(farmer) - Keep up to date with the Alliance of Civilizations
and Europe watch here. Björn provides a key ministry in watching
the rise of the beast from Europe.
Times and Half a Time - Keep an eye on the Alliance of Civilizations
and Europe with Richard Peterson.
A Chronology of The Revolutionary Roots of the UN and the radical
minds behind the New World Order - The roots of the United Nations
-- the most visible part of the new global management system --
might be compared to the many deep and spreading roots of a tenacious
vine. Some of the roots are short and shallow. Others are long and
deep, firmly imbedded in powerful social, political and financial
institutions in Europe and North America
This page was originally put together as an attempt to put several
pieces into one place to try and understand European politics better and
how it might relate to the rebuilding of the Roman Empire through which
the antichrist may arise. A lot of those perspectives have changed and
so this has really been pared down to just review some basic elements of
European politics and perhaps show how one agreement after another can
end up leading to global governance and how that may lead to a world
united against God and His people.
Short History of the EU
Wikipedia: The European Union (EU) is a supranational and intergovernmental
union of 27 democratic
member states in Europe. The European
Union was established under that name in 1992 by the
Maastricht Treaty. Many aspects of
the Union existed before then through a series of predecessor relaIn
1985, the
Schengen Agreement abolished passport
control and customs checks for most member states within EU's internal
borders, creating, to some extent, a single area of free movement for
EU citizens to live, travel, work and invest. A
Common Foreign and Security PolicyCommon Foreign
and Security Policy was established as the second of the
three pillars of the European Union.
Working Groups - Nameless bureaucrats meeting behind
closed doors in a multinational setting, where they are writing
laws to integrate and harmonize laws. (20 "working
groups" were created following the Security & Prosperity
Partnership (SPP) meeting March 23, 2005 to harmonize America's
laws with Mexico and Canada.
America is also ceding power to Europe in certain emergency
Genesis 11:1-9 And
the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech.
And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they
found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there. And they
said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them thoroughly.
And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for morter. And
they said, Go to, let us build us a city
and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us
a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.
And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the
children of men builded. And the LORD said, Behold, the people
is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do:
and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined
to do. Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language,
that they may not understand one another's speech. So the LORD scattered
them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they
left off to build the city. Therefore is the name of it called Babel;
because the LORD did there confound the language of all the earth:
and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of
all the earth.
An Unfinished Tower
Above is an illustration of the one of the buildings of the European
Parliament in Strasbourg France, the Louise Weiss Building, which includes
a tower that appears to be unfinished. Below on the left is a painting
done in 1563 of the Tower of Babel, by Pieter Brueghel the Elder, a
Flemish Northern Renaissance Painter. Below on the right is a poster
produced by the European Union symbolically depicting their mission.
It combines the 12 stars of the EU flag with the rebuilding of the tower
of Babel with the motto Europe: Many Tongues One Voice.
Note also that the stars are shown as inverted pentagrams, an occult
symbol for Satan.
The tower of the Louise Weiss Building (shown below), although it
looks unfinished, was designed with the expressed purpose of resembling
the tower of Babel as depicted in Brueghel's painting!
The European Union Constitution
Capitoline Hill, Rome, October 29, 2004 - Signing the new
EU constitution in the Appartamento dei Conservatori, Sala degli
Orazi e Curiazi, before the bronze statue of Pope Innocent X
by Alessandro Algardi.
The European Union is clearly saying symbolically that their goal
is a defiant reversal of an act of God. The prophecy of Daniel chapter
2 tells us that this end-time attempt at unification will ultimately
fail as an unfinished work, that it will soon be replaced by the Kingdom
of God.
Daniel 2:43,44 And whereas
thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves
with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another,
even as iron is not mixed with clay. And in the days of these kings
shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed:
and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall
break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand
for ever.
The EU expanded from 15 members to 25 in 2004, making a new constitution
necessary for practical governing. Before it could come into effect,
the EU constitution had to be ratified by all 25 EU member states, either
through a referendum or by a parliamentary vote. Nine countries already
had done so: Austria, Hungary, Italy, Germany, Greece, Lithuania, Slovakia,
Slovenia and Spain, however, rejection by even a single remaining country
would prevent it from taking effect in November of 2006. The “no”
vote that derailed the EU constitution happened on May 29th, 2005 in
France. The Netherlands also voted “no” on June 1st, 2005
and the United Kingdom announced on June 6th, 2005 that it would not
vote on the constitution. For all practical purposes, the EU constitution
and its attempt at unity is dead.
As of January 1, 2007, the EU expanded to 27 nations with the addition
of Bulgaria and Romania.
The European Union dropped plans for a constitution and decided to
amend two existing treaties instead.
Signed by the
heads of state in Lisbon on December 13th, 2007, it still had be
ratified by all 27 member nations to go into effect. Ireland, the only
country to put the treaty to a public vote, defeated the Lisbon treaty
proposition on June 12th, 2008.
In September of 2009, Czech senators filed a complaint against the
treaty in the constitutional courts that delayed Czech signing of the
Ireland voted again on October 2nd, 2009, approving the Lisbon treaty,
and Poland's President signed the Treaty on October 10th, leaving only
the Czech republic's president to approve it, who has said he will not
sign the treaty unless his country is granted an opt-out from the EU's
Charter of Fundamental Rights.
On November 3rd, 2009, Czech president Vaclav Klaus signed the Lisbon
Treaty, after the complaint to the constitutional courts was rejected.
The Treaty became law on December 1st.
Belgian Prime Minister Herman Van Rompuy,
unanimously by the 27 European heads of government over dinner on
November 19th to become EU President, is a devout Roman Catholic who
was educated at the Jesuit Sint-Jan Berchmans College in central Brussels,
and has degrees in philosophy and applied economics from the Catholic
University of Leuven.
Freedom, Security, Privacy
- European Home Affairs in an Open World
Thanks to Constance Cumbey for bringing this to my attention. I just
came across the website
and its monitoring of the state and civil liberties in Europe. The following
comes from their site regarding the following report and some sections of
the report I have linked below:
“The Council Presidency (France) sent this report to COREPER (high-level committee
of Brussels-based representatives of all EU member states) and the Council
(Ministers) in a document dated 9 July 2008 - it was discussed at the
Justice and Home Affairs Council on 24-25 July. However, it was not ‘archived’
(made publicly available) on the Council's public register of documents
until 11 September 2008 - two months later and the same day that
Statewatch released its report on the Future Group's report on
European Home Affairs:
The Shape of Things to ComeStatewatch had put this document
on its website:
Future Report: Freedom, Security, Privacy – European Home Affairs in
an open world (pdf) on 7 August 2008. Tony Bunyan, Statewatch editor,
comments: “The Council's report on the future direction of
EU justice and home affairs policies raises fundamental questions on
privacy, civil liberties and the kind of society we want to live in.
