is poured out on all them that dwell on the whole earth. Luke 21:34-36

Iran: Israel, US will soon die (January 23, 2007) - Israel and the United States will soon be destroyed, Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Tuesday during a meeting with Syria's foreign minister, the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB) website said in a report. Iran's official FARS news agency also reported the comments. "Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad… assured that the United States and the Zionist regime of Israel will soon come to the end of their lives," the Iranian president was quoted as saying. "Sparking discord among Muslims, especially between the Shiites and Sunnis, is a plot hatched by the Zionists and the US for dominating regional nations and looting their resources," Ahmadinejad added, according to the report. The Iranian president also directly tied events in Lebanon to a wider plan aimed at Israel's destruction. He called on "regional countries" to "support the Islamic resistance of the Lebanese people and strive to enhance solidarity and unity among the different Palestinian groups in a bid to pave the ground for the undermining of the Zionist regime whose demise is, of course, imminent." Ahmadinejad has threatened the State of Israel with annihilation several times in recent months, and has recently added the US and Britain to the list of countries he says will be destroyed. Syria's Foreign Minister, Wailed Mualem, accused the US of attempting to carry out a "massacre of Muslims" and of sowing "discord among Islamic faiths in the region." Mualem called on "regional states to pave the ground for the establishment of peace and tranquillity… while preventing further genocide of the Muslims," the IRIB website said.
| Iran | Gog/Magog | Israel | Islam |

What can I say that he didn't? Bible prophecy states that Iran (Persia) as well as Turkey, Russia, and other minor players will attack Israel. They're saying they plan on Israel being gone, how much longer will it take to implement that plan? Keep watching!

Activity Picks Up for Mideast Talks (January 22, 2007) - After months of inaction, a flurry of diplomatic activity toward reviving Israeli-Palestinian peacemaking is under way. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is planning a summit with Israeli and Palestinian leaders, top Israeli officials are floating peace initiatives and the moderate Palestinian president says he is ready to discuss the outlines of a final settlement. But with Hamas militants dominating the Palestinian parliament and Cabinet, and weak leadership on all sides, no one expects a deal any time soon. The U.S. and Israel are trying to build on the "road map'' peace plan by initiating confidence-building steps such as easing financial sanctions on the Palestinians and lifting West Bank roadblocks. They are also holding out the prospect of more wide-ranging concessions to help Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in his power struggle against Hamas militants. "We're at the pre-negotiation stage where the emphasis is on confidence-building measures,'' Miri Eisin, a spokeswoman for Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, said Monday. "But we're not talking about the substance.'' The 2003 road map - which outlines a staged plan for creating a Palestinian state alongside Israel - never got off the ground because each side failed to meet its initial obligations. With the Israeli-Palestinian peace process in deep freeze since 2000, and the political rise of Hamas in the Palestinian territories, moderates on each side have found themselves with little choice but to start talking again. In the past few weeks, the Israeli and Palestinian leaders held their first substantive meeting, and Israel followed up by transferring $100 million in frozen tax revenues to Abbas. Rice has promised to lead a summit with Abbas and Olmert by mid-February, and is talking about reinvigorating U.S. involvement in Mideast peacemaking. more...
| Israel | Islam | EU/UNSolana | America |

Peace in the Middle East? I expect it to come. I also expect the EU and Javier Solana to be the main players in making it happen. He is "Mr. Europe" and wears many crowns as: High Representative and Secretary-General of the Council of European Union, Secretary-General of the WEU (Western European Union), Chairman of the Political Security Committee for the European Union, and the main political head behind the 1995 Euro-Med agreement that has just been confirmed for 7 years starting January 1, 2007. If this sounds eerily like Bible prophecy, I think there's a good reason. The EU fits the picture of the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns. The EU has 10 voting member nations. It is also connected intimately with the ancient Roman empire which is interesting given the dream given to Nebuchadnezzar that Daniel interpreted in Daniel 2. The two legs of iron represent the Eastern and Western Roman empire. The feet are made partly of iron. These are the only two kingdoms in the statue made of the same metal. Keep watching!

Anti-Semitism and unholy alliance Western leftists, Islamists have nothing in common except disdain for Israel (January 21, 2007) - This past week the United States celebrates the rich moral and political legacy of Martin Luther King. I am reminded of one of his powerful messages. He claimed that history will view the actions as well as the inactions of individuals. He powerfully asserted that every action has an effect, while every non-action has equally powerful repercussions. King was not especially concerned with the actions of the few bad people in society, but was troubled by the inaction of the vast majority of good and decent people. Given the recent state of affairs with regard to global anti-Semitism, King’s message is relevant today. It feels as if the recent Holocaust denial conference held in Tehran during December is but a distant memory, as the news cycle on the globalized information highway has changed so many times it seems like a distant bad dream. Unfortunately, it is not. The global social movement of extreme Islamists continues to work towards one of its main goals, the de-legitimatization of Israel so to bring about its destruction, while also aiming to usurp the global order and replace regimes throughout Islamic societies. While this theocratic social movement carries on with its clearly articulated genocidal objectives, Western human rights advocates and progressives, especially in Western Europe, remain largely silent. How is it that social democratic intellectuals and progressives are voiceless in the face of theocratic, homophobic, sexist, anti-democratic racists, who make unequivocal public genocidal statements, backed up with actions consistent with this goal on the ground? Among much of the West’s chattering classes Israel has been criticized in a disproportionate manner for decades. The rhetorical and ideological blinders have made it difficult for some on the Left, mainly in Europe, to assess the current situation in a coherent manner. This while levels of anti-Semitism increase significantly throughout much of Europe. British Jews, for example, are four times more likely to be attacked then Muslims, even though Islamophobia is also on the rise. Much of the expression of the extreme Left in the UK and in Western Europe focuses on portraying Israel as some sort of omnipresent power that mysteriously holds sway over western governments, namely – though not limited to - Washington. This demonization utilizes classical anti-Semitic tropes, accusing Jewish citizens of dual loyalty. This form of dehumanizing stereotype played a key role in the devastating violence and dislocation of European Jewry historically. more...
| Islam | Israel | EU/UN | NewWorldOrder | America

Is it any wonder that the future head of the world will turn, along with the rest of the Western nations, against Israel? The dislike is there and you can see the clear bias in favor of Islam. I don't know if it's out of fear of Islam's power or if it's because they really are on the same page and influenced by the same spirit of hatred. Given the future of the world and their attitude toward God and His chosen people, Jew and Gentile, I'd guess they follow the same spirit.

Arab States Realigned, Yet Volatile (January 19, 2007) - As she toured the Middle East this week, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice spoke of a powerful trend that she said was suddenly making it easier for beleaguered America to find partners in the region. Rising fear of extremism, she said, was causing a "realignment" that was drawing together moderate Arab governments in a way that would make it easier for the United States to contain Iran, mend Iraq and work for Israeli-Palestinian peace. Rice is right, say Middle East diplomats and regional experts, that anxiety about extremism — especially as practiced by Shiite Muslims — is making sometimes-balky Arab governments more willing to back U.S. goals. Yet it's not clear how far this cooperation will go, the observers say. And there is a danger, some add, that the same fear could lead these governments to promote extremism that would further inflame the region. Rice says the region has been stirred by the rising influence of Iran, the growing power of the Islamic militant organizations Hezbollah and Hamas, Syria's support of these groups, and the sectarian forces tearing apart Iraq. Sunni-led governments fear that they will be put on the defensive against Shiites at home and in neighboring lands. Last year's war in Lebanon, which bolstered Hezbollah, and the election victory of Hamas in the Palestinian territories, have alarmed governments that often hung back when the U.S. tried to mobilize them. One sign of the new attitude came Tuesday, when foreign ministers of eight Arab countries issued a joint communique signaling that they opposed terrorism and supported U.S. goals in Iraq. They urged steps to improve the lot of Iraq's Sunni minority and limit Iranian involvement in the nation's conflicts. U.S. officials have been trying to build a new security alliance out of the group, composed of Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait, Oman and the United Arab Emirates. Though the communique was considerably weaker than the Americans would have liked, it showed a willingness to take a public stand by countries that often have shrunk from doing so. more...
| Islam | America |

Executive Summary of How the Grassroots Lobbying Bills (H.R. 4682 and S.1) Would Affect Churches and Other Non-Profit Organizations Thanks for the story Diane! (January 17, 2007) - Sitting in front of our new Congress, under House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, there is a proposal to designate churches, pastors, religious denominations, public interest organizations, and other non-profit groups as ''lobbyists.'' Currently, lobbyists must register with the government - this new bill expands the definition of ''lobbyist'' to include any church or organization that strives to influence public opinion! This legislation will drastically affect the operation of churches that speak out on major moral and political issues and Christian organizations using TV, radio, or the Internet to mobilize citizens around an issue. The increased government regulation of churches is not only unwarranted but also unwise. What happens, under such a law, if pastors speak out and work against partial-birth abortion? Same-sex marriage? What happens if churches speak out in support of conservative judicial nominees, or military chaplains' right to pray? Under such a law, they are classified as ''lobbyists'' - in essence, free speech is forbidden.  Plus, many churches, especially larger churches with TV and radio ministries, would be subject to registration as a lobbying organization - and - failure to register under this new law could result in criminal prosecution - fines of up to $100,000, six years in prison - even ten years in some cases. Don't allow this freedom of speech to be taken away.  Help us stop Congress from passing this unconstitutional legislation. I have assembled a legal and legislative team focusing on this dangerous bill; we have already produced a legal analysis (posted at that details the dangers of this legislation. I am personally leading three senior attorneys and our entire Government Affairs team - working with Congress around the clock. We have also distributed significant legal memorandums throughout Congress. This bill represents the biggest single legal restraint ever placed on people of faith. In essence, the proposed legislation attempts to override the United States Constitution. This cannot wait. Speaker Pelosi is pushing hard. The politicians will strike quickly on this.
| America

If you click the link for the Executive summary, you'll see amendment 20 which states, "Proposed by Senator Bennett on January 10, 2007, and co-sponsored by Senator McConnell - would eliminate the provisions of the Senate bill dealing with "grassroots lobbying firms" and ensure that churches and many other public interest organizations and individuals would not be subject to lobbying regulations." U.S. Senate votes down Section 220, However Similar Bill to be Considered in House

Iran Promotes Anti-US Axis (January 16, 2007) - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad declared: "'Iran, Nicaragua and Venezuela and other revolutionary countries are together and we will resist together." Mr Ahmadinejad was in Ecuador last night after visiting Nicaragua, where he met newly elected leader and old US enemy Daniel Ortega. He had earlier visited Venezuela. US President George W. Bush has sent the Iranian leader a warning as he said a US failure in Iraq would empower Iran and threaten world peace. "If we catch your people inside (Iraq) harming US citizens or Iraqi citizens, you know we will deal with them," Mr Bush warned Mr Ahmadinejad. But the Iranian leader replied: "They want to cover their failures by other means, but they have been discredited, and they can't recover from that," he said. The US has accused five Iranians it arrested in Iraq of running arms and money to militants. Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Mohammad Ali Hosseini demanded their release, saying they were diplomats. Iraq has said the mission did not yet have consular status but had approval to operate.
| IranIslam | America |

Bush Speech Seen as Preparing for War with Iran Joel C. Rosenberg (January 14, 2007) - “Our best-case scenario is for missiles to be hitting us in the next year or two. Either the West goes to war to stop Iran from going nuclear, and Iran fires conventional missiles at us in retaliation, or the West waits too long and Iran launches a nuclear first strike at us. Either way, a terrible war is coming. It cannot be avoided.” That’s the sobering assessment a senior Israeli political leader shared with me over breakfast this week. In that context, US President George W. Bush’s recalibrated Middle East strategy is resonating positively here. The combination of 20,000 more US troops in Iraq, a second US nuclear-powered aircraft carrier headed toward the Persian Gulf, the buildup of more anti-missile batteries near Iran, and a flat-out rejection of appeasement talks with Iran and Syria indicates that the White House is not only serious about defeating the forces of radical Islam in and around Baghdad, but may in fact be gearing up for a military showdown with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his fanatic disciples in 2007. US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, here in the region this week, downplayed that view somewhat, saying in Jerusalem that “the US is simply responding to Iranian activities that have been going on for a while now that endanger our forces.” But there is no question that the Arab and Iranian press are interpreting the president’s moves as a step toward war. I’ve been in Israel for the past 10 days filming an “Epicenter” documentary for network broadcast and nationwide release later this year. Picking up on the themes from the book, the film will focus on the urgency of the Iranian nuclear threat; how Shiite eschatology is driving Iranian foreign policy; why Russia is selling Iran missiles, submarines, and nuclear technology; the differences between Islamic conceptions of end-time prophecy and Judeo–Christian expectations of the last days; and how evangelical Christians and Israeli Jews can work together in light of this common enemy. This week, I conducted exclusive interviews with Benjamin Netanyahu, former prime minister and current Likud leader; Natan Sharansky, former deputy prime minister and founder of; Moshe Ya’alon, former Israel Defense Forces chief of staff; and Dore Gold, former Israeli Ambassador to the UN, president of the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, and author of the forthcoming book, “The Fight For Jerusalem.” I asked Netanyahu how much time the West has to stop Ahmadinejad. “Not much,” he said, noting that when he was prime minister both India and Pakistan tested nuclear weapons to the shock of all Western intelligence agencies and that Iran could be much closer to getting the bomb than anyone realizes. “Nothing else matters–not Iraq, not the peace process with the Palestinians–if Iran is allowed to obtain nuclear weapons. They must be stopped.” Sharansky warned that action needs to be taken in 2007, or it could be too late. Ambassador Gold told me that Ahmadinejad’s cult of “Twelvers”–Shiites feverishly preparing for the coming of the Twelfth Imam, or the “Mahdi”–recently claimed to have pre-positioned sleeper cells of Mahdi warriors in Jerusalem and that Messianic fever is sweeping the Shiite crescent from Iran and southern Iraq to Lebanon. more...
| Iran | America

Arrested Iranians tied to group arming Iraqis: U.S. (January 14, 2007) - The U.S. military said on Sunday that five Iranians held by its troops in Iraq are linked to Revolutionary Guards who are arming and funding Iraqi militants but Tehran called them diplomats and demanded they be released. The five were arrested on Thursday in a U.S. dawn raid on an Iranian government office in the Kurdish city of Arbil. The raid underlined the challenges Baghdad faces in striking a balance with Washington while building relations with neighbors the Bush administration accuses of fueling violence in Iraq. Iraq's President Jalal Talabani, an ethnic Kurd, was due to travel on Sunday to Syria, which the Bush administration says allows weapons and fighters to cross its border into Iraq in support of the anti-U.S. insurgency there. Talabani's visit to Damascus is the first by a senior Iraqi official since the two countries resumed diplomatic ties last month after more than two decades of boycott after Syria sided with Iran during the Iraq-Iran war in 1980s. Aides said Talabani will discuss security and ask Damascus to control its borders and stop insurgents moving into Iraq. Both Syria and Iran deny that they provide support to militants operating in Iraq. more...
| Iran | Islam | America |

Palestinian Opposes Provisional State (January 14, 2007) - Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, pledging deeper engagement in the Middle East peace process, met today with the Palestinian Authority president, Mahmoud Abbas, who rejected suggestions for establishing a temporary state within provisional borders and pledged that any American money to bolster his security forces would not be misused. “I have heard loud and clear the call for deeper American engagement in these processes,” Ms. Rice said after two and a half hours of talks with Mr. Abbas. “The United States is absolutely committed to helping to find a solution where Israelis and Palestinians can live in security, in which they can live in peace and in which they can live in democracy,” she said, adding, “You will have my commitment to do precisely that.” Ms. Rice’s visit to the Palestinian government headquarters was clearly an effort to bolster Mr. Abbas in his struggle to regain the political advantage over Hamas, which took control of the parliament in recent elections. But, likewise, the Israeli officials she is meeting during two days of shuttling between Israeli and Palestinian officials also are showing weakness in the polls. And Ms. Rice’s job of trying to accelerate progress on the “road map” — a step-by-step process for resolving the Israeli-Palestinian dispute — is overshadowed in the minds of many here by new Bush administration initiatives toward Iraq and Iran. None of the parties to the talks here predicted any speedy breakthrough. Although no formal proposal has been presented, some Israeli officials have floated the idea that the peace process could be accelerated by establishing a provisional Palestinian state within temporary borders to be subsequently set. more...
| Israel | Islam |

A rabbi's warning to U.S. Christians (January 13, 2007) - I am certainly not a Churchill. I am not even a Revel. I am having enough trouble just trying to be a Lapin. But I am issuing a very serious warning about deep consequences, just as they did. It is a warning about the earliest stages of what could become a cataract of disasters if not resisted now. During the 1930s, Winston Churchill desperately tried to persuade the English people and their government to see that Hitler meant to end their way of life. The British ignored Churchill, which gave Hitler nearly 10 years to build up his military forces. It wasn't until Hitler actually drew blood that the British realized they had a war on their hands. It turned out to be a far longer and more destructive war than it needed to be had Churchill's early warning been heeded. In 1983, a brave French writer, Jean-Francois Revel, wrote a book called "How Democracies Perish." In this remarkable volume, he described how communism's aim is world conquest. For decades he had been trying to warn of communism's very real threat. Yet in January 1982, a high State Department official said: "We Americans are not solving problems, we are the problem." (Some things never change.) A good portion of the planet fell to communism, which brought misery and death to millions because we failed to recognize in time that others meant to harm us. Heaven knows there was enough warning during the 1980s of the intention of part of the Islamic world to take yet another crack at world domination. Yet instead of seeing each deadly assault on our interests around the world as a test of our resolve, we ignored it. We failed the test and lost 3,000 Americans in two unforgettable hours. I am not going to argue that what is happening now is on the same scale as the examples I cite above, but a serious war is being waged against a group of Americans. I am certain that if we lose this war, the consequences for American civilization will be dire. Phase one of this war I describe is a propaganda blitzkrieg that is eerily reminiscent of how effectively the Goebbels propaganda machine softened up the German people for what was to come. There is no better term than propaganda blitzkrieg to describe what has been unleashed against Christian conservatives recently. Consider the long list of anti-Christian books that have been published in recent months. Here are just a few samples of more than 30 similar titles, all from mainstream publishers: "American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War on America" "The Baptizing of America: The Religious Right's Plans for the Rest of Us" "The End of Faith: Religion, Terror, and the Future of Reason" "Piety & Politics: The Right-wing Assault on Religious Freedom" "Atheist Universe: The Thinking Person's Answer to Christian Fundamentalism" "Thy Kingdom Come: How the Religious Right Distorts the Faith and Threatens America" "Religion Gone Bad: The Hidden Dangers of the Christian Right" What is truly alarming is that there are more of these books for sale at your local large book store warning against the perils of fervent Christianity than those warning against the perils of fervent Islam. Does anyone seriously think America is more seriously jeopardized by Christian conservatives than by Islamic zealots? I fear that many Americans believe just that in the same way that many pre-World War II Westerners considered Churchill a bigger threat than Hitler. more...
| Islam |

Navy dismisses chaplain who prayed 'in Jesus' name' (January 12, 2007) - A U.S. Navy chaplain who prayed "in Jesus' name" as his conscience dictated is being ejected from the military service "in retaliation" for his victorious battle to change Navy policy that required religious rites be "non-sectarian." "This fight cost me everything. My career is over, my family is now homeless, we've lost a million dollar pension, but Congress agreed with me and rescinded the Navy policy, so chaplains are free again to pray in Jesus' name," Chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt told WND. "My sacrifice purchased their freedom. My conscience is clear, the fight was worth it, and I'd do it all again." Klingenschmitt, as WND has reported, has fought an extended battle with the Navy over its restrictions on religious expression by its chaplains. He appeared and delivered a public prayer "in Jesus' name" at a White House rally last winter and was court-martialed for that. The Navy convicted him of failing to follow a lawful order because his superior didn't want him praying "in Jesus' name." He's also launched a legal battle that he said he hopes eventually will result in his reinstatement, alleging the Navy assembled a "civic religion" by ordering its chaplains to pray in a certain way. more...
| America |

I don't get this, he's a chaplain!

Russia Slams US Sanctions on its Military Firms Ties with Iran (January 7, 2007) - "This is by far not the first time the US resorts to illegal attempts to spread its internal legislation on foreign companies and force them to abide by the US rules," Russia's Foreign Ministry said in a statement. The Federal Register, a record of US policy actions, published a State Department notice on Friday listing 24 businesses -- including four in Russia and others in China, Iran, Iraq, Malaysia, Mexico, North Korea, Sudan and Syria -- that it said engaged in actions that triggered the sanctions. The sanctions went into effect Dec. 28, the notice said, and will remain in place for two years unless the secretary of state lifts them. The notice said the 24 incurred sanctions under the Iran and Syria Nonproliferation Act by providing materials that could contribute to the development of weapons of mass destruction or cruise or ballistic missile systems by Iran or Syria. A call for comment to the US State Department was not returned on Saturday. Rosoboronexport, one of the world's biggest arms traders, has recently won control of the Russian firm VSMPO-Avisma, the world's largest titanium producer. It is a key supplier of titanium parts to US aviation giant Boeing and Europe's EADS. In August, Washington slapped sanctions on Rosoboronexport and warplane maker Sukhoi under a US law that penalizes companies for working with Iran. In November, Washington formally lifted the sanctions against Sukhoi, which is developing the Russian Regional Jet with Boeing. Moscow said the latest US sanctions against its arms firms were again groundless and added, "And yet once again, the United States is embarking on this vicious circle. more...
| Iran | Gog/Magog | Israel | Islam | America

U.S.-Mexico Pact Revealed: Billions to Non-citizens (January 5, 2007) - As a result of lawsuits, the U.S. government released this week the actual U.S.-Mexico Social Security Totalization Agreement, an understanding signed between the Bush administration and the Mexican government in 2004 that would funnel billions of U.S. Social Security funds to Mexican citizens. TREA Senior Citizens League, a Washington-based nonpartisan seniors group, announced this week that after Freedom of Information Act lawsuits it filed against the government, it had received the secret agreement document. Brad Phillips, a spokesperson for TREA, told NewsMax that the language in the agreement "raises more questions than it answers — such as what is the cost and who is going to pay." The Government Accountability Office (GAO) has already warned that as a result of this agreement, the number of unauthorized Mexican workers and family members eligible for social security benefits will likely increase. The Dreaded Loophole. TREA and other watchdog groups were hopeful that the agreement would directly address, and perhaps even moot, the hot-button issue of illegal immigrants at some point claiming U.S. Social Security benefits. "A law called the Social Security Protection Act of 2004 forbids illegal immigrants from claiming Social Security benefits — but a loophole exists," Phillips explained. "If an immigrant gains what's called a valid ‘work-authorized' Social Security number at some point, then he or she could eventually file a claim for benefits. The government would use all earnings to calculate the retirement benefit — even earnings while working illegally," Phillips added. The U.S. commissioner of Social Security signed the agreement with the director general of the Mexican Social Security Institute on June 29, 2004. TREA has fought to make it public for over three and a half years, according to a press release from the organization. In the meantime, the agreement has been slowly making its way through mandated reviews by the State Department and the White House. Once the White House submits it to Congress, lawmakers will have 60 legislative days to review it. more...
| America

Guardsmen overrun at the Border (January 4, 2007) - A U.S. Border Patrol entry Identification Team site was overrun Wednesday night along Arizona's border with Mexico. According to the Border Patrol, an unknown number of gunmen attacked the site in the state's West Desert Region around 11 p.m. The site is manned by National Guardsmen. Those guardsmen were forced to retreat. The Border Patrol will not say whether shots were fired. However, no Guardsmen were injured in the incident. The Border Patrol says the incident occurred somewhere along the 120 mile section of the border between Nogales and Lukeville. The area is known as a drug corridor. Last year, 124-thousand pounds of illegal drugs were confiscated in this area. The Border patrol says the attackers quickly retreated back into Mexico.
| America

US to give $86 million to Abbas's forces (January 3, 2007) - The US government plans to transfer $86.4 million to the security forces of embattled Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas in the coming days, senior Washington officials said on Friday. According to the officials, the funds will be earmarked to beef up the security around Abbas, and to fund the PA Chairman's stated commitment to to dismantling the terrorist infrastructure within the Palestinian cities. PA Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh met with Abbas on Thursday night to discuss a solution to the current inter-faction violence after a day of clashes between Hamas and Fatah loyalists left eight Palestinians dead. According to Army Radio, Haniyeh, of Hamas, said the two had agreed at the meeting to work toward ending the infighting in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. "We are going to end all armed displays in the streets," Haniyeh told reporters. he said. Abbas had no comment. The eight Palestinians killed in Thursday's armed confrontations brought the death toll to 13 over the past 48 hours. At least 16 Palestinians were wounded in Thursday's fighting. Haniyeh, who returned to the Gaza Strip after a week-long visit to Saudi Arabia, appealed to the warring factions to halt the fighting and to direct their weapons toward Israel. Fatah officials, on the other hand, accused Hamas of operating "death squads" in the Gaza Strip. The body of Gen. Muhammed Gharib, chief of the Fatah-dominated Preventive Security Service in northern Gaza, riddled with bullets and mutilated by stab wounds, was found in his home in northern Gaza Thursday after a daylong battle with Hamas gunmen. Gharib's two daughters were also killed during the fighting, according to reports. Gharib was on the phone to Palestine TV just moments before his death and appealed for help as his house came under attack. "They are killers," he said of the Hamas gunmen. "They are targeting the house, children are dying, they are bleeding. For God's sake, send an ambulance, we want an ambulance, somebody move." During the standoff outside Gharib's home in Beit Lahiya, dozens of women rushed into the streets in protest, chanting "Spare the bullets, shame, shame." more...
| Israel | Islam | America

Do you know why the women chanted, "spare the bullets, shame, shame?" Because their desire is to use those bullets against Israel. They're condemning the killing because it means less bullets for Israel. Given the kind of brainwashing those poor people are in, it's not surprising. Pray for them.

Local soldier sees war's 'little' picture (January 2, 2007) - There is the big picture of the war in Iraq, the one that we get from thousands of miles away by reading the newspaper or watching TV. And there is the little picture, the one that we get from people such as Jon Morton, a soldier patrolling what he calls the "slums of Baghdad." The big picture is dark and political. It's an argument among politicians and generals about policy, strategy, money and national security. The little picture can be dark, too, but only sometimes, which is why Morton's mother, Janice, sent me a copy of a recent letter she'd received from Jon and asked if I would print it. The big picture is dominated by the news that military deaths in Iraq have exceeded 3,000. It includes reports that the burial place of Saddam Hussein, the dictator whom we deposed at great cost and who was hanged Saturday, is likely to become a shrine. The little picture doesn't use a wide-angle lens, however. It's more focused. In December, Kenneth and Janice Morton of Phoenix got a letter from their son in Iraq that began: "Mom and Dad, I just got your letter you wrote on Nov. 25, along with the article you mailed with it. It disgusts me to see what the media is reporting and how they are reporting it. All they seem to tell is who threatened who and who killed who today. I am just plain sick of how and what the media is feeding the American public." As part of the big picture, various news agencies recently reported that a poll conducted by Military Times showed that, for the first time, a majority of U.S. troops now say that they disapprove of the way President Bush has handled the Iraq war. The poll was conducted during the time that Jon Morton wrote to his parents and reflects results from a USA Today-Gallup poll taken earlier. But it does not reflect the individual snapshots of each and every soldier. For instance, Morton wrote: "The other day we went and placed some concrete barriers around a school to protect it better. The whole time we were there, about 6 hours, we were surrounded by children ages 3-10 asking for candy, chocolate, and anything they could see. We laughed with them, tried to talk with them and found out a little girl had a crush on our medic. When she found out that we knew, she turned red and ran away, only to return a few minutes later. Also last week we captured two men in the JAM army. JAM is the underground radical Islamic (group) behind most of the violence in our sector. Also last week, some others in my battalion found a car bomb factory, IED factory, and munitions storage all in one house. It was the largest weapons find in several months in all of Iraq. It was so large it took them 3-4 days to find everything and take it away." more...
| America

U.S. And U.K. Leaders Agree On Two-State Solution (December 8, 2006) - United States President George W. Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair told reporters in a joint news conference Thursday that they are both committed to a Palestinian state next to Israel. Both leaders agreed that the two-state solution is in the best interests of both Israelis and PA Arabs, they said. One obstacle to that goal, said Bush, is achieving a PA unity government that would be willing to meet the Quartet (U.S., Russia, European Union and United Nations) demands. Those demands include official recognition of the State of Israel, renouncing violence and agreeing to uphold peace agreements with Israel signed by the prior PA administration. Hamas, which now leads the Palestinian Authority, rejects these points. The second obstacle, said Bush, is reaching a successful conclusion to the negotiations over a prisoner swap between Israel and Hamas in order to free IDF Cpl. Gilad Shalit. The soldier was kidnapped by Hamas terrorists or their allies in a cross-border raid in June.
| Israel | Islam | America |

Don't expect America's hedge of protection to stand much longer at this rate. Read Koenig's book, Eye To Eye, where he goes over some history of political events coinciding with hurricanes Andrew and Katrina to the day. Zechariah 12:2,3 "Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem. And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it."

