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News for July 9, 2007
Turkey’s leaders plan Muslim Europe The First
Post (July 9, 2007) - If you thought
Turkey was no threat to the West, think again. A new generation of politicians
is aiming to Islamise the state by stealth. The AKP - Adalet ve Kalkinma
Partisi, or Justice and Development Party - has a stranglehold on Turkey
for the foreseeable future. Since coming to power, the AKP has done nothing
revolutionary, but it does have a revolutionary agenda. The AKP was founded
to replace a previous Islamic party banned for extremism. It benefited hugely
from the corruption scandals that dragged down the previous government,
taking two-thirds of parliament in the 2002 general election (on a third
of the vote). On Friday, its ex-foreign secretary Abdullah Gul narrowly
failed to win a victory in the first round of presidential elections. The
result was close enough to prompt public demonstrations by secularists ahead
of the second round voting on May 2, and a statement from the military -
long the guardians of Turkey's secular traditions - warning against a pro-Islam
political agenda. For all their suavity, its leaders seek to transform the
country into a Sunni Muslim republic. This collides with institutions and
laws strictly limiting Islam's role in public life, and with a long-standing
security alliance with Israel. more...
Strong quake hits Southern Mexico Breitbart.com
(July 6, 2007) - A strong earthquake shook
southernmost Mexico late Thursday, knocking out power to large parts of
Chiapas state and causing panic among residents, according to seismologists.
People rushed from their homes in fear in several areas of southern Mexico,
but no injuries were reported and Chiapas public security secretary Daniel
Rogue told AFP that there was only "light damage to some buildings"
in the state. In Tuxtla Gutierrez, the state capital, power went off, ceilings
fell and windows broke in the commercial district, where dozens of people
fled terrified into the street in search of safety. Electricity services
also shut down in Oaxaca, according to reports. Seismologists at the National
Autonomous University of Mexico said it was a 6.2 quake and the US Geological
Survey measured the quake at 6.1 in magnitude, indicating a strong earthquake
apt to cause damage and injuries. The magnitude reading was based on the
Moment Magnitude scale, now used by US seismologists, which measures the
area of the fault that ruptured and the total energy released. The quake
hit at 8:09 pm Thursday (0109 GMT Friday), at a depth of 125 kilometers
(78 miles) 40 kilometers (25 miles) west and southwest of Tuxtla Gutierrez,
Chiapas, Mexico and 390 kilometers (240 miles) northwest of Guatemala City.
Jesus Duran, a spokesman for the state oil company Pemex, told Reforma newspaper
there was no damage reported at the company's refinery in Salina Cruz. "All
of the plants are normal .... there are no problems," he said. Authorities
in three states ordered evacuations of buildings and businesses. On April
13, a quake of 6.2 magnitude hit Mexico without causing major damage. The
epicenter of the earthquake was located in the southern state of Guerrero
near the Pacific coast.
Solana steps up effort to fill anti-terrorism post
European Voice (July
5, 2007) - Javier Solana, the EU’s foreign policy chief, is expected
to fill the post of EU counter-terrorism co-ordinator soon but with a strengthened
role and mandate. Efforts to fill the post, which was vacated
by Gijs de Vries, a Dutch politician, in March, have intensified after the
terrorist incidents in the UK this week. Member states support
boosting the position, with Wolfgang Schaüble, Germany’s interior minister,
saying that the current job description and mandate were “not sufficient”.
“The construction of the post is not sufficient…the matter now is to look
for a new construction. Until now it has been a position of the Council
[of Ministers] but that is not effective enough,” he said, in an interview
with European Voice. The role could involve stronger powers in scrutinising
police co-operation across the EU and monitoring how relevant EU legislation
is functioning, an EU official said. The post could also involve
an enhanced role in co-operating with third countries on counter-terrorism.
There are suggestions that the post could involve co-ordination of anti-terror
activities across the EU institutions. But the official said that this was
“out of the question”, as it would involve the new anti-terror co-ordinator
stealing powers from the European Commission. Franco Frattini, the European
commissioner for justice, freedom and security, said that it was up to the
Council to decide if the post should be strengthened, but added: “The Council
is leading the co-ordination of the intergovernmental area while I am leading
the communitarian [European Community] area of the issue.” The post is expected
to be filled by appointing a candidate from a large member state, said one
diplomat. The position has remained vacant since de Vries stepped down because
Solana and his office have not had time to find a replacement. Instead,
they have focused their attention on the crises in the Middle East and with
Iran, as well as on reform of the EU’s institutions. But the recent terrorist
incidents in the UK have highlighted the need to step up co-ordination against
terrorism at EU level and are expected to boost efforts to fill the post.
Frattini on Tuesday (3 July) announced that he would be introducing legislation
in the autumn to criminalise the posting of information about bomb-making
on the internet and that he intended to set up a database to track the storage
and use of explosives across the EU. He reiterated his intention to introduce
a European system for collecting information on airline passengers entering
the EU. Frattini said that he wanted each member state to set up a national
unit to collect and store such information, which includes credit card details,
passport number and who a passenger is flying with. Frattini said that he
was also sending out a questionnaire to all member states asking how they
deal with religious education and prevent radicalisation. He said that this
was intended to “protect the large majority of Muslims living here peacefully”. Revelation 6:1,2 Daniel 8:25 As I've mentioned before, Daniel 8:25 refers to a historical figure, Antiochus IV Epiphanes. He was a type of antichrist, even placing an idol in the Holy of Holies, thus performing the abomination of desolation and causing the Macabbean revolt. The same spirit is behind the end-time man of sin. Terrorism is a cause for peace and safety that is brought about by going forth conquering. It is also a means to place controls on society that will eventually lead to the mark of the beast. Another trademark is entering in by flatteries, and that's what politics is all about. The master politician knows how to wear the right masks at the right times to elevate the pride of those you wish to get something from, playing to their egos in return for cooperation. The question is who will fill the anti-terrorism post? Whoever it is, it appears that Solana is appointing them. Keep watching!
The Second Beast Rises FulfilledProphecy
(July 5, 2007) - A recent
press release from the United Nations' secretary-general, Ban Ki-moon,
makes a startling statement. It says that the teachings of a 13th century,
Persian poet--Maulana Rumi--capture the goals of the UN's "Alliance
of Civilizations." As followers of FP know, the AoC is an initiative
launched under the UN's previous secretary-general, Kofi Annan, to combat
religious extremism and end the tensions that divide the Western and Muslim
worlds. The UN realized it can never achieve its goal of creating a peaceful
world unless it first achieves religious tolerance. It plans to focus its
efforts on education, media, migration and youth. The AoC is being implemented
under the framework of the "Euro-Mediterranean Partnership" and
the "European Neighbourhood Policy" (both which seek to bring
peace and stability to the Middle East) with a goal of extending the AoC
globally. An AoC "High Representative," Jorge Sampaio (former
president of Portugal), has been appointed to lead these efforts, and Javier
Solana, the EU's High Representative, has
endorsed the AoC. The UN's goal is for the AoC to become operational
by the end of 2009--just in time for the middle of Daniel's 70th week in
2010 (if it, indeed, started Jan, 1, 2007). The emergence of the AoC is
significant because it marked the beginning of a formal, spiritual agenda
by the UN. And what are the UN's spiritual beliefs? According to the secretary-general,
Ki-moon, they can be found in the writings of Maulana Rumi, which you can
read here. Ki-moon
goes so far as to call himself a "student" of Rumi. Recep Tayyip
Erdogan, the prime minister of Turkey--co-sponsor of the AoC with Spain--told
the UN General Assembly that spreading Rumi's message throughout the world "will
greatly strengthen our efforts within the framework of the Alliance of Civilizations."
Read his
speech here. Turkey is currently sponoring an
featuring Rumi's work at the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul. Rumi taught that,
originally, we were all part of God and, through spiritual enlightenment,
we'll eventually make our way back to God. Like other Eastern and New Age
teachings, Rumi taught that only when individuals attain inner peace--and
don't discriminate against other beliefs--can they create a peaceful world.