Statewatch's analysis on ‘The Shape of Things to Come’,
was published on 11 September, by which time over 10,000 copies of the
EU Future Group's report had been downloaded from our website. The very
same day the Council made the report available to the public - but if
Statewatch had not published ‘The Shape of Things to Come’
when would the Council have made it public?”
This analysis looks at the ideology in the Future group report,
Freedom, Security and Privacy - the area of European Home Affairs.
The EU is currently developing a new five year strategy for justice
and home affairs and security policy for 2009-2014. The proposals set
out by the shadowy ‘Future Group’ include a range of extremely
controversial measures including techniques and technologies of surveillance
and enhanced cooperation with the United States.
This examines the proposals of the Future Group and their relation
to existing and planned EU policies. It shows how European governments
and EU policy-makers are pursuing unfettered powers to access and gather
masses of personal data on the everyday life of everyone – on the grounds
that we can all be safe and secure from perceived “threats”.
The Council of the European Union's “Future Group” presented
its final report at the Justice and Home Affairs Council's July 2008
meeting. This will lead to a new justice and home affairs programme
for 2010-2014, following the “Tampere” programme (1999-2004)
and the “Hague” programme 2005-2009. The final programme
will be proposed by the European Commission, then amended and adopted
by the Council. It will set out a detailed programme for both new measures
and practices for the five-year period.
The “Timetable” indicates that the new five year plan
will be adopted under the Swedish Council Presidency in the second half
of 2009 – the “Stockholm programme” maybe.3 The final report
is intended to be the basis of a proposal from the European Commission
and unlike the processes for the adoption of the Tampere and Hague programmes
it also suggests that the European Parliament will be consulted - but,
as usual, the Council of the European Union (the 27 governments) will
have the final say on its content.
The group was set up in January 2007 - Ministers had agreed to a
German Presidency proposal at the Informal JHA meeting in Dresden on
14-16 January 2007 and later “in the margins” of the JHA
Council on 14 February 2007.4 Its final report is from the “Informal
High Level Advisory Group on the Future of European Home Affairs Policy”
and is entitled: Freedom, Security and Privacy - European Home Affairs
in an open world. A separate report was also published on Justice.5
The Tampere and Hague programmes were concerned with both home affairs
and justice so this separation is unusual but deliberate - in many member
states the Justice Ministries are often perceived as being more “liberal”
as they cover peoples' rights in the criminal justice system whereas
Interior Ministries are more concerned with the agencies that exercise
coercive powers over citizens and migrants... Read more at the
link above.
“1. At the informal meeting of Ministers of Interior and
Immigration in Dresden in January 2007, the German Minister of the
Interior and the Vice President of the European Commission responsible
for Justice, Freedom and Security proposed the creation of an informal
Group at ministerial level with the objective to consider the future
of the European area of justice, freedom and security. The
findings and recommendations of the Future Group are meant to be
an important contribution and a source of inspiration for the European
Commission's proposal for the next multi-annual programme in the
field of Justice and Home Affairs.” (Pg. 5)
Preserving Internal Security and External Stability
Police Cooperation
“5. The Group recommends deepening law enforcement cooperation
within the Union while ensuring that the different aspects of this
cooperation progress consistently and while preserving active cooperation
in the field. Police forces in the Union belong to Member States’
field of competence. In the years to come, these law enforcement
services should, however, get closer to each other. There is a need
for improving the environment of police cooperation, especially
by reinforcing Europol, exchanging knowledge and integrating police
file management and security technologies.” (Pg. 6)
Fight against terrorism
“12. The Group recommends that the work initiated within
the scope of the 2005 European Union Strategy be carried on and
further developed so as to fight terrorism based on a comprehensive
global approach. The European Union must ensure that Member States’
competences and resources are better tapped, since these are responsible
for the operational fight against terrorism.” (Pg. 8)
“13. The Group deems it advisable that the different actors
of the fight against terrorism be better coordinated within the
Union and that, therefore, a concept should be developed on the
future institutional architecture in this area. The Group suggests
an improvement of the information flow between Member States’
law enforcement authorities, Eurojust and Europol. In this context,
the role of the Joint Situation Centre (SitCen) should be analysed
with particular consideration.” (Pg. 8)
“15. Regarding external relations, better political, technical
and operational cooperation should be reached with third countries,
especially with countries most affected by the menace of terror
as well as the Union’s major strategic partners – the United
States and Russia.”
Border Management and Cooperation with Third Countries
“34. The European Union border management policy is coming
to the end of its first phase, which aimed mainly at the abolition
of internal borders controls. Member States admit that the cooperation
of law enforcement teams on external borders is necessary to reach
an effective and mutually supportive policy.” (Pg. 12)
“37. The Group thinks that
must play a central role in maximising threat analysis; cooperation
between Member States (Frontex should especially be in a position
to manage joint operations); training of Member States’ border
guards and reinforcing links with third countries in this field.
The resources belonging to Frontex – personnel and equipment – must
be reinforced. The agency should also be given the responsibility
to regularly evaluate and inspect national border forces.”
(Pg. 13)
Using new technologies and information networks
“44. In a space where people and goods move freely, information
exchange is a key component of European security. The Hague-Programme
established the Principle of Availability. The Group estimates
that European information networks should now be developed from
a legal as well as from a technical standpoint, with
a global and coherent approach taking
fully into account operational needs. It therefore recommends
implementing a European Union Information Management Strategy (EU
IMS) promoting a coherent approach to the development of information
technology and exchange of information.” (Pg. 14)
Which strategy can best take up the 2010-2014 challenges?
“52. The underlying thread to a coordinated management
of European migration and security issues could be the convergence
principle. The aim of this idea is to bring Member States closer
not only by means of standardisation when necessary but also by
operational means. Common training programmes, exchange networks,
solidarity mechanisms, the pooling of some equipment, simpler cooperation
procedures, and of course, information exchanges are essential ways
of reaching true and genuine operational cooperation between the
Union’s Member States.” (Pg. 16)
Chapter I: Introduction
1.) The Future Group: A different way of policy-making in
the area of European Home Affairs
“1. Home Affairs policy has been
dealt with at European level for years, and it now takes place increasingly
in an international and even global environment. Policy-makers
are confronted with continually shifting political surroundings
requiring dynamic decision-making. The general framework requiring
political action in this climate is made up of: globalisation; the
right balance between mobility, security and privacy; the increasing
blurriness of internal and external security; the worldwide and
borderless use of information and communication technologies and,
linked thereto, an increasing need to protect sensitive data in
an exemplary manner.” (Pg. 18)
In progress... You can read the full document for yourself at
the link above and I recommend reading
The Shape of Things To Come, an analysis of this document.