Universities Trash 1st Amendment (December 7, 2006) - Hundreds of major private and public universities across the United States routinely trash the First Amendment and violate their students' rights to free speech, a new study has discovered. The assessment by the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education spotlights the speech codes and gave the bad news to the nation "on just how pervasive and how onerous restrictions on speech are at America's colleges and universities." It found, for example, at Jacksonville State University in Alabama, students can be punished if they "offend" anyone while they are on university land, and at the University of Mississippi, "offensive language is not to be used." At Missouri State University, as WND has reported, one student had her degree threatened and she was grilled in a closed session with faculty members on her personal religious beliefs for several hours because she refused to sign a school-dictated letter supporting "gay" adoptions, a position that violated her religious beliefs. Greg Lukianoff, the president of FIRE, said the "Spotlight on Speech Codes 2006: The State of Free Sppech on Our Nation's Campuses," showed the overwhelming majority of universities "explicitly prohibit speech" that outside the borders of the campus is protected by the First Amendment. Virtually all of those 229 universities that are public are subject to court challenges to the constitutionality of their policies, and those schools that are private generally would be found to be violating their own stated free speech perspectives because of their limits, FIRE said. more...
| America

Matthew 24:9-13 "Then shall they deliver you [Christians] up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake. And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved." In society today, you can easily offend anyone. People are offended at everything now-a-days and some will try to make a buck out of it. What usually happens when you offend someone is backlash. People don't like the message of Christians when they are convicted of their own sin. This is one of the reasons you will see Christians under attack more and more. This particular story isn't necessarily religious in nature, but I think the attitude shown in the topic of the report shows the world in which we live and indeed many are offended and the love of many grows colder by the day.

Chinese have ownership in U.S. cargo monitors (December 7, 2006) - A Chinese company with close ties to the communist government owns 49 percent of the Lockheed Martin subsidiary that is negotiating a contract with the North American SuperCorridor Coalition, Inc. – the Dallas-based trade association – to place cargo monitoring sensors along as superhighway stretching from Mexico to Canada. China's Hutchinson Port Holdings entered into a $50 million joint venture in 2005 with Savi Technology, a Lockheed Martin wholly-owned subsidiary, to form a new company called Savi Networks LLC. Savi Technology owns 51 percent and Hutchinson Port Holdings, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Chinese holding company Hutchinson Whampoa Limited, holds the rest. Lockheed Martin spokeswoman Leslie Holoweiko confirmed to WND that Savi Networks LLC is the company named in the contract currently being negotiated with NASCO to provide cargo sensors all along the NASCO I-35 super-corridor. If successfully negotiated, the contract would appear to give Hutchinson Holdings operational involvement all along the emerging I-35 NAFTA superhighway. Hutchinson Holdings also operates the port at Lázaro Cárdenas, Mexico. Hutchinson, Whampoa, Ltd. is the holding company of billionaire Li Ka-shing, a well-known businessman, whose companies make up 15 percent of the market capitalization of the Hong Kong Stock Market. According to the Washington, D.C., government watchdog Judicial Watch, a declassified U.S. government intelligence report that Judicial Watch obtained in a Freedom of Information Act request indicates Li is "directly connected to Beijing and is willing to use his business influence to further the aims of the Chinese Government." more...
| America |

Initiative – Middle East Peace Conference without Israel (December 7, 2006) - According to Thursday's issue of the conservative Washington Times' Insight magazine, the White House was looking into proposal by former Secretary of State James Baker to hold a Middle East peace conference without Israel. According to the report, the United States government was going to consider the possibility of having a second Madrid Conference in which Arab states would participate, including Syria and Iran , but with without Israel being invited to participate. As reported by the magazine, officials said the conference would be promoted as a forum to discuss Iraq's future, but actually focus on Arab demands for Israel to withdraw from territories captured in the 1967 war. A source in the US government was quoted in the report as saying, "As Baker sees this, the conference would provide a unique opportunity for the US to strike a deal without Jewish pressure. This has become the hottest proposal examined by the foreign policy people over the last month." Other sources in the government told the magazine that the proposal was supported by US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Under Secretary of Political Affairs Nicholas Burns, and National Intelligence Director John Negroponte. Also, government sources were quoted as saying Baker's proposal to exclude Israel from a regional peace conference was receiving a lot of support due to Vice President Dick Cheney's visit to Saudi Arabia last November, during which sources in the country made it clear that Israel, and not Iran, was the cause of instability in the Middle East. A US government source claimed that Cheney's original goal of the trip – to enlist Saudi Arabia's support in Iraq - was never even discussed. In addition, the source said that instead, the Saudi's demanding an initiative to end Israel's attacks on Gaza and Cheney merely agreed. more...
| Israel | Islam |
America |

Is America signing her own death warrant? There seems to be a distinct shift happening away from Israel. America is not in prophecy either because she is irrelevant or she has integrated into the world governance and is indistinguishable from it. Either way, for the believer, this is a sign of the times and just how close we are getting to our Lord's return. Keep watching!

Top-Level Insiders Selling Their Stock (December 7, 2006) - America's corporate chiefs are unloading their own stocks at one of the boldest paces in 20 years. In cases of the very rich, such as Microsoft's Bill Gates and Google's top brass, the executives are selling a whopping $63 for each $1 of stock they bought, says a report by Bloomberg. In November alone, leaders of public companies dumped $8.4 billion worth of stock they owned as insiders, most of it awarded as compensation, bonuses or other management incentives. But the vast majority of the executives put their windfall cash to work elsewhere, with just $133 million being plowed back into purchases of more company stock. Analysts say a take-the-money-and-run flight from their own companies signals a growing lack of confidence in the economy's future course, as well as fears of a possible global meltdown if the Iraq crisis escalates across borders. It's also a good time to take profits, with the Dow Jones industrial average up nearly 15 percent this year, the S&P 500 ahead 13 percent, and the Nasdaq 11 percent higher. more...
| America |

Baker Report Demands Israel Give Away Golan Heights (December 7, 2006) - The comprehensive report, which primarily addresses the situation in Iraq, was prepared by Baker and a former Democratic congressman, Lee Hamilton. It states that if the United States does not take a more leading role in the Mideast Israel-Arab conflict, there is no hope of America achieving its goals in the region. According to former Israeli UN Ambassador Dr. Dore Gold, the report indicates that American involvement in Iraq will diminish in the coming two years. He called the American demand that Israel retreat from the Golan Heights "worrisome." Speaking with reporters today, Olmert implied that he would be willing to withdraw from the Golan - but that Syria is not interested in peace. He said that previous Prime Ministers - he mentioned Barak, Netanyahu, and Sharon - were willing to consider such withdrawals, but that the question "is not whether Israel would be willing to withdraw, but what Syria would give in return when and if we enter into negotiations with them." Olmert said that negotiations with Syria are currently not on the agenda because of "Syria's undercutting behavior and its support for Hamas." Asked specifically about the Baker-Hamilton report, Olmert said that Israel objects to any linkage between the Iraqi problem and Israel. Appearing unruffled by the report, Olmert said that he believes that President Bush does not agree with its conclusions. The Baker-Hamilton report calls for a peace conference mimicking the Madrid model - a regional summit that would be aimed at solving the conflict between Israel, the PA (Palestinian Authority), Syria and Lebanon. In addition to an Israeli withdrawal from the Golan, the report calls upon Israel to recognize the establishment of a Palestinian state. The report demands that Syria halt its interference in Lebanon’s affairs, as well as cease its pro-terrorist policies on behalf of ongoing Hizbullah anti-Israel operations in southern Lebanon. It calls on Israel to withdraw from the Golan in exchange for a comprehensive peace treaty with Damascus that would enjoy American backing. The authors say that the U.S. would provide security guarantees and an offer of troops in the Golan to help compensate Israel for the loss of the strategically vital area. more...
| Israel | Islam | America |

If America participates in dividing Israel, watch out as any protection we currently have will be removed. Genesis 12:1-3

Dore Gold: Israel must prepare for different reality (December 7, 2006) - Will Baker-Hamilton report change US view of Israel? Former UN ambassador says 'willingness of report's author to talk to Iran, Syria is a very alarming development'. Maj. Gen. (res.) Uzi Dayan: Israel shouldn't worry about report but rather lack of leadership and vision. The Baker-Hamilton report  handed over to US President George W. Bush on Wednesday is being considered with the utmost severity in America. The majority of the report deals with Iraq, but a significant portion addresses the Israel-Arab conflict, which the report sees as the heart of the Mideast unrest. So how will the report affect Israel? Former UN Ambassador Dore Gold says, "Israel will have to prepare for completely different reality." Maj. Gen. (res.) Uzi Dayan states that "the report shouldn't worry Israel. What should worry Israel is a lack of leadership and vision." "The Baker-Hamilton report is indicative of a growing trend in both American parties," said Gold. "This approach sides with a US withdrawal from Iraq . Within two years American presence in Iraq will be minimal. "Another thing, and this is more important, the very willingness of the reports' author to start a dialogue both Iran and with Syria , is an alarming development. It's alarming because the United States isn't requiring any preliminary conditions for this dialogue, and there is no mention of the Iranian nuclear program which continues to advance. "The recommendation in this report, to talk to Syria and Iran despite the fact that they're responsible for the growing instability in Iraq, will only encourage them to continue employing their policies." Gold says that "the report proves that Israel has been unsuccessful in conveying a clear message to the US elite regarding the Iranian threat. How can the United Stated see Iran as a stabilizing force in Iraq when Iran is funding and supplying arms to terror factions, both in Iraq and in Lebanon." Gold said that things will change both in short and long terms. more... 
| Iran | Israel | Islam | America |

Terrorists rejoicing over new Iraq 'plan' (December 6, 2006) - Reaction to Study Group: 'Allah and his angels' responsible, 'era of Islam and of jihad' declared A high level U.S. commission's recommendations for an eventual withdrawal from Iraq and for dialogue with Iran and Syria proves "Islamic resistance" works and America will ultimately be defeated, according to senior terrorist leaders interviewed by WND. The militants, from the largest Palestinian terror groups in the Gaza Strip and West Bank, welcomed the policies outlined by the Iraq Study Group, which they claim recognizes Islam is the "new giant of the world." The group is led by former U.S. Secretary of State James Baker. "The report proves that this is the era of Islam and of jihad," said Abu Ayman, a senior leader of Islamic Jihad in the northern West Bank town of Jenin. The Islamic Jihad terror group is responsible for every suicide bombing in Israel during the past two years. "[With the Iraq Study Group report], the Americans came to the conclusion that Islam is the new giant of the world and it would be clever to reduce hostilities with this giant. In the Quran the principle of the rotation is clear and according to this principle the end of the Americans and of all non-believers is getting closer," Abu Ayman said. According to Abu Abdullah, a senior leader of Hamas' so-called military wing, Baker's report is a victory for Islam brought about by "Allah and his angels." "It is not just a simple victory. It is a great one. The big superpower of the world is defeated by a small group of mujahedeen (fighters). Did you see the mujahedeens' clothes and weapons in comparison with the huge individual military arsenal and supply that was carrying every American soldier?" exclaimed Abu Abdullah, who is considered one of the most important operational members of Hamas' Izzedine al-Qassam Martyrs Brigades, Hamas' declared "resistance" department. "It is no doubt that Allah and his angels were fighting with them (insurgents) against the Americans. It is a sign to all those who keep saying that America, Israel and the West in general cannot be defeated on the ground so let us negotiate with them," Abu Abdullah said. Abu Abdullah said following a withdrawal from Iraq, the U.S. will be defeated on its own soil. "America must understand that with anti-American governments in Latin America and with Islam growing and reinforcing, including in the U.S. itself, the next step would be a total defeat on their (American) land, not a relative one like they are facing in Iraq," he said. Abu Nasser, the second-in-command of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades terror group in the West Bank, called the Iraq Study Group report a "great victory" from which other jihadist organizations can learn. "The Iraqi victory is a great message and lesson to the revolutionary and freedom movements in the world. Just to think that this resistance is led by hundreds of Sunni fighters who defeated hundreds of thousands of Americans, British and thousands of soldiers who belong to the puppet regime in Baghdad. What would be the situation if the Shiites will decide to join the resistance?" commented Abu Nasser. The Al Aqsa leader said his group learned from the "Iraqi resistance" that jihad will ultimately destroy Israel. The Al Aqsa Brigades is the declared "military wing" of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah party. "If Israel will not start negotiating its withdrawal we are ready to launch the new stage of the intifada," Abu Nasser said. Islamic Jihad's Abu Ayman said after the U.S. "defeat" in Iraq is finalized, insurgents there should move to the West Bank and Gaza to help destroy Israel. "We hope that after chasing the occupation from Iraq, these jihad efforts and experiences will be transferred to Palestine, and yes, I mean that we expect these fighters will come to Palestine as part of a big Islamic army." See Ezekiel 38,39. more...
| Iran | Gog/Magog | Israel | Islam | America |

Iraqi Christians plead for help from White House (December 5, 2006) - Faced with growing repression by Muslims, Christians from an ancient tradition in Iraq are calling on American political leaders for help before their entire community is extinguished. Christian Assyrians and some of their supporters demonstrated in front of the White House yesterday, highlighting an alarming trend reported by the U.N.: While representing just 5 percent of the Iraqi population, 40 percent of the refugees fleeing the country are Assyrians. One of the speakers at the rally, Nina Shea of Freedom House's Center for Religious Freedom in D.C., told WND that because of the "ethnic cleansing," the Christians want an autonomous district in Iraq they can administrate. The zone, called the Nineveh Plains Administrative Unit, would allow Assyrians and other Christians to practice their faith, speak and teach their language, and work their land without fear of persecution. Unlike the Sunnis and Shiites, the Christians have no militia and are completely defenseless, Shea said. "They need to administrate their own governmental unit to protect themselves," she said. "Otherwise, with the chaos and violence and persecution targeting Christians for religious reasons, which the U.N. has documented, they will disappear. Shea insisted it's in the interest of the U.S. to take a stand. With the loss of the highly educated and skilled Christians, she argued, Iraq is "experiencing a brain drain as well as sane drain – a force of moderation and a bridge to the West."
| IranIslam | America |

Coming soon to a town near you, Christian killers. I don't think it's as far away as most think. Imagine this kind of situation in your neighborhood. What would you do? I hope you would get as close to Christ as you can and remember you are an eternal being, saved by the blood of Christ. Have no fear, but be ready to face these things. Each situation is different, and while I believe the church will be gone before this kind of persecution comes to America, in this volatile world, you never can tell. Keep watching!

Ahmadinejad Predicts Collapse of Israel, U.S., U.K. (November 26, 2006) - Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad predicted the collapse of Israel, the U.S. and Britain, attacking what he called their "oppressive behavior." "The Zionist regime is on a steep downhill towards collapse and disgrace," Ahmandinejad told supporters at a rally of Basiji militia forces near Tehran today. In a reference to the U.S. and U.K., he said "the collapse and crumbling of your devilish rule has started." The speech was carried live on state television. Iran doesn't recognize Israel, and Ahmadinejad drew international condemnation after saying in October 2005 that Israel should be "wiped off the map." The U.S. and Iran have had no diplomatic ties since 1980 following the seizure of diplomats at the U.S. Embassy in Tehran in 1979. The U.K., which has an embassy in Tehran, is among the three European countries pushing for sanctions against Iran over its nuclear program. The Iranian president also called on neighboring countries to drive out "foreign occupiers," in a reference to U.S.-led forces in Iraq and Afghanistan. "The people of the region are well able to establish regional security," the president said in the speech near the shrine of the Islamic Republic founder Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. "The presence of foreigners is the source of discord and conflict." Iraqi President Jalal Talabani, whose visit to Tehran yesterday was postponed because of the curfew imposed on Baghdad since Nov. 23, will fly to the Iranian capital tomorrow, state television reported separately today. The Iraqi president's trip to Iran is aimed at "expanding bilateral ties in business, trade and transport affairs," the report said. Iraq security will not be the main issue discussed in this meeting, the Iranian Foreign Ministry's press office said on Nov. 21.
| Iran | Israel | Islam |

He sure is being cocky, like he knows something we don't. He's expecting the 12th Mahdi and the end of the world. The world sees room for negotiations. Perhaps the world should understand more of the destiny surrounding the 12th Mahdi.

Baghdad locked down (November 23, 2006) - Baghdad was under curfew on Friday and the government appealed for calm after car bombs in a Shi'ite stronghold killed 160 in the bloodiest single attack of the war, pushing Iraq closer to the abyss of anarchy. A further 257 people were wounded in the blasts, which left bloodied remains and blackened bodies scattered amid blazing vehicles. Mortars hit a Sunni enclave soon after, apparently in retaliation for the car bombs, which came as gunmen assaulted the Shi'ite-held Health Ministry in a bold daylight raid. "It's an extravagant attack specifically designed to trigger retaliation," said Toby Dodge, an Iraq expert at Queen Mary, University of London, likening it to the bombing of a Shi'ite shrine in Samarra in Febuary that sparked a surge in bloodshed. Iraqi and U.S. leaders accuse al Qaeda and diehard followers of deposed president Saddam Hussein of seeking to provoke a Shi'ite backlash in order to profit from ensuing chaos. The attacks come after a week of tension inside the U.S.- backed national unity government. Under pressure over Iraq after Republicans were defeated at midterm elections this month, President George W. Bush has pressed Shi'ite and minority Sunni leaders to rein in militants to avoid all-out civil war. more...
| Islam |

'God' erased: Names of U.S. cities forced to be changed? (November 22, 2006) - If an atheist who contends "In God We Trust" violates religious rights under his own "First Amendment Church of True Science" wins in court, the changes in the U.S. could be radical, says a lawyer defending the national motto. Banning references to God or Christianity in the public sphere would mean, for example, Los Angeles – "The Angels" – would need a new name, according to Kevin Snider, chief counsel of the Pacific Justice Institute. Sacramento, too, would disappear, because one couldn't have a city called "The Sacraments," he told WND. The motto would disappear from U.S. coins, where it first appeared in the 1800s, and the precedent would just ripple from there, he said. "We better take this one seriously," constitutional attorney Herbert W. Titus told D. James Kennedy's Coral Ridge ministry. "Otherwise, we're going to see a very strong erosion of the references to God at the federal level." The radical elimination of those references already has been under way for some years, as WND reported in a story about the U.S. Supreme Court changing its official description of stone tablets in the artwork within the very chamber where decisions are delivered. As recently as 20 years ago, they were officially the Ten Commandments. Now they are the Ten Amendments. The lawsuit at issue was brought by Michael Newdow, who earlier challenged the words "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance. The U.S. Supreme Court rejected his claim in that case, but on a technicality, and Newdow refiled the action. Newdow then also sued over the national motto, alleging it infringed on his rights, but the claims were turned back at the district court level, where Judge Frank C. Damrell Jr. cited a 36-year-old appellate ruling and concluded the national motto "has nothing whatsoever to do with the establishment of religion." That previous ruling said the motto's "use is of a patriotic or ceremonial character and bears no true resemblance to a government sponsorship of a religious exercise." more...
| America |

What can I say? Sign of the times. See how much longer God protects the USA as the USA stops recognizing Him.

Bush warns Syria, Iran after Lebanon killing (November 21, 2006) - US President George W. Bush accused Syria and Iran of fomenting violence and instability in Lebanon, as he condemned the assassination of Lebanese cabinet minister Pierre Gemayel. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice meanwhile made a hasty telephone call to Lebanon's Prime Minister Fuad Siniora, amid signs of US concern over the fate of the Beirut government which emerged from Lebanon's 'cedar revolution.' "Today we saw again the vicious face of those who hate freedom," Bush told American troops in Hawaii during a trip home from Asia. "We strongly condemn the assassination today in Lebanon of Pierre Gemayel." Bush did not apportion direct blame but called for an investigation into "those people and those forces" behind the killing of the anti-Syrian Christian leader. "We support the Siniora government and its democracy and we support the Lebanese people's desire to live in peace and we support their efforts to defend their democracy against attempts by Syria, Iran and allies to foment instability and violence in that important country," said Bush. The killing came against a backdrop of global calls, so far resisted by the United States, for a dialogue with Syria and Iran over chaos in Iraq. But Bush's tone, further bolstered in a written statement on the killing, appeared to cast further doubt on already slim chances of such a diplomatic opening. "Syria's refusal to cease and desist from its continuing efforts to destabilize Lebanon's democratically elected government" was a violation of UN Security Council resolutions, Bush said. "We also demand that Syria treat Lebanon as a genuinely sovereign neighbor, establishing full diplomatic relations with Lebanon," he said. The president said the assassination made it even more important for the United Nations Security Council to seek justice in the killing of former Lebanese premier Rafiq Hariri last year. more...
| Iran | Gog/Magog | Israel | EU/UN | Islam | America |

Ancient Egyptian City In the Grand Canyon? (November 20, 2006) - The Gazette article, dated April 5,1909, starts with four headlines, "Explorations in Grand Canyon", "Mysteries of Immense Rich Cavern Being Brought to Light", "JORDAN IS ENTHUSED" and "Remarkable Finds Indicate Ancient People Migrated From Orient." The story then continued (quoted here in full): "The latest news of the progress of the explorations of what is now regarded by scientists as not only the oldest archaeological discovery in the United States, but one of the most valuable in the world, which was mentioned some time ago in the Gazette, was brought to the city by G.E. Kinkaid, the explorer who found this great underground citadel of the Grand Canyon during a trip from Green River, Wyoming, down the Colorado river, in a wooden boat, to Yuma, several months ago. According to the story related to the Gazette, the archaeologists of the Smithsonian Institute, which is financing the explorations, have made discoveries which almost conclusively prove that the race which inhabited this mysterious cavern, hewn in solid rock by human hands, was of oriental origin, possibly from Egypt, tracing back to Rameses. If their theories are born out by the translation of the tablets engraved with hieroglyphics, the mystery of the prehistoric peoples of North America, their ancient arts, who they were and whence they came, will be solved. Egypt and the Nile, and Arizona and the Colorado will be linked by a historical chain running back to ages which stagger the wildest fancy of the fictionist. "Under the direction of Professor S.A. Jordan, the Smithsonian is now pursuing the most thorough explorations, which will be continued until the last link in the chain is forged. Nearly a mile underground, about 1480 feet below the surface, the long main passage has been delved into, to find another mammoth chamber from which radiates scores of passageways, like the spokes of a wheel. Several hundred rooms have been discovered, reached by passageways running from the main passage, one of them having been explored for 854 feet and another 634 feet. The recent finds include articles, which have never been known as native to this country and that doubtless they had their origin in the orient. War weapons, copper instruments, sharp edged and hard as steel, indicate the high state of civilization reached by these strange people. So interested have the scientists become that preparations are being made to equip the camp for extensive studies, and the force will be increased to thirty or forty persons. "Before going further into the cavern, better facilities for lighting will have to be installed, for the darkness is dense and quite impenetrable for the average flashlight. In order to avoid being lost, wires are being strung from the entrance to all passageways leading directly to large chambers. How far this cavern extends no one can guess, but it is now the belief of many that what has already been explored is merely the ‘barracks’, to use an American term, for the soldiers, and that further into the underworld will be found the main communal dwellings of the families. The perfect ventilation of the cavern, the steady draught that blows through, indicates that it has another outlet to the surface." more...
| America |

Related to this story is research by Jonathan Gray, who I first heard on Coast to Coast AM discussing his research into immense cave/tunnel systems that run all across the planet. Read more examples of this here. This sounds exactly like what he has discovered. This was in the beginning of last century though, before big government coverups, etc. It's just hard to un-publish magazines.

So How Come We Haven't Stopped It? (November 19, 2006) - Early in his first term, President Bush received a National Security Council memo outlining the world's inaction regarding the genocide in Rwanda. In what may have been a burst of indignation and bravado, the president wrote in the margin of the memo, "Not on my watch." Five years later, and nearly four years into what Bush himself has repeatedly called genocide, the crisis in Sudan's Darfur region is intensifying without a meaningful response from the White House. Perhaps Harvard professor Samantha Power's tongue-in-cheek theory is correct: The memo was inadvertently placed on top of the president's wristwatch, and he didn't want it to happen again. But if Bush's expressions of concern for the victims in Darfur are genuine, then why isn't his administration taking real action? The answer is one of the great untold stories of this young century, one in which human rights principles clash with post-9/11 counterterrorism imperatives. During my visits to Darfur in the past few months, I've heard testimony from Darfurians that villages are still burned to the ground, women are still gang-raped by Janjaweed militias and civilians are still terrorized by the Sudanese air force's bombings. As Darfur descends further into hell, all signs explaining the United States' pathetic response point to one man: Osama bin Laden. In the early 1990s, bin Laden lived in Sudan, the guest of the very regime responsible for the Darfur atrocities. At the time, bin Laden's main local interlocutor was an official named Salah Abdallah Gosh. After 9/11, however, Gosh became a more active counterterrorism partner: detaining terrorism suspects and turning them over to the United States; expelling Islamic extremists; and raiding suspected terrorists' homes and handing evidence to the FBI. Gosh's current job as head of security for the government also gives him a lead role in the regime's counterinsurgency strategy, which relies on the Janjaweed militias to destroy non-Arab villages in Darfur. The deepening intelligence-sharing relationship between Washington and Khartoum blunted any U.S. response to the state-sponsored violence that exploded in Darfur in 2003 and 2004. U.S. officials have told my colleague Colin Thomas-Jensen and me that access to Gosh's information would be jeopardized if the Bush administration confronted Khartoum on Darfur. And since 2001, the administration had been pursuing a peace deal between southern Sudanese rebels and the regime in Khartoum -- a deal aimed at placating U.S. Christian groups that had long demanded action on behalf of Christian minorities in southern Sudan. The administration didn't want to undermine that process by hammering Khartoum over Darfur. The people of Darfur never had a chance. more...
| Islam | America

'Bush doesn't think America should be an actual place' (November 19, 2006) - President Bush believes America should be more of an idea than an actual place, a Republican congressman told WND in an exclusive interview. "People have to understand what we're talking about here. The president of the Untied States is an internationalist," said Rep. Tom Tancredo, R-Colo. "He is going to do what he can to create a place where the idea of America is just that – it's an idea. It's not an actual place defined by borders. I mean this is where this guy is really going." Tancredo lashed out at the White House's lack of action in securing U.S. borders, and said efforts to merge the U.S. with both Mexico and Canada is not a fantasy. "I know this is dramatic – or maybe somebody would say overly dramatic – but I'm telling you, that everything I see leads me to believe that this whole idea of the North American Union, it's not something that just is written about by right-wing fringe kooks. It is something in the head of the president of the United States, the president of Mexico, I think the prime minister of Canada buys into it. ... "And they would just tell you, 'Well, sure, it's a natural thing. It's part of the great globalization ... of the economy.' They assume it's a natural, evolutionary event that's going to occur here. I hope they're wrong and I'm going to try my best to make sure they're wrong. But I'm telling you the tide is great. The tide is moving in their direction. We have to say that." more...
NewWorldOrder | America |

Christianity being wiped from tales of U.S. history (November 16, 2006) - When Pastor Todd DuBord visited historical sites in the Washington, D.C., area recently he was thrilled with being on the site of so many events important to the founding of the United States. He, and his wife, Tracy, were on a tour that visited Jamestown, Monticello, Mt. Vernon, Ford's Theater, the Pentagon, Capitol Hill, the U.S. Supreme Court Building, the Holocaust Museum, Korean War Memorial, World War II Memorial Vietnam Memorial, Washington Memorial, Jefferson Memorial and Lincoln Memorial. But as a history buff, he noticed quickly that one influence from the nation's early years was left out – not just once or twice – but repeatedly. DuBord, pastor of the Lake Almanor Community Church in California, said when visiting the Jamestown Museum and Settlement, and Thomas Jefferson's Monticello, he noticed any of Christianity's influences on American history were ignored, or belittled. His entire research compilation is available online. And he's written letters to the various organizations that manage the sites, asking them to correct the information they provide to visitors. DuBord's message from July 23, 2006, on this issue can be heard immediately, and for free, on the church website at During his visit at Jamestown, he said, the tour guides several times said the first settlers arrived in America "to make money." "While this is partially true, it was not only totally overstated by its emphasis and repetition, but there was absolutely no hint of the religious purpose given and stated under the Virginia Charter of 1606, which called for the 'propagating of Christian religion to such people as yet live in darkness and miserable ignorance of the true knowledge and worship of God.'" He said there also was absolutely no mention of the fact the colonists' first act, after having landed at Cape Henry on April 27, 1607, "was to erect a large wooden cross and hold a prayer meeting, conducted by their minister, Reverend Robert Hunt." "As colonist George Percy noted back then, 'The nine and twentieth day we set up a cross at Chesupioc Bay, and named the place Cape Henry,'" DuBord pointed out to the history experts. more...
| America

