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News for May 26, 2008Lisbon Treaty Unlikely to End the WEU Anytime Soon Fulfilled Prophecy (May 26, 2008) - In 2002, Fulfilled Prophecy began reporting on a 10-nation military alliance, called the Western European Union, that appears to match a 10-nation alliance foretold in Bible prophecy. Now, with ratification of the European Union’s Lisbon Treaty underway, some may wonder what effect the treaty, if adopted, will have on the alliance. Guest columnist Mishael Meir answers this question. Although repeated efforts have been made to kill it off, the Western European Union (WEU) lives on as a mutual defense treaty among its 10 permanent members. While the Lisbon Treaty appears to put into place elements that indicate a planned WEU demise, the WEU Ten always manages to survive. To understand what is happening, here’s some helpful background. The Magic Number ‘10’The WEU was created in 1954 by the modified Brussels Treaty as a means for Europe to interface with NATO through its own security and defense organization. Any of the 10 permanent members could withdraw after 50 years from the 1948 date of the original treaty or beginning in 1998. None of them has done so. Additionally, all 10 members could choose to terminate the treaty by “denouncing” it. That hasn’t happened either. Since 1998, there have been many calls to terminate the treaty. None has succeeded. Interestingly, in the WEU Council’s Dec. 6, 2000, Reply to Recommendation 666, the Council made clear that the WEU was sticking around, saying:
Beginning in 2001, the European Union absorbed almost all of the WEU’s functions. However, because the modified Brussels Treaty remains in effect, so does the treaty’s mutual defense clause that gave rise to the 10-state military alliance. The WEU’s Council exists only as a formality. It hasn’t convened as a body since November 2000, but the same people now sit within the structure of the EU as its Political and Security Committee, where it exercises “political control and strategic direction” of EU crisis-management operations. The WEU’s arms procurement body has been absorbed into the European Defence Agency, an agency of the EU headed by Javier Solana. In June 2001, Solana, acting in his role as the WEU’s Secretary General, announced that the WEU Ten had capped the number of permanent members at 10, exactly as the prophet Daniel predicted (Daniel 7:24). After all, why continue expanding the WEU when the EU was beginning efforts to replace it internally? The Netherlands apparently agreed. In 2004, on the eve of the draft constitution’s signing, the Dutch tried and failed to get the WEU Ten to terminate the treaty. Other WEU Ten members said no: The modified Brussels Treaty had to stay in place to maintain the binding commitment of mutual defense, given that such a commitment was not contained in the draft constitution. Source Enter the Lisbon TreatyAfter the French and Dutch citizens rejected the constitution in their 2005 referendums, the WEU urged the EU to continue building its security and defense framework using the legal authority of the EU’s existing treaties. The EU opted instead to trot out the constitution again, this time repackaged as the Lisbon Treaty. To ensure its ratification, the heads of state blocked their own citizens from being able to go to the polls, that is, except for the Irish who go to the polls on June 12. All of Europe is holding its breath to see the outcome of this crucial vote. Source So, what happens if the Irish say yes and what happens if they say no? What effect will the Lisbon Treaty have on the WEU if it actually goes into effect? If the Irish vote yes, the Lisbon Treaty, on its face, appears to endorse the continued existence of the WEU. Under Protocol No. 11, the EU and WEU are to make arrangements for enhanced cooperation between them. This is curious considering that the WEU is little more than an empty shell with only its democratic Assembly left. Also, the Lisbon Treaty has something the draft constitution never had: a binding mutual defense provision that embraces all 27 member states. Although that would make the modified Brussels Treaty Article V redundant, the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty would not by itself terminate the modified Brussels Treaty. Only the WEU Ten can do that. Additionally, the Lisbon Treaty contains provisions for “permanent structured cooperation” (PSCoop). It would allow members who meet certain criteria to build their own permanent military framework that the other states could later join, assuming they met the funding and troop level criteria set out in Protocol No. 11. Apparently some EU states have suggested that the WEU Ten would logically form the PSCoop membership. Source If the Lisbon Treaty goes into effect on Jan. 1, 2009, and PSCoop gets underway, look for another call to terminate the modified Brussels Treaty. However, these are very big “ifs.” Even if it plays out as the EU hopes, it may take a long time before the PSCoop club got anything going. In the meantime, the WEU Ten will still exist as a military alliance and they aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. If the Irish veto the Lisbon Treaty, the EU has no Plan B. The treaty will fail just like the draft constitution failed. Be assured the heads of state will arm twist the Irish into another referendum so they can vote until they get it “right.” This is exactly what happened with their no-vote on the Nice Treaty, which the Irish finally ratified at a second referendum. ‘Man of Lawlessness’What occurs to me in the analysis of EU and WEU treaties is that the
antichrist will be a “man of lawlessness” (2 Thessalonians 2:3). Treaties
are law and must be followed. The antichrist won’t care what a treaty says.
As a pertinent example, consider the transformation of the Roman Republic
into the Roman Empire. The Roman Republic built the legal foundation for
Western civilization, including the checks and balances system for democratic
governance. Once Caesar Augustus transformed the Republic into the Roman
Empire in 31 B.C., law turned into whatever the caesars said it was, regardless
of what had already been established through the democratic Senate and treaties
with foreign states. Why a 10-state military alliance in the revived Roman
Empire would suddenly hand the antichrist power can be explained under an
endless number of scenarios. One is this. What if disaster happens while
the EU is wrangling treaties and the only existing alliance is the WEU Ten?
We all know who loves chaos and confusion, and it sure isn’t our God! (See
1 Corinthians 14:33). As Herb would say, “stay tuned.”
ANALYSIS / Price of quiet in Lebanon is Hezbollah in power
Haaretz (May 26,
2008) - The smiles, handshakes and congratulations that followed
the election of Lebanese President Michel Suleiman yesterday were unable
to erase questions and fears over what Hezbollah has in store for the country,
and the region as a whole. That is because the lovely principle of "no
victor, no vanquished," as the emir of Qatar described the deal reached
in Doha that allowed for Suleiman's election, does not reflect reality.
Lebanon did manage to engage the emergency brake before spiraling into civil
war, and can even look forward to a period of relative quiet. But the price
is liable to be Hezbollah's long-term de facto control of Lebanon. Suleiman's
election is not the product of a democratic compromise between a majority
and an opposition; it is the product of threats and violence. The fancy
swearing-in ceremony yesterday could not have taken place without the agreement
of Hezbollah, which delayed the selection of a president by seven months.
Hezbollah conditioned its acceptance on the establishment of a national
unity government in which it and its partners will have 11 ministers. This
grants Hezbollah veto power over key government decisions, since the Lebanese
constitution requires important decisions to be approved by a two-thirds
majority. Hezbollah also won a change in the elections law, which gives
its supporters a much greater chance of getting their candidates into parliament
in the election planned for next year. In addition, the question of Hezbollah's
right to function as an autonomous militia has been removed from the agenda,
replaced by a declaration that Hezbollah's guns will never again be aimed
at fellow Lebanese. And without the agreement of the Lebanese government,
any international attempt to disarm Hezbollah will be seen as illegitimate.
Suleiman thanked Arab leaders, especially the emir of Qatar, Sheikh Hamad
Bin Khalifa al-Thani. But without the agreements reached between Syria,
Iran and Hezbollah, Suleiman would not have been elected president. Hezbollah
also determined the most convenient place for negotiations - not Saudi Arabia
or Egypt, which are allies of the Lebanese government, but Qatar, whose
emir was the first Arab leader to visit a Shi'ite neighborhood in Beirut
that had been bombed by Israel, and who donated a lot of money to rebuild
it. Hezbollah could have celebrated twice yesterday - once to mark eight
years since the Israel Defense Forces withdrew from Lebanon, and a second
time over having laid the cornerstone of its political domination of the
country. Syria is not dissatisfied with this victory, but understands that
Hezbollah is not a Syrian organization. Damascus may yet miss the days when
it controlled Lebanon directly, without having to rely on a group whose
loyalty depends on its own interests rather than being driven by ideology.
Now, after Hezbollah's great political victory, it is no longer clear who
depends on whom. In the Saudi-Iranian struggle over regional hegemony, Tehran
can chalk up another victory. It seems to me that if the Magog invasion comes from the North, that Lebanon is the key to funneling the troops that God will destroy in the mountains of Israel into Israel. Keep watching events with Syria as well as Russia, Libya, Turkey and Iran this summer.
Palestinians reject Israeli offer to hand over 91.5% of W. Bank
Haaretz (May 26,
2008) - Palestinian officials close to peace talks said Sunday that
Israel has offered a West Bank withdrawal map that leaves about 8.5 percent
of the territory in Israeli hands, less than a previous plan but still more
than the Palestinians are ready to accept. Also Sunday, Palestinian President
Mahmoud Abbas was quoted as telling backers that the negotiations have achieved
no progress since they were restarted last November with a pledge to U.S.
President George W. Bush to try for a full peace treaty by the end of the
year. The Palestinian officials said Israel presented its new map three
days ago in a negotiating session. The last map Israel offered had 12 percent
of the West Bank remaining in Israel. Israel wants to keep West Bank land
with its main settlement blocs, offering land inside Israel in exchange.
The land would be between Hebron in the southern West Bank and Gaza - at
least part of a route through Israel to link the two territories. The officials,
speaking on condition of anonymity because the negotiations are being conducted
behind closed doors, said Palestinians were ready to trade only 1.8 percent
of the West Bank for Israeli land. Israeli officials refused to comment.
Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has said that progress has been made in several
areas, but he refused to give details out of concern for harming the negotiations.
Lethal storms kill 8 in Iowa and Minnesota
Associated Press (May 26, 2008) - Half
of this small town lay in ruins or heavily damaged Monday following a deadly
tornado that ripped apart a stretch of northern Iowa. The Sunday afternoon
twister killed six people in Iowa, four of them in Parkersburg and two others
in nearby New Hartford. In neighboring Minnesota, a child was killed by
violent weather in a suburb of St. Paul. "You really are overwhelmed
when you see it," Iowa Gov. Chet Culver said at a news conference Monday
after touring the Parkersburg area. "You can't imagine this kind of
devastation, homes completely gone. And to see people trying to sort through
their belongings is very difficult." Rescuers continued picking through
the wreckage in search of possible victims but officials said they were
hopeful that no one else remained to be found. In addition to those killed,
about 70 people were injured, two of them in critical condition. Officials
counted 222 homes destroyed, 21 businesses destroyed and more than 400 homes
damaged. Among the buildings destroyed were city hall, the high school and
the town's sole grocery store and gas station. That's about half of the
homes in Parkersburg destroyed or severely damaged, said Butler County Sheriff
Jason Johnson. "There's so much hurt here, I don't know where to start,"
said U.S. Sen. Chuck Grassley, who owns a farm near New Hartford.
China aftershock destroys 71,000 homes; 1 killed
Associated Press
(May 25, 2008) - A powerful aftershock destroyed tens of thousands
of homes in central China on Sunday, killing two people and straining recovery
efforts from the country's worst earthquake in three decades. More than
480 others were injured. Meanwhile, soldiers rushed with explosives to unblock
a debris-clogged river threatening to flood homeless quake survivors. The
fresh devastation came after a magnitude 6.0 aftershock — among the most
powerful recorded since the initial May 12 quake, according to the U.S.
Geological Survey. The China National Seismic Network said the aftershock
was the strongest of dozens in the nearly two weeks after the disaster.