HAVING REGARD TO Article I‑41(6) and Article III‑312
of the Constitution,
RECALLING that the Union is pursuing a common foreign and security
policy based on the achievement of growing convergence of action by
Member States;
RECALLING that the common security and defence
policy is an integral part of the common foreign and security policy;
that it provides the Union with operational capacity drawing on civil
and military assets; that the Union may use such assets in the
tasks referred to in Article III‑309 of the Constitution
outside the Union for peace‑keeping,
conflict prevention and strengthening international security in accordance
with the principles of the United Nations Charter; that the
performance of these tasks is to be undertaken using capabilities provided
by the Member States in accordance with the principle of a single set
of forces;
RECALLING that the common security and defence policy of the Union
does not prejudice the specific character of the security and defence
policy of certain Member States;
RECALLING that the common security and defence
policy of the Union respects the obligations under the North Atlantic
Treaty of those Member States, which see their common defence realised
in the North
Atlantic Treaty Organisation, which remains the foundation
of the collective defence of its members, and is compatible
with the common security and defence policy established within that
CONVINCED that a more assertive Union role in security and defence
matters will contribute to the vitality of a renewed Atlantic Alliance,
in accordance with the
Berlin Plus arrangements;
DETERMINED to ensure that the Union is capable of fully assuming
its responsibilities within the international community;
RECOGNISING that the United Nations Organisation
may request the Union’s assistance for the urgent implementation
of missions undertaken under Chapters VI and VII of the United Nations
RECOGNISING that the strengthening of the security and defence
policy will require efforts by Member States in the area of capabilities;
CONSCIOUS that embarking on a new stage in the development of the
European security and defence policy involves a determined effort by
the Member States concerned;
RECALLING the importance of the Minister
for Foreign Affairs being fully involved in proceedings relating
to permanent structured cooperation,
HAVE AGREED UPON the following provisions, which shall be annexed
to the Constitution:
Article 1
The permanent structured cooperation referred to in Article I‑41(6)
of the Constitution shall be open to any Member State which undertakes,
from the date of entry into force of the Treaty establishing a Constitution
for Europe, to:
(a) proceed more intensively to develop its defence capacities through
the development of its national contributions and participation, where
appropriate, in multinational forces, in the main European equipment
programmes, and in the activity of the Agency in the field of defence
capabilities development, research, acquisition and armaments (European
Defence Agency), and
(b) have the capacity to supply by 2007 at the latest, either at
national level or as a component of multinational force groups, targeted
combat units for the missions planned, structured at a tactical level
as a battle group, with support elements including transport and logistics,
capable of carrying out the tasks referred to in Article III‑309,
within a period of 5 to 30 days, in particular in response to requests
from the United Nations Organisation, and which can be sustained for
an initial period of 30 days and be extended up to at least 120 days.
Article 2
To achieve the objectives laid down in Article 1, Member States participating
in permanent structured cooperation shall undertake to:
(a) cooperate, as from the entry into force
of the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe, with a
view to achieving approved objectives concerning the level of
investment expenditure on defence equipment, and regularly
review these objectives, in the light of the security environment
and of the Union’s international responsibilities;
(b) bring their defence apparatus into line with each other as far
as possible, particularly by harmonising the identification of their
military needs, by pooling and, where appropriate, specialising their
defence means and capabilities, and by encouraging cooperation in the
fields of training and logistics;
(c) take concrete measures to enhance the availability, interoperability,
flexibility and deployability of their forces, in particular by identifying
common objectives regarding the commitment of forces, including possibly
reviewing their national decision‑making procedures;
(d) work together to ensure that they take the necessary measures
to make good, including through multinational approaches, and without
prejudice to undertakings in this regard within the North Atlantic Treaty
Organisation, the shortfalls perceived in the framework of the ‘Capability
Development Mechanism’;
(e) take part, where appropriate, in the development of major joint
or European equipment programmes in the framework of the European Defence
Article 3
The European Defence Agency shall contribute to the regular assessment
of participating Member States’ contributions with regard to capabilities,
in particular contributions made in accordance with the criteria to
be established, inter alia, on the basis of Article 2, and shall report
thereon at least once a year. The assessment may serve as a basis for
Council recommendations and European decisions adopted in accordance
with Article III‑312 of the Constitution.
C 310/366 EN Official Journal of the European Union 16.12.2004
Then there’s this story that
recently came to my attention:
Outrage Erupts Over Bush Demands in Murder CaseWorldNet Daily(October 10, 2007) - What the U.S. government
wants in the Medellin murder case, now being heard before the U.S. Supreme
Court, is “bizarrely grotesque,” according to the chief
counsel for the
Alliance Defense Fund. And
the warning from ADF Chief Counsel Benjamin Bull notes that the case,
being pursued by President Bush through the Department of Justice, could
result in U.S. laws being subjugated to U.N. resolutions and rules
to the point that local police officers will have to spend more time
studying international law than catching criminals.
“It is the sacred principals enshrined in the
UN Charter to which we will henceforth pledge our Allegiance.”
| President George H.W. Bush,
UN building, Feb. 1, 1992
The following is an excerpt from a document found at the NATO on-line library.
Thank you Bjorn:
Allied leaders announced at Riga that the
NATO Response Force (NRF) had reached its full operational capability.
The technologically-advanced force is made up of land, air,
sea and special forces components that the Alliance can deploy quickly
wherever needed. It is capable of performing missions worldwide
across the whole spectrum of operations, including evacuations, disaster
management, counterterrorism,
and acting as an initial entry force for larger, follow-on forces. It
can number up to 25,000 troops and start to deploy after five days’
notice and sustain itself for operations lasting 30 days or longer if
re-supplied. The Secretary General [Jaap de Hoop Scheffer] described
achieving full operational capability for the NRF as “a major
accomplishment because it gives the Euro-Atlantic
community unprecedented capability.” NATO leaders agreed
at Riga on common funding of short-notice deployments of the NRF, an
agreement that should act as an incentive for countries to participate
in future rotations of the force...
...At Riga, NATO leaders launched a special
operations forces transformation initiative to increase joint training
and doctrine development, improve equipment, and enhance
interoperability. The Allies also directed further work in a
number of other areas that are vital to modern operations, including
air-to-ground surveillance, logistics and intelligence-sharing. These
and a broad range of other activities illustrating NATO’s transformation
in action were displayed at a Transformation Exhibition during the Summit.
Transformation costs money. The Riga Summit declaration stated Allies’
commitment to continuing to provide, individually
and collectively, the resources necessary to allow NATO to perform the
tasks demanded of it. They therefore called on member nations
with declining defence spending to increase this spending in real terms...
