HIStory, Our Future: Pearls for the Bride

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Episode 15: Harpazo: The Blessed Hope

“And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.” | Revelation 22:17


In Greek, harpázō means to seize, catch away, catch up, pluck, pull, or take by force. In the King James, this word is translated in English several different phrases that in general could be summed up "taking by force." While modern civilization has settled into a world focused on scientific materialism, there are hints that there is something just out of perception, theories unprovable by the scientific method yet attempting to explain the universe.

As Christians that trust in the Bible as a reliable source of record for the things we cannot see, there are evidences of the world we are told exists in the prophetic fulfillment of so many scriptures tied to the historical record. These speak to a mind outside of time able to communicate with men from eternity what is to come with great precision. Prophets like Daniel and John are given visions of heaven and the future for our benefit and God’s glory to demonstrate there is a reason we can put our trust in what we cannot see… yet.

There is a time coming when those who put their trust in Yeshua, their faith in God’s designs and plans, will be changed in a moment as they transition, just as Yeshua did at His resurrection, into their incorruptible, eternal, celestial bodies. Only then will the veil be lifted and we will see Him as He is. We will be capable of existing in the presence of God in our new temples and we will be able to enter into the higher dimensions of heaven to be in God’s presence. This is the blessed hope that all who believe wait for, when the injustice, pain, entropy, and corruption of this world fall away as those who believe are caught up from the bondage of this world and released into the eternal state.

The Bridegroom is coming to collect His bride who has made herself ready, being obedient by faith to live by the Spirit of God as His imagers on this earth until He returns. Clothed in righteousness, she anticipates the moment of His return, watching and waiting to open the door and go out to meet Him as soon as He arrives. This is the bride He is returning for, who loves Him for who He is and awaits excitedly for the time they finally meet in person.

Outline | Script | PowerPoint

While I’m working on this series, you can read through some of the BIble studies this is based on here:

Associated Studies