The new tremor killed two people and injured more than 480 others, 41 seriously,
the official Xinhua News Agency said. Some 71,000 homes that had survived
the original quake were leveled, and another 200,000 were in danger of collapse
from the aftershock that caused office towers to sway in Beijing, 800 miles
away. Before the aftershock, the Cabinet said the confirmed death toll from
the disaster had risen to 62,664, with another 23,775 people missing. Premier
Wen Jiabao has warned the number of dead could surpass 80,000. more...
'Iran to give Hamas more arms, funds' The Jerusalem
Post (May 25, 2008) - Iran has promised
Hamas new rockets and more funds, an expression of the Islamic Republic's
displeasure with recent news of renewed Israeli-Syrian peace talks, the
London-based newspaper, Asharq Alawsat reported on Sunday. According to
the report, Syria-based Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal, who held a press conference
in Teheran with Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki Saturday, expressed
his concern over statements issued simultaneously by Jerusalem, Damascus
and Ankara last Wednesday in which a renewal of talks between Syria and
Israel under Turkish mediation was declared. Mashaal reportedly told his
Iranian hosts that despite commitments he was given by Damascus that peace
with Israel would not come at the expense of Syria's ties with Iran, Hizbullah
and Hamas, he was still aware of the fact that Syria would have to make
some concessions. He emphasized that he understood that Syria could not
sign a peace agreement with Israel, exchange ambassadors, end the state
of war and make the Golan Heights demilitarized and at the same time continue
to allow Iran to use its territory to transfer weapons to Hizbullah, train
Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists and help in the financing of those groups.
An Iranian source told the paper that in light of Mashaal's fears, Iranian
regime officials promised the head of Hamas's political bureau that Iran
would continue supporting Hamas financially, materially and morally, even
if Syria would turn its back on the organization for the sake of an agreement
with Israel. According to the source, the Iranians had even elaborated what
that support would be: Newer, upgraded rockets and an increase in the budget
allotted to Hamas to $150 million in the second half of 2008. A source in
the office of Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said Mashaal
was promised that Iran would supply every support his organization might
need, be it weapons, finance, or military training. Iran's defense minister
also expressed confidence on Sunday that negotiations would not hamper the
strong alliance between Teheran and Damascus, the Iranian FARS news agency
reported. Labeling Syria a strategic ally of Iran, Defense Minister Mustafa
Mohammed Nejad called on "Islamic states to strengthen their relations
in order to defend themselves against the dangers which threaten the region." Olmert: We're facing a historic agreement with Syria The question is, will Syria go against their Islamic roots and diplomatic and defensive ties with Iran? Or could this be a ploy to take advantage of a perceived weakness in Israeli leadership looking for some kind of political progress? Could Israel discovering true intentions lead to the destruction of Damascus and that trigger the coalitions to defend Syria?
Earthquake rocks central Colombia BBC News
(May 25, 2008) - A 5.7 earthquake has killed
at least six people in central Colombia, causing landslides and shaking
buildings. Its epicentre was located about 55km (34 miles) from the capital
Bogota, near the town of Villavicencio, the US Geological Survey reports.
Bogota residents ran outside fearing buildings would fall, then stood around
dazed in the rain, correspondents say. The victims are reported to have
been killed when rocks from a landslide hit the cars they were travelling
in. At least 15 houses and a church were reported to have been damaged,
says the Efe news agency. Cololmbian President Alvaro Uribe said the six
people, including two children, were killed on the road between Bogota and
Villavicencio. They were travelling in two cars that were hit by landslides,
he told reporters. At least eight other people were reported injured. Bogota
Mayor Samuel Moreno told local radio some buildings in the city were slightly
damaged. "The report we have so far is that it was strong and some
structures have suffered damage," he said. One government building
in Bogota was evacuated after the quake sent a shower of bricks tumbling
off one of its walls, Reuters adds. In 1999, a earthquake measuring six
struck Colombia's coffee-growing region, killing about 1,000 people. The
last comparable death toll from a Colombian quake prior to that was in 1875
when about 1,000 people died near Cucuta.
Iran tells Syria must regain control of Golan
YNet News (May 24,
2008) - Syrian Defense Minister Hassan Turkmani arrived in Tehran
on Saturday evening as part of Damascus' bid to reassure its Iranian ally
after resuming peace negotiations with Israel. General Turkmani is scheduled
to meet with his Iranian counterpart, Mustafa Mohammad-Najjar, and additional
key figures in Tehran. A possible meeting with President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
has not yet been confirmed. In a meeting he held earlier on Saturday with
Hamas politburo chief, Khaled Mashaal, Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr
Mottaki publically addressed the renewed talks for the first time. "The
Golan belongs to Syria and must be returned to its control. The Zionist
regime must withdraw from the Golan, and we support Syrian efforts to repossess
the Heights." The Syrian defense minister's visit to Tehran follow
reports of Ahmadinejad's outrage over the contact between Israel and Syria.
Sources close to the Iranian president told the London-based Asharq al-Awsat
daily that Ahmadinejad has made his discontent over the clandestine negotiations
well known. He described the talks as a "flagrant violation" of
the mutual commitments between Syria and Iran. Meanwhile, Damascus as reiterated
its rejection of Israel's demand that it sever ties with Iran, Hizbullah
and Hamas as a key condition of any peace agreement. During a joint press
conference Mashaal held with Mottaki after their meeting, the exiled Hamas
leader was careful not to criticize the negotiations. He did say however
that Prime Minister Ehud Olmert lacks the political might to make the moves
necessary for peace with Syria. "There is great skepticism concerning
(Israel's) seriousness to return the Golan," Mashaal said. "It's
maneuvering and playing all the (negotiation) tracks – this is a well known
game and besides, Olmert's weakness will not allow him to take this step."
He was referring to the current ongoing investigation against Olmert, who
has recently been suspected of receiving money unlawfully. Mashaal said
he was sure the renewed talks would not come at the expense of the Palestinian
track. Related News: Syria refuses to sever ties with Iran Mexican homicides jump 47 pct.; 1,378 die in '08 Associated Press (May 23, 2008) - Homicides related to organized crime jumped 47 percent in 2008, Mexico's attorney general said Friday in a rare confirmation of how bad violence has become. Police later made two gruesome discoveries in northern Mexico. Five bodies — two of them decapitated — were found wrapped in blankets in a city on the border with Texas, along with two heads in sacks. In another state, police found four severed heads in ice chests along a highway. Attorney General Eduardo Medina Mora told Radio Formula that 1,378 people have been killed so far this year, compared with 940 in the same period last year. The statistic reflected what many in Mexico already knew: Drug-related killings have soared in recent months. But the details were the first official snapshot on the rise in killings. The Mexican government has been reluctant to release homicide statistics, leaving the public to rely on informal tallies by the news media. Medina Mora broke that silence, saying 4,152 people have been killed since President Felipe Calderon took office in December 2006 and declared war on drug cartels that controlled entire regions of Mexico. About 450 of those were police, soldiers, prosecutors or investigators. Medina Mora said many of the recent killings have been concentrated along the U.S. border, while homicides in the central part of the nation have subsided. The government says the violence reflects drug gangs' desperation amid the nationwide crackdown, carried out by more than 20,000 soldiers and federal police. "Evidently when they are cornered and weakened, they have to respond with violence," Medina Mora said. Analysts say recent arrests have created a power vacuum and gangs are battling for valuable drug routes and territory. more...
Tornadoes tear up Colorado The Washington Times
(May 23, 2008) - Tornadoes touched down in
northern Colorado and southern Wyoming yesterday, damaging buildings, flipping
vehicles and killing at least one person. The National Weather Service said
a large tornado touched down just after noon near Platteville, Colo. about
50 miles north of Denver. It then moved north through or near several towns,
tearing the roofs off buildings, downing power lines and crumpling farm
equipment. A second tornado touched down later in near Johnstown, Colo.
about 10 miles northwest of Platteville, the weather service reported. There
were no immediate reports of injuries. Windsor, Colo., a farm town of about
16,000, appeared the hardest hit. Video footage showed a dark gray funnel
perhaps a quarter-mile wide near the town with heavy hail and rain. At least
one residential neighborhood in Windsor appeared to have suffered heavy
damage. Television footage showed several rail tanker cars on their sides
in downtown Windsor. more...
Rare Tornado Strikes Southern California Fox
News (May 22, 2008) - The National
Weather Service has issued a tornado warning for parts of Southern California
as the region is being pounded by wild weather including torrential downpours.
The weather service said at 4:38 p.m. Thursday that Doppler radar was tracking
a tornado moving south near Moreno Valley in Riverside County. A KABC-TV
helicopter in the area has shown an overturned big rig blocking a highway
and a half-dozen freight cars toppled over on nearby railroad tracks.
Congress vs. OPEC: Flexible-fuel cars One News
Now (May 22, 2008) - An engineer and
energy authority says the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
(OPEC) led by Saudi Arabia wants to drive the world into an economic depression
with the eventual goal of establishing a worldwide Islamic caliphate. Dr.
Robert Zubrin has a Ph.D. in nuclear engineering and is president of
Pioneer Astronautics,
an aerospace engineering firm. He recently published Energy Victory:
Win the War on Terror by Breaking Free of Oil. He believes the OPEC
cartel has consciously decided to restrict the production of oil in the
face of growing world demand, and that this year the U.S. is going to spend
$1 trillion on oil, most of which is going into the pockets of the cartel. "They'll
use part of it to fund terrorism internationally," he says, "and
they're putting the rest into a giant takeover fund called sovereign wealth
funds, which they will use to take over the companies that they wreck as
they push us into recession. They'll take over these companies at a fraction
of their value; 10 cents on the dollar," Zubrin contends. The author
argues that the power of the OPEC cartel must be destroyed internationally
-- and that the U.S. Congress can help. He urges Congress to make "flex-fuel"
the international standard and force gasoline to compete at the pumps. "The
United States Congress can effectively destroy OPEC with the stroke of a
pen, simply by passing a law requiring that every new car sold in the United
States gives the consumer fuel choice. That is, [to] be a fully flex-fueled
car able to run not just on gasoline but on methanol and ethanol,"
Zubrin explains. According to Zubrin, a Senate bill cosponsored by Senators
Evan Bayh (D-Indiana) and Kansas Republican Sam Brownback (R-Kansas) would
do just that and crash the price of oil to $50 a barrel. Flexible-fuel vehicles,
or FFVs, according to the U.S. Department of Energy, are designed to run
on gasoline or a blend of up to 85% ethanol (E85), and have been produced
since the 1980s. The DOE says while FFVs experience no loss in performance
when operating on E85, they typically get fewer miles per gallon because
an equal amount of gasoline contains more energy.
Russia's Putin Pledges to Buttress Ties with Libya
The Jerusalem Post
(May 22, 2008) - Russian Prime Minister Vladimir
Putin on Tuesday promised Libya's leader Moamer Gathafi that Moscow would
buttress economic and military ties with Tripoli, the government news service
said. Putin and Gathafi spoke on the telephone and agreed to continue "the
useful confidential dialogue between the two countries and noted mutual
interest in boosting cooperation in both civil and military spheres,"
a statement said. Putin "stressed the need to realize the accords cinched
during the recent Russo-Libyan summit and affirmed that as prime minister
he intended to give it all due attention," it added. Libya has had
its debt to the Soviet Union waived in return for important contracts to
Russian companies. These include the Russian state railroad company's plans
to construct a 600-kilometre (375-mile) rail link between the cities of
Syrte and Benghazi, which is estimated to cost over two billion euros. The
two countries also signed four accords on economic and financial cooperation,
exchange of confidential information and promotion and protection of investments.