The core of all faiths, he taught, is love. His writings are attractive
to the United Nations because they teach a "humanist philosophy and
... highlight the principles of tolerance, understanding and compassion,"
according to Ki-moon. Rumi's poems have gained a pop-culture following through
recorded readings by celebrities, like Madonna's video "Bittersweet."
Lyrics here. Rumi's teachings give us insights into the beliefs guiding
the UN and its Alliance of Civilizations. Such beliefs mesh perfectly with
the EU's secular humanistic philosophy. The bottom line in both Eastern
and humanistic thinking is that human beings are God--though these teachings
may have different ways of getting there. And, of course, the teaching that
human beings can be like God is the same old lie Satan told Eve in the garden
of Eden (Genesis 3:5). This satanic teaching is, sadly, even being promoted
within our own Christian quarters through the popular "Word-Faith Movement."
My skin has crawled when I've heard Creflo Dollar blasphemously state on
Christian television: "You are gods," while also denying the divinity
of Christ.
Watch him here. We know from Bible prophecy that the Antichrist also
will hold to a type of this thinking. In the middle of Daniel's 70th week,
he will go into the rebuilt Jewish temple and proclaim himself to be God
(Daniel 11:36-37, 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4). So, we can see how different non-Christian
beliefs seem to be merging into the end-time false religious system that
the Bible describes as "the beast from the earth" (Revelation
13:11-18). This false religious system will support the "beast from
the sea" (the revival of the Roman Empire under the Antichrist, which
appears to have risen in the European Union). It also will be responsible
for the most violent persecution of God's people ever. Christians--with
their beliefs about sin, judgment and Jesus as the only Savior--are going
to be seen as hate mongers standing in the way of global unity. And those
who are more fully "enlightened" or "evolved"--a word
choice depending on whether their thinking is Eastern or secular humanistic--will
be seen as humanity's true saviors. Students of Bible prophecy would do
well to keep their eyes on the Alliance of Civilizations. more...
Al Qaeda's No. 2 says end of West imminent, video shows
CNN (July 5, 2007)
- In a newly released videotaped message similar to a "fireside chat,"
al Qaeda's second-in-command issues advice and directives for the Muslim
world, terrorism expert Laura Mansfield said Wednesday. In the one-hour,
34-minute video, titled "The Advice of One Concerned," Ayman al-Zawahiri
includes clips from other videos and news broadcasts, including one from
al-Furqan, the video production arm of the Islamic State of Iraq, according
to Mansfield, who obtained the video. Al-Zawahiri says in the message that
the defeat of the West is imminent, and that "the enemy" is trying
to forestall the inevitable, Mansfield said. "The good omens of the
new dawn of victory have begun to loom on the horizon, with Allah's permission
and will," he says. "And the stage preceding victory is normally,
in the history of nations, the stage in which there is most seen an increase
in conspiracies, plots and inciting of discord in an attempt by the enemy,
who has begun to see his defeat approach, to push back and delay the defeat
as much as he can." Al-Zawahiri does not reference the recent terrorism
incidents in the United Kingdom in the video. Mansfield said it appears
to be more of a "state of the ummah [community]" style of address "intended
to try and provide advice to the Muslim world in a manner similar to the
'fireside chat.'" Al-Zawahiri advises people in Iraq and the Palestinian
territory, Mansfield said, and renews his call for young men to join the
jihad in Iraq and Afghanistan. Included is a video clip of the late Sheikh
Abdullah Azzam -- an extremist in Afghanistan during the Soviet occupation
-- reminding Muslims that jihad is their responsibility. Al-Zawahiri also
rebukes Fatah for battling Hamas in the Palestinian territory, telling party
members to "return to your religion, your Islam, your honor and your
Arabness." Last month, al-Zawahiri, in an audiotaped message posted
on several Islamist Web sites, voiced his support for Hamas leaders who
maintain control of Gaza after a split with Fatah, a more moderate Palestinian
faction. "We say to you, now that you are in control of Gaza, you should
remember two things: One is that being in power is not a goal in itself,
but the goal is, rather, to implement the rule of Allah," al-Zawahiri
said in that audiotape, according to a CNN translation. "Two, this
control is incomplete and unstable, for the [Israeli] plans are being made
to invade Gaza. Unite with your mujahedeen brothers in Palestine and do
not stir up problems with them. "Unite your ranks with all of the mujahedeen
in the world for the upcoming battle [of Gaza] that I expect the Egyptians
and Saudis to participate in." The audiotaped message was a reversal
of al-Zawahiri's previous criticism of Hamas, issued after its leaders agreed
to form a unity government with Fatah leaders. Hamas fighters wrested control
of Gaza from Fatah security forces two weeks ago, prompting Palestinian
Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, based in the West Bank, to replace the
Hamas leadership with an emergency government. Since then, the United States,
the European Union and Israel have agreed to release funds to the new Palestinian
government. The money had been frozen after Hamas won legislative elections
last year. I place the NWO link here because of the perported writings of Albert Pike in 1871 of the three world wars. The last of which is the current war between the West and radical Islam. He writes, "The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time." | Albert Pike That adoration will be directed at the man of sin, the antichrist. Revelation 13:1-8 This will begin at the abomination of desolation, when the man of sin declares himself to be god as described in 2 Thessalonians 2:1-4. So the ultimate goal of everything we see happening in the world is all part of the plan to reveal Lucifer's antichrist and cause worship of him as god rather than the One True God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. It seem Albert Pike and his Masonic and Illuminati network had been planning for this and now we are seeing those plans come to fruition.
Children used as shields in Pakistan mosque: govt
Reuters (July 5,
2007) - Women and children were being used as human shields by militants
besieged in a mosque in Islamabad, the Pakistan government said on Thursday
as security forces ratcheted up pressure on hundreds inside to surrender.
Pakistan's Deputy Information Minister Tariq Azim Khan said the few students
who had quit the mosque spoke of a nightmare scenario for security forces
trying to keep casualties down. "A large number of women and children
are being held hostage by armed men in room," Khan told a news conference,
adding that the brother of the captured cleric was hiding in the basement
of an attached madrasa with 25 "women hostages." "Yes, they're
using them as human shields, because the people who have come out, they
told us that they're telling women and children not to worry because as
long as you're here forces will not attack us," he said. In an interview
broadcast earlier on state television, the leader of the Red Mosque's Taliban-style
student movement, caught the previous evening trying to escape wearing a
woman's burqa, said 850 students remained inside, including 600 women and
girls. Abdul Aziz, clad in a woman's all-enveloping garment like the one
he was caught in, began the interview by dramatically lifting the black
veil to reveal a face dominated by a bushy grey beard. He said 14 men were
armed with Kalashnikovs in the mosque. "Now there are 50 to 60 hardcore
militants inside the mosque who are armed with automatic weapons, grenades
and petrol bombs," Interior Minister Ahmed Aftab Khan Sherpao said.
Smiling through much of a bizarre interview Aziz said he had had urged others
to leave the mosque, but some women teachers had persuaded girls to stay
behind. "They are not being used as human shields, we only gave them
passion for jihad," said Aziz, who was later remanded in court.
Israel is our main enemy, Haniyeh tells Iranian foreign minister
YNet News (July 5,
2007) - "Our main conflict is with the Zionist enemy,"
Dismissed Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh told Iranian Foreign
Minister Manouchehr Mottaki in a telephone conversation. According to a
statement issued by the Iranian Foreign Ministry, "The Iranian foreign
minister called on all the Palestinian factions to solve their differenced
through a dialogue, as only unity between the Palestinians will bring about
a solution to the situation."
Mideast peace treaty possible this month, says expert
Daily Star Egypt
(July 4, 2007) - A meeting between the Quartet, the Palestinian Authority,
and Israeli leaders will take place in Egypt mid-July, announced EU foreign
policy chief Javier Solana. "Toward the middle of the month, we will
recuperate this initiative," he said. Political analyst from the Al
Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies Emad Gad told The Daily
Star Egypt that he believed the countries were very close to negotiating
a peace treaty delineating a two-state solution “very close” to what former
PM Arafat was said to have been offered at the 2000 Camp David meeting.
