HIStory, Our Future: Pearls for the BrideThis page is a work in progress... Episode 1: Milk Before Meat“…desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby…” | 1 Peter 2:2 | Before We Run, We Must Walk SynopsisWhen we are first born we have neither the mental capacity, motor skills, or ability to digest solid foods. We survive on some form of milk that provides the liquid protein and other nutrients required for survival. As we grow into toddlerdom and beyond, we learn to control our bodies and get stronger. We advance to solid foods as we learn to chew with our gums and then new teeth so our bodies can better digest the food. Like many other analogies used by the Bible for marriage, sowing and reaping, or waking and sleeping, the idea of growing in our spiritual re-birth when we come to accept Christ is paralleled to what we know from our own personal experience in life. When we are born again and awakened to the spiritual reality of an eternal God who made Himself lower than the angels to live in the fallen world sinless and die as an atoning sacrifice for His creation, we must slowly grow into the fulness of understanding the depth of the eternal narrative into which we've been reborn. But the message of the Gospel and basic understanding of our place in this world is not the end of understanding. These spiritual principles that we must learn to understand God, and our relationship with Him, are the milk of the Word that helps us to grow out of our carnal, materialistic, selfish flesh and open our eyes to the glory of a spiritual world in which there is a spiritual kingdom that has been steadily growing since the first century. It is hidden in plain sight and expressed by the Spirit of God working through the fallen men and women who drank the milk before us and chewed on the meat of the Word, digesting it and ensuring that Word is passed through time so we can grow with them in Spirit and Truth. This collection of Bible studies is not for everyone, yet. It is strong meat that must be chewed on a lot before it can be digested and understood. It is my belief that everyone can do this, but in their own walk following their rebirth they must be weaned from the milk and desire to move on to the meat. They must leave the carnal works of the flesh and hunger after the eternal fruits of the Spirit. So before getting into the meat of the Word, I feel it's important to address the milk as these studies are my attempt to lead the viewer or hearer through the process of understanding the prophetic narrative God has laid out in His Word as I've come to understand it. But first we must trust His Word and at least begin to recognize the carnal nature we were born into. It is this we will grow out of as we work on our spiritual transition into eternity.
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“Be not overcome
of evil, but overcome evil with good.” Romans 12:21 In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, any copyrighted work herein is archived under fair use without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest in reviewing the included information for personal use, non-profit research and educational purposes only. Ref. |