Libya had been an important ally of the Soviet Union and a faithful client
of Soviet arms. However, ties between the two nations cooled after the fall
of the Soviet Union in 1991. Pilots run out of fuel, pray, land near Jesus sign Associated Press (May 21, 2008) - It seemed like an almost literal answer to their prayers. When two New Zealand pilots ran out of fuel in a microlight airplane they offered prayers and were able to make an emergency landing in a field — coming to rest right next to a sign reading, "Jesus is Lord." Grant Stubbs and Owen Wilson, both from the town of Blenheim on the country's South Island, were flying up the sloping valley of Pelorus Sound when the engine spluttered, coughed and died. "My friend and I are both Christians so our immediate reaction in a life-threatening situation was to ask for God's help," Stubbs told The Associated Press on Wednesday. He said he prayed during the ill-fated flight Sunday that the tiny craft would get over the top of a ridge and that they would find a landing site that was not too steep — or in the nearby sea. Wilson said that the pair would have been in deep trouble if the fuel had run out five minutes earlier. "If it had to run out, that was the place to be," he said. "There was an instantaneous answer to prayer as we crossed the ridge and there was an airfield — I didn't know it existed till then." After Wilson glided the powerless craft to a landing on the grassy strip, the pair noticed they were beside a 20-foot-tall sign that read, "Jesus is Lord — The Bible." "When we saw that, we started laughing," Stubbs said. Nearby residents provided them with gas to fly the home-built plane back to base.
Israel: Russia may be selling Syria arms The
Jerusalem Post (May 21, 2008) - Fearing
that Damascus is acquiring advanced military platforms, Israel is closely
following meetings being held in Moscow this week between a high-level Syrian
military delegation and Russian Defense Ministry officials. Senior government
officials in Jerusalem said they have been aware for several days of the
Syrians' upcoming visit to the Russian capital but that it was not yet clear
which military platforms Damascus was requesting. According to reports in
the Russian media, the delegation, led by Syrian Air Force commander Gen.
Akhmad al-Ratyb, will be in Moscow for five days and meet with Russian Defense
Ministry and Air Force officials, as well as visit several military bases
and units. According to the reports, the talks will focus on arms sales
- including submarines, anti-aircraft missiles, the latest model MiG fighter
jets and advanced surface-to-surface ballistic missiles. Israel is particularly
concerned with a Syrian request for long-range S-300 surface-to-air missiles
that could threaten IAF jets flying on the Israeli side of the Golan Heights.
The S-300 is one of the best multi-target anti-aircraft-missile systems
in the world and reportedly can track 100 targets simultaneously while engaging
12 at the same time. Syria recently received 36 Pantsir S1E air-defense
systems from Russia. Iran is believed to have already procured several S-300
systems to protect its nuclear facilities. Israeli defense officials expressed
grave concern over the possibility that Syria would obtain these new military
platforms. Damascus, the officials said, had dramatically increased defense
spending recently. In the past three years, Syria has spent more than $3
billion on weapons, up from less than $100 million in 2002. Officials said
that Israel was working diplomatically with Moscow to prevent the sales,
but that for the right amount of money, Russia would likely approve the
sales in any case. Israel is also extremely concerned about a possible sale
of the Iskander surface-to-surface missile system. The Iskander, Israeli
weapons experts said Tuesday, was the heir to the Scud and was far superior
to the ballistic missiles currently in Syria's arsenal. The Iskander is
propelled by solid fuel and has a range of 300 kilometers, with accuracy
of about 20 meters. "This would without a doubt be a major threat to
Israel," one Israeli expert said. Lastly, Syria is also reportedly
interested in buying two Amur-1650 submarines from Russia. The Amur 1650
is a diesel-electric operated vessel and reportedly can strike salvo missile
blows at multiple targets simultaneously. Syria has a navy but does not
have operational submarines. more... Keep watching!
Ethiopian millions 'risk hunger' BBC News
(May 20, 2008) - Six million children in Ethiopia
are at risk of acute malnutrition following the failure of rains, the UN
children's agency, Unicef, has warned. More than 60,000 children in two
Ethiopian regions require immediate specialist feeding just to survive,
Unicef says. The situation is expected to worsen in the next few months
as crops fail. Aid agencies in Ethiopia say they are short of funds as donors
concentrate on the emergencies in China and Burma. Paulette Jones, of the
World Food Programme (WFP), said a combination of events had led to the
situation. "We have drought - a really poor rainy season - and, of
course, we have high food prices worldwide." The UN estimates it currently
has a shortfall of 180,000 tonnes of food - and presently has no promises
to meet this target. more... What Holly Thinks: Mistakes People Make When Studying the End Times Fulfilled Prophecy (May 19, 2008) - End-times prophecy is a difficult subject, especially if you don’t know where to start. Avoid these four common pitfalls. Mistake 1: Not focusing on Israel. Many Christians forget that, in prophecy, the geographical focus is always Israel. For example, some U.S. Christians will speculate endlessly about the United States’ role in prophecy, although there is no clear reference to it in the Bible. From God’s point of view, Jerusalem is the center of the world. He said through the prophet Ezekiel, “This is Jerusalem; I have set her at the center of the nations, with lands around her” (Ezekiel 5:5). God chose to work through the nation of Israel to reveal Himself to the world. Jewish prophets penned the Scriptures, and Jesus, the Messiah came from Jewish lineage. During the Millennium, Jesus will reign for 1,000 years from Jerusalem. So, Bible prophecies focus mainly on Israel and His dealings with Israel through the surrounding nations. Mistake 2: Ignoring the Old Testament. Many Christians try to figure out the meaning of the symbols in the book of Revelation without looking at the clues given in the rest of Scripture. For example, many Christians have attempted to identify the great harlot – or Babylon the Great – in Revelation 17. Their suggestions have ranged from the Roman Catholic Church to the United States. But they forget that the Word of God must be taken as a whole. The prophecies in the New Testament can’t be correctly understood apart from the Old Testament. So, to correctly determine what Babylon represents, they must go back to where ancient Babylon had its beginning – at the Tower of Babel in Genesis 11. The Tower of Babel was humankind’s first attempt at coming together to build a government without God. So, Babylon the Great appears to involve the nations’ final and most powerful attempt at uniting apart from God. Today, this might be best seen in the efforts of the United Nations. Mistake 3: Not studying the book of Daniel. Many Christians don’t realize that the book of Daniel holds the keys to understanding the book of Revelation. So, they try to understand Revelation without studying Daniel. Yet, many of the symbols contained in the book of Revelation are first introduced in Daniel. For example, Revelation 13 speaks of a beast with 10 horns. Many people wonder who this beast could possibly be, but they don’t know that this same beast made an appearance in Daniel 7, where the interpretation is given. Mistake 4: Not seeing the forest for the trees. Some Christians watch for the details of prophecy to be fulfilled and lose site of the larger fulfillments. For example, the Bible tells us that, before the end comes, there will be an increase in the frequency of earthquakes and famines (Matthew 24:7). So, some Christians point to every earthquake or famine as evidence that Christ is returning soon. Yet, they don’t remember that Christ said these are “merely the beginning of birth pangs” (Matthew 24:7-8). It’s true that the Bible gives us many amazing details of the future, but we must keep our eyes on the clear road signs so we don’t go off course. Some of these road signs include the return of Israel as a nation in 1948 and the revival of the Roman Empire in the form of the European Union, beginning with the Schuman Declaration in 1950.
Spain to run America's 1st superhighway? WorldNet
Daily (May 19, 2008) - Stretching through
the rural countryside with limited access and no speed limit in 1940, the
Pennsylvania Turnpike was built to resemble Germany's autobahn. Now thanks
to a $12.8 billion dollar offer, it may soon become Spain's. According to
a report in the Philadelphia Daily News, Gov. Ed Rendell has announced that
Abertis Infraestructuras of Barcelona has offered the top dollar bid to
the state of Pennsylvania for the rights to manage the toll road under a
75-year lease. The highway could become just the latest in a string of U.S.
infrastructure landmarks to be operated by foreign companies. In 2004, management
of the Chicago Skyway, a stretch of elevated road connecting I-90 and I-94,
was granted to Cintra, another Spanish operation that outbid Abertis at
$1.83 billion. Abertis lost out to Cintra again when the Indiana Toll Road
was taken over in 2006 for $3.8 billion. This time, Abertis beat out Cintra
and other firms, hoping to add the Pennsylvania Turnpike to its list of
operations including toll roads in Spain, France, Italy, the United Kingdom,
Chile, Colombia and Argentina. Abertis also operates airports, including
the airports in Orlando, Fla.; Burbank, Calif.; and one concourse of the
Atlanta airport. Even though the controversial Dubai ports deal was squashed
by public outcry in 2006, foreign firms have nonetheless purchased long-term
leases on other American transportation networks. The Chicago Skyway is
tied up for 99 years. The Indiana Toll Road is leased for 75. As
WND reported earlier this year, Chicago is seeking a more than 50-year
lease on Midway Airport. Among the potential suitors for Midway are 6 international
firms, including Abertis. The leases are being made possible through an
increasingly common practice of establishing "public-private partnerships"
(PPP's), contracts between public agencies and private entities that enable
private sector participation in public transportation. Many of the PPP's
implemented in the U.S. bring large up-front cash infusions. In both the
proposed Midway and Pennsylvania Turnpike offers, the billions in cash are
touted as a quick solution to shoring up under-funded government employee
pension funds. Many, however, see an imminent threat in turning over U.S.
infrastructure to foreign companies. "The USA is up for sale,"
an attendee of a conference in Colorado to discuss PPPs told WND. "Whatever
the public now owns – roads, ports, waste management water systems, rail
lines, public parking facilities, airports, even lotteries and sports stadiums
– are up for grabs and the only requirement is that the foreigners have
the cash." Even William Capone, the director of communications for
the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission,
told WND in a telephone interview earlier this year, "We don't
favor turning the Pennsylvania Turnpike into a private entity through a
PPP lease. If we keep the Pennsylvania Turnpike in the hands of a public
entity, we believe we can actually invest more dollars into roads than a
private corporation could do." The proposal still has to go through
the Pennsylvania legislature, a decision that is likely to be hotly contested.
Many in the capital are hoping Act 44, a law passed by the state legislature
in 2007 to make I-80 a toll road as well, will stem the financial crisis
and deflate the impetus for accepting the Turnpike proposal. According to
the newspaper report, the toll road plan with Abertis allows the newcomer
to raise tolls 25 percent year and 2.5 percent or the rate of inflation
every year after that. more...
