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News for May 30, 2005Bush Makes Alarming Statements By Bill Koenig (May 30, 2005) - President George W. Bush is rapidly moving himself and our nation on a collision course with God over Israel’s covenant land. His peace efforts and personal commitments on the surface sound good but they are biblically wrong. He is calling for a contiguous Palestinian state from Ramallah to Gaza, which will divide Israel. Additionally, his plan to put a Palestinian state on God’s covenant land and replace Jews with Palestinian terrorists is incomprehensible. The whole peace process is built on lies, deception, misperceptions and unfairness. Megashift?: More “Christian Happy Talk” By Paul Proctor (May 29, 2005) - I was very encouraged last month to see World Net Daily FINALLY address the church growth movement in an article by WND newcomer, Brannon Howse. Up until then, to my growing frustration, Joseph Farah and Company had largely ignored the CGM Trojan Horse rolling around their living room; and in spite of my many attempts to bring it to their attention, chose to remain curiously silent on the subject. The one exception I recall besides Kyle Williams' benign mention of Rick Warren in his latest, is Jerry Falwell promoting a Purpose Driven Life conference a couple of years ago in his column. But, like an answer to prayer, in a marvelous piece entitled: “A Pioneer of Christian Happy-Talk,” Howse suddenly exposed the movement for what it is; even going so far as to name names; something most pop-cultured pastors of postmodern pabulum and platitude are afraid to do since being so carefully conditioned by their compromised contemporaries to fear men more than God. Unfortunately, my rejoicing was short-lived when I discovered WND’s editor and chief, (whose religious and political assessments I often agree with) enthusiastically endorsing a new book by Jim Rutz called, “Megashift.” Overtly sensationalized advertisements for Rutz’s book had already been running regularly on the web pages of World Net Daily; but instead of responding to ads, which don’t always accurately reflect the views of the publisher, I thought it best to wait and see if it would be promoted beyond the usual revenue raising rubbish. Incomprehensible Amounts of Money by The Mogambo Guru (May 30, 2005) - A letter from a Norwegian reader to Bill Bonner of The Daily Reckoning: “The problem is that the politicians here, just as in the U.S., don’t have a clue. They are spending the oil and gas revenues on better schools, better homes for seniors, more expensive roads, higher minimum wages, etc. and all of this is driving up prices. Now we are facing a rate (tax) hike, I’d guess.” Well, if not now, then soon enough, as the continued expansion of a socialist state always involves everything getting more and more expensive, bigger and bigger, and the money to pay for all of that has to come from somewhere. And when you couple that with how everyone is trying to live at the expense of everyone else, you get a system that will continually get more and more weird and expensive. But there is no stopping the socialist state. Walter Williams writes, “How many times have we heard advertisements from law firms that specialize in elder law urging, ‘If you anticipate that you may have to enter a nursing home down the road, an elder care attorney may be able to help you create a plan that will both protect much of your assets and make you eligible for government benefits’? Boiled down to basics, the lawyers are suggesting that they can arrange for you to live off others should you ever require long-term care instead of having to spend the assets you've accumulated during your lifetime.” Freezing gas prices (May 25, 2005) - Hutchison cryogenically tempers machine parts, tools, golf clubs and even razors. He says it makes them last three to five times longer. A few years ago he began an experiment on his hybrid Honda, freezing the engine components. The results were a fuel-efficiency dream. David Hutchison says, “You should expect a “Cryo’d” engine to last anywhere from 600,000 to 1 million miles without wearing out.” A hybrid Honda typically gets really great gas mileage anyway, around 50 miles to the gallon, but David Hutchison's cryogenically tempered engine has been known to get close to 120 miles a gallon. “It's just a very efficient vehicle.” Hutchison says, Racers have picked up on David's trick of cryogenically freezing car parts. It is now widely accepted among NASCAR and Indy-car racers. Hutchison has no plans of taking his Honda to the track. His prize is in his pocketbook. MEXICANIZATION OF AMERICA By Frosty Wooldridge (May 30, 2005) - An arrogant billboard exploded on the Los Angeles skyline a few weeks ago by a local TV station: “Los Angeles, Mexico: Your Town, Your Community.”
