Watchman Charts of the End
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This page is a collection of prophecy charts that I created to help myself understand the events of Bible prophecy and where they are at in the timeline of earth history. Bible prophecy focuses mostly on events that happen in earth space-time, and so these linear charts represent my understanding of the order of events from various places throughout scripture. Some of the charts on this page have links on the images to take you on further Bible studies and scriptures that are in the charts. The newer charts are probably best viewed in PDF for easy zooming and scrolling as they are somewhat larger. PDF Tip: use your scroll wheel to scroll up and down. Holding CTRL while scrolling will zoom in and out, while holding SHIFT and scrolling will scroll left and right. Feel free to print and/or distribute the charts, simply click on the
( HIStory, Our Future: HistoryThis chart lays out some of the Biblical prophecies from history in a timeline that are covered in greater detail in the HIStory, Our Future collection of Bible studies. Several areas on the chart below can be clicked on to link to the corresponding Bible study explaining in greater detail. This collection of studies had originally lead me to believe that Rosh Hoshana 2005 held some significance, but what that is if anything I don’t know. It seemed that the timing pointed to something, but that understanding was either flawed or misunderstood. I’ve kept the baseline studies on the site.
HIStory, Our Future: 70th Week of Daniel & Moedim
This is the latest version of the 70th week charts, and what will be most up-to-date. This brings together the study of the moedim, or appointed times, given to Israel and how those appear to tie into the prophetic future as well as the framework of the 70th week itself. Visions of Daniel and John
This was the result of a study of the visions of Daniel and John that I did. I decided to try and map out, for my own understanding, the timeline of each prophet's vision in history according to the backdrop of the 8 heads of the beast that they both saw. It brings the vision and interpretation from scripture in line with the historical record and comments to lay out the prophetic timeline. This revealed some incredible parallels, such as the foreshadow of the antichrist coming from a fourth kingdom and referred to as a little horn. Likewise the future antichrist comes from a fourth beast and is a little horn. This seems to make a point of tying the foreshadow to the ultimate fulfillment to give us understanding of the abomination of desolation and its role in the emergence of the man of sin. Related Scriptures in the Prophetic Timeline
In putting together relevant scriptures into the timeline of Bible prophecy, I decided I needed a chart to help visualize these events and when scripture said they occur. The numbers in parenthesis are numbers of days. These are from the exact-day prophecies of Daniel and John that give the framework for the 70th week of Daniel.
Harpazo Timing From Framework of the 70th
Week of Daniel
This chart focuses on my thoughts on the timing of the harpazo according to the framework set in scripture defining the time of great tribulation.
Framework of the Last Half of the 70th Week of DanielThis chart focuses on the last 1290 days of the 70th week of Daniel. This time begins at the abomination of desolation and extends to the end of the 70th week.
The Seals, Trumpets & BowlsThis chart lays out very basically the placement of the seals, trumpets & bowls in the timeline of Bible prophecy. If you read through the Bible study on this topic, you can see that the seals are separate and before the trumpets and the bowls are part of the seventh trumpet, the third woe. As with many things related to the coming of the end, these judgments (trumpets and bowls) increase in frequency and intensity like birth pangs.
The Timing of the Abomination of DesolationI created this chart to help show clearly where I see the division of the great tribulation, when it begins and when it ends as well as the timing of the abomination of desolation, which starts the great tribulation. It’s important to note that the Bible contains very specific and precise prophesies and that them being there and working in conjunction with other thousand-year-old prophesies elsewhere in that collection of 66 books by 40 different authors over thousands of years would lend some kind of importance to what they might be saying about God’s design for our future. In fact, when putting them all together connected by events, the following relationships are made clear.
The beginning of the extreme persecution of God’s people begins at the abomination of desolation and begins a 1290-day period of time. The first 1260 days of that time is the length of the antichrist’s reign and persecution of the saints Christ called the time of great tribulation. Matthew 24:15-22 This is connected to Daniel and the prophesied persecution of God’s people for that same time that the antichrist is attacking God’s people. This is also the same time that the dragon gives power to the antichrist and that Jerusalem is trampled by the Gentiles (Revelation 11:1,2 - Not included in the chart above.) We know also that the antichrist’s power and reign is taken away by Christ upon His return in glory. Revelation 19:11-21 This is 30 days before the 1290 days is up from Daniel 12:11-13. We also see a time period also of 1260 days that cannot be connected to the abomination of desolation because the great tribulation begins with the time of Jacob’s trouble, the reason Christ warned those in Judea to flee to the mountains, only Judea is warned. We see the reason for this attack as the dragon’s hatred for the nation of Israel in Revelation 12:13-17 where we also see that this time period marks a specific protection from the dragon. So that 1260 days must not begin until some time after the abomination of desolation has happened and after the woman, Israel, flees to the mountains to be taken to the wilderness and protected. Since Christ returns in glory 30 days before the 1290 days is up, I believe that the time that is cut short for the elect’s sake is the time of Jacob’s trouble and that protection will begin around 30 days or less after the abomination of desolation as a result of the remaining of Israel in Judea fleeing as warned by the Messiah. Zechariah 13:8,9 The Two WitnessesWhat I believe this shows us is that the two witnesses are killed some time before the seventh trumpet. Given what scripture says about Apollyon and how he comes from the bottomless pit, I believe it is possible that is when the two witnesses are killed. If that is at least five months before Christ returns in glory, that would look something like this.
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