He believes that “ ‘moderate’ Palestinians are ready to sign a peace treaty
with Israel.” While the Quartet meeting was postponed from late June due
to high tensions within the Palestinian territories, Gad explains that the
situation is very different now. “It is looking positive in the West Bank,”
he says, where Israel has returned tax revenues to the Palestinian Authority
and the EU has resumed relations with the territory. Abbas is also supported
by the US, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan. Abbas is actually stronger than
before, explains Gad, as he and his Fatah party no longer need to take approval
or agreement from Hamas, as was the case under their unity government. “Hamas
is now controlling Gaza only.” The meeting will also represent former British
PM Tony Blair’s first test as Middle East envoy for the Quartet — composed
of the European Union, Russia, the United Nations and the United States.
Despite being generally considered pro-Israel, Abbas had welcomed Blair
as the new representative, saying the Arabs were ready to deal with Blair
as mideast negotiator. “Blair can play a positive role in convincing the
Palestinians and Israelis to negotiate,” says Gad. He explains that Blair’s
close ties to US President Bush put him in an advantageous position, as
the US is in a position to pressure the Israelis to resume negotiations. There are two sides to the Middle East position on Israel, the "radical" Islamic side and the "moderate" Islamic side. As far as Bible prophecy goes, I believe we are about to see the moderate and radical paths played out in our near future. On the radical Islamic path, the Magog invasion that is stopped with fire and brimstone from heaven will soon play out when Israel is attacked by Russia, Turkey, Iran, Libya, and others. This is building now and the alliances are already in place. The moderate side for peace between Islam and Israel will come to fruition after that invasion fails, I believe. Israel won't cave in politically as much as they do now and Islam will have a better idea of who they're up against and will fake the peace game brought about through the work of the European Union's push for peace in the Middle East. So we have this mix of war and peace on the horizon that is eventually going to end up with the rebuilding of the temple on the Temple Mount and then later the abomination of desolation that begins the great tribulation.
Tornado kills 14, injures 146 in eastern China
Reuters (July 4,
2007) - A tornado swept across eastern China, killing 14 people and
injuring 146, state media reported on Wednesday, the latest casualties from
bad weather that has devastated parts of the country this summer. The tornado
hit three villages around Tianchang in Anhui province on Tuesday, destroying
more than 100 houses, the official Xinhua news agency said. The bodies of
seven people had been recovered from the rubble. State television showed
footage of uprooted trees, toppled electric poles and a truck blown into
a river. Of the 93 injured, 35 were in serious condition, Xinhua said. A
further 200 people had been evacuated. Seven people were killed in Gaoyou
city in neighboring Jiangsu province, the agency said, adding that 53 were
injured. "Winds and heavy rain cut off power and telecommunications,
ripped off rooftops and uprooted thousands of trees," a Gaoyou government
official was quoted as saying. more...
Drought Is Sapping the Southeast, and Its Farmers
The New York Times
(July 4, 2007) - Northern Alabama has become
acre after acre of shriveled cornstalks, cracked red dirt for miles and
days of unrelenting white heat. The region’s most severe drought in over
a century has farmers here averting their gaze from a future that looks
as bleak as their fields. The drought is worst here, but it is wilting much
of the Southeast, causing watering restrictions and curtailed crops in Georgia,
premature cattle sales in Mississippi and Tennessee, and rivers so low that
power companies in the region are scrambling and barges are unable to navigate.
Fourth of July fireworks are out of the question in many tinderbox areas.
Hay to feed livestock is in increasingly short supply, watermelons are coming
in small and some places have not had good rain since the start of the year.
On Monday, Dennis Bragg, the biggest farmer in Madison County, the drought’s
center, clutched a scrawny, leathery cornstalk half as high as it should
be, barely reaching his waist. A healthy one should now be towering over
him, according to the calendar. “This right here is going to be a zero,”
Mr. Bragg said, pushing the puny thing away. “This is what we call a weed.”
The field of muted green will be a loss. Down the road, he stopped his truck
at a barren hillside that should be carpeted with green soy plants. “I tend
not come over here and look at it,” he said, bending his head. “This whole
hill never came up because of the drought.” In the browning corn fields
here, the light breeze makes a tindery noise as it rustles the dry stalks.
Struggling to pay their bills, farmers here in the Tennessee Valley say
they are burning through cash reserves and staring at bankruptcy, as last
year’s dry weather turned into a singeing drought this year. Gleaming steel
grain bins that should be full of corn ready to become ethanol are virtually
empty. Cattle sales are several times normal; the farmers have nothing to
feed them. Harvest day’s expected small returns will be make-or-break time,
farmers here say. more... The third seal is the black horse and speaks of famine. With all the weather changes due to global warming, the slightest changes in ocean currents and wind currents can affect crops like this. I think it is these kinds of events due to increased solar activity that will help bring about famine in the near future. Of course I hope I'm wrong, but the timing would seem to fit in the next couple years.
Summer under a cloud as weather turns angry in London
This is London (July
4, 2007) - Looming angrily over London, this is the massive cloud
that brought weather havoc to the capital. Within an hour, its devastating
work was done. Hailstones the size of marbles had battered Battersea and
flashfloods caused chaos in Clapham. Lightning lit up the blackened sky.
Taken from the 17th floor of the London Television Centre on the South Bank,
this stunning picture shows the enormity of the cloud that heralded Tuesday's
storms - the latest in this summer of dramatic contrasts. Only four miles
away the tennis at Wimbledon was rained off yet again as the weather was
blamed for a big fall in this year's attendance. Two girls aged 13 and 15
were treated for serious burns after being struck by lightning at the end
of the school day at Ipswich High School. The East of England Ambulance
Service said the strike had blown the girls' shoes apart. 'They were struck
simultaneously,' said a spokesman. 'They both had entry and exit wounds
on their arms and feet.' He said the girls, who remained conscious throughout
their ordeal, had not suffered life-threatening injuries. The stormy start
to July follows the third wettest June on record. According to Met Office
statistics, 105.3mm or 41ins of rain fell last month. Only 1912 and 1982
were wetter. Moments after its passing, the sunshine-was out again. Commuters
battling-their way home in the evening rush hour shook out soaking umbrellas
and shrugged off steaming raincoats. Nick Ricketts of the Met officesaid:
'There had been an extended period of cold wet weather. When the sun finally
arrived, it warmed the surface temperature and that mix caused the storms
to begin.' Don't put away your umbrella (or sunscreen) just yet. According
to the weathermen, our mixed-up summer hasn't finished with us.