Democrat win paves way for Mideast 'chaos' (November 14, 2006) - The Democrats' midterm election victories last week and the subsequent resignation of Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld sent a message of American weakness to Syria that will likely result in "instability and chaos" in Lebanon and other parts of the Middle East, Lebanon's Druze Leader Walid Jumblatt said in a WND interview today. Jumblatt is head of Lebanon's Progressive Socialist Party and is widely considered the most prominent anti-Syrian Lebanese politician. He charged the Democrats' calls for a withdrawal from Iraq and for changes in U.S. Middle East policy in part emboldened the Syrian-backed Hezbollah militia to bolt the Lebanese parliament this past weekend and to threaten street protests that many say could easily turn violent. Hezbollah's parliamentary departure threw into crisis the composure of the majority anti-Syrian Lebanese government, with some in parliament stating the government is no longer legitimate. "The Syrians play this game where they have been waiting for the Americans to get weaker in Iraq," said Jumblatt. "Now with the Democrat's win paving the way for an American withdrawal and with Rumsfeld's resignation making a statement, the Syrians believe they have the upper hand in the region to retake Lebanon." "The Syrians are trying to profit from the circumstances by creating havoc and by using Hezbollah to stage a coup d'etat to get rid of us (the anti-Syrian parliamentary majority)," Jumblatt said. more...
| Islam | America |

The New Truth Herb L. Peters (November 14, 2006) - This morning I heard a Fox news reporter call it "fingerprints of 41." Later I found a Fox news article that was also saying the same thing -- the Middle East policies of the 41st presidency of George Bush Sr. are back Read about it here. The UK's Independent is seeing the recent changes in Washington the same way. In fact, according to their report, the real reason Tony Blair may be calling for Syria and Iran to be included in the international community's so-called "comprehensive" peace scheme called for in U.N. Resolution 1701 is because of the influence of former Secretary of State James Baker and the new Secretary of Defense Robert Gates. As you may know, both men are former members of the old Bush Sr.'s Administration Read about it here. Friends, a major shift in America's policies towards Israel is taking place. The so-called "ideological" support for Israel is being swept aside and the so-called "more rational" approach to Israel is reappearing. In fact, I suspect that is what the EU's Javier Solana meant when he said, "there will be a new truth, a new roadmap that will allow the international community to cooperate with the Palestinian authorities" Read about it  here. With American power committed to salvaging a victory out of Iraq, America's new strategic partner -- the EU -- has quickly stepped into the vacuum. With Resolution 1701 providing legitimacy and their new structures within NATO providing the ability, the EU is now attempting to rise to their historic opportunity in the Mediterranean Basin. We students of Bible prophecy have long wondered how it would happen -- how America would ever step aside in the Middle East and allow Europe to step in. Now we know. It's the new truth.
| Israel | EU/UNNewWorldOrder | America |

Bush Prepares Switch on Iraq and Downgrading of US Ties with Jordan and Israel (November 12, 2006) - Monday, Nov. 13, former US secretary of state James Baker and ex-Congressman Lee Hamilton will present their recommendations on Iraq to President Bush in the Oval Office. Their audience will include an array of top administration officials: Vice President Dick Cheney, national security adviser Stephen Hadley, secretary of state Condoleezza Rice, Director of National Intelligence John Negroponte and CIA Director Gen. Mike Hayden, as well as U.S. Ambassador to Iraq Zalmay Khalilzad and Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Peter Pace. Incoming defense secretary Robert Gates will attend as a member of the bipartisan committee. Absentees will include outgoing defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld, who stepped down after the Republican’s lost the Nov. 7 midterm to the Democrats over the Iraq war, and the commanders directly running that conflict, Generals John Abizaid and George Casey. The timing and composition of the conference indicate that the larger decisions are already in the bag with regard to the new US policy on Iraq and a fresh approach to the radical side of the Middle East led by Iran and Syria, mainly at the expense of Jordan and Israel. Monday’s White House conference will be concerned mostly with tying up the last ends and deciding who performs which part of the revised strategy. DEBKAfile’s Washington sources report that Israeli prime minister Ehud Olmert, who is due Monday will be one of the first foreign White House visitors to hear an update on the new policy. He will find he is required to listen rather than speak. Bush will use the occasion to inform him where America’s Iraq policy leaves Israel and the Palestinian dispute. Most of all, the US president will be looking ahead to Wednesday, Nov, 15, when he stops over in Moscow for unscheduled talks with Vladimir Putin. Air Force One was originally supposed to refuel in Moscow and continue without delay to Hanoi for the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit later this week. And the Russian president would not normally have come to the airport to greet him. But the US president has decided to seize on the chance of persuading Putin to jump aboard the new American format on Iraq, Iran and the Middle East, on none of which the two leaders saw eye to eye before. The first sign of Bush-Putin collaboration is in the air. more...
| America |

Looks like the effects of the election are happening quickly. The world is blindly walking right into the trap of the principalities and powers have set for them. It will be interesting to see just how far this policy change goes to parting ways with Israel. Genesis 12:3 "And I will bless them that bless thee [Abraham/Israel], and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed." I think America has been blessed for her support of Israel and I'm wary of any change in that. Watch for America's fall as soon as support for Israel ends or switches sides.

Al-Qaida: We'll blow up the White House (November 10, 2006) - Al Qaida’s leader in Iraq today vowed his fighters will never rest until they have blown up the White House and reached Jerusalem. In an audio tape made available on militant websites, Abu Hamza al-Muhajir claimed to be winning the war in Iraq and said the US President was “stupid”. He praised the Republican defeat in the US midterm elections as “reasonable”, and claimed the al Qaida army has 12,000 fighters in Iraq, ready to die for their cause. Also known as Abu Ayyub al-Masri, al-Muhajir became the leader of al Qaida in Iraq after Abu Musab al-Zarqawi was killed by the US military in June. The al-Qaida leader reached out to the Muslim world and said his group was winning faster than expected in Iraq. The US president’s policy had enabled the militant group to achieve their goal of fighting more Americans, said the al Qaida leader. “We haven’t had enough of your blood yet,” he told the US. He called on Mr Bush to remain “steadfast in the battlefield” so al Qaida would have more opportunities to fight his soldiers. “We call on the lame duck (Bush) not to hurry up in escaping the same way the defence minister did,” he said, referring to the removal of Donald Rumsfeld as US Defence Secretary following the Democrats’ victory in Midterm elections. “They are getting ready to leave, because they are no longer capable of staying,” the al Qaida leader said. more...
| Islam | America

The God vacuum: America and the barbarian hordes (November 9, 2006) - In the Old Testament of the Bible, God is shown time after time chastising the House of Israel, His chosen but often disobedient people, by allowing barbarians to invade and plunder their cities and put many of them to the sword. That is what the Western World, including America, is starting to experience today, having likewise turned away from God. This raging conflict between Islam and the West, this "clash of civilizations" that many are calling World War III, is at root a spiritual war. It's been said that it takes a religion to fight a religion. More precisely, it takes true faith to defeat a false one. And by true faith I don't mean a set of rules, rituals and doctrine in a book, any book. I mean a genuine personal relationship with the one true God, and a nation of such people who follow the laws of conscience that same God planted in each of their hearts. What is the answer to the burgeoning threat of Islamic jihad? The simple and terrifying bottom-line answer is that there is no answer unless America finally awakens and gives up its insane rebellion against its own founding faith and values. We're fond of praising our World War II-era forbearers who won that terrible conflict with another form of demon-possessed, expansionist fascism. But the "Greatest Generation" was different from this generation. It believed in God. Come again? You say we also believe in God today? No, we don't – not as a nation. The World War II generation believed in God. They believed that this God was the God of the Ten Commandments and the Sermon on the Mount. They believed He created us in His image and that human life was therefore sacred, which meant we don't slaughter our offspring in the womb nor kill off our parents when they get old and sick. They believed in biblical morality when it comes to sex, which meant homosexuality, adultery and "shacking up" were sinful and wrong. more...
| Islam |

ISLAMerica: Hezbollah Judge Elected in Michigan! Debbie Schlussel (November 8, 2006) - Open Hezbollah supporter and extremist Muslim, David Turfe, was unfortunately elected Michigan District Court Judge in Dearborn Heights' 20th District. (Dearborn Heights is home to North America's second largest mosque, headed by the former spiritual leader of Ayatollah Khomeini's Iranian Navy, Imam Mohammed Elahi--a domestic agent of Iran & Hezbollah.) Remember the Hezbollah rally I attended at the Bint Jebail Cultural Center a/k/a the Hezbollah Social Club, at the height of the war between Hezbollah and Israel--where speakers made a plethora of anti-American, anti-Semitic, anti-Christian speeches? Turfe was there campaigning, and openly supporting and cheering all of those statements. Not surprisingly, the Pro-Hezbollah/pro-HAMAS, Islamist Arab American PAC, which denies Israel's right to exist, endorsed Turfe. (AAPAC's then-Secretary Lola Elzein sent me and my family death, torture, and rape threats, coupled with Holocaust denial.) And his close relative, Mohammed Turfe (I'm told that's his brother), was one of the speakers uttering those statements. From my July 26, 2006 column, "Hezbollah U.S.A, Part III: My Date at Dearbornistan's Hezbollah Social Club": Haj Mohammed Turfe (AP incorrectly called him Mohammed "Torfah"), Founding Chairman of the Bint Jebail Cultural Center, gleefully and repeatedly spoke of how "only a few thousand Jews will survive Armageddon." This mantra, repeated often throughout the event, got raucous, deafening applause and cheers. Well, for once--I thought--extremist Muslims have respect for Christianity. . . when they can twist it to suit their fascist hopes and dreams. The 20th District of Michigan is now apparently Hezbollah-occupied territory. And, apparently, many non-English speaking Muslims voted for Turfe, only Turfe, on the ballot Were they all legal U.S. citizens? Don't count on it. From our spy in Dearbornistan Heights: more...
| Islam |

A Nation Divided Cannot Stand (November 8, 2006) - From the results I've seen this morning, America's disenchantment has spoken. Forecasts before the election varied and both parties could basically pick a poll out of the political hat in order to convince voters who would win Super-Dud Tuesday. Campaign 2006 has been a comedy of errors. When addressing this topic, I find it difficult to take the election process seriously due to childish campaign ads and a barrage of political signs posted everywhere. It has become a game children play, yet as a nation we can't see what is happening. I have a mixture of anger and deep concern. My anger is not towards individuals, but actions taken by leaders who do not have the welfare of the nation as a top priority. My concern is for where the nation is headed and how we have resigned ourselves to the status quo. Complacency will destroy any nation in its path and America is infected with apathy from head to toe. Ruffling feather's is not popular. Political correctness is a disease as deeply embedded as anything can be. Spiritual correctness is its bed partner and when politics and religion decide to embrace one another, it's a recipe for disaster. Although we call ourselves the United States, we are not only deeply divided, but equivalent to a ship without a compass. Popular opinion is based upon whatever is convenient for the moment. America wants solutions, but pain is not permitted in order to bring about change. The gay lifestyle is accepted as an alternative or diverse sexual preference. Abortion is giftwapped as the right to choose. A corrupt political system is not seen for what it is. A smile, wink and a handshake is the magic ingredient for re-election. Entertainment is an obsession, but considered a necessity. Credit cards are an economic curse, but without them, Americans would not survive.  America is a nation on a treadmill running out of control and the way we search for solutions is tearing the nation down the middle. To disturb any facet of the status quo is equivalent to what happens during the game of pin ball. Offer concrete solutions and the word "TILT" will disrupt everything. America is tilting, but in what direction? It's a fragile state of affairs and one single major catastrophic event, or a series of small events,  is all it would take to unravel everything. Anyone who is willing to stand up and be counted is viewed with disdain and hatred. Many people don't realize how much they want to blend in, yet desire change. Views of how changes should take place are political in many cases. To openly state problems are due to a spiritual crisis will result in outrage and jeers. We want voices of reason, but only if they take on the level of a streetwise naivety. We are divided and it's no longer just a matter of a two party affiliation, but Americans are in little agreement on everything. We simply want to do our thing and election 2006 is a warning. We are living on borrowed time and fragmenting ourselves in different directions due to anger and disillusionment. Warnings of what we are doing to ourselves falls on deaf ears, but it has to be said. America is in deep trouble, but we are blinded as a nation. more...
| America |

Hamas Urges Attacks On U.S. Targets (November 8, 2006) - Hamas' military wing called Wednesday on Muslims around the world to attack American targets following reports that an Israeli tank strike killed 18 people in the Gaza Strip town of Beit Hanoun. The Hamas-led Palestinian government distanced itself from the call, saying its fight was with Israel. Hamas militants have historically directed their suicide bombings and rocket attacks only against Israeli targets. "America is offering political, financial and logistic cover for the Zionist occupation crimes, and it is responsible for the Beit Hanoun massacre. Therefore, the people and the nation all over the globe are required to teach the American enemy tough lessons," Hamas' military wing said in a statement sent to The Associated Press. But Ghazi Hamad, spokesman for the Hamas-led Palestinian government, said the group had no intention of attacking American targets. Hamas' political wing, led by Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh, tries to distinguish itself from the military wing. But the two entities both report to the group's exiled leadership, based in Syria, and frequently coordinate with each other. more...
| Israel | Islam | America |

The first thing I thought of when I read this was that they were trying to make America distance itself from Israel. If we fear their fearlessness and hatred of Islam, then their threats might push us from supporting Israel. It seems like a big bite to take (attacking America) for something America had nothing to do with. Perhaps they feel their threats may affect the newly elected government officials? Of course, I could just be reading into it, but it doesn't make sense.

Bush names former CIA chief Robert Gates as next defense secretary after Donald Rumsfeld agreed to step down DEBKAfile (November 8, 2006) - In his first statement after the mid-term election, the US President said he and Rumsfeld had agreed it was time for new leadership at the Pentagon and a fresh perspective needed for the Iraqi war. He praised the departing secretary. “I understand many Americans yesterday voiced their displeasure with the Iraq situation. But we cannot accept defeat. Defeat is not an option in Iraq. Our enemies should not see this as weakness. The people of Iraq can be sure America will stand by you. If we leave Iraq before the job is down, our country will be more at risk.” President Bush said we took a “thumping” in the midterm elections but we must work together. He stressed his commitment to the bipartisan way and told Democratic leaders “We can work together over the next two years to accomplish big objectives for this year and next.” Consultations with the Democratic leadership start Thursday and Friday. He promised to provide briefings to the new members of congress.
| America |

Communist Party Supporting Dems (November 6, 2006) - "The Nov. 7 midterm elections are less than six weeks away. The stakes have never been so high: Control of the House and Senate and governorships nationwide. A recent poll shows that 75 percent of voters are disgusted by the Republican majority House and Senate, the highest disapproval rate since 1994. They are frustrated at Bush's endless Iraq war, by Republican cronyism and corruption, tax giveaways to the rich, cutbacks in vital services, and criminal negligence in the wake of Hurricane Katrina." A last-minute pitch by the Democratic National Committee for a sweep in tomorrow's midterm congressional elections? No. It's an official appeal by the National Board of the Communist Party USA on behalf of Democrats. In fact, all of the energies and resources of the Communist Party are being diverted to support of of the Democratic Party in tomorrow's election, according to the CPUSA's official website. Why does the Communist Party believe it is so important that Democrats win? "Whereas a few weeks ago only a handful of House and Senate seats were considered 'competitive,' now more than 50 House seats are in play and more than a dozen Senate seats," the statement continues. "A change of 15 seats in the House and 6 seats in the Senate would change control of Congress. Members of the congressional Progressive, Black, Hispanic and Asian-Pacific caucuses would chair half of the House committees and sub-committees." more...
| America |

From Jerusalem to Texas ... Interviews with Democrat-supporting terrorists reverberates (November 6, 2006) - From Jerusalem to Fort Bend County, Texas, WND Jerusalem bureau chief Aaron Klein's interviews with Middle East terrorists supporting the election of Democrats in tomorrow's midterm congressional elections are still reverberating. Palestinian preachers at mosques throughout the West Bank and Gaza are teaching that the high American casualty rates in Iraq during October are due to Ramadan prayers offered by Muslims throughout the region, reports All Headline News in Jerusalem. Correspondent Ryan R. Jones cites Klein's interview with one terrorist who said the death of American troops is "promised by Allah in the holy Quran." "It is the realization of the verse of El Phil (the elephant) where Allah hit the Prophet's enemies with special and very warm Sejeel stones. The rockets and mortars of the mujahedeen in Iraq are the Sejeel stones of our days," said the Hebron-based cleric. He cites another interview by Klein with Jenin-area Islamic Jihad leader Abu Ayman who told WND: "We saw in Iraq this month how Allah helped the mujahedeen fighters to mark a great victory ... . During Ramadan (which ended last week), it is known that the motivation of the Muslims and of the mujahedeen in particular is higher than in any other period of the year." Meanwhile, Texas' Fort Bend County Commissioner Andy Meyers cites WND's exclusive story in defense of a local Democrat campaign slogan under fire from their opponents. more...
| Islam | America |

Now I think all sides of politics are corrupt now-a-days, so this isn't intended to support one side over the other. According to the Bible, our current path will lead to the same place no matter what we do because the Bible is never wrong and we can't change it. So having said that, I think it's interesting that terrorists support a particular party. It shows who they view as beneficial to their cause. Anything that has such support by the ones who want us all dead or Muslims puts up big red flags for me.

Think Again: Democrats go European (November 2, 2006) -  Israelis would like to believe that American support for the Jewish state is strong, bipartisan, and will ever remain thus. Contrary to that happy scenario, Israel definitely has a dog in next week's American midterm elections. Deep ambivalence toward Israel has infected the Democratic Party. A Bloomberg/Los Angeles Times poll comparing voter attitudes on the war in Lebanon and toward Israel shows Republicans to be far more supportive of Israel than Democrats: 54% of Democrats advocate that the United States adopt a more neutral - i.e., less pro-Israel - stance to the Middle East, as opposed to only 29% of Republicans. Nearly two-thirds of Republicans felt the Israeli bombing in Lebanon was fully justified, as opposed to only 29% of Democrats. A recent Zogby poll showed that almost exactly the same number of Americans believe that an "Israel lobby" influenced America's entry into the deeply unpopular war in Iraq. Those who hold this view are found overwhelmingly in the Democratic Party. Key Democratic constituencies are deeply ambivalent about Israel. African Americans are three to four times as likely to hold anti-Semitic views as whites, and that may be reflected in the votes of the Congressional Black Caucus on Israel-related issues. Past labor leaders, like Lane Kirkland, were strongly internationalist in outlook. Today, however, the union movement is primarily concerned with globalization, and has become increasingly isolationist in orientation, with a concomitant resentment of any military or foreign aid spending that reduces domestic spending. more...
| Israel | America |

The Coming Technocratic Dark Age (October 31, 2006) - Imagine the entire world ruled by several thousand and mostly hidden aristocrat families who control all banks, science, mass communications, and technology. Then imagine their global chain of financial employees and dependents. Imagine that these elitist families are united together in mission to replace political and religious beliefs with laws of their invention. Then imagine that over time, the world’s people come to reject and/or forget Divine Laws, which are then replaced with authoritarian laws custom designed by such aristocrats. If no Divine Laws exist in the minds of the world’s people, the elitists have no higher authority, and in fact become the highest ruling authority – becoming god-like themselves through the invention of an elite government based upon their benefits, desires, and profits. Then imagine the legal system that would have to set into place to protect these elitist families from 99% of the world’s population, as their on-going problem would be to maintain such power. A constant and loyal or highly paid army and a constant state of threat would be in order to hold authoritarian power over global humanity. Try to fathom this kind of power. It would seem that we have described a scientific fictional tale, but, in fact, that fiction is the world’s living reality. The elite have, in fact, purchased and claimed terrifying powers over the world’s people, and are, in fact, implementing their custom made legal/control system of governance. So, let us begin by assuming that the bulk of humanity does not understand the power or threats behind a technocratic world owned and controlled by elitists who know no higher authority than self-omnipotent power achieved through criminally absconded wealth. Let us assume that “commoners” are insects that take up space and property, mass produce, and who are ill-prepared and disinclined to enrich the lives of these elite families on a year-by-year basis. Let us also assume that the elites have, in their creation of a global and self-serving legal system, invented ways to take and control everything the insects have or may attain in the future. Imagine a legal system where the insects are disallowed private property, votes, mobility, access to food, water, and shelter, and whose money is actually game money – like Monopoly dollars – that are actually and only certificates of permanent debt. Again – the money issued and paid to the insects in exchange for their labors is not actual money – but actually certificates of debt to elite families. Then add to this equation elite legislative authority to spy upon the insects in stores, gas stations, and 90% of all public places; in their homes, schools, places of employment, and via all communication services that the insects are required to purchase – including Internet service and email, the Postal Service, and telephone/fax and cell phone services. Alas, a picture evolves before your eyes, and it’s called the United States of America. It’s also called England, France, Germany, Canada, Mexico, and 90% of the rest of the world’s nations. The big picture is called World Governance custom designed by the rich – a government of the rich, for the rich, and by the rich. more...
NewWorldOrder | America |

US-Led Military Thrust Focuses Heavily on Broad Naval Deployment (October 30, 2006) - Hundreds of US and allied war ships foregathered in the strategic seas of the Middle East and India in the last days of October 2006 for two primary missions: To prepare for a US-led military strike against Iran which has stepped up its uranium enrichment program with a second centrifuge project - undeterred by the prospect of UN sanctions; and measures to fend off palpable al Qaeda threats to oil targets. DEBKAfile’s military sources provide details of the massive deployments: 1. A large-scale US-Indian sea exercise called Malabar 06 is in progress off the Indian coast of Goa, ending Nov. 5. The American vessels taking part are the USS Boxer carrier, the USS Bunker Hill guided missile battle cruiser, the guided missile destroyer USS Howard and the USS Benfold , as well as the Los Angeles-class nuclear attack submarine Providence and the Canadian guided missile frigate HMCS Ottawa. Indian maritime might is displayed with its warships like INS Beas , INS Mysore , INS Shakti , INS Ganga , tanking ship INS Gharial , submarine INS Shankush and Coast Guard ship CGS Samar Malabar also involves the landing of large number of soldiers ashore, ahead of the Indian acquisition of the massive amphibious USS Trenton transport dock which can carry six helicopters and about a 1000 soldiers. more...
| America |

The Dollar's Full-System Meltdown (October 30, 2006) - A report in The Sydney Morning Herald stated, “Australia’s Treasurer Peter Costello has called on East Asia’s central bankers to ‘telegraph’ their intentions to diversify out of American investments and ensure an ‘orderly adjustment’….Central banks in China, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, and Hong Kong have channeled immense foreign reserves into American government bonds, helping to prop up the US dollar and hold down interest rates,’ said Costello, but ‘the strategy has changed.’” Indeed, the strategy has changed. The world has come to its senses and is moving away from the green slip of paper that is currently mired in $8.3 trillion of debt. The central banks now want to reduce their USD reserves while trying to do as little damage to their own economies as possible. That’ll be difficult. If a sell-off ensues, it will start a stampede for the exits. There’s little hope of an “orderly adjustment” as Costello opines; that’s just false optimism. When the greenback begins listing; things will turn helter-skelter quickly. more...
NewWorldOrder | America

I believe this is all part of the globalist plan that started back in 1913, when our nation gave over the creation of money to private bankers. See the information on this in the film America: Freedom to Fascism

Former World Bank Chief Economist Predicts Global Crash (October 30, 2006) - Former World Bank Vice President, Chief Economist and Nobel Prize winner Joseph Stiglitz has predicted a global economic crash within 24 months - unless the current downturn is successfully managed. Asked if the situation was being properly handled Stiglitz emphatically responded "no," and also drew ominous parallels to the development of the NAFTA Superhighway and the North American Union. Stiglitz caused controversy in October 2001 when he exposed rampant corruption within the IMF and blew the whistle on their nefarious methods of inducing countries to fall under their debt before stripping them of sovereignty and hollowing out their economies. Speaking on the nationally syndicated Alex Jones radio show, Stiglitz defined the process of globalization as a system that was "rigged against the poor countries, rigged for the advanced industrial countries - the result of that is there were an awful lot of losers." The Columbia University Professor described how rampant privatization has crippled Mexico, in particular citing the sell-off of major infrastructure such as roads. "They sold the roads to the private enterprise and the hope was that they would be more efficient but of course what happens is that they didn't maintain the roads, they couldn't generate enough revenue and they eventually had to default and give the roads back to the government." Stiglitz agreed that the process of hijacking and looting key infrastructure on the part of the IMF and World Bank, as an offshoot of predatory globalization, had now moved from the third world to Europe, the United States and Canada. more...
NewWorldOrder | America

U.S. sets ambitious "global" NATO summit agenda (October 30, 2006) - The United States set out an ambitious agenda on Monday for transforming NATO into a global security organization at a summit next month but acknowledged that some European allies have misgivings. U.S. NATO ambassador Victoria Nuland said the 26-nation alliance had gone beyond debates about whether to act outside its Euro-Atlantic area, deploying forces on four continents in the last 18 months, most importantly in Afghanistan. NATO is already performing missions in practice for which it has yet to adapt its theory, she said, forecasting tough drafting debates before the November 28-29 summit in Riga, Latvia. "We want NATO to be able to demonstrate when our heads meet four weeks from now that we have an alliance that is taking on global responsibilities, that it increasingly has the global capabilities to meet those responsibilities, and that it is doing it with global partners," Nuland said in a speech to the Center for European Policy Studies think-tank. The alliance is fighting Taliban guerrillas in Afghanistan, supporting African Union peacekeepers in Darfur, patrolling former Yugoslav battlefields in Kosovo and has flown relief supplies to earthquake victims in Pakistan. more...
| EU/UN | NewWorldOrder | America

Why Johnny is Reading Islamist Propaganda (October 26, 2006) - Islam is being taught in the nation's public schools as a religion to be embraced because "organized Islamists have gained control of textbook content," according to an organization that analyzes textbooks. The American Textbook Council has concluded that the situation is the consequence of "the interplay of determined Islamic political activists, textbook editors, and multiculturally minded social studies curriculum planners." It has gone so far that correcting the situation now becomes a problem, because "educational publishers and educational organizations have bought into claims propounded by Islamists – and have themselves become agents of misinformation." That comes from Gilbert T. Sewall, who not only wrote the organization's report on Islam and textbooks, but also generated a response to the flood of criticism he encountered. William J. Bennetta, author of The Textbook Letter and a fellow of the California Academy of Sciences, also has documented dozens of instances of advocacy for or against a belief system, and has produced a list of books where the "religion preaching" leaves them "unfit for use." Indeed, Middle East Forum director Daniel Pipes even has repeatedly expressed concern about the "privileging of Islam in the United States" and warns the stakes go well beyond 7th-grade texts. His opinion of Houghton Mifflin's "Across the Centuries? Full of "apologetics" and "distortions." WND recently reported on a case in Oregon, where parent Kendalee Garner objected to having her son being taught Islam, including the memorization of the "Five Pillars" of Islam and dressing up as a Muslim. That episode followed a U.S. Supreme Court decision just a few weeks ago not to review a lower court's ruling that a similar class requirement in the Byron Union School District in California, where students were instructed to "become Muslims" was "cultural education." more...
| Islam |

If we don't put a stop to this now, our children will become as brainwashed as the Muslim children are. Islam is a religion of death and it is evident by their fruits. At one point in history, Catholicism was a religion of death and is responsible for killing millions of Christians. Don't listen to what they claim, look at their fruits. God does not bring death. Christ already died to save us from the second death, eternal death separated from God's love. Once they pollute the minds of the children, it only goes downhill from there. Liberalism has already done a bang-up job destroying our culture, Islam will finish it off.

