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The Prophecies of Daniel

Last Updated: 10/05/2023 18:13    | Print This Page | Email This Page |

Visions of Daniel and John through time

I found in my Bible studies that Daniel is one of the primary prophetic writers for our time. So much detail is found in the prophecies given to him that we can know precise details of future events and their timing. This page is meant to be a landing page for studying his prophesies. The studies are in the links above.

I’ve recently started listening and reading Chris White’s Bible studies and will be updating these pages accordingly. He has several different historical views that fit more cleanly than what has been taught by many other teachers in this area and point to some different perspectives of the end times.

Exact day prophecies of Daniel:

  • Daniel 8:13-14 | 2300 days from beginning of daily sacrifice to the cleansing of the temple.
  • Daniel 12:11 | 1290 days from abomination of desolation to the end of the 70th week.
  • Daniel 12:12 | 1335 days from abomination of desolation to the marriage supper of the Lamb. (not to be confused with the marriage of the Lamb, which happens in heaven before Christ returns in glory with His wife. Revelation 19:7-8; 11-14)

Exact day prophecies of John:

  • Revelation 11:2 | 1260 days that the holy city (Jerusalem) is tread on by the Gentiles.
  • Revelation 11:3 | 1260 days that the two witnesses are given power by God clothed in sackcloth.
  • Revelation 12:6 | 1260 days that Israel flees into the wilderness to a place prepared by God after child caught up.
  • Revelation 12:14 | 1260 days that Israel is protected from the dragon after the abomination of desolation.
  • Revelation 13:5 | 1260 days during which the dragon gives power to the beast.

Daniel: A Commentary

by Chris White - Free | Amazon.com | Kindle


The Book of Daniel is one of the most important ancient texts in the world. It is rich with practical information for followers of Christ, as well as being one of the most technical books in the Bible with regard to prophecy.

Chris White goes verse by verse through Daniel with meticulous detail, especially in regard to the prophetic portions. He expands on many long held positions held by conservative expositors, while departing from them on a few others. Notably his “contemporaneous beast view” of Daniel 7, as well as a view on Daniel 9 that proposes to solve some long standing problems for conservatives like himself.

White focuses in on the Antichrist at many points in the book with an intent to separate tradition from scripture about this figure. Its clear that White believes that the church can know a good deal more about the geopolitical situation just prior and during the rise of Antichrist. White offers a number of insights to the reader about this awful figure that aren’t often articulated by modern prophecy teachers…but should be.

White is a very conservative premillennial / dispensational expositor, holding to a strict “face value” Hermeneutic. He stays away from sensational or speculative matters, and makes sure to give the reader plenty of options, especially in the occasions when he departs from traditional interpretations.

For more from Chris White, visit his site BibleProphecyTalk.com.

Book of Daniel Commentary

by Dr. Chuck Missler Religious Biblical Commentary

The Book of Daniel contains the most amazing prophecies of the Bible, and is one of the most authenticated books of the Old Testament. The numerous detailed prophecies of the period of Gentile dominion make this one of the most important foundational studies for anyone who takes the Bible seriously.

  • Daniel 1: Dare to be a Daniel - Introduction to the Book. Background, authentication, etc.
  • Daniel 2: Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream - The poly-metallic image; an overview of all the Gentile dominion on the Planet Earth. Daniel and his three friends avoid death penalty and get promoted.
  • Daniel 3: Bow or Burn - Nebuchadnezzar’s ego trip; the worship of his image.
  • Daniel 4: Nebuchadnezzar's lesson in pride - The only chapter in the Bible written by a Gentile king.
  • Daniel 5: The Fall of Babylon - The “handwriting on the wall” and the fall of Babylon to the Persians.
  • The Mystery of Babylon - Babylon in Bible prophecy; it’s ultimate destruction; an update on current events; the “Mystery Babylon” of Revelation.
  • Daniel 6: Daniel in the Lion’s Den - How Daniel avoided the “mark of the beast.”
  • Daniel 7: The Times of the Gentiles - The four empires which climax Gentile dominion on the Earth.
  • Daniel 8: The Ram and the Goat - The succession of the Persian and Greek Empires and the rise of Alexander the Great.
  • Daniel 9A: The 69 Weeks - The Angel Gabriel predicts the precise day on which Jesus presented Himself as the “Meshiach Nagid” (The Messiah the King).
  • Daniel 9B: The 70th Week of Daniel - The mysterious interval between the 69th and 70th “weeks” of Daniel and the final seven years of world history.
  • Daniel 10: The Dark Side - The spooky glimpse of the spiritual warfare that lies behind world events.
  • Daniel 11: The Silent Years- The amazing prediction of the conflicts between the Ptolemaic and Seleucid Empires and the emergence of the final World Leader.
  • Daniel 12: The Climax of All History
  • Europa Rising Part I: Biblical Background
  • Europa Rising Part II: The European Union Today
