HIStory, Our Future: Pearls for the Bride

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Episode 5: Olivet Discourse: Vision of the Future

“Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.” | Yeshua, Matthew 24:4-5


One of the most comprehensive views of the time of the end from the mouth of Yeshua, the Olivet Discourse is a treasure of understanding and a jumping point to other prophets regarding this same time. It connects critical prophecies from Daniel to our future and gives us a timeline of events to watch for.

It’s also given from three different Gospel accounts, which further provide some interesting and little discussed details such as the dual warning to flee Judea in 70 AD and the future or the meaning of one taken and the other left in context of the time of Jacob’s trouble.

Most importantly, Yeshua makes clear a time of great deception related to false christs is coming. He gives us the true sign of His return, providing a protection against deception that will pull much of the world into eternal destruction. The coming times are full of signs and lying wonders, the supernatural invading the world we’ve become accustomed to being seeing through uniformitarian materialistic glasses. It’s time to put on a new pair of glasses and begin the journey of discovery from the perspective given by Christ with the guidance of the Holy Spirit through His Word.

Outline | Script | PowerPoint

While I’m working on this series, you can read through some of the BIble studies this is based on here:

Associated Studies