Documents Reveal 'Shadow Government' (October 24, 2006) - About 1,000 documents obtained in a Freedom of Information Act request to the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America show the White House is engaging in collaborative relations with Mexico and Canada outside the U.S. Constitution, says WND columnist and author Jerome Corsi. "The documents give clear evidence that the Bush administration has created a 'shadow government,'" Corsi said. The documents can be viewed here, on a special website set up by the Minuteman Project. Bureaucrats from agencies throughout the Bush administration are meeting regularly with their counterpart bureaucrats in the Canadian and Mexican governments to engage in a broad rewriting of U.S. administrative law and regulations into a new trilateral North American configuration, Corsi contends. "We have hundreds of pages of e-mails from U.S. executive branch administrators who are copying the e-mail to somewhere between 25 to 100 people, a third of whom are in the U.S. bureaucracy, a third of whom are in the Mexican bureaucracy and a third of whom are in the Canadian bureaucracy," said Corsi. "They are sharing their laws and regulations so we can 'harmonize' and 'integrate' our laws into a North American structure, not a USA structure." Corsi claims the process is well along the way. "This is totally outside the U.S. Constitution, virtually an executive branch coup d'etat," he said. "SPP is creating new trilateral memoranda of understanding and mutual agreements which should be submitted to Senate for two-thirds votes as international treaties." Corsi said the documentation he received is missing key pieces. "We received very few actual agreements, though many are referenced," he said. "Many of the work plans described lack the work products which the groups say they produced."
NewWorldOrder | Hidden History | America

Ahmadinejad Predicts Israel's Collapse, Warns of 'Boiling Wrath' (October 20, 2006) - Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has predicted Israel would collapse and warned that its allies face the "boiling wrath" of the people if they continue to support the Jewish state. The renewed assault on Israel by Ahmadinejad -- who has been castigated by world powers for his frequent anti-Israeli outbursts -- came as tens of thousands marched through Tehran in an annual pro-Palestinian protest. "This regime (Israel) will be gone, definitely," Ahmadinejad, who has previously called for Israel to be "wiped from the map" and described the Holocaust as a myth, told the protestors. "You (the Western powers) should know that any government that stands by the Zionist regime from now on will not see any result but the hatred of the people," he added. "The wrath of the region's people is boiling." "Efforts to stabilise this fraudulent regime have completely failed, thank God ... This regime has lost the rationale of its existence," the president said. Ahmadinejad described his warning as an "ultimatum" for Western powers. "You should not complain that we did not give a warning. We are saying this explicitly now." "If a hurricane starts be rest assured that the dimensions of this hurricane will not be limited to the geographic borders of Palestine," he added. "This regime (Israel) will take its supporters to the bottom of the swamp." "The best solution is for you to take all the components of the regime and take it away," Ahmadinejad said. Chanting "Death to Israel" and predicting the "Triumph of Palestine", tens of thousands of people had earlier converged on Tehran University, where Ahmadinejad gave his speech, to mark Iran's Quds (Jerusalem) Day. more...
| Iran | Gog/Magog | Israel | Islam | America

Iran Warns of Revenge Over Israel (October 20, 2006) - Iran's president has warned that Muslims around the world will take revenge on states which support Israel against the Palestinians. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad again questioned the extent of the Holocaust, when German Nazis murdered six million Jews. Israel was founded on "claims about the Holocaust" for which the Palestinians were paying the price, he told a rally. He was speaking on Jerusalem Day, when there are large demonstrations in Iran in support of the Palestinians. BBC Tehran correspondent Frances Harrison says the tone of the speech was hard-line, even by Mr Ahmadinejad's standards. Implicit threat Mr. Ahmadinejad called Israel's leaders a "group of terrorists" and appeared to threaten any country that supports it." You imposed a group of terrorists... on the region. It is in your own interest to distance yourself from these criminals... This is an ultimatum. Don't complain tomorrow." The "ultimatum" was directed at European states in particular. "We have advised the Europeans that the Americans are far away, but you are the neighbors of the nations in this region," Mr. Ahmadinejad said. "We inform you that the nations are like an ocean that is welling up, and if a storm begins, the dimensions will not stay limited to Palestine, and you may get hurt." more...
| Iran | Gog/Magog | Israel | Islam
| America

The Barbarians Are Past the Gate — Part 1 (October 19, 2006) - The first of three excerpts from “In Mortal Danger: The Battle for America's Border and Security.” Testifying before Congress in 2005, FBI director Robert Mueller Jr. revealed that his agency had “received reports that individuals from countries with known al Qaeda connections have attempted to enter the United States illegally using alien smuggling rings and assuming Hispanic appearances.” Mueller confirmed that the FBI suspected many of these people had changed their Islamic surnames and had adopted false Hispanic identities in order to escape detection and blend into American society. Additionally, Richard Clark, the counterterrorism czar who worked in both the Clinton and Bush administrations, disclosed, “Of the 17,000 people who are missing in the United States somewhere, some are from countries of concern, and could be known terrorists. We really have no way of knowing who they are.” After the September 11, 2001 attacks, U.S. Border Patrol agents experienced an increase in apprehending so-called special-interest aliens (SIAs) trying to sneak into this country from nations that we know support or tolerate terrorism. In 2003, the Border Patrol snagged about 39,000 illegal immigrants from countries “other than Mexico” (OTM), which includes SIA nations. By the end of 2005, that number had grown to 155,000, more than double the 76,000 apprehended in 2004. Evidence of terrorists in our midst does not stop there. U.S. and Mexican authorities are well aware of suspected training camps, one of them near Matamoros, Mexico, a few miles across the Rio Grande and south of Brownsville, Texas. There are reports that a large number of people are being trained in paramilitary warfare and exotic explosives in these camps, which are operated by the Zetas, a group of former Mexican military special forces troops who deserted in the mid-1990s to work as highly effective enforcers for the drug cartels. The FBI believes that such paramilitary organizations working in partnership with the drug cartels have the networks and the capacity to smuggle terrorists and weapons into the United States as easily as they smuggle drugs and people seeking jobs. Texas and federal law-enforcement agencies believe these paramilitary forces have been monitoring and evaluating U.S. law-enforcement operations along the Rio Grande. more...
| Islam | America

Remittances to Mexico: More Money on the Move (October 19, 2006) - From a southwest Houston money-wiring agency, restaurant cashier Juan Torres sent $100 to his mother in Tampico, Mexico, on Tuesday, contributing to the increasing cash flow to Latin America. Torres is one of the 2.8 million Latin American immigrants in Texas who will send $5.2 billion back home to relatives this year, according to a state-by-state breakdown released Wednesday by the Inter-American Development Bank's Multilateral Investment Fund. Remittances from Texas will soar by 64 percent this year compared with 2004, surpassing the national increase of 51 percent, the study found. The Washington-based organization that promotes development in Latin America and the Caribbean estimates that the 12.6 million immigrants living in the United States will send $45.3 billion to relatives living across Latin America this year, from the border towns in Mexico to the tip of Argentina. These cash flows have captured the attention of U.S. and international businesses in the last few years. Banks across the country are trying to tap into that market by offering money-wiring services. And in cities with large immigrant communities like Houston, furniture, cement and real estate companies offer immigrants here the chance to pay for sofas, construction materials and new homes in Mexico and Central America. more...

Iran’s supreme ruler Ali Khamenei delivers war sermon, symbolically totes Kalashnikov DEBKAfile (October 14, 2006) - Khamenei speaking at Tehran University on Oct. 13, the third Friday of Ramadan,. He is holding an automatic AK 47 rifle in his right hand in a pose reminiscent of Yasser Arafat and Saddam Hussein at their most belligerent. His sermon was tantamount to a declaration of war by Iran and its Middle East allies: Syria, Hizballah and the Palestinian Hamas against the United States and Israel. The Kalashnikov accentuated his words.
| Iran | Islam | Israel |

They're on the war path and they believe they have Allah on they're side. Of course they do, but the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob will overcome in all things. We need to be aware of the power over the fear of death that religious belief can bring. We should know that ourselves as Christians if we believe it. Muslims believe the things they're taught from infancy and are brainwashed to be willing to kill themselves and others for their god. So when faced with the argument that negotiations are possible, listen to their two-faced responses to the world then to their own people. It is the religion that controls the people, not the politics in Islam. The politics are something they have to fake until they can fulfill their religious duty, to dominate the world for Allah. Hear Iranian President | Hear Syrian Cleric

The naval exercise to be held by US, Bahrain and allies later this month brings a massive concentration of American naval, air and marine might to the Persian Gulf (October 13, 2006) - US officials said the exercise starting Oct. 31 will practice interdicting ships carrying weapons of mass destruction and missiles. DEBKAfile’s military sources report: US naval, air and marine forces are massing in the Persian Gulf, Gulf of Oman and eastern Mediterranean opposite Lebanon and Syria. The big USS Eisenhower Carrier Strike Group (picture) arrives by Oct. 21. Facing these units are Iranian Revolutionary Guards naval, air and marine units together with the Iranian armed forces on full war preparedness. The forthcoming DEBKA-Net-Weekly discusses this menacing maneuver at length in its coming issue out on Friday. The US announcement came as the US and other powers discussed sanctions on North Korea, including searching its ships following Monday’s nuclear test. It followed shortly after they also agreed on a Security Council session next week to impose sanctions on Iran. The US spokesman said the exercise, in which Bahrain, Kuwait, France, Britain, Canada and others will take part, will demonstrate “our resolve and readiness to act” against nuclear proliferation. South Korea will be an observer. Clearly the Bush administration has more forceful “repercussions” in mind for Iran than diplomacy. Iran will no doubt respond to the demonstrative exercise, the massing of US forces around its shores and the threat of UN sanctions by a counter-stroke that raises tensions in the region and involves Iraq and/or the countries on Israel’s border – Lebanon and Syria.
| Iran | Islam |

North Korea threatens New York, Washington (October 12, 2006) - As reports circulated of a second imminent nuclear test, a high-ranking North Korean official who is called the unofficial spokesman for Kim Jong-il issued a not-so-veiled threat to the United States today in an interview with South Korean radio. "Everything will be settled in a week," said Kim Myong-chol on KBS Radio. "That is, whether we, Korean people, will remain as we are now, or lose, or New York will lose, or Washington, D.C., will lose, it will all be settled once and for all." The report was carried in Chosun Ilbo, a Korean-language newspaper in the south. The South Korean government is trying to verify intelligence that North Korea is to conduct another nuclear test soon – possibly in the next two or three days. Quoting a reliable source on North Korea, the report said: "Many indications from North Korea point to the high likelihood that North Korea would conduct another nuclear test in two or three days. We received intelligence Oct. 11 that says the North Korean military is showing unusual movements." Alexander Downer, Australian foreign minister, said yesterday, "We have intelligence that North Korea would have another nuclear test soon. We are very concerned about it." Meanwhile, in what would appear to be a major setback for the U.S., which is banking on China to rein in North Korea, Beijing appeared to shy away today from backing U.S. efforts to impose a travel ban and financial sanctions for its claimed nuclear test, saying any U.N. action should focus on bringing its neighbor back to talks. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Liu Jianchao said North Korea should understand it had made a mistake but "punishment should not be the purpose" of any U.N. response. more...
| America |

I don't think that we have to worry about this, but I could be wrong. I just watched an interview with Lisa Ling, a reporter for National Geographic, who recently snuck into North Korea. She was watched at all times by "minders," but was able to talk to some of the people in North Korea. They said they were willing to make sacrifices because they believe they are at war with America! Watch the video They have no internet, cell phones, or connection with the outside world. There are only two television stations and they're both state-run, so the brainwashing comes from all sides and they have no idea what the reality is. This is one of the dangers of complacent people accepting restrictions on their learning about the world. They have no frame of reference to compare their lives and the lies they're being told. This is a good example of why we should guard our freedom of speech and freedom to learn and be careful what water-holes we drink from! Someone may have tainted the water.

Iran's target: 3,000 dead Americans by Nov. 7 (October 11, 2006) - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Iran's president, has given the order: Raise the American death count in Iraq to 3,000 before the Nov. 7 general election. This news came from a high-level Israeli leader. The death count in the month of September was 65 and stands at 28 thus far for the month of October. The dead and wounded in Iraq to date number 23,212. The total number of dead stands at 2,744 – Iran is 256 body bags away from achieving its goal, which means it will have to accelerate the death count to approximately nine Americans per day in Iraq. American and Iraqi forces are fighting various battles with Iran's Mahdi Army. Muqtada al-Sadr, Iran's personal envoy in Iraq, is receiving funding, intelligence and armaments from Iran. Al-Sadr is to Iraq what Nasrallah is to Lebanon. According to Moshe Ya'alon, former chief of staff of the Israeli Defense Forces (and who also endorsed "Showdown with Nuclear Iran"), 85 percent of all IEDs that kill Americans in Iraq are imported from Iran. Iran has a definite purpose in trying to get the body count in Iraq up to 3,000; they believe that number will do enormous damage to President Bush during the mid-term elections Nov. 7. Iran has expertise in influencing American elections. The 1980 campaign against then-President Jimmy Carter was very successful. The founder of Israeli intelligence, Isser Harel, told me in September of 1980 that Iran would take Jimmy Carter out of the White House by humiliating him and refusing to release the hostages until Ronald Reagan was sworn in as president. He also told me that America's first terrorist attack would be on New York City's tallest building. (This story appeared in the Jerusalem Post Sept. 30, 2001.) Ahmadinejad's desire to influence U.S. elections is just another in a series of events this year that bear his imprimatur: more...
| Iran |

North Korea sees U.S. pressure as act of war (October 11, 2006) - North Korea said it sees U.S. pressure to reign in its nuclear weapons programme as a declaration of war, its official media said on Wednesday. North Korea is prepared for both dialogue and confrontation, its KCNA news agency quoted a Foreign Ministry spokesman as saying. "If the U.S. continues to hassle us and add pressure, we will consider this as a declaration of war and subsequently take physical measures."
| America |

Take This Congress and Shove It (October 9, 2006) - With multiple scandals cascading through the United States Congress, when will the peoples’ business get done? How long before we see results that benefit our citizens? Every time we turn around, we read about another indignity, another breakdown of integrity, another senator or House representative committing a crime or sexual indecency. They solicit 16 year old pages in the House chambers, take bribes and run off on paid weekends to Scotland. They launder money, drive drunk and make Pinocchio look like an angel. I wish I lived in Oregon I would vote for Mary Starrett. She's the only honest candidate running for governor. I’m sick of it! I’m spittin’ angry! I’m totally fed up! I want to bust a couple dozen of them in the chops to make them pay for their ineptitude and indecency stampeding through our Congress. Representative Mark Foley of Florida, sick in the head and sick in his morals, got caught for his licentious behavior and indecency. For God sakes, the man solicited 16 year old pages working with all their idealism in the Halls of Congress. What did those kids discover? We’ve elected some sexual perverts to serve the public trust in Washington, DC. How many like Foley haven’t been exposed? What about Congressman Duke Cunningham last year taking $2.4 million in bribes from contractors? This guy swore on a Bible to serve American citizens after defending this nation as a fighter pilot. Instead of being a public servant, he now serves eight years in federal prison—on our dime! Texas Congressman Tom DeLay promised to uphold the U.S. Constitution, but instead--laundered money, lied, cheated and stole from the American taxpayer. How about Jack Abramoff the million dollar lobbyist in Washington, DC? Do you have any idea of the amounts of money and the fraudulent influence pedaling that snake-in-the-grass wielded? That scoundrel pedaled his money and power to dozens of senators and congressman. When caught, all guilty parties in Congress protect each other. We’ll never know the depth of his crimes, but I’m willing to bet the Pacific Ocean isn’t as deep. Has a single senator or congressman stepped up to write a law to stop lobbyists from plying their trade against the American taxpayer? You might as well wait until hell freezes over. Where is representation of American citizens instead of money interests? more...
| America |

I have to admit I feel helpless with politics. It's all a game and I don't want to play it. It's a waste of time now because clearly corruption and the pocketbook is in control because our nation is going down the tubes and the people who can steer us away are more concerned about social programs and accepting everyone and everything. There are some things in this world that you need to stay away from because you become what you are around if you aren't awake, and from what I see in this country, the majority are fast asleep. Most of them swat you away when you try to wake them up, so I've focused on understanding Bible prophecy because I believe it will come to pass. And when it does, people will start to realize what time it is and wake up. Then I will be there to catch them up on what they slept through and bring them to a better relationship with the One who created them. But I'm not of this world because Christ has chosen me out of it. The best thing we can do for this nation is pray for it's people to wake up and search for God. Then maybe we'll have a chance. Until then, keep trying to wake them up. ZZZzzzzz.....

DEBKAfile’s sources: Tehran and Damascus are gearing up for a pre-emptive Syrian attack on Israel to ward off a US strike on Iran’s nuclear sites (October 7, 2006) - Our military and Washington sources read as preparatory justification the Syrian ruler Bashar Asad’s statement Saturday, Oct. 7, that he expects an Israeli attack. He was speaking in an interview to Kuwaiti paper al-Anba. Asad’s Iranian-backed war plan would serve the purpose of forcing the Americans to divide their military assets between a strike against Iran and the defense of their allies in the Persia Gulf, Israel and US forces in Iraq. Both are seriously looking at a Syrian attack on the Golan which would escalate into a full-blown Syrian-Israeli war and a second Hizballah assault from Lebanon. Asad’s remark that during the Lebanon hostilities, he was under pressure from the Syrian population to go to war against Israel and liberate the Golan is the most direct threat of belligerency of all his four Golan statements in the last month. He is implying that he stood up to the pressure once but may not do so again. And for the benefit of the Americans, the Europeans, the Saudis and the Egyptians - all of whom are pretty fed up with him – Asad is posing as the picture of self-restraint; anyone else in his place, he implies, would have taken advantage of the Lebanon war and made a grab for the Golan. Therefore, he is saying, he deserves to be treated with the respect due to a strategic asset by Western and moderate Arab powers instead of being targeted for an ouster. The Syrian ruler would not threaten war without guarantees from Iran. According to DEBKAfile’s sources, Asad and Iran’s supreme ruler Ayatollah Ali Khamenei are prompted by the following motives:

  • Tehran is not prepared to wait passively for the Americans to build up their assault force in the Gulf and strike its nuclear facilities. A pre-emptive attack would suit them better.
  • Tehran and Damascus have not missed the debilitating crisis in which Israel’s political and military leadership are sunk since the Lebanon war. They do not propose to wait until the IDF pulls itself together enough to handle fresh aggression.
  • Both accept Israel’s deputy prime minister Shimon Peres’ assessment that Israel’s cities are not prepared for missile attack. Iran and Syria take it for granted that Israeli leaders understand they cannot afford to launch missiles against either one of them for fear of reprisal in kind.
  • Syria believes that if Hizballah could stand up to the Israeli army in Lebanon, its commandoes can capture sections of the Golan and walk off with an easy victory.
  • Tehran figures that the Bush administration is coming to the end of its patience in Iraq and preparing for a major review of its position there. The influential U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman, John Warner, said Friday that Iraq's government had 60 to 90 days to control the violence that threatens civil war or the United States would have to reconsider its options. This gives the Maliki government in Baghdad up to December or January to de-escalate if not halt the sectarian war engulfing the country.

Iran, Syria and Hizballah would not be averse to disrupting the American Iraq timeline by attacking Israel and putting the Bush administration on the spot, forced to address three warfronts simultaneously. more...
| Iran | Gog/Magog | Israel | Islam |

This could be Israel's reason to pre-empt the Syrian-Iranian pre-emption and we could see the destruction of Damascus in Isaiah 17. This could be the hooks in the jaws" that brings Iran, Russia, Turkey, and the other players against Israel fulfilling Ezekiel 38,39. This in turn could help allow the Jews to rebuild the temple on the Temple Mount. This, of course, sets the stage for the revealing of the man of sin, the abomination of desolation. Keep watching!

Iran: Sanctions won't derail enrichment (October 5, 2006) - The U.S., Britain, France, Germany, China and Russia will confer Friday in London to assess Iran's defiant refusal to suspend uranium enrichment. They are expected to refer the nuclear case to the U.N. Security Council for talks next week on possible sanctions, diplomats said Thursday. Russia's foreign minister, however, said he believes it is too soon to impose sanctions on Iran and that further efforts are needed to push Tehran to negotiate. To avoid alienating the Russians and the Chinese, any sanctions are likely to be relatively mild, including embargoes on missile and nuclear technology, and possible travel bans and other penalties on Iranian officials involved in their country's nuclear program. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad reiterated Thursday his country would not be frightened by threats to impose sanctions. "Those who threaten Iran by sanctions and embargo should know that this nation lived under the hardest situation in the past 27 years and achieved nuclear technology. This nation will not be frightened by the threats," state-run television quoted Ahmadinejad as saying. more...
| Iran | EU/UN | America |

Ok guys, keep talking and talking. Iran needs more time to prepare for war so just keep trying to talk to them even though they aren't listening. In more than just this situation with Iran, the political correctness, work-it-out-with-everybody mentality will end up negotiating ourselves to death...literally. The leaders of Islam have made their point clear, our destruction, and we shouldn't negotiate with those who have promised death to us who won't convert to Islam. The only One that will save us is Christ so if you're still living in the world, it's time to wake up and look to the One who will save your soul, Yeshua (Jesus). If you think this life is hell, avoid the next one

Wake Up America - Can't We See What is Happening to Us (October 4, 2006) - WE ARE SELLING OUT AND NO LONGER OWN OR CONTROL OUR OWN COUNTRY!  We are selling out and no longer own or control our own country and must now live on imports while incurring massive debts that can only be repaid through the sale of our wealth producing companies and assets.  Very soon we will not even be able to protect or support ourselves as we have sold over 8000 of our best wealth producing companies in the last 10 years to foreigners. RCA is now a French Company, Zenith is a Korean company, Frigidaire is a Swedish Company, IBM Personal Computer Division with its 500 patents is a Chinese Company, Chrysler is a German Company (they also produced our tanks in WWII), Westinghouse Nuclear Energy is presently being sold to a Japanese Company.  Lucent Technology, a former research division of AT&T, along with all the patents acquired from the beginning of the phone system, is now a French company. With the sale of these manufacturing companies the future profit and technologies all belong to foreigners. Now whole industries are controlled by foreigners.  The movies, the thought and culture provoking industry is now 75% foreign owned, book publishing now 63% foreign owned, music 80% foreign owned, cement - a choke point industry 81% foreign owned and TV manufacturing 100% foreign owned. more...
| America |

Waiting for the Imam's Return to Earth (October 3, 2006) - The followers of Moqtada al-Sadr believe that the US invaded Iraq to prevent the return to Earth of their sect’s messiah-like figure, the Mahdi, or 12th Imam. Hojatoleslam al-Sadr claims that his militia is preparing for the day when the Mahdi, the last direct descendent of the revered Shia figure Ali, reappears. Shia believe that the Mahdi, who disappeared in 868, will bring justice to Earth. At a prayer service in the central Iraqi city of Kufa on September 15, the cleric told a crowd of thousands that the Americans were collecting a dossier on the Mahdi to prevent his return. “Did you ever ask yourself about why all of this, the bloodshed and the prisons? Why are the brothers fighting each other for a political game planned by the Americans? This all happened because they (the Americans) are waiting for the Mahdi. This planning started ten years ago. They have a big file for Imam Mahdi and they just need his picture to complete it.” more...
| Islam |

Fatal shooting at US Amish school (October 2, 2006) - A gunman has shot dead three girls and injured eight others before killing himself in an attack on an Amish school in the US state of Pennsylvania. The gunman entered the class and ordered all the boys and some adults to leave. He then tied up the girls and began shooting them in the head. Police named the killer as 32-year-old truck driver Charles Carl Roberts IV. He is not Amish himself. The attack is the third shooting at a US school in the past week. In the latest shooting, the gunman was said to be heavily armed and seemed prepared for a long siege. He lined up the girls in front of the blackboard, tying their feet using wire or plastic cuffs. "It appears that when he began shooting these victims, the victims were shot execution style in the head," said Pennsylvania police commissioner Col Jeffrey Miller. The attack happened at a one-room school for Amish children aged six to 13 in the village of Paradise near Nickel Mines in Lancaster County. more...
| America

It's been a blessing seeing how the Amish have responded to this event. Just like we as Christians should. And the media has taken notice too. They're quiet, reserved, forgiving, and even setting up a fund for the murderer's children. I think it's a good reminder of what we should be like for Christ in this world.

Al-Qaeda loosing foothold in Iraq; civil war on horizon: UN (September 27, 2006) - Osama bin Laden's Al-Qaeda terrorist network is losing foothold in Iraq, unable to send new insurgents into the country in the last few months while a civil war looms, a UN Security Council report said Wednesday. As Iraq continues to slide towards civil war, al-Qaeda may paradoxically see more losses than gains,' the report prepared by council members said. The report said intelligence provided by several security agencies showed that 'fewer foreign fighters' have been killed in the last months, suggesting that the flow of insurgents to Iraq has slackened. 'Certainly, on return to their homelands, some fighters have expressed their dissatisfaction that on arrival in Iraq, they were asked to kill fellow Muslims rather than foreign soldiers, or even told that there was no role for them except as suicide bombers,' the report said. It said the death of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, who was killed by US troops earlier this year, 'while a significant blow, may not have been a totally unwelcome to the al-Qaeda leadership.' more...
| America

Alliance of Civilizations (AOC) 2010 (September 27, 2006) - The more I learn about the Alliance of Civilizations (AOC), the more serious I feel the need for us to get the information out. This morning I had an email waiting with more information. It turns out that the AOC is endorsed by the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE). Since the US is a signatory to the OSCE, it makes the US "politically" bound to enforce the AOC's political/religious agenda when it becomes fully operational in 2010. There has been some confusion on the wordage used for the the AOC's proposed starting date. So, let's take a look at page 46 of the document.

1. Time frame: 2009- 2019, starting and ending on 21 September, the International Day of Peace. That launching date would give 12 months to prepare and promote a final proposal and to win political support from member states, in order to present the corresponding project of resolution to the General Assembly in its 62nd session (September 2007), with another 24 months for formal preparatory activities. The Decade would then overlap by only one year with the ongoing Decade for a Culture of Peace, and could learn from that experience AOC Report (pdf).

The key to understanding the above words is knowing the term of the UN's Decade for a Culture of Peace (DCP), since the start of the AOC is to "overlap" the DCP by one year and allow an additional 12 months to prepare. It turns our the DCP is from 2001 to 2010 Read about it here. That means the AOC is to be fully operational in 2010. Evidently, the 2007 date is for presenting the necessary resolution to the Security Council. This brings up another interesting question. Could this UN resolution set the stage politically for the resolving of that final issue -- the Temple Mount? If so, this could provide additional support to the possibility that 2007 could be the beginning of Daniel's 70th week. More on that later. more...
EU/UNNewWorldOrder | America |

Iran Making Worldwide Move to Bring Islamic War to American and Israel Soil (September 26, 2006) - The forces of terrorism are organizing a worldwide armada of strategic nations to launch an offensive against the United States and Israel in the near future—not only from the Middle East, but also from locations in Central and South America, Northern Iraq, and the Palestinian territories. From Syrian and Iranian rearming of Hezbollah to Israel’s north, to a movement by Hamas to gain a stronger foothold in the seemingly defunct Palestinian government, to a meeting of Non-Aligned Nations in Cuba, the Islamofascist world is gathering allies and is beginning to coalesce a strategic offensive, that unchecked, could turn both Israel and the United States into an unprecedented war zone. DEBKAfile, a prominent and well respected intelligence news service, reports that Iran and Turkey appear to be preparing to launch a military strike in Northern Iraq against anti-Turkish and anti-Iranian Kurdish rebels that will enable Turkey to seize 40% of Iraq’s oil producing territory and Iran will knock out key Israeli observation sites used for early warnings of Iranian attacks. Meantime, Iran has parlayed behind the scenes agreements with Venezuela and Cuba to consider deploying Iranian missiles in those countries as a defense against a U.S. attack on Iranian nuclear facilities. At the same time, Hezbollah’s Hassan Nasrallah told some 800,000 supporters at a "victory" rally Friday that no army could disarm his paramilitary Shi'ite terror group. Nasrallah claimed that his guerrillas have replenished their arsenal and already have more than 20,000 rockets as United Nations peacekeeping troops insists they have no responsibility to stop the Hezbollah arms build-up. As disturbing is the chilling of relations between the Bush Administration and the Olmert government in Israel. The Bush Administration has supported a coalition government of elected Hamas terrorists and the Palestinian Authority—reportedly without consulting Israel, signaling a new direction in U.S.-Israeli relations. more...
| Iran | Gog/Magog | Israel | Islam | America

He's looking to incite Islam to join him. This is another sign, I believe, that he's getting ready to do something soon. Maybe before the year is out? Perhaps the attack against Israel with Turkey, Russia and friends? They're saying it, I don't know what else we need to believe them. But we will see Bible prophecy fulfilled 100%

Beijing secretly fires lasers to disable US satellites (September 26, 2006) - China has secretly fired powerful laser weapons designed to disable American spy satellites by "blinding" their sensitive surveillance devices, it was reported yesterday. The hitherto unreported attacks have been kept secret by the Bush administration for fear that it would damage attempts to co-opt China in diplomatic offensives against North Korea and Iran. Sources told the military affairs publication Defense News that there had been a fierce internal battle within Washington over whether to make the attacks public. In the end, the Pentagon's annual assessment of the growing Chinese military build-up barely mentioned the threat. "After a contentious debate, the White House directed the Pentagon to limit its concern to one line," Defense News said. The document said that China could blind American satellites with a ground-based laser firing a beam of light to prevent spy photography as they pass over China. According to senior American officials: "China not only has the capability, but has exercised it." American satellites like the giant Keyhole craft have come under attack "several times" in recent years. more...
| America

Don't forget about the Russia-China-Iran alliances that have been going on for the past year or two. Russia and China have been doing joint military maneuvers and Iran has been buying weapons and technology from Russia. If/when the attack comes, expect it from all sides.