31,000 scientists reject 'global warming' agenda
WorldNet Daily (May
19, 2008) - More than 31,000 scientists across the U.S. – including
more than 9,000 Ph.D.s in fields such as atmospheric science, climatology,
Earth science, environment and dozens of other specialties – have signed
a petition rejecting "global warming," the assumption that the
human production of greenhouse gases is damaging Earth's climate. "There
is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide,
methane, or other greenhouse gases is causing or will, in the foreseeable
future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth's atmosphere and disruption
of the Earth's climate," the petition states. "Moreover, there
is substantial scientific evidence that increases in atmospheric carbon
dioxide produce many beneficial effects upon the natural plant and animal
environments of the Earth." The
Petition Project
actually was launched nearly 10 years ago, when the first few thousand signatures
were assembled. Then, between 1999 and 2007, the list of signatures grew
gradually without any special effort or campaign. But now, a new effort
has been conducted because of an "escalation of the claims of 'consensus,'
release of the movie 'An Inconvenient Truth' by Mr. Al Gore, and related
events," according to officials with the project. "Mr. Gore's
movie, asserting a 'consensus' and 'settled science' in agreement about
human-caused global warming, conveyed the claims about human-caused global
warming to ordinary movie goers and to public school children, to whom the
film was widely distributed. Unfortunately, Mr. Gore's movie contains many
very serious incorrect claims which no informed, honest scientist could
endorse," said project spokesman and founder Art Robinson. WND submitted
a request to Gore's office for comment but did not get a response. Robinson
said the dire warnings about "global warming" have gone far beyond
semantics or scientific discussion now to the point they are actually endangering
people. "The campaign to severely ration hydrocarbon energy technology
has now been markedly expanded," he said. "In the course of this
campaign, many scientifically invalid claims about impending climate emergencies
are being made. Simultaneously, proposed political actions to severely reduce
hydrocarbon use now threaten the prosperity of Americans and the very existence
of hundreds of millions of people in poorer countries," he said.
China says quake killed 12.5 million farm animals, will hurt rice production
International Herald Tribune
(May 19, 2008) - China's devastating earthquake
killed 12.5 million farm animals — mostly chickens — and wrecked vegetable
crops and irrigation systems needed to grow rice, the government says. More
than 20,000 hectares (50,000 acres) of vegetables and more than 10,000 hectares
(25,000 acres) of wheat were destroyed by the May 12 quake in Sichuan province,
according to the Agriculture Ministry. Damage to irrigation systems could
prevent farmers from growing rice on as much as 100,000 hectares (250,000
acres) of rice paddies, the ministry said. But it said that land might be
used for alternative crops while the damage is repaired. Most of the farm
animals killed were poultry, said Wei Chao'an, a deputy agriculture minister,
in comments reported by the official Xinhua News Agency. He said the losses
should not affect food supplies, because they account for a small share
of the 1.5 billion birds that Sichuan province was expected to produce this
year. Sichuan usually supplies about 6 percent of China's grain and 5 percent
of its vegetables, according to Wei.
High food prices forcing millions of Filipinos into poverty
Inquirer.net (May
18, 2008) - Soaring food prices are forcing millions of Filipinos
into poverty, the Asian Development Bank said in a study released here Sunday. "Increases
in food prices have enormous impacts on poverty" in the Philippines,
where poor people spend nearly 60 percent of their income on food, the Manila-based
lender said. The Philippines is one of the world's biggest rice importers
and the government estimates a third of the country's 90 million people
live on a dollar a day or less. Inflation spiked to a three-year high of
8.3 percent last month due mainly to surging prices of rice and petroleum
products, which are at all-time highs. A 10-percent rise in food and non-food
prices "will lead to an additional 2.3 million and 1.7 million poor
people, respectively," the ADB study said. Between January 2007 and
March 2008, rice prices have risen at an annual pace of 22.9 percent, the
study said, urging Manila to "direct government policies toward stabilizing
food prices." "Monetary policy may not be an effective tool to
combat rising inflation," it said, adding, "such policies may
push the economy into recession, which will hurt the poor even more."
Russia: A totalitarian regime in thrall to a Tsar who's creating the new
Fascist empire Daily Mail
(May 17, 2008) - As ex-President Putin settles
in to his new role as Prime Minister, he has every reason to congratulate
himself. After all, he has not only written the script for his constitutional
coup d'etat, but staged the play and given himself the starring role as
well. Of course, he has given a walk-on role to Dmitry Medvedev, his personally
anointed successor. But the transfer of power from Putin to his Little Sir
Echo, Medvedev, and the show of military strength with those soldiers and
clapped-out missiles in Red Square on Victory Day which followed it last
week, made it clear who is really in charge. No decision of any significance
for the Russian people or the rest of us will be made in the foreseeable
future without the say - so of Medvedev's unsmiling master. Just before
he stood down as President, Putin declared: "I have worked like a galley
slave throughout these eight years, morning til night, and I have given
all I could to this work. I am happy with the results." As he surveys
the nation today he reminds me of that chilling poem by Ted Hughes, Hawk
Roosting, in which the dreaded bird sits at the top of a tall tree musing: "Now
I hold all Creation in my foot - I kill as I please because it is all mine
- I am going to keep things like this." In a way he is right to be
so self-satisfied. He has told the Russian people that life is much better
than it was before he took over - and, after a journey of some 10,000 miles
across the largest country in the world for a new book and BBC TV series,
I am in no doubt that the majority of his subjects believe him. I travelled
from cities to towns to villages by road, rail and boat and met a great
diversity of people - from St Petersburg glitterati to impoverished potato-pickers,
from a witch who charms the sprites of the forest to the mountain herdsmen
who worship fire and water, from oilmen to woodcutters. It was an exhilarating
and revelatory experience in a land of extremes. But it was also deeply
disturbing. Despite the fact that Putin's Russia is increasingly autocratic
and irredeemably corrupt, the man himself - their born-again Tsar - is overwhelmingly
regarded as the answer to the nation's prayers. In a nation that has not
tasted and - with very few exceptions - does not expect or demand justice
or freedom, all that matters is stability and security. And, to a degree,
Putin has delivered these twin blessings. But the price has been exorbitant
and the Russians have been criminally short-changed. Putin boasts that since
he came into office investment in the Russian economy has increased sevenfold
(reaching $82.3 billion in 2007) and that the country's GDP has risen by
more than 70 per cent. Over the same period, average real incomes have more
than doubled. But they started from a very low base and they could have
done far better. Nor is this growth thanks either to the Kremlin's leadership
or a surge of entrepreneurial energy. On the contrary, it is almost solely
down to Russia's vast reserves of oil and gas. Stricken with an epidemic
of AIDS and alcoholism which both contribute to a male life expectancy of
58 years, the population is projected to shrink from 145 million to 120
million within a few decades. So where has all the oil wealth gone? According
to an Independent Experts Report, written by two former high-level Kremlin
insiders who have had the courage to speak out, "a criminal system
of government [has] taken shape under Putin" in which the Kremlin has
been selling state assets cheaply to Putin's cronies and buying others assets
back from them at an exorbitant price. Among such dubious transactions the
authors cite the purchase by the state-owned Gasprom (run until a few months
ago by Dmitry Medvedev) of a 75 per cent share in an oil company called
Sifnet (owned by Roman Abramovich, the oligarch who owns Chelsea Football
Club). In 1995 Abramovich, one of Putin's closest allies, paid a mere $100
million for Sifnet; ten years later, the government shelled out $13.7 billion
for it - an astronomical sum and far above the going market rate. The threat
of prosecution for tax fraud is the Kremlin's weapon of choice against anyone
who dares to challenge its hegemony. When Mikhail Khodorkovsky, once the
richest man in Russia, used his oil wealth to promote human rights and democracy,
Putin detected a threat to his throne. The oligarch was duly arrested and
convicted of fraud. He now languishes in a Siberian jail where he is in
the third year of an eight-year prison sentence. None of this is a matter
of public debate in Russia where the media has been muzzled by the Kremlin,
their freedom of expression stifled by the government. Almost every national
radio and television station is now controlled directly or indirectly by
the state, and the same applies to every newspaper of any influence. In
the heady days immediately before and after the collapse of the Soviet empire,
editors and reporters competed to challenge the mighty and to uncover scandal
and corruption. Now they cower from the wrath of the state and its agents
in the police and the security services. That diminishing number who have
the courage to investigate or speak out against the abuses perpetrated by
the rich and powerful very soon find themselves out of a job - or, in an
alarming number of cases, on the receiving end of a deadly bullet. Some
20 Russian journalists have been killed in suspicious circumstances since
Putin came to office. No one has yet been convicted for any of these crimes.
Putin calls the system over which he presides "sovereign democracy".
I think a better term is "cryptofascism" - though even the Kremlin's
few critics in Russia recoil when I suggest this. Thousands flee China quake area over flood fears Associated Press (May 17, 2008) - Two rivers blocked by landslides threatened to flood towns shattered by China's massive earthquake, sending thousands of survivors fleeing Saturday in a region still staggering from the country's worst disaster in 30 years. A mountain sheared off by the mighty tremor cut the Qingzhu river and swallowed the riverside village of Donghekou whole, entombing an unknown number of people inside a huge mound of brown earth. Compounding the horror for survivors, a lake rising behind the wall of debris threatens to break its banks and send torrents cascading into villages downstream. Pannicky residents streamed out of the entire county on the northern edge of the quake zone, spurred on by mobile phone text messages sent en masse by local government officials warning that the water level was rising and people downstream were being evacuated. In the town of Beichuan, 60 miles to the south, thousands fled as the reports circulated. Rescue work resumed later in the day and experts were monitoring the river above Beichuan, the People's Daily newspaper said on its web site. The swift exodus underscored the jitters running through the disaster zone. A strong aftershock — the second in two days and measured by the U.S. Geological Survey at magnitude 5.7 — shook the area early Sunday for 45 seconds, causing people to run into the streets. In all the devastation wrought by the quake, little looks as bleak as Donghekou. The road to the village ends in a tangled twist of metal and tar. In the small valley below, the village itself has disappeared when the mountain collapsed. Locals said two other villages further upstream, Ciban and Kangle, had suffered the same fate. The three villages were home to about 300 families, locals said. more...
Opponents to Fight Gay Marriage Ruling AOL
News (May 16, 2008) - Even as same-sex
couples across California begin making plans to tie the knot, opponents
are redoubling their efforts to make sure wedding bells never ring for gay
couples in the nation's most populous state. A conservative group said it
would ask California's Supreme Court to postpone putting its decision legalizing
gay marriage into effect until after the fall election. That's when voters
will likely have a chance to weigh in on a proposed amendment to California's
constitution that would bar same-sex couples from getting married. If the
court does not grant the request, gay marriages could begin in California
in as little as 30 days, the time it typically takes for the justices' opinions
to become final. "We're obviously very disappointed in the decision,"
said Glen Lavy, senior counsel for the Alliance Defense Fund, which is pushing
for the stay. "The remedy is a constitutional amendment." With
a stroke of a pen Thursday, the Republican-dominated court swept away decades
of tradition and said there was no legally justifiable reason why the state
should withhold the institution of marriage because of a couple's sexual
orientation. The 4-3 opinion written by Chief Justice Ronald George said
domestic partnerships that provide many of the rights and benefits of matrimony
are not enough. "In contrast to earlier times, our state now recognizes
that an individual's capacity to establish a loving and long-term committed
relationship with another person and responsibly to care for and raise children
does not depend upon the individual's sexual orientation," George wrote
for the majority in ringing language that delighted gay rights activists.
Gay marriage opponents, meanwhile, derided the ruling as an example of judicial
overreaching in which the opinions of a few justices trumped the will of
Californians. "It's about human dignity. It's about human rights. It's
about time in California," San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom told a
roaring crowd at City Hall after the ruling was issued. "As California
goes, so goes the rest of the nation. It's inevitable. This door's wide
open now. It's going to happen, whether you like it or not." California's
secretary of state is expected to rule by the end of June whether the sponsors
of the anti-gay marriage ballot measure gathered enough signatures to put
the amendment on the ballot. Republican Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, who
has twice vetoed legislation that would have granted marriage to same-sex
couples, said in a statement he respected the court's decision and "will
not support an amendment to the constitution that would overturn this state
Supreme Court ruling." more...