The question becomes then what constitutes terrorism? When we start to
examine the beginning stages of the attack on thought mixed with the goal
of the Alliance of Civilizations to fight against those claiming sole ownership
to the Truth, the definition of a terrorist could easily become a thought
crime issue. And with lies repeated loud enough and long enough mixed with
people claiming to be Christian but acting contrary to the Bible’s dictates
I’m sure will be used to destroy Christianity and support the worship of
the man of sin as the Bible foretells will happen. By the way,
NATO Backs Turkey’s Alliance of Civilizations Initiative(November 29, 2006)and the goal ultimately is to have civilian and military forces
act as one to support the governmental system in development today and enforce
laws and rules. We are seeing power through
trade and political agreements asserted on the world’s unsuspecting population,
showing how it is possible for those not watching to miss all that is being
fulfilled around them.
Keeping the peaceInternational Herald
Tribune(March 10, 2008) - For
months, for years, we have been deeply distressed, yet powerless, with
respect to the tragedy in Darfur. Two weeks ago, despite the troubles
in Chad, Europe gave itself the means to protect the victims and to
rebuild their villages in eastern Chad. At the behest of France, and
thanks to the efforts of our European partners, the European Union -
implementing a unanimous UN Security Council resolution - launched its
Eufor operation. There will finally be help and comfort for women -
who up to now were raped or killed as soon as they left their camps
- and for hungry children. This is no small achievement. I've just returned
from Goz Beida in eastern Chad, and I will never forget the enthusiastic
welcome the European soldiers received from displaced persons and refugees.
The launch of an autonomous EU operation in Africa, led by an Irish
general with a Polish deputy and bringing together troops from some
15 countries, illustrates how far we have come in building a European
defense. It is now desired and supported by nations that until very
recently remained skeptical. We have been working to build a European
defense since the 1990s. The Europeans needed military means commensurate
with their political ambitions. How could we hope to influence a crisis
or negotiations without the means to back up our words? “The
Union must have the capacity for autonomous action, backed up by credible
military forces, the means to decide to use them, and a readiness to
do so, in order to respond to international crises,”
concluded the Franco-British Saint-Malo Summit in 1998.
The European Security
and Defense Policy inscribed in the Lisbon Treaty is finally allowing
us to meet this need. In the future, if we wish to do so, the
EU will be able to fully assume its role on the international scene.
No one can deny that this is a major asset for peace in the world. The
approximately 15 civilian and military operations that Europe has already
conducted since 2003 in the Balkans, in Africa, in the Middle East,
in Afghanistan and as far away as Indonesia, largely attest to this.
In each of them, the EU was guided by a single ideal: to save lives,
to avert war, and to work for reconstruction and reconciliation when
the international community had been unable to prevent conflict. Each
time we did so with a concern for effectiveness and pragmatism, with
or without direct support from the Americans.
Our vision of relations between
the EU and NATO is that they should be founded on this same pragmatism.
In some cases, the EU has used its own military means, as it did in
Congo in the past and is doing in Chad and the Central African Republic
today. In other situations - Bosnia, for example - the EU benefited
from NATO support. Now, in a growing number of crises, the EU
and NATO are deployed together on the ground. That is sufficient
to show that there is not competition but rather complementarity between
the two organizations. How could it be otherwise when 21 of
the 26 NATO allies are members of the EU, and 21 of the 27 EU partners
are members of NATO? Moreover, it is these individual nations
that decide on a case-by-case basis what is the most appropriate framework
for their actions. And it is they who supply troops and equipment
- there is no EU army, just as there is no NATO army. And all the parties
remain free. This very simple truth means that European defense
relies on the commitment of each state and that all may do their share.
It presumes that all European countries make the effort to ensure that
the security of all is no longer guaranteed or financed by only a few.
As France is one of the largest contributors to both EU and NATO operations,
it is in our interest, even more than in that of others, for the two
organizations to work more effectively together. The positions expressed
by President Nicolas Sarkozy last fall are clear: A tireless promoter
of European defense, France is at the same time a key member of NATO,
whose forces it has commanded on several occasions, particularly in
Kosovo and Afghanistan. Our new approach to NATO is not an alignment
but rather a strengthened European dynamic. Some claim that
the United States remains opposed to a European defense, as it would
weaken NATO. This claim no longer appears to be true. Recent statements
by high-ranking U.S. officials in Paris and London indicate that Washington
- aware of the challenges we must face together - acknowledges the necessary
complementarity of the two organizations. Trust is built over
time and through reciprocity: Our openness to the United States and
American support for the EU autonomously assuming its responsibilities
shall advance hand in hand. European defense and Europe's anchorage
in the Atlantic alliance are two facets of the same defense and security
policy, pursued in the name of the values we share. The EU presidency,
which France will assume on July 1, must allow us to open new perspectives
in the field of security and defense, to fight against terrorism and
proliferation more effectively, to reinforce our energy security, and
to prepare the implementation of permanent structured cooperation open
to all 27 member states, as made possible by the new treaty. We will
resolutely strive toward that aim. We are already preparing ourselves
under the presidency of our Slovenian friends. This progress will give
full meaning to the renewal of our relationship with NATO.
Revelation 17:12,13 And the ten
horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom
as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.
These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the
Revelation 13:3-8 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his
deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.
And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and
they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is
able to make war with him? And there was given unto him a mouth speaking
great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue
forty and two months. And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God,
to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven.
And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to
overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues,
and nations. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship
him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain
from the foundation of the world.
United Nations to expand police forceAssociated
Press(November 1, 2007) - With
the world facing new security threats, the U.N. is planning for an unprecedented
expansion of its police missions. U.N. officials say a shift in the
nature of conflicts requires revamped peacekeeping operations. Traditionally,
the U.N. has facilitated peace between warring states by sending its
blue-helmeted soldiers to man buffer zones between their armies. But
today, interventions are increasingly focused on settling civil wars.
An article by our reader and contributor affectionately known
to us as “Rich of Medford” The final report of the
United Nations’ Alliance of Civilizations (AoC) initiative was
released last month. In addition to its usual goal of combating exclusivist
ideology, the report contains some interesting elements:
1) Exclusivist ideology is defined as “those who
feed on exclusion and claim sole ownership of the truth.
(Christians, read John 14:6 as you consider this statement.)
John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth,
and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
2) The core issue identified to be the bridge between the West
and Islam is resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
3) The global and problematic players in this conflict have been
identified as the adherents of the three monotheistic faiths.
4) Failure to resolve this conflict will result in a failed Alliance
of Civilizations.
Also noteworthy is that the AoC has identified the European Union’s
Barcelona Process as one of the frameworks in which it intends to operate.
