Questions & AnswersWhere does the present Israeli attacks on Hamas fit in…or does it?Regarding the current situation in the Middle East, I can’t say for sure that anything will come of it but I can say absolutely that it is very possible and everything is set up for it. If you get the watchman newsletter you know that there have been many little stories covering the diplomacy in the Middle East over the years that I’ve been watching that are pointing to the fulfillment of Bible prophecy and as the hair trigger has been set over the years, it is ready to go now and this may just be the situation to pull it. You see Israel has already threatened that it will hold Damascus responsible for Hezbollah’s actions. On the 8th, rockets were launched from Lebanon to Israel’s North. Nobody has claimed responsibility that I’m aware of yet, but two guesses who was involved. In addition, just recently Iran’s parliamentary speaker visited Damascus to discuss the situation in Gaza. With Syria and Turkey calling off their peace talks with Israel over this situation and the US transition of power, things could be setting up for the fulfillment of Isaiah 17 if Israel were to catch wind of something big in Damascus, a known terrorist hangout. Would they use the Sampson option? According to Isaiah something is going to happen to make Damascus a ruinous heap, the longest continually inhabited city in the world.
Is this the time? I can’t say for sure. I had looked into some timing aspects that seem now to be unlikely based on Israel’s history and the timeframes represented there. What I can say is that regardless of the timing, an action like this by Israel against Damascus would most likely trigger the prophecy in Ezekiel 38,39 to come to pass. According to this prophecy Iran, Turkey and Russia among others would attack Israel from the North, which is Lebanon. Just recently Hezbollah showed they have the power to essentially take it over and since then the Lebanese government has been siding more and more against Israel. With the actions of Israel to destroy Damascus would it be a stretch to imagine the world coming against her? Already there are many saying that Israel is being too harsh in Gaza. Those attackers from the North are said to be brought there with hooks in their jaws. I sense a hesitancy, even with all the “wipe Israel off the map” talk, to actually do anything about it. Iran has a defense agreement with Syria where they would be bound under the agreement to retaliate against Israel and I’m sure all the alliances present today as set in scripture thousands of years ago would also include them in the retaliation as the world stands by and throws their hands up or cheers on the attack. With Russia already expanding Syrian ports to accommodate its navy, I could see troops being brought by ship to Israel’s North for a short march South. Ultimately time will tell and situations like this have led to a temporary calm rather than escalation. I do believe though, that when God destroys the armies attacking from the North in the mountains of Israel, that the nation of Israel as we know it today will turn back to the ways of their fathers and rebuild the temple and resume the daily sacrifice while the surrounding Muslim nations will be in a temporary calm that will allow the dividing of Israel for peace and the sharing of the Temple Mount fulfilling Revelation 11:1,2 regarding the rebuilding of just the inner court. More on that here. Is America the Babylon of Bible prophecy?While I agree America is participating in the mystery Babylon system as another arm of it, ultimately power will be ceded to Europe in all matters. Already this is beginning to happen today. I believe the leadership elements today in America have a goal not of ruling the world, but in degrading America to the point of forcing, along with the rest of the world, global governance under emergency powers headed by Europe. My reasoning comes from Bible prophecy and the foretold head of the antichrist’s global kingdom being the future prince of the Romans who destroyed Jerusalem in 70 AD.
This is the abomination of desolation in the midst of the week referred to in Matthew 24:15-22 beginning the great tribulation. In addition, there are the prophecies of the beast in Daniel 7, Revelation 13 and elsewhere that shows a 7-headed beast representative of the historical kingdoms from Daniel 2 and 7 where the last head has 10 horns representing kings that give their power to a little horn that comes up among them. Here is a chart with built-in links that helps visualize this.
The WEU is the military wing of the EU and has 10 voting member-states headed by Javier Solana, Mr. Europe. Moreover, in 1995 the Barcelona Process was introduced to bring peace to the Middle East. This didn’t quite pan out as hoped, but it never died.
Beginning January 1, 2007, a confirmation of this previous covenant went into effect for a length of seven years, providing monetary support to those who participate in the New European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP). Regarding this:
Considering the scripture above of a confirmed covenant for seven years involving many made by the future prince of the Romans and the head of a 10-member alliance, I have a strong belief that this is the fulfillment of prophecy. However, I do not believe that the ENP is the “70th week of Daniel.” Rather I believe that began according to God’s timing, the end of Israel’s judgments and the Hebrew feast of Trumpets, Rosh Hashanah. I go into why I separate Satan’s week for Israel from God’s week for Israel here. Regarding the dividing of Israel for peace in the roadmap, Javier Solana was involved in the authoring of that as well. You should also check out Eye To Eye: - Facing the Consequences of Dividing Israel by Bill Koenig. He goes into how certain natural disasters coincided with the days our leadership was working on implementation of the roadmap. Jeremiah 30:20-24
At any rate, I do believe America will merge with the center of power in Europe, but I do not view her as Babylon. According to Bible prophecy, the woman riding the beast more represents the center of mystery Babylon, which rules over the kings of the earth. Revelation 17:18 In studying the Vatican’s control over leaders and indeed much of the world through them and the Roman Catholic Church, it becomes apparent that America and indeed many nations are part of Babylon in their allegiance to the woman riding the beast. All through history, as shown in the previous chart mentioned, various forms of religions have controlled politics. Most notably since Christ departed to prepare a place for us, the Roman Catholic Church. So in a way I agree that America is part of the world Babylonian system, mystery Babylon, but the center of power originates from Europe and that is where I believe the antichrist will rise from. America’s part will be determined by the population, I believe. If they fight against the New World Order, then “terrorist” attacks and emergency powers might be used to eliminate them. The current economic crisis fomented by the international bankers and the corrupt system of money as debt made this end inevitable and I believe it will be the tool used to bring in the global cashless mark of the beast system. No new currency will need to be printed, just an RFID tattoo ink will identify those that choose to participate. Moreover, the integration of the Alliance of Civilizations into European policy and NATO represents the coming war on the saints prophesied to take place. Enemies of the state will be defined as those claiming sole ownership to the Truth as the Bible does, and so includes all those who hold the Bible as absolute Truth. Once an emergency is declared, say after an assassination attempt Revelation 13:3, all previous plans and designs will be subject to the authority given to the man who claims to be God following the revealing of the man of sin and the removing of the restrainer. News from Europe seems to be fitting prophecy with uncanny accuracy, which is primarily what leads me to hold to the idea that the center of mystery Babylon is Europe, not America. We are a part, but one that is fading to be integrated into the structure of Europe through legal and trade agreements. This is how Europe became integrated following WWII and the steel and coal industry changes. We’re seeing this same kind of integration the world over under the guise of safety from terrorism, global warming and better economic strength. These are just baby steps to bring us to a point of legal integration and the reporting of all formerly sovereign governments to a “higher power” centered in Europe as prophesied. |
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