Documents disclose 'shadow government' (September 26, 2006) - Government documents released by a Freedom of Information Act request reveal the Bush administration is running a "shadow government" with Mexico and Canada in which the U.S. is crafting a broad range of policy in conjunction with its neighbors to the north and south, asserts WND columnist and author Jerome R. Corsi. The documents, a total of about 1,000 pages, are among the first to be released to Corsi through his FOIA request to the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America, or SPP, which describes itself as an initiative "to increase security and to enhance prosperity among the three countries through greater cooperation." "The documents clearly reveal that SPP, working within the U.S. Department of Commerce, is far advanced in putting together a new regional infrastructure, creating a 'shadow' trilateral bureaucracy with Mexico and Canada that is aggressively rewriting a wide range of U.S. administrative law, all without congressional oversight or public disclosure," Corsi said. Among the initial discoveries, said Corsi, is the existence of an internal Intranet website that never has been revealed to Congress or the public. "This private internal website," he claims, "undoubtedly contains a wealth of documentation that the FOIA request has so far intentionally excluded." Corsi told WND the documents reveal hundreds of internal meetings, memoranda of understanding and other referenced agreements that have not been disclosed. "We have here the beginnings of a whitewash," he said, "in which SPP evidently thinks the public will be hoodwinked by a 'Myths vs. Facts' document posted for public relations purposes on their public website." more...
NewWorldOrder | America |

For those who don't know what the SPP is, you can read more at the website Basically, Mexico, Canada, and the U.S. are working on an arrangement similar to the EU, with member states under a combined authority. (EU/UN decides issues for many member countries as one sovereign body over those member nations.) I believe this is the beginning stages to bringing all governments of all nations under a single authority when the time is right. What is happening now just makes the transition easier to implement quickly. Related Story: N. American students trained for 'merger' The brainwashing has begun! NAFTA Super Highway Map

Global Recommendation 666 Part 1 Fulfilled Prophecy (September 23, 2006) - As the pieces came together I couldn't believe what I was seeing. It appears that Recommendation 666 may be going global! I knew Javier Solana's possible connection to the UN's new Alliance of Civilizations (AOC). If you recall, the UN initiative was the idea of Solana's fellow Spanish Socialist Party member, Spain's Prime Minister, Jose Luis Zapatero. And, I also knew from my research that the AOC had signs of being Solana's 1995 Barcelona Process going global. But, I never dreamed that there was a Recommendation 666 connection. As I said before, Recommendation 666 may also be going global. In order to explain, let's first look at today's news. Yesterday former president Bill Clinton's Global Initiative held a conference and one of the speakers was Javier Solana. And, it was something Solana said that opened my eyes. Solana further said: "The divide that persists in the world is more profound than we think, and we better be aware of that. It's not getting smaller, but growing. He also warned listeners that Muslims should not be provoked, even for the sake of free speech and open thought." In other words, Solana believes the time for freedom of speech and thought is over. And, Solana also believes in creating a global police state through the use of the CIMIC concept he first introduced to the European Union when implementing his 10-nation Western European Union's (WEU) Assembly Recommendation 666. Solana said: "Noting that governments could take action to prevent the divide from growing further, Solana stressed that this might not be enough, and civil society elements should assume a role to establish ties between the civilizations" Read it here. Let's take another look at the WEU's Assembly Recommendation 666. more...
| EU/UN | NewWorldOrder | America

More on the Alliance of Civilizations (AOC). Alliance of Death by Herb L. Peters

Global Recommendation 666 Part 2 Fulfilled Prophecy (September 25, 2006) - As it was back in December of 2000, once again it took awhile before the implications of certain events and their connection with the 10-nation Western European Union's (WEU) Assembly Recommendation 666 to become apparent. Let me try to explain. As students of the subject know, much of Bible prophecy has been given in image form. This being the case, it's import for us to know what these strange images of beasts with multiple heads and horns mean. From the O.T. book of Daniel we learn that God uses images to describe the kings and kingdoms that oppose His earthly people and purpose. In other words, God sees godless kings and their kingdoms as dangerous beast that need to be restrained. And, throughout  history God has used different methods of restraint. But, in the time of the end, the Bible tells us God's restraining influence will be removed to allow Daniel's fourth beast empire to reappear and, for a short time, to devour God's people. At the end of this short period, Jesus will return, put an end to the beast kingdom, and set up His earthly kingdom of righteousness. In Revelation chapter 12 we see God combining His key elements of prophecy all together in three images -- that of a woman, the woman's child and a great, seven-headed dragon. It's widely believed that the woman represents national Israel, the child Jesus and the dragon satan. However, in my study of prophecy, I've come to believe there may be a few more things we should add... continued detail in link was while I was wondering about the prophetic implications of the events that I had witnessed in Europe -- the rise of 10 nation Western European Union, the new Office of High Representative, and the making of the WEU the military arm of the European Union, that I discovered that all these events were connected to -- and possibly confirmed by -- the number 666. In these last few days I had the same experience while witnessing another event with possible prophetic implications. But, this time the number 666 is connected to -- and may be confirming -- the rise of the dragon's tail, not its head. You see, the UN's Alliance of Civilizations (AOC) is a combination of secular and apostate religious world leaders coming together to fight all forms of religious extremism and fundamentalism, and bring peace and safety to the world. The goal is to have the AOC begin in September 2009 with an additional 12 months to prepare. So, that means, the AOC will be completely up and running in 2010 -- the middle of the coming seven-year period of which FP has been reporting. And, as I reported yesterday Read about it here, this event too is associated with Recommendation 666more...
| EU/UNNewWorldOrder | America |

I think Herb Peters is on to something here. The connections all fit and it appears the framework for the end-times world government is growing stronger the more we understand of what is going on in European politics. Christianity is considered extremist because it holds that Christ is the only way to salvation. The view is that anything which doesn't allow for conformity with other beliefs is extremist in view and will soon not be tolerated. Kind of backwards from the tolerance they profess now, but even without the suicide bombings and the like as Islam has, our unshakeable stance on Christ's divinity will not serve us well in the world. We need to remember that we are not of this world, but chosen out of it. John 15:16-21 | John 18:36

War Signals? (September 21, 2006) - As reports circulate of a sharp debate within the White House over possible US military action against Iran and its nuclear enrichment facilities, The Nation has learned that the Bush Administration and the Pentagon have moved up the deployment of a major "strike group" of ships, including the nuclear aircraft carrier Eisenhower as well as a cruiser, destroyer, frigate, submarine escort and supply ship, to head for the Persian Gulf, just off Iran's western coast. This information follows a report in the current issue of Time magazine, both online and in print, that a group of ships capable of mining harbors has received orders to be ready to sail for the Persian Gulf by October 1. As Time writes in its cover story, "What Would War Look Like?," evidence of the forward deployment of minesweepers and word that the chief of naval operations had asked for a reworking of old plans for mining Iranian harbors "suggest that a much discussed--but until now largely theoretical--prospect has become real: that the U.S. may be preparing for war with Iran."
| Iran | America |

Chinese Flag Stirs Quincy Controversy (September 20, 2006) - John Wu Lin fled China’s communist regime a long time ago and reminders of his past are painful. So when Lin was walking to the Wollaston T station the other day and saw a People’s Republic of China flag flying prominently next to an American flag atop a building in Wollaston Center, he was shocked. ‘‘That flag is not about Chinese heritage or our culture - it’s about a government that many of us tried to escape,’’ said Lin, who has lived in the city for 15 years. Both the flag and a red, lighted sign heralding a new Asian American civic group will be removed, say city officials, who have received dozens of complaints from residents and passers-by. The sign, with 2-foot tall letters in Chinese and English, does not meet local sign regulations, officials said. And a permit is needed to fly a flag in the city other than an American flag. For some, the flag is more offensive than the sign. Stephen Long of North Quincy said it isn’t right to hang a communist flag in the middle of the city. ‘‘Who cares about the sign - it has nothing to do with that,’’ said Long, who said he is a Vietnam-era Marine veteran. ‘‘That’s nothing unusual. But to have a communist flag up at the same level as ours in the middle of the city is a disgrace. People should think before they act.’’ more...
| America |

NAFTA Super Highway Map (September 20, 2006) - The map's travel corridors show the desired routes of the new Super Highways as proposed by the North American Forum on Integration (NAFI) — a group of wealthy industrialists, academics, and politicians whose aim it is to break down barriers to the North American Union. The main actors in NAFI are members of the Council on Foreign Relations or related organizations based in Mexico and Canada. NAFI, whose first objective is to make "the public and decision-makers aware of the challenges of economic and political integration between the three NAFTA countries," is following the country-integration plan of the European Union. (Emphasis added.) That plan used the idea of "free trade" to make steps toward integration sound appealing to the public. Though the North American Union would devastate the American middle class, the Super Highways are being touted as facilitating free trade and bringing about prosperity in the three countries.
NewWorldOrder | America |

Related Story: 80 Fingers of the NAFTA Superhighway — Do They Run Through Your State?

Ahmadinejad at the United Nations: Praying to Allah for the Return of the Twelfth Imam (September 19, 2006) - Chilling.  He asserted that the US was behind the Hezbollah-Israel War, repeatedly attacked the legitimacy of the State of Israel, and made a lengthy attack on the legitimacy of the Security Council.  "Is it appropriate to expect this generation to submit to [the Security Council]?" he asked, and demanded the General Assembly take on the reform of the UN and equip others with the veto power.  He closed with a disturbing heartfelt appeal/prayer, which is a warning to the West: "I am emphatically declare that today's world more than ever before longs for just and righteous people with love for all humanity, and above all longs for the perfect, righteous human being and the real savior who has been promised to all peoples and who will establish justice, peace and brotherhood on the planet. [The Twelfth Imam] Oh Almighty God, all men and women are your creatures and you have ordained their guidance and  salvation.  Bestow upon humanity that thirst for justice, the perfect human being promised to all by you, and make us among his followers among those who strive for his return and his cause." Ahmadinejad is setting up Iran to defy the Security Council, and is establishing a precedent for all future rogue regimes.  If the Security Council does not rebuke this challenge and impose sanctions, the organization, teetering on the brink of irrelevance, will fall over that cliff.
| Islam | America |

Nuclear Threats: Law Enforcement Sources Confirm: Illegals Crossing Border Carrying "KI Tablets" (September 18, 2006) - In an article provided exclusively to the Northeast Intelligence Network and Canada Free Press by Dr. Paul Williams and Mr. David Dastych on Saturday, “final preparations have been made for the next major attack on the US” identified as “American Hiroshima,” suggesting the attack will be nuclear in nature. Since we published that report, confidential sources in law enforcement positions have privately confirmed to the Northeast Intelligence Network that a "disturbing trend" is being reported on both of our borders – a pattern that is consistent with a potential nuclear attack scenario against the US. According to these sources, a "significant and alarming number" of illegal aliens attempting entry into the US, caught by border patrol agents, have been found to be carrying Potassium Iodide tablets, which are used to protect against exposure to radiation in emergency situations.* According to our sources, the illegal aliens who have been caught have been described as OTMs (other-than Mexicans), and consist primarily of Chinese and Iranian nationals on our southern border, and Asians and others from a variety of Middle Eastern countries at the US-Canadian border. Law enforcement sources providing this information to the Northeast Intelligence Network agreed that this is “a very recent phenomena,” but one that has increased to “alarming levels” and is of particular concern to government officials. *NOTE: An astute and well-educated reader accurately points out that Potassium Iodate, also referred to as KI, protects only one organ in the body (the thyroid) from ONE form of radiation (I-131). And it does so only if a person takes the tablet BEFORE (or just after) being exposed to I-131, as the KI fills up the thyroid gland with "good" salt instead of the radioactive version. Too many people nationwide already falsely believe that KI is a so-called "anti-radiation" pill that will protect them from all forms of radiation. If a person takes the tablet and fails to leave/evacuate a radioactive area, they will still be exposed to radiation and will likely become ill or even die from radiation sickness. Further, Gamma radiation, (the type of radiation that killed so many people in Nagasaki and Hiroshima, Japan, after the atomic blasts in 1945) is deadly; Potassium Iodate offers no protection on this type of nuclear radiation.
| America |

Military Orders Suggest Iran Attack (September 18, 2006) - Two recent orders by the American military have led some observers to conclude that the U.S. is preparing for an attack on Iran. One order was a "Prepare to Deploy" command sent to a submarine, an Aegis-class cruiser, two minesweepers and two mine hunters, telling the ships’ commanders to be ready to move by Oct. 1. The other was a request from the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) for a fresh look at long-standing U.S. plans to blockade two Iranian oil ports on the Persian Gulf. The orders created a buzz within the military because there are few places in the world where minesweepers could be significant – chief among them, the Strait of Hormuz in the Persian Gulf, where about 40 percent of the world’s oil passes each day. "Coupled with the CNO’s request for a blockade review, a deployment of minesweepers to the west coast of Iran would seem to suggest that a much discussed – but until now largely theoretical – prospect has become real: that the U.S. may be preparing for war with Iran,” according to a special report in Time magazine. more...
| Iran | America

Another 9/11 on it's way (September 12, 2006) - The Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks were the beginning of the collapse of the American empire, and it is only a question of time before the next "great big event" strikes the United States, a senior Palestinian terror leader who received American training warned during a WND interview today. "The Americans even now are doing everything to bring our hostility and hatred to higher levels and bring us to wait impatiently for the next great big event," said Abu Muhammad, a senior leader of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades in the northern West Bank city of Jenin. "They deserve one more coup of this kind (like 9/11), and I am sure it is only a question of time. September 11 was the beginning of the collapse of this empire of evil." The Al Aqsa Brigades, the declared "military wing" of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas' party, is responsible for scores of deadly shootings, hundreds of rocket attacks, and – together with the Islamic Jihad terror group – every suicide bombing inside Israel in the past two years. more...
| Islam | America |

An Al-Qaeda video released on Saturday [September 2] called on Americans and the rest of the Christian world to "repent" and convert to Islam. Excerpt: "This is the invitation that precedes the attack."

Ammunition Disappearing? (September 12, 2006) - Hi Steve, I was listening to your show tonight and heard you speaking about ammo. As you know I believe in being well armed and trained. I would like to let you know 308 7.62x51 is drying up. I contacted a friend of mine who is a big dealer in the Boston area to see what he could get and he said "Dave, we are sold out and there will be no more on the way." He said his suppliers inventory's have dried up. I feel in my heart that the times we live in now are coming to an end in the near future. You are in my prayers and God bless you for the service you provide to those who have ears to hear. -David
Steve, I live in Ft Worth Tx. Cheaper Than Dirt & Military Gun Supply are both in town, last Friday they didn't even have 500 rounds of 7.62/39. At the gun show sat. & sun. Not even one box of 20 rounds! Not looking to good. Thanks for your efforts. -Jim
Steve, The article Ammunitions Disappearing is very true. I shoot at the local hand gun range regularly. I went to buy some 45cal. and 9mm ammo last Friday Sept. the 8th. and I ended up going to 2 different suppliers to get a couple of boxes. One supplier had a couple of boxes of 9mm and the other had a couple of boxes of 45's, but that was it. I asked when they were expecting a new shipment in and they both told me because the price of metal was continuing to rise they couldn't get good buys. They said they were waiting for the price to stabilize. At the time I thought this sounded odd but I let it go. After reading your posted article I think something major is about to happen. A lot of us may own personal hand guns, but with out ammunition they are useless. This would be a form of gun control without changing any laws. Just wanted to share a personal experience. Keep up the good work I enjoy your site very much and thanks for keeping us informed. Sincerely, -Gary
| America |

3 killed outside U.S. embassy in Syria (September 12, 2006) - Armed Islamic militants attempted to storm the U.S. Embassy in a brazen attack Tuesday, the government said. Four people were killed, including three of the assailants. There was no immediate claim of responsibility, but an al-Qaida offshoot group was suspected, Syria's ambassador to the United States said. No Americans were hurt in the attack, in which the militants used automatic rifles, hand grenades and at least one van rigged with explosives. The al-Qaida offshoot group, called Jund al-Sham, has been blamed for several attacks in Syria in recent years, the Syrian ambassador, Imad Moustapha, said in comments to CNN. more...
| Islam | America |

'You're Despicable!' (September 11, 2006) - On Wednesday, August 30, 2006, at an immigration conference chaired by Senator Wayne Allard in Denver, Colorado, a high profile pro-illegal alien advocate looked up at me with seething anger in her swollen eyes, “You’re despicable!” She ripped the sign out of my hands, “STOP THE INVASION: DEPORT ILLEGAL ALIENS.” She sobbed to the press about her illegal aliens being outlawed with Colorado’s new immigration laws, “This system is a tragedy, and people are suffering.” What caused her outburst of yelling and violence? While she and others for “Immigrant Rights” presented a news conference to counter Senator Allard’s, I took a lesson out of her playbook from my experiences on the 21st Century Paul Revere Ride this past summer. While my group toured 48 states, busting our rear ends for 20,000 miles on motorcycles (my butt still aches), we always presented a permit to speak, but illegal alien advocates shouted us down from Los Angeles to Boston. While this fine, upstanding woman with questionable allegiance to America, stood in front of five cameras talking a line of balderdash, I stepped in front of her stating, “In post 9/11, 21st century America, it is dangerous and irresponsible to allow millions of people into our country and we don’t know their identities. We don’t know their criminal backgrounds, their terrorist intent or the diseases they carry into our country. They’re overwhelming our schools, hospitals, prisons and language. Illegal aliens kill 25 Americans daily! We’re tired of being collateral damage in our own country. We’re sick of Americans like her advocating for anarchy against our laws.” more...
| America |

Tortured screams ring out as Iraqis take over Abu Ghraib (September 10, 2006) - The notorious Abu Ghraib prison in Baghdad is at the centre of fresh abuse allegations just a week after it was handed over to Iraqi authorities, with claims that inmates are being tortured by their new captors. Staff at the jail say the Iraqi authorities have moved dozens of terrorist suspects into Abu Ghraib from the controversial Interior Ministry detention centre in Jadriyah, where United States troops last year discovered 169 prisoners who had been tortured and starved. An independent witness who went into Abu Ghraib this week told The Sunday Telegraph that screams were coming from the cell blocks housing the terrorist suspects. Prisoners released from the jail this week spoke of routine torture of terrorism suspects and on Wednesday, 27 prisoners were hanged in the first mass execution since the overthrow of Saddam Hussein's regime. Conditions in the rest of the jail were grim, with an overwhelming stench of excrement, prisoners crammed into cells for all but 20 minutes a day, food rations cut to just rice and water and no air conditioning. Some of the small number of prisoners who remained in the jail after the Americans left said they had pleaded to go with their departing captors, rather than be left in the hands of Iraqi guards. "The Americans were better than the Iraqis. They treated us better," said Khalid Alaani, who was held on suspicion of involvement in Sunni terrorism. more...
| America |

I guess we weren't that bad in comparison.

DEBKAfile: Olmert’s belated discovery of a serious breach with Washington prompted him to disinter the Middle East roadmap (September 10, 2006) - The Israeli prime minister informed the cabinet Sunday Sept 10 that the time had come to reach for a “diplomatic horizon.” Offering to meet Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas “without pre-conditions,” he brought back to life the moribund Middle East road map. So what happened to his realignment plan which filled all the empty space on his campaign platform only six months ago? The answer lies in Washington, where he is in very hot water with the Bush administration. First, the White House was angered by the way Olmert, defense minister Amir Peretz and foreign minister Tzipi Livni mismanaged the Lebanon war and, in doing so, got in the way of America’s plans for Iran. This was followed by a further complaint: During his May visit to Washington, the Israeli prime minister presented the US president and the two Houses of Congress his realignment (aka convergence) plan for a partial withdrawal from the West Bank. He asked for American support and received it with an ovation. more...
| Israel | America |

Israel's primed for a peace covenant. It's coming soon, I believe, and they will bite. They'll get to rebuild the temple next to the dome of the rock, and soon after the beast will declare himself god there.

Iran President Urges West To Follow God's Path (September 7, 2006) - Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad urged the West to turn to God's path and said on Wednesday that failure to do so would tempt fate. Iran is embroiled in a nuclear stand-off with the West, which accuses Tehran of seeking to build atomic bombs, a charge Tehran dismisses. Ahmadinejad says Western powers use such accusations as a ploy to hold back Iran's development. "Those who do not respond to the invitation (to follow God's will), as we said, will have no good fate," said Ahmadinejad, who is a devout Shi'ite Muslim and only the second non-cleric to be president of the Islamic Republic. Ahmadinejad -- whose speeches are often peppered with religious and anti-Western remarks -- rebuffed accusations that Iranian policy constitutes a threat to the United States and again challenged President Bush to a live television debate. Washington has said the call for a debate is a diversion. more...
| Iran | America |

They're sure trying to get us to convert.

Al Qaeda No. 2 Releases Tape Inviting Americans to Convert to Islam (September 2, 2006) - Al Qaeda's deputy leader Ayman al-Zawahiri issued a new videotape Saturday along with a man identified as an American member of the terror network, inviting Americans to convert to Islam. The 41-minute video, posted on an Islamic militant Web site nine days before the fifth anniversary of the Sept. 11 terror attacks, had footage of al-Zawahri and a man the video identified as Adam Yehiye Gadahn, an American who the FBI believes attended Al Qaeda training camps in Pakistan and served as an Al Qaeda translator. Gadahn and al-Zawahiri did not appear together in the footage but were each featured on a split screen. Both wore white turbans and robes. It was the second time Gadahn has appeared in the same video with al-Zawahiri. In a July 7 video marking the one-year anniversary of bombings against the London transit system, Gadahn said no Muslim should "shed tears" for Westerners killed by Al Qaeda attacks. "To the American people and the people of the West in general ... God sent his Prophet Muhammad with guidance and the religion of truth ... and sent him as a herald," al-Zawahiri said in an introduction to Saturday's video. more...
| Islam |
America |

I've mentioned before how this is how Islam legitimizes their attacks against non-compliant nations. Get some of the real history behind Islam, read The Prophet.

The very real NAFTA superhighway (August 29, 2006) - I'm getting a little tired of know-nothing Washington officials acting like they know something. Or maybe it's a case of know-something politicians hiding something. Either way, it's not funny any more. But I'll report, you decide. There seems to be a concerted effort under way – from Washington to Salina, Kan. – to deny the very well-documented plans of the Bush administration and members of Congress to build a "NAFTA superhighway" from Mexico, through the U.S. heartland, into Canada. Simple reporting on this plan, as WND alone has done, using the government's own words and documents, continues to result in tongue-in-cheek ridicule from the political class. For instance, last week, Sen. Pat Roberts, R-Kan., was on one of his semi-annual pilgrimages to meet his constituents. One of his stops was a luncheon at the Salina Area Chamber of Commerce. The event was chronicled by the local birdcage liner, which dutifully reported everything the senator said without challenge. According to the story, Gary Swartzendruber, the Democratic candidate for Saline County commissioner, asked what sounds like a very good question. It is one increasingly being raised by concerned members of the community there – including Democratic congressional candidate Nancy Boyda – and, for that matter, by informed people across the United States. The question was basically this: What do you, the esteemed chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, who has just been lecturing us about the need to be vigilant against domestic terrorism here in the heartland, think about "discussions that are under way for a proposed NAFTA superhighway." Roberts scoffed. In fact, he tried to turn the legitimate question into a joke. In fact, what he did was turn himself into a joke. more...
NewWorldOrder | America |
-How NAFTA superhighway is built under radar screen

Life and Death (August 27, 2006) - Western guilt blinds us to the nature of Islamic extremism. The simple back-and-forth of war can create the illusion that both sides have a legitimate point to make even when this is not so, and it is clear that Hezbollah's cause has greatly benefited from war's "equalizing" effect. This Shiite militia seems to have known that merely fighting Israel would gain legitimacy for its cause. A cease-fire would make it a "partner" in peace. The Goliath Israeli military would make it a David whose passion proved the truth of its cause. But amid all the drama of this war there has been very little talk of exactly what Hezbollah's cause is. And, of course, it is not just Hezbollah's cause. There is Hamas, one more in a family of politicized terrorist groups spread across the Muslim world. Beyond these more conventional groups there is the free-floating and world-wide terrorism of groups like al Qaeda. In Europe, there are cells of self-invented middle-class terrorists living modern lives by day and plotting attacks on modernity by night. And around these cells there is often a nourishing atmosphere of fellow traveling. Then there are the radical nation-states in league with terrorism, Iran and Syria most prominent among them. From nations on the verge of nuclear weapons to isolated individuals--take the recent Seattle shootings--Islamic militancy grounded in hatred of Israel and America has become the Muslim world's most animating idea. Why? I don't believe it is because of the reasons usually cited--Israeli and American "outrages." No doubt Israel and America have made mistakes in the Middle East. Certainly, Israel was born at the price of considerable dislocation and suffering on the part of the Palestinians. And yes, there will never be a satisfying answer for this. Yet every Israeli land-for-peace gesture has been met with a return volley of suicide bombers and rockets. Palestinians have balked every time their longed-for nationhood has come within grasp. They have seemed to prefer the aggrieved dignity of their resentments to the challenges of nationhood. And Hezbollah launched the current war from territory Israel had relinquished six years earlier. more... 
| Islam | America | EU/UN |

Report from Invader-Infested Maywood, California (August 27, 2006) This story speaks for itself... - I was at the Maywood, California protest yesterday joining Save Our State and Minutemen protesting the fact that Maywood allows it to be a "sanctuary city". This was my experience...

Photo: Illegal alien supporters take down the American flag at a US post office and in its place, raise a Mexican flag in Maywood, CA.

I was dropped off by my ride while he parked and I saw all of the American flags and started walking towards them and suddenly there was a rush of thugs running towards me calling out "death to the minutemen". They stopped me in my tracks. They pushed me around and told me if I was to take one step further, they would beat the shit out of me.

I looked to the back of me and there were about 4 police officers leaning on their vehicle just watching, doing nothing! So, as I stepped forward, they stole my sign and ripped it up as another was throwing water on me. Meanwhile, I am still getting pushed around and threatened, so I again look back to see if the police are going to help. Nope!

So, I stood there with my hands on my hips with one hand on my pepper spray and I was ready to use it. Again, I might mention that there are 4 or 5 police officers behind me doing NOTHING to the fact that I am being threatened, pushed around and stolen from.

I was ready for whatever they were going to give me at that point. I was going to pepper spray all of them and I looked back one more time as I am being pushed around by men, a police officer finally waves me over. So, I went over and then they escorted me across the street to another group of officers who escorted me to our SOS group.