For those unfamiliar with the Process, it is the foundation of the EU’s
political, economic, and social policy. The Process, also known as the
Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, is represented as the only platform
that can solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The social dimension
of the Process, with implementation facilitated by the Anna Lindh Foundation,
cooperates with the AoC and shares the common goal to combat religious
fundamentalism worldwide. So what happens to the adherents of the monotheistic
faiths if the peace process fails? Lucis Trust, one of the contributors
to the AoC initiative gives us an idea. In its publication The Rays
and the Initiations, Lucis Trust says that those faiths are but three
dead and gone religions with Judaism being old, obsolete, and separative.
Christianity, they say, has served its purpose and the new age Christ
will replace the Gospel with a new truth. As for Muslims, they will
accept the new age Christ as their Imam Mahdi “who will lead them
to light and to spiritual victory.” The objective of the AoC,
therefore, is “to enforce an Alliance of Civilizations against
all those who…give prevalence…to a logic of division and confrontation.”
Since the Alliance intends to be fully prepared to enforce its objectives
by 2009, I suspect that’s when they will introduce their symbol.
Timing is everything. The European Commission has just submitted a document
to the author of the Barcelona Process that it is time to deliver. If
the planners of the AoC really mean what they say, may God help us all.
-Constance Cumbey
As we see from the above, NATO is connected to this military
availability for future “emergencies” as defined on the fly as needed
for Europe to intervene through military and civilian means. So if
global terror were to break out for some reason or another, by some
religion, then a reaction to a global threat from fundamentalist
religions as defined in the Alliance of Civilizations could begin.
I just recently had the following relevant news brought to my attention
by Curt at the link provided. Please notice the Lisbon link in the speech...
“The launch of SEPA today is a major step in creating the Single Market and
represents a significant contribution to the
Lisbon agenda and a more competitive Europe.”
| Gertrude Tumpel-Gugerell,
Speech January 28, 2008 member executive board of the European Central
Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) Goes LiveThe 70th Week
(February 2, 2008) - If you are familiar with Bible Prophecy
then you are aware that towards the middle of the 70th week, the False
Prophet will require all to take a mark on their right hand or forehead,
and without this mark they will not be able to buy or sell. Who ever
does not take this mark and worship the beast will be killed. Many have
speculated over the years as to what this will be and what it will look
like. Here is a scriptural reference to review.
Revelation 13:15-17 And it was
given to him to give breath to the image of the beast, so that the image
of the beast would even speak and cause as many as do not worship the
image of the beast to be killed. And he causes all, the small and the
great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to
be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, and he provides
that no one will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the
mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name.
A couple of days ago the Single Euro Payments Area or SEPA went live.
This could be highly significant. You see SEPA is a brand new way to conduct
cashless transactions throughout the EU. Not only is this another step in
the integration of the EU but it is a huge step towards a single market.
If the Anti-Christ and the False Prophet were able to be in charge of this
future single market, it would make implementing the mark of the beast that
much easier. Is SEPA the beginning or the framework for the
Mark of the Beast? Well, time will tell, but one thing is for sure,
it is worth watching. Please take the time to read the article below.
SEPA goes liveEuropean Central Bank(January 28, 2008) - Speech by Gertrude
Tumpel-Gugerell, Member of the Executive Board of the ECB Launch event
organised by the European Commission, the European Central Bank and
the European Payments Council Brussels. The countdown is over! Today,
28 January 2008, SEPA goes live! I am pleased to welcome you all to
the launch of SEPA. First and foremost, I would like to take this opportunity
to thank the European Commission for hosting today’s event and
for its cooperation over the last few years, the fruit of which can
been seen today as SEPA comes to life. Those who have made SEPA a reality,
the banks and the service providers are here tonight and I would like
to congratulate them all. Let me also mention the work of the Council
and the European Parliament that has contributed to making SEPA a reality.
Nine years ago we introduced the single currency. Today, we
launch SEPA – another important step in European integration. But let
me assure you: today is only just the beginning! SEPA is all about integration,
harmonisation and modernisation. It is a natural consequence of the
single currency and a major step in the creation of the Single Market.
That is why the ECB has supported the project closely over the past
six years. Today’s launch is the first visible result. A single
currency – with a single set of payment instruments – in a single euro
payments area. With SEPA, this becomes a reality. And we, as euro area
citizens, will be able to make euro payments as cheaply, as easily and
as safely as we do national payments. All euro payments will be “domestic”;
finally, there will be no difference between sending a payment from
Rome to Dublin or from Brussels to Antwerp. We can now make payments
not only with euro notes and coins, but harmonised electronic payments
by European credit transfer, direct debit and payment card as well.
An important milestone has been reached today with the launch
of “SEPA Credit Transfer”. We are now able to send euro
payments quickly, and in the same way, to any beneficiary in Europe.
This will be followed by “SEPA Direct Debit” before
the end of 2009. As a result, we will be able to make direct debit payments
across Europe, as if no borders existed. With the “SEPA
Cards Framework”, extensive changes await the European cards market.
The ECB expects a new European card scheme to emerge, harmonising card
payments across Europe. That said, efficient national card schemes should
not vanish, leaving the cards market entirely to international card
schemes. Let’s work together and use the experience of the national
schemes to devise a new European card scheme. Together, these three
payment instruments make up SEPA, our key to a door behind which many
opportunities lie. Once the door is open we will still have a mountain
to climb. But if we are willing to take up the challenge and use SEPA
with innovative thinking, we can reap the full benefit. Let
me stress: we do not envision opening the door only to sit back and
admire the great many opportunities on the other side. Let’s climb
the mountain, discover the opportunities and progress onwards and upwards.
Let’s complement the SEPA instruments with innovative services,
such as online and mobile payment initiation, e-invoicing and e-reconciliation.
By combining these services with SEPA instruments,
we eliminate paper and the payment process becomes fully electronic.
End-users will spend less time on payments – and, as we all know, time
means money. But how will you benefit from SEPA?
Corporates – make fast European transactions, simplify your
payment handling and consolidate your liquidity management.
SEPA’s harmonised services can optimise your payment process.
So, request these services from your banks and service providers.
Public administrations – you will experience the same benefits
as corporates. But that’s not all. SEPA can help drive
e-Government and e-procurement, thereby promoting efficient
public services. By adopting SEPA at an early stage, you will
extend its benefits to society at large.
Consumers – one bank account and one set of payment instruments
is all you need. As with euro notes and coins, there will finally
be no difference between payments across Europe – all euro payments
will be ”domestic”.
And banks – you have developed and will form the basis of
SEPA. And SEPA can help you expand your business, as integration
and harmonisation will encourage competition. It is now up to
you to use the opportunities SEPA brings.