Last-days 'birth pains' have begun WorldNet
Daily (May 16, 2008) - The world has
endured an almost mind-numbing series of shocks in recent weeks, from the
unprecedented swarm of tornadoes across the American Midwest to the death
and destruction wrought by Cyclone Nargis as it tore a path through Myanmar,
better known as Burma. There were 368 documented tornadoes in the U.S. in
January and February of this year, shattering the previous record of 243
over that two-month period, set in 1999. February's total of 232 tornadoes
also shattered previous records. Cyclone Nargis ripped Burma apart, killing
at least 128,000, according to Red Cross estimates, and creating some 2.5
million refugees. Al Gore was quick to blame global warming. In an interview
on NPR to plug his appropriately named book on global warming, "Assault
on Reason," he told host Terry Gross: "And as we're talking today,
Terry, the death count in Myanmar from the cyclone that hit there yesterday
has been rising from 15,000 to way on up there to much higher numbers now
being speculated. . … And last year a catastrophic storm last fall hit Bangladesh.
The year before, the strongest cyclone in more than 50 years hit China –
and we're seeing consequences that scientists have long predicted might
be associated with continued global warming." Maybe. But Germany's
Institute of Marine Scientists says we're in for a 10-year period of global
cooling. There sure seems to be a lot of opposition to what is supposed
to be "settled science." Global warming can't explain away the
devastating earthquake that all but flattened a huge portion of western
China. The death toll from Monday's quake is approaching 20,000, with twice
that number still listed as missing. According to the U.S. Geological Survey,
Monday's earthquake was the 25th "significant" earthquake registered
so far this year. Back in 1969, the year I wrote "The Late, Great Planet
Earth," the USGS identified a total of seven "significant earthquakes."
I had noted in 1969 that there was a slight but discernible increase in
worldwide earthquake activity since Israel's rebirth in 1948. During the
entire decade of the 1970s, the USGS recorded a total of 44 earthquakes
it classified as "significant." The following decade, from January
1980 to December 1989, the USGS recorded 47 significant earthquakes. That
is for the entire decade. From 1990 through the end of 1999, the USGS records
57 significant earthquakes. From 2000 thru to Monday's earthquake in Sichuan,
China, the USGS recorded an astonishing 109 earthquakes of at least magnitude
7.0 and 13 earthquakes measuring between 8.0 and 9.9 on the Richter Scale.
On the other side of the world, the long-dormant Chaitan volcano erupted
May 2 for the first time, say geologists, in more than 7,000 years. The
BBC reported that a government volcano expert warned there could be a big
eruption at any time. "There could be a major explosion that could
collapse the volcano's cone," said Luis Lara of the National Geologic
and Mining Service. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization
warned that Iran had "detected" a new highly pathogenic strain
of wheat stem rust. The U.N. said the fungal disease could spread to other
wheat-producing states in the Near East and western Asia that provide one-fourth
of the world's wheat supply. The new strain, called Ug99, is capable of
infecting up to 90 percent of the existing strains of wheat worldwide –
and once infected, crop losses range between 70 percent and total loss.
Coupled with the losses already sustained as a result of the typhoon-related
flooding in Java, Bangladesh, and India and from agricultural pests and
diseases in Vietnam, it starts to add up. Last year, Australia suffered
its second consecutive year of severe drought and a near complete crop failure;
heavy rains reduced production in Europe; Argentina suffered heavy frost;
and Canada and the U.S. both produced low yields. Food riots have broken
out in Egypt, Haiti and several African states, including Mauritania, Cameroon,
Cote d'Ivoire, Burkina Faso and Senegal. Meanwhile, the drums of war continue
to beat around the planet. Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad renewed his threat
to destroy Israel this week. Hezbollah took over West Beirut, while the
Arab world mourned the catastrophe of Israel's 60th birthday with threats
of annihilation of the Jewish state. In Israel, President Bush again warned
that allowing the Iranian regime to obtain nuclear arms would be "unforgivable,"
signaling a continuation along a path that can only lead to an eventual
war that will engulf the whole Middle East. When Jesus was asked by His
disciples to tell them what "signs" would precede His return at
the end of the age, He warned that "nation shall rise against nation,
and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines, plagues and earthquakes
in various places," He said (Matthew 24 and Luke 21). Using an analogy
immediately understandable to all peoples in all nations, he said of these
signs, "All these are the beginning of birth pains." Jesus used
a Greek word for the labor pains of a woman about to give birth. Jesus knew
that every generation could understand the illustration. His meaning is
clear. Just as a woman experiences birth pains that increase in frequency
and intensity just before giving birth, so ALL the signs of His return would
increase in frequency and intensity just before His return. Hey, for he
first time in history, all of the signs have appeared together in the same
time frame and are increasing in frequency and intensity. That, coupled
with the fulfillment of the great predicted sign that Israel became a nation
again after 2,000 hopeless years of worldwide dispersion, indicates that
Jesus Christ is already at the door ready to return. Are you ready? Hezbollah in dangerous territory BBC News (May 16, 2008) - Hezbollah's lightning offensive against West Beirut and the Druze mountains brought home violently what everybody already knew: that it is far stronger than any other force in the land, including the Lebanese Army. Its advances on the ground, and the Western-backed government's humiliating capitulation over its two rescinded decisions, were hailed in the Shia areas as glorious victories, and celebrated with jubilation. In one way, the Hezbollah escalation and the ensuing crisis has helped to unblock the deadlock that has paralysed Lebanese politics for the past 18 months. It triggered an Arab League initiative, led by Qatar, to defuse the crisis. The initiative provided the vehicle for an agreement on the immediate start of a political dialogue, something that has been absent for quite some time. But the full consequences of the worst violence since the civil war in the 1970s and 1980s have yet to be gauged. So too has the extent to which Hezbollah's undoubted supremacy on the ground can translate into political gains. The onslaught unleashed by the Hezbollah leader, Sayed Hassan Nasrallah, just minutes after his televised address on 8 May, saw his movement plunge along a bloody and dangerous course he always vowed it would never follow. Hezbollah crushed all opposition in West Beirut from Sunni supporters of the government in a matter of hours on that Thursday night. On 11 May, it pounded the hills south-east of Beirut until the Druze leader, Walid Jumblatt, agreed to lay down arms and hand over to the Lebanese Army. But Hezbollah had turned its guns against fellow-Lebanese, something Hassan Nasrallah said would never happen. It also stirred up a hornets' nest of sectarian hatreds and very real fears of another outbreak of uncontainable civil strife. Hassan Nasrallah always reassured those anxious about Hezbollah's growing power that he would never allow that to happen. During the brief period when his fighters and a motley array of allied Syrian-backed militias left over from the civil war erupted into the streets of West Beirut, they burned a television station and a newspaper office, and ransacked and closed down other media outlets owned by their adversaries, especially the Sunni leader Saad Hariri. That led to fears among many Lebanese that what was under threat was not just the political balance, but a way of life - the strong Lebanese tradition of media freedom and social liberalism that somehow survived all previous upheavals, and made Lebanon for decades a haven for the region's political exiles. So Hezbollah and its allies now enter the political contest hoping that the message of their military "victories" against vastly inferior forces will mean a greater chance of getting what they want - at least veto power in a new national unity government, an issue that has snagged all previous efforts to reach agreement. Hezbollah won two elements in the current package agreement mediated by the Arab delegation:
But those immediate gains for Hezbollah and its allies were balanced by two elements in the Arab-mediated agreement positive for the government side, possibly implying that Hezbollah's political position has been damaged by its use of resistance arms in the domestic arena and the Pandora's box that swung open as a result. These were:
So the issue of Hezbollah's weaponry, which it - unlike all other militias
- was allowed to keep at the end of the civil war on the grounds that it
was a resistance movement against Israeli occupation, is now centre-stage,
as a result of its being turned against fellow-Lebanese. After the bloodshed,
hatred and sectarian tensions of the past week, many Lebanese are fearful
that a breakdown of the dialogue now starting could see Hezbollah and its
allies back on the warpath in search of a clean political sweep. The consequences,
already foreshadowed by the convulsions which triggered the Arab initiative,
could be disastrous. more...
World economy on thin ice - U.N. CNN Money
(May 16, 2008) - The world economy is "teetering
on the brink" of a severe downturn and is expected to grow only 1.8%
in 2008, the United Nations said in its mid-year economic projections Thursday.
That's down from a global growth rate of 3.8% in 2007, and the downturn
is expected to continue with only a slightly higher growth of 2.1% in 2009,
the U.N. report said. The mid-year update of the U.N. World Economic Situation
and Prospects 2008 blamed the downturn on further deterioration in the U.S.
housing and financial sectors in the first quarter, which is expected to "continue
to be a major drag for the world economy extending into 2009." But
the U.N. said developing countries will suffer as badly: They should grow
by 5% this year and 4.8% next year, compared to a robust 7.3% in 2007, the
report said. The U.N. economists said the deepening credit crisis in major
market economies triggered by the U.S.-led slump in housing prices, the
declining value of the U.S. dollar, persistent global imbalances and soaring
oil and commodity prices pose considerable risks to economic growth in both
developed and developing countries. "The baseline forecast projects
a pace for world economic growth of 1.8% in 2008," the U.N. report
said. However, it said the final figure will largely depend on developments
in the United States. Global growth this year could fall to 0.8% if the
U.S. subprime mortgage market turmoil has a more serious impact on developing
countries and countries in transition, the U.N. report said. But if the
monetary and fiscal measures the U.S. government has taken to stimulate
the economy - including tax refunds and lower interest rates - boost consumer
spending and restore confidence in the business and banking sector, the
world economy could only slow to 2.8% growth this year and 2.9% in 2009,
it said. The report, prepared by the U.N. Department of Economic and Social
Affairs, forecast that U.S. economic growth will decline from 2.2% in 2007
to -0.2% this year, with only slight recovery in 2009 to 0.2% growth. "At
issue is how deep and long this contraction will be," the report said. "As
the housing slump continues and the credit crisis deepens, a broad array
of ... indicators are already hinting at a recession." more...
Israel firm on refugees after Bush dismays Arabs
Reuters UK (May 16,
2008) - Israel ruled out all debate on letting Palestinian refugees
return in any peace deal, as U.S. President George W. Bush ended a visit
on Friday that left Arabs dismayed by his outspoken support for Israel's "chosen
people". As Bush flew out after three days of celebrations of Israel's
60th anniversary, an Israeli government spokesman said Palestinian insistence
on the right of return for 4.5 million refugees and their descendants was "the
ultimate deal breaker". Six months into negotiations sponsored by Bush
in the hope of a deal before he leaves the White House, Prime Minister Ehud
Olmert's spokesman used some of the toughest Israeli language yet to insist
that President Mahmoud Abbas abandon 60-year-old refugee claims if he wants
to establish a Palestinian state. "This demand, which does not exist
under international law, for right of return, is the ultimate deal breaker.