more with pictures... Broadcasters eye 2 billion for Live Earth Reuters (July 3, 2007) - International broadcasters, environmental activists and some of the biggest names in pop music are in the starting blocks for one of the most ambitious global media events of all time. On Saturday, more than 150 acts -- including such marquee names as Madonna, the Police, Bon Jovi and Black Eyed Peas -- will perform at the Live Earth series of benefit concerts in support of a greener planet. The event, organized by Kevin Wall and Harvey Goldsmith -- the producers behind Bob Geldof's 2005 anti-poverty event, Live 8 -- is looking to reach 2 billion people in more than 120 countries worldwide. The concerts will be held in New York, London, Sydney, Tokyo, Shanghai, Rio de Janeiro, Johannesburg and Hamburg, Germany. Inuit band Nunatak will even play a concert direct from Antarctica. Some of the world's biggest broadcasters are on board to carry the concerts live, including NBC Universal TV and Internet brands in the U.S., the BBC in Britain, NHK and Fuji TV in Japan and Pro7 in Germany. But while media attention is growing in such countries as the U.S. and the U.K., Live Earth has virtually no media footprint in nations including China or Turkey, where environmental issues are less front-and-center. more... This story is interesting in that the media complex is pushing it and carrying it over such a large area. I also find it interesting that it is planned for 7-7-07. The reason I find this interesting comes from watching They Sold Their Souls For Rock N' Roll, in which footage of famous rock n' roll stars reveals some scary connections to the occult and divining of spirits. Several artists report that when they are on stage they are not the ones playing. Do I think something is going to happen? Not really, at least not on the surface level. I've just been listening to a Coast To Coast AM show from July 2, 2007 that discusses modern technology being researched to affect the mind through radio frequency and the like. Seeing the effects of television in programming the population by those who design the programming, as well as hearing of some of the technologies and understanding the future according to Bible prophecy, this medium of communicating is a big tool to program mass conciousness in a subtle way. At the very least, it is clear that the general population is completely enamored of many of these artists essentially to the point of worship in some extreme cases. Understanding this and seeing a big program like this coming with the participants from Hollywood and rock n' roll, I can't help but question it. At a very basic level at least, it will be an opportunity for all the participants to get together backstage beyond their performances on stage. If you haven't watched the video above, please do and be prepared to question the source. 'Gay'-rights leader quits homosexuality WorldNetDaily (July 3, 2007) - He was a rising star in the "gay rights" movement, but Michael Glatze now declares not only has he given up activism – he's no longer a homosexual. Glatze – who had become a frequent media source as founding editor of Young Gay America magazine – tells the story of his transformation in an exclusive column published today by WND. Although Glatze cut himself off from the homosexual community about a year and a half ago, he says the column likely will surprise some people. "This will actually be news to anybody I used to relate to," he told WND. The radical change in his life, Glatze recalls, began with inner "promptings" he now attributes to God. "I hope I can share my story," he said. "I feel strongly God has put me here for a reason. Even in the darkest days of late-night parties, substance abuse and all kinds of things – when I felt like, 'Why am I here, what am I doing?' – there was always a voice there. "I didn't know what to call it, or if I could trust it, but it said 'hold on.'" Glatze said he became aware of homosexual feelings at about the age of 14 and publicly declared himself "gay" at age 20. Finally, after a decade in which his leadership role in the homosexual activist world grew – but alongside it, a mysterious inner conflict – he says he finally was "liberated." In fact, he writes in his WND column today, "'coming out' from under the influence of the homosexual mindset was the most liberating, beautiful and astonishing thing I've ever experienced in my entire life." Before "coming out" in his column today, Glatze contacted WND Managing Editor David Kupelian after reading his book, "The Marketing of Evil, which Glatze said "has given me so much help in my process of healing from the profound influences of evil in our current society." "There is nothing that would give me more pleasure," he wrote to Kupelian, "than to say the Truth about 'homosexuality' and atone for my sins in that regard." Glatze's transformation calls to mind that of another prominent "gay" magazine publisher who also has renounced her former lifestyle. Lesbian activist Charlene Cothran, longtime publisher of Venus magazine, became a Christian and gave her magazine a new mission "to encourage, educate and assist those who desire to leave a life of homosexuality." She adds: "Our ultimate mission is to win souls for Christ, and to do so by showing love to all God's people." In his column, Glatze doesn't mince words, calling homosexual sex purely "lust-based," meaning it can never fully satisfy. "It's a neurotic process rather than a natural, normal one," he writes. "Normal is normal – and has been called normal for a reason." more...
Report: Israel, Syria fortifying northern border
The Jerusalem Post
(July 2, 2007) - Both Israel and Syria are
conducting reinforcement work on each side of the border in the Golan Heights,
Channel 10 reported Monday evening. An Israel laborer told Channel 10 that
he was hired to build ramps for the transport of tanks. Prime Minister Ehud
Olmert said during Monday's Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee meeting
that although Israel was maintaining a higher level of military preparedness,
Syria did not pose an immediate threat.
Lieberman: Iran Has Declared War Courant.com
(July 2, 2007) - Connecticut Sen. Joseph I.
Lieberman asserted Monday that the Iranian government has in effect declared
war on the United States. Lieberman commented after a U.S. military spokesman
said Tehran's senior officials were aware of efforts to encourage violence
against Americans in Iraq. "The fact is that the Iranian government
has by its actions declared war on us," said Lieberman, an independent
who caucuses with Senate Democrats. As a result, he continued, "The
United States government has a responsibility to use all instruments at
its disposal to stop these terrorist attacks against our soldiers and allies
in Iraq, including keeping open the possibility of using military force
against the terrorist infrastructure inside Iran." He stopped short
of advocating a military strike, but said that "while I sincerely hope
that diplomacy alone can convince the Iranian government to stop these attacks,
our diplomatic efforts are only likely to succeed if backed by a credible
threat of force." Lieberman said he hoped the latest news about Iran
would help quash calls in Congress to withdraw U. S. troops. Withdrawing
U.S. troops from Iraq at this time, he added, "will give Iranians exactly
what they want most" -- an "epic victory" for forces of terrorism. "Iran's
purpose in sponsoring these attacks against our soldiers is clear,"
he said. "The Iranian government wants to push the United States out
of Iraq. "For Congress to mandate a retreat from Iraq," he said, "will
give the Iranians exactly what they want most. A retreat would not only
represent a catastrophic defeat for the United States, but an epic victory
for Iran, Hezbollah and the forces of Islamist terrorism."
Hamas TV to replace "martyred" Mickey Mouse look-alike
Reuters UK (July
2, 2007) - A Hamas television station that last week killed off a
Mickey Mouse look-alike who urged children to fight against Israel will
use other famous characters to further their Islamist agenda, station officials
said on Monday. The host of the children's show "Tomorrow's Pioneers",
Farfur, dressed in a full body-suit to resemble the Walt Disney cartoon
character. The character was beaten to death in the show's final episode
last week by a character posing as an Israeli. Farfur and a female co-host
instructed their young viewers on Hamas's militant brand of Muslim piety
and urged children to support armed resistance against Israel. Mohammad
Saeed, the director of production at Al-Aqsa Television, told Reuters the
station would use other famous cartoon characters in future shows. "Farfur
was a story alive and he has turned into another story as a (martyr),"
Saeed said. The show had drawn complaints from Israeli watchdog groups.
'Europe Has Been Saved': Sarkozy Calls on EU to Do More
EU Business (July
2, 2007) - Proclaiming "Europe has been saved" with a new
treaty, French President Nicolas Sarkozy called Monday on the EU to open
debate on a string of prickly issues, from borders to the euro. "Europe
was in danger, undermined by successive crises, undermined by public distrust,
undermined by doubt. I believe that today, Europe has been saved,"
Sarkozy said in a major address in the eastern French city of Strasbourg.
The new treaty was agreed during marathon talks in Brussels on June 23
to replace the constitution that was rejected by French and Dutch voters
two years ago, triggering a crisis within the bloc. The treaty that
is to be drafted by an intergovernmental conference opening on July 23 will
spell out the functions of EU institutions and create a new post of EU president
for a period of two and half years, replacing the current system of six-month
rotating presidencies between member states. Sarkozy hailed the breakthrough
as the "renewal of the European spirit" and said the 27-nation
bloc should now set out to tackle major issues as part of a quest for "renaissance."
He also lambasted what he described as a "bureaucratic Europe"
caught up in meetings that served no purpose and producing "eight-page
communiques" of unintelligbile statements. The president, who took
over from Jacques Chirac in May, spoke as he prepared to attend a meeting
of eurozone finance ministers in Brussels on Monday to present his plan
to delay by two years to 2012 the target of a balanced budget. On Monday,
Portuguese Prime Minister Jose Socrates, whose country holds the rotating
EU presidency, said France could expect a cool reception from finance ministers
if it wants to change the rules. "We need a very stringent budget policy
and that applies everywhere whether in Portugal or France or the other countries,"
said Socrates. During his presidential campaign, Sarkozy repeatedly attacked
the strength of the euro and argued that governments of the 13-nation eurozone
should have a say in the rate. "I want to open all of the debates;
I want to ask all of the questions and I want to raise all of the problems,"
Sarkozy said of his presence at the Brussels finance ministers meeting.
He appealed for "a Europe that does not sit idle while factories relocate
and which does not accept the dictatorship of the markets." Sarkozy
said French businesses were the victims of unfair competition from "countries
that mock environmental concerns, have no respect for social rights and
practice tax dumping." Alluding to Turkey's bid to join the European
Union, Sarkozy called for "a Europe that does not dilute itself by
enlarging without end" and said the bloc must debate the issue of borders
to avoid becoming a "sub-region of the United Nations." The president
has run into resistance from Portugal, which has just taken over the EU
presidency and served notice that it had its hands full with the drafting
of the new reform treaty.