The launch of SEPA today is a major
step in creating the Single Market and represents a significant contribution
to the Lisbon agenda and a more competitive Europe. It has not been
easy to arrive at where we are today – SEPA has been a formidable challenge,
but formidable challenges make us stronger. It is not time to sit back
in admiration; it is time to use SEPA. So, let’s
rise to the challenge; let’s use SEPA, our key; and let’s
discover the great many opportunities that lie on the other side of
that door.
Significant Dates?
Tony Webber recently had a question regarding the common date of
November 27,28 in terms of the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) and I
thought it significant although besides these common dates and reasons,
I don’t know why.
This Day In History: - On November
27, 1095,
Pope Urban II makes perhaps the most influential speech of the Middle
Ages, giving rise to the Crusades by calling
all Christians in Europe to war against Muslims in order to
reclaim the Holy Land, with a cry of “Deus volt!”
or “God wills it!”
29, 1947 - “It seems to be more than just coincidence
is that Annapolis is being held almost 60 years to the day -- by the
Jewish calendar -- after the nations
first voted to divide the land into Israeli and Palestinian states,
on November 29, 1947, with
U.N. Resolution 181. The Annapolis date was likely chosen for this
reason.” -FulfilledProphecy
November 27-28, 1995
Barcelona Euro-Mediterranean Conferenceor Common Strategy
on the Mediterranean Region is held. This is the
predecessor to the ENP which is supposed to “breathe new life” into
what began on this date in 1995.
November 27-28, 2007
- Annapolis, Maryland meeting is planned to
discuss how to bring about peace in the Middle East and a push to
agreed terms with which to divide Israel. The
US State Department confirmed the invitations had been sent out for
next week's conference, though no agenda has been set and no schedule
has been released for the meetings, which the
United States hope will kick-start negotiations between Israel and the
Palestinian Authority.
“Israel does us more harm than good in the Arab world”
“We can’t negotiate about the existence of Israel
but we can reduce its size to historical proportions”.
“So I think in ten to fifteen years Israel will be like
Lebanon – struggling for existence, with no influence in the Arab
“If the issue is the existence of Israel, we can’t
cooperate. But if the issue is more normal borders, we can cooperate”.
“I think the Palestinian identity has to be recognized
in some form … (It) will be a tremendous fight … (but) no solution
is possible without it”.
These shocking quotes show where the heart and strategy of the State
Department lie. Israel's borders must be shrunk in order to weaken its
military and political standing in the Middle East. A Palestinian state
needs to be established on land which has been pried away from Israeli
control. These words can help intercessors to pray for leaders and diplomats
in the US and elsewhere, for these talking points are part and parcel
of British, European and Russian strategies as well. more...
From Israel prayer update: Also on the table, of
course, will be the future of Jerusalem. Ironically, this year in which
there are still banners on the streets of the capital commemorating
the 40th anniversary of the city's “re-unification”,
Olmert has made clear that he is prepared for a large part of it to
be transferred from Israeli sovereignty to that of a Muslim Palestine.
Only a little over seven years ago, as the Clinton-Barak plan to divide
the city loomed, Natan Sharansky organized one of the largest demonstrations
ever held in Jerusalem, proclaiming the Jerusalem and the Temple Mount
as forever integral to the very identity of the Jewish people. We were
present at that rally, and heard then-Mayor of Jerusalem Ehud Olmert
loudly proclaiming against its ever again being divided. Now Olmert
is Prime Minister and has voiced a willingness to cede at least six
Arab neighborhoods to a future State, while his Vice Premier Haim Ramon
has reportedly proposed the release of all Arab neighborhoods
in the city excepting only those adjacent to the Old City which a 'special
administration' would oversee (cf “Sharansky: Dividing Jerusalem
'crisis'”, Jerusalem Post Online Edition, Nov 20, 2007).
Sharansky, a former Soviet dissident, Israeli Minister-has launched
a new campaign aimed at standing against what he perceives as an “identity
crisis” in leadership which once again threatens the oneness of
All this seems to be working toward the common goal of the
fourth kingdom’s control over the land of Israel
to divide it for peace. This, I believe, better solidifies the link
of Europe today with the revived Rome in Bible prophecy. It seems the seven
heads through history of the beast in Revelation 17 are all linked by their
interaction with Israel prophetically and in history. See more
Club of Rome
Bryon on
PNW: Pierre Elliot Trudeau, former
Prime Minister of Canada, was a principal player in the Club of Rome.
Of interest he used to have the number “666” on the license
plate of his sports car. I once saw a picture of him sitting in his
car looking back with the rear plate clearly visible, and with just
'666' on it. When asked why he had chosen that number; he replied that
it identified him with the Club of Rome, which apparently has adopted
that number as a symbol; leastways according to Trudeau.
Solana is also a member of the Club of Rome which appears to have been
a think tank of sorts to push the unification of Europe as the first
step in putting together a global empire. Donald Keys, a Luciferan,
was also a chief scholar involved in the Club of Rome.
“Moreover, one of the Club of Rome's very active scholars was Donald Keys.
Keys was an administrator of Lucis Trust, working actively with
Alice and Foster Bailey. Lest we forget, Lucis Trust was an after
named entity created by the Bailey's. After they had organized their
first publishing company -- Lucifer Publishing Company. In 1924
they renamed it a somewhat less startling ‘Lucis Publishing’
and subsidiary organizations that would be known as ‘Lucis
Trust’, ‘World Goodwill’, the ‘Arcane School’,
and Triangles. All were intensely involved in disseminating directions
for the New World Order. They were particularly concerned with a
warm global reception for this ‘Maitreya’ and the New
World Religion which would help enable him. One does not have to
be a Rhodes or Fulbright scholar to see how closely those directions
were followed. One strong global name that has appeared from the
beginning and shows up at Findhorn for rallies on acceptance of
this ‘Maitreya’ is Maurice Strong. High up in the United
Nations, Kofi Annan was allegedly one of his mentored ones. From
time to time, Javier Solana's published agendas show he meets with
him.” | Constance Cumbey
Donald Keys believes that Christians, Jews, and Muslims, must be
embroiled in a war to annihilate one another in order for the New World
Order to rise to power. I would say that their Luciferian plan is definitely
succeeding and going according to schedule. They even have a prayer
called the ‘Great Invocation’ which in part reads ‘seal
the door where evil dwells’ which is occult code for get rid of
the Christians, Jews, and Muslims. They are even using modernist bibles
to condition people to accept the ‘666’ antichrist ‘man
of sin’.
I found out that the original leaves used as borders on the UN logo
were laurel leaves, (Laurel being considered a sacred plant in pagan
Roman mythology.) used by Caesar to represent victory. The leaves were
initially changed to olive leaves to represent peace instead. I wonder
what kind of leaves will be found there tomorrow? Rome, Caesar, laurel
leaves, 666, globalism. And I just read where a past pope called the
UN; “The hope of the world.”