You cannot have peace and this demand at the same time," Mark Regev
said. Some 700,000 people, half the Arab population of Palestine in May
1948, fled or were driven from their homes when Israel was created. Letting
them and their families live in Israel now would undermine its nature as
a Jewish state, Israel argues. It also disputes the legal basis of the right
of the return first set out in a United Nations resolution of December 1948.
Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat told Reuters: "He should have told
the Israelis that, 1 mile from where he was speaking, there is a nation
that has lived in disaster for 60 years. He should have told the Israelis
no one can be free at the expense of others. He missed this opportunity
and we are disappointed." Bush called Israel a homeland for God's "chosen
people" and pledged Washington would remain its "best friend in
the world". As Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip
and in camps abroad held protests on the 60th anniversary of their exile
from cities and farmlands that are now in Israel, Bush spoke of European
Jews in 1948 "arriving here in the desert". In the Palestinian
newspaper al-Ayyam, columnist Samih Shabib wrote: "Bush is blind to
the right of return. "The U.S. administration's attitude towards Israel
inherently promotes hostility and deepens hatred towards the United States
and its policy. Is this hostility, and its consequences, in America's interest?
I don't think so." Olmert's spokesman Regev acknowledged the suffering
of Palestinian refugees but insisted Abbas must abandon their claims if
he wanted a Palestinian state, 60 years after Arabs rejected a U.N. plan
to partition Palestine into two states. "We are not insensitive to
suffering that the Palestinians or the Arabs have gone through," he
told reporters. But he added: "The so-called right of return is antithetical
to a two-state solution ... I would question someone's commitment to peace
and reconciliation if they believe that the so-called right of return must
be implemented." more...
Russia captures 'Georgian spy' Aljazeera.net
(May 16, 2008) - Russia has said it has captured
a Georgian spy allegedly operating in southern Russia to destabilize the
region. Georgia immediately rejected the allegations as "absurd"
and called it part of a Russian "policy of provocation'' aimed
at Tbilisi. Russian news agencies quoted unnamed sources in Russia's
FSB security service as saying they had caught a 34-year-old Georgian who
had been living in southern Russia's war-torn Chechyna region. The man
was said to have been recruiting among rebel fighter groups and security
forces there. Speaking to Russia's Interfax news agency, an FSB source
said: "An agent has been exposed, a Russian citizen, a native of Georgia.
[This] confirms the involvement of Georgian secret services in disruptive
terrorist activity in the North Caucasus." The claim comes as tensions
between Georgia and Russia have dramatically escalated, centering on Abkhazia,
the Russian-backed separatist region of Georgia. The Interfax source said
the suspect's work was "to organise contacts between Georgian secret
services and active members of illegal armed groups on Russian territory"
in order to provide financing and "organise armed resistance".
The source said: "For fulfilling his tasks the agent several times
received financial rewards from Georgia's special services in American
dollars. Some of these were handed over in personal meetings, some by...
money transfer." Shota Utiashvili, a Georgian interior ministry spokesman,
said: "It is an absurd accusation. Russia's provocations are becoming
more and more aggressive." Tensions between Russia and Mikheil Saakashvili,
Georgia's president, have risen as Georgia pursues membership of the
Nato military alliance. Georgia received a promise of eventual Nato membership,
at an unspecified date, at a summit of Nato leaders in Bucharest last month.
Saakashvili has also sought to retake control of Abkhazia and South Ossetia,
a second separatist region, which are both backed by Russia. Tbilisi and
Moscow have traded spying accusations before, notably in September 2006,
when Georgia arrested four alleged Russian spies. Amid Georgian hopes of
an easing of tensions under Dmitry Medvedev, Russia's new president,
a Georgian interior ministry official said his country was "astonished
that the new head of the FSB has begun his first day with the discovery
of so-called Georgian spies". Last month, Russia announced it was establishing
formal ties with Georgia's two separatist regions, even though it claims
to recognise Georgia's territorial integrity. In an example of the growing
ties, a Russian Olympic official and the governor of the neighbouring Russian
region of Kuban held talks in Abkhazia on Friday on building plans for the
2014 Winter Olympics in Russia, the Interfax news agency said. Moscow has
increased its peacekeeping force in Abkhazia, a force long seen as giving
de facto backing to the Abkhazians. In recent weeks, Abkhaz separatists
claim to have shot down a string of Georgian reconnaissance drones. Tbilisi
has denied those claims, saying that just one drone has been destroyed by
a Russian fighter jet.
New rumbling from Chilean volcano worries experts
Reuters (May 15,
2008) - Chile's Chaiten volcano groaned, rumbled and shuddered on
Thursday, raising new concerns among authorities, as lightning bolts pierced
the huge clouds of hot ash hovering ominously above its crater. The gathering storm, and beyond The Jerusalem Post (May 15, 2008) - The incendiary hate language emanating from Ahmadinejad's Iran - in which Israel is referred to as "filthy bacteria" and a "cancerous tumor" and Jews are characterized as "a bunch of bloodthirsty barbarians" - is only the head wind of the gathering storm confronting Israel on its 60th anniversary. Indeed, we are witnessing, and have been for some time, a series of mega-events, political earthquakes that have been impacting not only upon Israel and world Jewry but upon the human condition as a whole. These include:
WITH ISRAEL'S 60th anniversary, these mega-events have not only intensified
but congealed into what might be called a "gathering storm," finding
expression in the two theses that underpin this article. First, that this
gathering storm appears to be without parallel or precedent since 1938,
suggesting thereby that 2008 is reflective and reminiscent of 1938. The
second thesis, which reflects my own position and is not inconsistent with
the previous notion, is that whatever 2008 may be, it is not 1938. Simply
put, there is a Jewish state today that is an antidote to the vulnerabilities
of 1938. There is a Jewish people with untold moral, intellectual, economic
and political resources. There are non-Jews prepared to join the Jewish
people in common cause, seeing the cause of Israel not simply as a Jewish
cause, but - with all its imperfections - as a just cause. Nor is Israel
is isolated or alone. It has important friends and allies: for example,
the United States, Canada, Germany and France, to name a few; and it has
diplomatic relations with the two emerging superpowers, China and India.
There are peace treaties, however imperfect, with Egypt and Jordan. In a
word, if one looks at Israel at 60 in this global configuration, 2008 is,
even with an admittedly gathering storm not unlike 1938, nonetheless very
different from the Thirties. more...
Deal seeks to end Lebanon strife BBC
(May 15, 2008) - Arab League mediators in
Lebanon say they have clinched an agreement to end the recent fighting,
which raised fears of a second civil war breaking out. They said the opposition
would end sit-in protests in Beirut and allow the city's airport and port
to reopen. Fighting between pro-government groups and the Hezbollah-led
opposition broke out last week leaving at least 65 dead. The breakthrough
came a day after the Lebanese government withdrew plans aimed at curbing
Hezbollah. In what correspondents called a climb-down, ministers rescinded
decisions to shut down of Hezbollah's private phone system and to remove
a head of airport security. These moves last week triggered the worst violence
since Lebanon's 1975-1990 civil war. The head of the Arab League delegation,
Qatari Prime Minister Sheikh Hamad bin Jassem bin Hamad al-Thani, announced
a breakthrough on Thursday after two days of peace talks in Beirut. The
mediators said the rival parties would go to Qatar on Friday to try to elect
a president - Lebanon has had no president since November - and form a national
unity government. The two sides have already agreed to appoint Lebanese
army commander Gen Michel Suleiman as president, but must resolve the other
issues first. Lebanon has been suspended in political crisis since late
2006 when the Hezbollah-led opposition left a national unity coalition cabinet,
demanding more power and a veto over government decisions. As news of a
deal broke, mechanical diggers began removing roadblocks set up last week
by militants on the route to Beirut's international airport, paving the
way for the first commercial flight to land in a week. Naim Qassam, the
deputy leader of Hezbollah, a mainly Shia political and militant movement,
earlier pledged it would return the situation in Lebanon back "to normal".
The BBC's Jim Muir in Beirut says the Lebanese know that issues like the
make-up of a new government have defied all previous efforts to reach agreement.
But they will cautiously welcome the improved situation on the ground, while
keeping their fingers crossed that the dialogue will produce a stable political
situation, he says. Lebanon's Western-backed governing coalition said last
week's violence was a coup attempt by Hezbollah aimed at restoring the influence
of the two regional powers, Syria and Iran.
Commentary: Tax-free hypocrisy from higher education
CNN: Glenn Beck (May
15, 2008) - There is an industry in this country that is making billions
in profit while average Americans are struggling to fill up their gas tanks.
It's an industry that made an average profit of nearly 17 percent in 2007
while most Americans could barely keep up with inflation. It's an industry
whose members paid a grand total of zero dollars in tax on their endowments
last year. Are you outraged? Are you ready to call on Congress to investigate
or demand that a "windfall" tax be placed on these egregious profits?
Well put down the phone because the industry I'm talking about is Higher
Education. And make no mistake, it is an industry. The top five college
and university endowments reported a combined value of over $100 billion
at the end of 2007. That's five funds, a hundred billion in cash. Not a
nickel in tax. Not an ounce of outrage. Harvard University, which has the
largest endowment in the country, has a total of $34.6 billion. To put into
perspective just how much money that is, consider that the largest charitable
foundation in the world, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, has a
total endowment of $37.3 billion. But while their financial statements may
look similar, their missions aren't. The Gates Foundation is working to
cure malaria, develop new tuberculosis vaccines, and stop the spread of
AIDS. Most of our colleges and universities are only working to spread the
radical political views of some of their professors. Let me be clear: I
have absolutely no problem with Harvard or any other school having billions
in cash. In fact, good for them! I have no problem with Harvard posting
an unbelievable 23 percent rate of return on their money last year. The
truth is, I'm jealous of it. I have no problem with the fact that if you
project Harvard's endowment out using their historical rate of return they
would have over half a TRILLION dollars in 20 years. I don't even have a
problem with Harvard not paying one dime of tax on any of that money. What
I do have a problem with -- and it's a big one -- is how Harvard spends
that money. Or, maybe it would be more accurate to say how Harvard, doesn't
spend that money. Schools with large endowments (at least $500 million)
reported spending an average of 4.4 percent of their stockpiles in 2007.