The War is Here -- Are You Ready? Family Security
Matters (July 2, 2007) - In a style
reminiscent of the vehicle born incendiary explosive devices (VBIED) used
in Iraq and by terrorists worldwide, two Mercedes were found in London this
weekend packed with gasoline, gas canisters and nails. The bombs were to
be exploded using cell phones as remote detonators, another favorite tactic
of those terrorists who do not wish to die themselves. Had the plan been
successful, potentially hundreds of innocent civilians would have been brutally
murdered either by the explosions or by the deadly projectiles that the
nails would have become. London was saved by alert citizens who noticed
something was amiss and took swift action. The United States, because of
lax border security and an inability to enforce its own immigration laws,
will be next. Over the past few months, our news has been consumed with
debate on an amnesty bill that would give legal status to millions of illegal
aliens who have crossed the US/Mexico border. A red-faced, shrill Ted Kennedy
would have us believe that these illegals are all here to pick lettuce.
President Bush, who was adamant after September 11, 2001, that he would
do all he could do to keep Americans safe, attempted to feed the American
public the same false bill of goods. With the focus on the senorita cleaning
motel rooms or the senor waiting outside Home Depot for a day labor job,
Washington has forgotten that we are at war. We are at war with a sly, evasive
enemy who preys on our unwillingness to secure our homeland. It should come
as no surprise that the enemy is among us, waiting to strike. You have been
warned. On October 19, 2001, J. Zane Walley reported for World Net Daily
“Arabs have been reported crossing the Arizona border for an unknown period.
Border rancher George Morgan encounters thousands of illegals crossing his
ranch on a well-used trail. He relates a holiday event: ‘It was Thanksgiving
1998, and I stepped outside my house and there were over a hundred 'crossers'
in my yard. Damnedest bunch of illegals I ever saw. All of them were wearing
black pants, white shirts and string ties. Maybe they were hoping to blend
in,’ he chuckled. ‘They took off, I called the Border Patrol, and a while
later, an agent, Dan Green, let me know that they had caught them. He said
that they were all Iranians.’ “According to Border Patrol spokesperson Rob
Daniels, ‘Ten Egyptians were arrested recently near Douglas, Arizona. Each
had paid $7,000 to be brought from Guatemala into Mexico and then across
the border.’ "According to the San Diego Union-Tribune, hours after
the 9-11 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, an anonymous
caller led Mexican immigration agents to 41 undocumented Iraqis waiting
to cross into the United States." more...
Israel Begins Major Military Exercise In Golan, Reassures Syria
Combined Jewish Philantanthropies
(July 2, 2007) - Text of report by Israeli
newspaper Ma'ariv [Report by Amir Rapaport: "IDF
Begins Large-Scale Exercise in Golan"] : Against the
backdrop of the tension between Israel and Syria, the IDF will soon begin
a broad series of training exercises on the Golan Heights. Jerusalem sent
Damascus a message, according to which there is no plan to attack the Syrians,
and that this is only defensive training. The current activity is part of
the system of exercises decided on in the framework of the process of drawing
lessons from the Second Lebanon War, in an effort to prevent a repeat situation
in which forces are insufficiently trained. The Israeli-Syrian tension began
to mount a short time after the war in Lebanon, in the wake of statements
by Syrian President Bashar al-Asad. At the time, Al-Asad said that if Israel
did not heed his calls to conduct negotiations for returning the Golan through
peaceful means, Syria would also prepare for the possibility of war. Officials
in Israel internalized the statements and, on the order of IDF Chief of
Staff Gabi Ashkenazi, the IDF is currently completing its preparations in
the event of war against Syria as early as this summer. Financial Assistance
From the Iranians: The Syrian military is also in the midst of efforts to
prepare for a possible war, including training and infrastructure work on
the Syrian side of the Golan Heights. Recently, Syria has even accelerated
procurement of advanced weapons from Russia, among other ways through financial
assistance that it is receiving from its ally, Iran. A few days ago, Syrian
Foreign Minister Faruq al-Shar'a [as reported] said that "Syria is
taking seriously the preparations in Israel ahead of a war between the countries."
According to him, "Syria prefers peace, but it is not interested in
secret talks with Israel." He added that officials in Damascus have
the impression that Israel, like the United States, does not want to move
forward in the peace process. "Ehud Olmert is not serious about peace.
Israel will make peace with us if we compromise on the return of all of
our occupied land, but we won't do that." more...
Solana suggests Iran behind Gaza, Lebanon attacks
ABC News (July 2,
2007) - The European Union foreign policy chief suggested on Monday
that Iran could be linked to the Hamas military takeover of Gaza, recent
attacks on the Lebanese army, and on European peacekeepers in Lebanon. Javier
Solana, who has led efforts to bring Iran back to the negotiating table
over its nuclear programme, stopped short of blaming Tehran outright, but
said the incidents could not be treated separately. "What happened
in Gaza cannot be seen separately from what happened in Lebanon," he
told a conference on the Middle East hosted by the Socialist group of the
European Parliament. "There are new groups in the Palestinian camps,"
Solana said. "And the fact that UNIFIL has been attacked for the first
time cannot be taken separately." Solana said that while the car bomb
attack that killed six Spanish members of the U.N. Interim Force in Lebanon
(UNIFIL) on June 24 was carried out by "forces we don't know",
he added: "It would be naive not to see this as part of a global
approach." "Somebody I know well -- Ali Larijani -- has
said 'we are supporting Hamas'," he said, referring to the chief
Iranian nuclear negotiator, who made the statement in an interview with
Newsweek published last month. "All this is connected,"
Solana said. "It didn't happen by accident or miracle, it was probably
planned." "It would be difficult to understand without seeing
other important regional players behind it," he added, referring to "other
forces" in Iran and Syria. Solana also said a postponed meeting of
Western and Arab Middle East mediators with Israeli and Palestinian leaders
would probably now happen in Cairo in mid-July. He said it was important
to provide a new political impetus to the peace process, not just financial
and humanitarian aid to the Palestinian government. Solana also said that
in the long run it would be necessary to have an international peacekeeping
presence in the West Bank and Gaza, but this was not an immediate priority. In a follow-up to this story, Solana's spokesperson denies western news agency report on Iran, "The spokesperson of European Union foreign policy chief Javier Solana dismissed Monday a western news agency report on statements attributed to Solana as "wrong interpretation". "It is wrong interpretation of what he said," Cristina Gallach told IRNA in Brussels Monday evening. She was referring to a dispatch by the British news agency Reuters from "Solana suggests Iran behind Gaza and Lebanon attacks". "We don't deal with suggestions. We are not in a business of suggestions. People take out sentences out of context to spin," noted Gallach." You read what he said above, what do you think he meant? Eventually when you try to play both sides, you run into problems like this.
Secret Document: U.S. Fears Terror 'Spectacular' Planned
ABC News (July 1,
2007) - A secret U.S. law enforcement report, prepared for the Department
of Homeland Security, warns that al Qaeda is planning a terror "spectacular"
this summer, according to a senior official with access to the document. "This
is reminiscent of the warnings and intelligence we were getting in the summer
of 2001," the official told ABCNews.com. U.S. officials have kept the
information secret, and Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said
today on ABC News' "This Week with George Stephanopoulos" that
the United States did not have "have any specific credible evidence
that there's an attack focused on the United States at this point."
As ABCNews.com reported, U.S. law enforcement officials received intelligence
reports two weeks ago warning of terror attacks in Glasgow and Prague, the
Czech Republic, against "airport infrastructure and aircraft."
The warnings apparently never reached officials in Scotland, who said this
weekend they had received "no advance intelligence" that Glasgow
might be a target. Homeland Security Secretary Chertoff declined to comment
specifically on on the report today, but said "everything that we get
is shared virtually instantaneously with our counterparts in Britain and
vice versa." Unlike the United States, officials in Germany have publicly
warned that the country could face a major attack this summer, also comparing
the situation to the pre-9/11 summer of 2001. more...