The Mexicanization of America, races, with total support from George Bush and his Congress, full speed across our country. La Raza, the most racist organization in the world, licks its chops as sheer numbers of illegal aliens have taken over Los Angeles. They’ve run Americans out of countless cities and communities. They’ve trashed school systems and bankrupted 86 hospitals. They’ve thrown trash throughout the park systems. They defy laws by not carrying car insurance, driver’s licenses, work off the books paying no taxes, brutalize our schools with their language, spread drugs, and more terrifying are the thousands of cases of TB and hepatitis they spread into Los Angeles. In other words, they’re bringing their Third World into our world. Ark of the Covenant's discovery imminent? (May 29, 2005) - “Raiders of the Lost Ark” is one of my all-time favorite movies, filled with mystery and adventure. It focuses on the search for a biblical artifact and treasure called The Ark of the Covenant. What makes the movie particularly exciting is how closely it mimics (with some added Hollywood flair) the real life hunt for the lost Ark. more... ‘Prophet’ summons UFO for camera (May 29, 2005) - An ABC-TV affiliate in Las Vegas broadcast images of a UFO summoned by a self-styled “prophet” who predicts many more will be seen throughout the area next week. Ramon Watkins, also known as “Prophet Yahweh” agreed to meet with a reporter and camera crew of KTNV at a location of their choice and time. Divine Sighting Stops Church Service (May 29, 2005) - Members of the Rich Hill Christian Church in Casey county say last Sunday’s service came to an abrupt halt when parishioners claimed to witness a heavenly sighting. Pastor Rick Hogue says it was a very powerful moment. “I was teaching out of Revelations and all of a sudden a big rainbow came across the ceiling stopping the service.” more... Evolution: Science or Atheism in Disguise? (May 29, 2005) - For years, biology students in public school have been taught that man evolved from apes. But some states are considering whether to teach an alternative view in addition to evolution, and that has re-ignited a fierce national debate. Right now, that debate is raging in Kansas, and some feel it is an effort to discredit science. The rural town of Dover, Pennsylvania was the first to require that teachers present Intelligent Design along with evolution. That decision angered some. And a lawsuit opposing it is expected to go to trial this fall. Intelligent design challenges evolution. more... France says ‘no’ to EU constitution, plunging Europe into crisis (May 30, 2005) - French voters massively rejected the EU’s first-ever constitution, dealing a rude slap in the face to President Jacques Chirac and a potentially fatal setback to the continent's ambitious plans for deeper political union. more... Reverse engineering intense electromagnetic waves for antigravity propulsion of a space module from Extraterrestrial UFO technologies (May 26, 2005) - Reverse engineering intense electromagnetic waves for antigravity propulsion of a space module from Extraterrestrial UFO technologies India Daily Technology Team Analysis of flight pattern of reordered as well as simulated flight patterns of extraterrestrial UFOs is providing early clues to implement able antigravity propulsion systems. The Universe works with electromagnetic waves and acceleration and deceleration or change of intensity of theses waves known in Physics as electromagnetic flux. more... Reverse engineering universal military modules from Extraterrestrial UFOs – a combination of submarine, aircraft and armored hovercraft (May 29, 2005) - It is well known that extraterrestrial UFOs have underground bases all around the world especially below the oceans. The depth does not matter. They reside deep into the earth’s crust especially where one part of the crust folds over the other near fault lines. These extraterrestrial vehicles are space modules, advanced submarine, flying machines and if need be an armored hovercraft for land operations. These facts are inspiring many scientists and engineers in looking into a future universal military module that can fly, go deep into the ocean and act as a devastating armored machine power on the land. more... Physics meets paranormal – finding nearest openings to seven parallel Universes – near death experiences (May 28, 2005) - The ultimate bending space and time results in finding the opening to the nearest parallel space and time. According to advanced researchers in Physics, there are seven parallel Universes. These Universes are so different in their perception that with conventional physics we can never find where they are and how they are. However, the concept of accelerating to speed much higher than light and take us to these parallels Universes through an opening in our vicinity. You do not have to travel a thousand light years into a black hole to go there; that is just one of the ways to approach the parallel Universes. But our mind and spirit has the psychic power that can make us travel through the nearest opening into the parallel Universes. Those who have experienced near death experiences move into these parallel Universes through the tunnel with a while light at the end of the tunnel. All of those who had near death experience report similar happenings. more... |
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