After being at the rally for a while, we noticed that the opposition was getting louder and they we watched as they took the American flag off of the flag pole and stepped on it on the ground at the United State Post Office and mounted a Mexican flag and up it went. At this point the police did nothing. Finally, they went over to take it down and they had bottles and rocks thrown at them. They did not attempt to arrest anyone. They were unable to take it down because they cut the wrong line so the flag remained there for the rest of the day.  I believe that all Americans need to know about this and need to see that Mexican flag hanging at an American post office. We are being invaded and the American people need to wake up! Another woman was beat up (while the police watched) and injured as well as an elderly man. They tend to pick on the weaker targets.
| America |

Experts warn U.S. is coming apart at the seams (August 26, 2006) - A pipeline shuts down in Alaska. Equipment failures disrupt air travel in Los Angeles. Electricity runs short at a spy agency in Maryland. None of these recent events resulted from a natural disaster or terrorist attack, but they may as well have, some homeland security experts say. They worry that too little attention is paid to how fast the country's basic operating systems are deteriorating. "When I see events like these, I become concerned that we've lost focus on the core operational functionality of the nation's infrastructure and are becoming a fragile nation, which is just as bad — if not worse — as being an insecure nation," said Christian Beckner, a Washington analyst who runs the respected Web site Homeland Security Watch ( The American Society of Civil Engineers last year graded the nation "D" for its overall infrastructure conditions, estimating that it would take $1.6 trillion over five years to fix the problem. "I thought [Hurricane] Katrina was a hell of a wake-up call, but people are missing the alarm," said Casey Dinges, the society's managing director of external affairs. more... 
| America |

The Top 10 Things Food Companies Don't Want You to Know (August 14, 2006) - The giant food corporations have one mission: selling more food and beverage products to consumers. Succeeding with that mission depends on keeping consumers in the dark on certain issues such as the presence cancer-causing chemicals found in popular food products. Here are ten things the food corporations, whose products dominate grocery store shelves across the United States and other countries, absolutely do not want you to know. (The list is more detailed in the news article. Click the title for more)

1. The ingredients listed on the label aren't the only things in the food.
2. Monosodium glutamate (MSG)
3. MSG is routinely hidden in foods in these ingredients
4. ADHD in children is caused almost entirely by the consumption of processed food ingredients such as artificial colors and refined carbohydrates.
5. The chemical sweetener aspartame, when exposed to warm temperatures for only a few hours, begins to break down into chemicals like formaldehyde and formic acid.
6. Most food dips (like guacamole dip) are made with hydrogenated oils, artificial colors and monosodium glutamate. Many guacamole dips don't even contain avocados.
7. Plastic food packaging is a potent health hazard.
8. Milk produced in the United States comes from cows injected with synthetic hormones that have been banned in every other advanced nation in the world.
9. Most grocery products that make loud health claims on their packaging are, in reality, nutritionally worthless (like meal replacement shakes, instant chocolate milk, etc.).
10. Food manufacturers actually "buy" shelf space and position at grocery stores.

Buchanan Declares: Third World Conquest of America (August 20, 2006) - “As Rome passed away, so, the West is passing away, from the same causes and in much the same way. What the Danube and Rhine were to Rome, the Rio Grande and Mediterranean are to America and Europe, the frontiers of a civilization no longer defended.” So begins a new work of warning from Pat Buchanan. And this time Buchanan goes all the way. STATE OF EMERGENCY: THIRD WORLD INVASION AND CONQUEST OF AMERICA streets this week and is designed to jolt readers with stats/analysis of illegal immigration gone dangerously wild. Buchanan warns: “The children born in 2006 will witness in their lifetimes the death of the West." One in every twelve people breaking into America has a criminal record. By 2050, there will be 100 million Hispanics concentrated in the U.S. Southwest. Between 10 and 20 percent of all Mexicans, Central Americans and Caribbean people have already moved to the United States. Every month, the U.S. Border Patrol apprehends more illegal aliens breaking into our country, 150,000, than the number of troops we have in Iraq. Buchanan slams the president: “Concerned about his legacy, George W. Bush may yet live to see his name entered into the history of his country as the president who lost the American Southwest that James K. Polk won for the United States." In EMERGENCY, Pat Buchanan charges the Mexican regime with an Aztlan Plot, a conscious campaign to use America as a dumping ground for its poor and unemployed, both to relieve social pressure and effect a cultural re-annexation of the American Southwest. La Reconquista, the reconquest of the lands lost by Mexico in the Mexican-American War, Buchanan charges, is underway. The Republican Party, a wholly owned subsidiary of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, is in the grip of a cult called “Economism.” It is all about money now. The GOP worships at the “Church of GDP” Both parties are paralyzed by guilt over American past racial sins. Powerful Mexican and U.S. elites seek to erase America’s borders and merge the United States and Mexico into a “North American Union.” more... 
NewWorldOrder | America |

US facing wave of murders and gun violence (August 20, 2006) - Analicia Perry was kneeling to light a candle at a makeshift shrine to her brother when she was shot in the face and killed -- four years to the day after her brother was gunned down on the same spot. The slaying of the 20-year-old mother -- on a narrow street behind a police station in Boston's poor Roxbury district last month -- is one of the shocking examples of a rise in the murder rate across the United States that is raising questions about whether police are fighting terrorism at the expense of crime. In a shift from trends of the past decade, violent crime is on the rise, fueling criticism of Bush administration policies as a wave of murders and shootings hits smaller cities and states with little experience with serious urban violence. From Kansas City, Missouri, to Indianapolis, Indiana, places that rarely attract notice on annual FBI crime surveys are seeing significant increases in murder. Boston, once a model city in America's battle against gun violence, is poised to eclipse last year's homicide tally, which was the worst in a decade. Explanations vary -- from softer gun laws to budget cuts, fewer police on the beat, more people in poverty and simple complacency. But many blame a national preoccupation with potential threats from abroad. more... 
| America |

I have an answer, but it's not my own. It's from the Bible. Another one of the signs of the end times is that the love of many would wax cold. Matthew 24:12-14 This is evidenced by a selfish culture worried only about personal happiness and a cold heart which is willing to take from others because they can. I have a suspicion that much of this is the result of evolution being taught in our schools. Young children are brainwashed from a young age to believe that we evolved from a rock millions of years ago when rain running over the rocks began the cycle of life which led to single-celled organisms and This idea removes a divine Creator from the mix, placing our existence to chance. This would also mean when we die, it's over. Why not be selfish now? What have you got to lose? If it's all over when we die, why not live it up now? All these self-centered thoughts derive from the removal of a Creator with a moral design to follow. That design is the only thing that brings peace, whether we want to accept it or not.

Turkey Set to Buy 50 SLAM-ER Missiles From U.S. (August 10, 2006) - Turkey is to buy 50 SLAM-ER missiles (Standoff Land Attack Missiles-Expanded Response) for $139 million from the U.S. through the Foreign Military Sale (FMS) program, Defense Minister Vecdi Gonul said on Wednesday. Gonul, responding to a question from Justice and Development (AK) Party Deputy Turhan Comez, confirmed that the U.S. Defense Security Cooperation Agency has asked for Congress' approval to sell Turkey the missiles. Gonul indicated that Turkey and the U.S. have reached agreement on the sale of the missiles, adding that talks are yet to be concluded on the conditions of payment. The minister underlined that these missiles will be of great strategic advantage to the country. SLAM-ER missiles are a highly adaptable day/night, all-weather, over-the-horizon precision strike missile. They are capable of hitting stationary or moving targets on land or at sea and are recognized by the U.S. Navy as the most accurate weapon in its inventory.
| America | Islam |

Is The Way Congress Votes Moral Or Even Legal? (October 1, 2002) - When you go to the ballot box to elect individuals to the U.S. Congress, is one of your expectations that they read the legislation that comes before them? Bills that may very well pass both the house and senate, then are signed by the President and made into law affect you, your family and the future of this nation. Here's a news flash for you. Members of Congress do not read the bills that become law - at least not on a regular basis and not on some of the most draconian, oppressive laws ever to be imposed against the people of this free Republic. Back in 1994, a lame duck Congress voted on the hideous "free" trade treaty, GATT, whereby the united States of America totally and completely abrogated it's sovereignty to a foreign body - the WTO. At the time of the vote, counterfeit U.S. Senator Bob Dole said, "Any way you cut it, we're the big beneficiary." Counterfeit U.S. Senator Ernest Hollings had just the opposite prediction, "...described the vote as 'the gravest mistake the U.S. has ever made on economic policy.'" Hollings' statement turned out to be right. Our nation has been plundered as a result of GATT and We, the People, our businesses, our commerce, and our livelihoods, have been under attack ever since, losing virtually every single challenge made by some foreign country. On September 26, 2002, counterfeit U.S. Senator Max Baucus said he was deeply troubled by the WTO dispute settlement process and "Things are looking more and more... like a kangaroo court against U.S. trade laws." Funny thing about Baucus' stand on trade. He's a "free" trader. On his web site it states, "I've also been a leader in the successful efforts to open Chinese markets to U.S. products and to bring China into the World Trade Organization." Lie down with dogs, get up with fleas. Do business with our mortal enemy, the Communist Chinese? Remember, in October 2001, a video came out officially sanctioned by the Communist Chinese government which glorified the attacks on America last September 11, 2001, with the moderator chiming that we got what we deserved. That's a fact. The vote on GATT was 76-24. Guess how many members of the entire Congress read GATT? One! Former counterfeit Senator Hank Brown (R-CO). He's the only one who read this 28,000 page treaty and declared that in no way would he vote for it. During the hearings on this monster, French financier Sir James Goldsmith testified in front of Earnest Hollings' committee. He demonstrated that GATT would gut the American textile market. more...
NewWorldOrder | America |

I don't know what to say but yikes! I know this goes on, but I was hoping not on this scale. Don't expect America to stay America for long at this rate, especially with how many groups are actively working for our fall.

Experts: London plot not Osama's encore (August 15, 2006) - Homeland security officials doubt the terror plot to blow up U.S.-bound planes over the Atlantic was Osama bin Laden's encore to 9-11. The White House has described the foiled plot as "a second September 11." But officials say bin Laden is preparing a larger strike on U.S. soil targeting major U.S. cities. They cite the terror kingpin's message in January in which he warned Americans that sleeper cells were preparing a major new attack "on your own ground." "Operations are under preparation, and you will see them on your own ground once they are finished, Allah willing," bin Laden said in Arabic. Some translations have him saying "in the heart of your land" or "in your houses." The London plot, which may have rivaled 9-11 casualties, still did not involve ground targets. "While impressive in scale, the damage on the ground would have been limited if anything," a U.S. official said. "It's not the spectacular attack he (bin Laden) is looking for to do maximum damage to our economy." Terror experts agree. more...
| America

Iran Says US Or Israeli Attack Will Face "Raging Sea" (August 8, 2006) - Any U.S. or Israeli attack against Iran will be returned by a force 100 times stronger, the head of the Revolutionary Guards said on Monday, as pressure mounts on Tehran's atomic work and its support for Hizbollah. "There is no doubt that if these criminals attempt any operation or vicious assault, they will receive blows 100 times harder," said Yahya Rahim-Safavi, commander-in-chief of the Revolutionary Guards. "They will not last against the raging sea of the Iranian people and the power of Islamic Iran," he was quoted as saying by the official IRNA news agency. The U.N. Security Council has demanded Iran end its atomic work by the end of this month after Tehran failed to convince the international community its atomic scientists were only working on power stations and not on bombs. Washington has declined to rule out military strikes as a solution to the nuclear dispute. more... 
| Iran | Gog/Magog | Israel | Islam | America |

What options are there? They've said they're going to work on nukes regardless and if anyone tries to stop them, they will face a "raging sea." With Iran openly calling for the destruction of Israel, how long do you think Israel can afford to hold off that threat, not to mention the rest of the world? I have no doubt that Iran would attack, that's what Gog/Magog is all about. We could be very close to Ezekiel 38,39. Keep watching!

9/11 Live: The NORAD Tapes (August 7, 2006) - How did the U.S. Air Force respond on 9/11? Could it have shot down United 93, as conspiracy theorists claim? Obtaining 30 hours of never-before-released tapes from the control room of NORAD's Northeast headquarters, the author reconstructs the chaotic military history of that day—and the Pentagon's apparent attempt to cover it up. exclusive: Hear excerpts from the September 11 NORAD tapes. Click PLAY after each transcript to listen Tucked in a piney notch in the gentle folds of the Adirondacks' southern skirts—just up from a derelict Mohawk, Adirondack & Northern rail spur—is a 22-year-old aluminum bunker tricked out with antennae tilted skyward. It could pass for the Jetsons' garage or, in the estimation of one of the higher-ranking U.S. Air Force officers stationed there, a big, sideways, half-buried beer keg. more...
| America |

Want to hear exactly what the military was doing on 9/11? Here's your chance. Conspiracies abound, hear their own words and their own surprise and dismay over what went down. Was it planned by more than Islamic martyrs? There may be some evidence that points to it, but we may never know for sure.

Iran Declares Its Nuclear Bad Intentions (August 7, 2006) - At what point do Americans and the rest of the world begin to take Iran’s leader, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, seriously? He is making no secret of his plans to acquire and use nuclear weapons against Israel, England and America. As any student in Psychology 101 learns, there is something called “projection” in which an individual “projects” onto another person their own intentions, motivations, and justifications. If I say you are planning to harm me, there’s a strong chance the truth is that I am planning to harm you. On August 1, he was addressing a rally that was carried on the Iranian News Channel (IRINN) and his speech was translated by the Middle East Media Research Center for anyone to read. Ahmadinejad was denouncing Israel’s efforts to defend itself against the rain of Iranian-supplied rockets and missiles, and of course, it was their own fault they were under attack. The crowd was chanting “Death to Israel.”  He proceeded to give his own history lesson to the crowd, but since he does not believe the Holocaust ever happened along with some other extraordinarily paranoid notions, his version is a bit skewed. “They are a bunch of Zionists. Where have they come from? As you know, the rule of hegemony and the web of colonialism strived to establish a base in the heart of the Middle East.” “A hundred years ago, they began to devise conspiracies on the basis of a diabolical plan. Bit by bit they (Jews) arrived (in what was then the British protectorate of Palestine) and backed by the devious, deceiving England, they sneaked people in, and placed them in control over the people of Palestine.”  The real history could fill a book, but suffice it to say that a very small group of European Jews, despairing of ever being accepted in their home countries, rife with anti-Semitism, concluded that Jews should immigrate to Palestine with a view to reestablishing the nation of Israel. The idea began with the publication, in 1896, of Theodor Hertzl’s “The Jewish State.” more...
| Iran | Gog/Magog | Israel | Islam | America |

Major Alaskan Oil Field Shutting Down (August 7, 2006) - In a sudden blow to the nation's oil supply, half the production on Alaska's North Slope was being shut down Sunday after BP Exploration Alaska, Inc. discovered severe corrosion in a Prudhoe Bay oil transit line. BP officials said they didn't know how long the Prudhoe Bay field would be off line. "I don't even know how long it's going to take to shut it down," said Tom Williams, BP's senior tax and royalty counsel. Once the field is shut down, in a process expected to take days, BP said oil production will be reduced by 400,000 barrels a day. That's close to 8 percent of U.S. oil production as of May 2006 or about 2.6 percent of U.S. supply including imports, according to data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration. The shutdown comes at an already worrisome time for the oil industry, with supply concerns stemming both from the hurricane season and instability in the Middle East. more...
| America |

I've heard we can expect some more expensive gas. Well they clearly need the money... *sarcasm*

Iran Threatens To Use 'Oil Weapon' In Nuclear Standoff (August 7, 2006) - Iran warned Britain and the US yesterday that the international community could face a new oil crisis if the United Nations security council imposes sanctions on Tehran over its alleged attempt to acquire a nuclear weapons-making capability. Speaking in Tehran, Ali Larijani, the country's chief nuclear negotiator and head of the supreme national security council, said Iran would be reluctant to cut its oil exports. "We do not want to use the oil weapon. It is them who would impose it upon us." But Mr Larijani added that if the west did decide on sanctions, "we will react in a way that would be painful for them ... Do not force us to do something that will make people shiver in the cold." more...
| Iran | America |

I believe they would, and probably will. They're getting pretty cocky and for good reason. Much of the weak West just gives them whatever they demand. Read through the news and you'll see stories of Christians being shut up for speaking up about the clear dangers of this religion of hate that's spreading across the globe. How can I say that? I don't have to, listen to them. Read their own Koran. There's a reason they hate Jews, and it's not because of the lie that the Jews stole their land. The evidence is in history and the proof is in the documents that created Israel. I've seen a picture of Jerusalem before Israel was there. It was desolate except for a small number of residents. Now as soon as Israel was back in the land, they started making a big stink because according to their religion, once Islam takes a land, no other group can have it. Their goal is world domination and conversion to Islam or death. I'm afraid most people will wake up to this reality when the blade is at their neck. Until then, just giving them what they want will only lead to our downfall, of course that's Bible prophecy too. Time to make a choice.

One Dead, Five Wounded At Seattle Jewish Federation (July 28, 2006) - A gunman who claimed to be a Muslim angry at Israel killed one woman and wounded five others Friday afternoon at the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle, and police arrested the man they believe was the shooter. The gunman forced his way through the security door at the federation after an employee had punched in her security code, Marla Meislin-Dietrich, a database coordinator for the center, told The Associated Press. "He said `I am a Muslim American, angry at Israel,' before opening fire on everyone," Meislin-Dietrich said. "He was randomly shooting at everyone." Asked if the suspect was a Muslim, Seattle Police Chief Gil Kerlikowske responded "you could infer that that was his background." Kerlikowske gave no further details about the man except to say that he was between 30 and 40. One woman died at the scene and five others were under treatment at Harborview Medical Center, Kerlikowske said. When the shots rang out around 4 p.m. Friday, employees fled the center in terror as nearby police officers charged to the scene and blocked off several downtown blocks. more...
| Islam |
America |

This isn't an isolated incident. As you may have read in my previous reports, Islamic training camps have been found in America. School buses riddled with bullets. A Detroit investigative reporter, Debbie Schlussel,  has plenty to say about the illusion of a religion of peace. If they're going to the mosques she's been visiting undercover, then they're being taught all the hatred we're seeing the fruits of in the Middle East. Brings to mind the fourth horseman, the pale (chloros=green) horse. He's given power over 1/4 of the earth to kill with sword. The believers in Islam comprise over 1/4 of the earth's population, and since it's a religion, it crosses borders easily.

NEA keeps tilting to the left (July 26, 2006) - Parents who wonder why the public schools teach so many things parents don't approve of need look no further than the official policies of the nation's largest teachers union, the National Education Association. Meeting in Orlando, Fla., this year in annual convention over the Fourth of July weekend, the NEA adopted a long series of left-liberal resolutions. Word leaked out several weeks ahead of time that the convention was ready to take the plunge and endorse same-sex marriage. That would be no surprise, because the NEA usually passes at least a dozen resolutions promoting the gay rights agenda. Apparently, the advance negative publicity had a salutary effect and, although already circulated, the same-sex resolution did not come to the floor for action. A compromise resolution, however, was easily adopted as part of resolution B-10 on Racism, Sexism, Sexual Orientation, and Gender Identification Discrimination. It reads as follows: "The Association also believes that these factors should not affect the legal rights and obligations of the partners in a legally recognized domestic partnership, civil union, or marriage in regard to matters involving the other partner, such as medical decisions, taxes, inheritance, adoption, and immigration." "Factors" refers to "race, gender, sexual orientation, gender identification, disability, ethnicity, immigration status, occupation, and religion." more...
| America |

Our education system is a mess. I think it's time to go to home schooling. I believe it would help keep families together better when God is involved too.

Muslims attack Jew at U.S. Islamic rally (July 25, 2006) - A Jewish activist was physically assaulted and his life was threatened during a planned "peaceful" rally held by the Muslim American Society in Boston, he told WorldNetDaily today. "I have never been physically attacked before. I've had slurs thrown at me, got into heated debates, but what was amazing was that I was actually physically attacked," Seva Brodsky said. "Since they were the majority, and felt invincible, they threatened to kill me!" Brodsky, who recently returned from nearly six months in Israel, captured some of the confrontation on video, available at the weblog more... | Israel | Islam | America | Note the story today (28th) in Seattle, where 5 are injured and one killed in a Jewish center by a Muslim mad at Israel.
Pro-Homosexual Push Commonplace in Schools Coast to Coast (July 24, 2006) - "I don't think we're in Kansas anymore, Toto!" was Dorothy's famous line in The Wizard of Oz. It has become a classic, meant to convey the bewilderment of a person who suddenly realizes he's in a strange world and wonders how he got there. For many parents in Massachusetts, California, and elsewhere in the U.S., the truth is beginning to dawn on them: They aren't living in Kansas anymore. Public education is being used to brainwash thousands of children -- even as young as kindergarten -- into believing that homosexuality is simply a normal and healthy variation of human sexuality. To be sure, when it comes to the issue of homosexuality, Massachusetts and California have been East Coast-West Coast thoroughbreds that seem to be racing each other for the honor of wackiest state in the country. more...
| America |

Apparently, we're going crazy too. Just what we need, the further degradation of our society. What is the point of filling children's head with sexual information? The dark side is that it brings them easier into a sexual lifestyle that destroys the soul. It's all part of Satan's plan to reach 'em young and pollute their innocent minds. Whether through child rapists, or teaching polluted ideas, he will try his hardest, and it seems to be working like a charm. Most people don't have a clue about how detrimental our sexual society really is.

Are You Ready for Your North American Union ID Card? (July 20, 2006) - Human Events Online has been leading the coverage of the so-called “Security and Prosperity Partnership,” a unilateral program implemented by the Bush Administration designed to set the course for a North American Union that would subsume our national sovereignty. A de facto treaty signed by the leaders of Canada, Mexico, and the U.S., the agreement was never submitted to the Senate for ratification. Now it can be revealed that plans for the North American Union include a tri-national “North American Union” ID card. Recent testimony to Congress by a Homeland Security official reinforces the point. At a June 8 hearing before an immigration subcommittee, DHS counselor and acting assistant secretary Paul Rosenzweig touted something called the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative (WHTI). In doing so, he cited the SPP and bragged that under the SPP, “Cabinet Secretaries and Ministers convened trilateral working groups to develop concrete work plans and specific timetables for securing North America and ensuring legitimate travelers and cargo efficiently cross our shared borders.” more... 
NewWorldOrder | America
Media Cover-Up Blocks Major News Story of 2006 (July 19, 2006) - On July 5, 2006 the following exchange took place between U.S. Representative William Bilbray and William Kolender, Sheriff of San Diego County. This is an 11-second transcript of that hearing including the time markers.:

2:55:56 - Rep. Bilbray: "Do you want to break the news about three law enforcement officers concerning an incident that took place about two miles from this location in the last couple of weeks?
2:56:02 Sheriff Kolender: "They were killed."
2:56:04 Rep. Bilbray: "They were not only killed, they were decapitated (Beheaded) weren't they?
2:56:07 Sheriff Kolender: "Yes!"

Within this same time period, Private Tucker a Marine from Madras, Oregon is tortured and beheaded in Iraq. He received International press and was laid to rest in Central Oregon. In the meantime the main stream media failed to report the beheading of three law enforcement officers. Where is the outrage by the Senators Boxer, Reid, McCain, Feingold, and Kennedy. Why the silence? Why the cover-up? To make matters worse the video recording of the hearing was buried by CSPAN. No press, and the President said nothing. It is easier to secure a video of Private Tuckers ordeal than find the video regarding the beheading of deputies in San Diego county. Fortunately the clip can be viewed at
| Islam | America |

Think American's are safe from Islamo-fascism? Think again! It's Bible prophecy that 1/4 will kill with the sword, the pale (green) horse of Revelation.

Confirmed: Hezbollah Terror Operatives, "Sleeper Cells" Poised in the U.S. (July 18, 2006) - Operatives of the Lebanese Islamic terrorist organization Hezbollah, the same group presently firing missiles into Israel and labeled as one of the most dangerous Islamic terrorist group in the world, are believed "to be planning to activate sleeper cells located in New York and other larger cities inside the U.S." to stage attacks Americans. "The FBI and Justice Department have launched urgent new probes in New York and other cities targeting members of the Lebanese terror group." Law-enforcement and intelligence officials stated that "about a dozen hard-core supporters of Hezbollah have been identified in recent weeks as operating in the New York City area (alone)." The above appeared in an article published in The New York Post on May 22, 2006. Not surprisingly, that very same information was verified through several sources within law enforcement agencies and agents contacted by the Northeast Intelligence Network this weekend. One federal law enforcement official, speaking on the condition of anonymity, stated, "We are very concerned about sleeper-cell activation due to the current ‘effervescent’ situation between Hezbollah in Lebanon and Israel." The same source confirmed that there is "active surveillance of known surveillance operatives" in New York, and added that surveillance is also being conducted by agents in other U.S. cities. The U.S. designated Hezbollah as a foreign terrorist organization in 1997 and listed it as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist (SDGT) in 2001. Three members of Hezbollah: Imad Mughniyeh, Hasan Izz-al-Din, and Ali Atwa, are on the FBI's "Most Wanted Terrorists" list for their role in the 1985 hijacking of TWA Flight 847 during which a U.S. Navy diver was brutally murdered. more...
| Islam | America |

Given their hatred for non-Muslims, I wouldn't be surprised if there are lots of sleeper cells in the US, probably a lot more than we imagine. I know I've never seen so many women in Muslim garb where I live before. Where there are women, there must be men that believe the same things that would cause the women to cover their whole bodies as they do. When their god tells them to do something, do you think they will? If they really believe they will. They're brainwashed from childhood to desire death for reward. Anyone with half an understanding of how easily children can be manipulated should understand the power of this religion to cause it's followers to do things we can't even imagine.

Iran's Hizbollah Says Ready To Attack US, Israel (July 17, 2006) -  Iran's Hizbollah, which claims links to the Lebanese group of the same name, said on Tuesday it stood ready to attack Israeli and U.S. interests worldwide. "We have 2,000 volunteers who have registered since last year," said Iranian Hizbollah's spokesman Mojtaba Bigdeli, speaking by telephone from the central seminary city of Qom. "They have been trained and they can become fully armed. We are ready to dispatch them to every corner of the world to jeopardise Israel and America's interests. We are only waiting for the Supreme Leader's green light to take action. If America wants to ignite World War Three ... we welcome it," he said. Iranian religious organisations have made great public show of recruiting volunteers for "martyrdom-seeking operations" in recent years, usually threatening U.S. interests in case of any attack against the Islamic Republic's nuclear programme. But there is no record of an Iranian volunteer from these recruitment campaigns taking part in an attack. more...
| Iran | IsraelIslam | America |

Gingrich: We Need to Recognize That America is in World War III (July 16, 2006) - Former U.S. House Speaker Newt Gingrich says America is in World War III and President Bush should say so. In an interview in Bellevue this morning Gingrich said Bush should call a joint session of Congress the first week of September and talk about global military conflicts in much starker terms than have been heard from the president. "We need to have the militancy that says 'We're not going to lose a city,' " Gingrich said. He talks about the need to recognize World War III as important for military strategy and political strategy. Gingrich said he is "very worried" about Republican's facing fall elections and says the party must have the "nerve" to nationalize the elections and make the 2006 campaigns about a liberal Democratic agenda rather than about President Bush's record. Gingrich says that as of now Republicans "are sailing into the wind" in congressional campaigns. He said that's in part because of the Iraq war, adding, "Iraq is hard and painful and we do not explain it very well." But some of it is due to Republicans' congressional agenda. He said House and Senate Republicans "forgot the core principle" of the party and embraced Congressional pork. "Some of the guys," he said, have come down with a case of "incumbentitis." Gingrich said in the coming days he plans to speak out publicly, and to the Administration, about the need to recognize that America is in World War III. He lists wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, this week's bomb attacks in India, North Korean nuclear threats, terrorist arrests and investigations in Florida, Canada and Britain, and violence in Israel and Lebanon as evidence of World War III. He said Bush needs to deliver a speech to Congress and "connect all the dots" for Americans. He said the reluctance to put those pieces together and see one global conflict is hurting America's interests. He said people, including some in the Bush Administration, who urge a restrained response from Israel are wrong "because they haven't crossed the bridge of realizing this is a war." "This is World War III," Gingrich said. And once that's accepted, he said calls for restraint would fall away: more...
| America
| Islam |

We'd better recognize it and stop throwing our money away. I honestly think it's too late and not part of prophecy anyways. According to scripture, the beast will overcome the saints during his time.