Roswell theory revived by deathbed confession
The Sunday Telegraph
(July 1, 2007) - Exactly 60 years ago, a light
aircraft was flying over the Cascade Mountains in Washington State, at a
height of around 3000m. Suddenly, a brilliant flash of light illuminated
the aircraft. Visibility was good and as pilot Kenneth Arnold scanned the
sky to find the source of the light, he saw a group of nine shiny metallic
objects flying information. He estimated their speed as being around 2600km/h
- nearly three times faster than the top speed of any jet aircraft at the
time. Soon, similar reports began to come in from all over America. This
wasn't just the world's first UFO sighting, this was the birth of a phenomenon,
one that still exercises an extraordinary fascination. Military authorities
issued a press release, which began: "The many rumours regarding the
flying disc became a reality yesterday when the intelligence officer of
the 509th Bomb Group of the Eighth Air Force, Roswell Army Air Field, was
fortunate enough to gain possession of a disc." The headlines screamed: "Flying
Disc captured by Air Force". Yet, just 24 hours later, the military
changed their story and claimed the object they'd first thought was a "flying
disc" was a weather balloon that had crashed on a nearby ranch. The
key witness was Major Jesse Marcel, the intelligence officer who had gone
to the ranch to recover the wreckage. He described the metal as being wafer
thin but incredibly tough. It was as light as balsa wood, but couldn't be
cut or burned. These and similar accounts of the incident have largely been
dismissed by all except the most dedicated believers. But last week came
an astonishing new twist to the Roswell mystery. Lieutenant Walter Haut
was the public relations officer at the base in 1947 and was the man who
issued the original and subsequent press releases after the crash on the
orders of the base commander, Colonel William Blanchard. Haut died last
year but left a sworn affidavit to be opened only after his death. Last
week, the text was released and asserts that the weather balloon claim was
a cover story and that the real object had been recovered by the military
and stored in a hangar. He described seeing not just the craft, but alien
bodies. He wasn't the first Roswell witness to talk about alien bodies.
Local undertaker Glenn Dennis had long claimed that he was contacted by
authorities at Roswell shortly after the crash and asked to provide a number
of child-sized coffins. When he arrived at the base, he was apparently told
by a nurse (who later disappeared) that a UFO had crashed and that small
humanoid extraterrestrials had been recovered. But Haut is the only one
of the original participants to claim to have seen alien bodies.
more... I believe the UFOs being seen around the world are really happening. However, my view of what they are is not based on wild fancy or whatever they may say. I believe they are connected to angelic beings, whether fallen or not depends, but when it comes to the abduction stories of some people, there is definitely a demonic association to the experience. Even Whitley Strieber, a devout atheist, could only describe his encounter as "demonic." This is not to mention the horrible psychological and physical reports that come from those who have experienced these things. There is a definite spiritual nature associated with these experiences and what is reported is not of God. In fact, some report that they are told these beings planted humans on earth. I think this may be part of the great deception that is coming, but most people respond to the idea as ridiculous. I would like to point out that because of the spiritual nature of these beings, phasing in and out of our reality is to be expected and the idea is in the Bible as well. I've also heard that of those who experience abductions, 80% reported some connection to the occult whether in the past or present. I believe this also explains why not everyone sees them, I never have. I have heard too many stories, seen too many unexplained videos, and believe the Biblical account. Genesis 6 speaks to fallen angels coming to earth and mating with earth women whom they found desireable and bearing giants through them. It sounds fantastic and is commonly ignored or spiritualized away to mean something else. I think it was one of the reasons for the flood of Noah, and that Noah was "perfect in his generations" indicates why he and his family were chosen to be saved from the flood. Looking at the scope of scripture, it was through him that the lineage of Christ our Savior came through the nation of Israel. So even though it is something you may not have seen or personally experienced, be aware of the possibility. We should also have an answer if it does so that our faith is not affected negatively. For many believers, the lack of understanding of what the Bible says about this idea may pull some away from faith in Christ if it does suddenly happen. And now minutes later in my digging through the news, I found this article from Christian News Wire June 25, Prophecy Watch - Signs in the Stars, “Well, now there is a different perspective on the UFO phenomenon and this one is from a Biblical standpoint. Mr. Richard Stout of Long Island, New York claims he has a spiritual gift from the Holy Spirit that guided him into understanding the answer to this strange phenomenon... “I am only being used as an instrument…” says Richard, “…This information must get out to the public as it is crucial people understand these so-called UFOs are in fact real and will be used as part of God’s judgments on man and we are that close to many signs and wonders.” It looks as if we aren’t alone after all, only these “aliens” are fallen angels masquerading as extraterrestrials from another planet!” | http://www.RevelationVII.com
The New World Order Tracking Device: RFID RINF
Alternative News (July 1, 2007) - The
Bermuda Government are issuing vehicle owners with credit card sized stickers
containing a RFID chip and it is expected that every vehicle in Bermuda
will carry one within a year or two. The scheme is mandatory and a $10,000
penalty applies if owners remove the chips. The first country to back the
system was Singapore, well known for its lack of human rights. RFID readers
are being placed in telephone poles and buildings throughout Bermuda, which
enable authorities to monitor the past and present location of vehicles
and record the speed at which they are travelling. The information is being
sent to high speed computers that calculate everything you could possibly
imagine about a travellers journey, even the route taken. It is planned
that the computer will compile a list of driving offences within the past
24 hours and will automatically pass this information on to the police.
Roger Crombie, a Bermuda resident and victim of RFID vehicle tracking said:
“It should be stated that Dr. Brown, the Transport Minister who introduced
this system, has said that he does not intend the chip to be used for any
purpose other than tracking down drivers whose vehicles are not registered.
I believe he means it, but it is not Dr. Brown’s intentions we have to worry
about. It will take time to put the system in place, and Dr. Brown has said
that he does not intend to stay in power forever. “The person to worry about
is the Premier who succeeds Dr. Brown, or the one who succeeds that one.
The chip system is the perfect method for keeping close track of citizens,
a dictator’s dream,” said concerned citizen Mr. Crombie. Similar RFID systems
are being used in New York and London, which has reduced traffic and cut
business profits by 40%. The use of RFID chips are increasing around the
world at an astonishing rate, with continuous promotion from New World Order
heavyweights including the Bush Administration and also from the VeriChip
Corp, who manufacture human implantable chips and have been pushing for
RFID chips to be tested on the U.S. military. more...
Quiet or they might wake up...The Totalitarian Tiptoe
David Icke Newsletter
(July 1, 2007) - It is many years now since
I coined the term 'The Totalitarian Tiptoe' for the technique of step-by-step
changes leading to a long-planned goal. Each step is promoted as unconnected
to all the others when in fact they are fundamentally connected and all
lead in the same direction - centralised control. The idea of the Totalitarian
Tiptoe is to diffuse the opposition there would be if they went from A to
Z in one go. The change would be so great that heads would lift and eyes
would open to ask the question: 'What's going on?' By taking baby steps,
each change is sold as small and insignificant while the Shadow People orchestrate
the steps to become, taken together, giant strides of change and imposition.
There is no better example of this than the European Union and this week
came another blatant example of the technique. This is also relevant to
readers in the Americas, Asia, Africa and Australia-New Zealand because
the same is happening there by the day. The European Union is only the precursor
to four superstates that are being tiptoed into place. The others are the
American Union (the North American Union - The United States, Canada
and Mexico - is now secretly well advanced); the African Union; and the
Asia-Pacific Union. These are designed to be the second tier of global control
under a world government. If the manipulators had come clean and told the
truth about these plans there would be have been an outcry decades ago.