What About the Roman Empire? - The origins of the man who would
run the EU, IF the EU is the 7 headed 10 horned beast.
"Many Christian teachers have taught that the Antichrist will
emerge from the Roman Empire and then rule over most parts, if not all,
of Europe. Thus, his empire will be a revived version of the Roman Empire.
For an idea of what the Roman Empire looked like, see this
It stretched from Spain to Mesopotamia and Assyria (modern day Iraq).
In Daniel 8, we read of another of Daniel's vision that concerns the
End Times. In this chapter, Daniel saw a two-horned ram that was attacked
by a goat and killing the ram. Then the large horn of the goat was broken,
and in its place four horns took its place. The Angel Gabriel identified
that the ram was the Medo-Persian Empire (v. 20), and the goat the Greek
Empire (v. 21). When Alexander the Great died at the young age of 33
("at the height of his power") (v. 8), his empire
was divided by his four generals (v. 8): Seleucus (Seleucid Empire),
Ptolemy (Egypt), Lysimachos (Thrace) and Cassander (Macedon and Greece).
this map for this partition. The Seleucid Empire has its capitol
over Babylon and was the largest of the four. It is also the one that
the Bible described concerning the Antichrist: Out of one of them
came another horn, which started small but grew in power to the south
and to the east and toward the Beautiful Land. (Daniel 8:9) "Beautiful
Land" of course refers to the land of Israel.
Thus, we can see that this "little horn"
comes from the geographic region of the
Seleucid Empire. Many have also seen that the description
of the little horn also fit somewhat Antiochus IV Epiphanes, a ruthless
Seleucid king who desecrated the Jewish Temple by sacrificing a pig
on its altar and setting up a statue of Zeus. However, the problem of
simply treating the passage as dealing with Antiochus is that the Angel
Gabriel explicitly told Daniel that "the
vision concerns the time of the end" (v. 17),
and the visions concern "what will happen later in the time
of wrath because the vision concerns
the appointed time of the end" (v. 19). It's
fulfillment, therefore, is two-fold, one concerning Antiochus and the
other the Antichrist "at the appointed time of the end".
It is clear that Antiochus IV Epiphanes was, at the most, a prototype
of the Antichrist that is to come."
My personal take on the article above is that the lineage of the
future antichrist comes from this region, not that the antichrist
will be born in this geographical region. Why would I say that?
Well the evidence of where the antichrist comes from is based on
one of the horns that grows to the southeast. The context to the
identity of the antichrist is based in the time tied to this kingdom
existing. It no longer does, yet it is tied to the end. However,
the antichrist's great, great, great, great (and so on...) grandparents
could have come from this empire and through history kept their
lineage for the eventual birth of the man who would be the man of
sin. Maybe they're not trying to do that, but it will end up with
the birth of the future antichrist and his lineage will come from
this area. It's a possibility that shouldn't be overlooked. It should
also be noted that the Seleucid Empire eventually became provinces
of the Roman Empire
as this map shows. So technically, the antichrist comes from
both the Seleucid Empire and the later Roman Empire.
And both the nations of the EU and the old Seleucid Empire are connected
by their belonging to the Roman Empire. So the EU would still be
the revived Roman Empire and the lineage of the antichrist will
be from the Seleucid Empire.
European Neighborhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI)
Euro-Mediterranean Partnership or Barcelona Process
is a wide framework of political, economic and social relations between
member states of the EU and countries of the Southern Mediterranean.
It was initiated on 27-28 November 1995 through a conference of Ministers
of Foreign Affairs, held in Barcelona. Besides the 27 member states
of the European Union, the remaining “Mediterranean Partners”
are all other Mediterranean countries without
(which has had 'observer status' since 1999). Since the establishment
of the
European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument in 2007
the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership initiative will
become fully a part of the wider European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP).
Association Agreements signed with the Mediterranean states aim
at establishing of a
Euro-Mediterranean free trade area. - Wikipedia
What is the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI)? From the beginning of the next budget cycle (Financial Perspective)
in 2007, financial support for the European Neighbourhood Policy and
ENP countries will be provided through a dedicated European Neighbourhood
and Partnership Instrument (ENPI). The ENPI will target sustainable
development and approximation to EU policies and legislation, and bring
a radical improvement in our capacity to support cross-border cooperation
along the EU’s external borders – thus giving substance to our
aim of avoiding new dividing lines. The ENPI will replace MEDA and TACIS
and other existing instruments such as the European Initiative for Democracy
and Human Rights (EIDHR).
The ENPI is a “policy driven”
instrument that will operate in the framework of the existing bilateral
agreements between the Community and the neighbouring countries. It
will focus in particular on supporting the implementation of the ENP
Action Plans. In that context it will go further than promoting sustainable
development and fighting poverty to encompass for example considerable
support for measures leading to progressive participation in the EU’s
internal market. Legislative approximation, regulatory convergence and
institution building will be supported through mechanisms such as the
exchange of experience, long term twinning arrangements with Member
States or participation in Community programmes and agencies.
A specific and innovative feature of the instrument is its cross
border co-operation component. Under this component, the ENPI will finance ”joint
programmes” bringing together regions of Member States and partner
countries sharing a common border. The instrument will bring a radical
simplification in procedures and substantial gains in efficiency. It
will use a “Structural Funds” approach, based on multi-annual
programming, partnership and co-financing. The cross border co-operation
component of the ENPI will be co-financed by the European Regional Development
Fund (ERDF).
The words “and Partnership” in the
title of the instrument reflects the fact that this will also fund the
implementation of the Strategic Partnership with Russia (previously
funded through the TACIS programme).
Why was a new funding instrument necessary for
this policy area?
It has proved difficult to support cross-border cooperation along
the EU’s external border due to the need to combine internal funding
instruments (Regional/Structural Funds) with external funding instruments
(e.g. TACIS, MEDA), operating with different rules and procedures. In
its 2003 Communication on “Wider Europe”, the Commission
recognised the importance of encouraging cross border co-operation at
the EU’s external border, with the overall aim of preventing the
creation of new dividing lines in Europe. In order to overcome the difficulties
which arose from the combination of the different rules and procedures,
the Commission proposed a single set of rules to cover cooperation at
all of the EU’s external borders. This was spelled out in more
detail in the Commission’s 2004 ENP Strategy Paper. Both documents
were based on the idea of ENPI complementing rather than replacing the
existing instruments (e.g. MEDA, TACIS) .
However, as a result
of parallel work on reforming the overall way in which EU external policies
are funded, the Commission then proposed that the plethora of existing
instruments funding external relations should be completely replaced,
from the next budget cycle (2007-2013), by a much simpler system. This
would mean three emergency instruments (humanitarian, macro-financial
and a new Stability Instrument) and three policy-driven instruments
(one for pre-accession, one for ENP and one for development and economic
cooperation). These would replace all existing external relations funding
programmes for the areas that they cover.