Meanwhile, those same schools made an average of over 19 percent on their
money. But I also have another problem, and that is how these sanctimonious
institutions who are so good at complaining about the injustices of our
government are nothing but really highly educated hypocrites. For what's
been estimated to be about $300 million a year (less than 1 percent of their
endowment's value) Harvard could completely waive tuition, room and board
for every single one of their students. Instead, they announced an increase
in those fees of about 3.5 percent for next year. Being a student at Harvard
will now cost a staggering $47,215 a year. Doesn't Harvard know how many
millions of Americans are struggling to afford college? Don't they want
to pay their fair share and help those who are less fortunate? more... What isn't addressed in this article that was on the TV show that directed me to this article was the government subsidies on top of these great profits. PMW: Hatred of US a Pillar of PA Ideology Israel National News (May 14, 2008) - The Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) watchdog group has released a report warning that hatred of the United States is a pillar of the Palestinian Authority’s ideology. As US President George W. Bush lavished praise this week on Palestinian Authority (PA) and Fatah Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, the latter broadcast on the TV station which he controls a stinging message: the US is “the greatest Satan in the world.” --Palestinian Legislative Council Member Najat Abu-Bakr (Fatah), PA TV, March 3, 2008. The full 30-page PMW report examines statements made in the PA media over the past several years regarding the PA’s affinity for countries such as North Korea, Cuba, and Venezuela, which are all openly anti-American. “Significantly,” the report warns, “the affinity that is felt for such geographically distant non-Muslim countries... is precisely because these states publicly challenge and express loathing for the US.” The report also examined statements showing PA officials’ loathing for the United States, such as a Fatah legislator’s recent claim that the US is “the greatest Satan in the world.” PMW staff found that the attack on the World Trade Center in New York City on September 11, 2001 was a frequent theme of anti-American cartoons in PA newspapers. Each year, the papers print cartoons, often on or shortly before September 11, depicting the Muslim world, particularly Iraq and “Palestine,” as the true victims of the attacks. America is depicted as the aggressor. One frequent subject of praise in the Fatah-controlled media was former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein. Following Hussein’s execution PA papers referred to him as “the general Shahid [Martyr] leader, Saddam Hussein,” and the Fatah group that currently rules the PA dedicated a terrorist cell to his memory. Schools, streets, and sporting events were named after him, including the main road in the village of Yaabid, which was paid for by USAID. PA papers and television reports praise terrorist groups fighting the US in Iraq and Hizbullah arch-terrorist Imad Mughniyeh, who until his death was wanted by the United States for the murder of hundreds of US citizens. Researchers found frequent praise for Syria and Iran as well. Among the statements quoted in the report:
The report also found much hatred of US President George Bush, who was
referred to in PA media outlets as “racist,” “terrorist,” “devil from Hell,”
and “worse than the German Fuhrer.” “In the past,” the report warns, “US
support has not been able to prompt changes in deeply-ingrained hate ideology.”
In Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan, providing support for groups resisting the
ruling power did not win their loyalty to the US, researchers said. “In
the case of Abbas's Palestinian Authority, this is even more striking. Palestinian
alliances with these states, and enmity of the US, are deep, explicit and
declared throughout the PA’s Arabic discourse... Judging by the tone and
scope of the Palestinian Authority’s anti-American hate promotion documented
in the report, this hatred by Palestinian Fatah and its closeness to these
enemies of the US are not a result of any specific US policy, but are reflective
of a deep and sincere ideological affinity to those enemies of the US,”
the report concludes. more...
Egyptian culture minister: I would burn Israeli books myself
YNet News (May 14,
2008) - Diplomatic tensions have arised between Israel and Egypt
due to a harsh statement made recently by Egyptian Culture Minister Farouk
Hosni. In a conference that took place in the Egyptian Parliament last week,
the minister said that he “would burn Israeli books himself if found in
Egyptian libraries.” Israeli Ambassador to Cairo Shalom Cohen defined this
statement in a classified report that he submitted to the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs in Jerusalem as “harsh and especially blunt, in a way which makes
it impossible for Israel and for the international community to continue
a regular agenda with Egypt.” The anger in Israel over Hosni’s statement
is especially emphasized due to the fact that the Hosni is Egypt’s candidate
for the UNESCO position, as the United Nations’ education, science and cultural
organization secretary-general, and he has good chances of being chosen.
Israel is weighing the option of bringing the case to the attention of the
international community and thus harming his chances of receiving the position.
Hosni is considered one of the strongest opposition leaders in the Egyptian
government to stand against normalization with Israel. In the past, he accused
Israel of trying to steal Egyptian culture, and he adamantly opposes any
cooperation with Israel. Moreover, he opposed an initiative presented by
the American-Jewish Committee to establish a museum of Jewish antiquity
and culture in Cairo. more...
Solana welcomes appointment of EU civilian operations commander
WorldNet Daily (May
14, 2008) - THE EUROPEAN UNION S167/08 Javier SOLANA, EU High Representative
for the CFSP, welcomes the appointment of Kees Klompenhouwer as EU Civilian
Operations Commander. Javier SOLANA, EU High Representative for the Common
Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP), congratulated Mr. Kees Klompenhouwer
today on his appointment as EU Civilian Operations Commander and Director
of the Civilian Planning and Conduct Capability (CPCC) at the Council of
the European Union: "I would like to congratulate Kees Klompenhouwer
on his appointment as the Civilian Operations Commander and Director of
CPCC. In this capacity, he will exercise command and control at strategic
level for the planning and conduct of all civilian crisis management operations.
Mr. Klompenhouwer brings considerable expertise to his role as Civilian
Operations Commander. In the accomplishment of his tasks, he will have
my full support and that of the European Union as a whole." Mr.
Klompenhouwer addressed today the Ambassadors of the Political and Security
Committee for the first time and presented the main priorities of his new
function. Mr. Kees Klompenhouwer, whose appointment took effect on 1 May
2008, will exercise command and control at strategic level for the planning
and conduct of all civilian crisis management operations, under the political
control and strategic direction of the Political and Security Committee
(PSC) and the overall authority of the Secretary- General/High Representative
for the CFSP (SG/HR). He will also direct the Civilian Planning and Conduct
Capability (CPCC) which was established in August 2007 in the General Secretariat
of the Council. CPCC currently totals 60 staff including Council officials,
senior police, rule of law and support services national experts. The Director
of CPCC also has functional authority over planning capabilities and expertise
contributed by the European Union Military Staff (EUMS) through its Civil/Military
Cell and over the Watchkeeping Capability as far as their support to civilian
operations is concerned. CPCC has a mandate to plan and conduct civilian
European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP) operations under the political
control and strategic direction of the Political and Security Committee;
to provide assistance and advice to the SG/HR, the Presidency and the relevant
EU Council bodies and to direct, coordinate, advise, support, supervise
and review civilian ESDP operations. CPCC works in close cooperation with
the European Commission. The following civilian ESDP missions have been
launched or are planned: EUPM (Bosnia and Herzegovina), EULEX Kosovo, EUPOL
RD Congo, EU SSR Guinea Bissau, EUBAM Rafah (Palestine), EUPOL COPPS (Palestine),
EUJUST LEX (Iraq) and EUPOL Afghanistan. Bush urged to address Muslim 'hate' in books WorldNet Daily (May 14, 2008) - A Republican leader of Congress has urged President Bush to press the Saudi government to reform its textbooks during his visit tomorrow with Saudi King Abdullah. In a letter to Bush, Rep. Sue Myrick, R-N.C., founder of the Congressional Anti-Terrorism Caucus, warned that the kingdom is still "spreading a dangerous ideology that attacked us on 9/11 and continues to threaten the United States and its allies around the world." "I strongly urge you to raise my concerns regarding the use of textbooks that are sanctioned by the Saudi government for use within the country and around the world that preach hatred and violence toward non-Muslims and Western ideals of liberty," she said in the May 5 missive. Despite Abdullah's post-9/11 promises of reforms, Saudi school texts used for Islamic studies still encourage violence and hatred toward "infidels," according to a recent comprehensive review by the Freedom House. The nonprofit group says indoctrination begins as early as first grade and expands each year, culminating in a 12th-grade text teaching teens that their religious duty includes waging "jihad" against the infidel to "spread the faith." Here are relevant passages from the Saudi textbooks, by grade level:
Myrick worries the hateful religious indoctrination could translate into
violence against the West. Of immediate concern, she notes, are the thousands
of young Saudi men scheduled to immigrate to the U.S. on student visas.
The State Department plans to double the number of student visas issued
to young Saudi men from 15,000 to 30,000 – despite the fact that nearly
all of the 9/11 hijackers were Saudi nationals who immigrated to the U.S.
on visas. "We aim to increase their numbers to 30,000 over the next
five years," U.S. Ambassador Ford Fraker last month told Saudi officials
at the Al-Jouf Chamber of Commerce and Industry. In the past, a large number
of Saudi students have failed to show up for classes, coast to coast, and
have overstayed their visas. Many of them have been caught up in terrorism
investigations. "As more young Saudi citizens take part in the scholarship
student visa program, we must be sure that we are not permitting Saudi citizens
into our country who seek to do us harm, as we saw with the 15 hijackers
from Saudi Arabia who attacked us on 9/11," Myrick said. more... Jim Deeds.
Hyperinflation: Are We There Yet? McAlvany
Weekly Commentary (May 14, 2008) -
65% of American Dollars are circulating outside of the United States. At
the moment they trust the American Dollar. 85% of the debt in the last five
years has been sold to foreigners like the Russians and the Chinese. Global hyperinflation just around the corner? How would this affect peace in the earth? What about combined with increased food problems?
Violence in Mexico Spills Across US Border
Associated Press (May 14, 2008) - Three
Mexican police chiefs have requested political asylum in the U.S. as violence
escalates in the Mexican drug wars and spills across the U.S. border, a
top Homeland Security official told The Associated Press. In the past few
months, the police officials have shown up at the U.S. border, fearing for
their lives, according to Jayson Ahern, the deputy commissioner of Customs
and Border Protection. "They're basically abandoned by their police
officers or police departments in many cases," Ahern told AP. Ahern
said the Mexican officials -- whom he didn't name -- are being interviewed
and their cases are under review for possible asylum. In the most recent
high-level assassination, a top-ranking official on a local Mexican police
force was shot more than 50 times and killed. Drug-related violence killed
more than 2,500 people last year alone in Mexico. "It's almost like
a military fight," Ahern said Tuesday. "I don't think that generally
the American public has any sense of the level of violence that occurs on
the border." As the cartels fight for territory, this carnage spills
over to the U.S., Ahern said -- from bullet-ridden people stumbling into
U.S. territory, to rounds of ammunition coming across U.S. entry ports.
U.S. humvees retrofitted with steel mesh over the glass windows patrol parts
of the border to protect agents against guns shots and large rocks regularly
thrown at them. At times agents are pinned down by sniper fire as people
try to illegally cross into the U.S. Mexico's drug cartels have long divided
the border, with each controlling key cities. But over the past decade Mexico
has arrested or killed many of the gangs' top leaders, creating a power
vacuum and throwing lucrative drug routes up for the taking. President Felipe
Calderon, who took office in December 2006, responded by deploying more
than 24,000 soldiers and federal police to areas where the government had
lost control. Cartels have reacted with unprecedented violence, beheading
police and killing soldiers. In general, violence along the U.S. border
has gone up over the years. Seven frontline border agents were killed in
2007, and two so far in 2008. Assaults against officers have also shot up
from 335 in fiscal 2001 to 987 in fiscal 2007. There have been 362 assaults
against officers during the first four months of 2008, according to Border
Patrol statistics. The pattern has been that when more security resources
are deployed along the U.S. border, violence against officers spike in response.
Most assaults are along the San Diego and Calexico, Calif., border, as well
as the Arizona border near Yuma and south of Tucson. Now, about 14,000 U.S.
border agents work on the southern border, up from more than 9,000 in 2001.
The Bush administration has requested $500 million to fight drug crime in
Mexico. Congress is currently considering the proposal.
Vatican: It's OK to believe in aliens Breitbart.com
(May 13, 2008) - The Vatican's chief astronomer
says that believing in aliens does not contradict faith in God. The Rev.