They knew this and so it has all been done on the sly, step by step. The
major politicians of all major parties say one thing in public while pursuing
a very different path behind the scenes. The most important public face
of Britain's entry into the European Community/Union was the child abuser
and Conservative Party Prime Minister, Edward Heath, who signed the treaty
of membership in 1972. He told the people that the then European Economic
Community, or EEC, was just a free trade zone and not planned to be a centrally-controlled
United States of Europe. But while Heath was saying 'it's only about free
trade', a Foreign Office memo in 1971 warned: '... the Community is a process
of fundamental political importance implying progressive development towards
a political union'. This memo was suppressed for 30 years. In fact, Heath
was agreeing to British political union with Europe as far back as April
1962 when he was Lord Privy Seal in the Conservative government of Harold
Macmillan. He told the Ministerial Council of the Western European Union
that '... you have decided that those who join the Economic Communities
as full members must also join the Political Union. I am sure that this
was the right decision' (Command Paper 1720). more... It's kind of scary how much information about the hidden history of politics is out there and where it is all leading. I can see how many people could get a whiff of this information and disregard it, it's part of our programming I think. The idea of "conspiracy" comes up and we immediately relegate the information to the kook section of memory to which we rarely go again. The more I understand Bible prophecy though, and our timing in it, the less I feel like a kook for seeing the possibility and the more blessed I feel to be led through information supporting Bible prophecy in regard to a world that will soon be controlled by the man of sin. The people have no power, even when we vote because all those in power or rich and well-known enough to get into power are all playing the same game with two faces. Given the nearness of the fulfillment of Bible prophecy, I wouldn't be a good watchman to remain silent. What can we do about it? Watch and pray. Luke 21:34-36
The people killed amnesty The Washington Times
(July 1, 2007) - The justifiably furious reaction
of the American public, which deluged senators with telephone calls, e-mails
and faxes, forced the Senate to reverse itself yesterday and send the amnesty
bill crashing to defeat — a potentially fatal blow. It was a devastating
setback for the Bush administration and its Democratic Party allies, in
particular Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Sen. Ted Kennedy. In addition
to being an extraordinary substantive triumph for the American people, it
was a huge victory for the conservative movement. Talkers such as Rush Limbaugh,
Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, Laura Ingraham and many others played an indispensable
role in making available the research by the Heritage Foundation and NumbersUSA
and analysis from editorial pages such as this one to tens of millions of
Americans in a very short period of time. But ironically, by demonstrating
in a powerful way its ability to reach and educate the public about the
specific problems with the bill, talk radio has also made liberal politicians
like Sen. Dianne Feinstein even more determined to revive the so-called
Fairness Doctrine (the equal-time policy enforced by the Federal Communications
Commission until it was eliminated in 1987 at the urging of President Reagan)
in an effort to take away the one part of the mass media that conservatives
dominate. On the final vote, virtually the entire conservative movement
lined up against the bill. On the losing side were the leading Democratic
presidential contenders — Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama — and the Bush
administration, vividly demonstrating the political gap between the president
and the conservative movement. On Tuesday — just 48 hours before the legislative
coalition supporting the bill crumbled — the bill appeared to have been
given a new lease on life. Despite the abysmal poll ratings of the president
and Congress, and the fact that barely one-quarter of the American public
favored the bill, 64 senators (four more than needed) voted for cloture.
This permitted Mr. Reid with White House support to bring the bill to the
floor, together with a carefully selected group of amendments that amnesty
advocates believed either 1) were unlikely to pass; or 2) if passed would
not change the pro-amnesty thrust of the bill in a significant way; and
3) if necessary, could be stripped out of the legislation in conference.
Yet just 48 hours later, the amnesty coalition collapsed, and the 64 Senate
supporters became just 46. What happened? As we noted above, talk radio
proved that in modern times, it is indispensable for conservative political
success. Much of the credit should also go to the bipartisan lobbying organization
NumbersUSA, a powerful advocate for strengthening border security, which
made it clear to members of Congress that they weren't buying the phony
games some lawmakers wanted to play: proposing tough-sounding amendments
that stood little chance of becoming law, while voting for cloture — and
in effect for amnesty. The 18 senators who switched from supporting amnesty
on Tuesday to opposing it yesterday are Democrats Jeff Bingaman, Sherrod
Brown, Tom Harkin, Ben Nelson, Mark Pryor and Jim Webb; and Republicans
Kit Bond, Sam Brownback, Richard Burr, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, Pete
Domenici, John Ensign, Mitch McConnell, Lisa Murkowski, Ted Stevens, George
Voinovich and John Warner. Former Soviet Dissident Warns For EU Dictatorship Unsealed Prophecy (July 1, 2007) - WOW! Has Vladimir Bukovksy been reading the Bible? Don’t know if he realizes it or not, but he is describing the EU in very much the same way as Daniel does. Here is a part of an interview with him:
And here is what Daniel had to say more than 2000 years back: Daniel 7:7-8 | EU/UN / 4th Kingdom | NewWorldOrder |
EU pours £3.8bn into ‘brainwashing campaign’
UK Telegraph (July
2007) - The European Union is spending £3.8 billion a year on "propaganda"
to win over its sceptical citizens, it is claimed. As well as publishing
a plethora of pamphlets and employing an army of public relations staff,
the EU has spent hundreds of millions of pounds on teaching aids, school
trips and even cartoons. According to Lee Rotherham, the author of a new
book which examines the EU’s spending on its image, such initiatives are
an "outrageous and cynical attempt to brainwash the young". The
Europa Diary, a gift from the EU to schoolchildren, is one example cited
by Mr Rotherham in Hearts & Minds: the Tax-funded PR Campaign to Make
us Love Brussels. The diary has been sent to 1.2 million pupils in more
than 9,000 schools across Europe. Its calendar includes pages that describe
the European Parliament as "the people’s voice" and claims that
the EU has "improved the quality of people’s everyday lives".
A version of the diary sent to Dutch schools describes the European Parliament
as the "most important multi-national organ in the world". Let’s
Explore Europe Together, an online teaching aid aimed at nine to 12-year-olds,
describes the EU as a "really good plan that had never been tried before".
The European Parliament has also funded a cartoon called Operation Red
Dragon, featuring a daring, fictitious MEP, Elisa Correr, who becomes "embroiled
in a risky and fascinating adventure while in pursuit of her parliamentary
activities". She dodges assassins, hunts down a general who broke an
arms embargo, and still has time to debate copyright law in Brussels. The
text admits: "European Parliamentarians do not generally lead such
dangerous lives ... nevertheless you can learn about the work of an MEP
and other European institutions from the story." For more on this campaign, see the video supporting European films by the EU. The video is not appropriate subject matter for children and is of a sexual nature. Which is why I find it telling. America - A Nation of Apathy toward Truth! Last Trumpet Newsletter (July 2007)
In this issue of the Last Trumpet Newsletter, we will examine the greatest
of all problems in the United States at this present time. In fact, it is
the condition that leads to all other problems and allows Satan and his
Illuministic human stooges to advance their cause and hellish agenda of
one-world governance in a new world order. The problem I am referring to
is apathy toward truth. In the Scriptures above, our Saviour told us that
it has always been Satan's job and purpose to lay a foundation of deceit
and build upon it with lies. Lies thrive in the darkness of misunderstanding
and secrecy, but truth shines forth and cannot be hid. People everywhere
have a choice to accept or reject the light of truth. If they reject truth,
there is nothing left but the darkness of Satan's kingdom and domain. The
Lord Jesus clearly stated this as the greatest problem in the world in John
3:19 as follows: "And this is the condemnation, that light is come
into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their
deeds were evil." We now live in a world full of people who believe
a whole lot of things that just aren't so, and they know very little about
what is truly happening. It has been correctly stated that you can sell
lies, but you cannot give the truth away. I might add that the truth is
freely given to all who would gladly receive it and love it. Lies, however,
always come with an ever-increasing price. Religions, governments, commerce,
and every endeavor of sinful man are built on lies and deceit and are perpetuated
by them. All that Satan has built up and established in the world through
wars, commotions, craftiness of conspiracies, varieties of religions, and
brainwashing philosophies are leading up to one great lie and grand deception
at the end of this world. Even now, and more than ever, people everywhere
are caught in its tentacles. The world is caught in a world wide web, an
ensnaring net or Internet. The effect of all of this is converting people
into living images of the beast; who look, talk, and act like programmed
stooges and obey like trained seals. These people have no capacity for truth
as our Saviour said, and when the throne of the antichrist makes its grand
crescendo to rise up, only to quickly fall; the masses of people will rise
and fall with it when the last trumpet sounds and our Saviour appears and
the sky is filled with heavenly angels. This wondrous and marvelous event
is not far off. The urgent question is: are you ready for that imminent
day? Where will you be for eternity? The truth is that religion will never
save you, and neither will your own best behavior. Only the Lord Jesus can
save you, and He will if your truly repent, turn away from evil, and obey
the Gospel as they did on the day of Pentecost. You will know immediate
peace when you do this. Do it now, while there is a little time left! This
year of 2007 is the 400th anniversary of America. (1) The Jamestown colony
was founded in 1607 as the first settlement in America, and it was named
after the same King James of England that ordered the translation of the
Authorized Version, also known as the King James Bible. In a previous publication,
I mentioned that the number 400 is highly significant in the Scripture.