As regards cross-border
cooperation, a key objective of the ENP, the new ENPI instrument will
therefore provide a radical improvement over the current situation.
Until the new instrument comes into existence (2007), efforts are being
made to already improve cross-border cooperation, using the existing
instruments, through Neighbourhood Programmes.
“As I've tried to point out, the European Neighbourhood Policy does not replace
the process launched years ago in Barcelona. It renews it, clarifies
it and breathes fresh life into it.”
| Margot Wallstrom regarding the ENP
and fears that it was replacing the 1995 EURO-MED [E.U. “ROMED”]
“...neighbourhood policy is not a substitute for the Barcelona process; it
rather underpins and deepens it.” |
Javier Solana December 17, 2006
“Relations between the EU and Israel are also part of the Union's wider efforts
to contribute to a resolution of the Middle East conflict. The achievement
of lasting peace in the Middle East is a central aim of the EU, whose
main objective is a two-state solution leading to a final and comprehensive
settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict based on the implementation
of the road map, with Israel and a democratic, viable, peaceful and
soveriegn Palestinian State living side-by-side in peace within secure
and recognized borders and enjoying normal relations with their neighbours.”
| Javier Solana
An interesting addition to the topic of the confirming nature of the
ENP in relationship to the Barcelona Process. This also ties in the significant
date above to the whole process currently going on in international politics.
Thanks to
Farmer for
sharing the research!
March 14, 2005 - Margot Wallstrom,
Vice-President of the European Commission original ending to speech
given at the Euro-Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly:
"Mr. President, ladies and gentlemen, As I have tried
to point out, the European Neighbourhood Policy does not replace
the process launched ten years ago in Barcelona. It renews
it, clarifies it and breathes fresh life into it.”
revised version: "Mr. President, ladies and
gentlemen, The European Neighborhood Policy does not replace the
process launched ten years ago in Barcelona. It adds to it and makes
things happen."
1. Under the "FAQ about the ENP" on the official EU-Website
we find the following question: "1. 6. How does the so-called "Barcelona
Process" relate to the ENP?" The EU’s answer is:"
...the Neighbourhood Policy Action Plans, agreed with the partners,
will strengthen the Barcelona objectives and provide benchmarks and
incentives to improve their implementation."
2. Further in the "EU ENP action plan" for Israel it is
written, that it’s goal would be to: "...promote incrementally
regional peace and security through inter alia the relevant provisions
in the Barcelona Declaration of 1995,"
(page 7)
3. In an Interim Report from the Council of the European Union by
Javier Solana on the "EU Strategic Partnership with the Mediterranean
and the Middle East" already from 19-3-2004, on page 8 under "Neighbourhood
Policy - deepening the emp" is written: "...In contact with
our partners in the region, we should clearly situate the Neighbourhood
Action Plans in the context of a reinforcement of the Barcelona Process...
If we take a look at the dictionary we find:
reinforce re•in•force
also re-en•force or re•en•force Audio pronunciation of "reinforce"
( P ) Pronunciation Key (rn-fôrs, -frs) tr.v. re•in•forced,
re•in•forc•ing, re•in•forc•es 1. To give more force or effectiveness
to; strengthen: The news reinforced her hopes. 2. To strengthen
(a military force) with additional personnel or equipment. 3.
To strengthen by adding extra support or material. 4. To increase
the number or amount of; augment. 5. Psychology.
1. To reward (an experimental subject, for example) with a reinforcer
subsequent to a desired response or performance.
2. To encourage (a response) by means of a reinforcer”.
confirm con•firm Audio
pronunciation of "confirm" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (kn-fûrm)
tr.v. con•firmed, con•firm•ing, con•firms 1. To support
or establish the certainty or validity of; verify. 2. To make
firmer; strengthen: Working on the campaign confirmed her intention
to go into politics. 3. To make valid or binding by a formal
or legal act; ratify. 4. To administer the religious rite of
confirmation to. I used The American Heritage® Dictionary
of the English Language: Fourth Edition. 2000.
The EU and US as a shared Bipolar Global Power
A comprehensive article was published in 2005 concerning a transatlantic
military strategy as published by the US army. It is now apparent the
new US military strategy is a bipolar one between the EU and the US.
I have not had a chance to read it all yet, but it is clear what the
intentions are. It involves the transfer and merging of US corporations
to the EU to support an EU based military defense system in tandem with
the US military.
Rather than build their own companies from
the ground up, EU companies have been outright buying US companies for
a number of years now and creating their own conglomerate corporate
giants like Daimler-Chrysler. Another trend I also noticed when I researched
this was some companies bought by European ones become converted to
private corporations.
Today, U.S. and European defense firms are at a crossroads.
Opportunities for the construction of a transatlantic defense sector
are tangible, but significant obstacles may accelerate the formation
of a bipolar industrial base. While market forces played a key role
in the transformation and consolidation of these sectors in recent
years, political considerations are largely responsible for a restructuring
process that has been almost entirely among U.S. firms in the United
States and among European Union companies in Europe.
Here is and Annual Review Report from the EDA, from the EU side of
The EDU in Europe
EADS leverages
Europe’s capabilities and competitiveness. The transformation
of Airbus will lead to a renewal of the European spirit in our industry.
On the defence side, EADS’ future growth will be strongly
supported by the ongoing ramp-up of truly European programmes such
as the A400M transport aircraft, NH90 and Tiger helicopters or the
Eurofi ghter combat aircraft. All internationalisation efforts are
designed to open up the most attractive markets while the Group
continues to develop its industrial base in Europe.
The pace and breadth of EADS North America’s business
activities has increased. The Group achieved an important step in
its US growth strategy when it was selected as prime contractor
for the LUH military helicopter programme. The company is also actively
competing for two major military programmes. Together with strong
US partners, EADS North America is offering the world’s most
advanced tanker aircraft to the US forces and competing for the
Joint Cargo Aircraft programme.
Share Holders of the EDA 22.46%
DaimlerChrysler 1) 3) (Is a German Company located in Stuttgart, Germany).
Does anyone remember how Volkswagen got started? 29.95% SOGEADE
1) 2): Lagardère and French state holding company SOGEPA 5.48% SEPI
(Spanish state holding company) 41.05% Institutional, retail and
employee ownership plus shares held out of the contractual partnership
by French state 1.06% Treasury shares (without economic or voting
Statue out front the Justus Lipsius building
which is where the Council of the European
Union is located. On the blue flag if you look close enough you will
see Council of the EU.
“Be not overcome
of evil, but overcome evil with good.” Romans 12:21
Watchman Bible Study | 2005 - 2024
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