Jose Gabriel Funes, the Jesuit director of the Vatican Observatory, says
that the vastness of the universe means it is possible there could be other
forms of life outside Earth, even intelligent ones. In an interview published
Tuesday by Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano, Funes says that such
a notion "doesn't contradict our faith" because aliens would still
be God's creatures. The interview was headlined "The extraterrestrial
is my brother." Funes said that ruling out the existence of aliens
would be like "putting limits" on God's creative freedom. There are extraterrestrial beings that were created before mankind, the Bible calls them angels. They were not created from the earth are they meant to dwell here. 1/3 of them rebelled against God and have been working to deceive mankind since the fall. Genesis 6 even speaks of them taking wives of earth women and producing Nephilim, bringing the judgment of the flood through which only Noah and his family were saved. They were "perfect in their generations," and not tainted by this genetic manipulation by fallen angels. Now scientists today are dabbling with genetic manipulation and corrupting God's creation once again. What is OK is to have a Biblically founded understanding of what is coming to prevent deception because that's the enemy's m/o, deception. He is an angel of light, yet full of darkness and looking to deceive mankind. Be aware of Biblical history, truth is stranger than fiction and things are going to get stranger during the end times!
Britain Opens Up Secret UFO Files Fox News
(May 13, 2008) - The men were air traffic
controllers. Experienced, calm professionals. Nobody was drinking. What
they saw has never been explained. And they were so worried about losing
their jobs that they demanded their names be kept off the official reports.
No one, they knew, would believe their claim that an unidentified flying
object landed at the airfield they were overseeing in the east of England,
touched down briefly, then took off again at tremendous speed. But that's
what they reported happening at four in the afternoon on April 19, 1984,
at an unspecified small airport near the eastern coast of England. Their "Report
of Unusual Aerial Phenomenon" is one of more than 1,000 pages of formerly
secret UFO documents released Wednesday by Britain's National Archives.
The air traffic controllers, each with more than eight years on the job,
describe how they were helping guide a small plane to a safe landing on
runway 22 when they were distracted by a brightly lit object approaching
a different runway without clearance. "Everyone became aware that the
object was unidentified," the report on the incident said. "SATCO
[codename for a controller with 14 years' experience] reports that the object
came in 'at speed,' made a touch and go on runway 27, then departed at 'terrific
speed' in a 'near vertical' climb." The incident is one of the more
credible in the newly public files because it was reported by air traffic
controllers, said David Clarke, a UFO expert who has worked with the National
Archives on the document release. "They were absolutely astonished,"
he said. "It was a bright, circular object, flashing different colors,
and after it touched down it disappeared at fantastic speed. The report
comes from very qualified people, and it's one of the few that remained
unexplained." He said other incidents were at times reported by aircraft
crews whose members also asked to remain anonymous because they did not
want to jeopardize their careers by seeming to believe in UFOs. Although
there are some unexplained cases, there is no reported instance in which
Britain's Ministry of Defense found any evidence of alien activity or alien
spacecraft, said Clarke, who nonetheless expects conspiracy theories about
a UFO coverup by the British defense establishment to persist. "The
Ministry of Defense doesn't have any evidence that our defenses were breached
by alien craft," he said. "They never found one, no bits of one,
that's all we can say." Clarke said the documents released Wednesday,
dealing with the late 1970s and early 1980s, are the first batch of a series
that will be made public in the next few years. The National Archives is
releasing the files now because of numerous Freedom of Information requests
seeking information about the government's UFO reports. more...
Hamas says rejection of truce will lead to blow-out
YNet News (May 12,
2008) - Senior official from Islamist Palestinian group accuses Israeli
defense minister of 'trying to prove he is a bigger hero than his predecessors,'
says Israel will end up 'counting casualties' if it does not accept deal.
“If Israel rejects the agreement it will carry the burden of compromising
its citizens’ security,” said a senior Hamas official to Ynet, referring
to the message relayed to the Egyptian Chief of Intelligence Omar Suleiman
in Israel. Gaza is threatening that if Israel rejects the agreement presented
by the factions for a calm an escalation in the clashes will be unavoidable.
The Hamas senior official claimed that “Barak wants to prove that he is
a bigger hero than the defense ministers who preceded him, but he will also
fail and will be compelled to count the Israeli casualties when we reveal
the strength prevalent in the Palestinian resistance.” According to him,
Hamas demands that each agreement will include the opening of crossings:
“An agreement that doesn’t contend with this issue is not an agreement and
as far as we are concerned will not be carried out at all or in part. The
significance is that we are able to use all our cards, or part of the ones
at our disposal. Rejection of the initiative will bring Shalit a lot of
playmates from the ‘army of occupation’” The same Hamas official also expressed
a fear that the recent affairs concerning Prime Minister Olmert will contribute
to the escalation. “According to reports from the Zionist media, Olmert
is in distress. "History has proven that every time a Zionist leader
is placed in internal distress, he tries to avert the fire in the Palestinian’s
direction and to change the public’s point of focus. Rejecting the agreement,
in our estimation, is a sign of preparations for an all-inclusive clash
in which Israelis will raise militancy levels,” he said. Even threats on
the lives of the movement’s leaders don’t affect Hamas’ tone. A senior official
said that “if one hair falls off the head of one of our leaders, the gates
of hell will open for the Zionists and I am not only referring to Sderot
and the surrounding areas. All of Palestine will be under fire and filled
with our martyrs.” In the meantime, Hamas is preparing to flood the Gaza
crossings with Palestinians protesting the blocks. Most of the effort will
be directed toward the Rafah and Erez crossings, in a plea to break the
siege on the Gaza Strip. On Monday, a senior Hamas official Dr. Mahmoud
al-Zahar said that “the siege on the Gaza Strip is failing and will continue
to fail.”
Hezbollah 'redrawing' Mideast map Washington
Times (May 12, 2008) - Hezbollah's
dramatic gains in Lebanon last week are just part of a regional process
that began last year in the Gaza Strip and will continue in Jordan and Egypt,
a Hamas official in the West Bank told The Washington Times. Sheik Yazeeb
Khader, a Ramallah-based Hamas political activist and editor, said militant
groups across the Middle East are gaining power at the expense of U.S.-backed
regimes, just as Hamas seized control of the Gaza Strip from forces loyal
to U.S.-backed Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas. "What
happened in Gaza in 2007 is an achievement; now it is happening in 2008
in Lebanon. It's going to happen in 2009 in Jordan and it's going to happen
in 2010 in Egypt," Sheik Khader said in an interview. "We are
seeing a redrawing of the map of the Middle East where the forces of resistance
and steadfastness are the ones moving the things on the ground." His
remarks highlight how a growing alliance linking Hamas, Iran and Hezbollah
straddles the Shi'ite-Sunni rift. The notion of new countries falling under
Islamist influence reflects a goal of Hamas' parent group, the Muslim Brotherhood,
of replacing secular Arab regimes with Islamist governments. In the same
way that Hamas' victory over the Palestinian Authority security forces in
Gaza fighting last June profoundly disturbed neighboring Arab states, fighting
in Lebanon yesterday and last week has sent shock waves throughout the Middle
East and spurred an emergency meeting of the Arab League. The Arab League
is sending Secretary-General Amr Moussa to mediate among the Lebanese government,
Hezbollah and Sunni supporters of the government. Sami Abu Zuhri, a spokesman
for the Hamas government in Gaza, took a different approach to the standoff
in Lebanon by saying that the fighting primarily served Israel. Mr. Abu
Zuhri called on each side to engage in dialogue instead of fighting. But
several supporters of Hamas in Gaza were comparing Hezbollah's advances
into Sunni neighborhoods of Beirut to Hamas' overrunning of security forces
loyal to Mr. Abbas. more...
Experts: Twisters Getting Larger, Deadlier
ABC News (May 12, 2008) - As communities
rebuild after deadly tornadoes bulldozed their way from Oklahoma to Georgia
and North Carolina over the weekend, experts say that this tornado season
is bigger and deadlier than last year's, with little relief in sight. Seventy-seven
tornadoes tore through the country the past few days, according to preliminary
reports at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Storm Prediction
Center. In Georgia, more than 180,000 people were left without power, while
15 fatalities were reported in Missouri. This year's count is already twice
the number of tornadoes logged during last year's U.S. tornado season, which
generally runs from mid-spring to early summer. "So far, in terms of
the number of tornadoes, this is one of the most active years to date,"
said Harold Bloom, a meteorologist at the National Severe Storms Laboratory
in Norman, Okla. Tornadoes develop from large, powerful thunderstorms known
as super cell thunderstorms. "One super cell thunderstorm can move
many miles and can produce several tornadoes, a family of tornadoes,"
said Henry Margusity, a meteorologist at Accuweather. "These thunderstorms
will produce one tornado. It will develop, mature and dissipate and another
will fall right behind it. & You're getting a lot of these very large
thunderstorms developing." The larger thunderstorms are producing more
families of tornadoes earlier than before and the tornadoes themselves are
staying on the ground longer than ever before in regions outside of "tornado
alley," Margusity said. Kansas, Oklahoma and parts of Texas officially
make up this area, although the southeastern United States experiences its
fair share of tornadoes during the season. With more tornadoes have come
more deaths. So far, 96 people have died this year. Last year, the entire
tornado season end with 81 fatalities. "This year everything's been
shifted to the east, & which is why we've seen a higher death toll,"
he said. "They're happening in very highly populated areas of our country." "The
damage that you see is just incredible," he added. more...
EU plans international embassies Telegraph.UK
(March 5, 2008) - The European Union will
open its own embassies under a plan critics fear represents a "power
grab" by Brussels officials pushing for a federal superstate. The secret
plan represents the first time that full EU embassies have been discussed
seriously. The "Embassies of the Union" would be controlled by
a new EU diplomatic service created by the
Lisbon Treaty. The Daily Telegraph has seen a high-level Brussels document
discussing plans for a "European External Action Service" (EEAS)
which was proposed under the new EU Treaty, currently being ratified in
Westminster. Talks have so far remained behind closed doors. Officials
fear political fallout over plans to implement the new Treaty before it
has been fully ratified. Working papers circulating in Brussels suggest
that more than 160 EU offices around the world, including in member states,
would become embassies. The new service would rival established diplomatic
services. Britain, with one of the world's largest, maintains 139 embassies
and high commissions in capital cities. Equally controversial is a proposal
for EU ambassadors who would be accountable to the European Parliament. "Parliament
should aim for proper hearings of special representatives and ambassadorial
nominees in the tradition of the US Congress for nominations of a clearly
political nature," says the document. Plans for the new foreign
service have raised highly sensitive political issues by giving trappings
of statehood to the EU and by fusing, for the first time, national diplomats
with existing "eurocrats". A vicious battle over who should
control the diplomatic corps has broken out between national governments
and the European Commission. Countries such as Britain are alarmed that
the EEAS, which is expected to take on some consular activities, would be
a stepping stone to a single "supranational" euro-diplomatic service.
Meanwhile, Brussels officials fear that, if controlled by national governments,
the new EEAS would draw power from "Community" bodies, such as
the Commission, to inter-governmental institutions such as the Council of
the EU, which represents member states. "Any inter-governmentalism
of policy areas under Community competence has to be avoided," states
the confidential document. "The EEAS will have to be in a specific
way administratively connected to the European Commission." The EEAS
will number between 2,500 to 3,000 officials at its inception in January
next year. It is then expected to grow to 7,000, or even up to 20,000, according
to different estimates. Britain, which loses its veto over the EEAS after
it is created by a European summit decision expected in October, is expected
to contribute around 20 to 30 senior diplomats to the EU service. William
Hague, the shadow foreign secretary, said yesterday: "As predicted
the renamed EU Constitution is forming the basis of a power grab by the
EU. It exposes Labour's stupidity in giving up the veto on an area key to
Britain's interests." A Foreign Office spokesman said: "The UK
opposes and will argue against naming EEAS offices embassies. |
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