Israel was in bondage in Egypt for 400 years, and there were 400 years of
silence between the Old and New Testaments during which time there was no
prophet. In both of these cases, when the 400 years were over, there
was a great manifestation of the Almighty in a sovereign move of His Spirit
that changed the world forever. Now, America has existed for 400 years!
What will happen next? more...
Alex Jones receives "anonymously" the member roster of the Bohemian
Grove InfoWars
(June 29, 2007) - An interesting package came
into the Infowars mailbox recently-- sent anonymously with no return address--
but the contents revealed the reason for secrecy. Someone has shipped our
office the 2006 membership roster for the secretive and exclusive Bohemian
Grove, which Alex Jones infiltrated and exposed in 2000. A number of high
profile elites appear on the list, including David Rockefeller (and son),
Henry Kissinger, George H.W. Bush, Gerald Ford, David Gergen (who Alex Jones
confronted about his grove membership), Colin Powell, George P. Shultz,
Donald Rumsfeld and even Kenneth Starr, who gained attention after prosecuting
Bill Clinton. See a 1981 news report on the grove. Many U.S. Presidents
have gone to the grove, but most do not appear on the membership roster,
though we know that Reagan, Nixon (both pictured below at the Grove), George
W. Bush, Herbert Hoover and many other presidents have also attended but
are not listed, as is the case for presidential advisor Karl Rove. Walter
Cronkite, the infamous and notable TV journalist, is also a member and listed
in the directory. The 'P' next to his name denotes "Regular - Professional."
Also listed is the King of Sweden, Carl XVI Gustaf. Beyond Presidents and
elite world controllers, the exclusive male-only club has obviously used
the appeal of the retreat to influence the world of academia-- at least
50 well-known universities are represented at Bohemian Grove, including
almost every school in California, at least any that come to mind. The members--
which includes listings of older and deceased members who no longer attend--
are influential faculty members, board members, trustees or presidents of
universities. Stanford University with 17 members and U.C. Berkeley with
19 members, were the most heavily represented schools. (See members from
academia below-- note: only those members with schools listed by their name
were counted as academia, with many other members listed by city and name
or only by name). more... While the information sent anonymously cannot be taken as fact, I find it interesting that our nation's scholarship is in such high attendance. Knowing that the best way to affect change long-term is to brainwash the youth, and experiencing that ourselves in the education system, I have no doubt that many in the power structure of the education system are active participants in the plans of the New World Order. I also have no doubt that many people we deem as good are really playing an act in public while their true intentions are only seen in these groups of common interest, that of bringing a New World Order and its connections with the occult. We are conditioned to take these "conspiracy theories" with a grain of salt. I know I have for a long time. But the closer we get to the end, the more bold these groups are becoming and the more people in the know are speaking up about these activities. So while we can't take the names listed here as fact, actions speak louder than words and our nation is definitely moving toward a New World Order, whether we like it or not. And let's not forget the timing of HIStory, Our Future, which places the abomination of desolation in February of 2009. If we are truly that close, we should expect that global governance is at our doorstep. Indeed, it is already in place and just putting the finishing touches together so that one man will be given control of the world when he displays his signs and lying wonders to an amazed world that knows they cannot defeat the beast. Revelation 13
Was there an Ancient Language of Universal Symbols?
The Daily Galaxy
(June 28, 2007) -
NASA Satellite Captures First View of 'Night-Shining Clouds' NASA (June 28, 2007)
A NASA satellite has captured the first occurrence this summer of mysterious
shiny polar clouds that form 50 miles above Earth’s surface. The first observations
of these "night-shining" clouds by a satellite named "AIM"
which means Aeronomy of Ice in the Mesosphere, occurred above 70 degrees
north latitude on May 25. People on the ground began seeing the clouds on
June 6 over Northern Europe. AIM is the first satellite mission dedicated
to the study of these unusual clouds. These mystifying clouds are called
Polar Mesospheric Clouds, or PMCs, when they are viewed from space and referred
to as "night-shining" clouds or Noctilucent Clouds, when viewed
by observers on Earth. The clouds form in an upper layer of the Earth’s
atmosphere called the mesosphere during the Northern Hemisphere’s summer
season which began in mid-May and extends through the end of August and
are being seen by AIM’s instruments more frequently as the season progresses.
They are also seen in the high latitudes during the summer months in the
Southern Hemisphere. Very little is known about how these clouds
form over the poles, why they are being seen more frequently and at lower
latitudes than ever before, or why they have been growing brighter.
AIM will observe two complete cloud seasons over both poles, documenting
an entire life cycle of the shiny clouds for the first time. "It
is clear that these clouds are changing, a sign that a part of our atmosphere
is changing and we do not understand how, why or what it means,"
stated AIM principal investigator James Russell III of Hampton University,
Hampton, Va. "These observations suggest a connection with global change
in the lower atmosphere and could represent an early warning that our Earth
environment is being changed." AIM is providing scientists with information
about how many of these clouds there are around the world and how different
they are including the sizes and shapes of the tiny particles that make
them up. Scientists believe that the shining clouds form at high latitudes
early in the season and then move to lower latitudes as time progresses.
The AIM science team is studying this new data to understand why these clouds
form and vary, and if they may be related to global change. Once the summer
season ends in the Northern Hemisphere around mid- to late August, the Southern
Hemisphere spring season starts about three months later in the period around
mid- to late November. AIM will then be watching for shining clouds in the
Southern Hemisphere from November through mid-March when that season ends.
AIM and is managed at Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD and the
AIM Project Data Center is located at Hampton University. Could these odd recent developments that are getting brighter have to do with the increased solar activity that is heating up earth and the other planets?
Opponents of E.U. Treaty Accused of Being 'Terrorists'
Daily Express (June
17, 2007) - Eurosceptics have been branded "terrorists"
just days before Tony Blair prepares to fly to Brussels to smuggle in the
new EU constitution by the back door. Critics of the EU’s secret plans to
bring back the failed European constitution by stealth at this week’s summit
were blasted by the Italian President, Giorgio Napolitano. The Italian
head of state told a news conference in Siena last week that "those
who are anti EU are terrorists". And he attacked eurosceptics
who warn that the promised new EU treaty will go too far in eroding the
powers of member states, saying: "It is psychological terrorism
to suggest the spectre of a European superstate." His comments
emerged as EU foreign ministers gather in Luxembourg today to negotiate
the new treaty to replace the failed EU constitution, ahead of a summit
of EU leaders in Brussels on Thursday. Ahead of what will be his last major
political event before he hands over to Gordon Brown, Mr Blair has been
forced to deny widespread claims that he will seek to sign up to a new treaty
which will revive the key planks of the constitution, which was doomed after
it was rejected by French and Dutch voters in referendums in 2005. Downing
Street issued a list of Britain’s "red line" issues where Mr Blair
will refuse to hand over powers to Brussels, such as the veto on criminal
justice and labour law and Britain’s seat on the UN security council, but
refused to offer British voters a referendum on the treaty. But critics
say Mr Blair is, like most other EU leaders, determined to bring the failed
EU constitution in by the back door by simply renaming the document as an "amending
treaty" and slimming down its original 500 pages. Campaigners for national
referendums on the proposed treaty were left outraged when President Napolitano
spoke out last Monday alongside the German President, Horst Kohler, who
nodded in agreement at his comments. Hmm... Need I add anything to this? |
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