US 'could be going bankrupt' (July 14, 2006) - The United States is heading for bankruptcy, according to an extraordinary paper published by one of the key members of the country's central bank. A ballooning budget deficit and a pensions and welfare time bomb could send the economic superpower into insolvency, according to research by Professor Laurence Kotlikoff for the Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis, a leading constituent of the US Federal Reserve. Prof Kotlikoff said that, by some measures, the US is already bankrupt. "To paraphrase the Oxford English Dictionary, is the United States at the end of its resources, exhausted, stripped bare, destitute, bereft, wanting in property, or wrecked in consequence of failure to pay its creditors," he asked. According to his central analysis, "the US government is, indeed, bankrupt, insofar as it will be unable to pay its creditors, who, in this context, are current and future generations to whom it has explicitly or implicitly promised future net payments of various kinds''. more...
| America
U.S. Blames Syria, Iran For Kidnappings (July 12, 2006) - The United States blamed Syria and Iran on Wednesday for the kidnapping of two Israeli soldiers by Hezbollah militants and an eruption of violence along the southern border of Lebanon. The White House called for the immediate and unconditional release of the two soldiers. "We condemn in the strongest terms Hezbollah's unprovoked attack on Israel and the kidnapping of the two Israeli soldiers," National Security Council spokesman Frederick Jones said as President Bush flew here for a visit. He said Hezbollah had also launched unprovoked rocket attacks on civilian targets in Israel as part of its offensive.
| Iran | Gog/Magog | Israel | Islam
 | America
U.S.-Mexico merger opposition intensifies (July 9, 2006) - Are secret meetings being held between the corporate and political elites of the U.S., Mexico and Canada to push North America into a European Union-style merger? Is President Bush's reluctance to control the border and enforce laws requiring deportation of foreigners who enter the country illegally part of a master plan to all but eliminate borders between the U.S., Canada and Mexico? Does the agenda of the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America include a common currency that would scrap the dollar in favor of what some are calling the "amero"? It may be the biggest story of the 21st century, but few press outlets are telling it. In fact, until very recently, few in the U.S. were aware of the plans and even fewer denouncing what appears to be the implementation of an effort some have characterized as "NAFTA on steroids." But opposition is mounting. more... 
NewWorldOrder | America |

The One World Order: By Conquest or Consent? Part 1 (June 1, 2006) - A world government is a world without borders, national sovereignty, constitutions, privacy, autonomy, individual liberties, religious freedoms, private property, the right to bear arms, the rights of marriage and family and a dramatic population reduction (two thirds). A world government establishes a slave/master environment wherein the state controls everything. Unfortunately, in the United States, the Establishment’s goal of a One World Order is reaching fruition through complacent consent and subversive conquest. America, a Constitutional Republic, is plunging into the satanic One World Order facilitated by the calculated placement of unscrupulous individuals deeply dedicated to the goals of the secret societies they belong to. America, formerly the home of the brave and the free, is currently the home of the people who merely think they are free. None are more enslaved and manipulated than those who mistakenly view themselves as free, therefore rendering them exceptionally vulnerable. more...
NewWorldOrder | America
The One World Order: Secrets of Their Success Part 2 (June 17, 2006) - The function of the Rhodes-Milner Group, now referred to as The Rhodes Trust,[1] is to identify and give scholarships to potential leaders to study at Oxford University. They are introduced to certain concepts/values to implement within their own countries. Names of just a few of these scholars/leaders appear on the following brief list: CFR denotes Council on Foreign Relations member, TC is Trilateral Commission, another One World Order proponent: [list of names in source article] The Bilderberg Group, another very secret society, was under the chairmanship of H. R. H. Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, who served in that position for twenty-two years beginning in 1954. Creation of the group was not Bernhard’s brainchild but that of politically connected Dr Joseph H. Retinger.[4] After decades of covert conniving, it was most likely the first formally scheduled meeting of the banking elite and other prominent individuals. The group’s purpose: coordination of American and European foreign policy towards establishing a One World Order. more... }
NewWorldOrder | America
The One World Order: It's Their Party Part 3 (June 25, 2006) - The super secretive Order of Skull and Bones (hereafter called The Order) is non partisan – it is not right or left, conservative or liberal, Republican or Democrat. Of the secret groups, The Order and the Bilderberg Group are the most secretive. The Order may, in fact, be the core of the others. Each group appears to have specific activities toward the development of the One World Order. “The activities of The Order are directed towards changing our society, changing the world, to bring about a One World Order. This will be a planned order with heavily restricted individual freedom, without Constitutional protection, without national boundaries or cultural distinction.”[1] Therefore, The Order controls Republican Bonesmen and Democrat Bonesmen. The Order’s methodology is a strict adherence to Hegelian Dialectics. Apply those dialectics to the two political parties. Essentially, political parties are artificial groupings designed to create division. A contrived choice between two bad options, without recognizing alternative better options, creates the perception of freedom. Supposedly opposing ideologies generates deliberate distraction and polarizations (as in divide and conquer). The very public, distracting, lengthy, increasingly hostile battle between the Republicans, posing as thesis, and the Democrats posing as antithesis is nothing but orchestrated opposition. Elections, staged for the masses, are completely irrelevant political soap operas. Domestic and foreign policies remain precisely the same despite which puppet president is in office. more...
NewWorldOrder | America
End As We Know It   Herb Peters: (July 3, 2006) - Ever since we heard the proposed 2010 completion date, we here at FP have watching with interest the North American Union (NAU). The goal of the NAU is to eliminate trade barriers between Mexico, the United States and Canada. In other words, the NAU seeks to establish a free trade zone over the entire North American Continent. Well, it looks like we here at FP have gained a interested party. It turns out CNN's Lou Dobbs has also been taking notice of the NAU. But, for Dobbs it's for a different reason. Anyone watching American TV know Dobbs primary concern. His issue is the need, as he sees it, for securing American's borders. And, many times over Dobbs has expressed his frustration over the Bush Administration's apparent reluctance to take action. Now, Dobbs thinks he finally knows the reason -- the NAU. Dobbs believes Washington isn't doing anything to seal America's borders because it has a broader agenda -- an agenda Dobbs believes "will end the United States as we know it" See video here.  more...
| EU/UN |
 NewWorldOrder | America
Peretz: Syria Responsible For Shalit (July 2, 2006) - Defense Minister Amir Peretz spoke on Saturday evening with US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and asked her to send an "aggressive" message to Syrian President Bashar Assad. Peretz said that he saw Syria as responsible for the kidnapping of IDF Cpl. Gilad Shalit last Sunday, and therefore Assad had a responsibility to secure Shalit's release, Army Radio reported. Although the US was calling on Syria to stop all support to Hamas and to close the organization offices in Damascus, diplomatic sources said there was no sign of American pressure on Syria to act on this issue. The administration was not considering further sanctions on Syria and was focusing its pressure on other issues, including the Hariri assassination investigation and the Syrian role in assisting the insurgency in Iraq. more...
| Israel | Islam
| America

The U.N. Plan For Global Migration Part 1 | Part 2 - "The implications for state sovereignty are also complex.... All states should establish coherent national migration policies that are ... consistent with international treaty law."[1] Global Commission on International Migration
"Why, oh why, is Bush so stubbornly rejecting the advice of his supporters even though that advice is consistent with the thunderous message from public opinion surveys?"[2] Phyllis Schlafly
A borderless world! Social solidarity! Economic equality! Housing and health for all! The feel-good togetherness of serving the greater whole.... The list of utopian promises stretches the imagination. How can this dream be fulfilled? What will it cost? Why is migration vital to this process? How free is our president to block this transformational plan? The dream of a New World Order was born long before socialist visionaries (including Franklin Roosevelt and the leaders of the Federal Council of Churches) enthroned Communist Alger Hiss as the first head of the United Nations.[3] [See The Revolutionary Roots of the UN] Hiss was the primary author of The UN Charter, which summarized its vision in noble terms that few could criticize. more...
NewWorldOrder | America

Central Bankers Warned on Rising Inflation (June 26, 2006) - Central banks will have to move faster to raise interest rates because global inflationary pressures are rising and the economy remains vulnerable to a "bang" of market turbulence, the Bank for International Settlements warned on Monday. Raising the spectre of stagflation - the twin perils of slow economic growth alongside higher inflation - the central bankers' bank highlighted the threats that now exist after global interest rates have been "unusually low for an unusually long time". Malcolm Knight, BIS general manager, said: "It would be imprudent to count on the happy combination of strong growth and low inflation lasting indefinitely. At some point, central banks may well have to act more forcefully on policy rates than they have needed to do in the past few years". Its annual report warned the coming year would not be easy for central banks, which would need to act tough to stamp out inflationary pressures but not go too far lest they risk a recession. more... 
America |

I believe the world as we know it is about to change forever. It's a slow build-up, but like birth pangs, the closer we get to the end, the more severe and frequent the "pangs" will be. With all the natural disasters, wars, population increase, and all the other little things that drain finances, I believe we can expect another depression that is probably more severe because the attitude of the world population is not as civil as it was in the 20s and 30s.

Talks With US 'of No Use to Iran' (June 27, 2006) - Iran's supreme leader has said talking to the US about his country's nuclear activities would hold no benefits, according to Iranian state television. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said Iran was ready to ease concerns over its uranium enrichment but would not suspend it. "Negotiations with the United States are of no use for us. We have no use for such negotiations." he said. Washington has said it will join EU states in talks with Iran if Tehran agrees to halt uranium enrichment. "We will not negotiate with anyone over the undeniable right of nuclear technology and using it," said Ayatollah Khamenei. "If they recognize this right, we are ready to negotiate over supervision controls," he added. The suspension of uranium enrichment is the key demand in a proposal aimed at resolving the nuclear row, backed by six world powers. The UN has offered Iran a package of incentives, but Iran has so far not responded. Last week Iran's president said a reply would come on 22 August. The US believes Iran is trying to make nuclear weapons, but Tehran says it is enriching uranium for energy purposes, as it is entitled to under the terms of the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, to which it is a signatory.
| Iran | America |

Mexican trucks to enter U.S. freely? (June 27, 2006) - A U.S. government agency has begun a new audit to determine if the Bush administration has resolved inspection issues that would allow Mexican trucks to enter the U.S. freely. David Barnes, a spokesman for the Office of Inspector General within the U.S. Department of Transportation confirmed to WND a new audit was begun in March 2006 on action by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. Barnes said he could not speculate on the outcome of the new study or on whether FMCSA had made any progress working out on-site safety inspection requirements with Mexico. Despite repeated calls, WND received no comment from the office of Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta. The issue draws heightened significance in light of the North American Free Trade Agreement super-highway plans being developed by the Trans-Texas Corridor project. Next month, the Texas Department of Transportation plans to hold the final public hearings on the plan to build a super-highway up to four football fields wide, paralleling I-35, from the border with Mexico at Laredo, Texas, north to the Texas-Oklahoma border. The Texas DOT expects to have final federal approval by the summer of 2007, with construction of the first super-highway segment to begin shortly thereafter. more...
NewWorldOrder | America |

Peter King: Prosecute New York Times (June 26, 2006) - The chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee urged the Bush administration Sunday to seek criminal charges against The New York Times for reporting on a secret financial-monitoring program used to trace terrorists. Rep. Peter King blasted the newspaper's decision last week to report that the Treasury Department was working with the CIA to examine messages within a massive international database of money-transfer records. "I am asking the Attorney General to begin an investigation and prosecution of The New York Times _ the reporters, the editors and the publisher," said Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y. "We're at war, and for the Times to release information about secret operations and methods is treasonous." The conservative lawmaker called the paper "pompous, arrogant, and more concerned about a left-wing elitist agenda than it is about the security of the American people." more...
| America |

Massive Super Highway of Super Highways through America's Breadbasket to Shorten Freight Transport Time, Save Energy (June 20, 2006) - The Scotsman reports that the US administration is "quietly yet systematically" planning a "Trans-Texas Corridor", a "massive road four football fields wide and running from Mexico to Canada through the heartland of the United States...citing as a benefit that it would negate the power of two unions, the Longshoremen and the Teamsters." The "nation's most modern roadway" would stretch between Laredo, Texas and Duluth, Minnesota, along Interstate 35, says reporter Craig Howie, and would therefore bypass east and west coast ports "to import goods from China and the Far East into the heart of middle America via Mexico, saving both cost and time."Super Highway Another source, according to the report, claimed the highway was a "bi-partisan effort" with support from both Republicans and Democrats that would reduce freight transport times across the nation by days. Rail tracks and pipelines for oil and natural gas would reportedly run alongside the road. Responding to accusations that the project would compromise national security and increase illegal immigration, Tiffany Melvin, the executive director of Nasco, a non-profit organization which has received money from the US Department of Transport to study the proposal, is quoted as saying: "We're working on developing the existing system; these highways were developed in the 1950s and we have a number of different programs we're working on to provide alternative fuels and improve safety and security issues. We get comments that we are working to bring in terrorists and drug dealers, but this is simply not true. This is a bi-partisan effort that will ultimately improve our transportation infrastructure. Trade with China is increasing greatly, and the costs of our transportation system are ultimately borne by the consumer. We do offer links to Canada and Mexico, but we are working on the trade competitiveness of America. We are planning for the future." more...
| America

National ID Card a Future Job Requirement? (June 20, 2006) - The job application of the future may require showing would-be bosses a new ID card proving prospective employees are who they say they are. As Congress debates sweeping immigration and border security reforms, some lawmakers and policy experts say no new system will work without such tamper-proof credentials. Otherwise, immigrants still could come to the United States illegally and use fake documents to get jobs, possibly undermining reforms designed to encourage legal immigration. How lawmakers deal with verifying workers' identities could determine whether immigration reform succeeds or fails. Experts agree the prospect of finding work in the United States is the lure for more than 500,000 undocumented immigrants who come here every year. But critics are concerned about privacy issues with an ID card system, adding to worries that the government would be too involved in job applications under any new immigration system. The House and the Senate have passed competing versions of reform legislation, and both bills would require employers to check whether workers are legally eligible for U.S. jobs. Neither bill would create a new ID document for all workers - the Senate bill calls for ID cards for foreign guest workers, and the House bill would have employers check applicants' Social Security numbers against a federal database. But revisions are expected during negotiations over how to reconcile the two bills. Negotiations have not yet begun, but Sen. Jon Kyl, R-Ariz., says a "secure, tamper-proof" ID card is an essential part of reform that he will push for during House-Senate meetings. more...
NewWorldOrder | America

I don't believe this is the mark of the beast, but it's certainly the same kind of idea. There's just one more step (to improve security of course) and that is to use technology to implant an RFID tag under the skin that would ID the user. Since it's internal, theft isn't an issue anymore. I can see many people accepting this because it is easier. The actual mark of the beast (Revelation 13:16-18), in my opinion, will be more than a mark, but it will be a pledge of allegiance to the one it represents, the beast. However, I find it interesting that the technology is already here and being used by some. I believe the RFID chip will be the technology that the beast uses to implement the mark such that nobody can buy or sell without it. This way, it's left up to the individual to make a choice, either accept the beast and take the mark, or condemn yourself to a life outside the system where you can't shop anymore for food, clothing, etc. These that choose not to take the mark will be looked down upon with distain and suspicion. Indeed, even today many people look on those raising the alarm about this with distain. They fail to realize that the "harmless system" is not all-knowing, but subject to the control of whoever is the most powerful. This attitude toward those who refuse to participate will be used to justify the imprisonment and eventually murder of these "terrorists" that refuse to be a part of society and the accompanying beast worship. So this may not be "it," but it is certainly the beginning. If nothing else, it prepares the collective minds of the world to at least consider it now while it is harmless so that when it isn't harmless we will already be programmed somewhat. A testing of the waters, but it will come.

North American Union Would Trump U.S. Supreme Court (June 20, 2006) - The Bush Administration is pushing to create a North American Union out of the work on-going in the Department of Commerce under the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America in the NAFTA office headed by Geri Word. A key part of the plan is to expand the NAFTA tribunals into a North American Union court system that would have supremacy over all U.S. law, even over the U.S. Supreme Court, in any matter related to the trilateral political and economic integration of the United States, Canada and Mexico. Right now, Chapter 11 of the NAFTA agreement allows a private NAFTA foreign investor to sue the U.S. government if the investor believes a state or federal law damages the investor’s NAFTA business. Under Chapter 11, NAFTA establishes a tribunal that conducts a behind closed-doors “trial” to decide the case according to the legal principals established by either the World Bank’s International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes or the UN’s Commission for International Trade Law. If the decision is adverse to the U.S., the NAFTA tribunal can impose its decision as final, trumping U.S. law, even as decided by the U.S. Supreme Court. U.S. laws can be effectively overturned and the NAFTA Chapter 11 tribunal can impose millions or billions of dollars in fines on the U.S. government, to be paid ultimately by the U.S. taxpayer. more...
NewWorldOrder | America |

Bush 'super-state' documents sought (June 20, 2006) - Author Jerome Corsi filed a Freedom of Information Act request yesterday asking for full disclosure of the activities of an office implementing a trilateral agreement with Mexico and Canada that apparently could lead to a North American union, despite having no authorization from Congress. As WorldNetDaily reported, the White House has established working groups, under the North American Free Trade Agreement office in the Department of Commerce, to implement the Security and Prosperity Partnership, or SPP, signed by President Bush, Mexican President Vicente Fox and then-Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin in Waco, Texas, March 23, 2005. Corsi specifically has requested the partnership's membership lists, constitutive documents, meeting minutes, meeting agendas and meeting schedules as well as all findings, reports, presentations or memoranda. He also wants all comments to representatives of the "Prosperity Working Groups" or other working groups, committees or task forces associated with the partnership along with internal and external interagency or intra-agency memoranda of understanding, letters of intent, agreements, initiatives and budgeting documents. Corsi believes President Bush effectively agreed to erase U.S. borders with Mexico and Canada when he signed the SPP. more...
NewWorldOrder | America |

9.9 Million Illegals to Get Amnesty (June 16, 2006) - Contact: Steven Camarota of the Center for Immigration Studies 202-466-8185 or Based on the experience of the 1986 amnesty, we expect that nearly 9.9 illegal aliens will receive amnesty under the recently passed Senate Hagel-Martinez bill. That is, they will legalize and can apply for permanent residence and citizenship. As in 1986, we also expect that one-fourth, or 2.6 million, will receive amnesty fraudulently. The bill will also allow an estimated 4.5 million family members of illegal aliens currently living abroad to join their legalized relatives for a total of 14.4 million beneficiaries. The full report, 'Amnesty Under Hagel-Martinez: An Estimate of How Many Will Legalize If S-2611 Becomes Law', will be available Thursday morning at: more...
NewWorldOrder | America |

New Moves on the Tripolar Chessboard (June 16, 2006) - For months, the US press and policymaking elite have portrayed the crisis with Iran as a two-sided struggle between Washington and Tehran, with the European powers as well as Russia and China playing supporting roles. It is certainly true that US President George W Bush and Iranian President Mahmud Ahmadinejad are the leading protagonists in this drama, with each making inflammatory statements about the other to whip up public support at home. But an informed reading of recent international diplomacy surrounding the Iranian crisis suggests that another equally fierce - and undoubtedly more important - struggle is also taking place: a tripolar contest among the United States, Russia and China for domination of the greater Persian Gulf/Caspian Sea region and its mammoth energy reserves. more...
Iran |
America |

NRA warns of U.N. gun control (June 16, 2006) - An American delegation will participate in a controversial United Nations small-arms conference criticized by Second Amendment advocates as a threat to U.S. gun ownership. The U.N. Small Arms Review Conference will meet in New York City June 26 to July 7 to discuss illegal trafficking in arms, "ineffective national controls" and related issues. The U.N.'s disarmament effort features a program in which it buys back weapons in nations torn by civil strife. But National Rifle Association Vice President Wayne LaPierre insists the U.N. is concerned about more than illicit arms in African hot spots. He says the global body wants the firearms of American citizens – and much more. "So, after we are disarmed, the U.N. wants us demobilized and reintegrated," says the NRA's executive vice president, Wayne LaPierre, according to the Economist magazine. "I can hear it now: 'Step right this way for your reprogramming, sir. Once we confiscate your guns, we can demobilize your aggressive instincts and reintegrate you into civil society.' No thanks."  more...
| America | EU/UNNewWorldOrder |

Unarmed civilians make way for easy domination. That's one of the principles behind the second amendment, the right to bear arms. Even though I don't have any, I believe in the principle and the right passed down by those that created this nation. Ultimately, the world will be dominated by one man who controls the masses that worship him. The Bible talks of those who refuse to reject Christ and are beheaded for not worshipping the beast. It's a lot harder to enforce something that not all people may agree with if they're all armed. The Bible also says that this man will be so powerful that none will be able to make war with him. The best way to become powerful is to have a lot of supporters and make sure that those who don't support you can't fight back. That is why I put this story under these headings. I believe it is one of many things pointing to the slow integration of the US into the one-world government that is being formed. If you read the America page, you'll notice the North American Union initial deal has already been signed by Canada, US, and Mexico. It's only a matter of time.

Iran's Place at Summit Raises Fears of Anti-West Alliance (June 15, 2006) - Iran's hard-line president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, arrived in China last night for a summit of Asian states and Russia that Washington fears is forming a new anti-western alliance. Mr Ahmadinejad will seek support for his country's nuclear programme, fuelling US concern that Iran is being protected by its growing friendship with Russia and China, who both sit on the UN Security Council. He is also believed to be pushing to join the Shanghai Co-operation Organization, which is holding its annual summit in the city today and tomorrow. The SCO, under the leadership of China and Russia, is playing an ever-greater role in the jostling for power in Central Asia. The dictatorial nature of some of its membership, which also includes the former Soviet republics of Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan, has provoked descriptions of it as an anti-American alliance of despots. more...
| America | Gog/Magog | Israel | Islam |

Global Markets Plunge on Fed Worries (June 13, 2006) - Renewed worries over the outlook for U.S. interest rates sent global markets tumbling again on Tuesday, with the Japanese stock market plunging more than 4 percent, its biggest one-day loss in two years. In Bombay, Indian shares plummeted 4.5 percent to their lowest point this year. South Korean shares dropped 2.9 percent, while Hong Kong plunged 2.5 percent. European stocks opened sharply lower, with mining and technology stocks leading the decliners. London's FTSE 100 index dropped 1.4 percent, the German DAX Xetra 30 index fell 1.7 percent, and the French CAC-40 index slipped 1.6 percent. Investors across Asia dumped stocks on speculation that the U.S. Federal Reserve might raise interest rates later this month, stoking fears of an economic slowdown in the U.S., the biggest export market for many Asian countries. A decline Monday on Wall Street also hurt sentiment. Such concerns have roiled Asian markets in recent weeks, sparking a similar broad sell-off on Thursday. Until early May, they were among the world's best-performing markets this year. The market's plunge comes as investors around the world anxiously await U.S. inflation data due out Tuesday and Wednesday. more...
| America |

US cites China firms for supporting Iran military (June 13, 2006) - The U.S. Treasury Department on Tuesday named one U.S. and four Chinese companies as supporters of Iran's military and Iranian weapons programs. The designation, under an executive order issued by President George W. Bush in 2005, freezes those companies' U.S. assets and outlaws U.S. firms or people from doing business with them. The Chinese companies are Beijing Alite Technologies Co. Ltd., LIMMT Economic and Trade Co. Ltd., China Great Wall Industry Corp., and China National Precision Machinery Import/Export Corp. The U.S. company, G.W. Aerospace Inc. of Torrance, California, is the representative office of China Great Wall Industry. The Treasury Department designates firms or people under a range of executive orders and laws in an effort to stop flows of financing to countries, groups, or individuals it says are engaged in weapons proliferation, terrorism, or other illicit activities. The executive order used in Tuesday's announcement is aimed at choking off funding for weapons programs in North Korea, Iran, and Syria. "Governments worldwide are urged to take appropriate measures to ensure that their companies and financial institutions are not facilitating Iran's proliferation activities," Treasury Undersecretary Stuart Levey said in a statement. more...
| America |

Denmark proposes transatlantic marketplace ahead of EU-US summit (June 13, 2006) - Anders Fogh Rasmussen, the Danish liberal prime minister, has unveiled an ambitious proposal for the world's two biggest economies to form a free trade zone. During a visit to the US, where he addressed the Berkeley, University of California, Mr Fogh Rasmussen suggested the creation of a "transatlantic marketplace without barriers to trade and investment." "Let us not forget that the EU and the United States are responsible for two fifths of world trade. We are each other's largest trading and investment partners," Mr Fogh Rasmussen said in the speech focussed on globalisation. As much as 85 per cent of US global investments in professional, scientific and technical services are placed in the EU, he noted. "Globalization is a fact and we have to embrace it by going on the offensive both nationally and through international cooperation." "Achieving the vision of a transatlantic marketplace will of course take time. Within Europe we have spent the last 50 years building an internal market," Mr Rasmussen added. He also stressed that it would not be an "exclusive club" for rich countries. At home the political opposition was quick to criticise the proposal, saying it risks turning global trade talks into bilateral co-operation. more...
| EU/UNNewWorldOrder | America |
What Herb thinks

Bush sneaking North American super-state without oversight? (June 13, 2006) - Despite having no authorization from Congress, the Bush administration has launched extensive working-group activity to implement a trilateral agreement with Mexico and Canada. The membership of the working groups has not been published, nor has their work product been disclosed, despite two years of massive effort within the executive branches of the U.S., Mexico and Canada. The groups, working under the North American Free Trade Agreement office in the Department of Commerce, are to implement the Security and Prosperity Partnership, or SPP, signed by President Bush, Mexican President Vicente Fox and then-Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin in Waco, Texas, on March 23, 2005. The trilateral agreement, signed as a joint declaration not submitted to Congress for review, led to the creation of the SPP office within the Department of Commerce. The SPP report to the heads of state of the U.S., Mexico and Canada, -- released June 27, 2005, -- lists some 20 different working groups spanning a wide variety of issues ranging from e-commerce, to aviation policy, to borders and immigration, involving the activity of multiple U.S. government agencies. The working groups have produced a number of memorandums of understanding and trilateral declarations of agreement. The Canadian government and the Mexican government each have SPP offices comparable to the U.S. office. Geri Word, who heads the SPP office within the NAFTA office of the U.S. Department of Commerce affirmed to WND last Friday in a telephone interview that the membership of the working groups, as well as their work products, have not been published anywhere, including on the Internet. Why the secrecy? "We did not want to get the contact people of the working groups distracted by calls from the public," said Word. more...
NewWorldOrder | America |

The Market of Markets (June 13, 2006) - Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen visited President George Bush at Camp David this week. According the EUobserver, Rasmussen was meeting with Bush to sell his idea about creating the market of markets. Rasmussen's plan is to establish a free trade zone spanning both the European and North American continents Read about it here. Prophetically speaking, this news is incredible. Before we examine the implications, let's take a look at what else is going on by way of markets.

  • First, we have the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership for Peace (Euro-Med) agreement that Javier Solana negotiated between the then 15 European Union member states and 12 Mediterranean states. Today, the agreement is between 25 EU states and 10 Mediterranean states -- 35 in all. Included in this plan is to have a huge free trade area in place by the year 2010 Read about it here.
  • Next we have the six Persian Gulf states coming together in the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf. Their free trade area is also to be in place by 2010 Read about it here.
  • Then we have the North American Economic and Security Community forming between Mexico, the United States and Canada. It too is to be in place by 2010 Read about it here.
Did you notice? All these free trade areas appear to be following a single plan. They all are to be in place by 2010. And, if you do a little Google searching, you will discover other trade agreements to be completed by that date too. Now, we read about Rasmussen's plan to link this all together in a grand market of markets. Friends, if I were looking for a conspiracy theory, I sure could find one here. But, as I've always said, I try to keep my primary focus on the Bible. And, sure enough, the Bible may have something to say about these trade agreements. The Bible tells us that the nation Israel will be reborn and the old Roman Empire will be revived. These two events will be the first great signs of end-time Bible prophecy. From out of this revived Roman Empire will rise a 10-nation alliance. Out of this alliance will emerge a new European political leader who will achieved a covenant of some kind that includes Israel. And, he will make firm, or confirm, his agreement with Israel for a period of seven years. But, in the middle of the seven years, the leader will break his promise to Israel. This brings us to our subject. After breaking his agreement, this European leader will implement a global, single economic system that will require a mark of some kind in order for people to buy or sell. more...
| EU/UNNewWorldOrder | America |

Read Herb Peters free online e-book for more: Recommendation 666

Britons begin to turn away from alliance with America (June 7, 2006) - The British public has become increasingly cool towards American policy and critical of its role in the world after the sustained violence in Iraq. A Populus opinion poll in The Times indicates that fewer than half the public believe that America is a force for good in the world, and nearly two thirds believe that Britain's future lies more with Europe than with the US. There is also evidence of a longer-term shift in views about the US. However, while President Bush and his Administration remain unpopular in Britain, Americans as a people remain popular. The poll was undertaken between last Friday and Sunday, when there were several news reports about a high level of killing in Iraq, and particularly in Basra, the main area of operation for British forces. more...
| America | EU/UN |

Russia warns of 'colossal' impact if NATO takes in Ukraine, Georgia (June 7, 2006) - Russia warned against NATO taking in the ex-Soviet republics of Ukraine and Georgia, saying such a colossal geopolitical shift would threaten relations. "Membership in NATO for countries like Ukraine or Georgia would mean a colossal geopolitical shift," Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said during questioning in the State Duma, the lower house of the Russian parliament. "We evaluate all possible consequences first and foremost from the point of view of the national interest of Russia, interests in the area of security, our economic interests and interests in relations with countries which relate to Russia in one way or another," Lavrov said. more...
| America | EU/UNNewWorldOrder | Gog/Magog |

Over One-Third of Russians See U.S. as Enemy (June 7, 2006) - The Yuri Levada polling center released the results of their yearly opinion poll, in which Russians were asked which countries they consider to be friends or enemies. According to Komsomol'skaya Pravda, in this year's poll, Russians warmed up a bit to China and Kazakhstan, but strongly grew cold towards the U.S., Ukraine, Moldova and Poland. Incidentally, Russians were inclined to consider Ukraine as both a friend and an enemy. That is to say, either it is yet to be determined what the Russian attitude is to their closest neighbor, or, perhaps it is Ukraine's unpredictable politics that are affecting Russians' attitudes. more...
| America |

Britons begin to turn away from alliance with America (June 7, 2006) - The British public has become increasingly cool towards American policy and critical of its role in the world after the sustained violence in Iraq. A Populus opinion poll in The Times indicates that fewer than half the public believe that America is a force for good in the world, and nearly two thirds believe that Britain's future lies more with Europe than with the US. There is also evidence of a longer-term shift in views about the US. However, while President Bush and his Administration remain unpopular in Britain, Americans as a people remain popular. The poll was undertaken between last Friday and Sunday, when there were several news reports about a high level of killing in Iraq, and particularly in Basra, the main area of operation for British forces. more...
| America | EU/UN |

China Starts Oil Drilling Off Florida (June 9, 2006) - While Washington dithers over exploiting oil and gas reserves off the coast of Florida, China has seized the opportunity to gobble up these deposits, which run throughout Latin America, the Caribbean and along the U.S. Gulf coast. The Chinese have forged a deal with Cuban leader Fidel Castro to explore and tap into massive oil reserves almost within sight of Key West, Florida. At the same time, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, who controls the largest oil reserves in the Western Hemisphere, is making deals to sell his country’s oil to China, oil that is currently coming to the United States. Meanwhile, a new left-wing populist regime in Bolivia has nationalized the natural gas industry, threatening to cut off supplies to the United States. more... | AmericaNewWorldOrder |

Here's another example of how the US is being attacked without firing a shot. China is snatching up all the resources they can to fuel their massive needs. Environmentalists meanwhile attempt to block every attempt to get oil because it's bad. While I agree and know that the technology to be totally independent of fossil fuel is already here, we should get what oil we can where we can. In an ideal world where we aren't under the thumbs of the rich and powerful, this technology that uses ordinary water to produce hydrogen fuel to run car engines and welding torches would already be available. It works and several inventors, one of which was just murdered, are trying to get it out. With that, we could fill up our car's fuel with tap water. It's free and when it burns, the exhaust is water. See more on that in the Technology topic.

US to allow Iran convert uranium (June 7, 2006) - World powers have compromised on a demand that Iran commit to a long-term moratorium on uranium enrichment and are asking only for suspension during talks on Teheran's nuclear program, diplomats said Wednesday. In another concession, Iran would be allowed to carry out uranium conversion - a precursor to enrichment - if it agrees to multination talks, the diplomats said. They spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity because they are not authorized to divulge the contents of the offer made by six countries to Teheran Tuesday in a bid to defuse the Iranian nuclear standoff. Such changes to long-standing international demands on enrichment are important because they signal possible readiness to accept some limited form of the activity, despite fears that it can be misused to make the fissile core of nuclear warheads. Since talks between key European nations and Iran broke off in August, the public stance by the European negotiators and the United States has been that Iran must commit to a long-term moratorium on enrichment to establish confidence as a precondition for talks on the nuclear standoff. more...
Iran | America

Government Heads Back to the Bunker (June 6, 2006) - On Monday, June 19, about 4,000 government workers representing more than 50 federal agencies from the State Department to the Commodity Futures Trading Commission will say goodbye to their families and set off for dozens of classified emergency facilities stretching from the Maryland and Virginia suburbs to the foothills of the Alleghenies. They will take to the bunkers in an "evacuation" that my sources describe as the largest "continuity of government" exercise ever conducted, a drill intended to prepare the U.S. government for an event even more catastrophic than the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. The exercise is the latest manifestation of an obsession with government survival that has been a hallmark of the Bush administration since 9/11, a focus of enormous and often absurd time, money and effort that has come to echo the worst follies of the Cold War. The vast secret operation has updated the duck-and-cover scenarios of the 1950s with state-of-the-art technology -- alerts and updates delivered by pager and PDA, wireless priority service, video teleconferencing, remote backups -- to ensure that "essential" government functions continue undisrupted should a terrorist's nuclear bomb go off in downtown Washington. more... 
| America

Russian Rifles Arrive in Venezuela (June 6, 2006) - Venezuela received a shipment of 30,000 new Russian rifles on Saturday, weeks after Washington restricted U.S. arms sales to Caracas over concerns about President Hugo Chavez's ties to Cuba and Iran. Venezuela says the AK103 Kalashnikov rifles and 25 million rounds - the first lot of 100,000 weapons - are part of efforts to modernize its military, but the U.S. government has opposed the arms purchases it believes could destabilize the region, Reuters reports. Allied with Cuba, Chavez is locked in an increasingly tense standoff with Washington, which accuses the self-styled socialist revolutionary of eroding democracy and using Venezuela's oil wealth to muscle in on his South American neighbors. Chavez, who says Washington wants to oust him or invade Venezuela, has reduced military cooperation with the United States and ordered officers and civilian reservists to train for a possible guerrilla war against U.S. troops. "This is another defeat we've given to U.S. imperialists. They just can't touch us," Chavez told a rally of students late on Saturday. "We don't want war, we are not going to attack anyone. We are just preparing to defend our blessed land, our nation and our revolution." more...  
| America

For UN, Immigrant Is Not Even a Word (June 6, 2006) - For the majority of traditional Americans, the issue of immigration is pretty clear-cut. It's not one of those complex dilemmas requiring years of study, culminating in Capitol Hill hearing upon hearing, to the point of outlasting everything from congressional terms to constituent attention spans. Rather, the solution is easily grasped, an almost overnight change-for-the-better type of fix-it that goes something like this: Secure the borders. Punish the infractors. Decline benefits for illegals. Enforce the laws equally. We get it. Decisive action, problem solved. Law-breakers gone, good prevails, moving on to something more involved, like salvaging the Social Security or social services systems from even further abuse. That's the perfect world scenario, of course. Add government to the mix, and the reality is this logical progression of events is replaced by a complicated web of political double-speak, politician pandering, and politically correct ideals that have little to do with the real wishes of Americans, or even with the true benefit of America outside of congressional and White House halls of power. And that's just summarizing the state and federal governments' involvement. Now add the global, and the issue takes an even greater foreboding tone. In a May 25 gathering of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues -- a bureaucracy created by the monster of all bureaucracies, the United Nations, to address immigrant matters but under a different name -- the drumbeat was steady anti-America. "No human being is illegal," said one, characterizing the U.S. debates over immigration as unfair talks that drew "thousands and thousands of people ... (to) the streets calling for just legalization for all," a UN release read. more...
NewWorldOrder | America |

Coming soon to U.S.: Mexican customs office (June 5, 2006) - Kansas City is planning to allow the Mexican government to open a Mexican customs office in conjunction with the Kansas City SmartPort. This will be the first foreign customs facility allowed to operate on U.S. soil. City leaders voted last month to give the facility an innocuous name to hide its true identity as an arm of the Mexican government, staffed by Mexican officials. In fact, Kansas City is so enthusiastic about the opportunity, the cost of building the $3 million dollar facility for Mexico will be paid for by Kansas City taxpayers, not by the Mexican government. The current plan for the NAFTA Super Corridor calls for the construction of a 12-lane highway (six lanes in each direction) along Interstate 35. The Kansas City SmartPort is designed to be the central hub in the planned NAFTA north-south superhighway cutting through the heart of the United States. Supercargo ships, carrying goods made by cheap labor in the Far East and China, will unload in the Mexican port at Lazaro Cardenas, eliminating the need to use costly union longshoremen workers in Los Angeles or Long Beach. Rather than transporting the containers by trucks from the West Coast, using Teamster drivers, or on rail, with the assistance of railroad labor in the United Transportation Union, the containers will be loaded onto Mexican non-union railroads at Lazaro Cardenas. At Monterrey, Mexico, the containers will then be loaded onto Mexican non-union semi-trailer trucks that will cross the border at Laredo, Texas, to begin their journey north along the Trans-Texas Corridor, the first leg of the planned continental NAFTA Super Corridor. To speed the crossing at Laredo, Texas, the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America working groups within the U.S. Department of Commerce will allow Mexican trucks to be equipped with electronic FAST technology so the trucks can cross the border in express lanes. more...
NewWorldOrder | America

USA Out-Flanked in Eurasia Energy Politics? (June 5, 2006) - Curiously and quietly the United States is being out-flanked in its now-obvious strategy of controlling major oil and energy sources of the Persian Gulf, Central Asia Caspian Basin, Africa and beyond. The US's global energy control strategy, it's now clear to most, was the actual reason for the highly costly regime change in Iraq, euphemistically dubbed 'democracy' by Washington. George W. Bush restated his democracy mantra as recently as May 28 at the West Point military graduating ceremony where he declared that America's safety depends on an aggressive push for democracy, especially in the Middle East. 'This is only the beginning,' Bush said. 'The message has spread from Damascus to Tehran that the future belongs to freedom, and we will not rest until the promise of liberty reaches every people in every nation.' If the trend of recent events continues, it won't be Bush-style democracy that is spreading, but rather, Russian and Chinese influence over major oil and gas energy supplies. The quest for energy control has informed Washington's support for high-risk 'color revolutions' in Georgia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Belarus and Kyrgystan in recent months. It lies behind US activity in the Western Africa Gulf of Guinea states, as well as in Sudan, source of 7% of China oil import. It lies behind US policy vis-à-vis Hugo Chavez' Venezuela and Evo Morales' Bolivia. In recent months, however, this strategy of global energy dominance, a strategic US priority, has shown signs of producing just the opposite: a kind of 'coalition of the unwilling,' states who increasingly see no other prospect, despite traditional animosities, but to cooperate to oppose what they see as a US push to control it all, their energy future security. Some in Washington are beginning to realize they might have been too clever by about half, as is evident in recent public statements to both China and Russia, two nations whose cooperation in some form is essential to the success of the global US energy project. more... 
| America
| Iran |
 NewWorldOrder |

Bin Laden family gave $1 million to Carter (June 2, 2006) - Former President Jimmy Carter's center in Atlanta received more than $1 million from the family of Osama bin Laden, according to an investigative report. A brother of the al-Qaida terrorist leader, Bakr M. bin Laden, funneled the money to the Carter Center in Atlanta through the Saudi Bin Laden Group, according to Melanie Morgan, chairman of a group opposing the Georgia Democrat called the Censure Carter Committee. Morgan, a WorldNetDaily columnist, based her claim on papers she acquired from the Carter Center. She points to a report showing Carter met with 10 of Osama bin Laden's brothers early in 2000. The former president and his wife, Rosalyn, followed up the meeting with a breakfast with Bakr bin Laden in September 2000 and secured the first $200,000 towards the more than $1 million that has gone to the Carter Center. Morgan says the connection between Carter and the bin Laden family is exactly the kind of charge leveled by Michael Moore against President Bush in the film "Fahrenheit 9/11." Morgan's group commented in a statement: "If you think this news troubles Michael Moore and his friends in the liberal, anti-war crowd, think again. You see, they’re not interested in the truth – they only seem interested in advancing their defeatist political message: America is almost always wrong–America is the source of many of the world’s problems." more...
| Islam | America |

EU-U.S. Summit Signals New Threats To Natural Health Therapies Dr. Rath Health Foundation (June 2006) - The European Union and the United States recently announced the signing of a Framework for Advancing Transatlantic Economic Integration at a summit in Washington. Describing the agreement as “a statement of the importance of trade”, President Bush, speaking at the post-summit press conference, claimed that it was “a commitment to eliminating barriers to trade” and “a recognition that the closer that the United States and the EU become, the better off our people become.” Because the signing of this agreement received only minimal media coverage, U.S. consumers could perhaps be forgiven for assuming that its potential to affect the regulation of dietary supplements was negligible. In reality, however, not only does the existence of a secret “confidentiality agreement” signed by the FDA with its European counterparts in 2005 now threatens the harmonizing of U.S. dietary supplement legislation to restrictive European regulations, but the European Commission President, José Manuel Barroso, has specifically stated that the pharmaceutical sector will be one of the areas that would benefit the most from transatlantic regulatory cooperation. Economic integration – the new threat to natural health therapies Historically speaking, regulatory threats to natural health therapies have almost exclusively been of a national, as opposed to an international, nature. In the United States (U.S.), for example, the pharmaceutical industry-inspired Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPR) that was published by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in June 1993 - which suggested, among other provisions, that vitamins and minerals contained in dietary supplements be limited to low multiples of the Recommended Daily Intakes (RDIs) – would not, had it been implemented, have directly affected consumers living outside of the U.S.. Similarly, in the United Kingdom (UK), the unsuccessful attempt by the Blair government to limit the maximum permitted level of vitamin B6 in supplements to 10 mg in the late 1990s would not, had the proposal become law, have affected the freedom of choice of consumers living in other countries. Following the creation of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 1995, however, and the subsequent adoption by the Codex Alimentarius Commission, in 2005, of the controversial Guidelines for Vitamin and Mineral Food Supplements, regulatory threats to natural health therapies are becoming increasingly international in nature. The WTO uses Codex standards as the benchmark in its adjudication of international trade disputes involving foods and, as such, Codex standards that had once been entirely voluntary now have the bite of law in the global trade system - thus giving Codex coercive authority and WTO Members very real incentives to harmonize their regulations by adopting its standards. Moreover, the key methodology via which countries are increasingly harmonizing their domestic regulations with those of their neighbors is by organizing themselves into regional trading blocs. Membership of such blocks - which can take the form of free trade areas, customs unions, common markets and other forms of economic integration – increases the pressure upon countries to harmonize their regulations and, in the case of food and dietary supplements legislation, to base them upon Codex standards. more...
| EU/UN | NewWorldOrder | America |

Iran's Military Plans for Invasion by U.S. (May 31, 2006) - Iran, apparently anticipating an American invasion, has quietly been restructuring its military and testing a new military doctrine that calls for a decentralized, Iraqi-style guerrilla campaign against an invading force. Iran's military planners are acutely aware that a military confrontation with technologically more advanced U.S. armed forces would be rapid and multifronted, unlike the static and slow-paced 1980-88 war with Saddam Hussein's Iraq. Therefore, a series of war games have been carried out since late last year to test the army's readiness. In December, more than 15,000 members of the regular armed forces participated in an exercise in northwestern Iran's strategically sensitive Azerbaijan border provinces that focused on irregular warfare carried out by highly mobile army units, according to the official MENA news agency. A second exercise was conducted in the majority-Arab province of Khuzestan in September, according to the Iranian press, aimed at quelling insurgencies in areas subject to ethnic unrest and prone to foreign influence. Involving a reported 100,000 troops, the exercise provided an example of how the Islamic Republic would respond to further disturbances in the strategic, oil-rich province that has been the scene of a year-old terrorist bombing campaign. more... 
| Iran | America |

Reducing America So It Can Be Merged (May 31, 2006) - As I write, the treason Senate - under intense pressure from Communist world government traitor Smirk W. Bush - is preparing to pass the legislation that will legalize the present invasion of these United States. So here let me repeat something I have said many times, which nevertheless deserves repetition even more because it is so little mentioned, even by our friends. The goal of the conspirators from the beginning has been to submerge and dissolve our country in a totalitarian socialist world government they would run. But they had a problem. Go back to World War II. When it ended, these united States indisputably comprised the most powerful country on earth. Unlike most of the other participants, our homeland was completely undamaged. We had most of the gold. No other country even came close. The problem was that you can't merge a country at the pinnacle in everything with other countries at the bottom. That would be like trying to moor the Queen Elizabeth in a Dixie Cup. You could only merge them when they are sufficiently alike. So what would you do if your goal were world government? One thing you could try is raising the levels of the countries on the bottom. The conspiracy for world government has tried doing that with programs like foreign aid; the problem is that the nations on the bottom tend to consume any help and stay where they are. Generally, they are bottom feeders. Instead, what about trying to reduce these united States, trying to lower its standard of living so that it corresponds better with the nations at the bottom? At the Bretton Woods Conference in New Hampshire, the newly created International Monetary Fund, run by Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Harry Dexter White, a Soviet spy, arranged to deplete our gold supply. Years later, in a speech lauding IMF, Jack Kennedy interrupted his womanizing long enough to explain that the loss of our goal was not an accident, but the product of a carefully orchestrated plan. In recent years, we saw the departure of our industry, thanks to agreements like NAFTA. Not to worry, they told us. Industry will be replaced by a "service economy." Let the poor benighted slobs in other countries do the hard work. We here shall sit at desks in white shirts and work with computers. But then the service jobs departed. Now, when you talk with somebody at your credit card company, he or she is probably sitting at a desk in India, doing the job you were supposed to do. It was Soviet dictator Nikita Khrushchev, who many years ago at the Communist UN in New York, expressed his amazement at the depth of naiveté of the American people. Khrushchev exclaimed, "These Americans! You can spit in their face and they call it dew!" My guess is that today he would marvel even more. more...
NewWorldOrder | America

Noam Chomsky: Why it's Over for America (May 30, 2006) - An inability to protect its citizens. The belief that it is above the law. A lack of democracy. Three defining characteristics of the 'failed state'. And that, says Noam Chomsky, is exactly what the US is becoming. In an exclusive extract from his devastating new book, America's leading thinker explains how his country lost its way. The selection of issues that should rank high on the agenda of concern for human welfare and rights is, naturally, a subjective matter. But there are a few choices that seem unavoidable, because they bear so directly on the prospects for decent survival. Among them are at least these three: nuclear war, environmental disaster, and the fact that the government of the world's leading power is acting in ways that increase the likelihood of these catastrophes. It is important to stress the government, because the population, not surprisingly, does not agree. That brings up a fourth issue that should deeply concern Americans, and the world: the sharp divide between public opinion and public policy, one of the reasons for the fear, which cannot casually be put aside, that, as Gar Alperowitz puts it in America Beyond Capitalism, "the American 'system' as a whole is in real trouble - that it is heading in a direction that spells the end of its historic values [of] equality, liberty, and meaningful democracy". more... 
| America

U.N. making home schooling illegal? (May 28, 2006) - A U.N. treaty conferring rights to children could make home schooling illegal in the U.S. even though the Senate has not ratified it, a home schooling association warns. Michael Farris, chairman and general counsel of the Home School Legal Defense Association, or HSLDA, believes the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child could be binding on U.S. citizens because of activist judges, reports LifeSite News. Farris said that according to a new interpretation of "customary international law," some U.S. judges have ruled the convention applies to American parents. "In the 2002 case of Beharry v. Reno, one federal court said that even though the convention was never ratified, it still has an impact on American law," Farris explained, according to LifeSiteNews. "The fact that virtually every other nation in the world has adopted it has made it part of customary international law, and it means that it should be considered part of American jurisprudence." The convention places severe limitations on a parent's right to direct and train their children, Farris contends. The HSLDA produced a report in 1993 showing that under Article 13, parents could be subject to prosecution for any attempt to prevent their children from interacting with material they deem unacceptable. more...
| EU/UNNewWorldOrder | America

Moscow angered by US plan for 'star wars' bases in Europe to counter threat of Iran (May 24, 2006) - In a move that is raising hackles in Moscow, the US is proposing to install an anti-missile defence system in central Europe to counter any future attack from a nuclear-armed Iran. The plan, for which the Pentagon has requested $56m of exploratory funding from Congress, would cost $1.6bn and involve 10 interceptor units. The most likely base for the system is Poland, followed by the Czech Republic, officials said. For the moment, the scheme ­ first reported in The New York Times this week and which would parallel the anti-missile shield under construction in Alaska and California against attacks from North Korea ­ is largely symbolic and hypothetical. Iran currently has no weapons capable of hitting western Europe, let alone an intercontinental missile that could strike the United States. But as a showdown moves closer between the West and Tehran over its uranium-enrichment programme, and with the Israeli Prime Minister in Washington warning that Iran represents a threat not only to Israel but to Western civilisation, the US is determined to send another signal of its determination to act. The new shield would bring a direct US military presence deeper into Europe. And for Russia, the project reeks of American encroachment into what used to be its own sphere of influence. The move would have "a negative impact on the whole Euro-Atlantic security system", Sergei Ivanov, the Russian Defence Minister, told a Belarus newspaper, hinting at further strain on ever-delicate relations between Russia and Nato. The mooted site for the system was "dubious, to put it mildly", he said. This is not the first time the missile shield has divided the two countries. In 2002, President Bush upset Moscow by unilaterally pulling out of the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, long regarded in Moscow as the cornerstone of nuclear arms control. The possible extension of missile defences into Poland or the Czech Republic ­ both staunch American allies ­ is the latest episode of a story that has inspired dreams and controversy in equal measure since it was first sketched out by President Ronald Reagan in 1983 as the Strategic Defence Initiative (SDI), quickly dubbed "Star Wars". But despite more than 20 years of work and tens of billions of dollars in spending, it is now accepted that any such shield would be overwhelmed by an attack from Russia, which possesses a nuclear arsenal comparable to the US. It has now been scaled back to cope with the far more limited strike that North Korea might be able to deliver to the continental US by the end of the decade. So far, nine interceptor rockets are in place at Fort Greely in Alaska, and two more at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. But the viability even of this version is questionable. "It [the shield] has been doing very poorly," a former Pentagon official involved in the testing told The New York Times. "They have not had a successful flight intercept test in four years." But the slow progress has not deterred extensive contacts between the US and Poland in particular. Polish press reports have said that Boeing, the lead company on the project, has already agreed to subcontract work to Polish concerns. According to The New York Times, the Defence Secretary, Donald Rumsfeld, is expected to receive a recommendation on a European site in the summer. If the plan for interceptors in Poland goes ahead, it would create the first permanent American military presence in the country. At least as logical a site for the shield would be Britain, where the Pentagon is already upgrading equipment at the early warning radar base of Fylingdales in North Yorkshire. But the intense domestic unpopularity of Tony Blair and hostility to the Iraq war have ruled that option out. Poland, on the other hand, has been a staunch ally of the US ever since Communism collapsed there in 1989. It is now a member of Nato, and has contributed troops to the occupation of Iraq.
| Iran | America | Gog/Magog |

The Plan to Replace the Dollar With the 'Amero' (May 22, 2006) - The idea to form the North American Union as a super-NAFTA knitting together Canada, the United States and Mexico into a super-regional political and economic entity was a key agreement resulting from the March 2005 meeting held at Baylor University in Waco, Tex., between President Bush, President Fox and Prime Minister Martin. A joint statement published by the three presidents following their Baylor University summit announced the formation of an initial entity called, “The Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America” (SPP). The joint statement termed the SPP a “trilateral partnership” that was aimed at producing a North American security plan as well as providing free market movement of people, capital, and trade across the borders between the three NAFTA partners: We will establish a common approach to security to protect North America from external threats, prevent and respond to threats within North America, and further streamline the secure and efficient movement of legitimate, low-risk traffic across our borders. more...
| America

North American Union to Replace USA? (May 19, 2006) - President Bush is pursuing a globalist agenda to create a North American Union, effectively erasing our borders with both Mexico and Canada. This was the hidden agenda behind the Bush administration's true open borders policy. Secretly, the Bush administration is pursuing a policy to expand NAFTA politically, setting the stage for a North American Union designed to encompass the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. What the Bush administration truly wants is the free, unimpeded movement of people across open borders with Mexico and Canada. President Bush intends to abrogate U.S. sovereignty to the North American Union, a new economic and political entity which the President is quietly forming, much as the European Union has formed. The blueprint President Bush is following was laid out in a 2005 report entitled "Building a North American Community" published by the left-of-center Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). The CFR report connects the dots between the Bush administration's actual policy on illegal immigration and the drive to create the North American Union. more...
| America

The neocons new strategy for Europe (October 3, 2005) - The European scene has been modified by the rejection of the European Constitutional Treaty in France and the Netherlands and the result of the recent legislative elections in Germany. Thierry Meyssan reveals the analyses of US neoconservatives and their new strategy for Europe. As a result of the lessons learned from the events that have shaken Europe over the past two years, the neoconservatives have decided to change their own agenda for this region of the world, which originally involved:

1) Redeploying the US military forces stationed in Europe, moving them to the East and the South to control Central and Eastern Europe, and establishing a “containment belt” around the Russian Federation;

2) Neutralizing any efforts towards an independent European Defense and reinforcing NATO’s leadership;

3) Leaning on the Brussels Commission to attain a merger between the US free trade zone and that of Western Europe. In order to achieve that goal, they counted on a supposed “constitutional” treaty that would establish, in advance, the powers and the political program of the Commission so that the latter would be completely free from any opposing power.
The redeployment of US troops has been taking place without any questioning. The European Union affectively participates – not complaining – in all destabilization operations carried out around Russia; with the pretext of carrying out programs of assistance and economic development, the EU facilitates US interference in the Caucasus; Javier Solana himself was in Ukraine supervising the “Orange” Revolution; and the Commission is financing a destabilization program against Belarus. The loyal Solana, who has not forgotten that he was the NATO General Secretary before he was appointed General Secretary of the European Union, managed to have the Council of Heads of State and Government adopt a strategic doctrine that copies very faithfully that of President Bush. This is why the EU’s defense is more than ever dependent on NATO. However, although Solana was successful in involving the European Union in Afghanistan and Sudan, he failed in the case of Iraq. Based on this incomplete result, the neoconservatives concluded that it was possible to manipulate the European Union within the European continent, but its members have so differing interests around the world that they are unable to perform the role the conservatives have given them. After interpreting these events as an illustration of the fears of expansion of the European Union and the immigration it is causing, or as a depressive crisis in the face of unemployment, equally translated into extremist votes, and even anti-Semitic ones, the neoconservatives understood that they would not be able to impose the Anglo-Saxon socio-economic model on recalcitrant populations through the political way. They have now changed their plans and have decided to look for the support of the world faction of national business owners. José Manuel Barroso, appointed president of the Commission thanks to George W. Bush after he organized the Summit of the Azores prior to the invasion of Iraq, was ordered to put the European Constitution aside and to readjust the mechanism. Thus, last week, Barroso announced the burial of the 70 legislative projects saying they are too complex and annoying for the public opinion. The truth is that the strategy has been changed: it is no longer about ruling under the authority of the Commission, but about dismantling what currently exists and transferring the making of the regulations to a transatlantic Regulation Forum controlled by the top chiefs of the Transatlantic Business Dialogue (TABD). In accordance with this new trend, the directives of Reach and Bolkenstein, which had been sacrificed so that the Constitution could be approved, have now resurfaced. The first one aims at eliminating regulations for chemical production. The second, obviously more important, aims at eliminating national social legislations so that the European Union may be compatible with the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). The principle is simple: taking free circulation as a pretext, the business owner has the possibility of choosing which social legislation he will put into practice for his employees and transferring the social headquarters of his companies to the country where the legislation best fits his interests. In addition, so as to convince the European people of what politicians have not been able to impose on them, the neoconservatives are now turning to Pope Benedict XVI and the Catholic Church. The leaders of the US Episcopal Conference and the Episcopate Commission of the European Union met in Brussels, from September 21st to the 23rd, to express their support of the “New Transatlantic Agenda”. In Washington, the neoconservatives decided to adapt their organizational mechanism to the new strategy. In the American Enterprise Institute, the group in charge of writing the presidential program of George W. Bush, the Project for a New American Century, was discreetly disbanded last week. It was replaced with the American Committee for a Strong Europe. “Strong Europe” actually means a Europe that can do the work that US troops currently do around the world and one that can defeat any anti-globalization efforts on its own continent. This Committee, which will try not to interfere too openly with the European Union policy, immediately asked the “friends of America” to do it for them. Thus, Saudi Arabia said “present” and will finance the next electoral campaign of Nicolas Sarkozy in France so that the neoconservatives can get rid of Dominique de Villepin. Similar measures were taken with respect to each and every big state of the European Union.
| RCC |
EU/UN / 4th Kingdom | Solana | NewWorldOrder | America |